Will of John Adams senior of Little Horwood, yeoman, 1658 (proved 1663)

National Archives PROB 11/310/546

In the name of God Amen This nyne and Twentieth Day of September A Thousand six hundred fiftie and Eight I John Adams of Little Horwood in the Countie of Bucks yeoman being in good and perfect memorie the Lord God be praised therefore Doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following Imprimis I commende my Soule into the mercifull hands of God my Creatour trusting to be saved by the Death and passion of Jesus Christ my Redeemer my Bodie I commend to the Earth whence it was taken in sure and certaine hope of a joyfull resurrection att the second comeing of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ my Redeemer And as concerning all those Good and Chattells wherewith it hath pleased God to blesse mee I give as followeth Item I give to the poore of the parish of Little Horrwood fifty shillings to be paid within Three monenths [sic] next after my decease into the hands of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore to be by them equally devided amongst them according to their discretions Item I give unto the poor of the parish of Swanborne Fiftie shillings to be paid within Three moneths next after my decease to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore to be by them equallie devided amongst them according to theire discretions Item I give unto Susan Hakins my Grandchild Twentie markes to be paid unto her within one yeare next after my decease Item I give unto the rest of my daughter Alice Carters Children Twentie six pounds thirteene shillings fower pence to be equallie devided amongst them and to be paid within one yeare next after my decease unto my sonne in Lawe Robert Carter theire Father, but to the only use of my aforesaid Grandchildren And my will is that my sonne in Lawe Robert Carters acquittance shall be my Executors sufficient discharge Item I give unto my Daughter Anne Carters six Children fortie poundes to be equally devided amongst them to be paid within one yeare next after my decease to my sonne in Lawe Richard Carter theire Father but to the only use of my aforesaid Grandchildren and my will is that my Sonne in Lawe Richard Carters acquittance shall be my Executors sufficient discharge Item I give unto my Daughter Martha Leighgoes three Children Twentie pounds to be equallie devided amongst them to be paid within one yeare next after my decease unto my sonne in Lawe Thomas Leighgoe theire Father but to the only use of my Grandchildren and my will is that my sonne in Lawes acquittance shall be my Executors sufficient discharge Item I give unto my sonne Robert Adams his fower Children Twentie six pounds thirteen shillings fower pence to be equally devided amongst them and to be mannaged and imployed by my sonne Robert to the only use of his Children from and immediately after one whole yeare next after my decease and to pay unto them theire proportionable parts with the encrease thereof when they shall come to the full full [sic] age of one and Twentie yeares Item I give unto my sonne John Adams his fower Children and to the Child which his wife now goes withall Thirtie three pounds six shillings Eight pence to be equallie devided amongst them to be mannaged and imployed by my sonne John to the only use of his children from and immediately after one whole yeare next after my decease until his Children shall come to their full age of one and Twentie yeares provided alwaies my will is that if anie of my Grandchildren shall depart this life before they come to the full age of one and Twentie yeares that then his her or theire portion or portions soe dying shall be equally devided amongst the rest of his or her brothers and sisters which shall be then living And my will is That Rober [sic] Carter Richard Carter and Thomas Leighgoe my Sonns in Lawe shall pay the severall summes of money committed to their trust With the encrease thereof unto their Children when they shall come to theire full age of one and Twentie yeares All the rest of my Goods and chattells unbequeathed my debts and Legacies paid and my Bodie decently buried in the Chancell att Swanborne I give and bequeath unto Robert Adams and John Adams my sonnes whoe I make my full Executors ioyntly In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale

John Adams

In the presence of John Fuller   Susan Adams her marke

On 29 April 1663 a commission went out to Susan Adams widow and relict and executrix of John Adams junior deceased while he lived surviving executor and residuary legatee named in the will of John Adams \senior/ late while he lived of Horwood in Bucks deceased, having etc. to administer the goods, rights and credits of the said John Adams senior deceased according to the tenor and effect of the deceased’s will, sworn on God’s holy gospels to administer the same well and faithfully.

Will of John Adams junior of Little Horwood, yeoman, 1662 (proved 1663)

National Archives PROB 11/310/547

In the name of God Amen I John Adams of Little Howood \Junior/ in the Countie of Bucke yeoman Doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in perfect sence and memorie In manner and forme following Inprimis I bequeath my Soule unto Almightie God and my Bodie to be buried in the Parish Church of Little Horwood Item Item [sic] I give unto my sonne John all my Farme in the parish of Little Horwood with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging when he shall accomplish the age of Twentie and one yeares provided that he shall pay unto my sonne Robert when he shall accomplish the age of Twentie and one yeares Fower hundred pounds And alsoe I give to my Sonne Phillip when he shall accomplish the age of Twentie and one yeares Fower hundred pounds to be paid by my sonn John Item I give to my sonn Roger all my Land in Sherington with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to enter upon the same when he shall accomplish the age of Twentie and one yeares Alwaies provided that he shall pay unto my Daughter Susan when she shall accomplish the age of Twentie and one yeares Three hundred pounds Item I give to my Daughter Jone Three hundred pounds To be paid by my sonne Roger when she shall accomplish the age of Twentie and one yeares Item I give to the poore of Little Horwood fortie shillings to be paide by my Executors three moneths after my decease and if my sonne John shall decease before he shall come to age of Twentie and one yeares then it is my will that my sonne Roger should have that Farme which I gave to my sonne John Provided my will is that my Sonne Robert should have that Farme att Sherington Provided againe my will is if my sonne Roger should die before he shall come to age Then I give the Farme att \Horwood to my son Robert and likewise I give the farme at/ Sherington to my sonn Phillipp my will and full meaning is To whome any of my Land shall descend to any of my Sonnes that the(y) pay and discharge all Legacies according to my Will above mentioned and if anie of my Children decease before the(y) come to age which have Legacies then the said Legacie to be equally devided amongst the rest And my will is that that [sic] my wife shall have Fifty pounds by the yeare for to maintaine my Children until the(y) shall come to age and my will and desire is to intrust my whole Estate into the hands of my Father John Adams and my Brothers in Lawe Roger Fuller and John Fuller and Thomas Legoe to see my debts discharged and the residue hereafter of my said Estate to raise my Childrens portions equallie to be devided amongst them And I make my wife my full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament Dated this sixteenth day of October One Thousand six hundred sixty Two

John Adams

Witnesse hereunto Henry Smith   The marke of Susan Larkin

[Probate was granted at London before William Mericke Doctor of Laws on 28 April 1663 to Susan Adams widow to whom Administration was granted.]

Will of Susan Adams of Little Horwood, widow, 1669 (proved 1670)

National Archives PROB 11/332/570

December the 4th 1669
In the name of God Amen
I Susan Adames of Little Horwood widdow doe make my last will and Testament in manner and forme following First I bequeath my Soule to Almighty God my maker And my body to \or(iginale) sic/ to buried in the parish Church of Horwood Item I bequeath my best Ring To my sonne Roger And my long Table in the Parlour with the Clock and Jacke with the Table in the Hall Item that my Three younger Children shall have my Three Silver Spoones and my \or(iginale) sic/ goule equally devided amongst them My will further is That my daughter Susan shall have my lesser Ring with the best Featherbed the worsted Rugg and Curtaines belonging with a paire of Dowles sheets with Two Holland Pillowberes and Dozen of Flexon Napkins And Two paire Flexen sheets I give more to my sonne Roger my furnice [furniture?] with the Bedd and bedding and Presse in the Kitchen Chamber And All the rest of my houshould goods I give to my Three younger Children To be equally devided amongst them Moreover my will is That my brother Roger Fuller and brother John Fuller be my Executors to see this will performed Witnes this my hand and seale.

The marke of Susan Adams

Witnesse Christopher Rookes

Probate was granted at Exeter Hall in Le Strand, Middlesex on 3rd May 1670 by the oaths of Roger Fuller and John Fuller Executors to whom administration was granted.

Copyright 29 September, 2020