View of frankpledge and court baron, 1 May 1685

Centre for Bucks Studies D175/20

Originals in Latin. Only entries concerning Winslow have been summarised here, apart from the lists of jurors and defaulters which also include Little Horwood and Granborough.

A special court was held on 2 Jan 1684/5 by Oliver Lawrence, deputy steward.

[f.1r] Winslow with members. View of frankpledge and court baron of Nicholas Goodwin gent., held on 1 May 1 James II 1685 by James Hayes esq., deputy steward.

John Henley, William Spooner, Francis Dossett, John Ambrorow, William Edmunce
John Hogson, Thomas Robinson, John Stusbery, Daniell Beckles, Richard Phipps
Henry Townesend, Robert Elliatt, Benjamin Anstie, William Illing, Arther Smith
Richard Barton, John Hawkins, James Woodard, Edward Markham, Thomas Mountague
Stephen Emerton, Richard Sterman, John Greene, John Bence

Default by residents [amerced 1d each]
Thomas Mitchell of Winslow, Thomas Gibbs of the same, Daniell Hogson of the same, Charles King jr of the same, Joseph Harden of the same, John Keley of the same,
Thomas Spooner of the same, David East of the same, Thomas Knight of the same, Edward Elling of the same, John Seaton of the same, John Meakes of the same, William Ashfeild of the same,
John Steevens of the same, Robert Spooner of the same, Daniell Cooly of the same, William Forrth of the same, Joseph Giles of the same, Richard Evens of the same, Richard Bendbow jr of the same,
John Roads of the same, Joseph Dandridge of the same, William Glenister of the same, William Greene, Thomas Pipkin of the same, Thomas Eggton of the same, Thomas
Bendbow of the same, Thomas Scott of the same, John Munn of the same, John Bond of Granborow, John Holliday of the same, William Grant of the same, Francis Grant of the same,
Edward Grant of the same, Thomas Pardin of the same, John Hewes of the same, Daniel Penny of the same, Nicholas Steevens of the same, Benedict Wyatt of the same, Thomas
Cocks of the same, Thomas Hill of the same, John Boudon of the same, Benedict Holland of the same, Robert Manwaring of the same, William Willman of Little Horwood,
John Carter of the same, John Miller of the same, Thomas Bell of the same, Benjamin Collman of the same, Charles Iwards of the same, Joseph Parrett of the same,
John Greene of the same and William Jeffes of the same

Default by tenants [amerced 2d each]:
George Knight of Winslow, Silvester Claver, John Hewett, John Seaton, Thomas Black, William Clayden, Thomas Mayne
John Shelton, widow Willmott, widow King, John Townesend gent., John Plomer, Joseph Redgeway, Thomas Norman, William Elliott, John
Chenill, widow Allen, John Godwyn, Nathaniell Haslewood, widow Norman, William Hunt, Philip Budd, Thomas Deely, Ralph Doggett,
William Fryth, widow Willings, Robert Hale, Thomas Neele, William Woodcocke, widow Woodcocke, William Lowndes gent., Wendover Lounds gent.
John Richford gent., John Barkwell gent., Thomas Hogg, widow Norton, Thomas Smith, William French, William King of Stepelayden, Richard North of
Shipton, John Mayne, Richard North of Shipton, John Mayne, Richard North [sic], widow Holloway, George Elliatt, [blank] Badly gent. of Little Horwood,
Thomas Marriott, Henry Gascoyne, widow Bampton, John Eales, widow Cooke, Henry Curtis, widow Hogskins, John Illing, Hugh Williat,
Newman Williatt, John Cooper, John Varney, Thomas Willis, William Wilkes, widow Grace, John Varny, John Capp, John Willis, widow Hale
Richard Varney, John Deverill, Robert Grainge, widow Woodard, John Worrall of Granborow, George Worrall, Thomas Worrall, Joseph Worrall
David Worrall, Joseph Hollyday, widow Rutland, widow Wyatt, widow Stephens, John Mountague, widow Thorpe, widow Anderson, Robert Holt
Benett [blank] Pitkin, Christopher King, Henry Stephens of Clayden, John Stephens of Newhouse, Ralph Steevens sr and Thomas Holland

Thomas Neele blocked the watercourse between his house and William Spooner's, to the common nuisance. He was ordered to emend it before next Michaelmas, on forfeit of 5s.

The public wells [fontes] in the town of Winslow in Greate Horne Street and Sheepestreet are very ruinous. The constables are to repair them before next Michaelmas, on forfeit of 10s.

William Edmands and Simon Hogson were elected overseers or haywards [custodes Agri] of Winslow for the next year and sworn.

Richard Wotton should repair the oven [fornacem] of Hannah Branford before next Michaelmas, on forfeit of 10s.

The oven of Joseph Ridgeway is very ruinous. He is to repair it before next Michaelmas, on forfeit of 10s.

Ordinances for Granborow [in English, not included here]

[f.1v] Charles Bowler surrendered a parcel of land containing a half-acre in Shipton Feild, in Redd Feild at Snout Furlong, William Townesend sr north. To the use of Mary Tomaling, who was admitted. Rent ½d, fine 1s.

John Duncombe esq., Silvester Claver and Ann his wife surrendered a messuage with barns, stables and buildings in which Silvester now lives called the Kinge head in Winslow. To the use of William Lowndes of Winslow, gent., on condition that if Silvester and Ann pay him £126 on 2 May 1686 at his mansion house in Westminster, it is to be for the use of Silvester and Ann and Silvester's heirs. William Lowndes was admitted through Richard Phipps his attorney. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[This was a transfer of mortgage for 10 High Street]

Robert Steevens and Mary his wife surrendered a messuage with buildings and orchard in Shipton and all their arable land, pasture and common of pasture in Shipton containing 18 acres. To the use of Richard Phipps and John Hogson. Procedure of common recovery followed: Joseph Glenister complained against them, Robert and Mary called Robert Gibbs to warranty. The minister of the court Stephen Biggs delivered possession to Joseph Glenister. All surrendered to the use of Robert Steevens and his heirs.

[f.2r] Robert Steevens and Mary his wife surrended 2 acres and the hades in Shipton:

To the use of Thomas Bett of Winslow, smith [Fabri]. Rent [blank], fine [blank].

Benjamin Leach and Frances his wife surrendered a close of pasture containing 5 acres called Millers Leyes in Old Mill Feild, William Giles sr west, Joseph Glenister north. To the use of Mary Giles, wife of William Giles, and her heirs. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[Daniel Gyles her son held this in 1747]

Daniell Begles surrendered the messuage in the Butter Markett of Winslow in which he now lives, except the workshop [officina], parcel of the messuage now in the possession of John Warry. To the use of Mathew Bishopp of Winslow, Draper. To be void if Daniell pays him £23: 20s on 2 May 1686 and 1687, £21 on 2 May 1688. Mathew was admitted through John Henly his attorney. Rent [blank], fine 5s, fealty respited.

Phillip Budd and Elizabeth his wife surrendered a messuage in Winslow, lately the messuage of John Glenister deceased (except the garden before the door on the south). To the use of themselves for their lives, then the heirs of their bodies, or their heirs. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[John Glenister died in 1684]

Antony Deely and Margaret his wife surrendered a tenement in Winslow adjoining the messuage in which Antony now lives, now in the possession of Edward Illing, with the barn adjoining Antony's house, with the ground which lies in a direct line from the west side of the far post to the great willow, except the well [fonte] and the passage 4 feet wide leading from the well to Antony's door and enclosed by him. To the use of Peter Lowndes. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
[This refers to somewhere in Church Street, probably the Old Homestead]

William Spooner sr surrendered a messuage except 2 bays of barn adjoining at the well [fontem] in which he now lives, and 3 acres of land and meadow:

To the use of William Spooner jr expectant on the decease of William sr. He sought admission in reversion. Rent [blank], fine 6s.

Thomas Smallbones and Ann his wife surrendered 3 acres of land in Winslow:

To the use of William Edmonds of Winslow. Rent [blank], fine 6s.

Antony Deely and Margaret his wife surrendered 1 acre of arable land in Bubles Gore Furlong and 1 acre of "Sword Ground" in Demoram Feild in Demoram Furlong, [blank] Townesend gent. south. To the use of William Edmonds. Rent [blank], fine 4s.

Thomas Smallbones and Ann his wife surrendered a messuage and a virgate of land in the Sheepestreete of Winslow, now in the possession of Abraham Day, abutting the Bell Inne on the west. To the use of Antony Deely. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
["Virgate" is clearly not used in its original sense. In the entry below, the fine seems to refer to 3 acres. There was an addition to this transaction at the next court; see below.]

William Edmonds and Joan his wife surrendered a virgate of arable land in Bubles Gore otherwise the Mill Furlong in New Mill Feild, Ann Deely north, in the field of Winslow. To the use of Ann Deely daughter of Thomas Deely of Winslow. Rent [blank], fine 6s.

Thomas Halfepenny gent. died since the last court seised of:

Thoms Halfepenny his son and heir sought admission. Rent 10s, fine £3 11s, heriot 43s.
[This was later acquired by William Lowndes; see below]

View of frankpledge and court baron, 9 October 1685

[f.2v] View of frankpledge with court baron of Nicholas Goodwin gent., held on 9 October 1 James II 1685 by James Hayes esq., deputy steward.

John Henley, Peter Lowndes, Richard Seaton, John Hogson, William Eden
William Spooner, Wendover Lowndes, John Greene, Richard Phipps, George Elliott
William Cooke, Arther Smith, Stephen Emerton, David Worall, Benett Holland
John Steevens, John Tharpe, George Steevens, John Bowden, Edward Markham
William Vickers, Thomas Ackley, Thomas Adams, Henry Curtis, Richard Barton

Default by tenants [amerced 2d each]:
Widow Edingale, George Knight, John Seaton, Robert Seaton, Richard Seaton, Edmund Paxton, Thomas Black, Richard Purchase, Edward Horwood
Nicolas Plested, Thomas Mayne, John Shelton, Edward Beerson, widow King, James Hunt, widow Paradine, widow Danreing [Dearing?], Joseph Ridgeway
George Harding, William Elliott, widow Worall, Thomas Robinson, Thomas Miller, John Goodwin, Nicolas Coles, Richard Reddell, Ralph Doggett
William Fryth, Robert Hale, Thomas Peas, Samuell Miller, William Lowndes gent., [blank] Richford gent., William Woodcocke, John Barkwell, Nathaniell Kemp
John Meakes, Thomas Smith, Richard North, Christopher Smith, Thomas Adams, John Coye, James Woodward, William Collins, [blank] Bampton, John Eales
widow Cooke, [blank] Hogskin, Newman Williatt, John Cooper, John Varney, Thomas Willis, William Wilkes, Robert Norman, Joseph Cox, William
Beven, John Varney, Thomas Stredwick, Thomas Showler, widow Hale, Richard Misenden, John Deverill, Robert Grainge, William Barton, widow Woodward
Edward Hopkins, John Worrall, George Worrall, Thomas Worrall, Joseph Holliday, widow Rutland, John Rutland, Benett Holland, widow Wyatt, widow Thorpe
Richard Sterman, [blank] Anderson, Henry Pitkin, John Toms, Hugh Thorpe, Thomas Mountague, Christopher King, Aingell Mantle, Henry Steevens and John Moorecroft

Default by residents [amerced 2d each]:
William Lovatt, Richard Punn, William Asbee, Abraham Day, Richard Bendbow, William Miller, Daniell Hogson, John Kelley, Daniel Coley
William King, David East, William Dyer, John Steevens, Francis Rogers, James Aling, Thomas Knight, Thomas Forster, Joseph Harding, Joseph Dandridge
Joseph Coleing, John Bond, Edward Smith, Robert Hues, John Holliday, Edward Grant, Francis Grant, John Bence, John Bouden, Robert Manwareing
Daniell Paine, Nicolas Steevens, [blank] Paxton, William Wyatt jr, Richard Cox, Richard Phipps jr, John Henly jr, Thomas Henley jr, Thomas Bell, John
Carter[?], Thomas Mitchell, Richard Howes, Jeremiah Osbond, Joseph Parritt and Charles Inwards

Ordinances for Winslow

[English] Imprimis It is ordered that the Wheate Feilds bee hayned at St. Thomas day [21 Dec] & that noe Cattle bee kept or fed there upon paine of forfeiteing vs.

Item It is ordered that the Beane Feilds from our Lady day till Harvest bee ended bee to every mans owne use that hath Land there and that noe man put any more Cattle in than hee hath right soe to doe upon paine of forfeiteing for every offence viz for every horse xijd for every Cow vjd for every sheepe iiijd

Item It is ordered that the Wheate Feilds bee to every mans use that hath Land there till a Towne herd bee hired then hee is to keepe the Cattle where hee can conveniently without damnifying any mans Cropp but noe private heard to Feed on any mans ground till wheate Harvest bee ended and that noe sheepe shall come into any the Wheat Feilds till a weeke after the Feild bee rid upon paine of forfeiteing by the Owner for every sheepe ijd and that noe sheepe shall come into any the Beane Feilds upon paine of forfeiteing for every sheepe ijd by the Owner thereof.

Item It is ordered that noe p(er)son that hath not right of Com(m)on shall putt any horses or Cowes into the highway unlesse they are staked upon paine of forfeiteing xijd for every offence.

Item It is ordered that noe p(er)son shall keepe more than one horse two Cowes & x sheepe for x acres of Land upon paine of forefeiteing for every horse or Cow xs or for every sheepe ijs.

Item It is ordered that any man may stock his Com(m)ons in the Fallow Feild from Lady day till Lammas with only one sort of Cattle according to the aforesaid p(ro)porc(i)on upon the penalty af(ore)s(aid).

Item It is ordered that every man that hath Com(m)on to spare shall give notice to the Overseeres of these orders who are to Lett them at vs a Com(m)on for a horse and iijs iiijd a Cow to the Parishioners of Winslow only which money is to bee distributed betweene them that have Com(m)ons to lett.

Item It is ordered that noe p(er)son shall suffer any of his hoggs or piggs that are above twelve weekes old to goe into any the Com(m)on Feilds unrung upon paine of forfeiteing iiijd the one halfe to the Lord and the other to Pounder.

Item It is ordered that no Tradesman shall keepe [deletion] more than one horse upon the Com(m)on upon paine of forfeiteing xs for ye second Com(m)on & xvs for the third.

Item It is ordered that the Overseers of these Orders shall account for the moneys they shall lett the spare Com(m)ons for and distribute the same to those p(er)sons to whome it belongs as menc(i)oned in a former order before the xiiijth day of September next.

Item It is ordered that if any p(er)son shall gather or Lease any beanes (Except those that take Collec(t)ion[?]) in any the Feilds of Winslow shall pay for every burthen of beanes soe gathered or Leased xijd.

Item It is ordered that after Lady day the Lambes shall goe for one Sheepe and after Lammas every Lamb as one sheepe upon the Com(m)on.

Item It is ordered that noe p(er)son shall putt any their hoggs or piggs into the Feild without hee hath right of Com(m)on upon paine of forfeiteing for every hogg vjd & for every pigg 4d.

Item It is ordered that all the penalties menc(i)oned in these Ord(inances) except for the hoggs unrung the \one/ halfe to the Lord the other to the Overseer of these Ord(inances) for the use of the p(ar)ish.

Item It is ordered that Peter Lowndes William Edmonds Richard Seaton & John Hogson shall bee Overseers of these Ord(inances) for the yeare ensueing.

hayned: to hain = To enclose or protect with a fence or hedge; esp. to preserve (grass) from cattle (OED)
herd: a shepherd / cowherd
common: the right of common for livestock on the fallow field
Pounder: the man in charge of the pound, where stray or trespassing animals were kept; it was in Horn Street
Lease: to glean

Ordinances for Granborough not included here

Joseph Glenister, constable for Winslow, sworn
William Prentis and John Stutchbery, tithingmen for Winslow, refused[?]
[The Latin reads cont' - perhaps they refused to swear loyalty to James II]
James Allen and Ralph Bates, assessors for Winslow, sworn
Robert Elliott, constable for Shipton, sworn
William Cooke, tithingman for Shipton, sworn

[f.3r] On 14 July 1685 Silvester Claver out of court through Richard Phipps and George Elliott surrendered a messuage in Winslow now in the tenure of Thomas Mitchell gent. and Thomas Ridgeway situate in the Beasts Markett and a piece of land at Granborough brooke and another at Claydon Brooke. To the use of Richard Phipps and George Elliott on condition that they should sell them and pay all Silvester's debts, and apply the surplus to the use of such persons as Silvester appoints in writing under his hand and seal in the presence of 3 credible witnesses. Rent 3s 3d, fine £1 6s.
[The messuage was referred to elsewhere as The Plough]

William Frenche and Mary his wife surrendered a cottage in Winslow in the possession of John Brunklene and 4 acres of land and pasture in Shipton:

To the use of Richard Phipps. Plea of common recovery by Joseph Glenister. William and Mary called Robert Gibbs to warranty. All surrendered to the use of John Chenill. Rent [blank], fine [blank].

John Duncombe esq. and William Townesend jr surrendered:

To the use of Harris Smith of Padbury, gent. To be void if William pays him £105: 50s on 19 April next, £102 10s on 19 Oct 1686. Rent [blank], fine 10s.

John Plomer jr died since the last court seised of half a messuage in Winslow called the Bell, and half a messuage in Winslow in which Mathew Bishopp now lives, and half of 1½ acres of land in Winslow. Ann Hunt wife of James Hunt is his heir and sought admission. Rent [blank], fine [blank].

[f.3v] Nicholas[?] Miller and Joan his wife surrendered a piece of land containing a half-rood, Widow Bigg north, Ann Atwood south. to the use of Ann Atwood. Rent [blank], fine [blank].

Martha Plested daughter of Nicholas Plested died since the last court seised of a cottage held by copy of court roll. Thomas Ward is the nearest heir and sought admission. Rent 4d, fine 5s.
[She received the property from her mother at the 1684 court]

Christopher Coates surrendered part of a messuage in which Widow Norman now lives, except the chamber over the entry belonging to the house in which Christopher now lives, with stables, yard and garden abutting on the post of the stable of Widow Claver with a direct line to the hedge/fence, with freedom of ingress etc. for carts and carriages to Christopher's house in which he now lives. To the use of Christopher for his life, then to Charles Coates his son, who sought admission. Rent 6d, fine 5s.
[This refers to 14 High Street]

Antony Deely surrendered freedom of ingress etc. and passage for carts, carriages, horses and other livestock (except hostlery horses and sheep) in the yard belonging to the house in which Abraham Day now lives situate in Sheepestreete. To the use of Thomas Smallbones. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[Antony had bought the messuage from Thomas at the previous court; see above]

Richard Reading surrendered a messuage in Winslow, the house of Widow Bigg south. To the use of Henry Griffin. To be void if Richard pays him £6 with interest at 6% on 10 Oct 1686. Rent 2d, fine 5s.

On 16 Aug 1685 Silvester Claver surrendered by Richard Phipps and George Elliott the messuage in Winslow in which he now lives, to the use of Ann Claver his wife until Mary Claver his daughter is 18. Then half the messuage to Ann's use for her life, then to Mary. The other half to Mary and her heirs, or in default of heirs to Ann and her heirs. Ann and Mary sought admission. Rent 4d, fine 5s. Mary's fealty respited. Silvester died seised of 2 messuages and 13 acres of land. "Mary Silvester" is his daughter and next heir.
[This concerns the King's Head, then at 10 High Street]

John Moorcraft surrendered a messuage in Granborough except a quarter-rood adjoining. To the use of John Mountague. To be void if John Moorcraft pays him £11 10s: 10s on 8 Oct 1686 and 1687, £10 10s on 8 Oct 1688.

On 26 June 1685 Silvester Claver surrendered through Stephen Bigg and John Hewett two messuages in Winslow, one in the occupation of Thomas Ridgeway, the other in the occupation of Thomas Mitchell called the Plow. To the use of John Yeomans of Westminster brickmaker [laterarii] in consideration of £25, and at the next court John Yeomans to pay £30 to John Duncombe of East Claydon esq. John Yeomans sought admission through Stephen Bigg his attorney. Rent 3d, fine 5s, fealty respited.
John Duncombe surrendered two messuages, one in the occupation of Thomas Ridgewood, the other late in the occupation of Thomas Mitchell called the Plow. To the use of John Yeomans.

George Harding and Mary his wife surrendered a messuage with 1 acre belonging to it situate in Little Horne Street in Winslow. To the use of Jane Woodcocke widow. Rent [blank], fine 7s. She then surrendered to George Harding; to be void if she pays him £80 with 5% interest on 29 Sep next.

Hugh Williatt died since the last court seised of a messuage. John Williatt is the next heir. 1st proclamation made.

On 15 May 1685 Thomas Halfepenny esq. and Mary his wife (examined by William Cherry esq., steward) surrendered:

All in the occupation of Peter Lowndes or his assigns. To the use of William Lowndes, gent. Wendiver Lowndes had recorded here in court a certain writing made by William Lowndes, whose tenor follows:

[English] Thomas Halfepenny and his wife did on or about the fifteenth day of May last surrender out of Court into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor of Winslow in the County of Bucks by the acceptance of William Cherry Esqr his Steward a Messuage and certain Copyhold Lands to the use of me Mr William Lowndes gent & my heirs  Know all men That I the said William Lowndes doe hereby constitute & appoint Wendiver Lowndes my true & lawfull Attorney for me & in my name & to my use (at the next Court to be holden for the said Mannor) to demand the admittance to the said Messuage & Lands or any other Messuages or Lands that are surrendred to my use out of Court and in my name to take & receive the Seizin thereof and to doe all other things on my behalfe \necessary to be done/ in relac(i)on to the p(re)misses  All which I doe hereby ratify & confirme  In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto putt my hand & Seale this Seventh day of October 1685 in the first yeare of the Reigne of King James the second     [signed] William Lowndes

William Lowndes sought admission through his attorney as above. Rent 10s, fine £3 12s.
[This may refer to 11 Sheep Street]

Surrender out of court, 29 October 1685

Centre for Bucks Studies, D/BASM/375/22/43/6

John Huet surrendered by Stephen Big and Thomas Robbinson one parcell of Ariable [sic] ground commonly called Horsmead Peice in estimation nine Acres for the paymentt of twenty pound with the lawfull Interest money that shall be due thereunto to the onely use and beehoofe of Mr Wendover Lownds Citizen of London. [signed] John Hewitt.

There is also a bond for £40 dated 10 Oct 1685, to be void if Huett pays Wendover Lowndes £20 on 10 April next. Witnesses: Joseph Dandridge, Peter Lowndes, Richard Ginger

Note by William Lowndes: this was discharged in the purchase mony I pd to Hewet for Horsemead Close

Copyright 6 August, 2018