Will of Robert Webbe, 1573/4
Herts RO 6AR68
In the name of god Amen. In the yere of our lorde god 1573. the xxvjth day of January. I Robart
Webbe of winslowe in the Countie of Bucks weaver sicke in bodye but of good & p(er)fett remembrance
thancks be to God make this my last will and Testament in man(ner) and forme followinge. Fyrst I bequeth my Soule to allmightie god and my bodye to be buried in the Church yeard of winslowe aforesaide. Item I bequeth to the poore menes box theor ijd. Item I gyve and bequeth one halfe bushell
of wheate and one halfe bushell of mault towards the better repayring of the highe wayes about
winslowe, w(hi)ch halfe bushell of wheate & halfe bushell of mault shalbe baked and br(e)wed yerly
for the better relife of the poore workinge about the highe wayes theor against the Fryday in whitt-sonweke or ells at any other time convenient accordinge to the discrecion of the Ov(er)sears of the
hygh wayes for the time beinge and this halfe bushell of wheate & halfe bushell of mault to be
payed in manner as is aforsaid yerly & for ever owt of my howse I nowe dwell in in Winslowe & the saide howse to be charged w(it)h the payment of the same according as is afore said. Item I gyve to every of my godchilderne iiij d. Item I gyve to John Stevens & Richard Stevens v s
beside the v s I owe unto them. I gyve to Isbell Coles iij s iiij d. I gyve to Thomas my servant
a Lome * that standeth next my yearde. I gyve to Agnes Robinson iii s iiij d and halfe one acre
of Land lying on the furlong com(m)only cauled Brokwaye in Shipton Field next the highe
waye there. Item I gyve and bequeth to Alis Robinson iij s iiij d and a Land lying on the furlong
cauled upper Benehill in Shipton field aforsaid. Item I bequeth to Clement Barber my wiffes kins-woman my Barne of two baies in winslowe w(hi)ch I bought of one William Lane ther. Item I
gyve to John Lane my godson one half acre of Land in winslowe field lying on Toki furlong.
Item I gyve to Robart Jacson one halfe acre of Lond lying on [deletion] hawkes Lowe in
winslowe field which I bought of his Father. Item I gyve to John Hickbed all my land & mede grownd in Grenborowe field paying therefore iiij li vc' xlvij s to the behesse of William Brassed
for his Stocke that remayneth with me and the rest to go to the payment of my debts & legacs and I will that the said John Hickbed shall the said have the governance of the
said W(illia)m Brassed and his Stoke. Item I gyve to Thomas Robinson & to his heires forever myne
howse and all my Lond and meade w(it)h all thappurtenances to the same belonging in Wynslowe & Shipton
fieldes (the land before by me gyven and bequethed alwayes excepted) payeng therfore the
Som(m)e of Syxten pownds of lawfull english mony in man(ner) following that is to saye to Rob(er)t Webbe
sonne to Alexander Webbe ten pownds, and paying to the said Rob(er)t Webbs \brothers &/ sisters xl s, and paying
to one Heline Tailebushe xl s. the rest to remayne towards the payment of my Debts. And for the better p(er)formance & fulfillinge of this my last will and Testament. I have gyven a full Surrend(er) of all
my forsaide lands as well in Winslowe & Shipton Fields as in Grenborowgh fields to the uses & beheses
of the p(ar)ties aforsaid into the hands of William Glenister, W(illia)m Lane, Richard Capenhurst & John Grace
Tenants of the said Lordshippe. The rest of all my goods unbequethed my debts & legacs paid
I gyve and bequeath to John Hickbed and to Thomas Robinson whom I make my full Executors of this
my last will and Testament, And I ordeine William Lane to be the Ov(er)sear of the same and he to have
for his paines xij d Witness to the same are William Tomlyn, William Lane, John Kyrbie, W(illia)m Seere and William Glenister w(it)h other mo.
[illegible] Probat' iij May 1574 iurato executore
sub sigillo & ex' Inven'
Inventory of Robert Webbe
Herts RO A25/791
The Inventory of all the goods & Cattells of Robart Webbe of Winslowe in the Countie of Bucks wea(ver) deceassed the xvth day of February in the yere of our lord god 1573. Priced by Rob(er)t Eliatt, William Lane, William Glenister and William Seere
Imprimis one Fetherbed, a bolstar, iij pillowes ij Coverleds and iiij blancketts | xvj s |
Item v paire of Sheetes, ij underclothes, one Curtaine, and iij bedsteds | xv s |
Item vj cotes, one paire of hose, ij shertes, ij smocks iiij kerchives, & ij Apornes | xxvj s viij d |
Item iij cofers, a kymnell *, a verge barrell * one sack and ij bagges | vij s |
Item a spitt, a paire of cobyrons a gospan * a frying pan, a tryvett, a gridyron a paire of pothokes, potthangings, ij reaping hokes, an hatchett & an yron wedge a paire of sheres | vj s viij d |
Item ij brasse potts, ij pannes, ij kettles, a Chafer and a chafingdishe | xiiij s |
Item v platters, a salt, iij candelsticks, vj spones, vj dishes, iij chese vates, iij boketts, a paile, ij booles & iij tubbes | vj s viij d |
Item a table, ij formes, iiij seves, iij stooles a salting troffe, a pen, ij Rakes, a forke a spade and ij tressells | iiij s |
Item ij Lomes & all things to them belonginge | xxviij s |
Item a p(ar)cell of Linnen & wollen yearne | v s |
Item the Corne & haye in the barne | xl s |
Item xij shepe | xxx s |
Item one bullock & a smale hogge | xv s |
Item the wood & tymber | xx s |
S(um)ma tot(alis) |
xj li xij s |
Exhibit' fuit huiusmodi Inventarium iijo May 1574 per executores et pro pleno & c sub protestacione & c [Marks of John Hickbed and Thomas Robinson] |
Lome: loom
kymnell: A household tub, of varying sizes and purposes (Bucks Probate Inventories)
verge barrell (reading uncertain): ?a barrel with a metal rim (OED, s.v. verge 13b)
gospan = goose-pan, a large stew-pan (OED)
Click on the pictures for images of the documents: | The will: |
The inventory: |