Copies of miscellaneous 17th-century court roll entries (1622-56)
The texts below are summaries; the originals are in Latin unless stated otherwise.
Centre for Bucks Studies D/97/104/1
2. View of frankpledge with court baron of the most noble Katherine Duchess of Buck[ingham] held on 1 Sep 7 Charles 1631. Priscilla Deelie widow surrendered by the hands of the steward a cottage situate in Shipton and four leys lying in the fields of Shipton. To the benefit and use of herself during her widowhood, and after the expiration of her estate to the benefit and use of Thomas Deelie one of her sons and heirs, on condition that Thomas pays £10 each, after the expiration of Priscilla's status, to John, Henry and Anthony Deelie, her other sons, when they attain the age of 21. For want of such payment, the surrender is to the benefit of John Deelie, on condition that he pays £10 to Thomas when he attains the age of 21, and the separate sums to Henry and Anthony. And for want of such payment, the surrender is to the benefit of Henry Deelie, on condition that he pays £10 each to Thomas, John and Anthony. Priscilla and Thomas were admitted tenants. Rent 12d, fine 5s, heriot by composition 6s 8d. Examined by William Rushton, deputy of Richard Lane, steward.
Centre for Bucks Studies D/97/104/2
1. Court of George, Marquis of Buckingham, 27 March 20 James I (1622). William Tomlyn and Ellen his wife surrendered a messuage in Shipton and half a close there called the Deane Close containing 1 acre with pasture for two beasts in the fields of Shipton. For the benefit of the said Ellen Tomlin for her life, with reversion after her decease to Edmund Tomlin their son and his heirs in perpetuity. Rent 6d p.a., fine 5s. Signed by Richard Lane, steward.
2. Court of George, Duke of Buckingham, 24 Sep 3 Charles I (1627). It was found that Thomas Willis, a customary tenant, had died since the last court, seised of a messuage and 9 acres in Whaddon. Thomas Willis is his son and nearest heir, and was granted seisin. Rent 3s p.a. Fine 18s, heriot 3s. Signed by Richard Lane, steward.
3. Court of Katherine, Duchess of Buckingham, 23 Sep 1634. It was found that John Stevens deceased lying on his deathbed surrendered through the hands of Thomas Stevens and Benedict Holland out of court 10 acres of land in Shipton lately Hogsons. For the benefit of John Stevens, one of his sons, and his heirs in perpetuity, who was granted seisin. Rent 2s 6d p.a., fine 20s. No heriot. Signed by William Rushton, deputy of Richard Lane the steward.
4. Court of Randel Earl of Antrim and Katherine Duchess of Buckingham, 1 Sep 1638. Walter Graunt and Bridget his wife surrendered 3 selions containing 1 acre of land over Shepcot in the fields of Winslowe, Walter’s own land on the west side. For the benefit of Robert Lownds and his heirs in perpetuity, who was granted seisin. Rent 3d p.a. Fine 2s, no heriot.
5. Court held on 24 Oct 24 Charles I 1648. Robert Illing and Agnes his wife surrendered 1½ bays of the structure of a cottage in Winslow, lately in the tenure of Robert Illing deceased, and part of the hall (partem Atrii) as it is now divided, with liberty of ingress and regress to the spring (ad fontem) in the said Robert’s back-yard (fundo) and for carts and carriages in and through the said Robert Illing’s hall adjoining the other part of the hall. For the benefit of William Ellis and his heirs in perpetuity, who was granted seisin. Rent 2d p.a. Fine 5s, no heriot. Signed by Wiliam Rushton, steward.
6. [English] Court of John Bouden, William Coleman and Michael Norman held on Friday and Saturday 10 and 11 1656 by Francis Clerke gent, Steward. Thomas Dandridge and Alice his wife surrendered all the headland lying for one acre in Blackgrove Feild in the Feilds of Shipton called Headland, Blackgrove abutting upon it. To the use of Robert Heale, his heirs and assigns forever, who was granted seisin. Fine 2s, rent 3d.