The Plough Inn (26 Horn Street)

The Plough Inn

Description from the building's Grade 2 listing in 1952:
House. C17, altered. Whitewashed render over timber frame. Thatched roof to left hand bays, tiled roof to right, brick stacks to left gable and rear of right-hand bay.2 storeys and attic, 3 bays, right hand bay gabled to street. Ground floor has canted bay windows with barred sashes to centre of left-hand section and right-hand bay. Paired barred C19 wooden casements to first floor of each bay and in attic gable to right. C20 door with flanking single casements between right-hand bays.

1682: 26 April         Mortgage  (Centre for Bucks Studies D 175/17)
Surrender;  Silvester Cleaver and Anne his wife
Admission:  John Duncombe of East Claydon
includes: Messuage or Tenement in the Beast Market called the Plough in the occupation of John Bowyer and Ursula his wife
This may not be the building which later had the sign of the Plough (Wigley, Window on Winslow p.56 suggests it was The Bull but that cannot be correct). The Bowyers were receiving poor relief so it cannot have been very prosperous. In 1685 Silvester Claver transferred the property to trustees to sell it and transferred the mortgage to John Yeomans. In 1687, the mortgage of a messuage in the Beast Markett in the occupation of Thomas Miller and Thomas Ridgeway was transferred to Edmund and Susanna Sharrock.

1753-76    Alehouse Recognizances
Plough: Richard Scott

1777: 3 Sep
Will of Richard Scott Winslow victualler proved at PCC
He leaves to his wife Elizabeth for her life The Plough and an adjoining messuage occupied by Philip Budd. Reversion to his son Robert Scott

1777: 1 April          Sun Insurance 11936/256/382097
Elizabeth Scott of Winslow, victualler & grocer

On her now dwelling house & brewhouse under one roof situate as aforesaid, thatched 
Household goods therein
Utensils and stock therein   
Barn and leantoos adjoining and separate from the above thatched
Utensils and stock therein

1780: Alehouse Recognizances
Plough: Elizabeth Scott, widow

1784: Manor court, 29 Oct
Richard Scott late of Winslow Victualler held 2 messuages in Great Horn Street: one in his own occupation called the Plow, the other adjoining now or late in the occupation of Philip Budd.  He died some time since, having made his will dated 12 Dec 1776.  He devised the messuages to his wife Elizabeth Scott during her life, then to his son Robert Scott, charging the messuages with the payment of £13 each to his 3 daughters Elizabeth, Sarah and Hannah.  Elizabeth Scott the elder died since the last court.  Robert Scott desires to be admitted tenant.

1785: Alehouse Recognizances
Plough: Robert Scott

1788: 20-21 Oct      Manor Court (CBS D/82/2 p.177) 
Surrender: Robert Scott of Winslow, cordwainer
All those two Messuages or Tenements situate in Winslow aforesaid one of which said Messuages was late in  the occupation of Richard Scott and now of said Robert Scott commonly called or known by the name or sign of the Plough and the other said Messuage or Tenement adjoining to the last mentioned Messuage or Tenement was late in the occupation of Phillip Budd and now of George Webb…. Robert Scott admitted tenant 29 Oct 1784.

1790: Alehouse Recognizances
Plough: William Wilmer

1794-1805: Alehouse Recognizances
Plough: Robert Scott

1798: Posse Comitatus
Robert Scott: Cordwainer

1799: Manor court, 28-29 Oct
Robert Scott of Winslow and Elizabeth his wife on 18 Jan 1798 surrendered a messuage in Great Horn Street late in the occupation of Richard Scott, then of Robert Scott, called the Plow.  To the use of George Meacher of Ivinghoe common brewer who now by James Burham sr his attorney desires to be admitted tenant. Rent 4d, fine 5s.

In 1811 Richard Scott of Winslow, carpenter, sold to George Meacher for £50 a messuage which he had inherited from his father Robert Scott. This was evidently the building on the Church Street side which later formed part of The Plough. Robert Scott inherited it from his father Richard Scott in 1784 after the death of his mother Elizabeth Scott; Richard bought it in 1775.

1810-15: Alehouse Recognizances
Plough: John Arnott

1819: Northampton Mercury, 1 May
ALL that old-established brick-built PUBLIC HOUSE, called or known by the Name or Sign of the PLOUGH, situate in WINSLOW in the County of Buckingham, now in the Occupation of Mr. John Arnott, as yearly Tenant.
Possession may be had at Michaelmas next.
For a View of the Premises, apply thereon; and for further Particulars, to Mr. DUDLEY, Auctioneer, Winslow.

1820: Alehouse Recognizances
Plough: John Arnott, then Francis Darville

1821-22: Alehouse Recognizances
Plough: Thomas Daniel

1823: Alehouse Recognizances
Plough: James King

1823: Northampton Mercury, 29 Nov
On Wednesday the 3d December, 1823, on the Premises of Mr. JAMES KING, at the PLOUGH PUBLIC HOUSE, WINSLOW, Bucks, who is leaving the same;
COMPRISING four-post, bureau, and stump Bedsteads, feather and flock Beds, Counterpanes, Sheets, Blankets, and Coverlids, mahogany hair-seat Chairs, chamber and flag Ditto, mahogany folding and other Tables, Cupboards and Chests, pewter Quarts, Pints, and Half-pints, beer and liquor Measures, plated Tankard and Pint, various Glass, in Goblets; wine and beer Glasses, Quantity of earthen Quarts, Pints, and Pitchers, japanned tea Board and Waiters, ironing Board and Trestles, Jack and Weights, Fenders and fire Irons, Pair of large copper Scales and Weights, shop Counter, Nests of Drawers and Shelves, kitchen Requisites, in Copper, Brass, and Tin; four-gallon painted liquor Cask, small Casks, and wood Bottles, stone Jars, Quantity of glass Bottles, dough Trough, meat Safe, wood Scales and iron Weights, water Tub, Buckets, and various other Articles.
The Sale will commence at Eleven o'Clock.

1824: Directory
Plough, Great Horn Street: Thomas Daniel, publican

1824: Alehouse Recognizances
Plough: John Dewberry; Thomas Spiers from 1 Nov

1826: Alehouse Recognizances
Plough: Samuel Bull from 4 Sep

1827-28: Alehouse Recognizances
Plough: William Potter from 2 July 1827 (Thomas Clifford was surety)

1827: Northampton Mercury, 31 March
To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. Nicholls,
At the Bell Inn, Winslow, on Thursday, April 5th, 1827, at One o'Clock, in one Lot;
THAT old-established PUBLIC HOUSE and PREMISES, called the Plough, most desirably situate for Business, in the Market Town of WINSLOW in the County of Buckingham; comprising seven sleeping Rooms, Parlour, tap Room, small Grocer's Shop, Kitchen, Wash-house, Cellar, Stable, large Shed and Yard, now in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Clefford, a yearly Tenant.
The Premises are Copyhold, held of the Manor of Winslow, and subject to the Customs of the said Manor.
The Premises may be viewed any Time prior to the Sale; and Particulars may be had at the principal Inns in the Neigbourhood, Place of Sale, and of Mr. NICHOLLS, Auctioneer and Appraiser, St. Albans.

Plough with scaffolding
The Plough's timber-framed structure was exposed during building work in 2007. You can see that it originallyh consisted of two adjoining but separate houses, which only came into the same ownership in 1811.

1827: manor  court
Surrender: George Meacher of Ivinghoe common brewer c.t. & Sarah his wife
Admission: Richard Kentish of Sandridge Herts farmer
Consideration: £300
Messuage in Great Horn Street formerly in the occupation of Richard Scott, afterwards Robert Scott, now William Potter, commonly called the Plough.  George Meacher admitted 1799 on surrender of Robert Scott & Elizabeth his wife.
+ messuage adjoining formerly in the occupation of Nicholas Higgins, afterwards Philip Budd, since Mary Webb widow, now William Potter.  George Meacher admitted 1811 on surrender of Richard Scott.  Rents 4d + 2d, fine 10s.

1829: manor court
Surrender: Richard Kentish of Sandridge, Herts, farmer, customary tenant & Ann his wife on 24 March
Admission: James Field of Ashley Green, Chesham, farmer
Consideration: £290
Messuage in Great Horn Street formerly in the occupation of Richard Scott, afterwards Robert Scott, late William Potter, now John Gawdrey, commonly called The Plough
+ other messuage adjoining, formerly in the occupation of Nicholas Higgins, afterwards Philip Budd, since Mary Webb, late William Potter, now John Gawdrey
Richard Kentish was admitted in 1827 on the surrender of George Meacher & Sarah his wife.  Rents 4d + 2d, fine 10s.

1830: Pigot's Directory
Plough, John Gawdrey, Gt. Horn St

1831: Alehouse Recognizances
Plough: John Gawdrey

1832:  Land Tax
House / Plough: Mr Brown (owner), John Keys (occupier) 2s 5d

1834: manor court
William Keys of The Plough fined for using a quart pot which is deficient in measure

1836: 2 April, Bucks Herald
Sale of a “thatched cottage in Great Horn Street, near the Plough public house, in the occupation of George Westley”.

1837: 21 Oct, Bucks Herald
Sale of a “thatched cottage in Great Horn Street near the Plough public house, in the occupation of Elizabeth Westley”.

1837: 28 Oct, Bucks Herald
Michaelmas Assize Sessions October 1837, Aylesbury

Joseph Loveridge was charged with having stolen a ring, the property of Eleanor Goodman, of Winslow. The prosecutrix deposed that on the 22nd of August last, the prisoner came to her house to sweep a chimney. On her missing a ring she mentioned her loss to the prisoner, who said he would look among the soot for it. The following day she saw the ring on the finger of a woman at the Plough, Winslow, who she said had received it of Joseph Loveridge.

Thomas Lomath, constable. – Took the prisoner into custody, when he said that he had sold the ring to a man at the Plough; on going there to make inquiry regarding the stolen property, a woman took the ring off her hand and gave it to him.

John M’Goone, in his examination, stated that he went into the Plough and purchased the ring of the prisoner for twopence; a young woman had it, but the prisoner demanded it of her, and she gave it up to him. Witness afterwards gave the ring to his wife; he would not swear to the ring.

Prisoner, in his defence, said that he received the ring from a young man. VERDICT : NOT GUILTY.

1839: Robson's Directory
Tomes Rosamond [sic]   Plough Inn

1841: Census
Horn Street

Roseman Tombs 45 Vittuler [sic] b. in county
Emma do 25   do
Mary[?] do 8   do
Arthur do 4   do
Barbery [sic] do 2   do
Mildread [sic] do under 1   do

1842: Pigot's Directory
Red Lion, Rosemon Toms, Great Horn st
To LEIGHTON BUZZARD, a Mail Cart, from the Red Lion, Great Horn st, every evening at a quarter before seven.

Between about 1839 and 1845 the Plough was usually known as the Red Lion. The Toms family moved to the Rose & Crown in 1845, when the licence of the Red Lion was transferred to Thomas Ablethorp (Bucks Herald, 28 June 1845).

1844: 28 October   Manor Court: CBS D/82/5/483
Admission of John Brown of Tring, Herts., brewer and Frank John Moore of Northchurch, Herts., Esq. (Trustees of James Field of Berkhamsted St Peter, gentleman, deceased)            
All that Messuage or tenement situate in Great Horn Street in Winslow in the County of Bucks within the said Manor with the appurtenances formerly in the occupation of Richard Scott, afterwards of Robert Scott then of William Potter, late of John Gawdrey and now of [blank] commonly called or known by the name or sign of the Plough. And also all that other Messuage or Tenement adjoining thereto situate in Great Horn Street in Winslow aforesaid within the said Manor  with the appurtenances formerly in the occupation of Nicholas Higgins afterwards of Phillip Budd since of Mary Webb widow then of the said William Potter late of the said John Gawdrey and now of  [blank] to which said Premises the said James Field was admitted tenant at a General Court Baron 26th October 1829 on the surrender of Richard Kentish and Ann his wife. [also to the Punch House]

The will of James Field (National Archives PROB 11/1976/191) shows that he was owner of the Tring Brewery, of which John Brown was the tenant. All its assets (including The George, Quainton and the White Lion, Waddesdon) were to be held in trust for his son or reputed son John Field, born of his late wife Maria before their marriage, and John’s children. The will apparently led to extensive litigation (see Punch House). 

This plan was drawn up in 1843 after the death of James Field. Horn Street is to the left. Access to the rear was on the opposite side from now.
Plan of the Plough

1848: Bucks Advertiser and Aylesbury News, 6 Sep
Useful Brown Pony, Four-wheel Pony Chaise, Two Carts, Harness, Three Fat Pigs,
The Sale will commence at Twelve o’Clock.
  Catalogues may be had at the Inns in the Neighbourhood, and at the office of Messrs. Dudley and Son, auctioneer and land agents, Winslow.

1848: Directory
Plough: Thomas Ablethorp; also general dealer

1851: Census
Horn Street, Plough

Thomas Ablethorp Head married 44 Publican b. Swanbourne
Ann do Wife married 30 Publican's wife b. Winslow
William Turner Lodger married 28 Ag. Lab. b. Crafton, Bucks
Ann do Lodger married 25 Ag. Lab.'s wife b. Winslow
Anna Bailey Servant unm 22 Servant b. Buckingham

Thomas Ablethorp was the town crier living in Horn Street in 1861.

1860: 7 Jan, Bucks Herald
Sale advert
THE PUNCH-HOUSE, in the Market Square, let to Mr Thomas Lorkin, and the PLOUGH Public-House, with out-offices attached, at the western entrance to the town, let to Mr. William Roads. The property is Copyhold of the Manor of Winslow, subject to trifling fines and quit rents. Early possession may be had if required.

1861: Census
Horn Street, The Plough

William Roads Head married 37 Publican b. East Claydon
Elizabeth do Wife married 37 Publican's wife b. Hockliffe, Beds
Elizabeth Roads Niece & visitor   12 Scholar b. Winslow
William do Nephew & visitor   5 do b. Wellingborough
Alfred do do   2 do b. Whitchurch, Salop
John H. Fry Lodger married 41 Blacksmith b. Camerton, Som.
Mary Fry Lodger's wife married 41 Blacksmith's wife do
George do Lodger's son unm 16   do
May A. do Lodger's dau   5m   b. Prince's Risborough
John Rayner Lodger unm 59 Labourer b. Taunton, Yorks
John Cook do unm 40 do b. Winchester
Charles Maynard do unm 37 do do
Charles Pain do unm 30 do b. Bath
Joe Clark do unm 28 do b. Saffron Walden
William Goodchild do unm 26 do b. Bradford on Avon

William Roads was listed as an agricultural labourer living in Sheep Street in 1871.

1863: Jan, Bucks Herald
The licence of the Plough public house was transferred to John Keys.

1864: Directory
Plough: John Keys

1868: Buckingham Advertiser, 25 July
The Very Useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Large quantity of Dry Firewood, and Fagots, Coal, Pigs, &c.,
On the premises, Plough Inn, Winslow, on TUESDAY, July the 28th, 1868, at twelve o’clock, by direction of Mr. Henry Jackman, who is leaving.
  May be viewed on the morning of Sale.
  Catalogues may be obtained at the place of Sale, and at the Auctioneer’s Offices, Winslow.

1869: Post Office Directory
Jackman, Henry, Plough, Horn Street

1869: Bucks Herald, 24 April
  On Tuesday last an inquest was held before Mr. D’Eath, coroner, at the Plough inn, Winslow, to inquire into the causes of the death of John Smith, a retired tradesman, whose body was found early on the same morning in a cesspit near the Plough inn.  The jury having viewed the body and the cesspit, the following witnesses gave evidence-
  Alfred Walker said- I am a dealer, and live in Winslow [near the Chandos Arms].  I knew the deceased, and saw him on Monday evening about six o’clock.  He came to buy a rabbit.  He appeared to have been drinking.  His wife [named Harriet] was with him; he went away up the Buckingham Road.  I saw him again about half-past seven; he was tipsy. I have often seen him tipsy before.
  Richard Lomath said - I keep the Chandos Arms.  John Smith came to my house last night, about six o’clock, along with his wife, and was very cheerful; but was not quite sober.  He had three sixpenny glasses of brandy and water.  He was at my house about one hour; he had nothing to eat.  I went outside the door with him when he left.  I do not think he was sober then.
  Elisabeth Weston, wife of Thomas Weston, said - John Smith came to our house last night, some time after seven [they lived in Back Lane (Vicarage Road)].  His wife came with him, but she only stayed a short time.  The deceased remained till about twelve o’clock at night.  He did not seem to be tipsy when he came.  He had one pint of beer with my husband.  I do not think the beer made him tipsy.  When he left he went towards home.
  Susan Alderman, wife of William Alderman, of the Plough publichouse, said - John Smith came to our house last night, about a quarter past twelve and had a glass of ale.  He then called for a glass of brandy and water. He knocked the glass down and spilled the brandy when trying to put the water in; but said nothing.  He left about twenty minutes to one, when he appeared to go towards home.  He wished me goodnight when he left. I did not think he was tipsy when he came in.
  Charles Birdseye, painter, said - I was going to my work this morning about a quarter to seven.  I heard some women making a noise near the Plough.  When I got near, an old man said “Charley, go and see what’s in the hole - the women say there is a man in.”  I went and saw John Smith in the cesspit, cramped up, face downwards.  The back of his head was partly out of the water, and his back was above the water.  I obtained help and got him out.  He was quite dead.  The loose brick was knocked off in getting him out of the pit.
  Dr. Newham said - I knew the deceased, and have attended him professionally several times; he was not a man of temperate habits.  I was called out this morning, and saw the deceased lying on his back close to the cesspit.  He was quite dead.  There was a large wound in his forehead.  The bridge of his nose was broken, his face was very blue, and the veins of his neck much swollen.  As there was no fracture of the skull, I should say that his death was caused by suffocation and immersion in the cesspool.  He seemed to have been dead three or four hours.  There was no sign of any struggle near the cesspool.
  The jury having consulted for a few minutes, returned the following verdict :-  That John Smith, whose body they have viewed, came to his death by accidentally falling into a cesspit, wherein he was suffocated; and that at the time he was not sober.  They also recommended that the cesspit should be covered in with a lid or other covering.

According to the 1861 Census John Smith was a journeyman grocer living in Horn Street and born in Northants. The path from The Plough into Parsons Close was given various nicknames which must have been due to the cesspit. In May 1870 Smith's executors tried unsuccessfully to claim £300 from the Accident Insurance Office. It was recorded that "after he had been to sleep, he went down a lane to seek a convenience. but on his way he tumbled into a cesspool, which was almost without protection, and was suffocated”. The insurers’ case was “that by drunkenness the deceased had brought himself to a danger which a sober man would have avoided” (Bucks Herald, 7 May 1870). The decision was overturned on appeal to the Court of Exchequer and the executors were awarded £315 (Buckingham Advertiser, 2 July 1870).

1869: Buckingham Advertiser, 25 Dec
Advertised to let by the Swan Brewery, Buckingham.

1870: Winslow Petty Sessions, 22 June
Licence of The Plough transferred from Edmund Read to Oswald Wilson.

1871: Census
Horn Street, Plough Inn

Oswald Wilson Head married 23 Plasterer unemployed b. Whitchurch
Maria do Wife married 21   b. Loughton, Bucks
George Wilson Son   1   b. Winslow

In 1881 Maria was living with her parents Thomas and Mary Adkins in Cowley's Walk.

1872: Return of Public Houses
Plough: Owner: Wroughton & Threlfall, Aylesbury (owner), James Cripps (occupier)

1877: Post Office Directory
Plough: Thomas Cripps

1881: Census
Horn Street, Plough Inn

Thomas Cripps Head married 36 Bricklayer & Publican b. Waddesdon
Elizabeth A. do Wife married 30   do
Lilly do Daughter   9 Scholar do
William do Son   7 do b. Winslow
Clara do Daughter   5 do do
Alfred do Son   2 do do
Henry do Son   11m   do
William Rolfe Visitor   15 No occupation b. Waddeson
James Walker Boarder unm 28 Gen. lab. b. Winslow
Philip Evans Boarder married 49 do b. Waddesdon

1891: Census
Horn Street, Plough Inn

Thomas Cripps Head married 45 Bricklayer & Publican b. Waddesdon
Annie do Wife married 41   do
Lily do Daughter single 19 Dressmaker do
William do Son single 17 Bricklayer b. Winslow
Clara do Daughter   15 Dressmaker do
Alfred do Son   13 Scholar do
Henry do Son   11 do do
Emily do Daughter   9 do do
Charlie do Son   7 do do
Kate do Daughter   6 do do
Fred do Son   4 do do
Jane do Daughter   1   do
James Walker Lodger single 38 Groom (domestic) do

1893: Death of John Gordon, a lodger at The Plough who left everything to Thomas and Elizabeth Ann Cripps. They arranged for him to have a Roman Catholic funeral.

1896: Buckingham Advertiser, 11th April,
WORKMEN’S SUPPER.- A very enjoyable evening was spent at the Plough Inn, on March 27th, by the workmen of Mr. Thomas Cripps, employed in building Mr. Illing’s new stables.  After simple justice had been done to the good fare provided by the host and hostess, the toast list was commenced by Mr. Illing proposing the health of the “Queen, Prince of Wales, and the remainder of the Royal Family.” ...

Plough Inn with a group of men in front
This photo of the Plough Inn must date from before 1903 as it has Thomas Cripps' name over the door.
It is not known what was being celebrated, but the men are probably the employees of the Cripps' building business.

1901: Census
Horn Street, Plough Inn

Thomas Cripps Head married 55 Publican, builder & contractor b. Waddesdon
Elizabeth Ann do Wife married 50   do
Harry do Son single 19 Builders clerk b. Winslow
Emily do Daughter single 18   do
Charles do Son single 17 Carpenter & joiner do
Kate do Daughter   15 Drapers assistant do
Fred do Son   13   do
Jane do Daughter   11   do

1903: death of Thomas Cripps, aged 59.
The rest of the family moved to the High Street.

1904, 27 Aug: Bucks Herald
LICENSING. The Plough Inn, Winslow, was transferred to Robert Claxton.

1906: Petty Sessions, 10 Jan
Licence temporarily transferred to John Foskett.

1906: Petty Sessions, 10 Oct
Licence transferred to Jonas Hillyer, lately of Fenny Stratford.

1907: Kelly's Directory
Hillyer, Jonas, Plough P.H., Horn street

The Plough was one of the pubs closed in Edwardian times  to reduce the total number of such houses. Suitable instruments had been created by the Licensing Act, 1904. Local decisions were made in Bucks after evidence from Winslow Licensing Committee had been presented and discussed. The licensee of the Plough must have feared that his pub would be axed. He and the pub’s owners (ABC) encouraged the public to protest.

1908, 14 March: Bucks Herald
The public are requested to SIGN THE PETITIONS protesting against The Government Licensing Bill, 1908, which will be found on all Licensed Premises in the District.
Copies of the Petitions can be obtained of …
MR J. HILLYER, The Plough, Winslow.

1908, 29 Aug: Bucks Herald
EJECTMENT. Mr. J. Hillyer, of the Plough Inn, Winslow, applied for an ejectment order against H. Sambrook. A medical certificate was put in that Mr. Hillyer was ill and not able to attend, and Mr. Stanley Midgley proved the service of the notices. Defendant wrote stating that he hoped to be out in a week, and the Bench made an order for ejectment in 21 days.

1908: 23 Dec: Winslow Petty Sessions
The licence of the Plough Inn was temporarily transferred from Jonas Hillyer to William Harris. Mr McCorquodale inquired if it would not be a good opportunity to relinquish this licence. Mr. Pantin, who appeared for the Aylesbury Brewery Co., said that it was a matter which might crop up on the next annual licensing day, but he thought it was the Crooked Billet that was mentioned, not the Plough.

1909, 5 March: Luton Times & Advertiser
At the Winslow adjourned licensing sessions the magistrates decided to refer four licenses for compensation, viz., Wrestlers, Mursley; Plough, Winslow; Rose and Crown, Winslow; and Chandos Arms, Winslow.

1909, 22 May: Bucks Herald, Notice of claims for compensation at premises where the licence was not renewed on 14 May under the Licensing Act, 1904
Premises: "The Plough", Winslow
Licence: Alehouse
Licensee: William Allen
Registered Owners: Aylesbury Brewery Co., Ltd., Aylesbury

1909, 22 May: Bucks Herald
The cases of the Rose and Crown, Winslow, an alehouse belonging to the Aylesbury Brewery Company [sic], and in the tenancy of George Vokins, and of the Plough, Winslow, and the Wrestlers, Mursley, belonging to the same company, were the first taken.
   Mr. Ryland Adkins appeared for the Renewal Authority, and said the Rose and Crown was situated in the Market-square, Winslow. There were seven other houses within a distance of about 250 yards, whilst the George Hotel, which was only 24 yards away, was a much larger and convenient house. The Crooked Billet, which belonged to the same owners and the same Brewery Company, was only 55 yards away, and had better accommodation and better stabling than the Rose and Crown. That was a case of two houses belonging to the same Brewery Company, one of which was superior to the other.
   Supt. Lait, of Fenny Stratford, said he knew the Rose and Crown, and it was correct to say there were seven licensed houses within 250 yards of it. Two others were only 48 yards away, and compared with the George Hotel and the Bell Hotel, the Rose and Crwon was not doing so much business, and could, in fact, be removed without causing any inconvenience.
The Chairman — What is the population?
Mr. Ryland Adkins — At the last census it was 1,763, and there are 13 fully-licensed houses, 3 beerhouses, and a grocer's licence, which gives one licence per 100 of the population.
   In answer to the Chairman, Supt. Lait said in the case of the Plough there would be no public inconvenience caused if the licence was taken away.
   The Chairman, after consultation, said both the Rose and Crown and the Plough would be referred for compensation.

1909, 24 July: Bucks Herald, compensation cases
THE PLOUGH, WINSLOW. This was another house belonging to the Aylesbury Brewery Company, and Mr. Higgens stated that the amount agreed upon was £324:15, which was made up of rent, brewer's profits, and depreciation, the value of the premises unlicensed, with £40 for the tenant.

Plough Cottage
This photo seems to have been taken soon after The Plough closed in 1909. The cart belongs to Frederick Brazier.

1911: Census
Horn Street, Plough Cottage, 7 rooms

Edward Walter Green Head married 17 years 43 Stud groom, domestic b. Somerton, Oxon
Matilda Green Wife married, 1 child 43   b. Eltisley, Cambs
Elsie Emily Green Daughter   9   b. Bicester

1914: Assessment (TNA, IR58/2347 no.124)
Situation              Horn Str
Description         Cottage & Stable             
Gross Value: Buildings   £14 - 15
Rateable Value: Buildings             £11 - 15
Occupier              Walter Green
Owner                  Leonard Strode Cobham, Western Cottage, Winslow, Bucks
Interest of Owner            Owner  Freehold
Occupier’s Tenancy, Term            Weekly                 from      1st Sept 1910
Actual Rent                         £12
Outgoings – Land Tax, 9/-          Paid by Owner
Who pays (a) Rates and Taxes (b) Insurance       }
Who is liable for repairs                                       }              Owner
Former Sales      Dates                    June 1910
Consideration                    £200
[stamp] SEP 30 1914
Particulars, description and note made on inspection     
Brick & Thatched Cottage
Drawing, sitting room & kitchen
3 bedrooms & attic
Brick & Slate Wash-house & coal-cellar
Brick & Wood & Slate 2 boxes & Loft over                                                    
225 sq yds                                                                                                                              
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition  £200
Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land
60’ front                                               2020 sq ft                                                                       £33
Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c.                £167

1920-24:  Kelly's Directory
Edward Walter Green, stud groom to Leonard Strode Cobham Esq. [of Western Lodge], Plough Cottage, Horn Street

1921: Census
Horn Street, 5 rooms

Edward Walter Green Head married 53y 6m Stud groom for Leonard Strode Cobham b. Somerton, Oxon
Matilda Green Wife married 53y 4m Home duties b. Eltisley, Cambs
Elsie Emily Green Daughter single 19y 7m Supplementary school teacher for Bucks County Council, Thornborough b. Bicester

2013: Plough Cottage advertised for sale for £650,000.

The photo below, provided by Michael Leonard, was taken in 1953.

Plough Cottage and Lace Cottage



Copyright 8 June, 2024