Court Baron, 23 April 1647
Centre for Bucks Studies D175/3
Translated from Latin. Only entries concerning Winslow have been summarised here, apart from the lists of jurors which also include Little Horwood and Granborough.
Jurors: William Glenister, John Hogson, Robert Lowndes, Henry Wyett
Henry Norman, Thomas Kirby, Benjamin Leach, John Seaton
Michael Norman, Thomas Glenister, Robert Stevens, John Walker
Valentine Fige gent and Peter Fige jr gent bailiff of the manor & Martha his wife surrendered the western half of a close of pasture called the Rose Close next to the Bury grownd containing 2.5a. To Benjamin Leach. Rent [blank], fine 5s, no heriot. Afterwards on 11 May Valentine Fige & Margaret his wife through Samuel Rawlins & Robert Stutsbury quitclaimed it to Benjamin Leach.
Valentine, Peter & Martha Fige surrendered the eastern half of Rose Close next to the highway on the east containing 2.5a. To Richard Hodgkyn. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
This is also recorded in British Library, Add.Ch. 53945, where the rent is given as 15d.
Peter Fige sr gent & Elizabeth his wife, Peter Fige jr gent, bailiff of the manor, & Martha his wife surrendered the capital messuage in Winslow in which they live & 2 closes of pasture, one called the Great and the other called Pond close containing 6a, and 50a of arable land, meadow & leys in the fields of Winslow. To Silvester Grant. Fine £5 12s.
Afterwards came George Kynaston and complained about Silvester Grant on a plea of land, namely a messuage, 40a land, 10a meadow & 6a pasture in W. He said SG only had entry through disseisin which Hugh Hunt made from GK 30 years ago. SG defended himself. GK sought against PF & Martha, who defended themselves and called Michael Walker to warranty. MW said HH did not disseise GK. Afterwards GK came back and Michael did not, in contempt of court. Court decided GK should recover seisin. GK & SG quitclaimed to PF. There are numerous similar entries in this court with the same references to Hugh Hunt (a fictitious character) and Michael Walker; it was a legal device known as a procedure of common recovery to break entails and other restrictions. In this case Silvester Grant was surrendering the holding to George Kynaston according to a long-established procedure, but apparently only so that George Kynaston could then surrender it to the Figes.
Peter Fige jr & Martha surrendered 6a lying together in Dembrom Field called Broadford Corner, land of William Lowndes west. To Elizabeth Griffith wife of Maurice Griffith, clerk. Rent 1s 6d. Fine 12s.
Peter Fige jr & Martha surrendered 2.5a in the fields of Winslow: 1a over Stone abutting Granborow Brook land of John Shelton east, 1.5a in same furlong land of William Lownds east. To John Hogson. Rent 7½d. Fine 5s.
Peter Fige jr & Martha surrendered a close of pasture in Winslow called the Great[?] close containing 5a. To Francis Dodsworth gent. If PF pays him £82 8s at Michaelmas next at Francis' dwelling house at Whaddon Parke Lodge in Bucks, to be void. Fine 10s.
Peter Fige jr & Martha surrendered their capital messuage in W. One half [described as at the court baron of 12 Sep 1638] to Peter Fige sr & Elizabeth his wife for their lives. The other half to PF sr & Elizabeth in perpetuity on condition that if PF jr pays annually for 6 years £19 in quarterly instalments beginning at the next Feast of St John the Baptist to Peter sr and Elizabeth if either lives so long, and then £22 annually for their life, or £20 after the death of one of them, to be paid at the capital messuage, then it is to be void. Fine 5s.
Dorothy Pym has died. Held 1a in W lately Robert Wallis clerk's. Henry Pym is son and heir, and was admitted. Rent 4d, fine 2s.
Thomas Glenister & Valentine Fige surrendered a messuage in Shipton where Thomas lives, 1a ley or pasture adjoining, 16a in Winslow & Shipton: 1a over Long Blackgrove, ½a meadow at Newleane, 1½ a meadow at Housham, 4r & ½a at Knole, 3 leys containing 1a at Deanehill furlong, ½a under le way, 1a at Longland, 1 selion & 1 ley at Copped Moore, 2 selions at Maslade, ½a over Weedfurlong, 1a at Amersland, ½a at Peasfurlong, 4a pasture in the Cowpasture of Shipton. To Francis Dodsworth. If TG pays him £6 on 25 Oct next, 25 Apr & 25 Oct 1648-1649 and £156 on 25 April 1650 at Whaddon Parke Lodge, to be void. Quitclaimed by VF & Margaret his wife out of court before the steward.
George Kynaston surrendered a cottage in Winslow and all his customary land except a hade at Aldershall. To Francis Dodsworth. If he pays 32s on 25 Apr 1648, £21 12s on 25 Apr 1649 at Whaddon Parke Lodge, to be void. Fine 5s.
William Wyot surrendered 1a at north end of Winslow abutting the king’s highway from Winslow to Little Horwood with a cottage recently built on it. To Silvester Grant. Rent 3d, fine 5s. John Kirby complained against Silvester Grant about a messuage and piece of land [as above]. Procedure of common recovery: William called to warrant Michael Walker. JK and SG quitclaimed it to WW. This seems to be an extension of housing into the fields.
William Ethersey & Elizabeth his wife surrendered a messuage or cottage in market-place of Winslow lately in the tenure of John Burrell, now Christopher Bigge. To Christopher Bigge. Rent 9d, fine 5s, heriot 5s. William Lambert gent complained against Christopher Bigge about a messuage [as above]. Procedure of common recovery: William Ethersey called to warrant Michael Walker. WL & WE quitclaimed it to CB.
Robert Burt surrendered to John Henly 2 closes of pasture lying together in Granborow containing 5 acres, Swanborne feild east. Fine 10s, rent 15d.
Robert Benbow & Jane his wife surrendered 7a 1r in fields of Winslow: 6r containing 1a over Viccars mead land of Andrew Stutsbury east, 1a over Longfurlong land of William Lownes west, 1a over Ryefurlong land of John Robson south, 1r at Gilshooke land of Peter Fige north, 2 selions containing 1a abutting Berry Pathway land of Andrew Stutsbury south, 2 selions together abutting Granborow Broke land of William Lownds west, 5 selions containing 2a in Dembrum[?] abutting on Twelveacres land of Nicholas Spooner west. To Thomas Hogg. Rent 21d, fine 14s 6d.
Robert Benbow & Jane his wife released to Samuel Norman all their standing and claim for Jane's dower to the land in Winslow which Robert recently surrendered to Samuel. And to Valentine Fige their standing and claim to the capital messuage situate in the Sheep Street in Winslow and in the northern part of the aforesaid plot [platee] and an orchard belonging to it which Valentine lately had on the surrender of Robert Benbow deceased, Robert's father.
Peter Fige and Martha surrendered two parcels of meadow and pasture in the fields of Winslow, one called Great le[yes] and the other called Nordon Peice. Mortgaged to Francis Dodsworth.
Ursula Goodspeed, widow of Hugh Goodspeed, complained againt Robert Goodspeed on a plea to render her reasonable dower of a messuage and quarter-virgate [quartrona] of land in Grandborow. Peter Fyge jr, bailiff of the court, was ordered to summon Robert. [See further below]
Peter Fige jr bailiff of the manor and Martha his wife surrendered two parcels of meadow and pasture in the fields of Winslow: one called Great Leyes and the other Norden Peice. To the use of Francis Dodsworth gent., on trust that the land remains for security that Peter well and truly from time to time and as long as he remains in office takes and makes true payment of all such sums of money, rents, fines and heriot which from time to time are collected by him or could be collected to the use of the lord of the manor for the time being, and principally[?] of the rent of £152 for the rectory of Winslow this year and all other rents for the rectory as long as he remains tenant of the rectory under Francis.
End of this court
View of frankpledge and court baron, 19 October 1647
Essoins as in the charter of tenants and residents.
Homage for the lord king and lord of the manor:
John Paxton
Winslow: Henry Pym, William Hogson, John Hogson, Thomas Grant, William Norman, Benjamin Leach
Shipton: William Glenister, John Henly, Ralph Phippes, Thomas Miller, John Miller
Granborow: John Stevens, Thomas Stevens, Robert Bowden, Benedict Holland son of Thomas, Roger Worrall
Little Horwood: Henry Curtis, Emanuel Waters, John Illing, Robert Hawkins, Thomas Illing and John Barton
"2s for [blank] without licence" has been written between the names of Ralph Phippes and Thomas Miller.
Amercements for default by tenants:
Robert Grainge free tenant 12d
Winslow: Richard Eldredge 6d, Dorothy Bird 6d, George Elliott 6d, William Giles 6d, Robert Hatton 6d, George Kirby 6d, Samuel Rawlins 6d, William Snow 6d, Daniel Sear 6d, Joseph Seare 6d, Ralph Wyat 6d and Henry Wyat 6d
Shipton: John Grant 6d and John Henly 6d
Granborow: Thomas Bowden 6d, Richard Be[nn]ell 6d, William Stevens 6d and Henry Stevens sr 6d
Little Horwood: Henry Curtisse 6d, John Barret 6d, Ann Barbor 6d, John Bayly 6d, Richard Webb 6d and John Warr 6d
Nicholas Brinsall 12d and John Seaton 6d tenants and residents in the vill of Winslow did not appear nor pay their part of the common fine; therefore amerced.
Amercements for default by residents:
Little Horwood: Richard Bucher 4d, Robert Jeffs 4d and Lewis Robins[?] 4d
Granborow: Thomas Mountagu 4d, Thomas Smith 4d, Robert Holt 4d, Robert Cooke[?] 4d, William Harding 4d and Henry Stevens 4d
Shipton: Edward Elliott 4d, Richard Elliott 4d, Adam Peckox 4d and Robert Holt 4d
Winslow: Humfrey Butcher 3d, Edward Allin 2d, Thomas Bence 2d, John Crosse 4d, George Cowper 2d, John Dingley 2d, Thomas Benbow 2d, Ralph Porter 2d, John Mountagu 2d, Richard Prentice 2d, Henry Pym jr 2d, Christopher King 2d, John King 2d and Thomas Smith 2d
Amercements of residents in Winslow who did not appear nor pay their part of the common fine:
John Shelton 8d, Richard Thraston 8d, Robert Udden 8d, Abraham Prentice 8d, Robert Reve 8d, Thomas Daniell 8d, George Kirby 8d, John Rawlins 8d, John Bransford 8d
John Baily 8d, Philip Baily 8d, Isity Lynney 8d, Christopher Willins 8d, William Uddens 8d, Robert Illing 8d, Robert Wells 8d, Robert Benbow 8d, George Shaw 8d, Thomas Brinsall 8d
Henry Wyatt 8d, John Wincly 8d, Samuel Rawlins 8d, Thomas Law 8d, William Elliott 8d, Thomas Piddington 8d, Henry Norman 8d, William Browne 8d, John Parker 8d, Edward Richardson 8d and Richard Eldridge 8d
John Kirby (amerced 3s 4d) kept sheep on land not having common, Robert Wells (3s 4d) overburdened the common with beasts, and John Seaton (5s) kept his horse against the orders.
Alice Kenaston, William Tapping and Christopher Willins separately received sub-tenants called the "Inmates" in separate houses against the court's orders and the penalty of £10 placed thereon. Therefore each forfeited to the lord of the manor, mitigated by grace to 40s each. Total £6.
William Lownds and John Robson permitted the cottages of which they were seised to the use of the poor of Winslow, and the chimneys [camina] of the same, to be ruinous. Each amerced 12d.
Frances Stevens of Winslow collected beans against the orders; amerced 3s 4d.
Thomas Bandrick[?], Thomas Mountagu and John Holland of Granborow kept beasts on the high roads against the orders of the court; each forfeited 3s 4d.
George Stevens and John Thorp broke the "Beane stubble feild" against the orders; each forfeited 2s 6d.
Robert Cooke 20d and Robert Holt 20d kept beasts in the Milfeild against the orders.
John Rutland kept his beasts in the "Beane feild" against the ordinances of the court; forfeited 3s 4d.
Robert Gaskyn and Henry his son and William Jurden newly erected separate cottages in the fields of Little Horwood where tenants of the manor have common, and to the disinheritance of the lord of the manor; each amerced on the lord's part 40d.
The steward recorded fines placed on Nicholas Overyng 5s and Thomas Robson 5s because having been sworn in the office of tithingmen of Winslow for the last year they did not collect nor pay the "common fine" of Winslow payable at Michaelmas last, nor presented that which pertains to their office, but negligently exercised their office.
The steward also recorded fines on Richard Grace 6s 8d and Benedict Holland 6s 8d tithingmen of Granborow for similar offences and making no return of those who ought to pay the common fine for Granborow. Therefore each to pay the lord for bad execution.
The steward recorded a fine of 2s on Thomas Miller for [illegible] placed because when Thomas was sworn concerning inquiring as above he withdrew from his colleagues before their verdict was given, not previously obtaining licence.
Affirmed by John Paxton, Henry Pym, John Stevens & Thomas Stevens
Election of officers:
Constable of Shipton: William Glenister chosen and sworn.
Constables of Granborow: Thomas Badrick and John Holland chosen and sworn.
Constables of Little Horwood: Henry Ashby chosen and sworn, Henry Smith remains in office and newly sworn.
Tithingmen: John Woodward and Thomas Grace chosen and sworn.
Argillator[?]: [blank] Inwards chosen and sworn.
The officers for Winslow remain in office.
Court Baron
Hugh Seaton sr surrendered these parcels of land, containing 7½ acres:
- 3 acres at Bradford, John Paxton west
- 1 acre at Sparlow, Richard Edmonds west
- 1 acre at the lower end of Orwell Slade, John Paxton south
- 1 selion at Orwell hill, William Hogson south
- 1 acre in Rushmead
- 1 acre at Poores furrowes near the "backside" of Thomas Kirby, William Hogson east
To the use of himself and Alice his wife for their lives, then to Hugh Seaton jr his son. Rent 22½d. Fine 15s from Hugh sr and Alice, 15s from Hugh jr.
Hugh Seaton sr surrendered a shop in the market place [foro] of Winslow, the land [?=messuage] of John Bavin west. To himself for his life, then to Hugh son of John Seaton. Rent 2d, fine 5s. Heriot by composition 25s.
John Holland surrendered 16 acres in Granborow to himself and Elizabeth his wife and the heirs of their bodies. Rent 4s, fine 32s.
William Burrowes surrendered a messuage in Winslow. To the use of Thomas Glenister. Rent 10d, fine 5s, heriot 6s by composition.
[Probably near the western end of Horn Street]
Francis Sayer died before this court seised of a shop with chamber over it in Winslow. Joseph Sayer is his son and nearest heir. Rent 6d, fine 5s, heriot 4s by composition.
[f.2v] John Williat and George Williat gent(s?) surrendered the Pasture Close in Little Horwood containing 8 acres with common of pasture for two beasts, one "les Breeder" and 5 sheep. To the use of Richard Maynard. Rent 4s, fine 16s.
Benedict Holland surrendered 10 acres in Granborow to John Holland his son. Rent 2s 6d, fine 20s.
Peter Fige jr and Martha his wife surrendered 8 leys containing 3 acres in the fields of Winslow over Coldham furlong, Thomas Snow west. To the use of Daniel Sayer. Rent 9d, fine 6s.
John Hogson and Katherine his wife surrendered 3 acres of arable land in the parish [sic] of Shipton:
- in the Red feild a half-acre over Oxfurlong, Sarah Snow east
- a half-acre over Armers land, Nicholas Spooner east
- a half-acre over Marslade, John Henly west
- 2 "les yerds" in the same furlong, Thomas Miller west
- a half-acre over Weedfurlong, John Henley north
- 2 "les yerds" over the furlong called the Sloo [or Hoo], John Henly west
To the use of Thomas Barton. Rent 9d, fine 6s.
Thomas Stevens died since the last court seised of 4 acres in Granborow. John Stevens is his brother and nearest heir. Fine 8s, heriot [blank] by composition. Fealty respited because an infant.
At the court on 9 Oct 1646, William Stevens before that court surrendered inter alia 1 acre extending to Winslowe Brooke, with the intention that if Thomas Stevens his brother and heir paid John Stevens £4 when he was 21, Thomas would recover the acre, or otherwise it would go to John. Thomas has died and John is heir. Rent 3d, fine 2s.
Robert Benbow and Jane his wife surrendered a close of pasture called Blackthorne Close containing 3 acres in the parish and fields of Winslow, the meadow of William Lownds west. To the use of John Thorpe. Rent 9d, fine 6s.
William Stevens and Joyce his wife surrendered 4 acres in Granborow to Edward Thorpe. Rent 12d, fine 8s.
William Bignell (now deceased) since the last court surrendered by William Hogson and Thomas Kirby a close in Winslow called Ash Close containing 1 acre, William Lowndes east. To the use of Ann King wife of William King. Rent 3d, fine 2s. Heriot: a tree worth 6s.
Matthew Dauncer and Jane his wife surrendered, after a recovery of the premisses, 1 acre of land at Winslow Brooke, Benedict Holland west, and a half-acre at Walebreach, the Towne land west. To the use of Thomas Hughes and Jane his wife and Jane's heirs. Rent 4½d, fine 3s.
Francis Hartnoll and Elizabeth his wife surrendered a cottage in Granborow and a rood of land on which it was lately built, with common of pasture for one cow. To the use of William Bowden and Elizabeth his wife. Rent 6d, fine 5s, heriot 6s 8d by composition.
Newman Williat surrendered a tenement in Blayes Close in Little Horwood now in the occupation of William Hobbes, and 4 roods of land in Shepcot corner late Williats. To the use of John Williat and George Williat. Rent 2d, fine 5s.
John Paxton and Jane his wife surrendered 1 acre lying together over Poores furrowes in Winslow, John Miller south. To the use of John Miller. Rent 3d, fine 5s.
Nicholas Brinsall surrendered a cottage in Winslow now in the occupation of George Elliott. To the use of George Elliott and Ann his wife. Rent 6d, fine 5s, heriot 5s by composition.
William Bowden and Elizabeth his wife surrendered a little "pightell" of pasture in Granborow containing 1 acre, late Bowdens. To the use of George Stevens. Rent 1d, fine 6d.
Robert Dauncer and Mary his wife surrendered 1½ acres in Granborow late Robert Bowden's. To the use of Henry Stevens. Rent 4½d, fine 3s, heriot 5s by composition.
John Miller and Joan his wife surrendered 15 acres in the fields of Winslow:
- 3 roods over Shortleyes furlong, William Norman west
- 3 roods over Sparlow furlong, John Robson north
- 10 roods over Sparlow, William Lownds south
- 1 selion being "a headland" at Buryhedge, Robert Lownds south
- 4 roods abutting on Bury hedge, William Lownds west
- 7 roods in Hollow furrow furlong abutting on Lawrence Shelton's "hadeland", William Lownds east
- In Milfield, 10 roods over Duckslo furlong, John Shelton west
- 10 roods over Hawkeslow furlong, Richard Edmonds gent. south
- 1 selion being "a headland" in Ankersland, [blank] Paxton north
To the use of Nicholas Spooner. Rent 3s 9d, fine 30s.
Arthur Smith surrendered a half-virgate in Little Horwood to William Illing. Rent 18d, fine 30s.
[f.3] Robert Stutsbury & Abigail his wife surrendered a cottage in Winslow Sheep Market now occupied by Benedict Glenister. To Benedict Glenister. Rent 4d, fine 5s.
[This was in Sheep Street on the site of Winslow Hall, and was bought by William Lowndes in 1698 from Benedict's grandson Benjamin/Benedict Scott]
John Hobbs and Elizabeth his wife surrendered 3 half-acres in Little Horwood late Stredwicks to Mary Sanders wife of Henry Sanders esq. Rent 4½d, fine 3s, heriot 8s by composition.
Hugh Seaton & Katherine his wife surrendered 8a of land & pasture in Winslow. A close containing 6a over Longmead Leyes furlong land of John Shelton west. 2a over Lowfurlong in Milfeild land of John Miller west. To Robert Hawkins. Rent 2s, fine 16s.
John Miller & Joan his wife surrendered 1a at Ankersland in W land of John Robson north. To John Paxton. Rent 3d, fine 2s.
Ursula Goodspeed widow of Hugh Goodspeed for £5 paid to her by Robert Goodspeed released to Robert being in full possession all claim by right of dower to a messuage and quarter-virgate of land in Granborow.
Edmund Tomlyn after the last court surrendered through Thomas Glenister & William Norman a messuage in Shipton to Agnes Tomlyn his wife. Fine 5s. Paid heriot: the cubbords worth 5s.
Nicholas Sponer surrendered 15a in fields of Shipton: in Blackgrove feild 1a abutting Beanehill land of Robert Elliott west, 1 rood in Five acres land of Robert Stevens east, 1 selion being a headland and another selion together at south end of the Five acres, 2 roods over Reeden land of Robert Elliott west, 2r over Gravell pitts furlong land of John Sheffeild east, a ley being a headley in Littleden abutting on the Brooke land of Thomas Miller west, 1r in Dirtland land of John Paxton east, 1r at the Meadside land of John Paxton south, 1r at the Meadside land of John Snow south. In Redfeild 1r over Cop(p)ed More land of Thomas Glenister east, 2r at Blackpitt land of William Townsend west, 2r at Blackpitt land of John Robson east, 2r in Blackpitt furlong adjoining Swanbown feild to the east, 1r at Walls land of John Henly north, 1 selion being a headland land of Thomas Grashop west, another headland in Weedfurlong land of Thomas Barton north, 1 selion with the Picks in Amersland land of Thomas Barton west, 1 selion at Amersland land of John Snow west. In Langland feild 1r in Drymead land of William Townsend west, 1r over Licehill furlong land of Ralph Phips west, 1 selion in same furlong land of John Henly west, 1r over Snowthale furlong land of Robert Burt east, 1 selion in same furlong land of Robert Stevens west, 1 rood in Snowt land of John Robson west. To John Miller in exchange for 15a in Winslow. Rent 3s 9d. Fine 30s.
Matthew Dancer and Jane his wife surrendered 2 acres 3 roods in Granborow to William Stevens. Procedure of common recovery. All surrendered to Jane Dancer. Fine 5s 6d.
Nicholas Overing & Mary his wife surrendered a piece of land called Cowmead close in Winslow containing 10a, and 3 leys containing 1a adjoining the Viccaridge Land to the east. To William Hogson. Rent 2s 9d. Fine 22s. Procedure of common recovery: Thomas Robson complained against William Hogson on the above. WH called Nicholas & Mary Overing, Michael Walker. Quitclaim to WH.
[f.3v] Robert Bowden and Elizabeth his wife surrendered 12 acres in Granborow to Nicholas Wyatt. Procedure of common recoery. All surrendered to Nicholas Wyatt.
William Lownes & Frances his wife complained against William Uddin & Richard Uddin his son on a plea of landabout a cottage in W called Sheepcot and an orchard, pightle & 3 selions adjoining in the Westend of Winslow now in the tenure of William & Richard. They made a protestation in the form of a writ de recte patent at common law. Peter Fige jr the bailiff was ordered to summon William & Richard to come to the next court to reply.
Jane Michell widow of Nicholas Michell complained against William Lownes that he deprived of her dower: 1/3 of 2a land or leys in 4 selions in Winslow over Coldham. To come to next court to reply. William Lownds came to the next court and said that Nicholas Michel was not seised of the land at the time of his death.
Court baron, 24 April 1648
Jurors: William Lownes, John Henley, William Hogson
Thomas Kirbey, Daniel Seere, John Hogson
Robert Lownes, Thomas Mountagu, Roger Wirrall
William Glenister, William Norman, Thomas Grant
Hugh Stevens and Ann his wife surrendered a messuage called Arments[?] now in the occupation of John Pitkin and 8 acres in Granborow. To the use of Hugh Thorpe and the heirs of his body, or in default to Robert Thorpe. Rent 2s, fine 16s.
[f.4r] Robert Stevens & Hannah his wife surrendered 2a in fields of Shipton: 2 selions containing 1a over Shortblagrove furlong next to the land of William Townsend on west, two selions over Brodwater furrowes land of William Townsend north. To Thomas Barton. Rent 6d, fine 4s.
Hugh Stevens and Ann his wife surrendered a messuage in their own occupation and 11 acres in Granborow to Edward Thorpe. Rent 2s 9d, fine 22s.
Hugh Stevens & Anne his wife surrendered a messuage in Shipton now in the occupation of Robert Stevens & Anne Stevens mother of Hugh + half of a Lammas close adjoining containing 1a. To John Stevens. If Hugh pays £3 on 1 Nov next, 1 May & 1 Nov 1649 & 1650, £83 on 1 May 1651 at John’s house in Granborough it will be void.
William Stevens surrendered 1 acre in Granborow to Edward Thorpe. Rent 3d, fine 2s.
William Risborow and Alice his wife surrendered a cottage in Little Horwood where William now lives to Christopher Smith. Rent 1½d, fine 5s.
John Sheffeild & Mary his wife surrendered 4a in Shipton: 1 selion over Bewlesdeane furlong land of John Miller east, 1 selion over Beanhill furlong in Blackwell feild land of John Henly west. In Redfeild 3 selions containing 1a over Copped Moore furlong land of Robert Elliott north. 2 ley yerds in Old Milfeild [=Lice Hill Field] over Woodway furlong land of Anne Miller west, 1 selion in same furlong land of William Townsend west, 1 acre of leys in the Cowpasture, 1 ley in Slowfurlong land of William Townsend west, 1 ley over Trendlefurlong. To Richard Dingley & Anne his wife, daughter of John Sheffeild, & her heirs. Rent 12d, fine 8s.
Benedict Pitkyn and Elizabeth his wife surrendered 4 acres in Granborow to Henry Stevens. Rent 12d, fine 8s.
Thomas Glenister & Lucy his wife surrendered 9a in Shipton: in Old Milfeild ½a over Licehillfurlong land of Robert Elliott east, 6 ridgs containing 2½a together over Nowtfurlong land of William Norman south. In Red broad field over Snowtfurlong ½a John Robson north, 3 half-acres over Stonydichfurlong land of Richard Glenister south, 2 yerds containing ½a at Slowfurlong land of Robert Elliott south. In Blackgrove feild 1 selion being a hade-land containing ½a over Bewles Deane furlong land of Robert Elliott east, 6 Butts in Short Blagrove containing 1a land of Thomas Miller east, ½a over Reeding furlong land of Robert Elliott east, 1a over Littledeane furlong land of Robert Elliott west, ½a in same furlong land of Robert Elliott east. To William Townsend. Fine 18s, rent 2s 3d.
John Sheffeild & Mary his wife surrendered a close of pasture in Shipton called Durtymead close containing 2a, and 1a in Shipton fields: ½a over Nowtfurlong land of William Glenister south, ½a over Rushmeadfurlong land of John Miller east. To Robert Stevens. Rent 9d, fine 6s.
Richard Grace sr and Richard Grace jr and Katherine his wife surrendered 2 acres in Granborow to George Rutland. Procedure of common recovery. All surrendered to George Rutland.
[f.4v] Peter Fige jr bailiff & Martha his wife surrendered [----] containing 6a & a close of pasture called Pond Close containing 2 acres. To the use of Ann Stevens widow for her life, then to Thomas Stevens & Elizabeth his wife for six years next, the surrender to be void on paying £6[?] annually on 1 Nov and 1 May in equal instalments and £80 in 1654.
William Stevens mortgaged to Thomas Mountague a messuage in Granborow, a close containing 2 acres, and 1 acre.
Richard Hodgkins & Elizabeth his wife surrendered a cottage in Winslow with barns[?] [atriis], orchard, gardens, pightles, now in Richard’s occupation. To William Chapman. Rent 12d, fine 5s.
John Seaton surrendered a cottage in Winslow in his own occupation. To John & Anne his wife and their heirs. Fine 5s, heriot 20s.
Robert Benbow & Jane his wife surrendered 1a in the fields of Winslow at the Parsonage Planck way, the land called the Buryland to north and the highway to south. To Robert Stevens. Rent 3d, fine 2s.
Robert Stevens & Hannah/Anne his wife surrendered messuage in their own occupation& 38a in Shipton: a close adjoining the backside of the messuage being a Lammas close, three selions over Snowt furlong containing 1a the land of William Townsend west, 1a over Langland furlong the land of William Glenister east, 1a at Almead furlong the land of William Townsend west. In Blackgrove feild ½a over Hogson ford furlong the land of Sarah Snow east, 1a in the same furlong the land of William Townsend west, ½a over Newleane furlong the land of John Snow east, a selion called the Longhadland containing 1a the land of Anne Miller west, 1 ridges and 1r containing ½a over Newleane mead furlong the land of Richard Glenister east, ½a over Littleden furlong the land of Ralph Phipps east. In the Red feild over Upper Clayfurlong 4 selions containing 1a with 9½ perches of the Hedge the highway west, 3 ridges containing 1a over Upper Clayfurlong with 16 perches of the Hedge there the highway west, ½a over Northbrey furlong the land of John Snow south, ½a over Coppedmore furlong the land of Ralph Phips east, 1a over Snow furlong the land of John Miller south, 3 ridges in the Cowpasture over Nether Brach furlong the land of William Townsend west, 1 ridge over Foxden furlong the land of Richard Glenister west. In Lice Hill feild 2 ridges over Nether Knowle furlong the land of John Robson east, half the plotts of meadow the land of John Sheffeild east, 1 selion over Almead furlong the land of Benjamin Leach west, 2r over Woodway furlong the land of William Townsend east, 2 ridges over Lice Hill furlong the land of William Townsend west, 1 selion over Nowt furlong the land of John Sheffeild south, 2 selions over Drymead furlong the land of William Townsend west, 1 ridge over Rushmead furlong the land of Ralph Phipps east, 1 ridge over West[?] Slade furlong the land of William Glenister east. In Blackgrove feild 3 ridges over Shard furlong the land of John Snow east, 2 ridges over Bewlesdeane furlong the land of William Townsend west, 2 ridges over Meadside furlong the land of William Townsend north, 1 ridge over the same furlong the land of Ralph Phipps south, 1 other rid(ge) in the same furlong the land of Ralph Phipps south, 1 ridges over Stirt furlong the land of Ralph Phipps south, 2 ridges in the same furlong the land of William Townsend north, 2r over Dirt furlong the land of Ralph Phips west, 2r over Newleane furlong the land of William Townsend west, 1 ridge in the same furlong the land of John Snow east, 2 ridges in the same furlong the land of Thomas Miller east. In the Redd feild over Coppedmore furlong 2 ridges the land of John Miller east, 2r over Southbrey furlong the land of John Snow east, 1 ridge over Weed furlong the land of William Townsend north, 1 other ridge in the same furlong the land of Ralph Phipps north, 2 ridges over Blackpit furlong the land of William Townsend west, 1 other ridge in the same furlong the land of Ralph Phipps east, 1 ridge over Keenhadland the land of Ralph Phipps east, 2 ridges over Redmore furlong the land of William Townsend north, 2 ridges over Oxacre furlong the land of William Townsend west, 1 ridge in the same furlong the land of Ralph Phips east with 15 perches of a hedge between Redfeild and Blackgrovefeild. In the Cowpasture 1 ridge over Broadmore furlong the Buri land west, 1 other ridge in the same furlong the land of William Glenister west, 1 ridge over Trendle furlong the land of John Miller west, another ridge in the same furlong the land of William Townsend east, 2 roods over Foxden furlong the land of William Townsend east, 1 ridge over Nether Slow furlong the land of William Townsend east. The southern half of the messuage and appurtenances the land of John Henley south and 2 bays of the barn next to the gate howse and 12 acres of land: half the Lammas Close containing 1a nearest the land of Thomas Barton west [above details repeated] ... Foxden furlong. To Hugh Stevens and Anne his wife and Hugh's heirs. The rest to Hugh Stevens and his heirs. Rent 8s, fine £3 16a.