Winslow Hall and the Lowndes family

Winslow Hall was built by William Lowndes in 1700 - the first time Winslow had had a "manor house". The Lowndes were a prominent family in Winslow from the late 16th century (possibly descended from a family from Overton, Cheshire; they first appear in Winslow in the 1570s, and a Geoffrey Lowndes was vicar of Swanbourne from 1565). Click on the image below for the pedigree published in Lipscomb's History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham (1847; vol.3 p.544). The notes below begin with William's grandfather William and father Robert. The Angel was at the corner of Sheep Street and the Market Square, opposite The Bell.

Pedigree of the Lowndes family1610: Schedule of tenants
William Lowndes the Angell 94 acres of land
One ancient shop in the market place

This William Lowndes was the eldest surviving son of Robert Lowndes, d.1602, brother of Thomas Lowndes, d.1622, and father of Robert. He styled himself "gentleman" by 1651.

1651: Manor court
Surrender: William Lowndes
Admission: Robert Lowndes and Elizabeth his wife, and on failure of issue to Wendover Lowndes:
Angell with 93 acres of land

1652, 19 Nov
William son of Robert Lowndes baptised at Winslow.
"My own mother was the daughter of Anne one of the daughters of Mr Peter Fige the elder above named by Mr John Fitzwilliam" (William Lowndes). [According to the Visitation of Bucks this should be Elizabeth rather than Anne.]

1654, 27 March: Manor court
Robert Lowndes mortgages 25 acres of land to James Spencer of Ivinghoe for £151 5s.

1654, 28 May (proved 1657): Will of William Lowndes of Winslow yeoman
Leaves to his son Robert: All moveable goods which are mine at or in the house called the Angell in Winslow.
To his son Wendover: All my working tooles and all the plough timber in the chamber over the shopp and all the iron in the shid.

1654, 28 July: Manor court
Robert Lowndes mortgages The Angel and 9 acres of land to Richard Edmondes of Westminster for £283.

1660, 3 Sep
Birth of Rebecca, daughter of Robert Lowndes. She married John Wyatt of Shipton and died in 1695, leaving 3 children.

1664: Robert Lowndes v Henry Wyatt, concerning an attempt to invest in sheep in Cheshire.

1664: TNA, KB27/1862/240 (Easter Term)
[summarised from Latin]
In last Hilary Term came before the Lord King at Westminster William Seawell gent by Thomas Stane his attorney and brought his bill against Robert Lownes otherwise called Robert Lownes of Winslow yeoman in the custody of the Marshalsea on a plea of debt.
London. William Seawell gent complains against Robert Lownes on a plea that he should render to him £20 of lawful money which he owes him and unjustly withholds. Robert on 7 March 1659 at London in the parish of St Mary le Bow in the ward of Cheape London by his writing obligatory sealed with his seal now shown to this court bearing the same date acknowledged himself to be bound to William in £20 to be paid when it should be required.  Robert although often required has not yet paid the £20 to William but has refused and still refuses, to a loss to William of £10.  Up to this day, namely the Wednesday after the quindene of Easter, Robert had licence in the bill to imparl.  Now came William by his attorney, and Robert although solemnly required did not come but committed default and went undefended.  Therefore it was considered that William should recover his debt against Robert and 21s damages.  Robert was amerced.

1664: Manor court
Surrender: Robert Lowndes and Elizabeth his wife
Admission: Andrew Campion
Messuage or tenement in Winslow called the Angell

1666: Manor court
Surrender: Andrew Campion, Robert Lowndes and Elizabeth his wife
Admission: William Emerton of Alberry Herts gent
Messuage or tenement, shop, barn, stables, buildings, yard called the Angell

Winslow Hall from Home Close
This postcard of Winslow Hall was posted by Lady Tomkins the owner in 1962

1667: case of debt in King's Bench against Robert Lowndes (TNA, KB27/1887/715dorse)
It appears that Robert Lowndes had already sold the land to Thomas Tunn (at a manor court whose records are not preserved) and was now renting it back from him (read more).
[summarised from Latin]
Bucks.  In Michaelmas Term [1666] before the lord King at Westiminster came Thomas Tunn by Arthur Kettleby his attorney and brought his bill against Robert Lounds in custody of the Marshal of the Marshalsea on a plea of debt.  He pleaded that Robert should render to him £15 which he owes him and unjustly withholds.  Thomas on 29 October 14 Charles II [1662] by his indenture made at Aylesbury between himself Thomas Tunn citizen & “cloth worker” in the parish of St Bride’s London on the one part and Robert Lowndes of Winslowe “yeoman” on the other part, of which indenture Thomas produced here in court one part sealed by Robert’s seal with the same date, for a consideration mentioned in the indenture demised, granted and handed over to farm to Robert and his assigns a piece of arable land, pasture and meadow then in the occupation of Thomas or his assignes, in the parish of Winslowe in a place called Bradford Furlong and known by the name of Bradford Peece, containing by estimate 8 acres, with all profits and appurtenances, to have and hold to Robert from Michaelmas then last past for a full term of three years, and so from three years to three years, in English “one three yeares” immediately following another, for a full term of 21 years, rendering annually during the term to Thomas, his heirs and assigns £3 15s at Lady Day and Michaelmas in equal instalments. By virtue of the demise Robert entered and was possessed and still is possessed.  And because the said £15 of the rent for four years to Michaelmas 18 Charles II [1666] was due and is still unpaid, an action accrued to Thomas to ask for and have the £15 from Robert.  Robert although often required has not yet rendered the £15 to Thomas but compeltely refuses, to a loss for Thomas of £10.  And therein he produced his suit.
  Now on the Wednesday after the octave of St Hillary [1667], up to which date Robert had licence to respond to the bill, came before the lord King at Westminster both Thomas by his attorney and Robert by Thomas Harborne his attorney.  Robert defended the force and injury.  Thomas sought that Robert should respond to his account.  Robert’s attorney said that he was not informed by Robert his client of any response thereon, nor said anything in bar or preclusion of Thomas’ action.  Thomas remains unanswered by Robert.  Therefore it was considered that Thomas should recover the debt and 51s damages both by occasion of the withholding of the debt and for his expenses and costs, which was adjudged by the court with the King’s assent.  And Robert was amerced.

1667: Mortgage by Robert Lowndes (Centre for Bucks Studies, BAS 376/22 no.15)
25° die Octobris 1667
Memorand(um) the day and yeare above written Robert Lowndes Sonne of Wiliam Lowndes dec(ease)d which said Robert is one of the Customary Tennants of the Mannor of Winslow aforesaid did surrender out of Court into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor aforesaid by the hands of his Steward in the p(re)sence of Thomas Godwyn and Robert Benbow two of the Customary Tenants of the said Manor according to the Custome of the said Mannor Six Ridges of Arrable Land containing by estimation three Acres more or lesse lying in Demerumfeild of Winslow afores(ai)d at a place or furlong called over Weston Thomas Robinsons land lying West And Three ridges lying in Sheepcott Furlong Edmund Paxton South And Five ridges lying over Claydon way in Demerumfeild aforesaid And one throughout shooting into Demerum the Land of Will(ia)m Spooner East together with all hades Baulks & Furrowes Thereunto belonging To the use and behoofe of John Daniell of Thame in the County of Oxon Haberdasher & his heyres for ever provided always & upon Condicon That if the said Robert Lownes his heires Exec(uto)rs or Adm(inistrato)rs or any of them do pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Daniell his Exec(uto)rs or Administ(rato)rs or assignes at or in the now dweling house of the s(ai)d John Daniell in Thame aforesaid the Sume of Fourty pounds of lawfull money of England & Consideracon money for the for bearance hereof after the rate of Six pounds P(er) Cent \from/  the Feast of St Michaell last past one week before the next Court Leet & Baron to be holden for the said Manor then this Surrender to be void
                                                               [signed] Robert Lownds

[endorsement] March 16 1667
Memorand(um) I John Daniell doe acknowledge that I have rec(eive)d the Sume of Fourty pounds w(i)thin Specyfied & doe her with the  Interest thereof and doe hereby acquitt and discharge the s(ai)d Robert Lowndes his heyres Exec(uto)rs & Administ(rato)rs
                                                                                                Witnes my hand
                                                                                                                John Daniell
Witnesse hereto
Rich(ard)[?] Nash
Tho(mas) Godwyn

1667: Lowndes notes (Centre for Bucks Studies, D/LO 4/2)
"I who in the year 1667 came from Winslow the place of my birth to the city to abide there...." (William Lowndes)

1668: case of debt in King's Bench against Robert Lowndes (TNA, KB27/1895/407)
[summarised from Latin]
Bucks.  In Michaelmas Term last [1667] before the lord King at Westminster came William Porter by Arthur Kettleby his attorney and brought his bill against Robert Lowndes in custody of the Marshal of the Marshalsea on a plea of debt, that Robert should render to him £4 17s which he owes him and unjustly withholds.  Robert on 1 October 19 Charles II [1667] at Aylesbury was lent £4 17s by William, to be repaid when required.  Robert although often required has not yet paid and refuses to pay, to a loss for William of £5, and therein he produces suit.
  On the Thursday after the octave of St Hillary [1668], up to which day Robert had licence to respond to the bill, came William by his attorney, and Robert by Henry Wells his attorney.  And William sought that Robert should reply to his account.  The attorney said that he was not informed by Robert his client of any response, and said nothing in bar or preclusion of William’s action, but William remained unanswered.  Therefore it was considered that William should recover the debt and 40s for his damages and costs and expenses sustained in his action.  And Robert was amerced.

1668: case of debt in King's Bench against Robert Lowndes (TNA, KB27/1902/27)
[summarised from Latin]
Bucks.  On Friday three weeks after Michaelmas [1668] before the lord King at Westminster came Richard Shreeve by Richard Emery his attorney and brought his bill against Robert Lownds in custody of the Marshal of the Marshalsea on a plea of debt.   He pleads that Robert should render to him £40 which he owes him and unjustly withholds. Robert on 20 October 20 Charles II [1668] at Winslowe made account with Richard about various sums of money owed by Robert to Richard before that time and unpaid.  On the account Robert was found to be in arrears to Richard in £40 to be paid to Richard when required.  However Robert, although often required did not pay the £40 but refused to pay and still refuses, to a loss to Richard of £40.  And therein he produces suit.
  And Robert by John Marshe his attorney came and defended the force and injury.  And Richard sought that Robert should respond to his account.  The attorney said that he was not informed by Robert his client of any response and said nothing in bar or preclusion of Richard’s action.  Richard remained unanswered.  It was considered that Richard should recover the debt and 41s damages which he sustained both by the action for withholding debt and for his expenses and costs, which the lord King adjudged.  And Robert was amerced.

1668: case of debt in King's Bench against Robert Lowndes (TNA, KB27/1902/556dorse)
[summarised from Latin]
Last Trinity Term [1668] before the lord King at Westminster came John Carrington by John Powell his attorney and brought his bill against Robert Lownds of Winslow “inholder” in custody of the Marshal of the Marshalsea on a plea of debt.   He pleads that Robert should render to him £110 which he owes him and unjustly withholds. Robert on 20 November 19 Charles II [1667] at Winslow by his writing obligatory sealed with his seal, now shown in court, bound and firmly obliged himself to John in £110 to be paid when required. However John [sic], although often required did not pay the £110 to John but refused to pay and still refuses, to a loss to John of £20.  And therein he produces suit.
  And now on this day, Friday 3 weeks after Michaelmas, up to which date Robert had licence to answer the bill, John came before the lord King at Westminster by his attorney.   And Robert, although solemnly called, did not come but committed default and said nothing in bar or preclusion of John’s action.  John remained unanswered.  It was considered that John should recover the debt and 23s 4d for damages which he sustained both by the action for withholding debt and for his expenses and costs, which the lord King adjudged.  And Robert was amerced.

1669: case of debt in King's Bench against Robert Lowndes (TNA, KB27/1912/431dorse)
[summarised from Latin]
On the Saturday 3 weeks after Michaelmas [1669] before the lord King at Westminster came Mary Hardy widow by John Saunders her attorney and brought her bill against Robert Loundes in the custody of the Marshal of the Marshalsea on a plea of debt, that he should render to her £5 10s 4d which he owed her and unjustly withholds.  Robert on the last day of August 20 Charles II [31 Aug 1668] at Alisbury made account with Mary about various sums which he owed her, and on the account he was in arrears to her in £5 10s 4d, to be paid to her when required.  Although often requested he refused and continues to refuse to pay, to a loss for Mary of £3.  And she produced suit.
  Robert by Thomas Harborne his attorney came and defended the force and injury.  Mary sought that he should reply to her account.  The attorney said that he was not informed by Robert his client of any response, nor anything to say in bar or preclusion of Mary’s action, by which she remained unanswered.  Therefore it was considered that Mary should recover her debt and 46s 8d for her damages both in her action of withholding debt and for her expenses and costs.  And Robert was amerced.

1669: Robert & Elizabeth Lowndes v Thomas & Hannah Faldoe
A case concerning wine supplied to The Angel by a London cooper up to 1665, part of Robert's financial troubles.

1670: John Hobbs v Robert Lowndes for £40 debt

1670: Manor court
Surrender: Robert Lowndes and his wife
Admission: Edward Palmer of London wine cooper
All interest of Robert Lowndes and Elizabeth his wife in the Angell Inn

1678: Manor court (Centre for Bucks Studies, BAS 376/22 no.42)
4 Oct 1678.  The steward presented a surrender taken by him out of court on 25 April last by Edward Palmer and Susanna his wife of all arable land, meadow, pasture and grassland containing 72 acres, formerly the customary land of Robert Loundes now or late of Winslow gent, previously surrendered or otherwise alienated by Robert to the use of Edward Palmer and his heirs in perpetuity, now or late in the occupation of William Townesend, his subtenants or assigns.  To the use of William Loundes of the parish of St Martin in the Fields Scrivener, Robert’s sons.  William sought to be admitted.  Rent 18s, fine fine £7 4s.
[William Lowndes recorded that he paid £518 to recover his father's land]

1679: William Lowndes' first known appointment in the Treasury

1679, 26 Oct
William Lowndes married Elizabeth Harsnett at St Martin in the Fields, Westminister

1680: marriage settlement (Centre for Bucks Studies, BAS 376/22 no.47)
12 April 1680. The steward presented a surrender made out of court on 2 Jan last by William Loundes gent. of all his customary lands within the manor containing 101 acres, in the several occupations of William Townesend sr, Peter Stutsbury and Thomas Tomlyn or their assigns (except for 1 selion, parcel of 2 acres lying near the house of William Elliott, namely the selion next to the highway between Winslow and Shipton).  To the following uses: to William Loundes’ use for his life, then to Elizabeth his wife for her life for her jointure and in place of her dower or “thirds” by common law.  After the death of both, to the use of the heirs male of their bodies, or for default of such issue to the heirs male of William, or for default of such issue to William’s daughter or daughters for life.  After the decease of such daughters, and in default of such issue, to William’s father Robert Lounds and his sister Rebecca for their lives.  After their deaths, the 29 acres now in the possession of Peter Stutsbury and Thomas Tomalyn to the use of Thomas Loundes, William’s brother on the father’s side, and his heirs male (for default of such issue, the 29 acres as follows).   Concerning all the premisses, after the deaths of Robert and Rebecca, to the use of William’s relative Wendover Loundes and his heirs male.  For default of such issue, to Wendover’s brother Edmund Loundes and his heirs male.  For default of such issue, to William’s rightful heirs in perpetuity.
15 Oct 1680 (court held by appointees of Nicholas Goodwyn gent.)  William Loundes gent. came through Peter Stutsbury and Richard Phipps his attorneys and sought to be admitted to 101 acres (1 selion excepted) surrendered by him on 2 Jan last.  Seisin granted as above. Rent £1 5s 3d, fine £10 2s. Fealty respited.
[endorsed] Mr Lowndes. An Entayle of 101 acres. M(emoran)d(um) these are the Lands bought of Mr Recheford & Mr Palmer sev(er)ally

William Lowndes' gradual acquisition of property in Winslow from 1679 to 1703 is recorded in Lowndes Roll 1. This also gives details of all his children and some of his other relatives.

1680, 8 Nov
Robert son of William and Elizabeth Lowndes baptised at St Margaret's Westminster

1680: Death of Elizabeth, wife of William Lowndes.

1681: William Lowndes buys 55 acres of land from William Spooner. See William Spooner's letter offering to sell.

1683/4, 29 Jan
Burial of Robert Lowndes at Winslow. Lipscomb (III, 548-9) gives his epitaph, on a slab beneath the pulpit, presumably composed by his son William, who had the chancel paved in 1700 and built a family vault:

Here lieth the body of Master Robert Lowndes, who died the 26th of January 1683, and is interred under this stone; his father and other of his ancestors having formerly been buried in or near the same place.

1683, 25 Nov
William Lowndes married Jane Hooper at St Clement Danes, London

1684, 6 Sep
Ann, daughter of William and Jane Lowndes, baptised at St Margaret's Westminster

1685: Death of Jane, 2nd wife of William Lowndes

1685, 9 Oct: Manor court
Surrender: Thomas Halfpenny and Mary his wife
Admission: William Lowndes gent
Messuage in Sheep Street adjoining to the tenement of Stephen Bigg on the west with the yards orchards sheep pens
Mentioned in 1703 marriage settlement of Robert Lowndes and Margaret Atcherley in the area included Pond Close one of ye Rose Closes and all Norden except one acre. Total 33 1/2 acres, purchase price £10 15s.

1686, 12 July
William Lowndes married Elizabeth daughter of Richard Martyn D.D.

1687, 22 Oct
William son of William and Elizabeth Lowndes baptised [Ancestor of Lowndes of Astwood Bury]

1688/9, 12 Jan
Elizabeth, daughter of William and Elizabeth Lowndes, baptised at St Margaret's Westminster

1689: Death of Elizabeth 3rd wife of William Lowndes.

1691, 29 Nov
William Lowndes married Rebecca daughter of John Shales

1692, Oct: Manor court
Surrender: John Dymock and Jane his wife
Admission: William Lowndes of Westminster gent
Messuage or tenement in Sheep Street..... Benjamin Scott west and John Seaton jnr east
Mentioned in 1703 marriage settlement as site of John Dymock's house, purchase price £400. "This was a brick house standing near the street pulled down to build my new house" (William Lowndes)
Also in Winslow Hall building accounts: "for work in taking down cleaning and stacking 60,000 bricks and 12,000 tiles from the old house of Mr Lowndes at Winslow £7 4s 0d for work in pulling down ye ceiling and portions of ye same 12s 8d for work in taking down the roof 10s 8d.

1693: Charles son of William and Rebecca Lowndes born [Ancestor of Lowndes of Chesham]

1693: entries from William Lowndes' pocket book (Centre for Bucks Studies AR 65/99)

7th July 1693
I have received of Mr Wm Lowndes the sum of thirty pounds upon acco' for a Brickwall I am to build for him at Winslow
[signed] Stephen Bigg

29th August 1693
I have received of Mr Wm Lowndes Twenty one pounds fiftene shillings more on ye same acco'
[signed] Stephen Bigg

24th 8bi 1693
Recd of Mr Lowndes towards ye Wall in Winslow Tenn pounds making in all 61li 15s recvd by mee
[signed] Stephen Bigg

1695, 24 April
William Lowndes succeeds Henry Guy as Secretary to the Treasury
[His share of the fees for the first year of office approached £2,440 - DNB]

1695, 25 Oct: Manor court
Surrender: Benjamin Scott and Elizabeth his wife and Anne Scott widow
Admission: William Lowndes of Westminster
Messuage or Tenement in Winslow in which the said Benjamin Scott and Ann Scott widow now inhabit
Mentioned in 1703 marriage settlement: purchase price £280 "in the sheep street now demolished to build my new house"
Also in Winslow Hall building accounts: "paid for work in pulling down Scotts house which stood in the street next that in ye tenure of Ben Sounders" 3s 0d.
[See Bennet Glenister (d.1673) for more about this house.]

1695, Oct - Nov
William Lowndes pays George London and Henry Wise, his Majesty's Gardeners, for fruit trees "to plant the garden then made now next ye new house"

1695, 12 Nov
William Lowndes returned as Member of Parliament for Seaford, one of the Cinque Ports.

1696: Private act of Parliament
"Enabling Nicholas Goodwin the elder and the younger to sell the manor of Winslow (Buckinghamshire) and to purchase other lands to be settled to the same uses"
Nicholas Goodwin acquired the manor from the Duke of Buckingham's trustees in 1679.

1697, 29 May (see full entry in Lowndes Roll 1)
William Lowndes of Westminster Esq purchases from Nicholas Goodwin of Hammersmith gent and others:
The Manor of Winslow with Little Horwood, Shipton and Granborough
8 acres dispersed in Winslow Field
The Town of Winslow with the fairs and market
The Rectory impropriate of Winslow and Shipton
2 acres and a barn in Parsonage Close
[Mentioned in 1703 Marriage Settlement, purchase price £4,900. Theses are all let together to Robert Gibbs at an old rent of £220]

1698: Agreement between James Brittain and William Lowndes, about sale of land in Shipton

Winslow Hall from the south1700: Date above the south door of Winslow Hall. The accounts for the building of Winslow Hall were published in: Wren Society vol.17 (1940): Designs and drawings supplementary to volume XII (1935). The building cost £6,585 10s 2d, and used 48,000 roof tiles and 1,140,300 bricks (35,000 of which were reused from the previous house). See Lowndes Roll 1 for details of the houses pulled down and the land acquired for the garden.

See also: G. Eland, "The building of Winslow Hall", Records of Bucks 11.7 (1926) (available on the Records of Bucks website)

Transcription of some of the Winslow Hall building accounts 1700-03 (mainly brickwork, building expenses and the garden).

William Lowndes' accounts, 1699-1702 show his dealings with agents and tenants while he was building the Hall.

Part of the description in Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire (1913):
Winslow Hall, 140 yards S.E. of the church, is a building of three storeys with an attic and cellars. It is dated 1700 and has been attributed to Sir Christopher Wren or one of his pupils. The walls are of brick with stone dressings; the roofs are covered with slate. The house is a fine example of domestic architecture of the period. The plan of the main building is rectangular with a projecting bay in the middle of each wall; a modern wing of one storey, containing the entrance hall, has been added at the E. end on the site of a former extension, and there are low modern additions on each side of a covered passage, which leads to a building of two storeys containing the kitchen. The arrangement of the interior of the main building is symmetrical, peculiarities being that all the fireplaces are in the axial wall, and that in each corner of the house on each floor, including the cellars, there is a small square chamber, those on the upper floors having been used probably as powdering-closets: on the ground floor the eastern two-fifths of the N. half form a Hall, with the N.E. corner chamber as an ante-room between it and the modern entrance hall, and the western three-fifths contain the Dining Room, with the N.W. corner chamber, used as a pantry, beyond it. In the S. half, the eastern three-fifths contain the Drawing Room, with the S.E. corner chamber as an anteroom, and the western two-fifths the Library, with the S.W. corner chamber opening from it and used as a Study. The staircases are in the projecting bays at the E. and W. ends of the house. The upper floors are each divided into four main rooms in the same way as the ground floor.

Conjectural floor plan
Conjectural floor plan of the original layout of Winslow Hall, from Records of Bucks 1926

Winslow Hall and Royal Chelsea Hospital
Winslow Hall (left) compared to the Royal Chelsea Hospital, designed by Christopher Wren, completed in 1692

1703, 24 June
Robert son of William Lowndes married Margaret Atcherley at St Stephens Shoreditch
The marriage settlement transferred Winslow Hall and the manor of Winslow to Robert and his male descendants.

c.1704: Viscount Fermanagh to William Lowndes (CBS, M11/52 image 554), undated draft letter
W Lowndes Sir just now I recd heare you came last night to Winslo & I would have visited ye but that this is Jan 7th Ime told you leave Winslow to morrow morn. My buisiness is about the wood w(hi)ch y(ou)r Bro in Law & JS[?]  bought & bookt you for it[.] You did promise me an answer at Chesham but multetude of Buisiness hath put it out of yo(u)r head[.] Ime afraid some people tell you more than is true & I doe verily beleive if I had but ½ a q(uarter) of an hours discourse with you about it, youd think it reasonable to see me p(ai)d & I desire no otherwise than whats reas(ona)ble & hon(ora)ble towards

Viscount Fermanagh to Mr Lowndes (CBS, M11/52 image 556), undated draft letter
Being informd youd be at Winslow this day I thought not improper to trouble you herewith, because my servant being to waite on you whilst I was at Bath brings me an imperfect relation of my business[.] It seems one J Stutchbury bought wood of my servants in your name & thereon twas booked in your name it being as I was told to burn your bricks for your buildings[.] He might have commanded all my woods for your use but as to himself I shoud not have trusted him with the fortieth part of the debt[.] I calling for my wood books was told that money was not yet paid.  My servant was told by Peter Lownds that he woud acquaint you with it & that I should have my money & so it rested; others of your people as Wyat & Gibbs did once buy spiers of mine for scaffolding your house[.] I was 2 or 3 yeares without payment untill I told Mr Wm Giles that I woud let you know it for I thought they abusd you & me too by the neglect & made use of ye money for themselves[.] On this in a short time after they sent that money & I confess I had now the same such thought of \others/ Jn - - - - & Peter Lownds who had so often promisd ye payment.  I am told [deletions] your people bought for larger sums in some of my neighbours wood who are long since payd soe that if I must be the only sufferer the harder is my fortune but this nor anything else shall \ever/ hinder me from being

1706: Viscount Fermanagh to Margaret Cave, 15 Aug (CBS, M11/53)
… Mr Lounds the father is ill at Winsloe …

1706, 7 Oct
Richard son of Robert and Margaret Lowndes baptised at St Martin in the Fields

1710: Robert Lowndes to Viscount Fermanagh "At a Grocery in James Street Covent Garden", 28 Nov (CBS, M11/54)
Your Lordship is sensible of the service Mr Mathias Rogers did in the Election; He is suspicous of his Father  being removed, if your Lordship will either secure the Father, or else get the place for the Son, it wil I believe, be advantageous for the Interest; I believe my Lord Cheyne wil be proper to be consulted in this case I rec(eive)d your Lordships comments in relation to Harding w(hi)ch shal be obey’d as far as lyes in my power as al other \y(ou)r/ commands shal be by your most humble serv(an)t

1713: Robert Lowndes, Winslow, to Viscount Fermanagh, 20 Dec about Mr White, discharged officer of excise

1714: Calendar of Treasury Books, Warrant Books, 24 July
Royal warrant dated Kensington to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Robert Lowndes of Winslow, Co. Bucks, and William Lowndes the younger, of Westminister, brother of the said Robert, of the office and offices of [one of the seven Auditors of the Exchequer Court for Crown Land Revenues, to wit] Auditor and Auditors of the accounts of which Thomas Jett is Auditor under the grant thereof to him dated 1706–7 March 11 and in reversion to said Jett: with the fees and profits thereof except the 200l. per an. salary as annuity which the said office heretofore enjoyed.
Robert Lowndes also appears in the Calendar of Treasury Books as a commissioner for wine licences c.1706-18.

1715: Viscount Fermanagh, Middle Claydon, to Ralph Verney, Baddow Hall, 20 Oct
It is said that 15 are struck out of the Com: of the Peace amongst em Fletewode, Lowndes and very likely ourselves.  It’s also talked that Robt Lownds is out of his place which I am sorry for if true.

After building Winslow Hall, William Lowndes continued to buy up property in Winslow. Some of this was adjacent to the Hall, and if on the south side of Sheep Street it was demolished to create the open view which characterises Winslow now (see photo). He kept careful records of his purchases 1715-20 in a notebook, which is also a valuable source as it contains many extracts from 17th-century court rolls. There are more in Lowndes Roll 2 covering purchases 1710-15. In 1716 (see manor court) he put into a trust all the property in Winslow which he had acquired since 1703: 8 messuages, 1 cottage, 1 toft and 286 acres of land. In 1722 he recorded his rental income from property in Winslow and elsewhere in a document headed "My Reall Estate per Annum", which also mentions the demolished houses. William Lowndes' 1709 notebook records some Winslow-related income and expenditure, and there are also accounts for Winslow from 1722-23. A separate rent book of Robert Lowndes (1716-21 with later notes) also survives, showing that Robert had an income of about £400 p.a. from his Winslow property before his father died, of which £10 a month was paid to his wife.

Robert Lowndes was on fairly friendly terms with the Verneys of Claydon House.

1709: Robert Lowndes to Viscount Fermanagh, 11 June
My Lord
If your Lordship can with convenience do what Mr Markham proposes, it will be a great obligation and a Service to
Your Lordships most obedient & humble Serv(an)t
R. Lowndes [signature]
Winslow               11 June 1709

1709/10: Robert Lowndes to Viscount Fermanag, 14 Feb
My Lord
Captain Edgar sent the Warrants last night to me, desiring I would send them to the Constables But I have omitted it, thinking the notice to them too short, therefore desire to know what other day will suit with your Lo(rdshi)pp, and I will alter the Warr(an)ts accordingly.
My Lord I have occasion at present for some money which if your Lo(rdshi)pp can lend me for five or six months, I shall acknowledge the favour and give your Lo(rdshi)pp what security & Interest your Lordship pleases to demand. I beg your Lo(rdshi)pp’s answer in writing by the bearer as likewise that your Lo(rdshi)pp will make no mention of my request to any body. I am
Your Lordships most humble & obedient Serv(an)t
R Lowndes [signature]
14th Febr(uar)y  1709

1712: Mary Lovett, London, to Viscount Fermanagh, 17 April (CBS, M11/54)
I pitty poor Mr Lownds with all my heart for I think hee’l be plagued with too much of the breed [i.e. too many children]
Viscountess Fermanagh, Claydon, to Viscount Fermanagh, London, 6 May
A Sunday night last Mr Lowns 2 children wear made Christians on but very privately & there one [=own] near relations stood as brothers & sisters [an]d Mr Hill ye uncle … Mrs Price woud be glad to see me & yesterday Mrs Lowns sent to me ye same message

1713: Viscount Fermanagh, Middle Claydon, to Ralph Verney, Baddow Hall, 12 July
Last week Mris Lownds was deliverd of two boyes: so that since my election (which is not 3 yeares) she hath brought her husband 6 children at three lyings in and they are all living

1719: Robert Lowndes to Viscount Fermanagh (CBS, M11/56 image 0864)
My Lord
I am now indebted to your Lordship twenty pound with a pretty many years Interest. I am now pressed for want of some money. If your Lordship will be pleas’d to make that twenty pounds and Interest up a hundred pounds I will enter into a Bond to pay it at Lady \day/ next come twelvemonths. I desire your Lordship will honour me with an answer in Writing by the Bearer.  I durst not my Lord venture to wait up[on y]ou whilst the small pox has been in this Town and my own Family have been afflicted, so hope your Lordship will pardon me upon that account who am with all respect
Your Lordships most humble servant
R Lowndes [signature]
Winslow               9 March 1718/9

1724: Death of William Lowndes, 20 Jan.
Buried in vault in Chancel of Winslow Church. Will leaves his property in Winslow to his son Robert, who already occupied it, with entail to Robert's descendants. Full transcription of the will

1724[/5]: Charles Chaloner (Claydon steward) to Ralph, Viscount Fermanagh, 28 Feb (CBS, M11/57)
… Mr Lownds had troble again and he was forct to sell wood and raise 140 in a dayes time and it was accordingly raised by selling at half price as I am told  he cut em down about ye closes at Winslow ...

1725: Robert Lowndes v John Stafford
A case concerning Robert's debts and the seizure of his goods by bailiffs.

1727, 4 Sep (from Caledonian Mercury of 12 Sep)
Wednesday last Robert Lownds of Winslow in the County of Bucks, Esq; having been making a Visit in that Neighbourhood, upon his Return home, alighting from his Horse, fell down dead.

1727, 16 Oct: Inventory of Robert Lowndes esq.
This important document shows how the Hall was furnished and how the different rooms were used at the time of Robert Lowndes' death.

Under the will of William Lowndes, Winslow Hall and its estate were already entailed to Robert's son Richard Lowndes. He was the first Lowndes to be born to great wealth, and went to Eton and Oxford.

Richard Lowndes by Thomas Gainsborough25 June 1730: Richard Lowndes married Essex Shales (an heiress from a banking family who was also descended from the 15th-century Duke of Clarence) at St Paul's Cathedral
19 April 1733: Anne, daughter of Richard and Essex Lowndes, born at Westminster.
31 March 1735: William Lowndes (later William Selby), son of Richard and Essex Lowndes, baptised at St Martin in the Fields.
16 May 1737: Mary, daughter of Richard and Essex Lowndes, baptised at St James Westminster.

The portrait on the right is of Richard Lowndes by Thomas Gainsborough. It was sold at Sotheby's in 2010. Richard served as MP for Bucks from 1741 to 1774 without ever contesting an election, but is only known to have spoken once in the House of Commons.

1734: letter from Richard Lowndes to Sir Thomas Lee (CBS, D/LE/A/2/5E)
This appears to refer to the 1734 Bucks election, when Richard Lowndes stood unsuccessfully against Sir Thomas Lee and Sir William Stanhope.  Lowndes was a Tory and the other two were Whigs.
[address] For Sr Thos Lee Bart at Hartwell This
[comment added] Winslow. R. Lowndes to Sir T. Lee xd 1829
Dear Sir,
I sent my Servant yesterday to Acquaint you that the Freeholders of Swanborne had sent word they would Dine with \me/ I was in hopes of gaining ‘em over to your interest, but it proved quite otherwise. For there came all Stewkeley Freeholders a great many of Marson Mursely & Adstock, & told me that they were fully Resolved to demand a Poll. I declined as much as possible They answered if I wou’d not stand they wou’d make me Sett. I find this Affair has been working there three days & that all the Parishes in the Neighbo\u/rhood have been sent to, by some resolute Men. I am jealous of Your Suspecting my Giving any encouragement to this. So take this Opportunity of Assuring You of the Contrary. I don’t know how to Act. My Friends tell me if so great a number of my Countreymen do call me out & demand a Poll for me, I must on no Account Refuse ‘em, and as they express it fling Dirt in their Faces. I hope You will have Time to send to your Friends to Day. This \report/ was so much spread yt Sir Wm Stanhope knew about it as soon as I did, For his steward Lloyd was here as soon as any Person Yesterday. You may depend on my making as many Votes for you as possible I can, thou [verso] \who/ were here Yesterday said I shou’d say more to Day, so If you will be pleased to send any Person here to make Interest among ‘em I will Assist to my utmost
I am your most Obed(ien)t Humble Servant Ri(char)d : Lowndes
Winslow Tuesday morn

1740: Ralph Verney jr at Claydon House to Ralph, Viscount Fermanagh at Chelsea, 1 Nov (CBS, M11/59)
Mr Lownds came here last Sunday in ye afternoon & sets out for the Bath one day this week ...
19 Aug: John Millward [Claydon steward] to Ralph, Viscount Fermanagh
I will tell yr Lordships friends as opportunity serves that yr Lordship desires em to be for Mr Lowndes & Mr Greenville [in the election for Bucks, which did not happen until May 1741 and was uncontested], yeasterday I was told Mr Lowndes hounds was down in Peter Hintons grounds & Tho: Bailys as made us take a turn there as thee might not have all the hares in ye outskirts of ye parish …

1745: Shipton Enclosure Award.
Richard Lowndes, the moving force behind it, receives multiple allotments and builds new farms like Red Hall Farm.

Letters to Richard Lowndes from his sisters, 1754-66

1760, 5 Jan Jackson’s Oxford Journal

WINSLOW  Dec. 26, 1759

Stolen or Strayed, out of Shipton Pastures, in the Parish of Winslow, Bucks, on Sunday, the 23d Instant; a Black GELDING, rising four Years old, a Star on his Forehead, and a small Snip; both his fore Feet white, and a little white in one of his hind Feet; round carcassed, with clean flat Legs; his Tail is nicked and cut square, and he carries it high; he stands about fifteen hands, high; his Shoes, if not altered, marked H.R.

Whoever gives Intelligence of the said Gelding, if strayed, shall be well rewarded; if stolen, and shall apprehend and bring to Justice the Person or Persons stealing the same, such Apprehender shall be entitled to a Reward of Five Pounds, and all Expences any Way attending the Prosecuting and Apprehending the Person or Persons guilty of stealing the said Gelding, to be paid by me,


21 Jan 1766: William Lowndes (later Selby) marries Mary daughter of Thomas Goostrey of Missenden Abbey.
See his will for details of their 9 children (only 2 of whom had children of their own).
Richard Lowndes retired to Hillesden with his two unmarried daughters and handed over Winslow Hall and estate to William.

1767: Winslow Enclosure Award.
William Lowndes receives multiple allotments and builds new farms like Tuckey Farm.

1767: Birth of William, son of William and Mary Lowndes.

1770: Bucks Quarter Sessions (CBS, Q/SM/5)
Only the Lowndes estate could have employed a gamekeeper in Winslow. "Not found" apparently means that the prosecution did not proceed.
Indictments at Epiphany Session 1770
Winslow \not found/ Thos Gill for an Assault on John Viccars Gamekeeper of Winslow in the Execution of his Office [name given as Thomas Hill, gentleman in Q/SO/2]
Winslow \not found/ Saml Cleaver for the like
Winslow \not found/ John Viccars for an Assault on Saml Cleaver

1772, 20 Dec: British Library, Add MS 75773, Earl of Jersey to Countess Spencer
Mr Selby you hear is dead, & being always, I believe, a very strange man, has shewn himself so by his will, and cruelly so, for he has left Whaddon Chace & his Estate to Maj. Lowndes, "if his heir at Law cannot be found". Did you ever hear any thing so hard, it is leaving him a Law suit or nothing at all.

Thomas James Selby of Whaddon Hall was a hunting connection of Lord Jersey, who lived at Middleton Stoney. Selby's will required William Lowndes to take the name of Selby to inherit his estate. There was a protracted legal dispute but the will was eventually upheld in 1782, as no legitimate heir appeared within the required time. William Selby / Lowndes later rebuilt Whaddon Hall and it became the family's principal home.

1775, 17 Oct
Richard Lowndes aged 68 buried at Winslow. He was MP for Bucks 1741-74; see his biography on the History of Parliament website.

Will of Richard Lowndes of Hillesden, 1775: it mainly concerns his property in North Crawley and Swanbourne.

Will of Robert Lowndes of Bletchley, 1779 (proved 1783); a younger brother of Richard, with some property in Winslow.

1780: Duty on male servants (National Archives, T47/8)
William Lowndes, Winslow: 4 male servants

Will of Mary Lowndes Selby, 1785 (proved 1786): under the will of her father Thomas Goostrey she was able to make her own arrangements about her property despite being a married woman.

1786, 13 June: Sun Fire Insurance 337/518991 for William Selby, valuing the house at £3,000

1806, 25 Aug
William Lowndes (then living at Whaddon Hall) married Ann Eleanor Isabella, daughter of Rev. Graham Hanmer of Simpson, his second wife

1807, 5 Nov
Birth of William, their son

Will of Mary Lowndes of Cosgrove, 1805 (proved 1812) and Will of Anne Lowndes of Cosgrove, 1812 (proved 1817): daughters of Richard, sisters of William Selby. Their wills lists all their nieces and nephews, William Selby's children.

1813, 10 May
William Selby Esq of Winslow buried at Winslow aged 78; see his will (made in 1807)
William Lowndes his son became Selby Lowndes by royal licence, 19 June 1813

1832, 28 June
William Selby Lowndes married Lucy daughter of Isaac Rawlings Hartman

1834: Winslow Hall was identified as suitable for a new workhouse but William Selby Lowndes refused to sell.

1836, 13 Nov
Birth of William son of William and Lucy Selby Lowndes

1840, 26 May
William Selby Lowndes of Winslow and Whaddon buried at Winslow aged 72 years (he died on 17 May). He was MP for Bucks 1810-20; see his biography on the History of Parliament website. See his will.

1841: Census
Winslow Hall

William Lowndes Head 30
Lucy Lowndes nee Hartman Wife 30
Essex Lowndes Daughter 5
William   Lowndes Son 4
John   Son 2
Lucy   Daughter 1
Cressedor       Daughter  2 months
Clara Hartman Sister In Law     25
+ 10 Servants and other residents

Clara Hartman subsequently married William after Lucy died in 1852. Edward Selby-Lowndes, William's younger brother, married another Hartman sister, Mary, and lived at Selby Lodge (later Redfield).

1848, 20 June: Morning Post
The ENGLISH INSTITUTION of MANNHEIM is REMOVED to WINSLOW in BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. - Dr. Lovell informs his friends that he has taken a large Mansion, with extensive grounds, at Winslow (ten miles from Aylesbury), where his School will be RE-OPENED after the present vacation, on the 1st of AUGUST next. Dr. Lovell is now in town. The terms, references, & c., can be had of Messrs. Field and Bolton, Lamb's Conduit-place, Guildford-street, London.

Ed Grimsdale has written an article about Dr Lovell's school, Ground-Breaking Multilingual Education in Victorian Winslow, and traced the stories of some of the pupils.

1851: Census
Winslow Hall

[There are links to more information about some of the people. Arthur Alington became an admiral.]

Henry Lovell Head married 41 Schoolmaster, M.A. & Dr of the University of Giessen in Germany b. London
Anna Lovell Wife married 30   b. Mannheim, Germany
Anna Lovell Daughter   8 Scholar at home b. Mannheim
Francis Lovell Son   6 Scholar at home b. Mannheim
Emilia Lovell Daughter   5 Scholar at home b. Mannheim
Eliza Lovell Daughter   3   b. Mannheim
Rosa Lovell Daughter   1   b. Winslow
Eleonora Lovell Daughter   2m   b. Winslow
Samuel Warden Assistant unm 26 Teacher of classics & c b. Glastonbury
Constant Gilbert Assistant unm 22 Teacher of French & drawing b. Meaux, France
Radolph Abarbamll Assistant unm 24 Teacher of German & music b. Franstadt, Prussia
Edward Hart Pupil   15   b. Leighton Buzzard
George Suttie Pupil   15   b. Preston Grange, Scotland
Charles Nesfield Pupil   15   b. Swindon
Thomas Sharland Pupil   15   b. Dalston, Middx
Charles Burton Pupil   14   b. Carlow, Ireland
Philip Fitzroy Pupil   14   b. Fakenham, Norf
Arthur Nightingale Pupil   14   b. Twickenham
Alexander Dunne Pupil   13   b. Dublin
Arthur Fleming Pupil   13   b. Dublin
George Ruxton Pupil   13   b. Castle Bellingham, Ireland
Francis Hamilton Pupil   13   b. Madras
Richard Sommers Pupil   13   b. Tyrrells Pass, Ireland
Charles Willis Pupil   12   b. Leighton Buzzard
Frederick Fitzroy Pupil   12   b. Fakenham, Norf
John George Pupil   12   b. Rentstown, Ireland
John Power Pupil   12   b. Clonabrany, Ireland
Samuel Sommers Pupil   11   b. Tyrrells Pass, Ireland
Philip Reade Pupil   11   b. Woodpark Scariff, Ireland
Arthur Alington Pupil   11   b. Swinhope, Lincs
Frederick Ruxton Pupil   11   b. Nenagh, Ireland
Edward Fitzroy Pupil   11   b. Fakenham, Norfolk
Major Dawson Hill Pupil   11   b. Greenock, Scotland
D'Olren George Pupil   10   b. Dublin
Jervis Power Pupil   10   b. Manchester
William Wade Pupil   10   b. Fethort, Ireland
Thomas Willis Pupil   10   b. Leighton Buzzard
Robert Suttie Pupil   9   b. Preston Grange, Scotland
Adam Power Visitor   6   b. Clonabrany, Ireland
Catherine Roebell Servant unm 27 Housekeeper b. Weinheim, Germany
Mary Ann Shillingford Servant unm 21 Housemaid b. Farnborough, Bucks
Carl Gehl Servant married 32 Butler b. Grimstadt, Bavaria
Catharina Kraaft Servant unm 29 Cook b. Monsheim, Bavaria
Sophy Baser Servant unm 44 Nurse b. Durkheim, Bavaria
Margaretha Lorenz Servant unm 33 Nurse & housemaid b. Standenbuken, Bavaria

John Cawte, Gamekeeper, aged 40, b. Twyford, Hants, lived in the adjacent house (on the south-east side).

1856, 13 Dec: Northampton Mercury
Deaths: Dec. 4., at Winslow Hall, in the 6th year of her age, Eleanor Matilda, daughter of Henry Lovell, Esq., D.C.L.

1857, 25 April: Bucks Herald
Wanted, directly, a respectable young man, as GENERAL HOUSE SERVANT, in a large Establishment, where a boy is kept.
Apply by letter, stating length of service and wages expected, to Dr. LOVELL, Winslow Hall, Bucks.

1861: Census
Winslow Hall

Henry Lovell Head married 50 Schoolmaster b. London
Anna Franziska Lovell Wife married 41   b. Germany
Anna E. Lovell Daughter unm 18   b. Germany
Emily C. Lovell Daughter   15   b. Germany
Eliza Lovell Daughter   12   b. Germany
Rosa A. Lovell Daughter   10   b. Winslow
Henry A.G. Lovell Son   9   b. Winslow
Theodore E.D. Lovell Son   6   b. Winslow
Edward A. Lovell Son   4   b. Winslow
Catharine Raebel   unm 36 Housekeeper b. Germany
Charles H. Pinnock   unm 30 Assistant Master -----
Edmond F. Graillot   unm 27 Assistant Master b. France
Carl J. Matini   unm 27 Assistant Master b. Germany
Robert Cruikshank     24 Assistant Master -----
Henry C. Horrocks Pupil   14   b. Germany
Percy A. Penn Pupil   15   b. Woolwich
James Blyth Pupil   16   b. London
Henry Cox Pupil   12   -----
George Willis Pupil   15   b. Leighton Buzzard
Henry J Jeffreys Pupil   9   b. Australia
Herbert K. Heyland Pupil   11   -----
Willoughby H. Crewe Pupil   13   b. Breadsall, Derbys
Gerald S. Crewe Pupil   11   b. Breadsall, Derbys
Walter R. Gilbert Pupil   11   b. Newcastle on Tyne
Leonard B. Horrocks Pupil   9   b. Belgium
Henry T.V. Gaitskell Pupil   11   b. India
Charles S.F. Somers Pupil   13   -----
William E. Lavins Pupil   15   b. Manchester
James R. Courtenay Pupil   14   -----
Francis D. Huish Pupil   10   b. Castle Donington, Leics
Henry T. McNeale Pupil   13   -----
Edgar Trollope Pupil   11   b. Lincoln
Andrew Trollope Pupil   10   b. Lincoln
Claude F.C. Vivian Pupil   12   -----
Charles H.P. Vivian Pupil   13   -----
Frederick Clough Pupil   14   b. York
Henry E. Walker Pupil   11   b. India
Alfred C. Walker Pupil   9   b. India
Lindsay Horrocks Pupil   14   b. Germany
William J.S. Dunlop Pupil   13   b. Switzerland
John Hall Huish Pupil   13   b. Castle Donington, Leics
Jesse Spicer Servant   14 Footboy b. Winslow
Edward Fortnum Servant unm 18 Footman b. Padbury
Elizabeth Foot Servant married 29 Cook b. Uxbridge
Mary A. Woodward Servant unm 20 Housemaid b. Loughton, Bucks
Ellen J. Holt Servant unm 17 Nursemaid b. Swanbourne
Ann Holloman Servant unm 19 Kitchenmaid b. Long Crendon

There was now a gamekeeper in the house between Brook Hall and Winslow Hall (either 11 Sheep Street or the building which was originally the west pavilion of Winslow Hall): James King, 43, b. Whitfield, Northants, + family.

1863, 21 Feb: Bucks Herald
Presentation to to Dr Lovell, lately of Winslow Hall, recently removed to Apsley Guise, Beds, where he has purchased more commodious school premises … fourteen years residence

1865: Sale of part of Selby-Lowndes estate

1865-8: Winslow Hall was the home of a lunatic asylum for 30 patients run by Dr Theodore Boisragon. Read more.

1871: Census
Sheep Street

John Lane Head married 43 J.P., Barrister at Law b. London
Sarah S. Lane Wife married 36   b. Ellesborough
Francis D. Lane Son   11 Scholar b. Calverton
Grace E.D. Lane Daughter   10 Scholar b. Calverton
Arthur P. Lane Son   8 Scholar b. Rugby
Bazil N. Lane Son   6 Scholar b. Rugby
Beatrice Lane Daughter   4 Scholar b. Rugby
Montagu Lane Son   2   b. Rugby
Frances Dease
unm 36   b. Downham, Cambs
Annie Bukler
widow 33 Governess b. London
William Fairbrother
married 33 Groom b. Haiton, Northants
Mary Fairbrother
married 32 ----- b. Bloxham, Beds
William Fairbrother
  6 Scholar b. Rugby
Mary A. Owen
unm 46 Cook, Domestic Servant b. Ashton sub Mersey, Cheshire
William Gwilliam
unm 23 Footman, Domestic Servant b. Worcester
Phoebe Downing
unm 27 Nurse, Domestic Servant b. Oldbury, Worcs
Rachel Waddup
unm 23 Housemaid, Domestic Servant b. Stratton Audley
Adeline Dyke
unm 23 Housemaid, Domestic Servant b. Banbury
Mary Banks
unm 18 Kitchenmaid, Domestic Servant b. Blackburn

Sale poster 18711871, 23 Sep
Sale of contents and livestock by Jonas Paxton & George Castle, "by direction of John Lane, esq., who is leaving". Mr Lane seems to have gone in for farming as well as drinking claret. Click on the image to see the sale poster.

1873, 2 June (CBS, D182/34):
14 year lease of Winslow Hall, starting from 24 June 1872
William Selby Lowndes of Whaddon Hall Esq
to Henry Ralph Lambton of 47 Eaton Place Middlesex

The lease includes this Schedule of Fixtures and the plan of the Hall and Pleasure Grounds shown on the right:

Plan of Winslow Hall and groundsEntrance Hall A two light Gas burner with Glass shade mounted with ormolu – Two roller blinds with racks and pulleys. Two Brass curtain
pole brackets – Cloak Room - A brass Cloak Rail and hooks. Rail and four pegs. Ditto and Ditto. Dining Room - Three roller blinds racks and pulleys - Five brass curtain pole brackets. A three light Gas Chandelier and Glass Globes. Register grate – Butlers Pantry - Roller blind rack and pulley. Oak cupboard and six shelves in ditto. A painted dresser with two Cupboards under and two drawers – Store Room - Roller blind rack and pulley – small flap table – Breakfast Room - A single light gas burner with glass globe and bell shade. Four brass curtain pole brackets. Two roller blinds racks and pulleys. Register grate Chimney glass in Oak frame – Drawing Room Register grate two brass Candle brackets four roller blinds racks and pulleys eight brass curtain pole brackets - Kitchen in Cellar – Dresser with Shelves – two shelves. Iron furnace as fixed and lead flat Room next Kitchen – Shelf Dresser – Larder – Iron hangers for meat hooks Kitchen – Roller blind Dresser and Shelves ditto Lead cistern – Register grate – Hot Plate Boiler and Oven complete Gas Stove complete Scullery Plate Rack Sink Stone. Set of three shelves. Deal flap table. Gas jet Small Room – next Kitchen Deal flap table Coffee mill Larder – Two meat rails and eighteen hooks Large sink stone (not fixed)  Servants Hall – Two cupboards, Gas jet grate as fixed two roller blinds with racks and pulleys Bedrooms over Kitchen Five roller blinds racks and fittings – Staircase Leading from Cellar to Butlers Pantry. Brass bracket gas burner Housekeepers Room Register grate roller blind racks and pulleys – Brass bracket gas burner and globe – Study - Register grate – Brass bracket gas burner Roller blind racks and fittings Oak cupboard Mirror in Oak frame – Manservants Bedroom - Set of two shelves Rail and five pegs Grooms Rooms Two Grates painted deal cupboard five roller blinds racks and pulleys South East Dressing Room - Two roller blinds racks and pulleys – Best South Bedroom - Register grate three roller blinds racks and fittings three Gilt Cornice poles – South Bedroom No. 2. Two roller blinds racks and pulleys two gilt cornice poles – Register grate – South West Drawing Room Two roller blinds racks and pulleys – two curtain valances – North West Dressing Room - Two roller blinds racks and pulleys – North Bed Room No.1. Register grate Chimney glass in gilt frame (plate cracked) a four tier book shelf - two roller blinds racks and pulleys - two curtain valances North Bed Room No.2. Register grate Chimney glass in Gilt frame - three roller blinds racks and pulleys – four brass curtain pole brackets. North East Dressing Room - Two roller blinds racks and pulleys four brass curtain brackets – Upper Storey South East Bedroom – Two roller blinds six iron window bars – Nursery – Oven Grate five roller blinds racks and pulleys - fifteen iron window bars South West Bedroom Two roller blinds racks and pulleys six iron window bars North West Dressing Room. Two roller blinds racks and pulleys three iron window bars North Bedroom No.1. Register grate, two roller blinds racks and fittings, six iron bars to window  North Bedroom No.2. Register grate - three roller blinds racks and fittings North East Dressing Room - two roller blinds racks and fittings, six iron bars to window  - Landing – three iron bars to window Galvanic Batteries insulated Wires and Indicators and Bells complete

On the plan, the red represents Winslow Hall, and the blue is what is now the Coach House and White House. Greyhound Lane is on the left of the plan. Pike Hill, with no trees marked, is now the Arboretum.

1881: Census
Sheep Street

Bertha Lambton Daughter   11   b. London
Margaret Lambton Daughter   8   b. London
Dorothy Lambton Daughter   7   b. London
Jeanne Souchet Governess widow 26 Governess b. Brussels
Therese Bell Children's Maid unm 24 Children's maid b. Germany
Eliza Beene Schoolroom maid unm 18 Schoolroom maid b. Essex
Catherine Berry Housemaid unm 18 22 Housemaid b. Berks
Ellen Chatty Scullery maid unm 20 Scullery Maid b. London
Anne Williams
unm 33 Housemaid b. Hertford
Jain [sic] Locker
Kitchen maid
unm 24 Kitchen maid b. Wishaw, Lanarks
John Caddington
unm 21 Footman b. Boxmoor, Herts

3 more male servants lived in the next household to the south. The Lambton parents, Henry and Elizabeth, were at their London residence, 47 Eaton Place, on census night. In 1885, they bought Selby Lodge from the Selby-Lowndes family, and renamed it Redfield (it was also known as Winslow Court at first).

1883: John Bateman, The Great Landowners of Great Britain and Ireland (4th ed.), p.281
SELBY-LOWNDES, WILLIAM, of Whaddon, Stony Stratford &c. Club: Carlton. b.1807, succeeded 1840, m.1st 1833, 2nd 1854.
Bucks. 7,537 acres; gross annual value £11,923.

1886: death of William Selby-Lowndes of Whaddon Hall, owner of Winslow Hall (which passed to his son, another William Selby-Lowndes)

1886: Bicester Herald, 26 Nov
  WINSLOW HALL is now occupied by H. J. Chinnery, Esq. 

1887: Kelly's Directory
Chinnery, Henry Joseph, Winslow Hall

1891: Census
Winslow Hall

Henry J. Chinnery Head m 43 Stock Jobber b. Clapham
Marion Chinnery Wife m 40   b. Gt Yarmouth
Ellice H. Chinnery Son unm 16 Scholar b. Teddington
Dorothy N.T. Chinnery Daughter   12 Scholar b. Teddington
Charles E. Lacy Visitor unm 42 Solicitor b. Hedley, Surrey
Gladys Knox Visitor   13 Scholar b. East Indies
Moresly Chinnery Nephew unm 16 Scholar b. Teddington
Thomas Hambly Servant m 50 Butler b. Morval, Cornwall
Henry Turridge
m 23 Footman b. Bishop's Castle, Salop
Charles W. Baker
m 27 Odd-man b. Hallidon, Northants
Ellen Dean Servant unm 30 Cook b. Scotland
Alice Edwards Servant unm 26 Kitchen maid b. Islington
Ellen Sirett Servant unm 18 Scullery maid b. Adstock
Mary A. Baker Servant m 30 Housemaid b. Vauxhall
Emily Stagg Servant unm 24 Housemaid b. Hungerford
Louisa M. Erby Servant unm 39 Lady's maid b. Guernsey
Susanna J. Wright Visitor's servant unm 28 Lady's maid b. Leinster
Marie Ramus Governess unm 35 Governess b. Switzerland
Amelia Jacobs Servant unm 47 Lady's maid b. Bristol

1892: Buckingham Advertiser, 13 Feb
WANTED, a FOOTMAN, not younger than 22, under a butler; odd man kept during winter months.  Summer months residence near London.  Apply by letter- BUTLER, Winslow Hall, Winslow, Bucks,- stating wages required and particulars.

Mr Chinnery was a notable benefactor to Winslow who built the Gymnasium (later the Public Hall), and allowed the Cricket Club to use Winslow Hall land (where the Arboretum is now).

1892: Bicester Herald, 26 Feb 


The annual meeting of the members of Winslow Cricket Club was held on Thursday, February 18.  It was well attended.  Amongst those present were Mr. G. H. Greaves, Dr. Creasy,  Dr. Niel, Messrs Illing, Varney, Walker, Fulks, Midgley, White, Warne, N. Benbow, and Langley, and the Rev. P. H. Eliot (vicar).  Mr. G. R. Greaves was chosen chairman.

Mr. Warne, the hon. sec., made the following report (which was adopted):- The committee have the pleasure of reporting their proceedings for the year 1891, which they consider can be fairly called a favourable one, 13 matches being played, six of which were won, six lost, and one drawn.  The analysis show that the highest average in batting was made by Mr. Bullock, with 12.8, and the best bowling average was that of Mr. Hurlstone, with 16.6 runs per wicket.  The committee’s thanks are due to Mr. H. J. Chinnery, without whose kind loan of the ground, it would seem almost impossible to carry on a club in the town;  secondly, to the various subscribers and donors for their very kind pecuniary help;  and thirdly, to Mr. R. Creasy, the captain of the club, for his great energy, not only during the past, but in preceding years in practice as well as in matches in his endeavours for the welfare of the club.   The committee would also thankfully refer to the successful concert promoted by Mr. Creasy, which resulted not only in paying for the services of the professional bowler employed by the club, but also in adding a considerable sum to its general fund.  The committee feel they are expressing the general regret of the members at Mr. Creasy’s approaching removal from the town.  The members will note that the balance sheet shows the finances of the club to be in a satisfactory condition – the balance in hand and the total income show some reduction on last year’s amounts, but with respect to the former the committee note that some considerable expenditure has been incurred late in the year for cricketing materials, otherwise the item would have been much larger.  The committee feel sure that the club generally regret that the balance-sheet has not been presented by the indefatigable treasurer, Mr. H. A. Hurlstone, and that one and all wish him a speedy restoration to health.  The committee note that there have been cases of persons playing more or less during the season who have not paid on request the small sum asked from playing members, and would suggest that steps should taken to prevent non-subscribers in future from reaping the advantages of membership by an earlier payment of subscriptions.  The committee’s best thanks are tendered to the ground sub-committee, specially to Mr. C. Langley, for their able efforts in keeping the ground in good condition.  In conclusion, the committee trust they have conducted the club business with a measure of satisfaction to the members as a body;  they at any rate have been as united in their councils as they have been representative of the town.  By thanking the members for the confidence reposed in them the committee and officers, suggest the danger of allowing the management of the club to become stereotyped, and the great advantage it must prove to introduce fresh blood upon the committee of management and officers.

The balance-sheet, presented by Mr. Illing on behalf of Mr. Hurlstone, showed the receipts to have been £33 2s. 7d., including donations of £5 from H. R. Lambton, Esq., £1 1s, from H.S. Leon, Esq., M.P., and £1 1s. from G. R. Greaves, Esq., and £11 3s. 6d., proceeds of concert.  The expenditure included £8 10s. for professional bowler, and showed a balance in hand of 3s. 4d.

The next business as the election of officers : Dr. Niel was chosen as vice-president;  the Rev. T. K. Norman, captain; and Mr. A. O. Fulks, treasurer;  Mr. Warne was re-elected hon. Secretary;  Messrs. Langley, Illing, Pass and Woodrow were re-elected on the committee, with Mr. J. White as a new member.  Messrs. Langley, Woodrow and White were chosen for ground committee.

It was resolved that extreme measures should be taken with those who persisted in using the club materials and refused to pay any subscriptions.

A vote of thanks was enthusiastically accorded to Mr. Chinnery for the continued free use of the ground;  and it was resolved to present Mr. Creasy with a testimonial, Messrs. Illing, Fulks, Langley, and Varney being appointed a committee for that purpose.

A vote of thanks to the chairman concluded the proceedings.

The following are the principal averages made during the year 1891;  Batting : Bullock 12.8, Norman 10, Niel 10, Fulks 10, Creasy 9, King 8.6, Eliot 7.6, Pass 6.8 Walker 6.1, Hurlstone 5.6, Woodrow 5.3.   Bowling :  Hurlstone 16.6, Langley 18, Norman 19.1; Bullock 20, Eliot 24.8[?], Walker 26, King 27.7, Fulks 36.1.

1894: Buckingham Advertiser, 24 March

Within eight minutes’ walk of Winslow Station on the Oxford and Banbury Branch of the L & N.W.-Ry., and 80 minutes from London.
(The whole supplied very recently from Messrs. Trollopes),
The Furniture of Four Reception Rooms
(Two upright grand Pianofortes, by Chappell and Broadwood).
Twelve Principal Bed and Dressing Rooms,
Eight Servants’ Bedrooms, the Domestic Offices, Harness, Saddlery, Garden, Farm, and Out-door Effects, comprising in all some 650 Lots.
On TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, April 3rd and 4th, 1894, on the Premises at Winslow Hall, by direction of H. J. Chinnery, Esq., whose lease has expired.

DINING ROOM: Two handsome Walnut Sideboards, Walnut Dining Table (extending 14 feet), Walnut Dinner Wagon, Dining Room Chairs.  DRAWING ROOM: Rosewood Chairs and Settees of various description, upholstered in plush and serge rep, Occasional Tables, handsome Secretary and Writing Table, Brass Fenders, etc.
MORNING ROOM: Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Easy Chairs, Settee, Stuffover Couch, handsome Writing Table in ebonized and gilt, etc. 
SMOKING ROOM: A Suite of ebonized Furniture and Bookcase Fitments, Brussels and Axminster Carpets,
12 Principal BEDROOMS: Including Brass and Brass-mounted Bedsteads, Tapestry, Furniture, Box, Spring, and Wire-wove Mattresses, Hair and Wool ditto and Bedding, Bedroom Suites in American Walnut, inlaid pine, mahogany, and satin wood, a 5ft. Bath, and a Turkish ditto.  Contents of Eight Servants’ Bedrooms, and a variety of Effects in Domestic Office.
  HARNESS, Etc.: Sets of brass-mounted double and single Harness, Saddles, Bridles, 20 Sets of Harness and Saddlery Fittings.
  A Chubb’s Iron Safe, nearly new, a Heating Stove, and complete apparatus by Perkins & Son.
  GARDEN IMPLEMENTS: An Agricultural Cart by Crossley, and a large variety of Effects.
The whole will be on view the day prior to the Sale. Admission by Catalogue only.
The Sale will commence on Tuesday at Ten o’clock for Eleven punctually, and on Wednesday at One for Two punctually.
Catalogues may be had at the Offices of the Auctioneer, Winslow, Bucks.

1896: Winslow Hall was occupied by Lady Dashwood, who fell out with the Cricket Club whose ground was where the Arboretum is now. This presumably refers to Florence, widow of Sir Edwin Abercromby Dashwood of West Wycombe and wife since 1894 of (Lt-Col.) William Selby-Lowndes, son of the Hall's then owner.

1897, 27 July: Sale of Winslow Estate by William Selby Lowndes.
Northampton Mercury, 30 July
On Tuesday afternoon Mr George Wigley submitted to public auction, at the Bell Hotel, Winslow, the estate known as Winslow Hall, comprising the mansion itself and several grazing, dairy and milk farms, besides accommodation holdings, allotments, etc., the whole comprising 1,399 acres. There was a very large company, and the bidding for some of the lots was very spirited. Winslow Hall, with its grounds and several paddocks and enclosures of grass land were not sold.

For more details, see Winslow Hall Estate sale, 1897. Below are the pages from the catalogue describing the Hall itself (click for a larger image). There was also pleasure grounds, kitchen garden, stabling, stud groom's house, woodland and plantations:

Sale catalogue pages 4&5

There was also about 32 acres of grassland, let to Silvanus Jones, James Hawley, Charles Clare, W.S. Neal, George Wigley, Mr Lee & Mr Saunders.

1897, 1 Dec
Norman McCorquodale buys Winslow Hall
A branch of his family's printing works had been opened in Wolverton in 1878

1901: Census
Servants only

1901: Buckingham Advertiser, 27 April
WANTED, good BRICKLAYERS.- Apply FOREMAN of Works, Winslow Hall, Winslow.

1905: Bucks Advertiser and Aylesbury News, 5 Aug
  CHURCH ARMY.- Mr. and Mrs. Mc Corquodale held a garden meeting at Winslow Hall, when the claims of the Society were ably advocated by deputations.  Lord Cottesloe presided, and spoke of the claims which the Army had upon Church people.  Mr. Mercer and Mrs. Hill followed with interesting accounts of the rescue work carried on in various parts of the country by the Army.  Over £26 was collected at the close of the meeting

1907: Bucks Advertiser & Aylesbury News, 27 July
THE ANNUAL SHOW Of the above Association will be held
On TUESDAY, 6th AUGUST, 1907, AT WINSLOW HALL, WINSLOW. By kind permission of the President.
  JUMPING COMPETITIONS, including the Water Jump, at about Two o’clock, to be followed by the DRIVING COMPETITIONS.
  Entries for the Open Jumping Class do not close until Twelve o’clock at Noon on the 2nd of August.  This class is open to Non-Members on payment of an Entrance Fee of 5s., Members half-price.  Entry Forms and Particulars may be obtained on application to the Hon. Sec.
  A NATURE STUDY EXHIBIT, under the auspices of the Bucks County Education Committee, will be in the Show Ground.
THE BAND OF THE 3RD OXFORDSHIRE LIGHT INFANTRY (By kind permission of Col. W. Terry) Will play at intervals during the day.
Bandmaster-Sergt. W. Barker.
  Applications for Spaces to Exhibit Implements and other Articles should be made at once to the Hon. Sec.
  Post Entries at Double Fees will be received up to 23rd July.
  Carriages will be admitted to the Show Ground at the following charges:- Brakes, Coaches, Motor Car, &c., 10s.; ordinary Four-wheeled Carriages, 5s.,; Two-wheeled Carriages, 2s. 6d.,; in addition to the usual charge for Admission for each person at the Gate.
  A PUBLIC LUNCH will take place at One o’Clock punctually on the Show Ground, under the Presidency of NORMAN McCORQUODALE, ESQ. Other Refreshments, including Tea, will also be provided on the Ground.
DANCING on the Bowling Green in the Evening.
  A Tent will be provided for Cyclists to deposit their Bicycles, charge 6d. each.  Every care will be taken, but the Association will not be responsible for any loss or damage.
  Every facility will be offered by the Railway Companies for the conveyance of Passengers, Stock, and Implements.  Conveyances will run between Winslow Road Station and the Show Yard.  Fare, 6d. each way.
  The Entrance for the Public only is by the Post Office.
Admission to the Show Yard, after 9 a.m. 1s., ; after 3.30 p.m., 6d.  Children, half-price.  

1907: Buckingham Advertiser, 2 Nov
  Mr. N. McCorquodale is having a very complete electric light plant installed at Winslow Hall, consisting of a suction-gas-produced gas engine, dynamo, and electric motor for pumping.

1909: Norman McCorquodale High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire

1911: Census
Winslow Hall

Norman McCorquodale Head 47 married private means b. Newton-le-Willows, Lancs
Constance Helena McCorquodale Wife 42 married 14 years, 5 children private means b. Northampton
Mary Rosamond McCorquodale Daughter 13   student b. St George's, Hanover Sq
Malcolm Stuart McCorquodale Son 10   school b. Lancaster Gate
George McCorquodale Son 6     b. St George's, Hanover Square
Pamela Constance McCorquodale Daughter 11m     b. St George's, Hanover Square
Gweneth Singers Groom Governess 25 single Governess b. Streatham, Surrey
Elizabeth Ann Dodd Servant 40 single Cook b. Millford, Staffs
Kate Radburn Servant 25 single Lady's maid b. Grafton Court, Warws
Mary Ellen Mayes Servant 22 single Kitchen maid b. Ringstead, Northants
Ellen Matilda Day Servant 19 single Housemaid b. Moulton, Northants
Alice Beacon Servant 23 single Housemaid b. Linthwaite, Yorks
Cora Annie Restrick Servant 18 single Under nurse b. Lyme Regis, Dorset
William George Milton Bolton Servant 20 single Footman b. Burghclere, Berks
Arthur George Salmons Servant 18 single Footman b. Greenwich, Middx [sic]
Helen Martha Smith Servant 29 single Nurse b. King's Lynn, Norfolk

1913: Norman McCorquodale builds St Laurence Room near the entrance to Winslow Parish Church

1914: Assessment (TNA, IR 58/2347)
Assessment 194
Winslow Hall
Mansion House & Gardens
6 acres 1 rood 36 poles
Land Tax £14 4s 2d
Includes 489, 201, 210, 260, 196


A Red brick and Slated residence containing on the GROUND FLOOR Entrance Hall with marble floor and oak panelling 18 x 15, 2 lavatories, excellent Billiard Room 27’6” x 21’6” with bay 6 x13 and recess 15’6” x 14’ extra (half panelled) bachelor’s bedroom 17 x 14, two men’s rooms and bathroom, Inner Hall with oak floor and panelling 25 x 16, Drawing Room with oak floor and panelling 22 x 17, with inglenook extra and carved oak mantel and overmantel, Library with oak floor and panelling 18’6” x 16, the Dining Room 25 x 18’6” with oak floor and panelling, study 18 x 16, Smoking Room or Den 10’ x 8’6”.

The Domestic Offices comprise butler’s pantry, brushing closet, Silver Room, Servants’ Hall, Housekeeper’s Room, larder, dairy, kitchen scullery, lamproom and W.C.  Under the house are extensive and dry cellars, boot room, furnace room, laundry (h & c) wine beer and coal cellars,  FIRST FLOOR approached by oak principal staircase and also secondary staircase, Bathroom (h & c) built since 1909,

Bedroom about 21 x 18 ft with Dressing Room communicating, Bedroom with door to Bathroom, 2 other principal bedrooms and Dressing Room, H.M’s pantry and W.C.  SECOND FLOOR  5 excellent bedrooms, 3 Dressing Rooms, W.C. and 4 servants’ bedrooms,
Electric Light has recently been installed, hot water heating apparatus.

The STABLING built in character with the house comprises 5 Loose boxes and 4 stalls with 4 sleeping rooms over, 2 Sitting rooms, scullery and W.C. bathroom:  3 stalls and 3 loose boxes with loft and forage stores over, 3 Loose boxes 2 dog kennels Clipping box, harness room, washhouse and loft Garage for 4.

Stud Groom’s Cottage of Three rooms and four rooms down.  Two Galvanised Iron Motor Sheds and built since 1909 is Saddle Room, Office and Dressing Room.

Brick and Slated Building for Electric Light plant installed in 1908 consisting of Engine House with Hornsby’s 22 H.P. Suction Gas Engine & plant, Holmes’ Dynamo 150 Volt, 130 Amp and 55 cells in the accummulator [sic] room.

Brick and Slated Laundry of boiler house washhouse, mangle room, ironing room 2 bedrooms, sitting room and kitchen.  In the kitchen garden there is a four light greenhouse, leanto ditto, 8 and 3 light ditto, leanto 6 light glasshouse, Summer house, old cottages used for stores and a pumphouse.

The FARMBUILDINGS are fully described under cover of  H.No: 210.

Assessment (TNA, IR 58/2349) no.201
Situation              Sheep Str
Description         Laundry & Institute for Youths &  Dwelling House
Gross Value: Land           £19
Rateable Value: Land     £15 - 5
Occupier & Owner Norman McCorquodale Winslow Hall
Interest of Owner            Freehold
Outgoings -  Land Tax,   11s/11d             
Former Sales  Dates           March 25th 1899
Consideration                    £460
Owners’ Estimate            Small &Barker, Winslow
Site Value Deductions claimed    Yes
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition               
[red] With 194

1921: Census
The Hall, 28 rooms

Norman McCorquodale Head 57y 8m married Director of various companies b. Newton-le-Willows, Lancs
Constance Helena McCorquodale Wife 54y 7m married home duties b. Northampton
Mary Rosamond McCorquodale Daughter 23y 8m single home duties b. London
Malcolm Stewart McCorquodale Son 20y 2m single Oxford undergraduate (Christ Church) b. London
Pamela Constance McCorquodale Daughter 11y 2m   school b. London
Henry Rumbold Bathurst Norman Visitor 20y 5m single Oxford undergraduate (Magdalen) b. Tolland, Somerset
Agatha Mary Bathurst Norman Visitor 23y 6m single home duties, 10 Palmeira Square, Hove b. Kilmerston, Somerset
George William Duff Servant 25y 4m single Footman b. Navidale, Sutherlandshire
Sidney Benfield Servant 16y 6m single Footman b. Sandford St Martin, Oxon
Rose Annie French Servant 24y 3m single Housemaid b. Winslow
Constance Mary French Servant 20y 11m single Housemaid b. Winslow
Ida Myrtle Winifred Beasley Servant 17y 4m single Lady's maid b. Cosgrove
Georgina Marr Sutherland Servant 17y 7m single Kitchen maid b. Loth, Sutherlandshire
Margaret Mackay Servant 36y 1m single Cook b. Clyne, Sutherlandshire

1938, 3 Jan: Death of Norman McCorquodale

1939: Kelly's Directory
Major Norman Duncan McCorquodale, Winslow Hall

1939: sold to United Glass Bottle Company

Fete at Winslow Hall, 1940 Fete at Winslow Hall, 1940

1941: Buckingham Advertiser

(in the town of Winslow)
In conjunction with Messrs. GEO. WIGLEY & SONS
Are instructed by the Executors of the late Norman McCorquodale, Esq., to sell by auction, on
And two following days commencing each day at 11 o’clock precisely
Part of the VALUABLE Contents of the Mansion As previously advertised.

Order of Sale
TUESDAY.- Principal bedrooms, Entrance and Lounge Halls, Silver and Plate.
WEDNESDAY.- Four Reception Rooms, Bijouterie, Books.
THURSDAY.- Secondary and staff bedrooms, domestic offices, china, glass, garden effects and saddlery.
  On view Monday, January 20th, from 10 to 3 o’clock, by abridged catalogue only which may be obtained from the Auctioneers, Messrs. Jackson Stops & Staff, Estate House Bridge Street, Northampton, and Messrs. Geo. Wigley & Sons, Winslow, Bletchley.

1941: Bucks Herald, 8 Aug


  In the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice last week there came before Mr. Justice Bennett a summons in respect of the requisitioning of property contracted to be sold.  The parties concerned were Winslow Hall Estates Company and United Glass Bottle Manufacturers, Ltd.
  His Lordship delivered judgment in favour of the vendors on this vendor and purchaser summons taken out under section 49 of the Law of Property Act, 1925, by the purchasers, United Glass Bottle Manufacturers, Limited, asking for rescission of their contract with the vendors, Winslow Hall Estates Company, to purchase Winslow Hall, a mansion and grounds at Winslow, Bucks.
  Mr. R. F. Roxburgh, K.C., and Mr. C. V. Rawlence appeared for the purchasers; Sir Herbert Cunliffe, K.C., and Mr. C. E. Shebbeare for the vendors.
  Mr. Justice Bennett said that by a contract dated December 23rd, 1940, the vendors agreed to sell a mansion house and land at Winslow for £10,500.  The day fixed for completion of the purchase was January 13th, 1941, but as the vendors wanted to hold a sale by auction on the premises the parties agreed to postpone completion until January 25th.  On January 24th a representative of the Ministry of Works came down to Winslow and requisitioned the property, and the next day, January 25th, served a notice on the purchasers that the property had been requisitioned under regulation 51 of the General (Defence) Regulations made under the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939.  At that date the conveyance had not been signed by all the necessary parties, but that was done by February 3rd.  Since then, on some date which had not been proved, possession had been taken by the Office of Works on behalf of the Government who went into exclusive possession.
   It was clear on the evidence that on February 3rd, the vendors were in a position to give vacant possession under their contract, and the purchasers were unable to prove the contrary.  It was argued, however, that the notice was an incumbrance.  But there was no provision to such an effect in the emergency legislation and there was nothing to make it incumbent on the Office of Works to give previous notice of their intention to the vendors.  In his (his Lordship’s) view the purchasers were not entitled to the relief which they claimed. In so holding, he was not deciding what would have happened if the notice had been served before the critical date, that is, the day fixed for completion.

1942-45: Winslow Hall used by the Air Ministry

1947: Winslow Hall bought by Thomas Oakley Ltd demolition contractors

1948: Geoffrey Houghton Brown, an antiques dealer, purchases Winslow Hall

1951: Country Life, 24 Aug
Winslow Hall, Buckinghamshire, the property of Mr. Geoffrey Houghton Brown, by Arthur Oswald
Click here for PDF (169KB)
Oswald regarded the attribution to Christopher Wren as almost certain. There is a very detailed description of Winslow Hall as it was in 1951, including alterations made by Mr Houghton Brown, who was planning to turn the building into flats.

Two walls of the Painted Room
Painted Room, 1951

1959: Sir Edward & Lady Tomkins buy Winslow Hall

Arthur Clear: A Thousand Years of Winslow Life (1888): pp.15-16 on Winslow Hall

Winslow Hall is a commodious, but plain brick, edifice, standing at the entrance of the Town from Aylesbury. Until recent years it was approached by a handsome flight of stone steps leading to the south front, over the door of which is the name of William Lowndes, and the date of its erection, 1700 the Architect being Inigo Jones; a modem carriage way now leads to the north front of the house. The Lowndes Family must have had a mansion at Winslow long previous to this, for we find mention in the Church Register, that Robert Lownes of Winslow was married to Jane Croke on the 4th. June, 1575; a Edward Lownes was buried there Aug. 30, 1575; Jone Lownes the wife of Robert Lownes, was buried on 8th, June, 1589, and a Richard Lownes on the 28th June, 1591. The name of W. Lovnes appears on the Sanctus Bell dated 1611.

On several occasions, a member of this family has been elected to represent Buckinghamshire in Parliament, the most eminent being William Lowndes Esq, chairman of the Committee of ways and means in the House of Commons, and commonly called "Ways and Means" Lowndes; he died in 1723-4 and on the 22nd of January, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer acquainted the House of Commons "that this House has lost a very useful member, and the Public as able and honest a Servant as the Crown ever had, by the death of Mr. Lowndes." A contemporary account states-"January 28th, 1723, the corpse of William Lowndes Esq., was this day carried out of town, to lie in state at his seat at Chesham. Jan 29th, the Funeral procession of the late Wm. Lowndes Esq. left his seat at Chesham, and proceeded to his other seat at Winslow. The body lay in state there during the day till late in the evening, when it was interred at the Parish Church at Winslow.". The following lines were written as an Epitaph to his memory.

"No ways or means, against the tyrant death,
Could raise supplies to aid thy fund of breath,
O Lowndes; it is enacted, soon or late
Each branch of nature must submit to fate,
Each member of that House where thou didst stand
Intent on Credit, with thy Bill in hand
Shall equally this imposition bear,
And in his turn be found deficient there,
But trust in heaven where surplusses of joy,
And endless produce will all cares destroy,
And may'st thou there, when thy accounts are passed,
Gain a quietus which shall ever last."

A Richard Lowndes of Winslow, was Sheriff of Bucks in 1738, and M.P. for the County in 1742 and 1754. He died at Hillesden in 1775, and was buried at Winslow.

Winslow Hall north front
Winslow Hall north front, seen from the grounds (1900s or 1910s)

A detailed article on Winslow Hall was published in 2007, including a photo of a painting of c.1700 showing the building in its original form:

In 2007 Tony Blair and Cherie Blair were said to be interested in buying Winslow Hall, but ultimately didn't. This article from the Daily Telegraph includes some photos of the Hall at the time (unfortunately putting Winslow in Berkshire). It was bought by Christopher & Mardi Gilmour in 2010.

See also:

Copyright 27 September, 2024