Register of electors for Bucks, 1831

Name Abode Voted for
Bowler William Winslow Smith, Grenfell
Dover John Winslow Chandos
Highton Edward Leicester Smith, Grenfell
Jones George Winslow Smith, Grenfell
Maydon George Winslow Chandos
Mayne Richard Winslow Smith, Grenfell
Morecraft John Wing Smith, Grenfell
Preedy Rev. James Winslow Smith, Grenfell

Winslow had remarkably few electors because you had to have freehold property, and nearly all property in Winslow was copyhold.

The candidates and overall result (the first two were elected) were:

9 May 1831 Marquis of Chandos 1594
  John Smith 1284
  Pascoe Grenfell  820

This was the first contested election for Bucks since 1784 (usually one Whig and one Tory was returned unopposed). Chandos, later 2nd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, stood as a Tory; Smith (brother of Lord Carrington) and Grenfell were Whigs who supported the Reform Bill. This was the last general election before the Reform Act changed the franchise.

For more on the constituency and this election see History of Parliament.

Copyright 20 February, 2018