London and Birmingham Canal, 1836

Birmingham Journal, 28 May 1836


At a MEETING of the Inhabitants of the town of WINSLOW, Bucks, and its neighbourhood, held at the Bell Inn, in Winslow, on Thursday the 5th day of May, 1836, pursuant to public notice.

Mr. JOHN KING, in the Chair,
Proposed by Mr. YEATES, and seconded by Mr. DUDLEY

and  resolved unanimously,

That it appears to this Meeting that the opening of a Communication by means of the projected Canal will be highly advantageous to this neighbourhood, inasmuch as it will afford greater facilities for the conveyance of coal to and agricultural produce from the line of country through which it passes.

Proposed by Mr. DUDLEY, seconded by Mr DUNCOMBE,
and resolved unanimously,

That the Members for this County be requested to support the intended application to Parliament.

Proposed by Mr. ARGLES, and resolved unanimously,

That the Thanks of this Meeting are justly due, and are hereby given to the Chairman for his able conduct in the chair.


The London and Brimingham Canal was planned to go from Banbury via Brackley to St Albans. It would have been much faster than the Grand Junction Canal because of having fewer locks. As things turned out, the railway arrived before it could proceed any further.

See also:

Copyright 26 January, 2016