Statement of Henry Langley, 1711
Centre for Bucks Studies, BAS 375/22/43 no.2
Henry Langley was a lawyer from Leighton Buzzard, married to Jane Gyles of Winslow (granddaughter of William Gyles the Baptist; see Gyles family). This sworn affidavit probably refers to Newton Longville, where people called Theophilus Foulks were buried in 1727 and 1731. It was part of a case which had been referred to the Court of Queen's Bench, but this document has been separated from the rest of the case. Langley was an associate of Nicholas Merwin the leading Winslow lawyer; they were both described as being of Thavies Inn in a transaction of 1724 concerning property in Great Brickhill (Centre for Bucks Studies, D/DU/2/187).
[Latin] In the Court of the Queen’s Bench
[English, except where “…” marks translation from Latin]
Henry Langley of Winslow in the County of Bucks gent maketh oath that having rec'ed a rule of this Court made "Saturday the morrow of Lady Day” this Terme whereby “Saturday next after the month of Easter” was given to Robert Messenger Theophilus Fookes the Younger Thomas Hall John Elmer Thomas Page the Younger John Brown and John Hale to shew Cause why an Information Should not be Exhib(it)ed against them for a Ryott and Assault He this Depon(en)t on the twentyeth day of Aprill Instant served the \said/ rule on the said severall persons viz on the said Robert Messenger Theophilus Fookes and John Ilmer by personally shewing to them the said rule and tendering or delivering to and Leaveing w(i)th each of them a true Coppy thereof and on the said Thomas Hall Thomas Page the Younger John Brown and John Hale by shewing the same rule unto Francis Tomkins with whom the said Thomas Hall lives as a Servant and Leaveing with him a true Coppy thereof who said he would deliver the same rule unto the said Thomas Hall and by shewing the same rule unto Mr Page the Father of the said Thomas Page the Younger and Leaveing w(i)th him a true Coppy thereof who told the Depon(en)t his Sonn could not be Spoken with and gave this Depon(en)t other unsatisfactory answers and by Shewing the same rule unto the said John Brown's mistress or Dame and Leaveing with her a true copy thereof who Seemed Affrighted and told this Depon(en)t the said Brown was not to be found and by shewing the same rule unto Mr Hale the Father of the said John Hale and Delivering to him the said Hale the Father a true Coppy thereof who at first told this Depon(en)t his said Son was within but afterward pleaded his said Son was gone out And this Depon(en)t further sayth that he beleives the said parties Last named and not p(er)sonally served with the said rule cannot without great Difficulty or Danger be personally Served therewith for that had not this Depon(en)t had a Guard with him he had been in great Danger of receiving mischeife from Some of the persons personally served with the said rule as this Depon(en)t veryly believe because he the said Messenger held up a Hatchet at this Depon't when he served the said rule upon him the said Messenger and required this Depon't not to give him the Coppy thereof and other Brawling Languadge this Depon(en)t from him and the said
[verso] Fookes who said he would not have the Coppy of the said rule which this Depon(en)t had Left in his house and bid this Depon(en)t wype his britch therewith or words to that Effect And this Deponent further sayeth that the said Thomas Page Lives with his said Father and that the said John Hale Lives with his said Father
[signed] Hen: Langley
[Latin] Sworn at Winslow Bucks before Nicholas Merwin a Commissioner according to the form of the statute 23rd April 10th Year of Queen Anne [1711]
[signed] Nicho Merwin