Will of Thomas Overinge, 1560 (proved 1561)

Herts RO 6AR240

In dei nomine Amen.  In the yeare of our lorde god 1560 & the xxvjth daye off Desember I Thomas Overinge of Wynslowe sicke in bodie & wholle of mynde do make this my Laste will & Testamente in maner & Furme folloynge.  Firste I bequethe my sowle to allmyghtie god, my body To be buryde in the churche yearde of Saynte Laurence in Wynslow.  Item I bequeth to the mother  Churche of Saynt albones ij d.  Item I bequethe to Edward Overynge my howse w(ith) all the purtenance belongyng to yt & the standards of the sayd howse ase tables fourms & a chare & cobyrons & spetts fryinge pan a hachatt a gredden Item I gyve unto his wyffe iij plattres & to the sayd Eddmound [sic] ij boushels of barly j payre of shetts a wynning clothe.  Item I bequethe to Thomas Overing Frances Onyon & John Overinge thay thre shall have a fether bead w(ith) all that longes to it in ther chamber  Cominge to it at all tymes & eche of them a coffer & eche of them to have ij bouchells of barly.  Item I gyve to Franc(e)s Onyon a blacke Cowe & vj s viij d.  Item I gyve to Edwarde a bryndyd Cowe & a calfe.  Item I wyll that the Rede cowe to be Solde for to paye my leigesses w(ith) all.  Item I gyve to Thomas Overi(n)g vj s viij d.  Item I bequethe unto the povre people as followithe.  Furste William Lane j peacke of barly & a penny.  Thomas Tharpe a peck of barly & j d. Thomas Fuller a pecke of barly & j d.  Harry Lockwoode j pecke of barly & j d.  Maude Leige a pecke of barly & j d.  Mother Bowsswell  j peacke of barly & j d.  Ban(n)ester j pecke of barly & j d. Pallinger  j pecke of barly & j d.  William Leige a pecke of barly & j d.  Thomas Scott a pecke of barly & j d.  Margatt Carpant(er) j pecke of barly & j d.  Elling Overinge ij boushells of barly.  Thomas Thorne j boushell of barly.  Catheringe Myddellton ij boushells of barly.  Richard Normanse wyffe iij boushells of barly & one payre of shetts a kettell the best save one.  Jone Overinge the beste kettell & a payre of shetts.  Item I geve to the prest of our parwyshe a pecke of barly & a good platter.  Item I geve to Antony Wendelbrowe j boushell of barly.  Item I geve to William Jackson ij boushells of barly.  The Ressydwe of my goods not bequethed my detts payd my will fullfylled my body brought in yearth I geve & bequethe to Edward aforsayd whome I make my holle Exsecuton(er) to dysspose for the helthe of my Soulle  Witnesses Antonye Wen<del>browe & Will(ia)m Jackson whom I have mayd my ov(er)seares

[Latin] Probatum viijo die Julii 1562 coram domino Archidiacono & c
Commissaque fuit Administratio & c Executori & c Primitus & c Salvo & c


Inventory of Thomas Overinge, 1561

Herts RO A25/503

Parochia de Wynslowe

The Invitary off the goodes of Thomas Overynge laitt departyd to ye marcy of god p(ra)sed by Thomas Jacson Anthony Wendelborowe William Jacson & Robart Hashall

Fyrste a fetherbeade a bolster & an old coverled
viij s
Item two payre of shetts
iij s iiij d
Item iij Coffers price
xx d
Item ij tables a forme and ij charis
iij s
Item a Frying panne a heiachell & an axe
x d
Item a spitte a payre of cobyrns a gridene and a payre of potthoks
ij s
Item peowter as iiij platters & a podendige
ij s vj d
Item ij the beaste kettles
iij <s>
Item ij kyne the one w(ith) calfe & the oy(ther) baron
xl s
Item xx bowshells of barly price
xxiij s iiij d
Item his apparell a cloke a cott a gyrkyn and a doblett
iij s
In mony
iij s iiij d
iiij li xiij s iiij d

[Latin] Exhibitum viijo die Julii Anno Domini 1561 pro vero &c.

[signed] J. Easte


standards: permanent or necessary furniture or apparatus (of a household, etc.) (OED, s.v. standard 26a).

hachatt: This is written hachatt in the will and heiachell in the inventory. Presumably a hatchet.

gredden: i.e. gridiron.

wynning: i.e. winnowing.

podendige: i.e. poddinger, a dish or bowl for soup or stew (OED).

The detailed list of the poor is a rare insight into people who don't normally enter the written records, but very few of the names match those in the parish burial register, only: