Decision to restore the Church and report by John Oldrid Scott, 1883

Buckingham Advertiser, 7 April 1883


On Thursday, March 29, a public meeting to consider the question of restoring Winslow Church, was held in the Iron Room, Winslow.  The following gentlemen were present – Rev. H. A. Douglas Hamilton (vicar) and R. C. Allen, Mr. T. P. Willis, M. S. Lowndes, Esq., Mr. J. St. Thomas Wynter, Dr. Newham, Messrs. H. Bullock, T. F. Vaisey, J. Hawley, Starkey, George, Ingram, C. Colgrove, H. Wigley, G. George, James King, John Grace, Sare, Rand, George Lee, W. Matthews, R. Matthews. H. Ingram, Sharp, Clare, Jennings, Hillyer, Barton, John Varney, John Varney, jun., and E. Abbott.

The chair was taken by the Vicar, who, in opening the meeting, expressed the honor [sic] he felt in being privileged to stand there and propose the restoration of the church.  He was afraid it was a great matter that he was laying before them.  Some people said the church was in a very good state - and times were bad, and money was scarce – but the glory of God should be the first thing they should look to, and His house should be the chief ornament.  People’s homes were now furnished in a more comfortable and luxurious way than formerly.  God’s houses were being built in a better style than they were 100 years ago, and they could not be true Christian if they fell short in the matter.  Letters of apology had been received from the Right Hon. J. G Hubbard, M.P.,H. R. Lambton, Esq., and George R. Greaves, Esq., who were unable to attend;  but were deeply interested.  He had asked Mr. Scott (son of Sir Gilbert Scott) down in a friendly way to look at the church, not that he wished to commit them in any way to having him for an architect, and the following was his report:-

I had much pleasure in making an examination of Winslow Parish Church last week.  It is a building full of interest, and, although it has suffered from the usual neglect of bygone times it has received no irreparable injury, while its structure is in unusually good repair, so far as its stability is concerned.  The church consists of a nave of four bays, a large chancel, a western tower, and north and south aisles.  There is a fine late porch, on the south side of the building, and the church was originally completed by a sacristy to the north of the chancel.  This has now disappeared, but its door remains, and its size is shown by marks on the outside.  Generally speaking the church dates from the end of the 13th century or the beginning of the next – indeed the whole is of this period, with the following exceptions: - the upper stage of the tower, the top of the aisle walls which were raised when the present roof was put on, the south porch, various windows (especially the east window) which were inserted in perpendicular times, the upper part of the clerestory with four out of five windows, and the roof throughout.  The windows at the West-end are all original, as are two others, one in the chancel and one in the north aisle.  One clerestory window also remains on each side.  These are small cusped circles.  The decorated roofs were all of steeper pitch than the present ones, the height of the nave roof is clearly marked by the weathering in the tower wall.   The chancel roof was no doubt of the same angle, though nothing remains to show this.  The angle of the aisle roofs can be ascertained from the fact that the original height of their walls was nearly four feet less than it now is – all the original features, windows, doors, and buttresses, stop below the level, while a change in the masonry can be distinctly seen three or four feet below the present eaves.   The only roof which requires alteration is that over the nave, this is modern and has no character.  I have no doubt the church would be much benefitted in appearance if the ancient pitch of this roof were adopted.  The chancel and aisle roofs are old, and though much out of repair are capable of restoration, they are plain perpendicular roofs of good design.  Externally, the stonework has decayed very seriously, both wrought stone and ashlar, and extensive repairs will be necessary.  Inside the stonework is on the whole in a good state, and will require but little doing to it.  Unhappily none of the ancient fittings remain;  nor any trace of them beyond the marks of the rood screen which are very clear, and of the parcloses which once fitted the nave arches at its eastern end, parting off the chapels which there were at the ends of the two aisles.  The pulpit is Jacobean, and should, of course, be carefully preserved.  It is of very good design.  The altar rails might, perhaps, be retained, and there are some curious gates at the entrance to the chancel.  During my visit the plaster was removed in three places, and the old sacristy door, the piscina in the chancel, and another of somewhat unusual design in the south aisle, were brought to light as well as an aumbrey also in the south aisle.   The beauty of the church is much hidden at present by galleries in the aisles, and at the west end, and there are various enclosures about the tower which cover up all the architectural features.  When these obstructions are cleared away the fine proportions of the church will be seen.  The tower arch, and the side arches of the tower, as well as those in the nave, are all of very similar design.  They are plain in their detail, but full of good character.  All are happily in good preservation, and require but very slight repairs.  Considerable expenditure will be required to put the roofs into a good condition.  As I have said, the nave roof should be renewed, and it will be well to revert to its original high pitch, though without interfering with the present clerestory or parapet.  The aisle roofs only retain a few of their ancient timbers, hardly more than enough to show their design; they will therefore require a large proportion of new wood.  The chancel roof is in better condition, but will also want considerable repair.  I have prepared a plan showing the arrangement of seats which I should propose.  The church is not large, and it will be difficult to get as much accommodation, after the galleries are removed, as there now is.  The present nave pews area too narrow for comfort, and would have to be wider.  I have kept to the minimum width which is now used, on the plan, 2ft. 10in. so as to get as many sittings as possible.   I wish it might be possible to replace the chancel screen which must have existed, if carefully designed it would be no obstruction, while it would add greatly to the beauty of the interior.  The plan shows a new vestry on the position of the ancient one, and also a recess for an organ, which will be necessary.  The church so re-arranged would be admirably adapted for use, while the improvement in effect would be very striking.  Every old feature should be carefully preserved, and all new ones designed so as to harmonise with the building.  The pavements require renewal, but all monumentals should be retained, as far as possible, in the positions which they now occupy.  My examination was not sufficient to enable me to speak with certainty as to the cost of the works I have mentioned, but to do all satisfactorily would amount to nearly £4000.  The church is so very good in itself that it well deserves good treatment.  The materials used should all be the best, and should funds fail for the whole it would be the right course to undertake the most essential parts and to do them in the best manner.

                                                (Signed)         J. OLDRID SCOTT

Church interior looking towards chancel
This photo taken before restoration shows some of the features noted in Scott's report, and commented on by the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Buildings (see below)

In continuation the Vicar said £4,000 was a large sum;  but Mr. Scott had told him that £3,000 would break the back of it, and by substituting chairs for the oak seats and making other temporary arrangements, he thought about £2,500 would be made to suffice for the present.  He had gone carefully through the matter with the leading gentry of the neighbourhood and had consulted the Lay Rector, W. S. Lowndes, Esq., and secured his sanction.  He would now ask Mr. Willis to inform them about a fund which it was hoped might be secured for the restoration.

Mr. T. P. Willis said on the death of a former Vicar a sum of money had been raised and vested in trustees for the benefit of his widow and daughters;  Mrs. Walpole had recently died, the daughters had married and were in excellent positions, and no payments had been made by the trustees since July 1878, there being £550 with nearly 5 years’ interest at 3½ per cent.  The trustees did not know who to pay it to, and the Vicar had been in correspondence with the representatives of the late Mrs. Walpole on the subject, but no answer had yet been received.

The Vicar said while not bound in any way to have Mr. Scott for an architect, yet he might mention that Mr. Scott had succeeded Mr. Street as architect to the diocese, before whom all church restoration plans would have to go, and, if sanctioned by him, they would get 10 per cent. of the cost from the Diocesan Fund.  He was informed that £350 had been offered by someone in the locality for the lead on the chancel roof.  He had secured the support of the Bishop and the Rural Dean, and thought they need not at all despair of success.

Considerable discussion ensued, in which it was suggested that a committee should be formed of subscribers of not less than £20 or £25, payable either in a lump sum or in one, two, or three yearly instalments.   Mr. T. P. Willis thought the subscription should not be less than £50 to entitle them to a voice on the committee.

The Vicar proposed “That it was desirable that the church should be restored, and that steps should be immediately taken to form a committee to receive subscriptions for that purpose.”

This was seconded by Mr. M. S Lowndes.  Dr. Newham suggested that it would be better to form a general representative committee, who would thoroughly ventilate the question, and issue a printed appeal for subscriptions.

Mr. T. P. Willis proposed that the Vicar and Churchwardens should issue a circular stating that it has been decided to restore the church, and inviting subscriptions to be paid into the Bucks and Oxon Bank.  The committee could be an after arrangement.

This was seconded by Dr. Newham, and was adopted by the meeting.

In reply to a question from Mr. Hillyer, the Vicar said that the Bishop of Oxford had ruled that, in reseating, all rights of sitting were abolished.

A vote of thanks to the Vicar for presiding was then moved by Mr. Sare, and the meeting concluded.

Faculty for the restoration of Winslow Church 1883

Oxford Diocesan Papers c 1670\1

Architect: John Oldrid Scott of No 31 Spring Gardens, London

To remove the roofs of the nave and the south aisle

To take down the wall of the chancel and north aisle

To erect a new buttress on the south side of the chancel

To put new roofs to the nave, north and south aisles, chancel
and chancel aisle

To provide a communion table to the chancel and new rails and seats to same

To take down and remove the present sittings, and provide new sittings throughout

To restore the porch, the inner doorway and the door

To take up the present floors and paving and lay down new ones

To repair the tower

To restore and repair such other portions of the fabric of the church (both internal and external) requiring restoration and repair and generally to do and perform all such other works and operations about the church as might be fairly implied in fully carrying out the plans and specifications of the architect aforesaid

Drawing of the restored churchClick on the image for one of John Oldrid Scott's drawings of his plans for the restoration, 1884. All the drawings are available here (©English Heritage):

Funds for restoration, 1884

Bicester Herald, 18 April 1884
  WINSLOW CHURCH RESTORATION.- The subscriptions towards the restoration of Winslow Church now amount to £2,320, in addition to which the following internal fittings have been promised:- Brass eagle lectern, Mrs. Lamburn; altar cloth and super frontal, Mrs. Hamilton; frontal for ditto, Miss Dockray; fair linen, Mrs. Wynter; communicants’ kneeler, Miss M. Maydon; two foot mats, Mrs. Greaves; two kneelers, Miss Dockray and Miss Lloyd; set of new books, the Misses Maydon; set of festival book markers, Mrs. Vaisey; and two festival offertory bags, Miss Newham.  £50 has been promised by a friend, towards the reredos, and £25 for a memorial to the West family.

Fundraising effots continued later; see below.

Letter from the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Buildings, 1884

Buckingham Advertiser, 10 May 1884

The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings,
                                                            9, Buckingham Street, Adelphi, W.C.
To the Editor of the “Buckingham Advertiser.”
  Sir,- The restoration of Winslow Church is now sufficiently far advanced to show what the result of the work would be.  The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings sent in a report to the Vicar and Churchwardens, and ventured to make certain suggestions.  As much has been done which is in direct opposition to the advice then given, it is believed that the report will be of interest to your readers, should you find space for it in your valuable columns.  It is reported that the richly carved Communion table and rail which have been removed, are not to be replaced.  The oak reredos has also been removed, and we fear will not be replaced.  The north wall of the chancel has been pierced with two arches to open into an aisle to be built hereafter.  If additional accommodation was needed it might have been gained by retaining the very handsome west gallery, without destroying the medieval plan of the building.
                                                            I am, etc.,
                                                                        THACKERAY TURNER,
The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings,
                                                            9, Buckingham Street, Adelphi, W.C.
Winslow Church,
To the Vicar and Churchwardens.

  Gentlemen,- In accordance with the instructions of a Committee of this Society, the Parish Church of Winslow has been surveyed, and the report laid before the Committee, with a measured plan and sketches of the building, together with a  statement of its present state of repair.

  The Committee has carefully considered the whole case, and, with your permission, desire to lay before you its opinion of the building, together with some advice respecting the structural repairs and fittings.

  The church has a chancel, nave and tower, with an aisle on the North and South sides of the nave and tower.  There is also a porch on the South side of the Church.

  The original Church was built in the 14th century, since which time additions and alterations seem to have been continuously made.

  The chancel ceiling has had an unusually heavy oak cornice added on both sides with brackets below.  The oak trusses of the roof are exposed to view, but the rafters have been plastered over.  If the rafters are wrought and hollow, chamfered in a similar way to those of the nave aisle roof, it would be wise to expose them by removing the plaster, but the committee considers the oak cornice to be of sufficient interest for it to be retained.  The fittings at the east end of the chancel are considered by the committee to be good of their kind.

  The handsome and costly oak communion table and rail, backed as it is by the simply designed oak reredos is well in keeping with an old building, and should on no account be removed or its disposition altered.  Additional value is given to the whole, by the rich marble pavement which is at present covered by an objectionable carpet.

  It would seem that there are vaults under the floor of the chancel which are giving way, these should be filled in with cement concrete.  The pews in the chancel and throughout the church are of deal and valueless.

  The two oak gates at the entrance to the chancel should most certainly be preserved in situ, for they are interesting and certainly unusual.  The committee believe that your architect will have no difficulty when designing the new fittings, in providing for their retention.

  The roofs of the nave aisles should be kept as far as possible as they are, a certain amount of repair however is essential.  The committee strongly recommends that the present pitch of the nave roof be retained, and the oak tiebeams, which appear to be sound, raised, for it would be unwise to put any other form of truss, than a tiebeam truss on an old building, and it is considered that a simple roof would be more in keeping with this building than one of rich modern design.

  The two oak bird brackets on the clerk’s desk should be repaired and replaced on the pulpit, and the oak panelling round the base of the pulpit, might be reduced in height so as to bring the pulpit to a more convenient level.

  The committee trusts that the mortice holes in the easternmost bay of the north and south arcades of the nave, and also those in the chancel arch and jamb, will not be filled in as they are most valuable evidences of a former arrangement of the fitting in the church, and give a very good idea of the general form of the chancel screen.

  The galleries in the north and south aisles of the nave are, artistically, quite valueless; this is not the case, however, with the gallery at the west end of the nave.

  It has four well proportioned oak columns, with a finely moulded oak cornice returning at the ends, and panels with writing upon them, giving an account of the donations which have been made at different times to the poor of the parish.  Public evidence of charity property such as this is valuable, and should never be destroyed.  The view of the west end is good, when seen from the opposite end of the church; the two old brass chandeliers help to give an apparent length to the building, while the gallery increases the apparent height of the tower arch. The oak hand-rails to the gallery stairs should also, if possible, be preserved, but they can of course be used for the stairs which will be requires for the gallery.

  The present accommodation of the church is reported as insufficient; this alone is a strong argument in favour of retaining this important gallery.

  The mural paintings in the north aisle should be carefully protected during the execution of the repairs to the building.

  The brass to Thomas Ffige is clearly not in its original position.  It would be well if it was relaid in some position where it would receive less wear from people’s feet.

  The Committee suggests that one of Gurney’s stoves would air the church more thoroughly than any system of hot water, and it would also be more easily adapted, and would disturb the building less.

  If possible, oak should be used for all the new wood work, and it should be of an original design, not imitative of any medieval work, so that its date may be clear to future generations, and it could hardly be too simple in design.

  The Committee regrets to hear of the proposed additions to the building, and it ventures to call attention to a mistake which is often made of erecting an unnecessarily large organ, thus blocking the church, spending more money than necessary, and overpowering the singing.

  The external face of the walls is decayed more or less all over.  The Committee would strongly advise that they should not be entirely refaced, but that those stones only which are most decayed should be drawn and replaced by new ones, as old walls are weakened very much by refacing, and it is almost impossible to bond the new work thoroughly into the old.

  The earth should be moved back from the base of the walls to the original level, and a dry drain formed all round the building.

  The attention of the Committee having been drawn to the interesting and valuable ancient plate belonging to the church, I am desired to say, that, as collectors and others are constantly scouring the country in search of such remains, its preservation for the use of the people of your parish cannot be too carefully looked to, as tempting offers are often made to exchange modern, more fashionable, and almost worthless work for the old, which latter, apart from its sacredness, is infinitely more precious, and its possession should on no account be lost to the parish.

  Should there be anything in this report which seems to you to need explaining, I trust, gentlemen, that you will do me the kindness of naming it, as I shall have pleasure in laying the matter before my committee, and writing to you further upon the subject.
                                                I remain, gentlemen,
                                                            Yours faithfully,
                                                                        THACKERAY TURNER,

Reopening of the church, December 1884

Bucks Herald, 3 Jan 1885


The Parish Church of St. Lawrence [sic], Winslow, which had been closed since the 11th February last, was re-opened on Tuesday last, Dec. 30th, amid much local rejoicing, after undergoing a thorough restoration both internally and externally.  The Church consists of a nave of four bays, a large chancel, a western tower and north and south aisles.  There is a fine late porch on the south side.  Generally speaking the Church dates from the end of the 13th century or beginning of the next though some additions were made in perpendicular times.  The whole of the cumbersome galleries have been cleared away.  The ancient windows have been restored in the south and west fronts, where modern doorways have existed for many years past (one leading up to a private gallery, and the other to the belfry stair).  The ancient doorway on the north side is opened out and fills the place of a modern window, and a thorough clearance has been made of all the high-backed pews throughout the Church.  The window-dressings, doorways, arcading, arches, piers and every portion of the wrought stone work in a mutilated and decayed condition, has been most carefully restored to its original design, great care being taken to retain as much of the original work as possible by innumerable piecings. 

A new archway has been inserted at the east end of north aisle, also a pair of arches in the north side of chancel, forming an arcading preparatory to the erection of a chancel aisle with vestry and organ chamber, which is essential to the full completion of the work, but which cannot at present be erected for the want of funds.  In the meantime a powerful two manual harmonium, lent by Major Verney, is placed in the chancel. 

An elaborate sedilia has been erected in a line with and under the easternmost window on the south side of chancel, having three seats canopied and beautifully carved with the emblems of the four evangelists at the terminations of the label mouldings.  A piscina was found built up and plastered over in the south wall of the chancel, mutilated by having its quaint carved spandrils chopped off.  Fortunately the fragments were built up within the piscina, from which the architect has been enabled to reproduce the original quaint design.  The brick and cement parapets have been replaced by wrought stone work, the plaster and cement has been removed from the faces of the exterior, and the walling repaved and neatly pointed. 

The porch has been carefully restored by the completion of its buttresses, pinnacles, new shafts and bases, with an entirely new niche and canopy, surmounted with a cross, a true copy of the ancient one, which was in a very decayed state.  In the niche is placed a fine sculptured figure of St. Lawrence [sic], the patron saint, holding in his hands the emblems of his martyrdom (a gridiron and money-bag).  The figure is the gift of Mrs. T. P. Willis.  All the windows have been reglazed with tinted cathedral glass of an oblong shape, with narrow margins – the old saddle-bars and staunchions being re-used. 

The lath and plaster ceiling and the modern deal cornices to chancel roof have been swept away, and the ancient beams, rafters, plates, &c., cleaned and repaired, and the roof thereby restored to its original design.  The modern flat roof over the nave has been replaced by a massive new one of oak, of the original high pitch, as evidenced by the ancient weather course on the east wall of the tower.  The design of the roof is quite unique, of a semi-hammerbeam character, with moulded and carved king-posts.  The south aisle roof is also new and of oak, copied from the ancient one in the north aisle, which has been faithfully restored, as also the porch roof, which has all its ancient carvings replaced at the intersection of the mouldings, &c.  The tower ceiling is new with massive oak beams, forming deep panels with mouldings, and carved boss in centre panel.  The roofs of the nave and chancel are covered with Brosely tiles, and those of the north and south aisles, porch and tower, with lead.  

The chancel fittings, forming a double row of seats for choristers, with prayer desk on each side, are new, of English oak, and of handsome design.  The reredos is entirely of oak, beautifully wrought in panels, with gilded cresting and carved pinnacles;  the three centre panels are at present filled with cartoons only, illustrating the subjects that are intended to be sculptured hereafter.  This piece of work has been prepared by Messrs. Farmer and Brindley, of London, the decoration and cartoons by Messrs. Burlisen and Grylls, of London.  Great care has been taken to re-use as much as possible of the old reredos in the present new one.  The old altar table, as well as the old pulpit, have also received due care and adapted to present requirements. 

All the doors are new, of English oak, of massive appearance, with elaborate wrought iron hinges partially covering each door with ornamental scrolls, &c.  The wrought iron work was executed by Mr. Skidmore, of Coventry.  The floor of the chancel is laid with Godwin’s encaustic tiles, of a very rich pattern and design.  The altar table is approached by five steps from the nave, those at and within the altar-rail being of Plymouth marble, black with white veins.  The floors of the nave and aisles, where occupied by seats, are laid with patent wood blocks arranged in patterns; the passages and other spaces with Godwin’s red and black tiles.  The floor of the porch is laid with the Danish marble squares that were formerly in the floor of the altar space.  The font is entirely new, handsomely designed in Caen stone, with Purbeck marble shafts, executed by Mr. H. Terry, of London, and the cost of it has been contributed by the children of the parish.  The space around the font is laid with encaustic tiles, and occupies a central position in the tower at the western entrance.

The chancel is ornamented by two beautiful gas pendants of polished brass, especially designed by the architect and the gift of Mrs. Lambton, of Winslow Hall; also by two sanctuary standards of brass and iron of imposing appearance, the gift of the Rev. M. A. West, vicar of Ullenhall.  Two other gas pendants of similar design, in brass and iron, are placed at the east end of the nave, the gift of Mrs. Dudley and Mrs. Lowndes, of Bromley.  The gas pendants and standards are the work of Messrs. Barratt, of Birmingham.   A massive and elaborate brass eagle lectern is placed at the foot of the chancel steps, also designed by the architect, and the gift of Mrs. Lambourne, the makers being Messrs. Paltens, of London.  The Church is most successfully warmed by hot water in pipes running through the entire length of the building on each side of the centre passage under the floor line, and above the floor line along the north and south walls, terminating in coils above ground.  The heating chamber is built so as to be immediately under the vestry when that portion of the work is completed.

For want of funds the body of the Church is temporarily seated with chairs only.  The oak benches, as suggested by the architect, will vastly improve the appearance of this handsome edifice, and it is greatly to be hoped that this want will be supplied at an early date.

Mr. John Oldrid Scott, son and successor of the late Sir Gilbert Scott, is the architect, and Mr. Geo. Cooper, of Aylesbury, the builder, who has given great satisfaction in carrying out the work under the superintendence of Mr. G. Hannaford, clerk of the works.

The whole of the carvings, both internally and externally, of wood and stone, as also the statue of St. Lawrence [sic], have been most satisfactorily executed by Mr. Harry Hems, of Exeter. 

The completion of the work, so far as it has been at present possible to carry it, must be very gratifying to the parishioners generally, and the energetic committee, (composed of Dr. Newham, Messrs. Bullock, M. S. Lowndes, C. Clare, C. Colgrove, and G. George), who have had the work in hand;  but especially to the Vicar, the Rev. H. A. Douglas-Hamilton, who, on his induction into the living, found the immediate restoration of the fabric of the Church a pressing necessity, and who has given his whole heart an energy to the task of carrying it into effect, and has now the happiness of seeing his wishes well nigh fully realised.  The total cost of the work which has been done is about £3,500, of which some £800 remained still to be raised on the day of the re-opening.  This amount was, however, as will be seen further on, considerably reduced by the collections made during the day.  The Vicar and committee have been assisted by some liberal subscribers, among the principal being – Messrs. Willis and Willis, £500; Mr. G. R. Greaves, £200;  Mr. E. W. S. Lowndes, £100;  Mr. H. R. Lambton, £100;  the Diocesan Society, £250; the Vicar, £50;  the Misses Dockray, £50;  Right Hon. J. G. Hubbard, M.P., £50;  Bucks and Oxon Union Bank, £25;  Archdeacon of Buckingham, £25;  Mr. A. E. Preston, £25;  Lord Cottesloe, £25;  Mr. G. D. E. Wigley, £21;  Mrs. Lambton, £40;  Rev. T. H. Greene, £20;  Mr. J King, £20;  Mr. J. C. Hawley, £20;  Mr. Sare, £20;  Mrs. Lowndes, of Bromley, £20;  Mr. R. W. Jones, £25;  Incorporated Church Building Society, £40;  the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, General Hamilton, Sir H. Verney, Bart., M.P., Sir Samuel Wilson, Hon. T. F. Fremantle, M.P., Mr. Egerton Hubbard, &c., &c.  Gifts of Church furniture have also been made as follows:- The Altar cloth and super frontal, by Mrs Hamilton;  frontal for ditto, Miss Dockray;  fair linen, Mrs. Wynter;  communicants’ kneeler, Mrs. L. Maydon;  pede mats, Mrs. Greaves and Miss L. Selby Lowndes;  kneelers, the Misses Dockray and Miss Lloyd;  set of new books, Misses Maydon;  set of festal book markers, Mrs.. Vaisey; festal voluntary bags, Miss Newham.


Commenced with full morning service in the newly-restored Church at 11.30 am., when the building was crowded in every part.  The Lord Bishop of Oxford, attended by the Rev. C. C. Mackarness, vicar of Aylesbury, as chaplain, and preceded by the surpliced choir and a very large number of the clergy of the neighbourhood; the churchwardens (Messrs. C. Colgrove and G. George), and the vicar, Rev. A. Douglas-Hamilton, bearing his Lordship’s crozier, entered the Church by the south porch, the choir and clergy having robed in the girl’s schoolroom.  The Old Hundredth hymn was sung as a processional.  The opening prayers were said by the curate, the Rev. F. Pinhorn, the Bishop pronouncing the Absolution.  The service was choral, the prayers being intoned by the Rev. F. Pinborn.  The first lesson was read by the Rev. E. M Holmes, rural dean, of Marsh Gibbon, and the second by the Ven. Archdeacon Randall.  The Te Deum was well sung to Hopkins in G, and the Benedictus to “St. Laurence.”  The hymn commencing “When morning gilds the skies” was sung before the communion service, which was said by the Bishop; and the hymn before the sermon was “Lift the strain of high thanksgiving.”


Was preached by the Lord Bishop of Oxford, who ... [details omitted]

Church Restoration Fund Bazaar, 1885

Centre for Bucks Studies, D-X/58 (programme preserved in Dr Newham's scrapbook)

WINSLOW BAZAAR FOR Church Restoration Fund.

Grand Bazaar
ON FRIDAY and SATURDAY, December 18TH AND 19TH, 1885.

The following Ladies of the neighbourhood have kindly consented to act as Patronesses -
THE LADY AUGUSTA FREMANTLE.                           LADY VERNEY.
THE HON. MISS. E. FREMANTLE.                              MRS. E. HUBBARD.
THE HON. MRS. E FREMANTLE.                                 MRS. GORE LANGTON.
THE HON. MRS. HUBBARD.                                       MRS. DAUNCEY.
THE HON. MRS. CAULFIELD PRATT.                       MRS. BYASS.

STALLS will be held by
MRS. HENRY LAMBTON.                                    
MRS. G. R. GREAVES. (Assisted by the Ladies of the Vicarage Sewing Party.)

A variety of Attractions will be offered to the Public:-
A fairy well, under the care of Mrs. W. Selby Lowndes.
A Christmas tree, under the management of Mrs. J. C. Hawley.
A Collection of Works of Art, Antiquities and Curiosities.

There will also be stalls for
Game, Poultry & Provisions, and Refreshments.
Selections of Music and Singing, will be given during the afternoon and evening, under the direction of H. Bullock, Esq. and Dr. Newham.

ADMISSION – Friday, One Shilling till 6 o’clock.  Children, 6d.
                     Saturday, Sixpence    “
                     Free both Evenings after 7 p.m.
Admission Free to the Christmas Tree from 4 to 6 on Saturday for Parish Children.

Decision to build a new chancel aisle and vestry, 1889

Bicester Herald, 22 March 1889

  INTENDED NEW CHANCEL AISLE AND VESTRY TO WINSLOW CHURCH.- The expenses incurred in restoring Winslow Church, amounting to £4,322 13s. 8d., having, through the efforts and liberality of the parishioners and other friends, been entirely cleared off, it is now proposed to undertake the building of a new chancel aisle and vestry at a cost of about £750.  At present on special occasions and frequently on Sundays the church accommodation is found insufficient for the congregation, and by the expenditure of the above sum it is estimated that a gain of 120 seats may be obtained.  The committee do not propose to commence the work until they have £400 in hand.  They have received promised of £100 from Mr. H. R. Lambton; £50 from Mr. G. R. Greaves; £25 from Mr. H. J. Chinnery; and £10 from Archdeacon Randall; and hope that ere long they may be in a position to make a start with the work.

Opening of the chancel aisle and vestry, 1889

Buckingham Advertiser, 2 Nov 1889

W I N S L O W   P A R I S H   C H U R C H.

The new aisle is at the north side of the chancel, with which it communicates by two arches, and by one arch into the body of the Church.  It is of decorative English design to harmonise with the Church, with open timbered roof of English oak (which will be covered in with lead in the course of a few days).  The masonry is ashlar, with wrought stone facings to windows and door, and stone buttresses;  and the flooring is of wood blocks, with stone tiles in centre.  The heating apparatus has been extended into it, and we believe it is also intended to place an organ in it at some future time.  The contract was £647,  Messrs. Webster and Cannon, of Aylesbury, being the builders, and Mr. Wise, of Winslow, fixing the wrought stone work.  A very large proportion of the amount has been raised, among the subscriptions being – Mr. H. R. Lambton, £100; Mr. H. J. Chinnery, £50;  Mr. G. R. Greaves, £50  Archdeacon Randall, £10;  Mrs. Newcombe, £10;  &c., &c.

The festival of the dedication of the Chancel Aisle was held on Wednesday, October 30th.  Celebrations of the Holy Communion were held at 8 o’clock, and after Matins.  The dedication service took place at 3 o’clock, when a very large congregation assembled, among whom were the two veterans Lord Cottesloe and Sir Harry Verney;  Lord Addington, and most of the neighbouring clergy and gentry.  Additional interest
was attached to the ceremony as it marked the last official act of the Vicar, the Rev. H. A. Douglas-Hamilton, who by this newly-completed work has consummated and crowned with such signal success the labour of a seven years’ ministry.   The Church was very tastefully decorated; the pulpit with berries and ivy, and the candelabra with pampas grass, and the sedilia and altar rails with berries intertwined with ivy.  A procession of the choir and clergy was formed at 3 o’clock from the Yeat’s Schoolroom, and proceeded up the church, to the strain of the grand old hymn, “The Church’s one foundation.” [details omitted] Tea was provided in the Bell Assembly Rooms, at which a large number were present.

A large number of the members of the congregation assembled in the Girls’ Schoolroom at 6 o’clock, when a handsome silver tea and coffee service was presented to the Vicar and Mrs. Hamilton, the presentation being made by Mrs. Lambton, together with a crayon portrait of the Vicar, subscribed for by the choir boys.  The portrait was very cleverly executed by Mr. Charles Mayne.  The service bore the following inscription:- “Presented to the Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Douglas Hamilton by the congregation of the Parish Church, Winslow, October 1889,” and the cream jug – “Presented to the Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Douglas Hamilton, by the Winslow Sunday Schools, October 1889.”

Early history of the church and its vicars by A.J. Clear (1901), arising from discussion during the restoration

Bucks Herald, 16 Nov 1901


When Winslow Church was restored, some years ago, an interesting discussion took place as to the age of the fine old Parish Church of Winslow.  The statement made by Lipscomb, and since copied by other writers, that “the church was begun at the close of the 13th century and completed early in the 14th” was then repeated and accepted as correct, with one notable exception – that of Mr. John Oldrid Scott, the well-known authority on church architecture, who, much more cautiously than Lipscomb, says “generally speaking, the church dates from the end of the 13th century and the beginning of the next.”  Lipscomb, in all probability, founded his opinion partly from personal inspection of the building and partly from the list of vicars he obtained;  but the present day gives far greater facilities for the inspection of old documents than in Lipscomb’s time, and it is evident that not only are there gaps in his list of vicars, but also that there were vicars of Winslow many years before his list commenced, which is in 1326.

As Lipscomb’s statements respecting the church and its vicars has just been repeated, it may not be out of place to give a few facts which are not generally known.

Not many places in England, we imagine, can say with certainty that a church existed in their midst eleven hundred years ago.  But that this is the case with Winslow there can be no doubt.

In the year 791 Winslow must have been relatively a much more important place than it has been at any later period of its history, for it was the residence of Offa, “king of the Angles,” and in all probability of some of his nobles and servants.  From the fact that Saxon coins have been found on Dene Hill, we may fairly conjecture that here was Offa’s palace, and here, too, was the royal chapel, while scattered about were the “12 mansions” which he afterwards gave to the Abbey of St. Albans, and on the next hill rose the mansion of “Egelwinus, the swart” (black), the Lord of the Manor of Greneburga, and most likely a very important Saxon nobleman.

King Offa appears to have been cursed with a wife of very different disposition to himself, for it is related that she treacherously caused her would-be son-in-law, Ethelbert, King of the East Angles, to be slain while he was paying her a visit at a placed called Great Sutton.

King Offa was apparently residing apart from his wife, at Winslow, at the time, for, says the old chronicler, Matthew Paris, “being then at his palace of Winslow and in deep meditation on the subject, he prayed with great earnestness to God, who had so often delivered him from the snares and traps of his wife and the dangers and assaults of his enemies – that God would grant him further light, and enable him to found a monastery in expiation of his wife’s sin, then concluding with an earnest address to his relations and friends that they would unanimously and devoutly beseech God to enable him to carry his intent into effect.  All present retired into the chapel to pray, and, having retired, prayed longer than ordinarily, when a sudden light from heaven filled the place with uncommon splendour,   The King thereupon determined to grant the manor of Winslow to his new monastery.”

We have here a picture of the first sacred edifice of Winslow, the church attached to the Court of Offa, and in all probability the only one for a long distance, as we learn the manor of Winslow was then twenty miles in extent, and the mile was apparently about equal to two of the present times.  A pretty picture that of court and chapel, mansion and humble cottage, perched on the gentle slope overlooking the little stream which then, as now, wound its way between Shipton and Grandborough hills.   But it was a picture not destined to be of long duration, for in the onward march of time came the Danes, bringing with them fire and sword and between Aylesbury and Buckingham “carrying off the miserable inhabitants and their cattle.”   Most of the buildings of that day were of wood, and, as the Danes were particularly fond of a conflagration, we can imagine how, in about 941, perished our first church.

A long interregnum must have followed, because Domesday Book makes no mention of church, chapel or priest.  Neither were there freemen or mechanics, in fact, Winslow seems to have sunk to a very low estate.  There were only 5 little farmers (boarders), 17 villeins or husbandmen, and 3 slaves – perhaps 150 souls in all.

At what precise time the next church was erected we have no actual clue, but somewhere about the year 1100, in all probability, the builder began to raise the massive tower, much as we see it now, but shorter, almost as thick as it was high, most likely no higher than where the clock is now placed, while the body of the church was also low with short, thick arches and small windows, something like what can still be seen at Little Horwood Church at the present day.

The first actual mention, however, of there being a church is in the reign of Henry II., when “Wyneslau and its chapels” is mentioned.  This would probably be somewhere about the year 1169, these chapels including Little Horwood, Grandborough, and Aston Abbotts, the latter place by-the-by, being the country seat of the Abbot of St. Albans.

The next clue we get is the mention of St. Lawrence [sic] as the patron saint, which occurs in 1235, when King Henry II. granted a feast for two days, August 9 and 10, being the “Eve and day of St. Lawrence.”

But a more important item still is the first mention of a vicar, and this is about 1275 (although there must have been vicars considerably earlier than this), Johanni, vicar of Winslow, with his colleague, Roberto, vicar of Horwode, being involved in a law suit with an officer of the Bishop of Lincoln, named John de Lucca, who resided at Buckingham.  There appears to have been a long-standing dispute between the Bishop of Lincoln and the Abbot of St. Albans about the jurisdiction of the two parties over the places which had been granted by King Offa to St. Albans, the Bishop claiming the right to make the presentations and the Abbot naturally resisting.  The Abbot had an outlying vicarage at Turville, in South Bucks, and the Bishop, it seems, on some pretext directed the Vicar of Wycombe to seize or sequester this vicarage.  Thereupon the Abbot, after remonstrating in vain with the Vicar of Wycombe went to what was in those days a very strong measure.  He directed the Vicars of “Wynslow et Horwode” to excommunicate the Vicar of Wycombe.  John de Lucca in turn had the excommunication pronounced “null and void” in Wycombe Church, and brought an action against the Winslow and Horwood Vicars, who, however, gained the day, and the Vicar of Wycombe, or rather the Bishop who was at the back of him, had to restore Turville to the Abbot.  The whole dispute between the Bishop and the Abbot came before the King, and was decided in the Abbot’s favour; but from the fact that about 1180, the living of Winslow was appropriated towards clothing the poor monks of St. Albans, it looks almost as if the Bishop had seized the Vicarage, and so the Abbot withheld the living.  Another fact in connection with this dispute is that in 1302 the Sheriff of Bucks was forbidden to interfere with the “liberties of the Abbot in Wynslow, Grenebury, Siptone, Horwode, et Aston.”

In 1326 Lipscomb gives William Weltown as being the first vicar, but, as we have just shown, there is clear and distinct evidence of the existence of a vicar in 1275, and probably earlier.  It may also be remarked that he gives the next one at a period 80 years later, which looks very much like there being a name omitted.

In the accounts of the Abbey of St. Albans for 1349 it is stated “The church at Wyneslowe is worth, with its chapels, 18 pounds.”

The earliest burial in the church that can be traced is that of a vicar, Henry Tomlyns, who, in his will dated September, 1451, directs that he is to be buried in the chancel.  A William Willows was presumably buried about the same period, according to tradition, and a Richard Willows was buried “in front of the crucifix” in 1532.  In 1518 Thomas Palmer directed in his will that he should be buried “in our Lady’s Chapel in Winslow Church.”  The Church Register commences in 1560.  The earliest bell is the sanctus, which is dated 1611, and was made at Buckingham.  A “School of the Monks,” which, no doubt, was in connection with the church, is mentioned as early as 1347, when we find an inhabitant of the town named Henries paid 12 pence for his son to enter this school, from which most likely he would in turn enter the Abbey at St. Albans as we find others must have done.   “William de Winslow,” for instance, was Clerk of the Kitchen at the Abbey in 1326, and appears to have been a collector of fees and dues, as he was charged by the Abbot with keeping certain fees back.  “Johannes Wynslowe,” a monk of St. Albans, is mentioned about 1349, and he appears to have given the Abbey a piece of land called “Blackitte.”  In 1396 another “William de Wynslowe” was prior of Hortford, and attended the election of an Abbot at St. Albans.

The first trace of a church house is in 1660, but of course there must have been one in existence long before this time.

In 1584 we find Robert Daunce, the then vicar, had to do penance in the church for neglecting the services, and he had to find sureties for his future good conduct.

In 1590 we find Mr. Favor, vicar of Winslow, furnishing towards the defence of the country “a musket, with flask, touch box, and murion, and reste, an arming sword, dagger, and girdle, and flaske leather and a man to wear them.”

Having carried the church and its vicars down to the days of good Queen Bess, we may fairly leave them to modern history, and sum up the details we have previously given – the conclusion we arrive at being first that Winslow had a church previous to the year 790, and that this church was probably destroyed by the Danes who we are told ravaged Winslow.  Secondly, that no trace can be found of a second Saxon church, although it is possible one may have existed in the “Old Town.”  Thirdly, that most likely some parts of the present church were begun at the period when so many other churches arose – very soon after the Norman Conquest was a settled fact, say 1090 to 1100 – (these parts were the lower portion of the tower and the ancient part of the church which was discovered at the restoration in 1884) – and that at all events a church was in existence about 1160.  Fourthly, that the body or nave of the present chancel was probably commenced about 1300, by one of the Abbots of St. Albans in the same way as some 90 years later Abbot John de la Mootere built a portion of Grandborough Church.  Fifthly, the earliest vicar mentioned is in 1218, although he could not have been the first; and these earlier vicars were doubtless priests from St. Albans, and, in the case of the one mentioned most likely a Winslow man.  Sixthly, that with the springing up of the New Town of Winslow (Nova Villa de Wynslowe), and with the settling of the dispute between the Bishop of Lincoln and the Abbot of St. Albans, there came the better organised church system which has continued unto the present day.

Copyright 15 January, 2023