View of frankpledge and court baron, 17 April 1710

Centre for Bucks Studies D/211/21

Originals in Latin unless stated (individual words are sometimes in English, marked with "..."). Only entries concerning Winslow have been summarised here, apart from the lists of jurors and defaulters which also include Little Horwood and Granborough.

[f.1r] Manor of Winslow with members. Court of View of Frankpledge with Court Baron of Robert Lowndes esq., 17 April 9 Anne 1710 by Nicholas Merwin, gent, steward.

Essoin: William Firth

Jurors for the Lady Queen: Joseph Glenister, Henry Curtis, Philip Egerton, Squier Emerton
Mark Morris, William Shelton jr, Benjamin Saunders, William Smith
Benedict Holland at Elm, John Holland, Robert Elliott & William Townsend

Default by residents: Philip Bayley jr, Thomas Goodier, Robert Brinklow, John
Allen, William Tattam, Samuell Miller, John Westley, Daniel Hogson, William Fennemore, Richard Bull, William Bunce,
Thomas Taylor, Richard Worseley, Nicholas Higgins, Edward Smith, Joseph Eyres, Emer Firth, Richard Norris,
John Hearne, William Norris, Mathew Clarke, Richard Punn, Samuell Greaves, William Gibbs Benjamin Dudley,
William Redding, Benedict Scott, John Stuchbury, John Phillips, William Norman, John Crockett, Oliver Main,
Thomas Spratley, Thomas Herbert, Daniel Kirby, Henry Tomms, Ralph Hall, William Green, Hugh
Burrall, John Pitkin, Thomas Rice, Peter Goldsworth, Michael Ginger, Christopher Bigg, John Toe,
Richard Benbowe, Philip Webster, John Longbridge, Henry Firth, John Smallbones, Francis Ambrose,
Thomas Gibbs, Antony Scott, Thomas Cox, Thomas Holdham, Thomas Tattam, Edward Mead, Francis Aiels,
Edward Shouler, Joseph White, Thomas Bennett, Edmund Pitkin, John Pitkin, Henry Kemp, John Oakley,
Ralph Coker, Daniel Pain, Henry Pitkin, Thomas Brown, Thomas Smith, Benedict Fowler, John Wilstone
& John Paxson; amerced 3d each.

John Seaton Yeoman, Thomas Miller of Shipton Drover, John Woodward and William Bull amerced 12d each because they did not appear to serve on the jury, being prewarned.

William Thorne of Granborough made a ditch in the common close called The Common Green of Granborough; amerced 10s.

Common fine: 16s 4d Winslow, 8s 4d Shipton, 9s 4d Granborough, 12s 4d Little Horwood, 26s 8d certain inhabitants of the separate vills and hamlets of Oveing & Northmarston.

Court Baron

Essoins: Richard Bigg & Philip Bayley, John Bollard, Thomas Bate, John Chandler, Joan Church,
Thomas Deely sr, Thomas Deely jr, William Elliott, Robert Eden jr & Thomas Foster with many others.

Homage: William Gyles, Philip Budd, Simon Hogson, Pounall Short
John Henley, Thomas Miller, Robert Grange gent., William Eden
Thomas Whiteaves, John Ward, Newman Willeat, Henry Emerton
Benedict Holland at Pound, Thomas Rutland, George Stevens, William Stevens, John Thorpe

Default by tenants: James Allen, Robert Gibbs jr, John Hogson, William Hunt,
Richard Humphreys, Henry King, John Plomer, Augustine Seaton, William Short, John Townsend gent., Edward
Turnham, John Westley, William Glenister, Thomas Miller drover, Charles Coy, John Faulkner, William
Illing, John Tuttle, Roger Vaughan gent., Dorothy wife of Robert Emerton, Benedict Holland sr, Benedict Holland jr
his son, Thomas Holland, John Stevens of Marston; amerced 3d each.

[f.1v] William Kurby died since the last court seised of a messuage which Jane his wife holds for her life. Heriot: a black gelding worth 80s. William Kurby is his son and next heir. He was called and did not come; 1st proclamation made.

Robert Eden jr and Joyce [Jocosa] his wife and Margaret Eden, widow, 3 customary tenants, surrendered an acre of land at Weston in New mill feild, Robert Lowndes west, William Eden east. To the use of Thomas Gibbs and Ellin his wife. Rent 3d, fine 2s.

Thomas Wright and Ann his wife, customary tenants, surrendered the messuages or cottages in which Thomas, Widow Norman and John Norman or any of them now live. To the use of Thomas Hornesby, gent. Plea of common recovery: John Holland jr complained on a plea of land about 3 cottages in Winslow. Thomas Wright and Ann called Augustine Seaton. Robert Gibbs, minister of the court, delivered seisin. All surrendered to the use of Thomas Wright and Ann, who then surrendered to the use of themselves for their lives, then to John Wright and Katherine his wife for their lives, then to their heirs, on the following trusts: [paraphrase of the Latin, whose meaning isn't very clear] John and Katherine during their "joynt Lives" can surrender the premisses for £60 to be divided among their younger children in equal portions; otherwise the premisses after their deceases are to the use of the heirs of their bodies, and for lack of such heirs to John's rightful heirs. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[This property was said to be in the Beast Market in 1683 when Thomas made Ann co-tenant, and in Cow Street in 1732 when it was mortgaged by Ann and John.]

[f.2v] Richard Tring and Margaret his wife and Thomas Rowe and Sarah his wife surrendered Richard's domicile in Winslow. To the use of Benjamin Saunders, on condition that the surrender is to be void if they pay him £16 with interest on 18 Oct next at his domicile in Winslow.
[The house was in Hanging Stile (The Walk), and had been rebuilt after the fire there.]

Jane Kirby, widow, surrendered all the <2> acres of arable land lying together in Chain Furlong in Oldmill feild, Robert Lowndes esq. east, Philip Budd west. To the use of Richard Gibbs of Winslow Corn Chandler. Rent [blank], fine 4s.

She also surrendered 5 acres of land:

To the use of John Coany of Swanbourn farmer [agricola], on condition that the surrender is to be void if she pays him £35 17s 6d on 17 Oct following at his domicile in Swanbourn. Rent 1s 3d, fine 10s.

Thomas Wilston and Mary his wife, customary tenants, surrendered the messuage in Winslow in which Thomas now lives, with orchards, gardens and backyards. To the use of William Mead. Rent ¾d, fine 5s, heriot by composition 2s.
[Thomas had acquired the house in 1703. In 1688 it seems to have been a 3-bay barn next to the road to Granborough.]

John Rogers died since the last court seised of a messuage or cottage in Winslow now in the occupation of John Stutsbury and John East. Jeremiah Rogers is his brother and nearest heir, of full age. John held the premisses on the surrender of Charles Coetes and Frances his wife, under redemption on payment of £23. Jeremiah came by Thomas Hornsby gent. his attorney and sought to be admitted. Rent 4d, fine [blank].
[John Rogers of Tower Hill became mortgagee in 1704.]
Jeremiah Rogers then surrendered to the use of Edward Parker of St John's Wappin, London, Distiller, who sought admission by Henry Langley gent. his attorney. Rent 4d, fine [blank]. Edward Parker and Elizabeth his wife by Peter Lowndes their attorney then sought admission to all the estate, right, title and equity of redemption late Ann Atwood widow's, with all houses and outhouses, now in the occupation of John Stutsbury and John East or either of them, which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of Charles Coets and Frances his wife presented at the court on 30 Sep - 10 Oct last. Rent 4d, fine [blank].
[f.3r] Edward Parker and Elizabeth his wife on 28 Nov last surrendered the messuage in which William Warr lately lived, and in which John Stutsbury and John East now live, to the use of Richard Bigg of Winslow, gent. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
They now surrendered by Thomas Hornsby their attorney the messuage or cottage now in the occupation of John Stutsbury and John East, to the use of Richard Bigg gent., who sought admission on the surrender of 28 Nov and on this surrender. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[The house could be the one which Richard Bigg sold in 1733, but it's not certain.]

Thomas Henley on 2 Jan last surrendered by the steward the parcles of land dispersed in the common fields of Shipton containing 12 acres:

To the use of William Lowndes esq., provided that the surrender is to be void if Thomas pays him £61 15s on 3 July next at William's domicile in St Margaret's Westminster. William was called and did not come; 1st proclamation made.

2nd proclamation for Charles Challoner on the surrender of William Smith.

3rd proclamation for Rebecca Hughes and Jane Hughes on the surrender of Mary Seaton widow.

3rd proclamation for Ann King on the surrender of John Seaton.

[English] Whereas severall avaritious persons within this Homage haveing Lands in the Common feilds of Winslow
regarding their own proffitts only without regard to the good of their Neighbours haveing Lands there have of late years made
Hedges & ditches through all their Lands lyeing dispersedly in the said Common feilds leaving no room for themselves to draw
Dung upon their own Lands or to Draw of corn or hay from thence without Trespassing their Neighbours Whereby many honest
Neighbours are greatly prejudiced it is therefore ordered that no person whatsoever haveing or occuping Lands in the said feilds do at any
time hereafter make or cause to be made any such hedges & ditches on pain to forfeit two Shillings to the Lord of thie Mannor whereof
by consent of the Lord of the said Mannor one Moiety thereof shall be paid to the Feildsmen of Winslow aforesaid for the time being & it
is further ordered that every person who hath already made or shall hereafter make any such hedge & ditch Doe on one Months
Notice thereof (to be given to them in Writeing by such of the Homage as Live within the parish of Winslow who serve on this jury
for the Court Baron or shall hereafter serve on the jury at any other Court Baron) cause the same to be thrown down So that such
person or persons may draw of their Corn from their own Lands into the Common or feildways without trespassing upon their
Neighbours and Commoners Cattle may enter thereupon on pain to forfeit to the Lord of this Mannor for every Default Two

[Latin, in another hand] Richard Bigg sought to be admitted to a messuage in Winslowe in the several occupation of Jane Spratley widow, James Smith & William Norris, with frontages, lights, etc. It came into the lord's hands on Jane's conditional surrender presented at the last court. Rent [blank], fine [blank].

Joseph Bigg sought to be admitted to a cottage in Great Horne Street in which Hugh Willis now lives, which came into the lord's hands on Hugh's conditional surrender presented at the last court. Rent [blank], fine 5s.

Nicho: Merwin

Special court, 6 May 1710

National Archives, E112/780/91

Details of this court emerge in a complaint to the Court of Exchequer in Trinity Term 1710 summarised below. The outcome is not known but the surrender was repeated at the manor court in 1711.

Complaint of William Short of the parish of Cripplegate, Middx, baker and Martha his wife.

On 4 Oct 1703, William & Martha, being seized of a messuage then in the occupation of William or his undertenants near the Market Place in Winslow with all houses, outhouses, backsides with liberty of ingress to the pump standing in the yard then of Graunt Huet and now of Mathew Hobbs phisician to take water, William & Martha surrendered the premisses to the use of William Gyles of Winslow woollen draper, to be void on payment of £102 10s on 5 April then next ensuing at William Gyles’ dwelling house in Winslow. [see 1704 manor court]

On 15 Oct 1707 William & Martha agreed with Mathew Hobbs on an exchange between them and Mathew & Ann his wife who surrendered “all that liberty of an ancient watercourse ofgoeing and runing through the said tenement then in the occupation of your orator eastward and the like liberty of placeing and continueing a leaden pump in the well of the aforesaid Mathew Hobbs on the sourth [sic] part of a well of your orator as the same was then placed and upon all occasions from time to time for workemen to goe into the said well by the new steps there to repair and amend the well as often as should be occasion and alsoe liberty to cleans the aforesaid well at all times as occasion should require (giving six dayes notice to the said Mathew Hobbs and his heires) and to carry away the mudd of the said well by the backyard of the said Mathew Hobbs if the said Mathew Hobbs and Ann his wife and their heires upon such notice should not cleanse the same well (your orator and his heires payeing halfe the charge of cleanseing the said well).”  To the use of William & Martha and their heirs subject to the payment of the money due to William Gyles. [see 1707 manor court]

With the assent of William Gyles on 30 Dec last past [1709], William having authorized Gyles to sell the premisses to pay himself in the first place and then to pay William the overplus, William and John Longbridge of Winslow baker came to an agreement in writing for the absolute purchase of the messuage: between William Short of the parish of Criplegate baker and John Longbridge of Winslow baker. [recites:] William & Martha covenant that, for their messuage in Winslow now or late in the occupation of Samuell Greaves and Robert Newman, they shall personally appear at the next court baron to surrender the messuage to the use of John Longbridge.  In case the messuage is entailed, William & Martha shall at their own costs suffer a recovery for the docking of the entail.  William shall suffer John to receive the rents, issues and profits from next Lady Day.  William shall at his own costs procure the tenants peaceably and quietly to leave before next Feast of St John the Baptist with the standards hereinafter mentioned: “the dow troufe and lidd and the shelves in the shop the binn in the maile [=meal] chamber the binn in the corne chamber and the lanskipp [=landscape] over the chimney peice in the chamber late in the occupation of the said Robert Numan”.

John has “lent unto us the summe of fifteen pounds upon my own bond and my brother Pounalls”. William agrees that John can deduct out of the £117 10s to be paid to William Short and William Gyles the sum of £15 and interest.

John covenants to pay to William Short and William Gyles £117 10s upon the surrender, and assures unto William Gyles the payment of the further sum of £117 10s and 5% interest at Michaelmas next, the remainder of the money agreed upon for the absolute purchase. [i.e. the full purchase price was £235]

If there is no general court kept within one month after Lady Day next, then a court shall be purchased at the equal costs of William and John.
Sealed and delivered in the presence of Thomas Watts Peter Goldsworth William Goldsworth.

John Longbridge, living in Winslow, undertook to inform William & Martha when the court would be held.  They were informed it was on 27 April last but it was held on 17 April.  John “lay very much indisposed at London and not able to have travelled to Winslow which is upwards of forty miles”, Martha “had been then lately delivered of a child and was in noe sort able or fiting to take such a journey but were both in a very desperate condition as to their state of health and not able to write or take any care of their affaires”.  When they heard there had been a court “indeed before they were able to travaile they tooke a journey down to Winslow”.  At great expense they purchased a court to  be held and prevailed with the occupiers to consent to give up possession on 24 June.

William Gyles before or at the time of the court on 17 April offered to surrender his estate to John at the court in order to make his purchase secure.

The court they purchased was held on 6 May.  John had timely notice.  William & Martha prevailed on William Gyles to join with them in suffering a recovery to bar all entails.  They all then made a surrender to John.  John “came to the said court pretending to accept thereof”.

John, combining and confederating with William Gyles and Mathew Hobbs, now refuses to accept a surrender, sometimes pretending the article was void because they did not surrender at the court on 17 April, sometimes that they should have prevailed upon Gyles to join in an absolute surrender “according to the litterall expression in the said article”.  John would not proceed unless William “would abate him great part of the said purchase money even farr more than William had of his own in all the world”.  Otherwise John pretended he would buy a piece of ground of Mathew Hobbs and build a bakehouse thereon.  If a court of equity obliged him to perform the article, he and Mathew Hobbs “would agree together about the said purchased premisses”.  Or he pretended that others had an interest in the premisses. 

John threatens to put his bond in suit against William and his brother Pownall Short of Winslow baker who was bound with William for £15 although he knows it was to be deducted from the purchase money, “and for saveing the charge of writeing a bond with a perticular condition [Pownall] consented to execute a common bond for soe much”.  Pownall threatens to bring an action against William “if he shall be dampnifyed by his being bound for William as aforesaid”.  William Gyles threatens to foreclose if he is not speedily paid principal and interest.
William will be “made lyable to be put into the goal for his life”

Court baron, 28 August 1710

Centre for Bucks Studies D/211/22

Manor of Winslow with members. Court Baron of Robert Lowndes esq., 28 Aug 9 Anne 1710 by Nicholas Merwin, gent, steward.

Essoins: none.

Jurors: Richard Bigg, Stephen Bigg, Thomas Foster, Joseph Glenister, Joseph Giles
Joseph Harding, Mathew Hobbs, Peter Lowndes
Thomas Watts, Thomas Whiteaves, Thomas Wright, William Shelton sr

William Elliott yeoman died seised of:

Heriot: a land of wheat worth 60s. On 20 April last William surrendered by William Shelton sr and Philip Budd all his holdings in Winslow to the use of his will. He made his will in writing in the presence of William Shelton sr, Peter Goldsworth and William Goldsworth [recites entire will].
[f.2r] Joseph Dandridge [nephew, executor and principal heir] sought admission. Rent 11s 3d, fine 96s.

Joseph Dandridge and Martha his wife surrendered:

all in Winslow near the Churchyard, formerly acquired by Joseph and Martha from Margaret Deely, widow. To the use of Thomas Watts. Robert Grainger complained on a plea of land. Procedure of common recovery: Joseph Dandridge called to warrant Thomas Day; Robert Gibbs, minister of the court, delivered seisin. All surrendered to Joseph. Rent 1s 3d, fine 10s.
[Joseph was admitted tenant in 1692, when the property was described as being at the west gate of the Churchyard]

Joseph Dandridge and Martha his wife, John Strutsbury and Elizabeth his wife surrendered the messuage newly built by John now in the occupation of William Shelton or his assigns, abutting on The Kings head on the north side, the common street of Winslow on the west, with free ingress etc. in and through the "gatewaye" at the east end of the yard of the Kings head and once Michael Norman deceased's with horses, carts and carriages at all convenient times. The messuage was formerly acquired by Joseph and Martha from John Green and Emma his wife, John Stutsbury and Elizabeth his wife, Emma's daughter and heir. To the use of Thomas Watts. Fine waived.
[f.2v] Robert Grainger complained on a plea of land. Procedure of common recovery: Joseph Dandridge called to warrant Thomas Day; Robert Gibbs, minister of the court, delivered seisin. All surrendered to Joseph. Rent 8s [sic], fine 5s.
[Joseph and Martha bought the property (8 High Street) in 1693]

Joseph Dandridge and Martha his wife surrendered [the property in the 2 entries above], and the messuage with garden in the occupation of Elizabeth Glenister,
[f.3r] and Grove Leys, lately held by William Elliott now deceased, which descended to Joseph by William's surrender and will, with all orchards, gardens, yards, structures, outhouses, commons of pasture, etc. To the use of Charles Shales of London goldsmith, William Giles of Winslow Woollen draper and Peter Lowndes of Winslow Yeoman, subject to the trusts etc. of an indenture quinquepartite of 28 Aug 1710 made or to be made between:

  1. Joseph and Martha
  2. William Lowndes esq., Robert Lowndes his son and heir apparent, and Robert's wife Margaret
  3. Richard Hill esq. and Thomas Jett gent.
  4. George Townsend and William Clayton esquires
  5. Charles Shales, William Gyles and Peter Lowndes

Charles, William and Peter Lowndes jr by Peter Lowndes sr his attorney sought admission. Rent 3s 1d, fine 24s.
[According to his will, William Lowndes spent £467 15s on this purchase.]

Joseph Dandridge and Martha his wife surrendered the messuage with orchard and garden adjoining now or late in the occupation of Peter Goldsworth and 40 acres of land now or late in the occupation of Thomas Henly scattered in the fields of Winslow and Shipton, lately parcel of the holdings of William Elliott now deceased, which descended to Joseph by William's surrender and will, with hedges, trees, ways, commons of pasture. To the use of William Lowndes of Westminster esq. who sought admission by Peter Lowndes sr his attorney. Rent 10s 1d, fine 83s.

View of frankpledge and court baron, 18 October 1710

Manor of Winslowe with Members. Court of View of Frankpledge with Court Baron of Robert Lowndes esq. 18 Oct 9 Anne 1710 by Nicholas Merwin gent., steward.

Essoin: James Wood

Jurors for the lady queen: Joseph Gyles, Benjamin Dudley, Thomas Deely, Joseph Harding
Philip Bayly, Thomas Wainwright, John Shelton sr, William Elliott
Thomas Watts, Philip Bayly jr, John Westly and Thomas Pitkin

Default by residents (amerced 3d each): William Firth, William Reddall, Benjamin Scott, John Phillipps, John Crocket
Oliver Mayne, Thomas Spratley, Robert Newman, Thomas Herbert, Daniel Kurby, Henry Tims, John Miller, Ralph Hall
William Green, William Bull, John Harrison, John Pitkin, Richard Toping, Thomas Rice, Michael Ginger, Richard Allen, John
Toe, Richard Benboe, Philip Webbster, Matthew Clarke, John Small, Francis Ambrose, Joseph Rogers, Philip Bayly
John Alling, Robert Brincklow, Daniel Hogson, William Fenimore, Richard Bull, Richard Worsley, William Bunce, Edward Smith
Joseph Eyres, Emer Firth, Richard Punn, William Gibbs, Samuel Greaves, Roger Adams, Thomas Holden, Daniel Nickles
Thomas Bennet, Edmund Mead, Edmund Showlers, Thomas Tatham, Edmund Pitkin, Francis Kay, Francis Ayles
Thomas Cox, John Pitkin, Charles Inwood, John Philpot, Benjamin Fowlers, Daniel Pain, Henry Pitkin, Thomas Brown
Thomas Smith, John Wilson, John Parker & Robert Tompkins

Common fine paid: 16s 4d from the inhabitants of Winslowe, 8s 4d from Shipton, 9s 4d from Grandborough, 12s 4d from Little Horwood, 26s 8d from certain inhabitants of the separate vills and hamlets of Oveing and Northmarston.

William Eden of Winslow Yeoman on 10 Oct this year by force and arms at the parish of Winslowe made an assault on one Philip Green then "heyward" of the common fields of Winslow, and he recovered and took from Philip by main force and illicitly and took away against his will 20 sheep of William's which Philip had taken when causing damage in the fields of Winslowe and wished to impound. And he took by main force and recovered on the same day other sheep of William's impounded [impar<c>at'] into the common pound by Philip,
[f.3v] against the Queen's peace. Amerced 3s 4d.

Officers chosen

Philip Budd & Richard Gibbs: constables of Winslowe in place of Thomas Whiteaves and Charles Bowler.
Robert Eden sr: tithingman of Winslowe in place of Hugh Seaton.

Court Baron

Essoins: Philip Budd, John Bollard, Robert Evans, John Henly, Henry Curtis, George Illing
Robert Bowden & John Holland jr with many others.

Homage: William Gyles, Thomas Foster, Grant Hewett, Charles Bowler
Thomas Henly, Henry Townesend, John Hodgekins, Thomas Worrall
John Seaton, Richard Bigg, William Illing, John Bowden
Thomas Miller, Thomas Mountague, William Stevens & Thomas Gibbs

William Green was chosen and sworn to serve as heyward of Winslowe in place of Richard Tring deceased.

Default by tenants (amerced 3d each): James Allen, Thomas Bett Richard Benboe
jr, Alice East widow, Philip Egerton, Joseph Glenister, William Gibbs Labourer, John Hogson, Richard Humphreys
William Hogg, John Haines, Daniel Hams, Charles King, John Keniston, Henry King, Richard Letman
Mark Morris, Henry Miller, William Meade, Nicholas Plested, John Plomer, Thomas Paxton, William
Paradine infant, Robert Reddall, John Robinson infant, Thomas Roe by right of his wife, Robert Seaton, Elizabeth Seaton
mother of Augustine Seaton, John Seaton Butcher, John Seaton infant, John Shelton Drover, William Short, Thomas
Smith sr of Claydon, Thomas Smith jr, Pounal Short, John Stevens, Henry Toms sr, Henry Toms jr, John
Townesend gent., Edward Turnham by right of his wife, Thomas Urlwin, Hugh Willis, Roger West, Samuel
Wilson, Mary Worrall widow, William Ashfeild, Edward Berkley, William Cooke, Thomas Miller Curryer, Edward
Tomerlin, Jeremiah Bird, Thomas Cooke, Thomas Cox, Thomas Collins, John Faulker, Elizabeth
Footman, John Gascoyne, Antony George, Robert Grange gent., James Hosler, Joan Pitkin, Edmund
Pitkin, William Richardson, Christopher Smith, Mary Tuttle widow, William Viccars, Roger Vaughan gent by right of his wife
Dorothy wife of Robert Emerton, John Ward, Newman Willeat, Thomas Willis, William Willis, Robert Bowden
of Adstock, John Bond infant, Thomas Gibbs, Benjamin Holland jr at Elm, Joyce [Jocosa] Holland
Robert Hughs, Benedict Holland sr, Benjamin junior his son, Thomas Holland, Simon Holt, Christopher King
Thomas Heath, William Morecroft, John Rutland sr, Thomas Rutland, Sarah Stireman widow, John Stevens
of Marston, John Stevens of Hogshaw, John Stevens of Botle Cleydon, John Thorpe jr, Hugh Thorpe, John
Wyatt, Ithamer Wittmill, Thomas Worrall, John Wheatley & Ann his wife & Joseph Worrall

John Chennells, William Norman son of Samuel Norman, Robert Spooner, Augustine Seaton and Thomas [blank] of Grandborough were summoned to serve on the homage and did not appear. Amerced 1s each.

Richard Gibbs of Winslowe Yeoman pastured and kept 3 horses 8 separate times in the common fields of Winslowe since 15 Oct 1707, against the orders of this court. Amerced 8s.

Joseph Glenister of Shipton pastured and kept <1 cow> 8 separate times and 2 horses 4 separate times in the common fields of Winslowe since the last court. Amerced 16s.

Joseph Glenister pastured and kept 13 sheep 4 times in the common fields of Shipton since the last court. Amerced 20s.

William Eden of Winslowe Yeoman pastured 20 sheep 6 times in the common fields of Winslowe since the last court. Amerced 20s.

Joseph Glenister of Winslow pastured 1 horse 8 times and 1 cow 10 times in the common fields of Winslowe since the last court. Amerced 15s.

Thomas Blake of Winslowe Yeoman pastured 2 cows 8 times in the common fields of Winslowe since the last court. Amerced 8s.

Roger West of Winslowe Yeoman pastured and kept horses for sheep and sheep for horses in the common fields of Winslowe since the last court. Amerced 1s.

The same Roger West being overseer of the common fields of Winslowe knowingly and negligently refused to present the abovenamed men for their offences. Amerced 80s.

Thomas Blake gent. died since the last court seised of 43 acres of customary land:

Heriot [blank]. Thomas Blake, his son and heir, of full age, sought admission. Rent 10s 9d, fine 86s, heriot a gelding worth £7.

Thomas Bate died since the last court seised of a messuage in Winslowe. Thomas Bate infant aged 2 is his son and heir. Heriot: an elm worth 8s. Thomas Bate infant was called and did not come; 1st proclamation made.
[In 1733 this was described as "adjoyning to Millers ley"; by 1742 it was known as Bates's House.]

[f.4r] John Willeat died since the last court seised of certain customary lands. Heriot: a mare worth £6. Ann Willeat his daughter and heir was called and did not come; 1st proclamation made.

William Hunt died since the last court seised of 1 acre of copyhold land. Heriot arises. On 19 April last he surrendered by William Sheldon jr and Thomas Watts the 1 acre which he lately acquired from William Hogg. To the use of Sarah Hunt his wife for her life, then to Peter Goldsworth his grandson [nepoti]. Rent 3d, fine 2s, heriot by composition 40s.

Robert Eden sr died since the last court. Heriot: a land of standing corn [segitis] worth [blank]. On 27 April last he surrendered by Thomas Wright and William Shelton jr 5 acres of arable land in Winslowe:

To the use of John Wright of Winslowe Wheelwright, on condition that the surrender is to be void if Richard and his son and heir apparent Richard Eden jr pay John £60 within 6 months of the decease of the survivor of Richard sr and Catharine his wife, or at any time before, at or in the "south porch" of the parish church of Winslowe according to the condition of an obligation bearing the date of the surrender. John Wright was called and did not come; 1st proclamation made.
[John Wright was Robert's son-in-law, so this arrangement was a form of inheritance rather than a mortgage.]

Rebecca Hughs by Peter Lowndes her attorney sought admission to a messuage at Hanging Stile in Winslowe with houses, outhouses, bakehouses, buildings, stables and barns which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of Mary Seaton widow to the use of Rebecca and of one Jane Hughs spinster deceased dated 9 May 1709 and presented at the next court. Rent [blank], fine [blank].

Augustine Seaton and Mary his wife on 6 May last surrendered by the steward the reversion expectant on the decease of Elizabeth Seaton widow of and in a messuage late in the occupation of Richard Seaton deceased, now in the occupation of Abraham Day and Daniel Hogson with houses, outhouses, buildings, barns, stables, yards, orchards, gardens, backyards. To the use of Samuel Norman, on condition that the surrender is to be void if Augustine and Mary pay him £82 on 7 Nov following at Samuel's domicile in Winslowe in absolution of an obligation dated with the surrender in the penal sum of £160. Samuel was called and did not come; 1st proclamation made.
[Richard Seaton had entailed his property to his son Richard, whose death is not recorded, so it's unclear how Augustine came to hold the reversion.]

Edward Parker and Elizabeth his wife on 7 July last surrendered by the steward the messuage in Winslow in which William War lately lived, John Stutsbury and John East now live, with all title and equity of redemption. To the use of Richard Bigg of Winslowe gent.
[f.4v] Rent [blank], fine 5s, heriot [blank].
[Edward and Elizabeth bought this in 1709 from Charles and Frances Coetts.]

Daniel Seaton on 22 Sep last surrendered by the steward a messuage and 11 acres of arable land, meadow and pasture in his own occupation, excepting from the surrender the estate and interest of John Seaton his son in 2½ acres of meadow called Orrellslade. To the use of Peter Lowndes of Winslowe Yeoman and John Henly of Winslowe Yeoman in trust for Nicholas Merwin. The surrender is to be void if Daniel pays Nicholas £50 for the use of Rt Hon. Viscount Fermanagh: £5 annually in half-yearly payments beginning next Lady Day. And if he indemnifies Nicholas of the payment and all arrears of rent due to the Viscout for which Nicholas is obliged to the Viscount at Daniel's request and for his debt. Peter and John were called and did not come; 1st proclamation made.
[See the 1708 court for the terms under which Daniel inherited this property from his father John. This seems to be the first involvement of the Verney family of Claydon with Winslow property.]

John Longbridge, customary tenant, and Elizabeth his wife surrendered a messuage late in the occupation of William Gibbs adjoining the Churchyard [Semiteriu'] of Winslowe with the north part of the yard belonging to it as it is now divided, at the east end from the "Gate post" near The Market Place which stands 4' 2" from the domicile of Mathew Hobbs, and from the "pale post" at the west end of the premisses towards the land of Richard Bigg which stands 13' 4" from Samuel Norman's brewhouse [Braziatorio] towards the north, (with?) the boarded mound there. To the use of Mathew Hobbs on condition that the surrender is to be void if they pay him £100 with 5% interest on 25 March next at his domicile in Winslowe. Rent 2d, fine 5s.

Mathew Hobbs and Ann his wife, customary tenants, surrendered the messuage late in the occupation of William Gibbs [as above]. The boarded mound (it is agreed between the parties) is to be 6 feet high and maintained by the parties, and if at any time it becomes ruinous, any of the parties is to repair it at 14 days' notice. The "pale post" at the west end of the fence and the "pale post" where the fences join are to be maintained by Mathew Hobbs and John Longbridge. The "pale post" at the east end is to be maintained at the joint cost of the parties. To the use of John Longbridge and Elizabeth his wife. Rent 2d, fine 5s.
[The property was on the site of 1 Church Walk, later the Yeates Infant School]

Thomas Worrall, customary tenant, and Elizabeth his wife surrendered 2 ridges and common of pasture for 1 cow in Grandborough. To the use of William Stevens of Grandborough Butcher and Mary his wife.
[f.5r] They also surrendered 4 ridges and common of pasture for 6 sheep in Grandborough. To the use of Joseph Worrall of Hogshaw cum Fulbrooke Grazier.

Jane Kirbie widow surrendered 5 acres in the common fields of Winslowe:

and all estate and equity of redemption. To the use of William Gyles of Winslowe Woollen Draper and Joseph Glenister of Winslowe Grocer, on the trusts mentioned in an indenture of the same date between Jane, William and Joseph. Rent 1s 3d, fine 10s.

Thomas Rutland infant sought admission to the lands of John Rutland jr his father deceased. Fine 5s.

William Gyles, Joseph Glenister, John Coney and Jane Kirbie widow surrendered 2 acres of land in Town Furlong alias Overwestwell [as above]. To the use of Robert Wyatt and Diane his wife. Rent 6d, fine 4s.

4th proclamation for Ann King.
2nd proclamation for John Ward.
2nd proclamation for Thomas Worrall on the death of Mary Seaton widow
2nd proclamation for William Kirby on the death of William Kirby

Orders made at this court

Concerning the fields of Grandborough, as filed.

[English] Item It is Ordered at this Court that the Orders now in force concerning the Common Feilds & Streets of Winslowe be continued for three years or untill further Orders be made And that Simon Hogson, Peter Lowndes jr, Thomas Blake and John Seaton Yeom(an) be Feilds Men for Three years Or till the further Order of this Court.

Item It is Ordered at this Court that soe many of this Jury who shall have Convenient notice of this Order shall
[f.5v] Meet togather at the House of Mr Thomas Paxton in Winslowe and resort to such place whereof they shall have notice and veiw & sett out all Incrochments & Complaint made to them between the severall persons hereunder named
Between Henry Curtice & Robert Adams at [blank] in Little Horwood
Between the Viccaradge Lands at Winslowe and [blank]
Between the Lands of Richard Bigg & John Seaton at [blank]

Nichos Merwin

Court baron and view of frankpledge, 1710?

Centre for Bucks Studies D175/28/3

This sheet has been preserved separately, and may join up with the records of the 1710 court. The first sheet is missing, and included regulations in English about keeping pigs etc. The orders continue in English, summarised below. Not indexed.

The Overseers are to receive one third of the penalties and forfeitures, the Heyward of Winslowe one third.

John Henley, John Seaton yeoman, Robert Gibbs and William Eden shall be overseers of these orders. A memorandum to be made of all who have common of pasture. A book to be kept at the house of Robert Gibbs.

John Toms of Winslowe Labourer shall be Molecatcher for 3 years, to be paid by every landholder in Winslowe and Shipton ½d for every acre, to be paid half yearly from Lady Day last.

Richard Tring shall be Heardsman and Heyward for 1 year.

Richard Redding shall continue Scavenger of Winslow for the year ensuing.

No person "shall permit his Stall Stallage or Stallgere to be or remaine in the Market Place of Winslowe save upon Market day", or forfeit to the lord 3s 6d for each default: one third "for the use of the Surveyors of the Highways for the time being for the repair of the Market place and streets within the Town of Winslowe", one third for the scavenger.

No person "shall lay any Dungill in the Market place or in any of the com(m)on streets within the Town of Winslowe and continue or suffer the same to remaine there by the space of fourteen days (Except such Muck and dung as shall be taken out of Pillowes Ditch", or forfeit 3s 6d: one third for the Scavenger, one third for the Surveyors.

No person to take clay or gravel from the common highways for private use, unless he fills the pit within 6 days, or forfeit 3s 6d: half for the Surveyors.

No wood or timber to be laid in the common streets for 40 days, or forfeit 3s 6d: one third for the Scavenger, one third for the Surveyors.

"Whereas many persons of late years Doe make a practice of Rakeing Hame to sell whereby many poor persons who would have Liberty to have the same are deprived thereof It is therefore ordered at this Court that noe person shall Rake any Hame or Stubble that Grew in the Common Feilds and Parish of Winslowe ... and sell the same", or forfeit 3s 6d: half for the Molecatcher, half for the Hayward.
[hame = haulm (OED): stems of peas, beans, etc.]

Every occupier of lands in the common fields "shall on eight days notice to them to be given open the furrowes at the end of their plowed lands so as to let the water out", or forfeit 4d.
[This order and the following two repeat those made in 1705]

"No person shall let or take any horse Common after the 29th day of September yearly", or forfeit 3s 6d.

"No person whatsoever shall bash or break any other persons hedges to beat of the haws for Hogs and piggs & that if any Drover or person who makes it his business to buy Hoggs or any other person shall keep a greater Number of Hoggs in the Com(m)on Fields of Winslowe then he has Occasion to keep for his own Use shall forfeite for every Hogg 4d and 2d for every Pigg for ev(e)ry time offending One third of which said penalty shall be for the Fieldsmen and One Third for the heyward for the time being".

William Butcher, who held a messuage now in the occupation of Squier Emerton and John Hewett in Winslowe with all closes, orchards, gardens, etc. and 2 acres of pasture in Winslowe lying near the messuage, commonly called Grants Baulk, on the surrender of Graunt Hewett to the use of William and of one Dorothy Stonebrooke widow, has died since the last court. Dorothy was called and did not come. 1st proclamation made.
[The original surrender in 1702 was recorded by William Lowndes, who bought the property in 1716; see also 1702 court where a previous surrender was recorded.]

Robert Elliott (a son of Robert Elliott deceased) sought admission to a messuage and 14 acres of land which came into the lord's hands on the surrender of Robert Elliott deceased. Rent 3s 6d, fine 28s.
[Robert received this land from his father by a deathbed surrender in 1671 after his mother's death, but she died in 1684]

Samuel Willson on 22 Aug surrendered all his standing and right in a cottage in Winslowe where he now lives, with orchard. To the use of Robert Eden of Winslow, carpenter [faberi (sic) lignarii]. On condition to be void if Samuel pays him
[verso] £5 2s 6d on 3 Feb next at Robert's domicile in Winslowe. Robert did not come; 1st proclamation made.
[This refers to Tinkers End Cottage]

William Hogg of Adstock yeoman and Sarah his wife surrendered 1 acre of arable and grassland in Hallowe furrow feild in Grandborough brooke furlong, the land of Richard Bigg east, Robert Gibbs west. To the use of William Hunt of Winslow Glazier and Sarah his wife and William's heirs. Rent 3d, fine 2s.

Robert Eden jr and Joyce his wife and Margaret Eden widow surrendered 3 ridges of arable land lying as 1 acre in the common field of Winslowe called Hollow furrow feild next to the queen's highway, extending to the ends [fines] in Hollowe furrow. To the use of John Stevens sr of Winslowe Bricklayer. Rent 3d, fine 2s.

William Short and Martha his wife and William Gyles surrendered all that liberty of ancient ingress and egress of a watercourse going and running and over the ground of Mathew Hobbs, and all their liberty of ingress and egress to and from Mathew Hobbs' yard there to take and fetch water. To the use of Mathew Hobbs and Ann his wife. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[This continues the very complex arrangements made between them in 1707]

At least one more sheet is missing.


Copyright 12 September, 2019