19 Market Square (The Bank)
The left side of the Bank replaced one of the two Church Houses at the entrance to the Churchyard. The right side is on the site of the house which belonged to the Gyles and Burnham families whose history is traced below.
The Bank site in 1891 after the demolition of the Burnhams' house
Evidence given in the 1677 Chancery case brought against William Gyles shows that the house had been occupied by:
- His father William Gyles (see below; baptised 1586, died after 1662) and grandfather William Gyles (buried 1615). The Gyleses were probably the copyholders, and sub-let parts of the house to the following:
- His uncle by marriage Samuel Rawlins (died after 1657), married in 1616 to Mary Gyles who was born in the house in 1595.
- Thomas Pitkin, husband of Mary Lowndes, who lived in the house c.1637-41.
- Abel Sear, probably the one who was buried in 1643; in 1638 William Gyles sold to Thomas Kirby a cottage called the Crown Corner in Abel Sear's occupation.
- John Finch, who wasn't living there after 1669.
1662: Manor court
William Giles sr and Ann his wife surrendered a messuage in Winslow with a parcel of pasture To the use of William Giles jr. Rent 9d. Plea of common recovery: all surrendered to William sr and Ann for their lives, then to William jr and Mary his wife and William's heirs in perpetuity.
1677: The Duke of Buckingham and his trustees took William Gyles to Chancery about his claim to sub-let market stalls in front of his house.
1682: Manor court, 26 April
William Gyles and Mary his wife surrendered a messuage with the Stalls in Winslow now in William's possession and 1 acre of pasture at Weston. To the use of William Gyles, son of William, and Sarah his wife for their lives, and their joint heirs.
1692: Manor court
Dispute between William Gyles jr and his neighbour Stephen Bigg about the "corner post below the house of William Gyles".
1693: Manor court
Stephen Bigg sells William Gyles his entry "fronting south on the Markett place", measuring 18 x 4 feet.
1694: Manor court
William Gyles jr
acquires from John and Dorcas Sear the reversion of the adjacent messuage in the occupation of Richard Ginger. It previously belonged to Ralph Doggett.
1713: 6 March
Will of William Gyles, Woollen Draper
He leaves:
- "All that Messuage Tenement wherein I now dwell with the Appurtenances thereof" to his son William after the decease of his wife Sarah
- "That that part of my house in which Richard Allen lately dwelt next the house of William Firth in Winslow aforesaid as the same was then and is now divided with One Bay of building standing behind the same and adjoining to the Churchyard with liberty of ingress egress and regress in and through the Entry under that part of my house late in the occupation of Richard Gibbs" to his daughter Grace after Sarah's decease
- "That part of my house in which Richard Gibbs lately dwelt in Winslow aforesaid adjoining to that part late in the occupation of Richard Allen as the same was then and is still divided" to his daughter Martha after Sarah's decease
1713: 20 Oct
Will of William Gyles, Woollen Draper (son of the above)
1714: Manor court
Sarah, Grace, Martha and Jane, sisters and co-heirs of William Gyles jr deceased, sought admission to ... a messuage late in the occupation of William Gyles their father which came into the lord's hands on the death of their father ...
1715: Manor court
Sarah Gyles, widow of William sr, gives the reversion after her death of the parlour and warehouse with rooms underneath and above (now in her own occupation) to her daughters Sarah, Grace and Jane (now married to Henry Langley). She gives the reversion of the messuages now in the occupation of herself, Ann Wyatt widow and Richard Newman (acquired from John and Dorcas Sear in 1694) to her daughter Grace and her heirs.
1718: Manor court
Henry Langley and Jane his wife surrender an undivided third of the reversion expectant on the decease of Sarah Gyles widow of a messuage late in her occupation and of the "warehouses", houses, outhouses, buildings. To the use of themselves and their heirs.
Between 1718 and 1733, Sarah Gyles jr (now Foster) must have surrendered her third to her sisters Grace (now Aldridge) and Jane Langley.
1726: death of Sarah Gyles sr
1732: Will of Thomas Aldridge, draper
He left to his son William "All that Moiety or part of the Messuage or Tenement in Winslow wherein I now dwell which I purchased of my Sister Langley"
1734: Manor court
Aldridge (nee Gyles) went through a procedure of common recovery for "two Mesuages scituate in the Markett Place of Winslowe now in the severall Occupations of Joseph Ray and Ann Wyatt widdow, their Undertenants or Assignes".
1741: Will of Grace Aldridge (proved 1742)
She left £300 to her son William on condition not to "disturb or any ways interrupt my son Thomas Allridge in the Quiet Enjoyment of one Moiety or half part of my now dwelling House scituate in Winslow aforesaid which was given \to/ him by my late Husbands Will".
Her own property, presumably including the other half of the house, was to be sold to pay her legacies; her son Thomas was the residuary legatee.
Her inventory mentions: 3 garrets, lodging-room with closet, bedchamber over the warehouse, middle room over the shop, best room, parlour, 1st-floor kitchen, 3 cellars, warehouse
adjoining the shop.
1744: Manor court
William Aldridge desired to be admitted to a moiety of a messuage which came into the lord's hands on the surrender to the use of the last will and death of Thomas Aldridge bearing date 28 Dec 1732.
Thomas Aldridge jr
and his brother William sold to George Southam sr of Barton Hartshorn "a messuage in Winslowe late in the occupation of Thomas the elder or his undertenant, with all liberties, yards, barns, stables, buildings and liberty to use the entry belonging to the house of Francis Collins with horses and otherways" - it's not clear if this is the same property, and/or if Francis Collins had already bought part of it.
At some point the property was acquired by Grace Aldridge's cousin William Gyles of London.
1758: 31 Oct
Will of William Gyles of St Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street, London, distiller
[I bequeath the] Copyhold messuage or tenement wherein my brother in law Francis Collins does now reside and dwell situate at Winslow in the County of Bucks which I have duly surrendered to the use of my will with all and every the outhouses stables and all and every the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Francis Collins his heirs and assigns for ever
1771: 11 March
Probate of the will of Francis Collins of Winslow, grocer
He bequeaths the copyhold messuage or tenement in the Market Square of Winslow wherein he dwelt to his servant maid Elizabeth Newborn
1771: 28 & 29 Oct (Centre for Bucks Studies, D/82/1/95)
Admission of Elizabeth Turner, wife of William Turner of Winslow, lace buyer, formerly Elizabeth Newborn, under the will of Francis Collins to:
All that messuage or tenement situate standing and being in or near the Market Square in the Town of Winslow in the tenure or occupation of the said Francis Collins
1780: 26 Oct (Centre for Bucks Studies, D/82/1/418)
Surrender: William Turner of Winslow lace buyer & Elizabeth his wife
Admission: Joseph Stephens
Mortgage of All that Messuage or tenement situate standing & being in or near the Market Square in the Town of Winslow aforesaid the in the tenure or occupation of the said William Turner
And also all that messuage or tenement situate standing & being near the Churchyard of Winslow aforesaid in the tenure or occupation of Grace Woolhead widow together with all houses outhouses edifices buildings barns stables yards backsides priviledges & appurtenances whatsoever
1781: Land Tax
Turner, William (owner & occupier): 9s 9½d
1786: Land Tax
Turner, William (owner & occupier): 10s 7¾d
1788: Royal and Sun Alliance fire insurance 11936/345/533775
19/ Midsr 1788 Wright B
William Turner of Winslow in Bucks Draper and Laceman On his now Dwelling House & Offices adjoining situated as aforesaid Brick & Tiled not exceeding two hundred and fifty pounds | 250 |
Household Goods therein only not exceeding Ninety pounds | 90 |
Utensils & Stock only therein not exceeding three hundred pounds | 300 |
Wearing Apparell therein only not exceeding ten pounds | 10 |
Stable and Woodhouse under one Roof near Brick & Tiles not exceeding fifty pounds | 50 |
Two Tenements adjoining separate in the Tenures of - Burn & others Thatched not exceeding sixty five pounds |
65 |
Barn only separate Thatched not exceeding ten pounds | 10 |
House & Barn adjoining separate in the Tenure of [blank] Prentice Thatched not exceeding twenty five pounds | 25 |
----- |
£800 |
1791: 31 March (Centre for Bucks Studies, D/82/3/238)
Surrender: William Turner of Winslow laceman & Elizabeth his wife
Admission: James Burnham the elder of Winslow gent
All that Messuage or tenement situate standing & being in or near the Market Square in the Town of Winslow aforesaid within the said manor late in the occupation of Francis Collins deceased now in the tenure or occupation of the said William Turner & Elizabeth Paxton widow
1792: Royal and Sun Alliance fire insurance 11936/379/586314 (Michaelmas)
William Turner of Winslow in the County of Bucks, Gent | |
On his household Goods in his now dwelling house & Kitchen adjoining Brick & tiled, situate as aforesaid not exceeding Eighty Pounds | 80 |
Wearing Apparel thein only not exceed{in)g twenty Pounds | 20 |
----- |
£100 |
11936/379/586332 | |
James Burnham of Winslow in the County of Bucks | |
On his house situate in Winslow aforesaid in the tenure of the Rev Edward Ash Brick & Tiled not exceeding two hundred & fifty p(oun)ds | 250 |
Tenement Stables & Woodhouse adjoining separate in the tenure of Widow Paston (private) Brick & Tiled not exceeding Fifty pounds | 50 |
Tenement situate in Northmarston \in the County/ aforesaid in the tenure of Ann Reading, thatch’d not exceeding Fifty pounds | 50 |
------- |
£350 |
1795: Land Tax
Burnham, James (owner); Mr Ashe (occupier): 10s 8½d
1798: Directory
Ashe, Rev. Edward F.
Burnham James (F.) attorney
1798: 29 & 30 Oct (Centre for Bucks Studies, D/82/3/20)
Surrender: James Burnham the elder of Winslow gent
Admission James Burnham the younger & Martha his wife for their lives, and to their children in such proportions as James the younger appoints
All that Messuage or tenement situate standing & being in or near the Market Square of Winslow aforesaid within the said manor late in the occupation of the Rev Edward Ashe and now in the tenure or occupation of James Burnham the younger
And also all those several inclosed closes pieces or parcels of meadow and pasture ground situate lying and being in the parish of Winslow aforesaid now in the tenure or occupation of Thomas Morecraft containing together 28 acres
At the 1844 manor court it was recorded that Elizabeth, wife of Rev John Miles of the Abbey Road, Saint Johns Wood, the surviving daughter of James Burnham the elder, had been admitted to the reversion of the messuage and land on the deaths of the children of James the younger, as the surrender of 1798 only gave them a life estate and she was the residuary legatee of James the elder. This was clearly the result of a separate legal dispute whose details were not given (see Burnham family).
It was presumably the Burnhams who changed the subdivided house described in William Gyles' will to this rather grand building which would have matched the Market House further to the right. The photo was taken c.1890, just before demolition.
1799, 1805, 1810, 1815, 1820, 1832: Land Tax
James Burnham jun (owner & occupier): 10s 8½d
1823: Directory
Burnham, James, Coroner, Market Square
1832 manor court
James Burnham gent on 25 June 1830 surrendered all the estate for life in a messuage in or near the Market Square late in the occupation of Rev. Edward Ashe, now of James Burnham or his undertenants, and all those inclosed closes of meadow and pasture sometime since in the occupation of Thomas Morecraft, late George Carpenter, then Thomas Jones containing together 28 acres.
Admission: George Parrott of Buckingham banker & William James Bailey of Shenley esq, for the trusts in an indenture of the same date.
1836: Bucks Herald, 16 April
MESSRS. BARTLETT, PARROTT and HEARN beg respectfully to inform their friends and the Public, that they are making arrangements for establishing an Office at WINSLOW where attendance will be given on Fairs and Market-Days (to commence on Wednesday, the 20th instant) and an agency for the accommodation of their customers on other days of the week.
14th April, 1836.
1837: Will of James Burnham the elder (late the younger) gent
1838: Church Rate Book
Burnham Mrs: house 5s 5½d
1840: Mrs Burnham 6d for garden near churchyard
1841: Census
Market Square
James | Burnham | 40 | Independent means | born in county |
Emily | do | 40 | do | not born in county |
Martha Burnham aged 65 had a separate household in the Market Square
1842: Directory
Burnham, Mr James, Market Square
Burnham, Mrs Martha, Market Square
1844: Church Rate Book
Burnham, Martha: house & gardens 4s 8¼ d
1849: Church Rate Book
Burnham, Martha: house Market Square 6s 3d
1850: Church Rate Book
Burnham, Harriet: house unocc
1851: Church Rate Book
Rickard William: house Market Square 4s 8¼d
1851: Census
Market Square
William | Rickard | Head | mar | 25 | Builder | b. Leighton Buzzard |
Charlotte | do | Wife | mar | 28 | Dress maker | b. Blisworth |
Theodore | Katzew[?] | Lodger | mar | 29 | Professor of music & language | b. Poland |
Anna | do | do | do | 29 | b. London | |
Harriet | Burnham | do | unm | 46 | House proprietor | b. Winslow |
Separate household | ||||||
Mary | Stevens | Head | unm | 32 | Milliner | b. Middle Claydon |
Sarah | do | Sister | do | 30 | do | do |
1853: Directory
Burnham, Miss Harriet, Market Square
Stevens Mary and Sarah, milliners and dressmakers, Market square
In June 1853, the Bucks Herald recorded that the Bucks & Oxon Union Bank had absorbed the Aylesbury and Thame Old Banks, Buckingham Bank (Bartlett, Parrott and Hearn) and Banbury Old Bank.
1854: Church Rate Book
Attenborough, Revd: House Market Square 4s 8¼d
Mary Stevens 2s 6d (changed to Sarah Stevens 1857, Susan Sharp 1859)
1854: Banbury Guardian, 28 Dec
Bucks and Oxon Union Bank, Winslow.
THE Public are respectfully informed that from and after the 1st of January, 1855, daily attendance will be given for Banking Business at the Office of the Bank, Market Place, Winslow.
By order of the Board of Directors, A. GARRIOCH, Secretary.
Bucks and Oxon Union Bank, Aylesbury, Dec. 30, 1854.
Bank Hours, from 9 till 4 for Market, and Fair Days from 9 till 5.
BEG to return their sincere thanks to the Inhabitants of WINSLOW, and their Friends generally, for the very liberal support conferred upon them in the MILLINERY and DRESSMAKING BUSINESS, carried on by them at Winslow for upwards of Twenty Years; and beg to inform their Friends and the Public that they intend DISSOLVING the PARTNERSHIP at LADY-DAY Next; after which time the business will be carried on, in all its branches, by SARAH STEVENS (assisted by competent persons), who hopes, by diligent attention to business, to merit a continuance of the favours so long enjoyed by herself and her sister.
M. and S. Stevens beg to inform the Public that, on and after Thursday, 1st March, 1855, their valuable stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods will be offered at prices considerably under prime cost, in order to dispose of them by the dissolution of partnership and that Sarah Stevens may commence, on the 25th March, with an entirely new stock.
M. and S. Stevens request that all demands against them may be sent in at once, in order to their immediate discharge; and also that all out-standing debts may be paid to them before Lady-day next. N.B. – An Assistant required in the Dressmaking department. Winslow, 22nd February, 1855.
1856: Church Rate Book
Bartlett & Parrott Esqs: House Union Bank 4s 8d
1861: Census
Market Square
Henry | Sharp | Head | unm | 27 | Surgeon's Assistant | b. Winslow |
Susannah | do | Sister | unm | 25 | Milliner & Dressmaker | do |
Mercy | do | Sister | unm | 17 | do | do |
Emily L. | do | Sister | 11 | Scholar | do |
1863: Church Rate Book
Bartlett & Co.: Bank 4s 8d
1864: Directory
Bucks & Oxon Union Bank Ltd (H.H. Waddington manager) (open on Wednesdays, Saturdays & fair days) Market Square; draw on Jones Lloyd & Co, London
1871: Census
Market Square
Thomas | Lowndes | Head | unm | 60 | No profession | b. Whaddon |
Ruth | Johnson | Servant | do | 40 | Domestic servant | b. Castle Ashby, Northants |
Annie | Lee | do | do | 21 | do | b. Whaddon |
1877: Directory
Bucks & Oxon Union Bank Ltd (H. Freegard manager) (open on Wednesdays & Saturdays from 11 till 4 & on fair days) Market Square; draw on London & Westminster Bank, London
1881: Census
Market Square
Thomas W.S. | Lowndes | Head | unm | 70 | Late Captain in the army | b. Whaddon |
Hannah | Gulliver | Servant | do | 46 | Housekeeper | b. Napton, Warws |
Annie | Edwards | do | do | 18 | General servant domestic | b. Titchmarsh, Northants |
1884: death of Thomas William Selby-Lowndes
1887: Directory
Bucks & Oxon Union Bank Ltd (H. Freegard manager) (open on Wednesdays & Saturdays from 11 till 4 & on fair days) Market Square; draw on London & Westminster Bank Ltd, London
1890: Buckingham Advertiser, 20 Dec
The Bucks and Oxon Bank has removed its locale from one side of Winslow Market Square to the other, and we understand that shortly a building is to be erected for it, that will be a credit to the town.
1891: Northampton Mercury, 16 Jan
THE BUCKS AND OXON BANK is temporarily transferred to premises the other side of the Market-Square [4 High Street - see photo, right], the present building being shortly to be pulled down and a larger and more commodious edifice to be erected.
1891: Buckingham Advertiser, 28 Feb, Board of Guardians
THE NEW BANK FOR WINSLOW.- The Clerk produced nine sectional plans of the proposed new Bucks and Oxon Bank to be erected in the Market Square at Winslow. The architects are Messrs. Ayres & Arden [=Ardron], Watford, and the building, which will be of an imposing appearance, will be of stone and brick, and covered with tiles.- It was decided to pass the plans, and also to allow Mr. Thomas Walker to erect a hoarding on the pavement, his tender for the demolition of the present building, and removal of materials having been accepted.- The question was asked as to how long the hoarding was likely to remain on the pavement, and it was replied that Mr. H. Freegard, the manager, desired to occupy the new buildings before the close of the year, but it was questioned whether he would be able to reside there before Lady-day, 1892.
Charles P. Ayres also designed Watford Cottage Hospital.
1891: Directory
Bucks & Oxon Union Bank Ltd (H. Freegard manager) (open on Wednesdays & Saturdays from 11 till 4 & on fair days) Market Square; draw on London & Westminster Bank Ltd, London
The badge of the Bucks & Oxon Union Bank can still be seen on the Bank |
The wall of 21 Market Square was opened up for the first time |
1891 Census: not listed
Mr Henry Fregard was the Manager of the “new” bank during the early years but was promoted to be manager of the Buckingham branch at the end of 1895. He was succeeded at Winslow by Mr. G.W. Bull, formerly at Aylesbury. The managership in Winslow before Mr Fregard was notable for several deaths in office.
1892: Bucks Herald, 20 Feb
THE NEW BANK – The new Bucks and Oxon Bank, although scarcely completed, was opened for business on Wednesday [17 Feb]. It is undoubtedly the best looking building in town.
1892: Buckingham Express, 2 April
To celebrate the opening of the new Bucks and Oxon Bank a luncheon was given by the Directors at the Bell Hotel on Monday, when Host Neal provided a capital spread.- Mr. Cobb, one of the Directors, occupied the chair, and Mr. T. C. Hudson, secretary, the vice-chair. There was a large company present, including Dr. Vaisey, Dr. Kennish, Messrs. T. P. Willis, G. D. E. Wigley, H. Bullock, H. Freegard (Manager), Ayres (Architect), Mayor (Hemel Hempstead), Williams (Manager Aylesbury Branch), T. D. Curtis, W. J. Viccars, Mr. Webster, A. [=W.?] Monk, C. Colgrove, G. Ellis, W. Carter; W. Wise, Clerk of the Works: M. S. Lowndes, E. White (Swanbourne), L. C. Maydon (Mursley), O. J, King (Whaddon), J. Monk (Tattenhoe), W. Weston (Adstock), H. Tomes (East Claydon), E. J. French, A. Monk, F. Dancer, S. Jones, H. Monk, J. Hathaway, A. G. Stevens (Winslow)…
The new premises are situate in the Market-place, adjoining the Post-office, and stand upon the site of the old bank and an adjoining house, these being pulled down early in last year by Mr. Thos. Walker, who cleared the site for the erection of the new building. The front elevation of the new building is faced with red bricks with stone dressings, Bristol Blue Pennant being the stone used for plinths, steps, &c., to entrance, cills of bank windows, &c., and Newbiggin red stone from Messrs. Pawson’s, of Morley, fort all other stonework. The bank entrance has stone pilasters with carved caps and moulded bases and pedestals; over these pilasters are moulded trusses and consoles, which carry a balcony with wrought ornamental iron grating around same. The doorway is fitted with oak frame and massive oak panelled doors… Over the bank entrance rises an octagonal turret finished with steep roof with dome cornice at eaves… [technical description omitted]
The style of architecture is of an English Renaissance character, freely and boldly treated. The elevation to churchyard is faced with red bricks and stonework dressings of simple design. The ground floor consists of bank entrance lobby, from which is entered the banking room, which is a spacious, lofty apartment some 23ft. by 20ft. and 12ft. high. This room is lighted by three large semi-circular headed windows. The floor is of Wainscot oak, and the floor over is fireproof. The fittings are carried out in pitch pine and American whitewood framing, moulded in mahogany, the counter tops and desks being in mahogany. The entrance doors to bank lobby, &c., are in English oak, and all the other joinery is to match the fittings. Immediately behind the bank is the Manager’s room, divided by a glazed screen from a passage which leads to the strong room. This room is fitted up with slate shelves, with Chubb’s strong room door and grille. Adjoining, for the use of officials, is a lavatory and W.C. At the rear, facing the garden and churchyard, is the morning room, hall, kitchen, &c., the entrance to this part of the premises being through a forecourt with ornamental iron railings and gate on front to the right of bank entrance. On the first floor are situated the dining and drawing rooms, two bedrooms, bath room, lavatory, W.C., China store, &c.; and on the second floor are four bedrooms, tank room, W.C., housemaid’s sink, linen stores. Under the banking room is an extensive cellar, fitted with racks for books, &c., and adjoining, but entirely separate from the former, are coal and keeping cellars, larders, &c…The building was designed and carried out under the superintendence of Mr. C. P. Ayers, of Watford, architect, and Mr. W. Wise acted most efficiently as clerk of the works. This is the fourth new building erected by Mr. Ayres during the last five years for the Bucks and Oxon Union Bank, Limited.
Unfortunately, the work done in demolishing the old buildings and servicing the new building work from the Market Square damaged the pavement along this side of the Square. For 17 years or more there were complaints about the condition of the pavement round to Ezra Braggins' shop. Disputes over where responsibility lay inhibited the repairs.
1895: Buckingham Advertiser, 7 Dec
The Committee of the Winslow Bowling Green took the opportunity of combining their annual dinner with a complimentary dinner to one of their members, Mr. Harry Freegard, who has for the last one-and-twenty years been manager of the Branch Bank at Winslow, but has just left to take charge of the Buckingham Bank. The dinner was held at the Bell Hotel, on Monday evening last, and was largely attended. Mr. H. Bullock presided, as senior steward of the Bowling Green.
1898: Bucks Herald, 22 Jan
Mr. G.W. Bull, the Winslow manager, has been promoted to Stony Stratford, and is succeeded at Winslow by Mr. J.R. Swain, from the Banbury branch.
1899: Kelly's Directory
Bucks & Oxon Union Bank Ltd (branch) (J.R. Swain manager) (open daily from 10 till 4 on market & fair days; Thursday 10 till 1) Market Square; draw on London & Westminster Bank Ltd, London E.C.
1901: Census
Bank House
Joseph Ridgway | Swain | Head | mar | 35 | Bank Manager | b. Radclive, Bucks |
Florence | do | Wife | mar | 42 | b. Dorking | |
Francis Joseph | do | Son | 8 | b. Grimsbury, Northants [Oxon] | ||
Dorothy Mary | do | Daughter | 6 | do | ||
Edith | Warner | Servant | single | 30? | Housemaid | b. Winslow |
1901: Buckingham Advertiser, 29 June
Sad Death of Mr. J. R. Swain.
It is with the deepest possible regret we have to record the sudden death of Mr. Joseph Ridgway Swain, who was well-known and highly esteemed by many of our readers, indeed, by all with whom he was in any way connected. He was a son of the late Mr. Alfred C. Swain, of Radclive, near Buckingham, and was clerk in the Buckingham Branch of the Bucks and Oxon Union Bank. He was appointed chief clerk in the branch of the Bank at Banbury, and married Miss Appleby, of Dorking. On the appointment of Mr. Bull from Winslow to the Stony Stratford branch, he was appointed manager at Winslow. He was of a very retiring and quiet disposition, and as we have said, was highly esteemed by one and all. On Friday afternoon he rode over to the Buckingham Branch and saw Mr. Freegard, and on riding back he called to see his mother, Mrs. Swain, who resides at Padbury. He resumed the ride on the bicycle to Winslow, and entered the cricket field, which is situate near the Buckingham entrance, about 7.30, and did a little batting and bowling, and shortly before 8, as he was about to stoop to pick up a ball, he fell backwards, and expired immediately, the cause of death being attributed to a sudden failure of the heart’s action. The sad event has caused a deep gloom in the town, and neighbourhood, and much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Swain and the two children.
…Stanley Midgley said: I am a solicitor’s clerk and live at Winslow. I knew the deceased J. R. Swain, and have seen him several times in the bank, and he was in the habit of coming to cricket in the field. I was in the cricket field last evening with H. Ray and Reynolds. About 7.30 the deceased came to the field. When he was coming down the field he said “How is the field tonight?” and I said “A little bit bumpy, as usual.” I also said, “Won’t you put your pads on?” and he said “I am not very particular.” About two or three minutes after that he went towards the nets and took his hat and coat off and put the leg guards on. Then he began to bat. He was batting about ten minutes. While he was batting Medrington came up and deceased said “I think you had better put your pads on.” I went in and Ray and Reynolds were bowling. Medrington asked deceased if he would bowl, and he said “I don’t mind for a minute or two.” I daresay he bowled about a dozen times. Just after he and Ray had bowled, Medrington, who was batting, bowled the ball back to them, and then the deceased stooped to stop the ball, and when it was within about four yards of him he fell backwards and put out both his arms. The ball was being bowled along the ground back to him. I was about 12 yards from him when I saw him fall…
1902: The Bucks & Oxon Union Bank is taken over by Lloyds Bank. The premises were valued at £3,500 (see below).
This photo from 1905 shows the Bank already covered with creeper, and the Old Post Office to the left still standing
1910: Valuation 202
Lloyds Bank Co: Mayor, Robt house & bank Market Square
1911: Directory
Lloyds Bank Ltd (Branch) (E.R. Mayor manager) (open daily 10 to 4, market days 10 to 5; Thurs 10 to 1) Market Square; draw on head office, 71 Lombard Street London E.C.
In June 1911 the Bank was illuminated for the celebrations of George V's coronation
1911: Census
Lloyds Bank
Edward Robert | Mayor | Head | mar | 45 | Bank Manager | b. Buckingham |
Ada Christine | Mayor | Wife | mar | 41 | married 21 years, 1 child | b. Hemel Hempstead |
Daisy | Hamp | Servant | single | 24 | General servant | b. Winslow |
By this meeting of the Staghounds outside the Bank in Feb 1912, the Old Post Office had been demolished and the St Laurence Room gates built.
1914: Assessment (TNA, IR 58/2349)
Assessment no.202
Situation Market Sq
Description Bank Premises & Dwelling House
Gross Value: Land £100
Rateable Value: Land £80
Occupier Lloyds Bank Ltd.
Owner The Secretary, Lloyds Bank Ltd. Birmingham
Interest of Owner Freehold
Outgoings - Land Tax, £3 – 2 - 6
Former Sales Dates July 18th 1902
Consideration £3,500
Site Value Deductions claimed Yes
[stamp] 30 NOV 1914
Particulars, description and note made on inspection
Brick & Slate Bank Premises & Residence
2 Floor 4 bed W.C. & House Maid ?Closet
1 Floor 2 Bed Bath H&C W.C. Din & Draw Room
Ground Floor Breakfast Room Kit Scul Pantry Cellar
Bank Managers Room, Strong Room
& General Office 20 x 23 ft
11 Poles 29 yards
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition £2700
Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land 361 yards @ 10/- = 180 10/- per sq yd £180
Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c. £2520
Description of Buildings [plan]
6 Bedrooms
Din 14 x 16
Draw 15’3” x 16
Bed 16’4½ x 13
Bed 13 x 15
Bed 5 11’9” x 14’4½
Bed 6 16 x 13
Bed 3 16’4½ x 13
Bed 4 16 x 15
1920: Directory
Lloyds Bank Ltd (Branch) (E.R. Mayor manager) (open daily 9 to 3, Thurs 9 to 12) Market Square; draw on head office, 71 Lombard Street London E.C
1921: Census
9 rooms
Edward Robert | Mayor | Head | married | 55y 1m | Bank Manager, Lloyds Bank | b. Buckingham |
Ada Christine | Mayor | Wife | married | 50y 7m | b. Hemel Hempstead | |
Clement Frank | Mayor | Son | single | 29y 7m | Farming, Hoggeston | b. Boxmoor, Herts |
Nellie | Heritage | Servant | single | 18y 1m | Domestic servant (private) | b. Great Horwood |
Dorothy | Heritage | Servant | single | 15y 10m | Domestic servant (private) | b. Great Horwood |
The Women's Institute take part in George V's Silver Jubilee celebrations outside the Bank, 1935
1939: Directory
Lloyds Bank Ltd (Branch) (Fredk H. Foster manager) (open daily 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. to 12 noon) 19 Market Square; head office, 71 Lombard Street London E.C. 3
2013: Lloyds Bank Winslow branch becomes TSB.
2021: TSB closes its Winslow branch on 21 April.