Inventory of Philip Favor, Vicar, 1597/8

Herts RO A25/1610

The True and p(er)itt Inventarye of all and sing(u)ler the goods debts & Cattels of Phillipe Favor late of Winslo in the Countye of Bucks Clearke Deceased  Made and praysed the xviith daye of Februarye in the yeare of o(u)r Lorde God after the computac(i)on of the Church of England  1597  by Robert Lownds Henry Mundaye Thomas Overinge and Henry Wallys

Inprimis Beanes and Oates xxxiiij s iiij d
Item a feather bed, a boulster and two pyllowebeares xlvj s viij d
Item ii sorrye feather beds, a mattrisse a bedclothe & a boulster stuffed w(i)th wooll xx s
Item a Greene rugge, a sorye white rugge two blancketts and a quilt xxv s
Item sixe paire and one sheete, two pillowe beares, and a Table Clothe xx s
Item a Joyned bed w(i)th valens Curtaynes and a trundle bed liij s iiij d
Item A chest bound w(i)th Iron, w(i)th ij other Cofers and a chayre xxvj s viij d
Item a square table, ij desks, vj Joyned stooles, and ij little chayres xviij s
Item a warneinge pan, two candlestick, a paire of Andirons, and a paire of Bellowes vj s
Item a Carpett, a Curtayne for a wyndowe and thre Chussins viij s
Item a paire of velvet breeches, ij cloakes ij paire of cloth hose, ij dubletts & ij shyrtes xl s
Item boots, spurres shoes stockyns an old saddle and a bridle x s
Sum(m)a Totalis
xv li xij s

Item Mr Favor did gave unto Thomas Robinson late his gennes in his lifetime in rygard (tha)t the said Thomas Robinson should discharge a band wherin the said Thomas stoode bounde w(i)th Mr Favor unto one Richard Coxe of Gilforde[?]

[signed] Thos Allen

[Latin] Presented by Thomas Allen, proxy of Moulde Favor, widow and administratrix, on 2 Feb 1597.

Accounts of Moulde Favor, administratrix, 1600

Herts RO A25/1755

The true and p(er)fitt accompte of Moulde Favor Administratrixe of all and Singuler the goods Debts and Cattells of Phillip Favor late whyle he lyved of the p(ar)ishe of Winslow in the Countye of Bucks deceased; wherin are contained and specified aswell the Som(m)e Totall of the Inventarye of the goods Debts and Cattells of the said Deceased, and the iust value of the same accordinge to the iust and equall praysement therof made, w(hi)c(h) came to the hands and possession of this Accomptant. As also the maner howe and in what sorte the said Accomptant hathe expended paid and laid out of the same goods as followeth.

The charge
Inprimis The said Accomptant dothe accompte for and chargeth herself w(i)th the Som(m)e of xv li vij s of Currant money of England as the Just Som(m)e of the Inventarye of the goods Debts and Cattells of the said Phillip Favor deceased as appeareth by the Inventarye therof made and exhibited by this Accompt(a)nt remayneinge upon Recorde in the Regestrye of this Courte
xv li vij s

Wherof Expended satisfied and paid out by this Accomptant w(hi)c(h) she desireth to be allowed unto her the p(ar)ticular Som(m)es followeinge.

The Discharge
Inprimis she asketh allowance of suche charges as she was at about the takeinge of the administrac(i)on here in this Courte
ix s x d
Item she asketh allowance of xij li w(hi)c(h) she hathe paid to one Richarde Cockes of
Stoke in the Cou(n)tye of Surr(ey) Ironmonger [deletion] as appeareth by a bande under t(he) hand and Seale of the said Phillip Favor Deceased bearinge Date the xijth Daye of December 1596
xij li
Item xiil more to the said Cockes as appeareth by an other bande bearing Date the said xijth of December 1596
xij li
Item the said Accomptant asketh alloweance of xij li w(hi)c(h) she hathe paid to the said Richarde Cockes of as appeareth by an Obligac(i)on bearinge Date the xijth of December aforesaid
xij li
Item she desireth to be allowed the charges w(hi)c(h) she is now at vizt for the p(ro)ces and the serveing
iiij s iiij d
Item for draweinge this Accompte into pap(er) to Remayne upon Recorde in the Regestrye of this Courte
ij s vj d
Item for peruseinge examining and alloweinge of this Accompte
iij s iiij d
Item for engroseinge this Accompte into Parchement to passe under the seale
iiij s
Item for the Quietus est of letters of Acquittance
xiij s iiij d
Item for the Seale
vj d
So the said Accompte
Sum(m)a Totalis Expensaru(m)
xxxvij li xvij s x d
So the said Accomptant hathe expended over & above the som(m)e of the Inventarye the Som(m)e of
xxij li x s x d

[Latin] Jacobus Rolfe in artibus Mag(iste)r &c Offi(cia)lis L(egi)time Deputatus Notu(m) facimus univ(er)s(is) Quod xixmo die mens(i)s Julii A(nn)o D(omi)ni 1600 Apud villa(m) Divi Albani Audito et Recepto p(er) nos Computo Calculo sive Ratiocinio Moulde Favor Administratricis om(nium) et sing(u)loru(m) bonoru(m) &c Philippi Favor du(m) vixit de Winsloe Arch(idiaco)nalis Jur(isdictio)nis Divi Albani pred' abintestato def' de et sup(er) ad(ministratio)ne sua in bonis &c pred'. Quia ex h(uius)mo(d)i Computo Calculo sive Ratiocinio suprascript' Co(m)p(er)imus et Invenimus d(i)c(t)am Moulda(m) Favor bene et fidel(ite)r in bonis &c h(uius)mo(d)i Administrasse ac veru(m) et fidele(m) Computu(m) inde reddidisse Necnon Creditoribus ip(s)ius def' satisfecisse Ipsa(m) igit(ur) Moulda(m) Favor ad S(an)cta dei Evangelia sup(er) p(re)miss(i)s in p(er)sona Joh(an)nis Rockitt l(egi)tim(i) et sufficien(tis) p(ro)cur(ator)is sui primitus iurata(m) ab omni ulterioris Computi reddic(i)one in p(re)miss(i)s (Salvo iure cuiuscu(m)q(ue) et Du(m) mo(do) de dolo vel fraude in hac p(ar)te in posteru(m) non convicta fuerit Dimisimus Acquietavimus et exoneravimus ac p(er) p(res)entes Dimittimus Acquietamus et exoneramus. In Cuius Rei Testimoniu(m) &c Dat' Anno die mens(i)s et loco p(re)d(i)c(t)is

[translation] We, James Rolfe MA etc., official legitimately deputed, make known to all that on 19 July 1600, at the town of St Albans, we heard and received the account, calculation or reckoning of Moulde Favor, administratrix of all and singular the goods etc. of Philip Favor, while he lived of Winslow of the archdiaconal jurisdiction of St Albans aforesaid, deceased intestate, of and on her administration of and in the goods etc. aforesaid. From this account, calculation or reckoning written above we discover and find that the said Moulde Favor has well and truly administered in these goods etc., and rendered a true and faithful account of them, and also done satisfaction to the creditors of the deceased himself. Moulde Favor was therefore sworn previously on God's holy gospels on the aforesaid in the person of John Rockitt her legitimate and sufficient proxy. We have dismissed, acquitted and exonerated her from any rendering of a further account in the aforesaid, not infringing anyone's right, and provided she is not convicted afterwards of deceit or fraud, and by these present documents we dismiss, acquit and exonerate her. In testimony of which matter, etc. Given on the year, day and month aforesaid.


From Alumni Oxonienses:

Favor, Philip, of Hants, pleb. NEW COLL., matric. 24 Nov 1581, aged 19; scholar 1580, B.A. 14 Oct. 1584; M.A. from HART HALL 13 May 1587, vicar of All Saints and St Gregory, Northampton, 1589, and of Winslowe, Bucks, 1590; licenced 20 March 1592-3, to marry Molda (?Isolda), widow of Anthony Jackson, late of Winslow, aforesaid.

gennes: unidentified. Perhaps something valuable from Genoa, e.g. Genoa-velvet.

Copyright 1 December, 2016