The Bell Inn / Hotel
The first detailed reference to The Bell by name found so far is in the will of Anthony Jackson, 1591. He describes himself as "yeoman" but refers to "my house called the Bell". His inventory shows that although he did some farming, his house was an inn catering for numerous visitors: there are references to the hall, great parlour, little parlour, great chamber, blue chamber, new lodgings, and various other chambers and lofts. There were 27 beds of various sorts, and 35 pairs of sheets. The "house called the Bell" is also mentioned in the inventory of Anthony's brother William Jackson, 1586.
Left: Vintage cars outside the Bell, 2009. The buildings behind the car were formerly the Bell Garage.
Part of the description in Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire (1913): The greater part of the Inn is apparently modern; on the W. side, facing Bell Alley, is a rectangular block, of two storeys and a cellar, originally a separate inn called 'The George', built early in the 16th century. The wall in front is almost entirely of modern brick, but retains some of the original timber-framing in the lower storey, and a little old brick filling, re-used, in the upper storey; at the back the timber-framing is original, the brick filling is modern. The roof is tiled. On the E. side of the modern block is a two-storeyed gateway of late 16th or early 17th-century date; it is timber-framed, with modern brick filling, and has a tiled roof, with an old dormer window on each side. Interior:—On the ground floor the large room, now sub-divided, has richly moulded intersecting ceiling-beams, and a fireplace with a late 17th-century moulded architrave and dentil cornice. The smaller room has a large chamfered ceiling-beam, supported at one end by a 17th-century turned post, brought from elsewhere. |
The inventory of John Clements, 1581, gives details of premises which match very closely those of The Bell in 1591: great and little parlours, great and blue chambers. John had 14 beds of various sorts (and some "straw pads" for extra sleeping accommodation), and a sign worth £1 which was presumably the inn sign. He was recorded as a vintner in the certificates of alehouses of 1577. It is almost certain that John kept The Bell, and he was probably its founder, as it is not mentioned in the survey of the manor of 1556. Anthony Jackson was an innholder in Jan 1582, so must have taken over The Bell after John's death. His connection to the wealthy Fige family probably enabled him to develop it.
Moulde or Maud Jackson, widow of Anthony (and stepdaughter of Thomas Fige), married Phillip Favor (Vicar of Winslow) on 24 March 1592/3 at Winslow (licence granted by the Bishop of London on 20 March to Philip Favor, clerk, and Molda Jackson, widow of Anthony Jackson, innkeeper), and he died in 1597. On 22 July 1600 as Mould Favour she married Silvester Mitchell at Winslow, and he was buried there on 24 Jan 1610/11. She was buried at Winslow as Maud Mitchell, widow, on 26 March 1623. Silvester Michell made his will in 1610, and his inventory of Jan 1611 must refer to The Bell. It mentions the hall, little parlour, lower parlour and blue chamber. There were now 19 beds and 14 pairs of sheets. It therefore seems that Moulde continued to run The Bell after her first husband died. However, it is called the Rose in the entry for Silvester Mitchell in the schedule of tenants of 1610, so there must have been a temporary change of name.
Thomas Jackson, son of Anthony, inherited The Bell from his parents and planned to transfer it on his deathbed to his brother Stephen, described as a vintner, on condition that Stephen paid specified sums of money to various relatives. In fact it was inherited by his brother Anthony and then soon after by another brother, probably Stephen. The details can be reconstructed from a legal case of 1614 between Robert Allen and Stephen Jackson. Stephen and Peter Jackson are listed as tenants of the manor in 1613, and one of them must have been the official tenant of The Bell by the date of the case, but they do not appear to have been resident in Winslow.
1635, 14 Oct (Ship Money Papers = BRS vol.13, p.18).
William Lownes of Winslow, one of the High Constables of Cottesloe Hundred, ordered "to appear at Winslowe under the signe of the Bell" concerning the payment of Ship Money.
12 Sep 1638
Centre for Bucks Studies, D175/2 [Translated from Latin; this could refer to The Bell]
The Seneschal had it recorded that Peter Jackson on 16 Oct 1637 surrendered a cottage or tenement situate in Winslow with a close called Kings Close and 24 acres of arable land and meadow in the fields of Winslow, namely a piece of land at Naunditch, a piece of land at Smallidoles, a piece of land or meadow at Longmeadleyes, a piece of meadow called Palmsmead and a piece at Tookeyshill, now in the tenure of Hugh Seaton sr. To the benefit of Hugh Seaton son of the said Hugh Seaton. Annual rent: 7s. Fine: 50s. No heriot because he [Peter] has other lands.
Hugh Seaton surrendered half a cottage or tenement situate in Winslow, namely the kitchin with chambers over, parlor and haul and the eastern part of a close called Kings Close containing by estimate 3 roods as it is now divided, now in the tenure of Hugh Seaton sr, 6 roods of arable land lying together at Tookeyshill containing by estimate 2 acres, the land of Robert Benbow on the east, and 18 roods at Naunditch, Reveham Meadow to the north, and half a meadow called Palms Mead towards the west, and half a piece of land called Smallidoles towards the west. To the use of Alice Seaton wife of Hugh Seaton sr for her life. Annual rent 3s 6d. Fine: 25s.
1642, 10 March (Centre for Bucks Studies, D 175/2 - see also 1641 manor court)
Surrender and re-admission of Henry Pym to the messuage in Winslow called The Bell.
To the use of the said Henry Pym and after his death to the use of Henry Pym his son.
1661: Manor court, 8 October
Wendover Lownds was to pay John Parnham £106 on 25 March next "at John Henly's dwelling house commonly called by the name of Campanum, in English "the Bell" in Winslow.
1666, 2 December: Will of Henry Pym of Winslow, innholder
Leaves his estate to his granddaughters Dorothy and Ann Pym
"And my will is that Roger Attwood shall have use of my cake print till one of my executors shall marry with a baker by trade and if any of them marry a baker by trade she that be first married shall have it"
Dorothy Pym married John Plomer at Stone in 1668 and was buried there in 1671; John Plomer (b.1669) was her son. The Bell remained in the joint ownership of Dorothy's and Ann's descendants and their assigns for over a century.
1667: Manor court, 21 October
Silvester Pim lately died seised of a messuage in Winslow called the Bell and 1½ acres in the field of Winslow. Dorothy and Ann Pim his sisters are his coheirs and sought admission by John Henly their guardian. Rent 5s, fine 5s.
Silvester was buried in 1666, and predeceased his grandfather Henry, so can only have been seised of the reversion of The Bell after Henry's death.
1668: Manor court, 16 March
John Henly mortgaged to Paul Alden "his messuage in Winslow in the occupation of himself and one Abraham Day", which seems to refer to The Bell.
1670, 11 October: Inventory of Roger Atwood, baker
He seems to have occupied at least part of The Bell.
1672: Manor court
Dorothy Plum(m)er late wife of John Plum(m)er sr died seised of half of two messuages in Winslow and of 1½ acres of land in the same. John Plum(m)er jr her son is nearest heir, aged 3. He was brought to court by John sr his father who sought that his son should be admitted. Fine 5s, heriot 2s. Custody of the heir's body and of the premisses was given to John sr during the minority.
1685: Manor court
John Plomer jr died since the last court seised of half a messuage in Winslow called the Bell, and half a messuage in Winslow in which Mathew Bishopp now lives, and half of 1½ acres of land in Winslow. Ann Hunt wife of James Hunt is his heir and sought admission. [She was John Plomer's aunt]
1696: Manor court
Benjamin Bigg acquires a messuage to the east of The Bell from his father Stephen.
1698: Manor court
James Hunt and Ann his wife surrendered half a messuage (in which William Edmonds, David East, William Shelton and [blank] Hams widow now dwell separately) commonly called the Bell Inn. To the use of Stephen Bigg sr of Winslowe Blacksmith.
William Edmonds probably kept the inn. David East was a baker, and had probably taken over Roger Atwood's business. There were at least two William Sheltons in Winslow at this time; one was a cordwainer. Widow Hams was Frances, widow of Zachary Hamms, cutler.
1704: Manor court
Stephen Bigg on 9 Oct last surrendered his half of a messuage now in the occupation of himself, Richard Allen, John Longbridge and Mr Miller commonly called the Bell Inn, with all houses, outhouses, buildings, structures, malthouses, barns, stables, yards, orchards, gardens, "Sheep Penns". To the use of Benjamin Bigg his second son.
1704: Manor court
Benjamin Bigg and Ann his wife and Mary Bigg widow in "pursuance" of the directions of Stephen Bigg sr deceased his father surrendered his undivided half of the messuage (now in the occupation of Benjamin, Richard Allen, John Longbridge and [blank] Miller) called the Bell Inn [as above]. To the use of Robert Gibbs sr, Richard Bigg and John Spratley on the following trusts: to allow Mary Bigg, widow of Stephen, postmaster, to receive for her life an annuity of £11 arising from the premisses, in satisfaction of her dower. And 6 months after Mary's death to "raise" and pay the sum of £200 to Stephen's grandchildren [8 listed]. Provided that if Benjamin pays the sum of £200 as aforesaid to the satisfaction of the trustees, the surrender is to be to the use of Benjamin or such person as he directs, subject to the payment of the £11 annuity.
1707: The will of Benjamin Bigg refers to his part of The Bell, which he settles on his wife Anne and daughters Mary and Jane. Jane married John Turner; see below.
1708: Manor court
Ann Bigg widow, relict of Benjamin Bigg, and Mary and Jane infants, Benjamin's daughters, sought admission to the undivided half of a messuage called The Bell Inn which came into the lord's hands on Benjamin's surrender to the use of his will. To hold to Ann for her life, then to Mary and Jane.
1715: Manor court
John Plummer customary tenant died since the last court (see his will), seised to himself and the heirs of his body by the body of Alice his wife of half a messuage called the Bell Inn and half of 1½ acres of land belonging to it. William Plomer is his son and next heir by the body of Alice, of full age, and sought admission. Rent [blank], fine 2s 6d, heriot by composition 10s.
William Plummer and Alice Plummer widow surrendered half a messuage or cottage called the Bell Inn in which Augustine Seaton now lives, and half of 1½ acres of arable land in Winslowe belonging to the messuage. Procedure of common recovery. All surrendered to the use of William Plomer and Hannah his wife for their lives, then to the heirs of their bodies, or to William's heirs. Rent [blank], fine 2s 6d.
1718: Manor court
Robert Gibbs and Richard Bigg surrendered an undivided half of a messuage in the occupation of Benjamin Bigg, Richard Allen, John Longbridge and [blank] Miller or one of them called The Bell Inn with houses, outhouses, buildings, structures, malthouses, barns, stables, yards, orchards, gardens, backyards, "sheep pens". To the use of Ann Bigg widow of Benjamin Bigg for her life, then to Jane Bigg one of her daughters and Jane's heirs forever. Rent 3s 6d, fine [blank].
1723: Insurance policy 15/415
John Thompson & Joseph Tofield joint innkeepers
1725, 25 March: Sun Insurance (11936/15/415/23797)
John Turner of Winslow and William Plumber of Stone Co. Bucks | £ |
For their house being the Bell Inn situate in the town aforesaid and now in the possession of John Thompson and Joseph Tofield | 350 |
The outhouses belonging to the same | 150 |
---- |
500 |
1725, 5 April: Manor court
Jane Bigg of Winslowe Spinster out of court on 28 Dec last surrendered all her undivided half of the messuage then in the occupation of John Thomson and Joseph Tofeild, their subtenants or assigns, known by the name of the Bell Inn, scituate in Winslowe, and of all houses, outhouses, buildings, structures, malthouses, barns, stables, yards, orchards, gardens, backyards, "Sheep penns", etc., and of all the separate pieces of land belonging to the messuage in the common fields of Winslowe. To the use of Robert Gibbs sr of Winslowe Yeoman and William Gibbs of Winslowe Husbandman (son of Robert),
on trust as follows: To the use of Jane Bigg until a marriage is solemnised between John Turner son of Joseph Turner of Winslowe Chirurgeon and her. Then to the use of John Turner and Jane Bigg for their lives. Then to their heirs, or to Jane's heirs. Robert and William sought to be admitted. Rent [blank], fine 2s 6d.
1726, 2 Aug: Verney Letters of the Eighteenth Century, 2.97
Mr Abell [of East Claydon] hath some gentlemen at his house, and they layd a waiger that Mr Abell's coachman could not draw a Chaise with two gentlemen in it from his house at East Claydon to the Bell in Winslow; and last night he tryed his strength, he was to doe it in four houres, but he did it in less, the gentlemen said they woud not Expose themselves in Winslow street, so they agreed that three hundred waite should be putt into the Chaise in lieu of their own waite which was accordingly done at Winslow town's ende.
1729: the manor court was held at The Bell on 20 October.
1730: Death of William Plomer of Stone, co-owner of The Bell, leaving a widow Hannah, and sons John and William.
1730, 27 July: Northampton Mercury
Floral Feast at Bell Inn Winslow
On Monday the 3rd August, will be held, at the Bell Inn in Winslow, a Florist Feast, and a Guinea will be given to him that produces the twelve best Carnations. N.B. There will be a Twelvepenny Ordinary.
1730, 16 January: Sun insurance (11936/32/206/53099)
John Turner of Winslow and Hannah Plumer of Stone Co. Bucks On their House being the Bell Inn in Winslow aforesaid with the outhouses thereto belonging in the tenure of John Thompson and other buildings near or adjoining being mostly thatched |
£ |
Dwelling house only | 170 |
Warehouse only adjoining | 40 |
Brewhouse only adjoining | 40 |
Stable adjoining | 10 |
One other stable adjoining | 30 |
A barn at the lower end of the yard | 30 |
One other stable | 45 |
One other stable | 30 |
One other stable | 20 |
A gatehouse | 5 |
One other stable | 15 |
One other stable in the tenure of Joseph Tofield baker | 15 |
Dwelling house only in the said Tofields occupation | 50 |
___ |
500 |
1730, 21 Sep: Northampton Mercury
John Thompson, The Bell, Winslow
1733, 22 Oct: Manor court
Jane the Wife of John Turner of Winslow Surgeon One of the Customary Tenants of the said Mannor Dyed since the last Co(u)rt Seized of Two Messuages standing together in Winslowe One in the occupation of the said John Turner the other of the Widdow Webster and One little inclosed Close att Shipton And the Moiety of the Bell Inn in Winslow & of an acre & an half of Land thereto belonging with their Apperten(an)ces And that there hapned to the Lord for a Herriott by Composition thirty shillings And that the said \John Turner and/ Jane \his wife/ (She the said Jane being first solely & secretly examined by the said Steward) Did before her Death out of Co(u)rt & since the last Court (to wit) on the Fifteenth day of May last past Surrender ... All & every the Copyhold Land & Tenements and Hereditaments of her the said Jane held of the said Mannor ... To such Uses Intents and Purposses and upon such Trusts as are or shalbe menconed expressed Declared or appointed in & by any Writing or Writings under the hands & Seales of the said Jane whether Covert or Sole to be attested by two or more credible Witnesses and for \want of/ such direction or appointment then to the Uses & Behoofe of Mary Dudley Spinster & her Heires And the said homage find that the said Jane Did by a Writing under her hand \& seal/ attested by two credible Wittnesses Declare & Appoint that the said John Turner should hold & Enjoy the Premisses in such Manner & upon such Conditions as \are/ therein expressed
1748: depositions in a lawsuit were taken at the house of Alice Thompson widow called The Bell.
1749, 27 Oct: Court Baron (Centre for Bucks Studies, D97/104/1)
Admission of Mary, wife of Peter Goldsworth
Benjamin Bigg, Carpenter and Ann his wife whilst they lived held....... one messuage or Tenement now divided into two messuages or Tenements in the several occupations of Emma Turner widow and John Toefield situated in Sheep Street in Winslow with the Barns Stables Outhouses and appart(ment)s thereto belonging adjoining to the Bell Inn towards the West are both dead and that Ann Bigg survived her said husband. And that Mary, wife of Peter Goldsworth, gent, the only daughter of Ann Dudley deceased (late wife of John Dudley) one of the daughters of the said Benjamin Bigg. And Jane Turner deceased late wife of John Turner and before Jane Biggs, spinster were the other daughter of the said Benjamin Bigg deceased.
1760-71: Alehouse recognizances
The Bell: Alice Thompson (1760), Rebecca Thompson (1765-71)
1767, 2 May: Will of John Turner of Winslow surgeon & apothecary (proved at the PCC)
Death of John Turner of Winslow, surgeon who held for life an individual moiety of a messuage or Tenement in Winslow called the Bell Inn and an individual moiety of an acre and a half of land more or less... [He had inherited this from his first wife Jane Bigg, d.1733]
1767, 12 & 13 Oct (manor court)
Admission of Mary Goldsworth for her life, on death of John Turner of Winslow surgeon who held for his life, to half the Bell Inn.
The Enclosure Award shows that the other half belonged to William Plomer (presumably the son of William and Hannah Plumber, above; see further below).
Somewhere around this time the adjacent Cock in Sheep Street seems to have been absorbed by The Bell.
1776: John Buncle Junior, Gentleman by Thomas Cogan
In this novel, the narrator writes a letter from Stowe describing how he got there from Aylesbury. It includes a lengthy account of a stay in Winslow, apparently at The Bell. We don't know how accurate it is, but the author (mainly known as a physician and a Unitarian) came from Rothwell, Northants, and was probably familiar with the road through Winslow.
IT was now nearly twelve o’Clock; the day most sultry; and ourselves fatigued with heat and dust…And as riding another hour would bring us to the proper season of dinner and repose,… we pressed forwards to WINSLOW; which we were informed was a good market town; and where we might expect to be accommodated with every thing fit and necessary to entertain gentlemen travellers. WINSLOW THE first object that attracted our notice was a self-consequential Sign-post, stretched across the road, as if it were inclined to intercept the passengers, and compel them to come in. THE EXCISE AND POST-OFFICE, written in large capitals of gold, a swinging triumphant in the centre, published as plainly as signs can speak, This is the best Inn in Town. NOW such being exactly the information we wanted, like most people who argue from their feelings, we gave it full credit, and rode into the gateway without further enquiry. HOSTLER, thrice resounded through the Yard, without the most distant reverberation of coming, Sir. At length a plump north-country girl waddled towards us… BUT where’s the Hostler? WHY our John is gone to carry the hay-makers their dinners. He’s bin gone this two hours, and ayent come bock agen, an idle To-ad. SHE conducted our Steeds to an old thatched building of mud and plaster, with which both Eurus and Boreas [east and north winds] seemed often to have amused themselves on a holiday, or when they were not bent upon greater mischiefs. We thought, that being a novice in her profession, she might have mistaken the place; but looking about, we at length descried a small slip of a Manger in one of the corners; which operating like leaven, or by virtue of a certain figure in Rhetoric, called Synechdoche, substituting a part for the whole, gave to this large cobweb’d Barn, a just right and title to the appellation and honors of a Stable. WE took the other parts of the office upon ourselves; and sent the girl in quest of her mistress. THE landlady, who was a smart, lively woman, immediately appeared before us, and endeavoured, by the volubility of her tongue, and extreme courtesy of her behaviour, to atone for every sin she might ignorantly commit against grammar or common sense. Upon enquiring what we could have for dinner, we were answered according to the enlarged scale of a pettifogging-shop, where they generally boast of the greatest plenty with-out doors; to hide their extreme poverty. “WHAT you please, Gemmen; just what you please. There is not a house in all Winslow, or the next town to it, that keeps a better Lardiner than I do…” HOWEVER, when we descended to particulars, she apologized away with great dexterity the whole of this copious Larder.- The heat of the weather;- the smallness of the family at home;- its not being market-day;- some company unexpectedly coming in last night, reduced her to confess, that the whole stock in trade, consisted of a dish of Beans and Bacon, which was saved out of the provision sent to the Haymakers. EXCELLENT, nothing can be better; let us have it immediately. “YOU SHALL, Sir, in a minuit; please to walk into this little palur, or up stairs into my large dining room, which will be much more cooler, and lightsommer, and pleasanter for you Gemmen. I’ll shew you the way.” IT was well she was our guide; for the high road of the stair case was divided and subdivided, at every five steps, into so many bye-ways, leading this into one room in a corner, that to another; that we had been infallibly lost in a labyrinth without her. AT last we arrived at the grande sale: which it is true was of a commodious size, being the whole length of the building, not to mention some few yards stolen from the street, by means of an antique diamond-paned bow-window. The floor was of Oak. But English Oak itself, though it resists a cannon ball, and conquers nations, must still submit to the conquering teeth of Time: who indeed had made so hearty a meal of it, that the chinks, in divers parts, gaped wide and horrible. In the centre, from the chimney downwards, stood a long table, with benches on each side of it, always ready to receive the welcome guests of a market day;- who by the bye, not to lose any time, seemed to be catching at immortality, while they were waiting for their dinners:- For they had covered the surfaces of the benches and table, with the initials of their names, and various dates, curiously etched with their knives and forks, and crooked nails. - In one corner of the room was an antiquated bedstead; and in another, an ancient escrutoir was placed, which, in every future agreement between Landlord and Tenant, must doubtless be left as a fixture; for twenty men, in these degenerate days, would scarcely be able to stir it. A map of the world hung over the chimney. The life of Hannah Small, and Shinkin Shenny Morgan, Shentleman of Wales, together with the pictures of the different ages of men, and of old women grinding young again, adorned the walls. The naked spaces left room for the imagination to work at will; for Time had by various fantastic cracks, and divers colours, drawn the outlines of human figures, castles, landscapes, and hobgoblins, and politely left the Spectator to finish them in his own style... |
1776-85: Alehouse recognizances
The Bell: Richard Shelton
1778, 2 & 3 Oct (manor court)
Recites the arrangements made by Jane Turner and the admission of Mary Goldsworth in 1767. Thomas Gibbs the eldest son of her last surviving trustee William Gibbs deceased surrenders
a moiety of the Bell Inn to Mary for her life, then to the use of John Goldsworth of Winslow Labourer only son of Mary. Procedure of common recovery follows. All surrender the premises to James Burnham who then surrenders to Mary and John. They then surrender to Joseph Dudley of Winslow Draper who desires to be admitted. Rent [blank], fine [blank]
1778, 3 November: Sun Insurance (11936/269/405166)
Joseph Dudley of Winslow mercer On his moiety of the following buildings in Winslow aforesaid viz: |
£ |
The dwelling house offices and stables only adjoining of the Bell Inn in the tenure of Richard Shelton brick and plaister tiled and thatched |
228 |
Barn separate thatched | 12 |
Warehouse stable and brewhouse under one roof brick and tiled | 60 |
---- |
300 |
1779: Special Court Baron, 25 March 1779
William Plomer and Hannah his Wife whilst they lived held during the term of their natural lives with remainder to the Heirs of their Bodies One full and undivided Moiety of all that Messuage called or known by the Name or Sign of the Bell in Winslow now in the Occupation of Richard Shelton. And also one full and undivided Moiety of 1½ acres of Land in Winslow. They are both dead and John Plomer of Welton Northants Gent is their Eldest Son and Heir. The Commissioners allotted to Mary Goldsworth and John Plomer in lieu of 1½ acres a Lot in New Mill Field containing 3 Roods 9 Perches. = Winslow Allotment 49
John desires to be admitted Tenant. Rent 3s 6d, Fine 4s. Immediately he surrendered the above to the use of Matthew Deverell of Winslow Gentleman, who desires to be admitted Tenant. Rent 3s 6d. He gives nothing to the Lord for a Fine because his Admission is for further Assurance only. Procedure of common recovery: James Morris Gent demands against Matthew of a plea of Land by a Writ of entry sur Disseizin en le post at the Common Law. Matthew voucheth to Warranty John Plomer. John Plomer voucheth to Warranty John Cox. It is adjudged by the Court that James Morris do recover his Seizin. Thomas Allen Bailiff caused Seizin to be delivered. He is admitted Tenant but the Fine is remitted because this recovery is suffered only for better Assureance. Immediately afterwards Matthew Deverell, John Plomer and John Cox surrender all the Premises to the use of James Morris, and quit claim all claim and demand. James Morris by direction of John Plomer, and the said John Plomer in open Court surrender the Moiety of the Messuage and Land to the use of the said John Plomer his Heirs and Assigns for ever. John desires to be admitted Tenant. Rent 3s 6d, Fine 4s.
Afterwards John Plomer and Mary his wife did in open Court surrender the above to John Goodman of Winslow Victualler, who desires to be admitted Tenant. Rent 3s 6d, fine 4s.
1779, 6 April: Sun Insurance (11936/273/412225)
John Goodman of Winslow victualler | £ |
On his moiety of the dwelling house offices stables only adjoining of the Bell Inn at Winslow aforesaid in the tenure of Richard Shelton innholder brick plaister tiled and thatched | 200 |
Barn only separate thatched | 10 |
Warehouse stable brewhouse adjoining each other Brick timber and tiled |
40 |
On his house in Granborough called Red Lion in the tenure of Holding victualler thatched | 45 |
Stable only adjoining thatched | 5 |
---- |
300 |
1779, 20 April: Sun Insurance (11936/275/413175)
John Goodman of Winslow victualler and malster | £ |
On his now dwelling house brewhouse stable gatehouse and leantoos adjoining situate as aforesaid | 300 |
Utensils and stock not hazardous therein | 200 |
Household goods therein | 100 |
Storehouse and malthouse pigsties leantoos all adjoining to the above a brick wall between and no communication | 200 |
Utensils and stock therein | 200 |
---- |
£1000 |
1779: Oxford Journal, 25 Sep
Sale of property at Whitchurch by Mr James Bradford (of Buckingham) "at the Bell Inn in Winslow".
1781: Land Tax
John Goodman & Joseph Dudley: (occupier) Richard Shelton £1 12 0
1783, 5 May: Sun Insurance (11936/313/477377)
John Goodman of Winslow victualler malster and brewer | £ |
On his now dwelling house brewhouse storehouse gatehouse and leantoos all adjoining situate as aforesaid | 300 |
Household goods therein only | 100 |
Utensils and stock not hazardous therein | 200 |
---- |
£600 |
1784, 11 May: Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser
WINSLOW, BUCKS A LARGE QUANTITY OF HAY, WAGGONS, CARTS, farming and garden implements of every denomination, EIGHT LARGE STONE FIGURES, a large quantity of stone, mahogany in planks and boards, a variety of inferior household furniture, and numerous other effects, the property of |
1784, 3 June: Morning Post and Daily Advertiser
WINSLOW, BUCKS The Remainder of the Household Furniture, Library of Books, some few articles of plate, a quantity of iron, orange trees, pine and green-house plants, melon frames, about fifty gallons of remarkably fine old Jamaica rum, &c., of |
This was part of the sale of the effects of Ralph, 2nd Earl Verney, of Claydon House; the more valuable things had previously been sold at The George in Aylesbury. The ironwork of the balcony of The George is traditionally said to have come from Claydon House, and could be the "quantity of iron" in the second advert.
1784, 19 July: Northampton Mercury
[A meeting of the Turnpike Trustees to be held] at the House of Richard Shelton, called or known by the Name or Sign of the Bell Inn, in Winslow.
1786: Land Tax
John Goodman & Joseph Dudley: (occupier) Richard Shelton £1 14 10
1787, 29-30 October (Manor court)
Surrender: John Goodman of Winslow victualler
Admission: Joseph Dudley of Winslow draper
Undivided moiety of the Bell. This made Joseph Dudley outright owner of the whole Bell, which had had two separate owners since 1667.
1790-1812: Alehouse recognizances
The Bell: William King
1792, 29 October (Manor court)
Surrender by Joseph Dudley of Winslow, draper to Charles Lucas of Aylesbury, grocer, of:
All of that Messuage or Tenament situate & being in Winslow aforesaid within the said Manor now in the occupation of William King called by the name or sign of the Bell.
1793, 28 & 29 Oct (Manor court)
Surrender by Charles Lucas of Aylesbury, draper, to William King, Innholder.
1794: Manor Court
William King on 30 Oct 1793 mortgaged The Bell to John Tookey of Winslow surgeon for £400 and interest payable on 30 April next. Repayment recorded at 1797 manor court.
1795: Land tax
King, William - Bell Inn (occupier) Self £1 14 10
1795: Bucks Militia subdivision meetings for Cottesloe Hundred to be held at The Bell (instead of The Cock, Wing, as usual)
1796: G.M. Woodward's Eccentric Excursions gave an unfavourable account of staying the night at The Bell.
1800: Manor Court
William King and Sarah his wife mortgaged The Bell on 27 Oct 1797 to Richard Dickins of Stony Stratford, gent., for £300 + interest. That was repaid on 10 Oct 1800 and they immediately mortgaged it to John Sear of Bourton, Buckingham, dairyman, for £300.
1799, 28 October (Centre for Bucks Studies, BAS 375/22 no 28)
Order of Court. Jury ordered to view the Paling and Fence between the home close of Wiiliam Selby Esq lord of this Manor and the garden of William King of Winslow aforesaid victualler and enquire to whome the same doth belong.
2 Nov 1801: We have viewed the Paling or Fence and the same doth belong to the said William Selby.
1805: Land tax
King, William - Bell Inn (occupier) Self £1 14s 10d
1812, 8 Feb: Northampton Mercury
Winslow Bucks.
To be sold by auction, about the latter end of February, by direction of the assignee of William King, a bankrupt (unless an acceptable offer is made for disposing of the same by private contract)
That well-known inn, called the Bell Inn, at Winslow, Bucks, late in the Occupation of the Bankrupt, together with the furniture, stock. &c.
The above inn is situated between Buckingham and Aylesbury being only seven miles from the former, and 10 from the latter, is now in full trade, the accommodations extremely good, and has been long known and used by gentlemen travellers, as a most comfortable house. Printed particulars will be got ready, and due notice will be given of the time and place of sale, and in the mean time, any person desirous of treating for the same, by private contract, may make application to Mr. Shirley, of Warwick-Lane, Newgate Street, Mr. Williamson, of Little Tower Street, London, or to Mr. Billington, of Shenley, near Winslow, the Assignees, or to Messrs. Williamson, and Rimmer, of Clifford's Inn, London.
1812 manor court
Bankruptcy commissioners found that William King of Winslow innholder, dealer & chapman “did seek and endeavour to get his living by buying of wine and spirituous liquors and also hay straw and corn and other commodities and selling the same again”. He became indebted to Thomas & John Billington of Shenley maltsters in the sum of £100 and upwards, and became a bankrupt. They sold The Bell to Thomas Purcell of Winslow cow-dealer and William Purcell of Winslow innholder, now its occupiers. They were admitted tenants. Rent 6s 9d, fine 15s.
1813 manor court
Thomas and William Purcell mortgaged The Bell to William Humphries of Buckingham gentleman for £1,000
1813: Alehouse recognizances
Bell: William Pursell
Joseph Neal took over The Bell in 1814 (see below), initially as tenant and then as owner. During the 19th century The Bell under the proprietorship of the Neal family was the usual venue for the manor court, magistrates' court and coroner's inquests. It was also a posting house and staging point for stagecoaches. Hunt balls, auctions and farmers' dinners were held there. It began to be described as a hotel rather than an inn. The photograph below shows it c.1908; click on the image for a larger version.
1814: Land tax
William Pursell (late): Joseph Neal: £1 14s 10d
1814: manor court, 24 Oct
Surrender: Thomas Pursell of Winslow cowdealer & innholder & Lucy Ann his wife and William Pursell of Winslow innholder & Hannah his wife on 31 Jan 1814
Consideration: £800 paid to them + £1,000 due to William Humphries of Buckingham gent which John Flowers agrees to pay
Admission: John Flowers of Beachampton grazier
1814-28: Alehouse recognizances
The Bell: Joseph Neal
1823: Directory
Bell Inn - Joseph Neal, Sheep Street
1831: Register of Electors
Neal, Joseph: Winslow – owner of land in his own occupation
1831: Northampton Mercury, 13 Aug
BELL INN & COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS In the latter end of August or early in September, 1831, unless an acceptable offer is previously made for the same by PRIVATE CONTRACT, THAT Old-established, very respectable, and truly desirable INN, and COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS HOUSE, known by the sign of the BELL, situate in the Centre of the Market Town of WINSLOW, BUCKS, adjoining the Turnpike Road leading from Aylesbury to Buckingham, being only ten miles from the former and seven miles from the latter town, now in the occupation of Mr. Joseph Neal, as tenant from year to year, consisting of three good front parlours, bar and kitchen adjoining, scullery, sitting room above stairs, ten comfortable sleeping rooms, two excellent ale cellars, liquor and wine cellars, pantry, small beer cellar, coalhouse, woodhouse, hostelry, brewhouse and warehouse, stall stabling for 19 horses, six loose boxes, large open stable, lock-up coach-house, granaries, lofts, piggeries, and other convenient outbuildings, walled garden and yard with a pump and well of excellent water. The premises are in good repair and replete with every convenience necessary for carrying on the public business; they are Copyhold of Inheritance, held of the Manor of Winslow, with its members, subject to a heriot on death, an annual quit rent of 9d. and fines on death or alienation which are certain and very low. For a view of the premises apply thereon; and for further particulars, or to treat for the purchase (if by letter, post paid) to Mr. JOHN FLOWERS, Beachampton, near Stony Stratford, Bucks, the Proprietor; or to Messrs. WILLIS & SON, Solicitors, Winslow. |
1823 & 1832: Land tax
Flowers, John; (occupier) Joseph Neal - The Bell Inn £1 14s 10d
Joseph Neal was a yearly tenant until he acquired the premises from John Flowers of Beachampton, his father-in-law (Joseph married two of his daughters). It was probably soon after Neal acquired ownership that the present front of the building was added.
1835: proposals for improving the turnpike would have led to the demolition of part of The Bell, but were not implemented.
1837: Special court baron, 14 Jan
Surrender: John Flowers of Beachampton grazier, customary tenant, & Frances his wife for £500.
Admission: Joseph Neal of Winslow, innholder.
Further sum of £1,000 to be paid by Neal in discharge of a mortgage under conditional surrender of 27 Oct 1812 by Thomas Pursell of Winslow innkeeper & William Pursell of Winslow innkeeper to William Humphries of Buckingham gent, since deceased
Messuage used as a Public House and called or known by the Name or Sign of the Bell, formerly in the occupation of Richard Shelton afterwards of William King, since of the said William Pursell and now of the said Joseph Neal, with the Barns Stables Outhouses Yards Gardens Backsides.
Rent 6s 9d, fine 5s.
Joseph Neal and Rosetta Joan his wife then mortgaged it to William Deverell of Oxford Street, London, draper, for £500.
1837: Sale of the Old Workhouse behind the Bell Hotel
Clear (1894, 117): "At the back of the Bell Hotel is a block of buildings now used as a malthouse, stables, etc. These at one time formed the Parish Workhouse, Straw Plaiting School for boys, and a Mill-house in which the unemployed were set to work grinding corn by hand; here also was a lock-up for misdemeanants." [This was the former George Inn, which had been purchased by the Overseers of the Poor in 1821. Joseph Neal presumably bought it.]
1839: Bucks Herald, 14 Dec
W I n s l o w C h r i s t m a s B a l l
WILL take place at the BELL INN, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27TH, 1839.
Ladies’ Ticket, 6s. – Gentleman’s Ticket, 9s. including Music and Refreshment. Tickets are not transferable without the consent of a Steward.
1839: Will of Joseph Neal (proved 1842)
1841: Census
Bell Inn
Joseph | Neal | 50 | Innkeeper | b. in county |
Rosetta | do | 30 | do | |
William | do | 25 | Farmer | do |
Sarah | do | 15 | do | |
Joseph | do | 14 | do | |
Fanny | do | 13 | do | |
Frederick | do | 7 | do | |
Ann | Markham | 20 | Female servant | not b. in county |
Catharine | Simmonds | 30 | Female servant | b. in county |
Philip | Verney | 12 | Male servant | do |
George | Neal | 25 | Ostler | do |
Richard | Neal | 30 | Colt breaker | do |
John | Stoll | 35 | Woollen manuf(acturer) | not b. in county |
George | Grizzell | 25 | Malster | not b. in county |
1843: Dinner in honour of Dr Cowley
1844: manor court
Admission of Joseph Neal's trustees William Flowers his brother-in-law and Samuel Cole his friend to the Bell, subject to conditional surrender of 1812 for £1,000.
1844 directory
Bell (commercial) - Rosetta Joan Neal, Market Square
1845: Bucks Herald, 31 May (Winslow Petty Sessions)
A lad, in the employ of Mr. Neal of the Bell Inn, Winslow, was brought before the Bench under the following curious circumstances:- It appeared Mr. Neal’s ostler had missed some money from his box, he having put 7 sovereigns in it, and when he went to it again, discovered that he was £1 10s. short; he had previously lost the key of his box, which was left unlocked; the lad slept with the ostler, and having a few days back stated to him that he had found half a sovereign in the street, he (the ostler) was suspicious of him; however, in a day or two afterwards he informed him that he had found a sovereign, which he changed, and bought a watch with; this Mr. Neal made him return and receive the money again; the sovereign, he said, was wrapped up in several pieces of newspaper, which were produced, and formed a part of a Birmingham paper that Mr. Neal had sent him by a friend, bearing the same date as the pieces produced. Mr. Neal said he believed that there was not a paper of that description in Winslow besides that which was sent to him. The magistrates questioned the lad respecting the money, when he positively declared he found it. He had likewise two sticks of sealing wax, which he said he bought at a shop in the town, but on enquiry being made, that statement was found to be incorrect. Mr. Neal therefore, expected he had stolen them from him. The magistrates severely reprimanded the boy, and the money was put into Mr. Neal’s care to afford an opportunity, if possible, of procuring more satisfactory evidence.
1849: Bucks Herald, 29 Dec
Christmas Presents and New Year’s Gift.
JOHN NEAL, (brother of Mr. William Neal,) BELL INN, WINSLOW, again invites an inspection of his display of JEWELLERY, WATCHES, ELECTRO PLATE, PAPIER MACHE &c.
THE JEWELLERY comprise Gold, Silver, and Enamelled Brooches; Gold, Hair, Pebble, and Fancy Bracelets; Ladies’ Fancy Gem, and Gentleman’s Signet Rings; Fancy Gold Guard, Neck Chains, and Alberts; Seals, Keys, Studs, Lockets, Pencil Cases, and Pen-holders; Gold Pens, &c.
THE WATCHES comprise both Gold and Silver, English and Geneva, of which J. N. has a very large Stock – ALL WARRANTED.
THE ELECTRO PLATE comprise Spoons, Forks, &c.; Tea and Coffee Services, Cruet Frames, Candlesticks, Toast Racks, &c.
THE PAPIER MACHE comprises Inkstands, Folios, Card Racks, Trays, Tea Cadies, Reticules, &c.
J.N. has also an EXTENSIVE STOCK of Jet Goods, Mourning and Wedding Jewellery (in suit); Silver Plate, Spoons, &c.; Smelling Bottles, and Steel Jewellery.
Large Room, Winslow, Bucks.
Parties waited upon personally if required, or Stock sent on approbation to any part of the Country.
1850: Bucks Herald, 30 March
J O H N N E A L,
(Brother of Mr. W Neal, Bell Inn, Winslow), Watchmaker, Jeweller, Silversmith, &c.,
BEGS to tender his sincere thanks to his numerous Friends for the kind and liberal Patronage bestowed upon him in the country, and has the honour now of informing his Supporters and the Public generally that he has taken the Premises as above, HAS OPENED THIS DAY, the 30th inst., with an ENLARGED AND WELL SELECTED STOCK of English and Geneva Watches, every description of Jewellery, and Silver Plate; the celebrated Electro-Silver Plate, Papier Mache Articles, Bohemian Glass Ornaments, Clocks, Time-pieces, Musical Boxes, and a variety of other Fancy Goods, English and Foreign. The whole of the Stock has been personally selected by J. N. from the first markets.
J. NEAL hopes that when his Friends come up to the Metropolis, they will favour his Establishment with a visit. In the mean time any Orders sent per Post, will receive the most prompt attention.
18, EDGWARE ROAD, eighteen doors from Oxford Street and Hyde Park.
P.S. An opening will be afforded for an intelligent and respectable Youth as an Apprentice.
John Neal was later the leading figure in the building of the Baptist Tabernacle in Winslow.
1851: Census
Bell Inn, Market Square
William | Neal | Head | married | 34 | Innkeeper, brewer & maltster | b. Winslow |
Frances | Neal | Wife | married | 22 | b. Loughton, Bucks | |
Rosetta | Neal | Mother | widow | 49 | Occupier of 84 acres with 5 labourers | b. North Marston |
Sarah | Taddy | Visitor | unm | 17 | b. Leckhamstead | |
Sarah | Braunstan | Servant | unm | 22 | Servant | b. Helmdon, Northants |
Eliza | Loggin | Servant | unm | 18 | Servant | b. Islington |
Benjamin | Knight | Servant | unm | 17 | Servant | b. Hoggeston |
Robert | Weston | Lodger | married | 26 | Solicitor | b. Brackley |
Sarah Ann | Weston | Lodger | married | 34 | b. Brackley | |
Thomas | Harrison | Lodger | unm | 45 | Traveller | b. Leicester |
George | Jasselyn | Lodger | married | 44 | Solicitor | b. Bitstead, Suffolk |
George | Cook | Lodger | unm | 43 | Land proprietor | b. Semer, Suffolk |
Thomas | Reynolds | Lodger | unm | 30 | Valet | b. Middleton Tyers, Yorks |
1851, 11 Dec: Banbury Guardian
MRS. ROSETTA JOAN NEAL, LATE of the BELL HOTEL, on retiring from WINSLOW, Bucks, feels constrained by a sense of gratitude to return her sincere thanks to her numerous Friends for their kind patronage during a term of many years; and, having now taken up her residence with her Son, Mr. JOHN NEAL, JEWELLER, SILVERSMITH, &c., 18, Edgeware Road, London, she will esteem any favours that may be conferred upon him in his various departments of business. 18, Edgeware Road, London, Nov, 1851.
1853 directory
Neal, William – victualler 'Bell' Commercial Inn & Posting House....
The Bell was being run by 1850 by William Neal, brewer who in 1871 was shown as brewing in Sheep Street. From 1877 William Neal was listed as a brewer and maltster and wine and spirit merchant in the Market Square. In 1881 he was supplying the Station Inn and also owned the Swan at Great Horwood.
1855: Manor court, 12 July
Thomas Flowers of Blackgrove, Waddesdon, dairyman and Samuel Cole of Winslow gentleman on 16 April 1855 in consideration of £1,500 paid by William Neal of Winslow innholder in full by apportionment for the absolute purchase did surrender all that messuage in Winslow used as a public house and called the Bell formerly in the occupation of Richard Shelton, afterwards of William King, since of William Pursell, afterwards of Joseph Neal, late of Rosetta Joan Neal widow, now of the said William Neal. Flowers and Cole were admitted tenants on 28 Oct 1844 as devisees named in the will of Joseph Neal. Thomas Essex of High Wycombe gentleman and Rosetta Joan his wife (late Rosetta Joan Neal) surrendered all claim. Seizin granted to William Neal by yearly rent of 6s 9d. Fine 5s.
[margin] T.P. Willis & others 8/394
1856: Bicester Herald, 10 May
FIRE ALARM – On the evening of the 6th instant, the inhabitants of this town were alarmed by a cry of fire. It was found that the chimney to Miss Hooton’s residence [Charlotte Hooton, milliner, lived in Sheep Street next to The Bell] was burning furiously, and sending forth sparks and burning soot which fell thickly on the thatched buildings belonging to Mr. Neal, of the Bell Hotel. The wind was blowing in a direction to send the fire along a number of buildings, and considerable anxiety was, in consequence, felt for the safety of that part of the town. This feeling was increased from there being some tons of straw stored in Mr. Neal’s buildings. The engine was quickly taken to the spot, and by the help of a good supply of water, and willing workers, under the direction of the superintendant [sic], the danger was soon at an end.
Rejoicings took place in this town on Friday, Nov. 13th, on the occasion of the coming of age of the eldest son of W. Selby Lowndes, Esq., of Whaddon Hall, (who has considerable property in the parish). The day's commemoration began with the church bells ringing a merry peal, and at about the same time salutes were fired in a very primitive manner from anvils, such as are used by smiths in their trade. At ten o'clock a band from Quainton, engaged for the occasion, arrived, headed by a flag, on which were the words "Lowndes for ever," and also by a man dressed up in a very grotesque manner, riding on a donkey, both painted à la Grimaldi - this appeared very much to excite the risibility of children, not only of a small but of a large growth. The band played some very excellent airs and marches, and at about two o'clock rustic sports took place in the Market-square - such as climbing up a greased pole for a leg of mutton. In a waggon lent by Mr. John Curtis, a number of little urchins "bobbed" for treacled buns, and the fun thus caused was greatly relished by those who witnessed it. A barrel of beer was in readiness, and distributed, with no lack of customers, and the band continued at intervals to play and enliven the amusing scene. The cottagers and ringers were regaled at the Black Horse, to their evident satisfaction. A large ball took place in the evening at the Bell Inn, at the express invitation of Mr. Lowndes, jun.; it was very numerously attended, and the company consisted of W. Selby Lowndes, Esq., Mrs. Lowndes and family, many relatives and tenants, with their wives and families. Adams's quadrille band was in attendance, and proved highly efficient, and dancing was kept up till a late hour; the arrangements at the Bell, under Mr. Neal's usual good management, gave general satisfaction; the supper, and wines, which included a bountiful supply of champagne, were much enjoyed, and altogether the ball went off extremely well. An evergreen arch was erected between Mr. Morgan's corner and the Bell, with a motto "Victoria - Queen of the Isles." We understand that Mr. Lowndes, jun., will be invited to a dinner, to be given at the Bell Inn, in honour of the event, in the course of a week or ten days.
1861: Census
Bell Hotel, Market Square
William | Neal | Head | married | 44 | Hotel keeper, brewer, maltster & farmer of 25 acres | b. Winslow |
Frances | Neal | Wife | married | 32 | b. Loughton, Bucks | |
Rosetta J. | Neal | Daughter | 9 | Scholar | b. Winslow | |
Frances A. | Neal | Daughter | 6 | Scholar | b. Winslow | |
William | Neal | Son | 4 | Scholar | b. Winslow | |
Edward J. | Neal | Son | 1 | b. Winslow | ||
Richard C. | Boxall | Boarder | single | 27 | Civil engineer | b. Petworth, Sussex |
Mary A. | Gough | Servant | single | 18 | Barmaid | b. Preston Bissett |
Martha | Matthews | Servant | single | 21 | Chamber maid | b. Dinton |
Sarah | Cook | Servant | single | 21 | Waitress | b. Hook Norton |
Sarah | Batchelor | Servant | single | 38 | Cook | b. Buckingham |
Mary | Benbow | Servant | single | 14 | Nursemaid | b. Winslow |
Joshua | Higgins | Servant | single | 15 | Boots | b. Granborough |
1865: Bucks Herald, 4 March
ASSEMBLY ROOMS, BELL HOTEL, WINSLOW To commence at Eight o’Clock precisely.
Conductor and Headmaster………………Mr. A. NELSON.
Pianist………………Mr. HENRY YOUNG.
Admission – Reserved Seats, 2s. Non-reserved ditto, 1s.; Back Seats, 6d.
For full Particulars see Hand Bills.
Tickets for the Reserved Seats (which will be strictly kept) may be obtained by Post or otherwise from the following Members of the Band:- T. P. Willis, Esq., Dr. Newham, and Mr. Henry Sharp, Secretary. It is respectfully requested that these Tickets may be taken before the day of the Concert, to enable the Committee to make proper arrangements. Tickets for the Non-reserved Seats may be obtained from any Member of the Band or on Payment at the Doors.
1867: Bucks Herald, 19 Oct
The presentation of a testimonial to Mr. William Neal of Winslow for his valuable exertions in endeavouring to arrest the spread of the cattle plague during the years 1865-66 took place at the Bell Hotel, Winslow, on Thursday, the 10th inst. The testimonial consisted of a silver tea-pot, a cream ewer, and a purse of gold. The tea-pot was engraved with a bullock's head, and the following inscription: – "Presented to Mr. William Neal of Winslow, by his friends, for his exertions during the cattle plague, 1865-66." …… [Mr Neal said] …… "I beg to tender you my sincere thanks for the valuable testimonial you have so kindly presented to me, and, as regards my exertions among the cattle plague, I endeavoured to do to others as I would with to be done by. I did my utmost to help those who were the greatest sufferers."
The Rev. J. W. Hayward said the late Government acted very badly; it waited and did nothing when the common sense of the farmer would have told them what to do. The association sent up a requisition informing them what they ought to do, and after waiting some time, they did it. He watched the disease in Claydon, Oving, and Grandborough. They did not know whom to apply to except Mr. Neal and Mr. Monk, and they willingly came forward and, notwithstanding the animosity of the few, firmly did their duty in the sight of God. Mr. Neal, always most anxious to assist the sufferers, had for his services met with the sympathy of 100 of his neighbours, and his testimonial must be acknowledged the more satisfactory as the greatest sufferers have come forward, testifying that Mr. Neal had done his duty consistently and honestly as a Christian. He went on to say that in this matter Mr. Monk wins his affection for the neighbourly manner in which he acted during the disease, and on account of the honourable motives by which he is actuated as presi-dent of the association. He therefore proposed "The Healths of Mr. Dudley and Mr. Monk," Mr. Dudley for the pleasing and graceful manner in which he presented the testimonial, and the health of Mr. Monk as a good neighbour, a good farmer, and a good fox hunter.
Mr. Dudley again briefly expressed his satisfaction at having performed this mark of respect, and thanking the rev. gentlemen for proposing his health. He wished them all a Happy New Year.
Mr. Monk returned his sincere thanks. He was always anxious to do his duty, and for the fourteen months that the disease was spreading in the association the effects would have been more serious had it not been for stamping it out. He was highly gratified if his services had met with their approbation.
The “Healths of Mr Perkins, Mr Barge, Mr. Flowers, and Mr. King,” as sufferers from the disease, were proposed and appropriately responded to. The company then tested the merits of the tea-pot, and spent a pleasant and convivial evening.
1869: Buckingham Advertiser, 18 Dec
To conclude with the Comic Drama, “My Wife’s Mother.”
WEDNESDAY, December 22nd, the Farce,
To conclude with “Woodcock’s Little Game.”
The following ladies and gentlemen have consented to appear:- Mrs. C. F. Varley, Mrs. Dockray, Miss Morecraft, and Mrs. Boisragon, Dr. Newham, Mr. M. S. Loundes, Mr. W. Fraser, Mr. T. Morecraft, Mr. J. Grace, Mr. H. Sellar jun, and Mr. C. G. Boisragon; Pianist, Miss Nelson; Violinist, Mr. Nelson.
Reserved seats 2s 6d Serial Tickets (not transferrable) 6s.; Unreserved tickets 1s.; Admittance by ticket only, which may be obtained at the Bell, and George Hotels, and at Mr. Josiah Smith’s Bookseller, Winslow. The holders of Serial tickets will have the privilege of retaining the same seats during the performances.
The proceeds of these performances will be devoted to the further improvements of the streets of Winslow.
Doors open each evening at half-past seven. To commence at 8 o’clock precisely.
1870: Buckingham Advertiser, 8 Jan
Subject on MONDAY, January 10, “SHAMS.”
A lecture on Sham Gentility, Sham Finery, Sham Men, Puff Shams, Quack Shams, Sensation Shams, Talk Shams, &c., with some thoughts on real work, and how to do it.
Subject on TUESDAY, January 11, “THE BATTLE OF LIFE.”
In order to give all classes an opportunity of hearing this eloquent and well-known Lecturer, the admission will be FREE BY TICKET only, which should be secured immediately of Mr. W. George, Bookseller, &c., Winslow.
The Lectures are entirely free from Political or Theological bitterness, their object being to raise the hearers to the fashion of a manly, refined, intelligent, and goodly life.
1870: Buckingham Advertiser, 19 Feb
The inhabitants of Winslow and its vicinity are informed that
Performances will take place on
TUESDAY, the 22nd, and THURSDAY the 24th inst.
A new original play in three acts, written by Mrs. C. G. Boisragon, entitled
To be followed by
The favourite operatic, by Dibdin,
To conclude with (by desire)
The following Ladies and Gentlemen have kindly consented to appear:- Mrs Dockray, Miss Wilding, Miss Sullivan, Miss Morecraft, Miss Evans, Miss Sellars, and Mrs. C. G. Boisragon. Mr. M. S. Lowndes, Mr. A. S. Fraser, Mr. W. Fraser, Mr. Grace, Mr. T. Morecraft, Mr. H. Sellar, jun, Mr. Nelson, and Mr. C. G. Boisragon.
Admission by tickets only, which may be obtained on and after Wednesday, the 16th inst., at Mr. Neal’s, Bell Hotel; Mr. Barton’s, George Hotel; and Mr. Josiah Smith, printer, Winslow. Reserved seats 2s 6d; for the two performances, 4s; unreserved seats 1s, in which part of the room the back seats will be raised to afford a better view of the stage.
The proceeds will be devoted to the further improvement of the streets of Winslow.
Doors open at half-past Seven, to commence at Eight o’clock precisely.
1870: Dudley v Monk
This claim of damages for libel after an incident in The Bell gives some insights into how people behaved there.
1871: Census
Market Square: William Neal (54) Innkeeper, Malster, farmer 100 acres employing 3 men, 2 boys.
1872: Return of Public Houses
Bell Hotel: William Neal (owner)
1874-75: According to the Bucks Herald (17 Sep 1898) Empress Elisabeth of Austria (assassinated at Geneva in 1898) spent this hunting season at Leighton House with the Rothschilds, and on one occasion put up at The Bell after a slight fall.
1875: Bucks Herald, 6 May
THE LATE G. ODELL.- “In humble circumstances as well as circumstances of wealth - let honour be given to whom it is due.” We have to record this week the death of G. Odell. As a public servant, he was well known to passengers to and from our station, and to frequenters of the “Bell Hotel.” For upwards of 25 years he had been in the employ of Mr. W. Neal, and from his obliging and civil manners, and conscientious discharge of duty had won to himself a general and well deserved esteem. We believe - taking into consideration his position - no man will be more missed. He leaves a widow and six children.- [George Odell was described as a coachman in the 1871 Census. He was 42 when he died.]
1876: Conservative election meeting at The Bell
1876: Buckingham Express, 4 Nov
COURT LEET. – On Monday last, the Annual Court Leet, and Court Baron of Wm. Selby Lowndes, Esq., Lord of the Manor of Winslow, with its members Granboro’ and Little Horwood was held at the “Bell” Hotel, before Chas. Appleyard, Esq., the Steward of the Manor, and a Jury comprising Messrs. Geo. King, (Foreman), Geo. Wigley, J. Hawley, J. Grace, and T.C. [=J.C.] Hawley. The Petty Jury having been sworn, proceeded round the town, for the purposd [sic] of inspecting weights and measure, but we did not hear that they caught any of their neighbours “tripping,” at all events if they did they took a lenient view of the offence, and failed to report it. After the business, (of which there was a fair amount) had been completed, the various officers sat down to one of Mr. Neal’s usual good dinners which we take it for granted they enjoyed.
1877 directory
Neal, William – Bell, commercial hotel & posting house, Market Square.
1880: Buckinghamshire Election
The Conservative and Independent Conservative candidates held meetings at The Bell
1881: Census
Bell Hotel, Market Square
William | Neal | Head | married | 64 | Hotel keeper & farmer of 110 acres | b. Winslow |
Frances | Neal | Wife | married | 52 | b. Loughton, Bucks | |
William | Neal | Son | unm | 24 | Farmer's son | b. Winslow |
Frances | Neal | Dau | unm | 26 | Farmer's daughter | b. Winslow |
Annie | Neal | Dau | unm | 23 | Farmer's daughter | b. Winslow |
Edith | Neal | Dau | unm | 13 | Scholar | b. Winslow |
Marcus | Neal | Son | 12 | Scholar | b. Winslow | |
Rose | Shelmerdine | Niece | married | 25 | Pottery manufacturer's wife | b. Liverpool |
Rosetta N. | Shelmerdine | Grand niece | 10 m | b. Liverpool | ||
Sarah | Edwin | Servant | unm | 36 | Waitress | b. Winslow |
Sarah A. | Coleman | Servant | unm | 26 | Cook | b. Shelswell, Oxon |
Clara | Harris | Servant | unm | 18 | Chambermaid | b. Loughton, Bucks |
Thomas G. | Fairman | Servant | unm | 15 | Boots & waiter | b. Swanbourne |
Sarah | Robinson | Servant | unm | 15 | Nurse | b. Liverpool |
1884, 22 March: Bucks Herald
On Wednesday, Sir Samuel Wilson and Viscount Carson, the Conservative candidates for the county of Bucks, dined at the Farmers’ Ordinary held at the Bell Hotel, Winslow. Mr. Monk occupied the chair, and amongst those present, in addition to the candidates, were Mr. Lluellyn, Col. Hubbard, Mr. Egerton Hubbard, Dr. Newham, Mr. Bullock (hon. Sec. of the Winslow branch), Messrs J. T. Harrison (Buckingham), J. Terry, J. C. Hedges (Aylesbury), E. Tattam (Leighton Buzzard), W. Neal, Jas. Dodge, E. White, George Dodge, George Webb, E. Kibble, Colegrove (2), A. Rogers, W. Wilson, T. Whiting, Geo. George, W. Flowers, jun., W. Mead, J. and T. Adams, Linnell (2), Francis Woodward, H. Belgrove, B. Warr, E. Watkins, T. Biggs, C. Bennett, W. Coates, W. Brown, John Wilson, E. and J. Roads, Ralph Tattam, Goodman Viccars, Curtis (2), A. D. Holloway, &c. The tables were profusely adorned with primroses, and some very tasteful “buttonholes” of primroses and maiden hair fern were sent for the use of the company by Mrs. Hubbard, of Addington Manor, the basket being adorned with a dark blue favour and the motto “Peace with Honour.” A number of ladies entered the room shortly before the meeting commenced.
1885, 7 March: Bucks Herald
LECTURE ON “RUSSIA”.- A numerous company assembled at the Bell Rooms on Monday night, March 2nd, to listen to an address given by Mr. Evelyn Hubbard on “Russia,” illustrated by a magic lantern. Owing to the misbehaviour of a few boys and girls who were old enough to know better, the Lecturer’s voice was not always distinctly heard, and the Vicar had to reprimand several of the ringleaders. The lecture was of a most interesting description. Mr. Hubbard (who has only recently returned from Russia) began by giving a short account of the history of Russia till the present time, and then showed views of St. Petersburg, including birdseye views of the town with its towers,, steeples, and minarets, the river Volga, with its bridges, several churches, and the monument to Peter the Great.
1885, 23 May: Buckingham Advertiser
ENTERTAINMENT.- On Monday and Tuesday, May 18th and 19th, a capital entertainment consisting of a concert and tableaux vivants, was given on behalf of the Church Restoration Fund in the Bell Assembly Room, and on the first night drew one of the most fashionable audiences that have been seen here lately. The tableaux were of course the great attraction, this being their first appearance in Winslow, and their get up was simply superb both as regards dresses and scenery and reflected much credit on the artistic taste of the designers, as well as on the realistic acting of the performers…
At the close the Vicar proposed a vote of thanks to the different ladies and gentlemen concerned, particularly to Miss Dockray the originator and designer of the tableaux. Mr. H. Bullock was stage manager, Miss Brazier rendered very effective service at the pianoforte, and the concert was organised by Dr. Newham. The following was the programme, which was slightly varied on the second night:-
Solo pianoforte…Introductory Selection…Miss Brazier
Tableau… Queen Elizabeth and Sir Walter Raleigh
Violin solo…Robin des bois…Miss Newham
Song…A life that lives for you…Dr Benson
Song…Minster windows…Madame Souchet
Song…Shipmates…Dr. Newham
Duet…Secret voices…Mrs. Pinhorn, Rev. J. T. M. Rumsey
Tableau…Queen Eleanor and Fair Rosamond (scenes 1 and 2)
Solo pianoforte…Miss Brazier
Tableau…The Artist’s dream
Song…Cherry Ripe…Mrs. Pinhorn
Song…Bunthorne’s song from “Patience”…Dr. Benson
Tableau…Japanese scenes
Violin solo…Valse melodique…Miss Newham
Song…The absent one…Madame Souchet
Song…A message from the King – Dr. Newham
Tableau…The Seasons
God save the Queen
1885: The Bell was in effect the Conservative headquarters for the local general election campaign. There was something of a riot and some windows were broken on election day.
1886, 20 March: Bucks Herald
Election of new coroner for the Winslow district of Bucks held in the Bell Assembly Rooms.
1886, 25 Sep: Oxford Journal
A marriage between Mr. William Samuel Neal, eldest son of Mr. W. Neal, of the Bell Hotel, Winslow, and Miss Emily Rose Monk, eldest daughter of Mr. Henry Monk, of Tuckey Farm, Winslow, took place on Tuesday, September 21. The ceremony, which took place at 2.30 p.m., was conducted by the Rev. H. A. D. Hamilton, Vicar, and passed off very quietly, the bride not being attended by any bridesmaids, and was given away by her eldest brother Mr. H. Monk, jnr., of Sheepcote Farm, Waddesdon, and was attired in a blue serge travelling dress, the happy pair going direct to Bletchley Station for London. There was a large number of presents, some being very costly. The breakfast was partaken of at Tuckey Farm, and was confined solely to relatives on both sides.
1886, 25 Sep: Buckingham Advertiser
On the return from the honeymoon, it is stated that Mr. W. S. Neal will take up the proprietorship of the Bell Hotel, Winslow, in succession to his father, who will retire to The Cottage at Shipton. Mr. William Neal’s father entered into possession of the hotel in the year 1812. In the newly-married son there is every reason to hope- as was manifest by the crowded congregation to witness the nuptial ceremony in the Parish Church on Tuesday - the respected and honoured name of Neal of the Bell Hotel, will be maintained as it has been for the past 75 years.
The linen cupboards, photographed in 1975
1886: November (Centre for Bucks Studies, D/WIG/2/1/19)
George Wigley took an inventory of the entire contents of The Bell for the handover from William to W.S. Neal. The full document (60 pages in Mr Wigley's notebook) can be downloaded as a PDF. Individual valuations given in Mr Wigley's code have not been transcribed. The individual rooms listed in the inventory were:
12 Bedrooms, 4 Sitting Rooms, Tap Room, Billiard Room, Bar, Smoke Room, Commercial Room,
Little Parlour, Kitchen, Scullery, Small Scullery, Larder, Monks Room, Nursery
Office, Room Adjoining Office
Ostelry, Pig Sty and Loft, Harness Room & Lower Stable Harness Room, Three Stall Stables, New 4 Box Stable, Boys Room, Lower Back Stables, Coach House, Saddle Room
Dairy, Bottle House, Malt House including Columbian Stoves, 2 Maltings, Screening Room, Hop Room, Brew House, Singeing Box
Washhouse, Laundry, Servants Room
Contents included mahogany bidets, a portrait of Sir Harry Verney,
34 spittoons, an 8-day clock in oak case, 4 dozen sheets and 10 dozen towels (see photo above)
Carriages: 4 Broughams (one for luggage), 2 dog carts; only three horses including one called Wigley; a water cart
1886, 27 Nov: Bucks Herald
Complimentary Dinner to Mr W. Neal. On Thursday evening [25 Nov] a complimentary dinner was given to Mr Neal, of the Bell Hotel, at Winslow, that gentleman having recently retired from the business in favour of his son. Mr G.D.E. Wigley presided, and amongst those present were – the guest of the evening, Mr W. Neal, Mr M. Selby-Lowndes, Mr T.P. Willis, Mr H. Bullock, Dr Newham, Mr H. Monk, the Rev. H.A. Douglas Hamilton, Messrs R.W. Jones, A. Hurst, E.H. Baylis, Adams, M. Bliss, B Warr, T. Lester, Grimley, Warne, G. Dunkley, J. Hillyer, Farmbrough, C.H. Harrup, J. Linnell, J. Varney, jun., E. White, S. Syratt, T. Curtis, F. Woodward, W. Linnell, W. Weston, H. Freegard, E.J. French, G. Ingram, E. Parrott, A.S. Midgley, J. King, J. Colgrove, A.D. Hollaway, F. Loffler, W. Warne, J.C. Hawley, W. Ingram, A.G. Stevens, J. Loffler, E. Dickens, jun., T. Viccars, L.C. Maydon, J. Maydon, Chas. Wilford, R. Young, J. Lilley, W.J. Goodman, T. Biggs, J. Hathaway, G. Robinson, J.S. Bartlett, G. George, C.A. Bennett (Buckingham), H. Bennett (Wycombe), C. Clare, H. Pettit (Leighton) &c. ......
Right: This stoneware flagon probably predates William Neal's retirement
[Mr Neal's speech included some family history:] My father came to this house in the year 1810, to assist a sister, a widow. He took to the business in 1814, and was married in 1815. I was born in 1816, and I may tell you I rode my pony to London to be apprenticed in 1829, stopping at the Cow Roast, Pendley Gap, one night on my way. My father had a serious illness in Nov., 1839, and I returned home to assist in the business, from which I have only just now retired. My father was a far more popular man in his day than ever I have been ...... Bull-baiting, cock-fighting, and badger-drawing I have witnessed with my own eyes on our Market-square, on Shrove-Tuesday, the great feast day. ...... He was singularly fortunate in having a good mate. They certainly laid the foundation of a good business at the Bell. No woman could be more clever, no woman more persevering, no woman more winning and pleasing to her guests than my stepmother. I must mention that by her assiduous attention to her guests I had the honour of providing the opening dinner for the Bletchley, Oxford, and Banbury Railway. Mr. Brassey ordered dinner for 300 gentlemen in the goods shed; next day we dined the workmen in the shed and yard to the number of 600, for which Mr. Brassey paid me £600 ......
[Mr T.P. Willis said:] He was glad that the parish church had been restored, and was now a great ornament to the town. He then humourously referred to depression in his own profession; but observed that he was glad to find that all the houses and hunting boxes in the town were occupied. He thought that as time went on the honour of being a Borough might be transferred to Winslow. (Laughter, and a voice, "You shall be mayor.") He would rather be town clerk. (Laughter.) He was found of fox-hunting, and was pleased that they had lately had good sport. (Applause.) ......
[The brewhouse included 3 FVs and also a separate bottling house. William Neal sr died in September 1889, one of his executors being Thomas Essex Neal, a brewer in Nottingham.]
1887: 31 Jan at Winslow
Marriage of Blick Morris, only son of John Morris of Hoggeston Manor, and Helen Florence Neal, fourth daughter of William Neal.
1887: annual meeting of the Winslow Gas Company
1888: Buckingham Advertiser, 24 Nov
MASQUERADE BALL.- On Thursday, Nov. 15, a ball was held in connection with the Dancing Class at the Bell Assembly Rooms, when the members and friends numbered over 40, al thoroughly enjoying themselves. The costumes worn were elegant, and presented quite a distinguished appearance. The music was given by the excellent string band of the class. Mr. C. Osborn again officiated as M.C., to the satisfaction of all present.
1889: Bicester Herald, 18 Jan
AMATEUR THEATRICALS AT WINSLOW. On Monday evening last, January 14, the Winslow Amateur Dramatic Company gave a dramatic performance at the Bell Hotel Assembly Rooms, Winslow, on behalf of the funds for the new chancel aisle of Winslow church. There was a large and fashionable attendance. The following was the caste [sic]:- |
1889: Conservative meeting during the North Bucks By-Election
1889: Death of William Neal. Read his will. His son W.S. Neal had to buy The Bell from the trustees for £2,500.
1889: Buckingham Advertiser, 26 Oct
Winslow Volunteers.
The annual prize shooting took place on Thursday week at the Swanbourne Range, when the following scores were made:- Corporal Viccars, 62 points; Private G. H. Roads, 55; Private W. H. Stevens, 50; Private H. Roads, 49; Private W. Young, 47; Corporal Williams, 46; Private J. Adkins, 45; Private Goodger, 44; Private H. French, 44; Private A. Rolf, 43; Private J. Stairs, 38; Private F. Lapper, 35; Private A. Holt, 34; Private G. Lee, 26; Private H. Scott, 23; Private W. Chandler, 20; Recruits- Private J. Varney, 31; Private J. G. Sabin, 27; Private J. Walker, 24; Private Bradbury, 7. Points were also allowed for drills, and range prizes consisting of a variety of articles, subscribed by tradesmen of the town, were given in addition. The prize list was well supported by gentlemen of the town and neighbourhood…
The dinner was held at the Bell Hotel, and was presided over by Major Lord Addington, who was supported by Lieut. Fremantle, Dr. Newham, and Mr. Wigley. About 50 sat down to the capital repast provided in Host Neal’s well-known splendid style…
Dr. Newham also acknowledged the toast. Speaking as one of the first Volunteers in Winslow, although he had long laid aside his tunic he should be happy to assist the young men of Winslow to grow up into a company- whether 3rd, 4th, or 5th- of which Buckinghamshire might be proud (cheers).
Major Lord Addington then presented each man with a prize, commencing with Corporal Viccars, who had made the top score.
“The health of the Prize Donors” was next given by the Chairman, Mr. Wigley responding in felicitous terms after which Private Lee proposed “The health of the Major,” to which Lord Addington responded; and the health of Corporal Williams and Viccars having been drunk, the Chairman vacated his seat, and the remainder of the evening was spent in conviviality.
1890: Meat tea for the Odd Fellows and Hearts of Oak
1891: Census
Bell Hotel, Market Square
William Samuel | Neal | Head | married | 34 | Hotel keeper & brewer | b. Winslow |
Emily Rosa | Neal | Wife | married | 32 | b. Winslow | |
Harry | Neal | Son | 3 | b. Winslow | ||
William Monk | Neal | Son | 1 | b. Winslow | ||
Elizabeth | Newman | Barmaid | unm | 23 | Barmaid | b. Stony Stratford |
Susan | Golby | Servant | unm | 30 | Cook | b. Hampton Pole, Oxon |
Hannah Elizabeth | Roads | Servant | unm | 26 | Nurse | b. Milton, Wilts |
Sarah Ann | Edwin | Servant | unm | 45 | Waitress | b. Winslow |
Rebecca E. | Healey | Servant | unm | 19 | Chambermaid | b. Little Horwood |
1891: Bicester Herald, 28 Aug
Under the auspices of the Bucks County Council the first of a course of instruction in cream separating and butter-making, was commenced on Monday, August 24, in a large room at the rear of the Bell Hotel, Winslow, lent by Mr. Neal for the occasion. The arrangements were carried out by a local committee consisting of Messrs. T. P. Willis, E. H. Baylis and John Linnell. Mr. Benson, of the Dairy Institute at Stone, being the operator. The school was formally opened at 9 a.m., by Lord Addington. A class being formed, and at 2.30 a lecture on “The importance of knowledge in dairy work,” was given by Professor James Long. [A report of the lecture follows]
1891-1920 William Samuel Neal was listed as proprietor; however, brewing was much reduced in 1914, when only 40 barrels of draught were produced. That year the brewhouse in Bell Alley was valued at £550. Then from 1921 to 1925 it was run by William M. Neal. It was operating on a commercial scale e.g. 1922 listed as sales of 1,000+ barrels p.a.
1892: dinner to celebrate the opening of the Bucks & Oxon Bank.
1892: consecration ceremony of the Wineslai Lodge of Freemasons.
1893: Buckingham Express, 7 Jan
A PUBLIC MEETING WILL BE HELD IN THE Assembly Rooms, at the “Bell” Hotel, Winslow, ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11TH, 1892, At 3.15 p.m.
This meeting is called by the United Committees of the Bucks Dairy Farmers’ Association, the North-West Bucks Agricultural Association, and the Winslow Stud Shire Horse Society.
The object is to consider the best course to take in consequence of the INCREASED RATE OF RAILWAY CARRIAGE OF MILK AND OTHER AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE, and to Pass a Resolution in favour of Lord Winchelsea’s proposal for FORMING AN AGRICULTURAL UNION,
In which Landowners, Farmers, and Labourers are all asked to unite.
It is particularly requested that all interested in Agriculture will attend this Meeting.
1893: meeting to protest against increased railway charges.
1894: Bucks Herald, 17 Feb
PETTY SESSIONS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14.- Present: G. R. Greaves, Esq., Hon. C. Fremantle, and M. S. Lowndes, Esq.- William Foskett was charged with stealing a quantity of wood, the property of Mr. W. S. Neal, of the Bell Hotel.- Mr. Neal said he engaged defendant to cut a hedge at 2s. 3d. per day. On Saturday, February 10th, hearing that his wood was going in all directions he went down to Shipton, and at twelve o’clock met defendant with his two boys carrying a fagot and some elder wood. He asked defendant what it meant, when defendant said he was taking it instead of the fagot he had at night. Witness would not allow defendant to take the wood away, and then defendant turned up his sleeves and threatened to punch his head. Witness subsequently went to defendant’s home with P.S. Knight, and there saw about a cart load of wood, most of it which he believed belonged to him, amongst it being some posts and rails like his fencing. The nominal value was 1s., but it was really worth more than that. – The defence was that defendant had only taken a fagot which by custom he was entitled to.- The Bench dismissed the case.
1894: Buckingham Advertiser, 27 Oct
SOCIAL CLUB.- A general meeting of the above Club was held at the Bell Hotel, Winslow, on Thursday evening last, the Vicar presiding. It was unanimously resolved to continue the meetings of the Club weekly as in previous years, and the small balance in hand to be carried on into the accounts of the ensuing season. The following gentlemen were elected to act on the committee:- Messrs. Bullock, Hawley, Illing, Walter, and Willis, and Dr. Walter was elected honorary secretary. Messrs. Kitto, Baylis, and John Varney, were elected members, and the meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the chairman.
1895: annual dinner of the Constitutional Association
1898: Bucks Herald, 5 Feb
On Thursday evening the annual dinner of the Constitutional Association was held at the Bell Hotel, when a company numbering about sixty sat down to a first-class spread provided by Host W. S. Neal. Lord Addington presided, and amongst those present were Mr. W. W. Carlile, M.P., the Hon. Cecil Fremantle (president of the Association), Dr. Benson, Mr. Gerald Fiennes, Mr. H. Bullock, Mr. R. Mather, Messrs. F. Lomas, J. Varney, W. H. Stevens, H. Webster, J. Reynolds, G. Warr, W. Monk, J. J. Dodge, R. Young.- Anson, W. Arthur, J. Wise, and H. J. Russell (hon. sec., who carried out the arrangements satisfactorily). The room was tastefully decorated with red, white, and blue streamers, arranged by Messrs. J. W. Russell and A. G. Stevens, and the tables were adorned with plants loaned by Mr. Russell ...
Mr Bullock expressed surprise at no clergymen being present in such a gathering as that, for he was sure that the sympathies of the vast majority of the clergy must be with them; indeed, he could not see why clergy of all denominations should not support Constitutional principles, which were such as every man of religion ought to uphold. (Hear, hear.)
Mr. Hawley proposed “Success to the Town and Trade of Winslow.” He expressed his regret that the trade of the town was not so good as it used to be, and the hope that they had better times before them.
Mr. W. S. Neal, in response, remarked that the trade of the town would be better if the residents did not patronise the London stores so much. They would then get what they asked for, and if they paid cash there as they did in London, he ventured to say they would get their goods quite as cheap. (Hear, hear).
1898: Bucks Herald, 12 Feb
FLOWER SHOW CONCERT.- On Wednesday evening a highly successful concert was given in the Assembly Rooms on behalf of the funds of the Floral and Horticultural Society, the room being packed with a most representative audience, many of whom were forced to stand. The concert commenced with an amusing song by Mr. A. Mervyn, entitled “You ain’t the only pebble on the beach,” introducing a very good reference to the present condition of Winslow Market Square ... The Committee, Messrs. G. Pass, H. Bullock, and G. W. Bull, are to be congratulated on the success of their efforts, which it is to be hoped will put the finances of the Flower Show in a satisfactory state.
1898: AGM of Winslow Cycling Club
W.S. Neal used a letter book for his business correspondence. The carbon copies have survived and some of the letters have been transcribed below, showing the range of his business dealings. Peat moss litter was used as bedding for horses.
January 4th. 1899 The Peat Moss Litter Co Gents, What is the lowest price you can take for 12 Tons of Peat Moss Litter delivered Carriage paid at Winslow Station Yours faithfully P.S. Since writing the above I have heard that you are offering Peat Moss to private gentlemen delivered at Winslow Station at 28/6 this is very unfortunate as myself & another dealer do practically all the Peat Moss trade for 4 or 5 miles round |
Jany 6th. 1899 Messrs Scott & Loft Gents I beg to enclose cheque value £12.3.3 please return a/c receipted Please forward tomorrow Tuesday morning per passenger train (marked urgent) 1 case 12 Bottles Moet A.W.S. to W.S. Lowndes Esq. Selby House Bletchley. I enclose label herewith. The wine is wanted for use Tuesday evening particularly so please send it off by an early passenger train & oblige Yours faithfully |
Jany 17th 1899 Miss D Broughton Madam, I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your remittance of 5/6 for which please accept my best thanks. My Driver reported that you gave him a 1/- but as it was such a dreadful wet day he considered it was intended as a tip for himself but if you wish this shilling to be deducted from his driving fee when I pay him I will do so and credit you with it I remain Madam |
Jany 17th. 1899 Mr R Mead Dear Sir, I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your kind order with thanks. I will send the Malt & Hops on Saturday morning My cart will be at Kingswood by 12 o'clock if you will please meet it there at that time . The Malt will be 5/6 per bushel Discount 3d per bush. The New Hops are very much dearer this time Viz 1/6 and 1/8 per lb. but I have some good yearlings at 1/3 and I think I would advise you to have half and half which would work out about 1/4 1/2 per lb. So unless I Hear from you otherwise I will send them so. Yours faithfully |
Feby 9th, 1900 Mesrs. Schweppes & Co Ltd Gents I thank you for your letter received this morning I now see that it was my clerks error in ordering Seltzer Syphons instead of Soda. I apologise for the error and am much obliged for your offer to take them back as I am never asked for Syphons of Seltzer. I will return them directly the weather breaks a bit. Yours faithfully |
May 7th. 1900 Messrs Girling Bros & Co Gents In reply to your post card Re 10 doz bottles & 2 cases returned to you on Dec 18th, '99 I have the L & N W Rly Co Carmans (C Askhams) signatures for the above and have spoken to him about them today he remembers taking the two cases quite well. The Goods Agent here is writing London today asking them to prove delivery and as I see We send some empties back the same day to the Apollinaris Co I have not the slightest doubt yours were delivered to them in error, the cases being similar. The Carmans receipt is in my book and as there are other things on the same leaf ai do not care to tear the leaf out but if it come to a County Court Case I will send you the Book. I Have no doubt you will here [sic] from the Rly Co in a day or two. I remain yours faithfully W.S. Neal |
1899: Buckingham Advertiser, 25 Nov
WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA Soldiers’ Widows and Orphans Fund.
In aid of the above Fund, when the highly amusing COMEDIETTA, entitled “THE LITTLE SENTINEL,”
Will be given, to be proceeded by Charlotte E. Merland’s SCREAMING FARCE, “The Matrimonial Agency.”
Included in the Programme during the Interval, will be Vocal and Instrumental Music by leading Performers in the district.
Tickets - First Night, 3s. (Reserved), 2s., 1s.; Second Night, 1s., 6d.
Doors open at 7.30. Commence at 8.
Plan of Hall can be seen and Tickets obtained at Mr. E. J. French’s.
1901 census
Bell Hotel, Market Square
William Samuel Neal (44), married, head, b. Winslow, hotel keeper, brewer, maltster, livery keeper, wine merchant
Rosa Gwendolin Neal (7), dau, b. Winslow
Philip Marcus Neal (4), son, b. Winslow
Hannah Elizabeth Roads-Merry (36), single, nurse, b. Pusey, Wilts
Fanny Thurland (25), single, waitress, b. Kings Sutton, Northants
Florence Lucy Williams (25), single, assistant in bar, b. Hampton on Hill, Warws
1901: Entertainment by the Sheep Street Minstrels to raise funds for the Bathing Place.
1901: Annual dinner of the Loyal Western Lodge of Oddfellows
1902: Buckingham Advertiser, 24 May
PROPOSED TELEPHONE SERVICE.- A meeting in connection with this project was held at the Bell Hotel on Thursday last, presided over by Mr. T. P. Willis, and attended by a fairly representative gathering of towns people. Mr. W. S. Neal, who convened the meeting, gave the following statement concerning the proposed telephone service. The whole cost of erecting poles, wires, the plant, way-leaves, subscribers’ instruments, and keeping the installation in order in the town, is borne by the G.P.O. Subscribers’ instruments are tested periodically without charge. Subscription £3 3s. per annum, payable in advance, agreement to continue first three years. The charge for each local call is 1d.; local calls include not only your own town. If you get connected up with Buckingham, Aylesbury, Tring, Wendover, the same charge of 1d. would apply. For example, Aylesbury can speak to Tring, Wendover, Halton House, etc., at a charge of 1d. Cost of speaking to London 6d,; other places according to distance. The G.P.O. issue a book to subscribers showing connections and charges. There will be a telephone station at Winslow Post Office for the use of non-subscribers.- The meeting was unanimously of opinion that the Service would conduce to the benefit of the town, and although all present could not see their way to become subscribers, it was decided to support the project as much as possible. Winslow RDC also supported the idea but didn't know if there would be enough subscribers.
1902: Leighton Buzzard Observer, 27 May
Mr. Tulloch, M.C.E., the Inspector appointed by the Local Government Board held a Government Inquiry at the Bell Hotel on Friday morning, as to the application of the Winslow District Council for a loan of £5,000 for sewage works.
There was a fair attendance, including the Chairman of the District Council, the clerk, and the surveyor, and Councillors Neal and Lorkin, the engineer, the chairman of the Parish Council, etc.
The engineer was prepared with two schemes the first of which it was understood was to be abandoned on account of the price asked for the land.
The alternative scheme was for a piece of land on the Tuckey estate, the property of Mr. H. S. Leon, who it was believed was prepared to deal reasonably with the committee.
After ascertaining all the facts from the engineer and Mr. Wise, the surveyor, the Inspector asked for the opinion of those present.
Mr. Lorkin opposed the scheme on the ground that it was only for the benefit of three or four landowners of the parish, and that it was being forced on the town without the parishioners having a voice in the matter.
Mr. Illing pointed out that the town was and had been within his remembrance of it, which was for over 23 years, thoroughly healthy, and he considered a scheme like the present quite unnecessary. He pointed to towns in the locality which had spent large sums of money to secure perfect drainage, but which were now infested with infectious complaints.
Mr. Arthur Monk agreed with Mr. Illing and said as far as Shipton was concerned they could do without sewage works for another hundred years.
Mr. Neal agreed with all that Mr. Illing had said and part of what Mr. Lorkin said, but was afraid the scheme was unavoidable. He wouldn’t mind if it could be done for £5,000, but they couldn’t stand £10,000.
Mr. Illing said it would cost £15,000 before they had done.
Mr. Jno. Ingram objected to the scheme as going in the wrong direction and was afraid it would spoil the water supply.
Mr. William Matthews thought they were always spending money in tinkering the sewage and it wouldn’t cost any more in the long run to have a good scheme and done with it.
The Inspector promised to take note of all that had been said and then closed the meeting.
1905: Buckingham Advertiser, 21 Oct
On Thursday, October 12, a company of about thirty ladies and gentlemen, members of the Winslow Beagles Hunt, sat down to a supper at the Bell Hotel, on the occasion of a presentation to the Rev. W. H. Shackel, late Master of the Hunt, who is shortly leaving Winslow on his preferment to the Rectory of Brockhall, Northamptonshire.
The chair was occupied by Capt. W. H. Lambton, of Redfield, who had Mrs. and Mr. Shackel on his right and left hand respectively, and the vice-chairman was Dr. S. C. H. Moberly, who had kindly undertaken all the necessary arrangements.- After the usual loyal toasts, the Chairman happily proposed the toast of the guest of the evening - the Rev. Mr. Shackel, Master of the Winslow Beagles - referring in enthusiastic terms to the fine sport shown in past seasons by this musical little pack, wishing him all prosperity in the future, and finally presenting him with a double 12-bore gun suitably inscribed, as a parting gift from those present and many other subscribers.
Mr. Shackel, in returning thanks, gave a brief history of how his pack had gradually grown from one of eleven couples, and added that he was glad to have the opportunity of heartily thanking the farmers of Winslow and the parishes around for the permission they had so freely given for the hounds to hunt on their land and for the hospitality they had so often extended to himself and to the members of the hunt.
The health of Capt. Lambton was then proposed by the Rev. W. F. Armstrong, and was received with acclamation - Dr. Moberly, in returning thanks for the toast of his health as vice-chairman, said that he feared that some farmers, who would otherwise have been present, had received too short a notice of the supper - a matter of regret to all. - Other toasts followed, and a very pleasant evening was concluded with music and some capitally given hunting songs by Dr. Moberly, Mr. J. Varney, Mr. Law, Mr. J. Tattam, and others.
The photograph below of Army manouevres in 1907 shows the outbuildings of the Bell extending along Sheep Street; these later became the Bell Garage. The Bell itself can be seen on the far right. The thatched building was The Cock in the 18th century.
1911: Census
Bell Hotel, 23 rooms
William Samuel | Neal | Head | 54 | married | Hotel keeper, brewer, maltster, livery/stable keeper etc. | b. Winslow |
Emily Rose | Neal | Wife | 52 | married 24 years, 4 children | Assisting in business | b. Winslow |
William Monk | Neal | Son | 21 | single | Brewer & 2nd in command | b. Winslow |
Mary | Freeman | Assistant in hotel | 23 | single | Assistant in hotel | b. Market Drayton, Salop |
Lizzie | Collins | Cook | 39 | single | Hotel cook | b. Northampton |
Florence Phoebe | Phillips | Waitress | 23 | single | Hotel waitress | b. Adstock |
Emily | Currell | Servant | 16 | single | House & chambermaid | b. Swanbourne |
1915: Assessment (TNA, IR 58/2348 no.226)
Situation Market Square
Description Bell Hotel Stable yards & top garden lower yard stables pig stye sheds & lower garden. Brewhouse yard & chaff house
Extent about Ac 1 – 0 - 0
Gross Value: Buildings £100 Rateable Value: Buildings £80
Occupier } William Samuel Neal
Owner } ‘Bell’ Winslow
Interest of owner Nominal Owner Freehold
Estimate Rent £100 but very old premises
Outgoings – Land Tax £ 1 – 10 Paid by W.S. Neal
Who pays (a) Rates and Taxes (b) Insurance }
Who is liable for repairs } Owner
Fixed Charges, Easements, Common Rights & Restrictions
Right of way on pavement to cage (claimed)
Drains & Lights
Former Sale No sale
Site Value deductions Claimed Yes
See form IV for parts required to be separately valued
[stamp] COPY TO FLECK 31 3 15 31 MAR 1915
Particulars, description and note made on inspection
Brick Stucco Slated & Tiled Dwelling House
Front & side Ent
Commercial Room Parlour Market Room Old tap room 3 old rooms
Kit: Pant: Scul: Larder Bar cellar 2 Offices
first floor 2 servants bedrooms 10 bedrooms & sitting rooms
2 attic rooms Bath H&C 2 W.C.
1R 24p
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition
W.S. Neal decd 27-12-17
L26660 £1500
Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land
1936 yds @ 4/6 = £400
Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c. £1100
Description of Buildings
Brick & Tile Saddle Room & Loft over
Brick & Slate Stable 4 Loose Boxes with Loft over
Brick & Thatch 3 stall stable
Timber & Slate open cart shed shed one closed
Timber & Slate leanto trap shed
Brick & Slate 6 stall stable, 2 & & Harness rooms
Billiard & Dining Rooms over
Leanto Brick & Tile E(arth) C(loset) & shed in garden
Brick & corrugated iron Petrol store
Brick Bottle shed
Brick & Tile Wash house with room over
1918: 11 Feb, Valuation for probate after death of W.S. Neal
Centre for Bucks Studies, D/WIG/21/1/66 [Most of this is in shorthand or the Wigleys’ own code, and only the more intelligible parts have been transcribed. Square brackets have been used for shorthand and round brackets for abbreviations.]
[p.26] B(ed)r(oom) No 1
includes [Mahogany] Wardrobe;
2 Gilt mirrors
Sitti(n)g R(oom) 2
includes Walnut Devonport;
6 occ(asional) & 1 easy chairs;
Walnut loo table;
Carved oak sideboard;
Gilt clock;
EP candelabra;
Curtains engravings & china & old glass;
... walnut table;
Silver inkstand
No 3
includes ?Various Carpet & rugs;
[Mahogany] wardrobe;
[Mahogany table] de nuit;
3 chairs
[Total] £97 7s
[p.27] No 4
includes ... carpet;
?Chintz chairs;
3 easy chairs;
3 fold screen;
?Chintz easy chair;
... 4 occ(asional) [chairs];
Gilt ... ;
Gilt ... [mirror];
... Walnut chiff(onier);
EP [pair candlesticks];
Walnut ...;
EP Coffee Pot;
EP Claret Jug;
4 EP salts;
?Premium plate sauce boat
2 entrée dishes;
2 soup bowls;
Sugar basin;
Coffee Pot;
Tea pot;
Tea pot;
2 Sheff(ield) platin bowls;
Revolving dish;
3 pewter mugs with glass bottoms;
... EP coffee ...;
3 Silver Cups ...;
1 EP ditto
[total] £86 10s
[p.28] Servants BR
Back ?Attic
?Barnards BR
No 7 BR
includes Carpet; [mahogany] table de nuit
Carpet &c & mats;
[Mahogany] chiff(onier) [+ table]
No 11 BR
includes Wicker chair;
[Mahogany] chiff(onier) table de nuit;
Carpet &c
[total] £36 7s 6d
[p.29] No 12 BR
includes Kidd(erminster) carpet [and rug];
Ma(hogan)y Bidet
No 10 BR
includes Turkey carpet & rug;
Ma(hogan)y wardrobe;
[Mahogany table] de nuit
Back Attic
includes [2 beds and bedding];
Deal cupboard;
... steps;
A collection of rubbish
No 9 BR
Kidd(erminster) carpet;
[fitted] ?Gard.robe;
Oak [?trestle table ... and] 2 [chairs] en suite;
Cheval glass;
Inlaid writing table
includes Shaving mirror;
Pier Glass
[total] £68 12s
[p.30] Bar
includes 7 chairs various;
[table mahogany];
Store Office
Ma(hogan)y table;
Remainder of contents
[Mahogany narrow table and ...]
Market Room
23 chairs;
3 tables;
Strip of carpet
includes Sheraton [mahogany side table];
[5 chairs];
[arm chair];
Carpet & rugs;
One ma(hogan)y [?dining table];
[2 mahogany side tables]
[total] £38 14s
[p.31] Commercial Room
[mahogany dumb waiter];
[mahogany ... table];
6 [chairs];
2 easy chairs;
lino & mats;
Gilt ... (Adams);
4 Sporting prints
Tap Room
2 tables;
Monks Room
A collection of rubbish & discarded furniture
Old ?Nurserie
11 dish covers;
Set scales;
2 chairs;
2 copper saucepans;
Copper stock pot & a ditto basin
[total] £35 15s
?China Stock Rm
Chiefly odds & ends
China 1;
2 tables;
Linen press
2 leads in slate;
Large Rm
12 chairs on [illegible];
19 Windsor chairs;
Trestle tables & boards;
12 Windsor chairs
Billiard Room
Billiard table & balls;
2 Settees a form;
2 Gas Stoves
[total] £40 4s 6d
Harness Room &c
set double harness;
Iron Sack barrow;
?Avery weighing machine
Stalls &c
Galv bin & 3 buckets;
4 galv servers;
2 ladders;
Iron water barrow;
Odd heavy barrels about 2 sets;
12 forms & \32/ chairs [Windsor];
8 fr pig trough;
4 wheel Dog cart,
2 “ ditto,
Hand truck ,
2 Seater brougham;
4 “ ditto;
Odd harness;
Harness Room
Side saddle;
Gents ditto;
3 Sets ?trace harness &c;
Knife machine;
[total] £39 12s 6d
Pump House
Lead lined .... cistern;
Hip bath ... zinc bath ...
Sack barrow;
Four wheel cart;
Scotch cart;
4 wheel trotter;
long ...;
ladder step;
40 bushels Potatoes;
Corn bin 3 div;
50 gall copper;
Iron sack barrow;
...... machine; Turnip drill
20 Stable buckets;
9 gall can;
Lawn mower;
Water cart
[total] £59 5s
Old horse bay nag [illegible name] Aged 30 [value] £20
pony Mrs Neal’s
Linen &c
[grand total] £542 7s 6d
House Property & Cottages
Trade Done
Wholesale & Retail
Whiskey & Spirit 1917 1916 1915 1911
100 246 450 492
About galls odd
Beer Home Brewed 1914 40 barrels
Beer Casks -
Bottles 400 doz. about
Minerals 400 doz. about
Wines ?
Compens(ation) levy under ?Licencees Act 1910 about £2
Licence Hotel Spirits £5 - 0 - 0
Tobacco 5 - 3
Paid 28 April 1917 up to 5 - 5 – 3
30 Sept 1917
Same for 1914 (paid 18 June /14)
The Bell 37/-/-
1 Cott(age) (formerly 2) Bell Alley 5/5/-
Stables Bell Alley 17/5/-
Stables Sheep Str 16/-/-
[p.37] Old Mr Neal died in Aug 1889
Winslow Licensed Houses
The Red Lion 17 – 10 - 0 19 - -
The Boot 19 - - 11 - 5 -
Chandos 18 - - 14 - 10 -
Black Horse 14 - 10 - 14 - -
Station Inn 28 - - 22 - 7 - 6
Nags Head 19 - - 11 - 5 -
The Bull 32 - 15 - 26 - 2 - 6
The Billett 19 - - 15 - 5 -
The Stag 25 - - 20 - -
The George 29 - 10 0 23 - 10 -
The Swan 24 - 10 0 20 - 5 -
The Windmill 21 - 10 0 17 - 5 - 0
Bell 46 - 10 0 37 - -
Stables &c Sheep St 20 - 0 0 16 - -
Stables &c Bell Alley 21 - 10 0 17 - 5 -
[p.38] A fully licensed Hotel known as “The Bell” with Yard Outbuildings Stabling Gardens &c together with a Cottage (formerly two) situate in the Bell Alley
3 P.V. 31 March 1915
letter from DV 17 June 1918 to W.G.W. Willis
“ not yet become final
Cottage value has become final
Bell Hotel Premises & Yard Market Sq Winslow [see Assessment 1915]
Dated 31 March 1915 Bucks Swanbourne no 226 W.S. Neal 1r. 24p [value £1500]
No 774 Bell Stables & Garden
31/3/15 Sheep St £450
No 775 Brewery premises
31/3/15 Yard Bell Alley £550
Total Value £2500
No 512 Cottage Bell Alley
30 Sep /14 formerly occupied By Harry Ward 60
Estimate Rental Value of House
If run on business lines In conjunction with Stabling Hay & Straw business 120
Land Tax
Insurance 1 10
Repairs 10 0 0
Landlords (old property)
Leaving Tenant To do decoration work 12
Licensed House fp 25
Value on Rental basis £
Add value of cottage £50
Value on Trade basis
Apartments &c say 250
Yard & Portions say 200
Sundries 50
Pay 1/3 say 167
Profit on
Spirits 500 gall @ 30/- 75
Beer 40 barrels “ 10/- 20
Bottle Beer 400 day say 15
Minerals 400 day say 10
Wines & liquors day 25
Licence 7 5 3
Rates 20 0 8 say 150
Repairs 25
Sundries 100
Profit 162
Net profit 162
y.p. 10
Value of premium
Unlicensed say 1000
[p.40] W.S. Neal Stock
75 ?Celestistes sold @ T 2
Cost AB/-
100 Rothschild Elegance
Cost PB/- sold @F £1
150 Cigars sold @ 4 @ cost 23/= 1 14 6
200 “ “ @ 3 } 1 12
250 “ “ 3 } 16/- cost £ 2
Trade Utensils
6 pewter measures
10 “ Vessels
Tap Room
Old pewter & measures &c discarded
120 Spirit jars
Quantity of Stock Boxes & Cases
In Bar
Only broken bottles
[p.41] 10 doz small Sodas Taylor@ 1/- doz 10s
2 doz Syphons
Taylor @ 4/- doz 8s
Ginger Ale
Schwepps 6 \doz/ small @1/2 7s
Taylor 3 doz large @ 2/6 7 6
N&R { 2 doz G Beer 1/- 2
{ 4 doz large lemons 1/- 4
3 doz Perrier Small 1/6 4 6
1 doz large cider 3/- 3
Taylor 5¾ Soda large 2/3 12 9
47 bott Sherry pale @ R/T £5 17s 6d
Pichon Longueville 6 doz Claret @ 1/6 bott 5 8
4½ dry Burgundy Cost PB/- doz 4 1
8 small Sauternes cost P/- each 8s
2½ doz old Pale Sherry Cost 30/- doz 3 15
5¼ doz Claret @ 1/6 each 4 14 6
27 2 9
[p.42] 2 bott Hollands Gin cost R/L 5 6
2½ Rose’s Cordial @ 1/- 1 10
9 bott Burgundy 1/6 12 6
33 bott old Port 1868 3/- £5
1 doz & 1 Old Brandy (Hennessy ’75) 5 10 6
@ BT bottle
... Rl/- bottle
1 dry Ginger Wine @ 1/- 1s
2½ doz small Berncastle Doctor @ P/- 1 10
2 doz small Port Vint 1906 @ Rf/- 2 8
2 doz small Burgundy @ la old !!! bad .....
1 dry Sauternes P/- ....
½ doz Burgundy @ 1/9 10 6
19 6
[Pink slip pinned to previous page]
Stock 150
furn & effects
say 522 500 or 450
Garage contents
Say 200
p40 31 0 6
41 27 2 9
42 19 6
77 9 3
D. Value 2560
SRW 2700
SRW on trade basis 2620
Av. 2660
Repairs & alterations 160
Returned at £2500
Furniture &c
&horse Carriages &c 542 7 6
Stock 77 9 3
£619 16 9
Property including All fixtures
N.B. The furniture takes no account of those things belonging to Mrs Neal including Chipp(endale) secretaire & antique settle in Bar, pony &c
Nor Brewing stock &c claimed by Wm M. Neal
1920 directory
Neal, E. Rosa, Mrs – The Bell Hotel, Market Square
1921: Census
Bell Hotel, 22 rooms
Emily Rose | Neal | Head | 62y 1m | widowed | Hotel proprietress (employer) | b. Winslow |
William Monk | Neal | Son | 31y 8m | single | Assisting above | b. Winslow |
Phillip Marcus | Neal | Son | 24y 6m | single | Assisting above | b. Winslow |
May | Giles | Servant | 26y 3m | single | Domestic servant | b. East Claydon |
Beatrice | North | Servant | 23y 6m | single | Domestic servant | b. Wolverton |
Florence Louise | Bagley | Servant | 28y 10m | single | Assisting above | b. Herne Bay, Kent |
Edmund Gollige | Norman | Visitor | 38y 9m | married | Commercial engineer, Worthington Pump & Mach. Corp., New York (Shanghai, China) | b. Chitnole, Dorset |
Rosa Gwendoline | Norman | Visitor | 27y 11m | married | Housewife, children aged 4 & 2 | b. Winslow |
Rosa Gwendoline Neal married Edmund Gollige Norman in Hong Kong on 22 Dec 1915 | ||||||
Murase | Cheesah | Visitor | 35y 2m | female, single | Nurse for E.G. Norman, Shanghai | Japanese |
Thomas Lionel | Havers | Visitor | 24y 2m | single | Theological student, candidate for holy orders (Hestercombe, Bath Road, Worthing) | b. Sutton, Surrey |
Robert William | Norman | Visitor | 4y 3m | School | b. Shanghai, British | |
Rosa Miriam | Norman | Visitor | 2y 9m | School | b. Shanghai, British |
The Bell was subsequently run with increasing eccentricity by the two sons, known as Bill and Phil Neal. According to Alan Wigley, A Window on Winslow (1981), p.51, the front door was locked in 1939 as a blackout precaution, and only twice opened again until the sale in 1975 after Phil's death.
1939: Kelly's Directory
Bell Hotel: William Monk Neal, proprietor, Market Square
1939: Buckingham Almanac
Bell Hotel, Market Square - Neal, W.M.; Neal, P.; Stewart, Capt. D.
1952: Description of The Bell when it was given a Grade 2 Listing
Hotel. Early C19 re-fronting of C17 building with incomplete timber frame. C17 timber framed blocks to rear along Bell Alley,
and over carriage entry to left of main front. Other brick
outbuildings are late C19. Main N. front of whitewashed render,
rusticated to ground floor and articulated with giant Doric pilasters, moulded plinth and cornice and band course at first floor level.
Slate roof, 3 rendered chimneys. 2 storeys, 3 bays. Canted bay
windows to ground floor, each with 2 4-pane sashes to front,
lozenge patterned frieze and moulded cornice. Wide triple-hung
sashes to first floor in architrave surrounds with wooden cornices
on scroll brackets over. 6-panelled door between left-hand bays
has wooden surround of Doric half-columns, entablature blocks
and pediment. Section of first floor wall above door
has flanking pilasters. Painted curved brace in ground floor room.
Interior of C17 part to rear has moulded ceiling beams.
1975 sale particulars: The Bell Hotel, Winslow, Bucks and Adjacent Garage Premises
This Free House faces the Market Square on a corner of the A413 which is one of the popular alternative routes between London (48 miles) and Birmingham (50 miles). The main premises is a Grade II listed building and the complete hereditament is within a Conservation area. The Hotel has a redoubtable past, and with shrewd and careful planning could have an enviable future for good eating, good accommodation and good hospitality based on non-extravagant re-use of the resources, victualled by past renown and the future potential of the locality.
The photograph below shows The Bell c.1983 after its renovation.
See also:
- The Bucks Archaeological Society's survey of public houses in Winslow includes information about The Bell and the original George, now part of The Bell
- Bell Hotel website