Index of names (J-L)
This list includes everyone who appears to be an adult resident or property-holder in Winslow. It has been compiled manually so there may be errors! Names may occur more than once on a page. 1556S refers to the Survey of the Manor in 1556, published in D. Noy, Winslow in 1556 (Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society, 2013). 1641PT refers to the Poll Tax of 1641, available on a CD from the Bucks Family History Society. 1700WH = Winslow Hall accounts published in Records of Bucks 1926. BRS5 = Bucks Archaeological Society documents listed in Bucks Record Society vol.5 (available from their website), now at the Centre for Bucks Studies. The 1876 and 1939 directories have not yet been indexed, nor the lists of wills proved at St Albans and the PCC. For the Workhouse censuses, only people with another connection to Winslow have been indexed.
The years listed may refer to when someone is mentioned in a document, rather than when they were alive.
See also:
Index of names (A-B)
Index of names (C-E)
Index of names (F-I)
Index of names (M-R)
Index of names (S-T)
Index of names (U-Z)
Surname | Alternative spellings | Forename | References |
JACKMAN | see Jackman family page (not indexed individually), also: n.d. | ||
JACKMAN | Ann | 1847 | |
JACKMAN | B. | ||
JACKMAN | Jackeman, Jakeman | Edward | 1839, 1841, 1841, 1842, 1861, 1918, |
JACKMAN | ?nee Reeves | Elizabeth | 1780, 1780 |
JACKMAN | Emily | 1915, | |
JACKMAN | Frederick | 1946, | |
JACKMAN | Hemens / Emmens | 1780, 1780, 1780, 1847 | |
JACKMAN | Henry | 1841, 1847, 1869, 1877 | |
JACKMAN | Jakeman | John | 1775, 1798PC, 1830, 1832, 1847, 1897, 1908, 1911, 1915, |
JACKMAN | Joseph | 1897 | |
JACKMAN | Martha | see Clarke | |
JACKMAN | Mary | 1841, 1871, 1883, | |
JACKMAN | Robert | 1722 | |
JACKMAN | Sophia / Mrs S. | 1841, 1888, | |
JACKMAN | Susan | 1847 | |
JACKMAN | Thomas | 1847, 1891, 1897 | |
JACKMAN | William / W. | 1767, 1775, 1789, 1798PC, 1798, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1839, 1841, 1847, 1847, 1847, 1877, 1897, | |
JACKMAN | Jakeman | [Widow] | 1838, 1839, |
JACKS | J. | 1909, | |
JACKSON | later Lee | Agnes | 1615 |
JACKSON | Alice | 1592 | |
JACKSON | Jackeson, Jaxson | Anthony | 1559, 1571, 1571, 1582, 1583, 1583, 1586, 1587, 1588, 1588, 1591, 1592, 1611, 1615 |
JACKSON | Barbara | 1611 | |
JACKSON | Dorothy | 1592 | |
JACKSON | later Partridge | Elizabeth | 1573-5 |
JACKSON | later Allen | Elizabeth | 1592, 1594 |
JACKSON | later Ingram | Elizabeth | 1615 |
JACKSON | Elizabeth | 1914-18 | |
JACKSON | Isabel | 1586 | |
JACKSON | Jane | 1592, 1871 | |
JACKSON | later Varney | Jane | 1615 |
JACKSON | Joan | see Bailey | |
JACKSON | Jacsonne | John | 1590, 1591, 1592, 1592, 1592, 1593, 1594, 1600-55 |
JACKSON | Margaret | 1615 | |
JACKSON | Mary | 1644, 1921, | |
JACKSON | later Shilburne | Mary | 1615 |
JACKSON | later Favor, Mitchell, nee Renesby | Maud / Mowlde | 1588, 1591, 1592, 1598, 1602, 1610, 1611 |
JACKSON | Peter | 1610, 1611, 1613, 1613, 1616, 1628, 1636, 1637, 1637, 1638, 1639, 1644, 1646x2, 1648 | |
JACKSON | Jacson | Robert | 1574 |
JACKSON | Samuel | 1615 | |
JACKSON | Stephen | 1611, 1613, 1616, 1624 | |
JACKSON | Jakson | Thomas | 1512, 1561, 1610x2, c.1611, 1611, 1613, 1615, 1644, 1914-18, 1915, 1924, |
JACKSON | later Hyde | Thomasin | 1615 |
JACKSON | T. | 1857-9 | |
JACKSON | Jacson, Jaxson | William | 1558, 1558, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1571, 1574, 1577, 1577, 1581, 1581, 1583, 1586, 1588, 1592, 1593, 1624 |
JACKSON | [Goodwife] | 1611 | |
JACOBS | Amelia | 1891 | |
JAKEMAN | see also JACKMAN | ||
JAKEMAN | Alice | see Brinsall | |
JAKEMAN | ? | 1809 | |
JAMES | Edmund / Edward | 1608, 1619 | |
JAMES | Frances | see Glenister | |
JAMES | Francis | 1700WH | |
JAMES | John | 1687 | |
JAMES | Robert | 1798 | |
JAMES | William Wake | 1857, 1857, 1861 | |
JANAWAY | William | 1864, 1864 | |
JANES | Jeanes | Agnes | 1642, |
JANES | nee Hale | Anne | see Hogson |
JANES | Cecily | 1638, 1642?, 1642? | |
JANES | Jeanes | John | 1638, 1642, 1651, 1656 |
JANES | Margaret | 1638 | |
JANES | Jane, Jones alias Sandford | Martha | 1646, 1663, 1677 |
JANES | later Foddergale | Mary | 1638, 1651; see also Bowler |
JANES | Matthew | 1676, | |
JANES | Jeanes | Robert | 1790 |
JANES | Stephen | 1638 | |
JANEY | John | 1664 | |
JANYN | Joan | 1459, 1464 | |
JANYN | Nicholas | 1459 | |
JANYN | Robert | 1426 | |
JANYN | Stephen | 1459, 1556S | |
JANYN | Jenyn | Thomas | 1556S |
JANYN | William | 1460, 1464 | |
JARVIS | Jarvice | Elizabeth | 1682 |
JARVIS | nee Jackman | Elizabeth | 1847 |
JARVIS | Jarvice | Ellen | 1642 |
JARVIS | Martha | 1774 | |
JARVIS | Rebecca | 1841 | |
JARVIS | William | 1774 | |
JASSELYN | George | 1851 | |
JAY | nee Eversdon | Alice | 1438, 1484 |
JAY | Jaye | John | 1553, 1556S |
JAY | Richard | 1484, 1504, 1522 | |
JAY | Jaye | Robert | 1484, 1493, 1610, 1613 |
JAY | Jaye | Thomas | 1522, 1524, 1547, 1548, 1553, 1556S |
JEANES | see JANES | ||
JEFCOATE | nee Wilmore | Ann | 1888, |
JEFFERYS | Joseph | 1707 | |
JEFFREY | Margaret | 1642 | |
JEFFREY | Thomas | 1625 | |
JEFFS | Geffes | Agnes | 1557 |
JEFFS | Alice | 1594 | |
JEFFS | Arthur | 1871, 1872 | |
JEFFS | Jeffes | Henry | 1603-13, 1639, |
JEFFS | Geffes, Geffs | John | 1427, 1583, 1583, 1594 |
JEFFS | Joseph | 1755 | |
JEFFS | nee Stoneck | Katherine | 1594 |
JEFFS | Jeffes | Margaret | 1569, |
JEFFS | Martha | 1871 | |
JEFFS | Mary | 1637, | |
JEFFS | Geffes | Nicholas | 1557, 1558, 1558, 1575, 1588 |
JEFFS | Jeffes | Robert | 1636, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1647, 1656 |
JEFFS | Sarah Emma | see Royce | |
JEFFS | Geffys, Jeffes, Jeoffs | Thomas | 1485, 1556S, 1558, 1798PC 1826 |
JEFFS | Jeffes | William | 1641, 1662, 1669, 1685 |
JELLYMAN | nee Meakes | Anne | 1772 |
JELLYMAN | Jollyman | John | 1767, 17070, 1776, 1784, 1787, 1790, 1798 |
JELLYMAN | William | 1790 | |
JELYTON | George | 1656 | |
JENKINS | Jenkyn | Agnes | 1438 |
JENKINS | Anni | 1939, | |
JENKINS | Jankyn | Joan | 1485, 1745 |
JENKINS | John | 1745 | |
JENKINS | Joseph | 1734 | |
JENKINS | Jankyn | Richard | 1453 |
JENKINS | Jenken | Thomas | 1470, 1485 |
JENKINS | Jankyn, Jenkyn, Jenkyns | William | 1449, 1456, 1464, 1470, 1478, 1485, 1500, 1556S, 1670, 1833 |
JENNER | Rev. G.H. | 1925, 1925, | |
JENNER | H.A. | 1926, | |
JENNER | [Mrs] | 1926, | |
JENNINGS | see Jennings family page (not indexed individually) | ||
JENNINGS | Alfred | 1897 | |
JENNINGS | Alice | 1881, | |
JENNINGS | later Firth | Ann | 1706 |
JENNINGS | Catherine | 1901 | |
JENNINGS | Edmund | 1891, 1897 | |
JENNINGS | Jenings | Eleanor | 1841, 1849, |
JENNINGS | Emma | 1841, 1871, | |
JENNINGS | Florence | 1901 | |
JENNINGS | Gennings, Jinens | George / G. | 1684, 1687, 1690, 1696, 1697, 1699, 1849, 1850, 1854, 1870, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1874 |
JENNINGS | Jenings | Henry | 1832, 1837, 1838, 1838, 1839, 1839, 1839, 1841, 1841, 1841-4, 1842, 1849, 1853, 1874, |
JENNINGS | Jesse | 1867, 1871, 1871, 1883, 1889, 1890, 1890, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1897, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1903, n.d. | |
JENNINGS | John | 1798PC, 1867, | |
JENNINGS | J. / J.H. | 1869, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1877, 1882, 1886, 1888, 1891, | |
JENNINGS | Leahanna | 1853, | |
JENNINGS | Mary | 1861 | |
JENNINGS | Sarah | see Clark, Goodman, King | |
JENNINGS | Thomas | 1787-97, 1798PC, 1798, 1801, 1811, 1832, 1838, 1838 | |
JENNINGS | William / W. | 1838, 1838x2, 1839, 1840, 1840, 1841, 1845, 1846, 1852, 1853, 1861, 1872, 1872, | |
JENNINGS | [blank] / [Mr] | 1769, 1867, 1873, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1887, 1898, 1907, | |
JENNINGS | [mother] | 1838, | |
JENT | John | 1798PC | |
JENTYLLE | William | see Helpstrope | |
JENYN | see Genyn | ||
JESSOP | Matilda | 1886 | |
JESSOP | Robert | 1810, | |
JETT | Thomas | 1710 | |
JOHN | Richard | 1847? | |
JOHN | [Mr] | 1941, | |
JOHNSON | Amy | 1932, 1932, | |
JOHNSON | Edward | 1836, | |
JOHNSON | Elizabeth | see Kidgell | |
JOHNSON | Frances | 1742, | |
JOHNSON | Jane | see Kenwrick | |
JOHNSON | Jonson | John | 1668, 1891 |
JOHNSON | Mrs John | 1897 | |
JOHNSON | Jonah / Jonas | 1798PC, 1809 | |
JOHNSON | Joshua | 1812 | |
JOHNSON | Richard | 1613 | |
JOHNSON | Ruth | 1871 | |
JOHNSON | William | 1841, 1865, 1871, 1871, | |
JOHNSON | ? | 1879, | |
JOHNSON | [Mrs] | 1922, 1924, | |
JOHNSTON | Emma | 1868, | |
JOHNSTON | James | 1864, 1864, 1867, | |
JONES | Alphe | 1637, 1641, 1642, 1642 | |
JONES | Joanes | Ann / Annie | 1695, 1703, 1703, 1704, 1706, 1835, 1841, 1841, 1861, 1861, 1869, 1886, 1887, see also Bowler, Urlwyn |
JONES | nee Morecraft | Ann | 1824, <1824, 1828 |
JONES | nee Brise | Ann Barbara (Mrs R.W.) | 1829-1902, 1852-1902, 1882, 1890, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1900, 1922, |
JONES | Catherine Ann | 1856 | |
JONES | Charles | 1861, | |
JONES | Clara | 1871, 1886, 1922 | |
JONES | Daniel | 1685 | |
JONES | Edith | 1871-1924, 1886, 1886, 1922 | |
JONES | Edward Williat | 1816-37, 1823, 1823, 1832, 1837 | |
JONES | later Marshall | Eliza | 1838, 1841, 1855, 1886 |
JONES | Elizabeth | 1797-1830, 1803, 1835; see also Goodman | |
JONES | Elizabeth Ann | 1823, 1824, 1824, 1832, 1835 | |
JONES | nee Blake | Elizabeth | 1774-1856, 1793, 1794-1851, 1823, 1823, 1829-56, 1832, 1835, 1837, 1838, 1841, 1841, 1842, 1852, 1853, |
JONES | later Dover | Elizabeth Woollhead | 1856 |
JONES | nee Stevens | Elizabeth (Mrs Silvanus) | 1861, 1861, 1881, 1884, |
JONES | Ellen | 1889, | |
JONES | later Bridgwater | Emily | 1856 |
JONES | E.A.J. / E.A.N. | 1945, 1945, | |
JONES | Frances | 1871, 1886 | |
JONES | Gabriel | 1846, | |
JONES | George | 1793, 1794-1834, 1795, 1797, 1798PC x2, 1798, 1798, 1804, 1804, 1809, 1813, 1815, 1823, 1823x2, 1823, 1823, 1823-32, 1824, 1828, 1829, 1831, 1832, 1832, 1832x2, 1833, 1835, 1835, <1837, <1841 | |
JONES | later Woollhead | Hannah (Anna) Maria | 1856 |
JONES | Hannah Martha | 1808-32, 1832 | |
JONES | Harry | 1901 | |
JONES | (the playwright) | Henry Arthur | 1851-1929, 1851-1929, 1850s, 1859, 1861, 1864, 1891, 1895, 1910, 1914-18 |
JONES | Howell | 1577 | |
JONES | Hugh | 1436 | |
JONES | James | 1838 | |
JONES | Jesse | 1861, 1900, | |
JONES | later Tomlin | Jessie | 1911, 1913, 1940, |
JONES | Junes | John | 1641, 1646, 1681-4, 1681, 1700WH, 1823, 1828, <1835, <1837, 1838 |
JONES | Joseph | 1838 | |
JONES | J. | ?1865, | |
JONES | L.D. | 1866, | |
JONES | later Elliott | Louisa | 1838, 1841, 1886 |
JONES | Louisa | 1861, | |
JONES | Margaret | 1764 | |
JONES | Mary / Mary Ann | 1821, 1832, 1835, 1837, 1841, 1841, 1841, 1851, 1851, 1852, 1856, 1861, 1861, 1888 (Mrs W.J.), 1908, | |
JONES | nee Hickox | Mildred Sleath | 1900-49, 1902, 1913, 1920, 1940, |
JONES | Nancy Morecraft | 1824, 1824, 1832, 1835 | |
JONES | Newman | 1823, 1824, 1835, 1837, 1841, 1852, | |
JONES | Owen | 1861, | |
JONES | nee Woollhead | Rachel | 1856, ?1873, 1873, |
JONES | Rachel Ann | 1856 | |
JONES | nee Goodman | Rebeca | 1886, 1912 |
JONES | Richard | 1637, 1640, 1642 | |
JONES | Robert | 1637, 1640, 1820-1 | |
JONES | Robert Williatt | 1827-1914, 1818-89, 1818-89, 1823, 1832, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1841, 1841, 1841, 1843-65, 1846, 1852, 1853, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1864, 1864, 1866, 1866, 1867, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1871, 1872, 1872, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876x2, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1877, 1880, 1881, 1881, 1882, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, <1889, | |
JONES | Samuel | 1841, 1841, 1841, | |
JONES | Sarah / Sarah Ann | 1822, 1837, 1838,1841(=Harrup), 1861, 1881-91, 1899 | |
JONES | nee Hazzard | Sarah | 1814, 1832, 1840, 1841, 1845 |
JONES | Silvanus | 1838, 1841, 1841, 1857, 1864, 1865?, 1865?, 1869, 1871, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1874, 1874, 1874, 1874, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1877, 1879, 1880, 1880, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1888, 1889, 1889, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1892, 1892, 1894, 1895, 1895, 1895, 1897, 1897, 1903, 1907, 1908, 1908, 1910, 1910, 1912, 1912, 1914-18, 1915, 1915 | |
JONES | later Allen | Sylvia | 1911-39, 1920, 1940, |
JONES | Theodora | 1911, 1940, | |
JONES | Theophilus? | 1781 | |
JONES | Thomas | 1688, 1822, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1824, 1824, 1828, 1832, 1835, 1837, 1838, 1841, 1841, <1842, 1846x3, 1856, 1861, 1886, 1891, 1912 | |
JONES | Jonys | William / William John / W.J. / W. | 1460, 1810, 1811, 1814, 1815, 1830, 1830, 1832, 1832, 1833, 1833, 1835, 1835, 1836, 1838, 1838, 1838x2, 1839x2, 1839x3, 1840, 1841, 1841, 1841, 1842, 1842x3, 1844, 1845, 1845x2, 1846, 1846, 1849, 1849, 1852x2, 1853, 1853x2, 1857, 1859, 1861, 1861, 1861, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864x2, 1866, 1867, 1869, 1870, 1870, 1871, 1871-91, 1872, 1873, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1886, 1886, 1889, 1890, 1895, 1898, <1899. 1901, 1903, |
JONES | Williatt | 1808-31, 1823, <1832, 1837, | |
JONES | [Mr] / [Rev] | 1848, 1849, 1862, 1891, | |
JONES | Joanes | [Mrs / Widow] | 1690, 1696, 1697, 1895, |
JONES | [Miss] | 1910, | |
JONES | [children] | 1838 | |
JORDAN | Jurdon | Alice | 1646 |
JORDAN | Jurding | Ann | 1684x2, 1848 |
JORDAN | Jurding | Elizabeth | 1684 |
JORDAN | later Mrs Mills | Gladys | 1918 |
JORDAN | Jorden, Jourden, Jurden, Jurding, Jurdon | John | 1636, 1641, 1642, 1646, 1662, 1663, 1671, 1683, 1684, 1886, |
JORDAN | Jurding | Mary | 1684 |
JORDAN | Jurden | William | 1642, 1647, |
JORDAN | Jurden | [Widow] | 1682 |
JOY | James | 1847 | |
JOYCE | Ann | 1841 | |
JOYCE | Rev. George | 1868 | |
JOYCE | John | 1841 | |
JOYCE | Mary | 1841 | |
JOYCE | ? | 1902, | |
JUBB | Annie | 1921, | |
JUDD | G. | 1875, | |
JUDD | R. | 1875, | |
JUDGE | E. | 1877, 1894, | |
JUDGE | Elizabeth (Widow) | 1642 | |
JUDGE | nee Wyatt | Elizabeth | 1690, 1717, 1717, 1722, 1723, 1726, 1729, 1730, 1731, 1733 |
JUDGE | Elizabeth | 1669, 1830, 1841 | |
JUDGE | G. | 1877, | |
JUDGE | Isaac | 1723, 1729, 1730, 1731, 1733 | |
JUDGE | Jud | John | 1636, 1641, 1642, 1652, 1661, 1662, 1663, 1663, 1669, 1684, 1687, 1688 |
JUDGE | Martha | 1663, 1670, 1853, | |
JUDGE | Mary | 1830, 1841; see also Gray | |
JUDGE | Rebecca | 1835, 1838, 1841x2 | |
JUDGE | Sarah | see Bryant | |
JUDGE | Thomas | 1745, 1800, 1830 | |
JUDGE | William | 1740, 1820-8, 1830x2, 1835, 1838, 1841; see also Dradge | |
JUDGE | [Mrs] | 1832, | |
JUDKINS | Robert | 1817, | |
JURDEN | see JORDAN | ||
JUSTICE | Amy | 1911, | |
JUSTICE | H.A. | 1908, | |
KATZEW[?] | Anna | 1851 | |
KATZEW | Theodore | 1851 | |
KAY | Francis | 1710 | |
KAY | H. | 1935, | |
KAYS | Andrew | 1908, | |
KEACH | Keech | Benjamin | 1660, 1660, 1661?, 1663, 1660s, 1684, 1701, |
KEACH | Jane | see Grove | |
KEADLE | C. / Claude | 1932, 1939, | |
KEADLE | George | 1798PC | |
KEEDLE | William | 1818, | |
KEARSEY | Fredericka | 1871 | |
KEEN | Daisy | 1901 | |
KEEN | nee Dearing | Jane | 1700 |
KEEN | John | 1700, 1701, 1702, 1702 | |
KEEN | Joseph | 1750, 1844, | |
KEEN | Sarah | 1780 | |
KELLAND | Charles | 1855 | |
KELLAND | nee Cowley | Charlotte Eliza | 1807-1887, 1841, 1848, 1855 |
KELLAND | John | 1805-1886, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1863, 1867 | |
KELLY | Keley, Kelley, Kely | John | 1681, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1685 |
KELLEY | Thomas | 1871, | |
KELLY | [Mr] | 1868, | |
KELSEY | Celsey | William | 1848, |
KELSEY | [Mrs] | 1730 | |
KEMP | Ernest | >1900, 1921, 1924, | |
KEMP | Henry | 1709, 1710, 1726, | |
KEMP | John | 1664, 1798PC | |
KEMP | Mary | see Walker | |
KEMP | Nathaniel | 1685, 1687, 1690, 1694, 1697 | |
KEMP | William | 1771 | |
KEMP | ? | 1809 | |
KEMPSTER | John | 1747 | |
KEMPSTER | Thomas | 1854, | |
KENDALL | Ernest | see Saving | |
KENDALL | Richard | 1583 | |
KENES | William | 1359 | |
KENNINGS | Eliza | 1861 | |
KENNINGS | Frederick / F. | 1861, 1875, 1891-1903, 1892, 1895, 1896, 1903, | |
KENNINGS | George | 1846, 1853, 1861, 1864, 1871, 1871-87 | |
KENNINGS | Maria | 1861, | |
KENNINGS | Mary | 1901-11, 1905, 1911, | |
KENNINGS | Sarah | 1861 | |
KENNINGS | ? | 1876 | |
KENNISH | Jean | 1902, 1910, 1911x2, 1914, | |
KENNISH | Thomas L. (Dr) | 1890, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1892, 1892, 1892, 1893, 1895, 1895, 1897, 1897, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1901, 1902, 1902, 1903, 1906, 1906, 1906-43, 1907, 1907, 1908, 1908, 1908, 1910, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1924, | |
KENT | Alice | 1921, | |
KENT | Charlotte | 1798 | |
KENT | Ellen | 1891 | |
KENT | Joan (Widow) | 1642 | |
KENT | Nathaniel | 1684, 1691, 1692 | |
KENT | Sarah | 1698 | |
KENT | Thomas | 1798 | |
KENT | William | 1698, 1846, | |
KENTISH | Ann | 1829 | |
KENTISH | Richard | 1829 | |
KENWRICK | Elizabeth | 1701, 1703, 1716, | |
KENWRICK | nee Dimmock | Jane | 1701, 1702, 1716, |
KENWRICK | later Johnson | Jane | 1701, 1703, 1716, |
KENWRICK | Kenwricke | Thomas | 1691, 1691, 1691, 1696, 1698, 1700, 1701 |
KERLEY | Charles | 1891, | |
KERR | Agnes | 1921, | |
KERR | Charles (Rev) | 1838, 1841, 1846, 1847, 1851, 1853, 1860, 1864, 1869, | |
KERR | Carr | Mark (Rev) | 1826, 1827, 1830, 1832, 1832, 1833, 1833, 1834, 1838, 1841, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1851, 1851, 1853 |
KERRISON | Mrs A.M. | 1914-18 | |
KERRISON | Benjamin | ?1905, 1908, 1935, | |
KERRISON | H. | 1935, 1937, | |
KERRISON | N.G. | 1903, | |
KERRISON | Prudence | see Bagley | |
KEY | Keys | Dinah | 1723, 1725, 1726, 1726, 1727, 1729, 1731? |
KEY | Elizabeth | 1725 | |
KEY | Shulamith | 1725 | |
KEY | Keys | Thomas | 1723, 1725, 1726, 1726 |
KEY | [Mr] | 1726, | |
KEYS | Ann | 1841x2, 1881 | |
KEYS | A. / Arthur William | 1924, 1932, | |
KEYS | Charles | 1838, 1839, 1841, 1841, 1842, 1846, 1846, 1853, 1854-92, 1859, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1865, 1866x2, 1867, 1868, 1872x2, 1877, 1882, 1883, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1895, 1896, 1903, 1908, 1912 | |
KEYS | Edward / E. | 1902, 1908, 1910, | |
KEYS | Eliza | 1901; see also Phipps | |
KEYS | nee Lomath | Eliza | 1841, 1851, 1861, 1882, |
KEYS | nee Goodman | Elizabeth | 1796 |
KEYS | nee Biggs | Eliza | 1871, |
KEYS | Emma | 1921, | |
KEYS | Fanny | 1861, 1884, 1897, 1901, 1914-18 (Langley), 1935, | |
KEYS | Harriet | see Colgrove | |
KEYS | Henrietta | 1891, 1901, | |
KEYS | John / J. | 1796, 1824, 1825, 1832, 1832, 1833, 1851, 1861, 1863, 1864, 1870, 1881, 1885, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1895, 1895, 1896, 1896, 1896, 1897, 1897, 1897, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908x2, 1911, 1915, 1918, 1924, | |
KEYS | Maria | 1891 | |
KEYS | Nicholas | 1796x2 | |
KEYS | P.W. | 1943, | |
KEYS | nee Herbert | Ruth / Mrs T. | 1891, 1892, 1898, |
KEYS | Sarah | 1796, 1861, | |
KEYS | Stacey | 1838, 1839, 1841, 1842, 1846, 1862, 1862, 1889 | |
KEYS | Thomas | 1796, 1861, 1882, 1890, 1892, 1894, | |
KEYS | William / W. | 1796, 1824, 1834, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1841, 1842, 1851, 1864, 1864, 1865, 1871, 1871, 1881-91, 1888, 1891, 1897, 1897, 1905, 1908, n.d. | |
KEYS | [Mr] | 1786, 1862, 1874, 1895 | |
KEYS | [Widow] | 1838, | |
KIBBLE | Edwin | 1892 | |
KIBBLE | Hannah | 1838, 1849, | |
KIBBLE | Mary | 1841 | |
KIBBLE | William Thomas | 1908, 1911, | |
KIDGELL | nee Johnson | Elizabeth | 1742, |
KIGHTLEY | William | 1813, 1815, | |
KILLICK | Jack | 1948, 1952, 1960, | |
KILLICK | Mary | 1960, | |
KILPIN | John | 1749 | |
KILPIN | Mary | see Seaton | |
KILPIN | Killpin | William | 1749 |
KIMBLE | Ada | 1891, | |
KIMBLE | later Cleaver | Bertha | 1914-18 |
KIMBLE | Ezra | 1861, | |
KIMBLE | Henry / H. | 1877, 1891 | |
KIMBLE | Lewis | 1914-18 | |
KIMBLE | Thirza | 1901, | |
KIMBLE | [Mr] | 1935, | |
KINDALL | Elizabeth | see Illing | |
KINDALL | ? | 1656 | |
KING | Kyngge | Alexander? | 1469 |
KING | Alfred | 1897 | |
KING | Kyng | Alice | 1426, 1426 |
KING | Alice | see Hogson | |
KING | Amelia | 1881, 1891, 1893; see also Shepherd | |
KING | Ann | 1647, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1719, 1794, 1815, 1841, 1871 (nee Reynolds); see also Dingley, Holland, Viccars | |
KING | later Clark | Ann | 1784, 1784 |
KING | later Topping | Anne | 1708 |
KING | Beatrice | 1891; 1893 | |
KING | Benjamin | 1846, | |
KING | C | 1942 | |
KING | Caroline | 1824, | |
KING | nee Reynolds | Catherine | 1871, |
KING | C/Katherine / Kate | 1694, 1698, 1700, 1705, 1716, 1717, 1725, 1731, 1740, 1871, see also Stuchbury, Watts | |
KING | Kingson | Charles | 1671, 1682, 1684, 1685, 1687x2, 1689, 1690x2, 1691, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1693, 1694, 1695x2, 1696, 1696x2, 1696, 1697, 1697, 1698, 1698, 1700x2, 1701, 1702, 1702, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1707, 1707, 1708, 1708, 1710, 1716, 1717, 1769-75, 1777-1783, 1777-83, 1777-98, 1778, 1780, 1786 1798PC x2, 1798, 1798, 1807, 1809, 1841, 1870, 1891, 1893, 1914-18, 1946, |
KING | Charlotte | 1841, 1867, 1876, 1901 | |
KING | Christopher | 1639, 1642, 1642, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1685, 1687, 1688, 1690, 1696, 1710, 1711, | |
KING | Clara / Miss C. | 1869, 1901, 1912 | |
KING | D. | 1889, | |
KING | Kynge | Edward | 1547, 1877, |
KING | nee Forster | Elizabeth | 1841-61 |
KING | later Robinson | Elizabeth | 1708 |
KING | Elizabeth | 1774 (nee Harris), 1827, 1835, 1841x2, 1841-61, 1841, 1851; see also Edmunds, Wood | |
KING | Elizabeth | see Morecraft | |
KING | nee Horne | Elizabeth Anne | 1851, 1867, 1868, 1877, |
KING | Ellen | 1871 | |
KING | F. | 1896, 1898, | |
KING | Francis | 1839, | |
KING | Frank E. | 1891, 1893, 1893, 1918, | |
KING | Frederick / F.G. | 1893, 1912, 1918, | |
KING | Kyng | Geoffrey | 1455, 1477 |
KING | George | 1824, 1830, 1832, 1832-91, 1835, 1836, 1838, 1838, 1839, 1839, 1839, 1841, 1841, 1842, 1844, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1846, 1848, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1852, 1853, 1864, 1870, 1871, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1876, 1879x2, 1881, 1881, 1885, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1903, 1907, 1908, | |
KING | Grant | 1809, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1841, 1841, 1841, 1841, 1841, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1851, 1852-1871, 1852, 1853, 1859, 1860, 1864, 1867, 1868, 1870, 1871, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1881, 1886, 1892, 1892, n.d., 1912 | |
KING | G. | 1880, 1893, | |
KING | Hannah | 1871, | |
KING | Henry | 1682, 1682, 1683, 1684x2, 1698, 1698, 1701, 1703, 1705, 1708, 1709x2, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1716, 1717, | |
KING | H. | 1877, | |
KING | James | 1822, 1823, 1841, 1850, 1850, 1851, 1851, 1853, 1853x2, 1854, 1854, 1855, 1855, 1856, 1856, 1856, 1856, 1856, 1857, 1857, 1859, 1859, 1861, 1861, 1862, 1862, 1863, 1863, 1863, 1864, 1864, 1864x2, 1865, 1865, 1866, 1867x2, 1867, 1867, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1871, 1871, 1872, 1872, 1872, 1872, 1873, 1873, 1873x2, 1874, 1874, 1876, 1877, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1883, 1884, 1884, 1884, 1885, 1885, 1885, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1889, 1889, 1890, 1890, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1892, 1892, 1893, | |
KING | Jane | 1834, 1841, 1901 | |
KING | Jemima | 1867, | |
KING | Joan | 1582, 1698, 1708, 1709; see also Orchard | |
KING | nee Scott | Joan | 1682, 1682, 1698, 1701, 1703, 1704 |
KING | Kinge, Kynge | John | 1455, 1455, 1455, 1456, <1460, <1575, 1619, 1642, 1645, 1647, 1661, 1661, 1663, 1669, 1701, 1713, 1725, 1726, 1726, 1729, 1731, 1731, 1740, 1740, 1741, 1741, 1776-80, 1781-94, 1789, 1794, 1798PC, 1798, 1809, 1812x2, 1815, 1822, 1824, 1830, 1832, 1833, 1833, 1833, 1835, 1835, 1835, 1836, 1836, 1836, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1838, 1839, 1839-45, 1840, 1841x2, 1842, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1850, 1853, 1853, 1863, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1867, 1867, 1869, 1869, 1873, 1876, 1877, C19, 1892-1907, 1907 |
KING | Joseph | 1798PC, 1809, 1809, 1810, 1812, 1813, 1824, 1824-40, 1828, 1828-61, 1830, 1830, 1832, 1832, 1833, 1835, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838x2, 1838, 1838, 1838, 1838, 1839, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1845, 1846, 1850, 1853, 1853, 1853, 1855, 1864, 1867, 1885, 1891, 1897 | |
KING | Josiah | 1812, 1835, 1837, 1837, 1838, 1841, 1841, 1843, 1853, 1861, | |
KING | J. | 1866, 1868, 1873, | |
KING | Maria | 1713, 1714 | |
KING | Martha / Miss M.A. | 1841, 1841-9, 1848, 1874, 1876, 1877, 1901, 1903, see also Lownds | |
KING | nee Gyles | Mary | 1714, 1724 |
KING | nee Stanley | Mary | 1813, 1836, 1841, 1845 |
KING | Mary | 1716, 1717, 1723, 1740, 1851, 1929, see also Hinton, Morecraft | |
KING | Matthew | 1708, 1709, 1712, 1715, 1723, 1726, 1729, 1740, 1798PC, 1812, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1838, 1838, 1841, 1841 | |
KING | May Rose | see Stock | |
KING | Kinge, Kyng | Nicholas | 1469, 1556S |
KING | Orlando / O.I. | 1871, 1889, | |
KING | Ralph | 1426, 1556 | |
KING | Kinge, Kyng, Kynge | Robert | 1374, 1547, 1556S, 1652 |
KING | Roger | 1652 | |
KING | later Rogers | Rosetta | 1851, 1879, 1912 |
KING | prev Jennings | Sarah | 1720, |
KING | Sarah | 1708, 1713, 1714, 1717, 1720, 1789, 1800, 1807, 1809x2, 1832, 1832, 1835, 1841x2, 1842, 1861; see also Lindsey, Ridgway | |
KING | later Dent, Lee, Clark | Sarah / Miss S. | 1869, 1877, 1910, |
KING | Susan | 1706 | |
KING | Theodore | 1871, 1888, 1889, | |
KING | Kinge, Kynge | Thomas | 1547, 1669, 1757, 1768, 1773, 1778-9 & 1786, 1780, 1781, 1784, 1786, 1787x3, 1798PC, 1798, <1802, 1807, 1823, 1841, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1891, 1895, |
KING | T. | 1877, | |
KING | Kinge, Kynge | Walter | 1547, 1669, 1670 |
KING | Kinge, Kyng | William | 1451, 1452, <1455, 1457, 1642, 1647, 1663, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1671, 1672, 1682, 1684, 1684, 1685, 1687, 1690, 1702, 1740, 1758-77, 1760, 1764, 1769, 1781, 1781, 1784x2, 1784, 1784x2, 1788, 1790-1810, 1792-1810, 1798PC x3, 1798, 1798, 1802, 1803, 1809, 1815, 1823, 1841, <1842, 1842, 1844, 1846, 1860, 1871 |
KING | W. | 1888, 1893, | |
KING | [Mr] | 1892, 1896, | |
KING | [Miss] | 1839, 1888, 1895, 1903, | |
KING | Kinge | [Widow] / [Mrs] | 1669, 1670, 1685, 1687, 1688, 1694, 1698, 1700, 1842, 1891, 1895, |
KINGHAM | Joesph | 1846, | |
KINGHAM | Sarah | 1881, | |
KINGSTON | Alfred | 1899, | |
KINGSTON | Benjamin | 1812, 1849 | |
KINGSTON | nee Staniford | Elizabeth | 1812, <1849 |
KINGSTON | Kingstone | Hester | 1774, |
KINGSTON | Kingstone | John | 1672, 1774, 1794, 1798PC x2, 1838, 1838, |
KINGSTON | Mary | 1771, 1841, 1851, | |
KINGSTON | Thomas | <1844 | |
KINGSTON | Kingson | William | 1740, <1744, <1748, 1940 |
KINGSTON | ? | 1809 | |
KINGSWOOD | Margaret | 1482 | |
KINGSWOOD | Kynggeswode | Robert | 1482 |
KINMAN | Henry | 1895 | |
KIRBY | Alice | see Tomlyn | |
KIRBY | Ann | 1851, 1861, 1864, | |
KIRBY | Caroline | 1851 | |
KIRBY | Kerbie, Kurby | Daniel | 1687, 1690, 1694, 1698, 1700, 1701, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1719, |
KIRBY | Edward | 1908, 1910, 1914-18 | |
KIRBY | Elizabeth | 1841 | |
KIRBY | F. | 1935, | |
KIRBY | Kerbie, Kirbey, Kirbie | George | 1615, 1638, 1638, 1638, 1641PT, 1641, 1642, 1642, 1647x2, 1648, 1662, 1666, 1667x2 |
KIRBY | Henry | 1841 | |
KIRBY | H. | 1939, | |
KIRBY | Kirbey, Kurby | Jane | 1694, 1698, 1699, 1701, 1707, 1710, 1710, 1712, 1713, 1719, 1723, 1725;see also Elliott |
KIRBY | later Gibbs | Jane | 1705 |
KIRBY | prev. Stuchbury, nee Edmunds | Joan | 1642, 1651, 1664, 1667, 1667, 1667-74BRS5, 1669, 1672, 1686, <1687 |
KIRBY | Curbye, Kerbye, Kilby, Kirbey, Kirbie, Kyrbie, Kyrby, Kyrbye | John | 1558, 1572-87, 1574, 1581, 1600, 1600, 1603, 1608, 1610, 1639, 1642x2, 1645, 1646, 1646, 1646, 1647, 1651, 1651, 1663, 1667, 1681, |
KIRBY | Lettice | 1608, 1615 | |
KIRBY | nee Brinsall, later Robinson | Mary | 1638, 1638, 1641, 1642, 1646 |
KIRBY | Mary | 1841 | |
KIRBY | Cerbey, Curby, Kerbey, Kerbie, Kerby, Kirbey, Kirbie, Kirbye, Kurby, Kyrbye | Thomas | 1592, 1603-13, 1608, 1610, 1615, 1619, c.1635, 1640, 1641PT, 1641, 1642x2, 1642, 1642, 1645, 1646, 1646, 1647, 1648-9, 1651, 1654, 1656, 1660, 1661, 1661, 1661, 1662, 1662, 1663, 1663, 1664x2, 1664, 1664, 1665, 1665, 1667, 1667x2, 1667-74BRS5, 1687, 1688, 1690, 1690, 1692, 1693, 1696, 1698, c.1699, 1700, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1821, 1841 |
KIRBY | Kerbie, Kirbey, Kirbie | Walter | 1592, 1608, 1609, 1610, 1613, 1619, 1621, 1636, 1636, 1642, 1653 |
KIRBY | Kerby, Kirbee, Kirbey, Kurby | William | 1681, 1682, 1684, 1687, 1689, 1690, 1692, 1693, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1696, c.1698, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1700WH, 1701,1706, 1707, 1708, 1710, 1710x2, 1711x2, 1712x2, 1713, 1719, 1722, 1859, 1861, |
KIRBY | Kyrby | ? | 1558 |
KIRBY | Kirbey | [Mrs / Widow / Miss] | 1667, 1671, 1682, 1683, 1935, 1942 |
KIRK | later Tizzard | Eliza | 1828-87 |
KIRK | later Bibby | Frances | 1845-67 |
KIRKWOOD | George | 1861 | |
KITTO | Frederick | 1894, 1894, 1894, 1895, 1897, 1897, 1897 | |
KITTO | [jnr] | 1897, | |
KNACSTON | Isabel | see Elliott | |
KNACSTON | Snackstone, Snakestone, Snakstone | Robert | 1586, 1598, 1619, 1632, 1636, 1637, 1639, 1641, 1642 |
KNACKSTON | Snakstone | [Widow] | 1642 (w. of Robert), 1658 |
KNAP | nee Tyrrell | Agnes | 1641 |
KNAP | Thomas | 1641 | |
KNAPTON | [Miss] | 1889, 1891, | |
KNIBBS | see also NIBBS | ||
KNIBB | John | 1727 | |
KNIBBS | James | 1827, 1828 | |
KNIBBS | [P.C.] | 1899, | |
KNIGHT | Alice | 1547, 1547 | |
KNIGHT | Ann | 1682, | |
KNIGHT | Benjamin | 1851 | |
KNIGHT | Elizabeth | 1693, 1693, 1694, 1861, | |
KNIGHT | later Cox | Emily | 1881, 1891, 1897 |
KNIGHT | Esther | see Colgrove | |
KNIGHT | George | 1682, 1682, 1683, 1685, 1687, 1689, 1692, 1693, 1694 | |
KNIGHT | George (Sgt) | 1895, | |
KNIGHT | Joan | 1547 | |
KNIGHT | Marion | 1547 | |
KNIGHT | Mary | 1878 | |
KNIGHT | Pleasant | 1663, 1671, | |
KNIGHT | Knighte, Knyghte, Kyght | Richard | 1522, 1524, 1531, 1547, 1547 |
KNIGHT | Knighs, Knyghte | Robert | 1547, 1647?, 1688? |
KNIGHT | Ruth | 1891, | |
KNIGHT | Selina | 1921, | |
KNIGHT | Thomas | 1662, 1663, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1667, 1669, 1671, 1672, 1677, 1680, 1682, 1684, 1685, 1687, 1702 | |
KNIGHT | Valentine | 1641, | |
KNIGHT | Knyghte | William / W. / W.J. | 1433, 1897, 1900, 1901, 1908, 1910 |
KNIGHT | [Mr] / [Sergeant] | 1692, 1839, 1894, 1935, 1945, | |
KNOLTEN | Sarah | 1679 | |
KRAAFT | Catharina | 1851 | |
KUTE | Kyte | Richard | 1340-5 |
KYNASTON | Kenaston, Kenestone, Keningston, Kenningston | Alice / Widow | 1637, 1642, 1645, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1649, 1654,1656, 1663, 1666, 1667, 1669, 1672; see also Guest |
KYNASTON | Kemston, Keneston, Keniston, Kenniston, Kimnerton, Kinerton, Kinnerstone | Edward | 1636, 1637, 1639, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1641PT, 1642, 1645x2, 1645, 1645, 1646 |
KYNASTON | Kynarston | George | 1645, 1647, 1648, 1672 |
KYNASTON | Keinston, Kemston, Kenaston, Keniston, Kenniston, Kineston, Kinston, Kinniston | John | 1654, 1654, 1672, 1675, 1676, 1682, 1682BRS5, 1683, 1684, 1683, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1690, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1696, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1700WH, 1701, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1704, <1710, <1712 |
KYNASTON | Ursula | see Bowyer | |
KYNASTON | Kinerton | William | 1603 |
KYOT | Robert | 1485 | |
LACEY | nee Maydon | Mary | 1869, |
LACK | Leonard | 1911 | |
LACK | Minnie | 1911 | |
LAKE | Mary | 1671, | |
LAKE | Richard | 1663, 1671, | |
LAKE | T./J. | 1824, | |
LAKE | [Miss] | 1866 | |
LAKIN | Henry | 1891 | |
LAMB | Lambe, prev. Pitkyn | Elizabeth | 1656 |
LAMB? | Lamle | Joan | 1560 |
LAMB | Nicholas | 1563, 1566 | |
LAMB | Sarah | 1783 | |
LAMB | Lambe | Thomas | 1656 |
LAMBERT | Alice | see Foxley | |
LAMBERT | Ann | see Capp | |
LAMBERT | Mary | see Bagot | |
LAMBERT | William | 1646, 1647, 1649 | |
LAMBOURN | Charles | 1798PC | |
LAMBOURNE | Lamborne, Lamburn | Ann | 1832, 1841, 1841 |
LAMBOURNE | Charles | 1793, 1921, | |
LAMBOURNE | Elsie | 1910 | |
LAMBOURNE | E.C. / Edward | 1898, 1903, 1950s | |
LAMBOURNE | Frederick | 1908, | |
LAMBOURNE | Lamburne | George | 1850, 1901, 1908, |
LAMBOURNE | Henry | 1920 | |
LAMBOURNE | Hilda | 1910 | |
LAMBOURNE | Lamburn | James | 1841, 1897, 1901 |
LAMBOURNE | Bull & Lamburn, Lamburn, Sambourne | Joanna | 1830, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1841, 1842, 1853, |
LAMBOURNE | Lamborne, Lamburn, Lamburne | John | 1646, 1818, 1881, 1881, 1891 |
LAMBOURNE | Joshua | 1899, | |
LAMBOURNE | K. | 1935, | |
LAMBOURNE | Maria | 1832, | |
LAMBOURNE | Mary | 1921, | |
LAMBOURNE | Lambourn, Lamburn, nee Holt | Saley | 1881, 1884, 1884, 1895, 1899 |
LAMPITT | [Mr] | 1937, | |
LAMBTON | Bertha | 1891, 1892, | |
LAMBTON | Dorothy / Miss | 1888, 1890, 1892, 1898, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1910, 1911, 1911, 1914-18, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1924, 1935, 1937, 1941, 1955, 1955, | |
LAMBTON | nee Harcourt | Elizabeth | 1881, 1884, 1889, 1890, 1892, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1901, 1903, 1906, 1906, 1909, 1911, 1911 |
LAMBTON | Henry Ralph | 1873, 1873, 1875, 1879, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1887, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1891, 1891, 1892, 1892, 1892, 1895, 1896, 1896, 1897, 1897 | |
LAMBTON | Lavinia | 1941, | |
LAMBTON | Ralph Edward | 1891, 1896, 1901, 1923, <1941, | |
LAMBTON | William Henry (Captain) | 1895, 1896, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1903, 1903, 1903, 1905, 1908, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1910, 1910, 1911, 1911, 1912, 1914-18, 1919, 1920, 1923, 1924, 1924, 1941, 1941, | |
LAMPTON | J. | 1941, | |
LANCASTER | Anne / Annis | 1618, 1626 | |
LANCASTER | Elizabeth | 1626 | |
LANCASTER | Mary | 1618 | |
LANCASTER | Mould | 1618, 1626 | |
LANCASTER | Paul | 1608, 1618, 1619, 1626 | |
LANCASTER | Silvester | 1618, 1626 | |
LANE | nee Shelton | Alice | 1531, 1552 |
LANE | Edward | 1718, | |
LANE | Elizabeth | 1610 | |
LANE | Joan | 1440 | |
LANE | atte Lane | John | 1440, 1567, 1574, 1604, 1709, 1870, 1871 |
LANE | Marion | 1538, 1552 | |
LANE | Mary | 1604 | |
LANE | Richard | 1440, 1451, 1484, 1485, 1619, 1622, 1631, 1639, | |
LANE | Robert | 1440, 1453, 1485, 1490 | |
LANE | Sarah | 1871 | |
LANE | Stephen | 1484, 1485, 1556S | |
LANE | later West | Susanna | 1734, 1737 |
LANE | Thomas | 1522, 1530, 1531, 1537, 1556S (1539) | |
LANE | Walter | 1451 | |
LANE | Layne | William | 1452, 1490, 1552, 1556S, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1560, 1565, 1571, 1574, 1642, 1660, 1661, 1661-4, 1662, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1667, 1671 |
LANE | Winifred | 1935, 1937, | |
LANFEAR | A.J. / Mr | 1931, 1945, | |
LANGLEY | nee Sabin | Amy | 1891-1901 |
LANGLEY | Charles / C. | 1888, 1889, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1891, 1891, 1892, 1892, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1897, 1898, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1903x2, 1903, 1905, 1914-18, 1915, | |
LANGLEY | Elizabeth | 1726, 1891, | |
LANGLEY | Elsie | 1891, | |
LANGLEY | Eva | 1891, | |
LANGLEY | Fanny | see Keys | |
LANGLEY | G. | 1910 | |
LANGLEY | Hannah | 1726 | |
LANGLEY | Henry | 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1714, 1715, 1717, 1718, 1718, 1724, <1725, <1726 | |
LANGLEY | Jane | see Gyles | |
LANGLEY | John / J. | 1675, 1891, 1895, 1896, | |
LANGLEY | Lucy | 1891, | |
LANGLEY | Nina | 1910 | |
LANGLEY | Ralph (H.R.) | 1932, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1949, 1952, | |
LANGLEY | Reg (R.O) | 1931, 1935, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, | |
LANGLEY | Sarah | 1726 | |
LANGLEY | S.P. | 1946, | |
LANGLEY | Susan | see Forster | |
LANGLEY | Thomas | 1699, 1700, 1700, 1702, 1705, 1706, 1708, <1713, <1726, <1727 | |
LANGLEY | [Mr] | 1926 | |
LANGLEY | [Miss] | 1884, 1884, 1885, | |
LANGSTON | Frederick | 1939, | |
LANGSTON | [Mr] | 1798, | |
LANN | ? | 1892, | |
LANSEY | William | 1851 | |
LAPPER | F. | 1889, 1889, | |
LAPPER | R./A.R. | 1902, | |
LAPPER | S. | 1899, | |
LAPPER | Walter | 1921, | |
LAPPER | William | 1889, 1897, 1908, 1929, | |
LARY | Agnes | 1427 | |
LATHBIRY | ?Edward | 1696, | |
LATHOM | Maria Xenia (Countess of) | 1937, 1939, 1941, | |
LAUDER | Jessie | 1901-11 | |
LAUGHTON | Thomas | 1619 | |
LAVER | J.S. | 1907 | |
LAW | John | 1646, 1848, 1848 | |
LAW | [Mr] / W.E. | 1897, 1902, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1913, 1914, | |
LAWES | Law | Thomas | 1581, 1642, 1642, 1647, |
LAWLEY | Elizabeth | 1653 | |
LAWLEY | William | 1653 | |
LAWRENCE | Agnes | 1467 | |
LAWRENCE | A. | 1904 | |
LAWRENCE | Christopher | 1655 | |
LAWRENCE | nee Bignell | Elizabeth | 1818 |
LAWRENCE | Henry | 1901, | |
LAWRENCE | Laurence | John | 1467, 1556S |
LAWRENCE | Laurence | Oliver | 1650-60, 1650, 1652, 1653, 1653, 1654, 1654, <1660, 1664, 1666, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1677, 1677, 1679, 1679, 1680, 1683, 1684, 1685, 1687 |
LAWRENCE | [P.C.] | 1878, | |
LAURENCE | [Mr] | 1900, | |
LAWSON | William | 1684 | |
LAYLEY | Abraham | 1687 | |
LAYLEY | Alice | see Groome | |
LEA | see LEE | ||
LEACH | see also BEACH | ||
LEACH | Benjamin (Benedict) | 1639, 1641PT, 1642, 1642, 1642, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1648, 1652, 1654, 1656, 1657, 1658x2, 1658, 1658, 1659, 1661, 1661, 1661, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1663, 1663, 1665, 1666, 1667, 1668, 1669, 1669, 1669x2, 1670x2, 1671, 1672, 1675, 1676, 1677, 1678, 1680, 1681, 1682, 1684, 1684, 1685, 1685, <1687, 1688, c.1689, 1689, 1690, 1690, 1690-3BRS5, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694x2, 1695, 1696, 1696, 1697, <1741 | |
LEACH | Leche | Eleanor | 1547 |
LEACH | Elizabeth | 1680 | |
LEACH | Frances | 1642, 1685, 1690-3BRS5, 1690, 1690, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1703, 1703, <1709 | |
LEACH | Leche | Joan | 1547 |
LEACH | Leeche, Leche, Leycher | John | 1535, 1547, 1575; see also Mason |
LEACH | nee Pym | Joyce | 1636, 1639 |
LEACH | Lecke | Margaret | 1531 |
LEACH | nee Stuchbury | Mary | 1645, 1652, 1669 |
LEACH | Mary | 1669, 1670, 1671 | |
LEACH | Leche | Seth | see Mason |
LEACH | Leche, Leyche | Thomas | 1510, 1517, 1522, 1524, 1547, 1558, 1558 |
LEACH | Leache, Litch | William | 1578, 1595, 1611, 1611 |
LEACH | Leache | ? | 1595, |
LEAPINGWELL | Arthur Edward (Dr) | 1924, 1924, 1931, n.d. | |
LEAPINGWELL | [Miss] Dorothy | 1921, 1935, 1937, | |
LEAPINGWELL | [Mrs] Edith | 1921, | |
LEAS | William | 1846, | |
LEATHER | R. | 1936, | |
LEDGINGHAM | Nathaniel | 1611 | |
LEDWELL | William | 1762 | |
LEE | Agnes | see Jackson | |
LEE | Anne (Dame) | 1692, 1851, 1851, 1881, 1889, | |
LEE | Annette Maud | 1891, | |
LEE | Annie | 1871 | |
LEE | Benedict | 1556S, 1557, 1599, | |
LEE | E. | 1910 | |
LEE | Lea | Elizabeth | 1681, 1815, 1821, 1841, 1862 (nee Hall), 1871 |
LEE | Elizabeth | see Grey | |
LEE | Emmie | 1884, | |
LEE | George / G. | 1877, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1886, 1886, 1888, 1888, 1889, | |
LEE | G.C. | 1950s | |
LEE | Lea, Leay | Henry | 1646, 1649, 1669, 1671, 1681 |
LEE | Horace | 1887, 1897, 1897, 1900, 1908, | |
LEE | James | 1881, 1895, 1897, 1895, 1903, 1908, | |
LEE | Joseph | 1821, 1823, 1830, 1832, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1842, 1846, 1853, 1862, 1864, 1875, 1871-80, 1880, | |
LEE | Katherine | 1641; see also Deane | |
LEE | Mary | 1835, | |
LEE | Leige | Maud | 1560 |
LEE | Michael | 1636, 1638 | |
LEE | Rebecca | 1838, 1841, 1844 | |
LEE | Lea | Richard | 1619 |
LEE | Rosetta | 1838, 1841, 1843, 1844 | |
LEE | Sarah | see King | |
LEE | Thomas | 1585, 1599-1622, 1624, 1641, 1646, 1692, c1694, 1786, 1787-93, 1798PC, 1841, 1846, 1849, 1851, 1853, 1864, 1864, 1876, 1881, 1884, 1884, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1897, 1931; see also Deane | |
LEE | Lea, Leige, Ley | William | 1560, 1578, 1637, 1642, 1646, 1646, 1648 |
LEE | [Supt] | 1888, | |
LEE | ? | 1867, 1885, 1896, | |
LEE | Lea | [wife of William] | 1639, |
LEEDHAM | Mary | 1871 | |
LEES | George Grace | 1871, | |
LEGGATT | Legate, Legatt | William | 1524, 1525, 1535 |
LEIGHTON | C. | 1899 | |
LENTON | Fred | 1871, | |
LEON | Herbert | 1892, 1898, 1902, 1903, | |
LESTER | Annie | see Deacon | |
LESTER | F.W. | 1908, 1909, 1910, 1924, | |
LESTER | Hilda | 1907, | |
LESTER | William | 1893, | |
LETMAN | Anne / Agnes | see Richardson, Worsley | |
LETMAN | Anne | 1682, 1698, 1698 | |
LETMAN | Elizabeth | 1711 | |
LETMAN | nee Mitchell | Joan | 1641, 1641, 1641, 1669, 1677, <1696, <1696 |
LETMAN | Lettman, Lutman, Lutnam | Richard | 1641, 1641, 1642, 1642, 1680, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1686, 1688, 1689, 1695, 1696, 1696, 1698, 1698, 1698, 1696-1700, 1699, 1699, 1700, 1700, 1700, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1704, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1714, <1718 |
LETMAN | Thomas | 1698, 1698 | |
LETMAN | Lutman | ? | 1656 |
LETT | John | 1740 | |
LEWESLEY | Thomas | 1613 | |
LEWIN | Rev. Alfred | 1932, 1935, 1937, | |
LEWINGTON | Charles | 1888, | |
LEWIS | Lewes | Thomas | 1580, |
LEWIS | T.H. | 1946, | |
LEWIS | Lewes | William | 1558, 1558 |
LEWIS | Lewys | ? | 1583, 1588 |
LIGHTBOURNE | Thomas | 1837, | |
LIGO | Leighgoe | Thomas | 1658, 1711, 1713, 1714 |
LINCOLN | Linckhorne | Anthony | 1636, |
LINCOLN | Lincolne | Nicholas | 1636? |
LINCOLN | Lyncolne | Roger | 1619 |
LINDSEY | nee King | Sarah Ann | 1879, |
LINDSAY | Lindsey | William Hewitt | 1844, 1844, 1844, 1879, |
LINE | Ann | 1786, 1798 | |
LINE | Edward | ||
LINE | Elizabeth | 1786,1823 | |
LINE | nee Townsend | Emma | 1705, 1707, 1716, |
LINE | Emma | 1705, 1786 | |
LINE | George | 1823 | |
LINE | Lyne | Henry | 1716, 1730, 1731, 1740, 1741, >1743, 1744, 1750, 1760, 1823 |
LINE | Herbert | 1944 | |
LINE | Mary | 1823 | |
LINE | Nellie | 1901 | |
LINE | Richard | 1812, 1812 | |
LINE | Sarah | 1821-2, 1823; see also Menday | |
LINE | Sophia | 1823, 1838, | |
LINE | Thomas | 1812, 1820-2, 1823, 1846, | |
LINE | William | 1823 | |
LINES | Annie | 1901-15 | |
LINES | Line | Edward / E.A. / E.T. / T. | 1901, 1901-15, 1903x2, 1905, 1907x2, 1908x2, 1910, 1910, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1919, 1921, 1922, 1924, 1924, 1927, |
LINES | Elizabeth | 1901, | |
LINES | Emma | 1921, | |
LINES | F. | 1903, | |
LINES | Hannah | 1838, 1839, 1839, 1921, | |
LINES | Henry | 1823, 1846, | |
LINES | Jane Duncomb | 1838, 1839 | |
LINES | John | 1899, 1903, 1908, | |
LINES | Louisa | 1851, 1851 | |
LINES | Sophia | 1835, | |
LING | Amelia | 1939, | |
LING | Isaac | 1939, | |
LING | Walter | 1914-18 | |
LINKHORN | [Widow] | 1642 | |
LINNELL | Edward | 1901 | |
LINNELL | Linnall | [Mr] / J. / John | 1846, 1869, 1876, 1881, 1886, |
LINNELL | T. | 1886, | |
LINNELL | W.H. | 1886, | |
LINNEY | Linie | Agnes | 1642 |
LINNEY | Lynney | Edward | 1645, 1648 |
LINNEY | Emma | 1851 | |
LINNEY | Elizabeth | 1871 | |
LINNEY | Lynny | Giles | 1611, 1642? |
LINNEY | Lynney | Isety | 1641, 1646, 1647, |
LINNEY | James | 1846, | |
LINNEY | Joan | 1678, 1695, <1700, <1730 | |
LINNEY | Linie | John | 1691 |
LIPSCOMBE | Catherine | see Watts | |
LITTLEPAGE | Prudence | 1624 | |
LITTLEPAGE | Tobias | 1624 | |
LIVETT | John | 1681 | |
LLOYD | John | 1854, | |
LLOYD | Llewelyn | 1903, 1903, 1905, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1908, | |
LLOYD | Louisa | 1852, 1911, | |
LLOYD | R. | 1898, | |
LLOYD | [Mrs Llewelyn] | 1906, 1906, | |
LLOYD | [Miss] | 1884, 1884, | |
LOADER | Alfred | 1881, | |
LOCKEN | W. | 1905, | |
LOCKSMITH | Locksmyth | Isabel | 1556S |
LOCKSMITH | Loksmyth | Joan | see Cowper |
LOCKSMITH | Loksmyth | John | 1485 |
LOCKSMITH | Loksmyth | Robert | 1436, 1460 |
LOCKWOOD | Lockewod, Lockwoode | Harry / Henry | 1558, 1560, 1600 |
LODGE | Walter | 1912 | |
LODINGTON | Sarah | 1734 | |
LOFFLER | Ferdinand | 1864-97, 1864, 1880, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1890, 1890, 1895, 1895, 1896, 1896, 1896 | |
LOFFLER | nee Perkins | Harriet | 1883, 1884, 1891, 1895, 1896, 1897 |
LOFFLER | Joseph | 1864-91, 1864, 1873, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1891, 1895, | |
LOFFLER | nee Dickins, later Gough | Martha | 1897, 1899 |
LOFTUS | [P.C.] | 1862, | |
LOG' | Hugh | 1279 | |
LOGGIN | Eliza | 1851 | |
LOMAS | Lomath | Frederick | 1876, 1888, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1900, 1901, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1903, 1906, 1908, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1910, 1911, 1911, 1924, |
LOMAS | George | 1897 | |
LOMAS | J. | 1895, | |
LOMATH | Catherine | 1841 | |
LOMATH | Elizabeth | 1841; see also Keys, Turnahm | |
LOMATH | George | 1798PC, 1799, 1830, 1832, 1832, 1835, 1839, 1841, 1841, 1842, | |
LOMATH | Henry | see William Henry | |
LOMATH | James | 1820 | |
LOMATH | Jane | 1841, 1853, 1881 | |
LOMATH | ?nee Baker | Jane | 1854 |
LOMATH | Lamath | John | 1768-94, 1778, 1780, 1787, 1798PC x2, 1798, 1798, <1804, 1827, 1829, 1832, 1832, 1834, 1835, 1837, 1838x3, 1841x2, 1841, 1843, 1846, 1853, |
LOMATH | Lydia | 1832 | |
LOMATH | nee Hinton | Mary | 1833, 1838, 1841, 1841, 1851 |
LOMATH | Mary | 1820-32, 1838, 1841, 1841, 1851, 1852, 1853, | |
LOMATH | later Dickins, Wood | Mary Ann | 1852, 1858 |
LOMATH | Ralph | 1853, | |
LOMATH | Lomas | Richard | 1780-1800, 1780-5, 1780, 1781, 1784, 1786, 1838, 1838, 1841, 1841, 1864, 1869, 1870, 1871, |
LOMATH | Robert | 1800 | |
LOMATH | Ruth | see Matthews | |
LOMATH | Sarah | 1773-88, 1807, 1834, 1841x2, 1861 | |
LOMATH | Thomas [Constable] | 1815, 1818, 1819, 1829, 1830, 1830, 1832, 1832, 1832-45, 1833, 1835, 1835, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1838, 1838, 1838, 1838, 1839, 1839, 1839, 1840, 1840, 1841, 1841, 1841, 1842, 1844, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1847, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1854, 1855, | |
LOMATH | William / William Henry | 1798PC, 1798, 1798, 1814, 1815, 1830, 1835, 1838, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1841, 1842, 1845, 1846x2, 1847, 1853, 1864, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1876 | |
LOMATH | [Widow] | 1835, 1838, | |
LOMBE | Lome | John | 1336, 1575 |
LONG | Ellen | 1901, | |
LONG | G.O. | 1924, 1926 | |
LONG | John | 1901, | |
LONG | Miss | 1932, | |
LONGBRIDGE | Elizabeth | 1710, 1719, 1723, 1727, 1741 | |
LONGBRIDGE | John | 1704, 1704, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1715, 1718, 1718, 1719, 1722, 1723, 1726, 1726, 1727, 1729, 1740, 1741x2 | |
LONGFORD | Thomas | 1770 | |
LORD | John | 1772, | |
LORENZ | Margaretha | 1851 | |
LORKIN | Emma | 1861 | |
LORKIN | Thomas | 1853, 1860, 1861, 1862, ?1872 | |
LORKIN | Walter / Mr | 1885?, 1890, 1890, 1891, 1891, 1892, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1895, 1896, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1902, 1902, 1903, 1903, 1904, 1904, 1905, 1905, 1906, 1919, | |
LOVELL | Anna | 1851-61 | |
LOVELL | later Weedon | Emily Caroline | 1874 |
LOVELL | Francis Henry | 1868 | |
LOVELL | Henry (Dr) | 1848-63, 1848-62, 1851, 1853, 1860, <1864, | |
LOVELL | Richard | 1738 | |
LOVELL | Robert | 1679 & 1683 | |
LOVELL | Thomas (Sir) | 1522 | |
LOVERIDGE | Dicky | c.1870 | |
LOVERIDGE | Joseph | 1837 | |
LOVETT | Margaret | 1681 | |
LOVETT | Mary | 1661 | |
LOVETT | Robert | 1656 | |
LOVETT | Loffatt, Lovatt, Lovet, Lowatt | William | 1670, 1681, 1682, 1684, <1684, 1685, 1687, 1698, 1703 |
LOW | David | 1932, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1950s | |
LOWE | G.W.D. | 1941, | |
LOWE | H. | 1897, | |
LOWE | John | 1543 | |
LOWE | Raynes | 1675 | |
LOWNDES | see Winslow Hall, William Lowndes' notebook, Lowndes Roll 1 see also SELBY, SELBY-LOWNDES |
LOWNDES | nee Spooner | Alice | 1627, 1627, 1627, 1636, 1636, 1638, 1660, 1662, 1671, |
LOWNDES | Alice | see Carter | |
LOWNDES | Anne | 1577, 1578, 1754-66, 1775, 1779x2, 1805x2, 1807, 1812x2 | |
LOWNDES | later Jett | Anne | 1721 |
LOWNDES | Bernard | 1622, 1623 | |
LOWNDES | Bridget | see Grant | |
LOWNDES | Charles | 1672[?], 1721, 1742, 1839, 1843, 1873 (Rev), | |
LOWNDES | later Leheup | Clara | 1721, 1736 |
LOWNDES | Dionise (Denise) | 1647; see also Teagle | |
LOWNDES | later Palmer, Boggis | Dinah | 1711, 1727 |
LOWNDES | nee Brown | Dorothy | 1711, 1712, 1713, 1720 |
LOWNDES | Lownes | Edmund / Edward | 1575, 1672, 1679, 1680, 1687, 1688, 1695, 1721 |
LOWNDES | Elizabeth | see Chandler, Grant, Walsh, Wendover | |
LOWNDES | nee Harsnet | Elizabeth | 1680, 1721 |
LOWNDES | later Wendover | Elizabeth | 1604 |
LOWNDES | later Duncombe | Elizabeth | 1721 |
LOWNDES | Elizabeth | 1603, 1622, 1631, 1642, 1647, 1651, 1651, 1651-60, 1651-64, 1654, 1656, 1660, 1661, 1663, 1663, 1664, 1666, 1668, 1669, 1670, 1672, 1672, 1709, 1721, 1727 | |
LOWNDES | later Harman, then Ashe | Elizabeth | 1799, 1805, 1805, 1807, 1812 |
LOWNDES | nee Shales | Essex | 1730; see also Humphreys |
LOWNDES | Fleetwood | 1872, 1873, | |
LOWNDES | nee Wendover, later Phipps | Frances | 1612, 1612, 1615, 1627, 1642, 1647, 1647, 1647, 1654, 1654, 1656 |
LOWNDES | Frances | 1626, 1672, 1681; see also Coutts, Spencer | |
LOWNDES | Geoffrey | 1580, | |
LOWNDES | George | 1597, 1622, 1623 | |
LOWNDES | Henry | 1721, 1747 | |
LOWNDES | nee Cox/Croke | Jane/Joan | 1575-89, 1575, 1575 |
LOWNDES | Jane | 1684 | |
LOWNDES | Lownds | Joan | 1580x3, 1582x3, 1623 |
LOWNDES | John | 1660, 1661, 1699, 1710, 1721 | |
LOWNDES | Joseph | 1721 | |
LOWNDES | Lucy | 1832-41, 1841 | |
LOWNDES | later Goldesbrough | Lydia | 1805, 1807, 1812 |
LOWNDES | nee Atcherley | Margaret | 1703, 1703, 1703, 1710, 1715, 1721, 1723, 1727, 1727 |
LOWNDES | nee Sheppard | Maria | 1795 |
LOWNDES | Martha | 1672; see also Montague | |
LOWNDES | Lownds, nee King | Martha Jane | 1887, 1910-1919, 1912 |
LOWNDES | Mary | 1721, 1727, 1733, 1775, 1779, 1785, 1805; see also Howard, Pitkin | |
LOWNDES | Peter | 1642, 1660, 1666, 1667, 1668, 1670, 1670, 1671, 1671, 1672, 1676, 1676, 1678, 1679, 1680, 1681, 1682, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1685, 1685, 1685, 1685, 1686, 1687, 1689, 1691, 1691, 1691, 1692, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1698, 1698, 1699x2, 1699x2, 1700, 1700, 1701x2, 1701x2, 1702, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1703-9, 1703, 1704, 1705x2, 1706x2, 1707, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1709x2, 1710x2, 1711, 1711, 1711, 1712x2, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1716, 1717, 1720, 1721, 1722, 1723, 1724, 1725, 1726, 1727, <1729, <1730, <1733 | |
LOWNDES | nee Shales | Rebecca | 1680, 1698, 1701, 1703, 1706, 1706,1712, 1716, 1721; see also Wyatt |
LOWNDES | Lownes | Richard | 1582, 1591, 1716, 1721, 1728, 1729-30, 1729, 1730, 1731, 1733, 1734, 1734, 1735, 1740, 1741, 1741, 1742-75, 1742, 1742, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748, 1748, 1749, 1749, 1752, 1753, 1753, 1754, 1754-66, 1755, 1757-66, 1758, 1759, 1760, 1760, 1762, 1763, 1766, 1766, 1772, 1775, 1798PC, 1798, 1803, 1805, 1807, 1810, 1812, 1825, 1838, |
LOWNDES | Lounds, Lownds, Lownes, Lowns | Robert | 1575, 1575, 1577, 1577-1670, 1578, 1580, 1581, 1582, 1582, 1584, 1587, 1590, 1592, 1592, 1592, 1594, 1598, 1600, 1603, 1614, 1622, 1623x2, 1623, 1627, 1627, 1627, 1636, 1638, 1638, 1639, 1641PT, 1642x2, 1642, 1642, 1642, 1645, 1646, 1646x2, 1647, 1647, 1648, 1648, 1650, 1651-2, 1651-60, 1651-64, 1654, 1654, 1656, 1657, 1660x2, 1661, 1662, 1662x2, 1663, 1663, 1663, 1663x2, 1664, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1667, 1668, 1669, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1672, 1677, 1678, 1681, 1681, 1681, 1687, 1687, 1689, 1690, 1696, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1703, 1703, >1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1709, 1710, 1710, 1710, 1711, 1711, 1712, 1712, 1713, 1713, 1713, 1714, 1714, 1715, 1715, 1715, 1716, 1717, 1718, 1719, 1720, 1721, 1722, 1722, 1723, 1723, 1723, 1723, 1724, 1724, 1724, 1725, 1725, 1725, 1726, 1727, 1727, <1731, 1733, 1744, 1753, 1760, 1765BRS5, 1765, 1766, 1767, 1779, 1798, 1803, 1805, 1810, 1812 |
LOWNDES | Robert (Rev) | 1798PC, 1798, 1798, 1803, 1807, | |
LOWNDES | Roger | ?1580, 1710, 1721 | |
LOWNDES | Sarah | 1754-66, 1779, 1794 | |
LOWNDES | later Duncombe | Sarah | 1719, 1721, 1736, |
LOWNDES | nee Fige | Susanna | 1648, 1657, 1661, 1662, 1672 |
LOWNDES | Lowends, Lownes | Thomas | 1580, 1582, 1583, 1622, 1623, n.d., n.d., 1640, 1679, 1680, <1757, 1798?, 1805, 1807, 1810, 1812, 1825, |
LOWNDES | Lownd, Lownds | Wendover (Windover) | 1647, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1654, 1654, 1657, 1657, 1657, 1660, 1660, 1661, 1662, 1663?, 1664, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1666, 1666, 1667, 1668, 1669, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1672, 1678, 1679, 1680, 1685, 1685-6BRS5, 1687, 1687, 1688 |
LOWNDES | Lounes, Lownds, Seby | William | 1592?, 1600, 1602, 1603-13, 1610, 1610-51, 1610-57, 1611, 1612, 1615, 1619, 1622, 1622, 1623, 1627, 1628, 1629, 1629, 1631, c.1635, 1636, 1636, 1637, 1637, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1641, 1641, 1641PT, 1641x2, 1642, 1642, 1642, 1645, 1646, 1646, 1647, 1647, 1647, 1648, 1651, 1651, 1652, 1652-1721, 1654, 1654, 1663, <1677, 1681, 1681, 1681, 1682, 1683, 1683, 1684, 1685, 1686, 1687, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1694, 1695, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1697, >1697, 1698, 1698, 1698, 1699, 1699, 1700, 1700, 1700, 1701, 1702, 1702, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1710, 1710, 1711, 1711, 1712x2, 1713, 1714, 1714, 1715, 1715, 1715, 1716, 1716, 1717, 1717, 1718, 1719, 1720, 1721, 1722, 1723, 1723, 1724, <1726, 1727, <1736, 1744, 1757-65, 1760, 1767, 1769, 1772, 1775, 1775, 1779, 1781, 1783, 1785x2, 1807-41, 1805, 1807, 1808, 1810, 1812, 1812, 1841, 1842, 1848, 1848 |
LOWNDES | William Selby | 1766, 1766-72, 1767, 1767-83, 1781, 1784, 1786, 1794, 1807, 1816, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1886-7 | |
LOWNDES | [Mrs] | 1884, 1898, | |
LOWNDES | [Miss] | 1841 | |
LOWNDES | ? | 1879 | |
LUCAS | Anthony | 1572, | |
LUCAS | Charles | 1792 | |
LUCAS | Frances/is | 1612 | |
LUCAS | Lewcas | Robert | 1740, 1741 |
LUCAS | Sarah | 1799 | |
LUCAS | Major | 1870, | |
LUCAS | [Miss] | 1955, | |
LUCK | Catherine | 1841 | |
LUCKETT | Caroline | 1841 | |
LUCKETT | Lucket | Charlotte | 1835, 1838 (Widow), 1841, 1841 |
LUCKETT | Lucket | Eliza | 1841 |
LUCKETT | Lucket | George | 1832, |
LUCKETT | Lucket | John | 1838, 1841, 1844 |
LUCKETT | Robert | 1797, 1798, | |
LUCKIN | Alice | 1881, | |
LUCKMAN | W.J. | 1893, | |
LUDGATE | Ludgett | Joseph | 1817 |
LUDGETT | Ludgate | Mary/ Mary Ann | 1817, 1853, 1853 |
LUKE | Luc' | Adam | 1279 |
LUKE | Samuel | 1753 | |
LUMBARD | John | 1432 | |
LUNDY | Ernest Harold | 1900, 1902, 1903, 1903, 1904, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, | |
LUNT | see also SPOONER | ||
LUNT | Ann | see Norman | |
LUNT | Emma | see Stuchbury | |
LUNT | alias Spooner, later Mitchell | Joan | 1564, 1600, 1621 |
LUNT | Lynte, alias Sponer | Nicholas | 1559, 1565, 1579, 1582, 1591 |
LUNT | Lante, alias Spooner | William | 1591, 1593, 1600, 1607, 1611, 1660 |
LUNT | Lunn alias Spooner | ? | 1595, |
LUTMAN | see LETMAN | ||
LUXMORE | Benjamin | 1888, 1919 | |
LYNDSON? | Thomas | 1607 |
See also:
Index of names (A-B)
Index of names (C-E)
Index of names (F-I)
Index of names (M-R)
Index of names (S-T)
Index of names (U-Z)