Will of Elizabeth Hogson, 1600

Herts RO 7AR193

In the name of God Amen In the yeare of our Lord god 1600 and in the xlijth yeare of the Queens ma(jes)ties Reyne and the first day of Aprill I Elizabeth Hogson of Winslow being sicke of body but sound of Remembrance thankes be to god doe make this my last will and testament in manner & forme following First I bequeath my soule to god that gave it me to be amongst the holy company of heaven Allso I doe make my brother Michaell Norman full executor, & I doe geve unto the said Michaell Norman all my Corne, and cattayle and all other moveables, w(hi)ch ys halfe w(hi)ch my mother <left?> paying all debts duely proved, as five pounds w(hi)ch I owe to my sister in law Alice Norman And also eight pounds to be payd to John Deverell of Swanybbone the elder at Michaelmas after my decease and also I give to the Church ij s And also I doe give to John Kyrby & Will(ia)m Thomelyn xij d apece whome I make ov(er)seers of this my last will & testament. witnesses Hugh Stutsburye Henry Wend(over)

[Probate granted at St Albans on 21 May 1600 to Michael Norman, executor]

Inventory of Elizabeth Hogson, 1600

Herts RO A25/1762

The Inventarye of all and sing(u)ler the goods cattell and chattels w(hi)c(h) late app(er)tayned & belonged unto Elizabeth Hogson while she lived of Winsloe in the Cou(n)tye of Bucks, made & praised the xvjth daye of Maye 1600 by Henrye Wendov(er), John Kerbye Willia(m) Tomlyne & Nicholas Overinge w(i)t(h) others as followeth

Imprimis ij horse & her p(ar)te of a mare
iij s iiij d
Item ij beastes & a bullocke
iij li xiij s iiij d
Item a stoor hogge & a halfe p(ar)te in an other
vij s vj d
Item iiii hennes & a Cocke
ij s iiij d
Item x Ridges of wheate and barley
v li
Item x Ridges of pease & beanes
iii li
Item wheate, barley & pease in the howse
xxvj s viij d
Item one longe Carte a mucke carte & one paire of harrowes w(i)t(h) all other furniture for halfe a Teame
xxvj s viij d
Item the Tymber in the yarde
iiij li
Item the halfe of a olde hovel w(i)t(h) the olde wood in the yarde
x s
Item her halff of the brasse
xiij s iiij d
Item her halfe of the pewter
v s
Item her halfe of the coop(er)yr ware
iij s iiij d
Item one table one forme ij stooles one pott hanger j paire of potte hokes & all other furniture for the fier
x s
Item one featherbed a boulster ii cov(er)lettes one blanket w(i)t(h) other furniture longinge for ye[?] beds
xxx s
Item fyve paire of sheetes ij table clothes iij table napkins one paire
of pillowbeares and ij towels
xx s
Item ii bedsteedes one cofer & a chest
vij s
Item her halfe of the painted clothes and hade[?] clothe & of the boultinge
hutche and trough w(i)t(h) other furniture & timber about the house
vj s viij d
Item her wearing app(ar)ell
iii li

Sum(m)a Totalis
xxix li xv s ij d

Mychael Norman
His marke

[Presented by Michael Norman, executor, 21 May 1600]


Elizabeth Hogson was buried at Winslow on 16 April 1600.

Copyright 30 April, 2013