William Lowndes' 1709 notebook

Centre for Bucks Studies, D/X/1435

William Lowndes kept accounts and other notes in the blank pages of almanacks for 1679, 1693 and 1709 (and presumably for other years which haven't survived). One page of income and expenditure has been transcribed below. Winslow formed only a small part of the business recorded. Lowndes used shorthand for some of his notes, which hasn't yet been decoded (although it probably could be if someone really wanted to).

The income concerns Lowndes' land in Winslow which he hadn't handed over to his son, and mortgages which he held on property in Winslow. He lived at Chesham himself when not in London. Some of the tenants recorded here match those in Lowndes' 1722 list of tenants.


Bro' forwd 4039 4 0¾
11 July 1709 Rent of Ri Cox for rent 5 10 0
12 Rec(iev)ed p(er) Peter Lownds from Mr Giles for pt of a hay lock at Bradf(ord) 6 15 0
d(itt)o Rec(iev)ed of Dorcas Elliot for Inter(est) 1 0 0
d(itt)o Rec(iev)ed of Roger West rent 4 11 0
13 Rec(iev)ed of Tho Forster for Inter(est) 1 5 0
d(itt)o Reced of Robt Gibs for arrears of rent by allowance p(er) Contra 9 0 3½
M(emoran)d(um) he owed mee Still 33-9-2 ----------------------
4067 5 4¼


Bro' forwd 1489 10 10
7 July 1709 [shorthand writing] 0 6 0
d(itt)o a Buck fro(m) Hampton Court 1 1 6
d(itt)o pd mower at Chesh(am) 6 sh [shorthand] & 1-6d 0 7 6
9 [shorthand writing] 5 18 6
[shorthand writing] 0 5 0
11 Allowed Ri Cox Taxes 1 11 4
d(itt)o Fetching 7 loads stone from Thornb(orough) for farmy(ar)d 1 8 0
d(itt)o [ditto] 0 1 0
12 Allowd Peter Lownds Jun as p(er) his Acct & Acq. for haymaking Carr' &c of Bradford 2 - 14 - 9 9 7 4
A horse Comons he answered for packin 1 - 6 - 8
Car(t) 2 l(oa)ds tiles fro(m) Stukely for ye house 0 - 8 - 0
Car(t) 5 l(oa)ds Stone fro(m) Thornb(orough) for ye yard 1 - 0 - 0
for ye Grate in ye yard 0 - 2 - 6
For 42 loads Stone at Thorn(borough) 1 - 9 - 3
9 loads at Oving 0 -16- 0
Taxes and parish dutys for Bradford &c 0 -16- 0
Mr Hughs Ironmongers bill 0 - 7 - 2
Cart 2 loads Stone from Oving 0 - 7 - 0
[shorthand writing] 0 10 0
d(itt)o p(ai)d Mowen for bradford field &c 0 19 6
d(itt)o p(ai)d W Elliot cart 8 l(oa)d Stone fro(m) Thorn(borough 1 12 0
d(itt)o fetching 1 l(oa)d tiles fro(m) Stukely fo(r) ye barn 0 4 0
d(itt)o Allowed Rog(e)r West for Taxes 13-3¾ & 1- 0 0 14 3¾
[shorthand writing] 0 1 0
13 Allow(e)d Rob(er)t Gibs for my own Copy rents 7 - 6 - 3½ 9 0 3½
fine for 2 acr(es) late Whitings 0 - 4 - 0
Tithe hay at Bradford 1709 1 - 10 - 0
d(itt)o p(ai)d Tho: Deely work & Material for ye pond
1 - 8 - 0 2 3 6
p(ai)d him for ye like for ye Chancel 0 - 15 - 6
1524 1 6¾


Peter Lowndes sr was the cousin of William Lowndes' father.

Whitings: William Lowndes bought 2 acres from Thomas and Elizabeth Whiteing in 1708.

Chancel: Repairs to the chancel of the parish church are included in the Winslow Hall building accounts. The Lowndes vault was there.

See also:

Copyright 4 January, 2018