Vestry, 1866

Centre for Bucks Studies, PR 237/8/1

At a Vestry held in the Vestry Room in the Church on Thursday the 22nd day of March 1866 pursuant to public Notice for that purpose given.

Present The Revd A.M. Preston Chairman, Messrs H. Wigley, J.L. French, G Mayne, T.Allen, G. Dunkley, G. Mayne [?=C. Mayne], J. Woodward, J. Ingram, R.W. Jones, Jas King, [blank] Rand, H. Monk, J. Hathaway, T.P. Willis, J. Corkett, T. Rawlins, J. Elley, F. Roads, J. Grace, C. Keys Senr., C. Keys Junr.

Messrs Henry Monk and James King were nominated Guardians for the ensuing year.

The accounts of the Surveyors of Winslow for the past year were produced when Mr Monk objected to the accounts so far as the charges for the Surveyors were concerned for superintending the putting down of the drain by Mr Maydons Malting.

On a show of hands, 13 were for passing the accounts and 8 against it.

The Vestry then passed the accounts when Mr Monk demanded a poll. Upon which the Surveyors consented to the amount of £4 6/s being struck out of their accounts and they were passed and allowed accordingly (subject to the deduction of Mr Ingram’s charge of £4.6/s.

The Accounts of the Surveyors of Shipton were produced and allowed.

Edward William Selby Lowndes Esqre., John Ingram and Robert Williatt Jones were appointed Surveyors for Winslow for the ensuing year.

John Woodward and Robert Rand were appointed Surveyors for Shipton for the ensuing year.

Mr Wigley and Mr Elley asked that the Vestry direct the Surveyors to make a footpath across the property of Mr Wigley near the Union House. After some discussion the Vestry resolved that the Parish should not be in any way responsible for the expense of making the path.

A Letter from Mr Lomath the Rate Collector applying for an increase of Salary was read when Mr Wigley proposed that the Collectors Salary be increased to £25 per annum Mr John Grace seconded the same.  

Mr Ingram proposed as an amendment that the Salary be not increased and Mr Jones seconded the same.

On a show of hands there were 10 for the amendment and 9 for the original proposition.

The following persons were nominated to serve the Office of Overseer for the current year and to be submitted to the Justices vizt.
William Jones                   John Gray
Thomas Simons               Joseph Colgrove
Alexander Waters           John Grace
John Marshall                   Henry Monk
William Henry French

Two Letters were read which had been received from the Charity Commissioners in answer to letters written to them by Mr Grace as Clerk to the Winslow Charity Trustees requesting their permission to allow a sum not exceeding £30 to be expended in lighting the Church with Gas out of the £81 received from Mr Ingram for the purchase of the Church land. The Vestry unanimously agreed to the course taken by the Trustees and directed Messrs Willis & Willis to write to the Charity Commissioners again and request their consent to the above as the Gas in the Church would be a means not only of lighting but of warming the Church.

 Alfred M. Preston [signature] Chairman

At a Vestry held in the Vestry Room in the Church on Thursday the 2nd day of August 1866  to take into consideration certain communications from the Poor Law Board as to William Henry Lomath the Collector of Poor Rates for this Parish.

Present Mr John Grace Chairman, Messrs. Hathaway, Neal, James King, Wm Jones, Simons, John Brise, Cort, Wigley, Sellar, F. Road, Corkett, T. P. Willis, G. Mayne.

It was unanimously resolved that in the opinion of this Vestry the accounts of William Henry Lomath are correct and that the irregularities complained of will be corrected and that the ratepayers are fully satisfied with this conduct as Collector as he gathers the Rate very punctually and without being troublesome And that as the Two former Collectors resigned on account of the complaints made by the Auditor the ratepayers are anxious that William Henry Lomath still hold his office as they consider they cannot get the duties performed more satisfactorily.

Jno Grace [signature] Chairman

At a Vestry held in the Vestry Room in the Church on Thursday the 30th day of August 1866 to take into account certain communications from Mr Wm Minter the Inspector of Nuisances as to foul and offensive drains.
Present Revd A.M. Preston Chairman Messrs Neal, B. Warr, Hathaway, Monk, G. Mayne, R.W. Jones, G. Hawley, J. Ingram, T. Allen, W. Matthews, J. Grace.

It was unanimously resolved that the Main Drain near the Bell be continued as far as Mr Hawley’s house with a 2 feet drain - That a one foot pipe drain be made from the Drain near the Bell to the passage between the Bank and Mr Wigley’s.

Alfred M. Preston [signature] Chairman

See also:

Copyright 23 March, 2021