Will of Thomas Tomlyn, 1558

Herts RO 1AW114

anno domini mdlviijo xjo die mensis octobris

In dei nomine amen  I Thomas Tomlyn sicke in body & whole in mynde do make yis my last wyll & testament in man(ner) and forme foloyng  fyrst I bequeth my soule to almyghty god & my body to be buryed in ye church porche of Saynt Laurence in Wynslow  It(em) to ye mother church of saynt albans iiij d  It(em) to [deletion] \her[?] dawter {of}/ church iiij d  It(em) to ye Reparacyons of my p(ar)ryshe churche ij boshells wheat & ij boshells malt  It(em) a quart(er) wheat to be gyven amongst  ye pov(er)tye of ye same p(ar)ryshe  It(em) I wyll that Alys my wyfe shal have my hows callyd Davys[?] w(ith) ye land & purtenance durying her naturall lyfe & aft(er) her decesse to Rob(er)t my son \and/ his eyres  It(em) I gyve to Alys \my wyfe/ iiij oxen ye beste & iij hors and marys & one colte ye beste  It(em) to Wylli(a)m my son ij oxen & ye redde bullocke w(ith) yokys & chaynes ij hors or marys and ij colts next ye beste a potte & a pan next ye best iij paire of shets a shod carte & a plow w(ith) all thyngs necessessary thereto belongyng next ye best  It(em) iij kyen ij bullocks xx shepe next ye best a yong sowe & ij shotys a bed & all belongyng therto iij quart(er)s whete & rye iij quart(er)s barley iij quart(er)s beanys a heycocke in ye home close ye byggyst iiij pecys of pewt(er) next ye best ij potengers & a candelstycke  It(em) I gyve to ye sayd Wyll(ia)m my son my copye holde at Shypton  It(em) to Rob(er)t my son ij oxen & xx shepe  It(em) to Jone my dowghter x li & ij kyen  It(em) to ev(er)y of my god chyldren iiij d  It(em) to John Dawys xl d & ij copples  It(em) to John Tod a shepe \& a h[illegible] calfe/  It(em) to Will(ia)m Lane a bosshell of whete  It(em) to Agnes Shelton a ewe & a la(m)be to Alys Shelton a lambe  The resydue of my goods moveable & on moveable I gyve & bequeth to Alys my wyffe whome I make my sole executrix  It(em) I make Thom(a)s Tomlyn Rob(er)t Elyot John Cowper & Anthony Wendylboro ov(er)seers of thys my last wyll to see ytt truly p(er)formed and they to have for theyr paynes ev(er)y of them v s  wyttnes to thys p(re)sent wyll Rob(er)t Webbe Wyll(ia)m Lane & Nycholas Geffes w(ith) other

[Latin] probatum xixo die mensis Decembris Anno Domini 1558 coram magistro Jacobo Dugdall archidiaconum &c commissaque fuit administratio &c [illegible] primitus in persona Robarti Eliot procuratoris sui Jurat’ &c

m(emoran)d(um) that he is assigned to make an obligacion &c before the xxth[?] day of Christmas

Inventory of Thomas Tomlyn 1558

Herts RO A25/368

The inventory of all the goods w(hic)h Thomas Tomlyn had at ye tyme of his death wh(o) deceassed  ye xxviith of Novembre Octobre a(nn)o D(omi)ni 1558

In primis viij oxen p(ri)sed att
xij li
Ite(m) x kyne
viij li
Ite(m) vij calves
xxviij s
Ite(m) Cxxxij shepe
ix li
Ite(m) iij coltes
iij li
Ite(m) v horse & mares
v li
Ite(m) ij sucking colts
x s
Ite(m) xvij hoggs and pyggs
xxxiij s iiij d
Ite(m) yn wheate & barley
xiij li
Ite(m yn beans & otes
vij li xij s
Ite(m) yn haye
iiij li
Ite(m) ij carts, ij ploughes & other things therto belonginge
v li
Ite(m) yn wood
xx s
Ite(m ij Dungcarts ij payer of harrowse, hurdles & a rake
xxxiij s
In ye chamber
In primis one featherbed, iij bolstars ij mattress v coverlets xxij payer of shetes iiij blanketts iij pyllowes iiij bedsteades
iiij li x s
Ite(m) iij Cofers, pay(n)ted clothes and a Presse & his apparrell
xlij s
Ite(m) x yeards of woollen clothes
xiij s iiij d
Ite(m) iiij table clothes, iij towells and a napkin
vj s viij d
In ye haule & kitchen
In primis yn brasse & pewter
lj s
Ite(m) old cubbords, ij tables, ij forms, vi stowles, ij cheares, ij pay(n)ted clothes, viii cusshyins
xx s
Ite(m) a spytt, a payre of cobyrons a gospan a frying pan a payre of pothangyngs
iiij s iij d
Ite(m) a quearne a payre of bellowes and a fyer forke
viij s
Ite(m) yn barrells, tubs dysshes and trenchars
xiij s iiij d
Ite(m) xij hennes and a cocke, vii ducks and a drake
vi s
Ite(m) x capons
iij s
S(um)ma total(is) lxxxv li xiiij s iiij d

[Latin] Exhibitum et approbatum xixo Die Decembris Anno Domini 1558

[signed] J[?] Easte[?]


Alice Tomlyn the widow died in 1560; her will shows that she was not the mother of Thomas' elder son William. Robert and Joan the younger children were still under age in 1560.

shotys, i.e. shoots = litters of pigs

copple, i.e. couple, a ewe with a lamb (OED)

gospan = goose-pan, a large stew-pan (OED)



Copyright 5 June, 2012