Oath of Allegiance, 1723

Everyone over the age of 18 who held land had to take the oaths of allegiance to the House of Hanover, supremacy
and abjuration in 1723. The oaths were recorded in the records of the Quarter Sessions, held in Winslow at The Bell on 12 September and 10 December. No Quakers or Catholics were listed for Winslow. 154 people are recorded as taking the oath (compared to 69 from Great Horwood and 75 from Whitchurch). Newport Pagnell was the only place in North Bucks with more (168); there are only 92 from Stony Stratford and just 6 from Buckingham.

The list below has been extracted from Buckinghamshire Quarter Session Calendars, vol.6, available from the Bucks Record Society website. The format of the names follows that of the printed volume, not necessarily the original document. Where it is known whether the oath-taker signed or put his/her mark, this has been noted.

Aldridge, Grace, wife of Thomas (signed) Longbridge, Elizabeth
Aldridge, Thomas (signed) Longbridge, John (signed)
Allen, Joan (mark) Lowndes, Margaret, wife of Robert, esquire
Bailey, Philip (signed) Lowndes, Peter (signed)
Ballard, Frances, wife of John (mark) Markham, John, gentleman (signed)
Barratt, George (mark) Mayne, Anne, wife of Oliver (mark)
Bendbow, Richard (signed) Mayne, John (signed)
Bence, Alice, widow (mark) Mayne, Oliver (mark)
Bigg, Anne, widow (signed) Merwin, Elizabeth, wife of Nicholas, gentleman (signed)
Bigg, Elizabeth, wife of Richard, gentleman Miller, Elizabeth, wife of Henry (mark)
Bigg, Jane, spinster (signed) Miller, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas (mark)
Bigg, Joseph (signed) Miller, Henry (mark)
Bigg, Richard, gentleman Miller, Mary, wife of Robert (mark)
Bigg, Stephen, gentleman Miller, Robert (mark)
Bigg, Susan, spinster Morris, Anne, wife of Mark (signed)
Blake, Thomas (signed) Morris, Joanna, spinster (signed)
Bowler, Charles, junior (signed) Morris, Mark (signed)
Bowler, Charles, senior (mark) Morris, Mary, widow (signed)
Brittaine, James (signed) Norman, Anne, wife of John
Brookes, Joseph (signed) Norman, John
Budd, Andrew Norman, Martha, wife of Samuel
Budd, Elizabeth, widow (mark) Norman, Samuel (signed)
Budd, James (signed) Perkins, Elizabeth, wife of William (mark)
Budd, Thomas (signed) Perkins, William (mark)
Budd, Thomas (signed) Reddall, Humphrey (signed)
Burnham, Moses (mark) Redding, Edward (mark)
Chandler, John (mark) Redding, Joan, wife of Edward (mark)
Cooley, Zacharia, cooper (signed) Redding, Silvester (mark)
Cooper, Alice, wife of John (mark) Robinson, John (signed)
Deeley, Thomas (signed) Saunders, Benjamin (mark)
Deeley, Thomas (signed) Saunders, Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin (signed)
Dossett, Joan, wife of Robert (signed) Seaton, Anne, wife of John (signed)
Dossett, Robert (signed) Seaton, Augustus (signed)
Eddin, Elizabeth, widow (mark) Seaton, Daniel (signed)
Eddin, Robert Seaton, John (signed)
Eden, Anne, widow (mark) Seaton, John, butcher (mark)
Eden, Richard (signed) Shaw, Sarah, widow (signed)
Elliott, Francis (mark) Shelton, Eleanor, wife of Robert (mark)
Elliott, William (signed) Shelton, Jane, wife of John (mark)
Emerton, Edward Shelton, John (signed)
Evans, William (signed) Shelton, Mary, wife of William junior (mark)
Foster, Thomas (signed) Shelton, Robert (signed)
Franklin, William (signed) Shelton, William (mark)
Frith, William (signed) Shelton, William, junior (signed)
George, Elizabeth, wife of William (mark) Smith, Richard (mark)
George, William (signed) Smith, William (signed)
Gest, Alice, widow (mark) Spratley, John
Gest, Elizabeth, spinster Spratley, Mary, widow (signed)
Gibbs, Anne, wife of William Statham, Thomas (signed)
Gibbs, Richard (signed) Stevens, John (mark)
Gibbs, Robert, junior (mark) Stevens, Thomas (signed)
Gibbs, Robert, senior (signed) Strutchbury, Deborah, wife of Henry (mark)
Gibbs, Thomas (signed) Struchbury, Henry, maltster (signed)
Gibbs, William (mark) Swift, Mary, wife of Thomas (mark)
Gibbs, William (mark) Swift, Thomas (signed)
Gilbert, Sarah, widow (signed) Tombs, Henry (mark)
Glenister, Jane, widow (mark) Townsend, Henry (mark)
Glenister, Joan, spinster Townsend, Jonathan (mark)
Glenister, William (mark) Turner, Emma, wife of Joseph (signed)
Goldsworth, Peter, gentleman (signed) Turner, Joseph (signed)
Goodman, Sarah, wife of William (signed) Turnham, Mary, widow (mark)
Griffin, Anne, widow (signed) Urlwyn, Anne, wife of Thomas
Grove, John (signed) Urlwyn, Thomas
Gurney, Dorothy Watts, Thomas (signed)
Gurney, Joseph (signed) West, Roger (mark)
Gyles, Daniel, gentleman (signed) West, William
Gyles, Joseph, gentleman (signed) Whiteves, Thomas (mark)
Gyles, Mary, wife of Daniel (signed) Wilson, Samuel (signed)
Gyles, Sarah, widow (signed) Worrall, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas (mark)
Hemp, Robert (signed) Worrall, Thomas (signed)
Henley, John (signed) Worsley, Anne, widow (mark)
Hobbs, William, apothecary (signed) Worsley, John (signed)
Hogston, Simon (mark) Worsley, Ralph (mark)
Hoskyns, Mary, widow (signed) Wright, Anne, widow (mark)
Humphrey, Richard (mark) Wright, John (signed)
Ives, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Wyatt, Anne, spinster (signed)
Kirbey, Jane, widow (mark) Wyatt, Anne, widow (mark)

Copyright 4 August, 2015