Parish Council

The Local Government Act 1894 led to the establishment of Parish Councils as well as Rural and Urban District Councils (Winslow RDC was formed at the same time). In Winslow the first Parish Meeting to elect Councillors was on Tuesday 4 Dec 1894, followed by an election.  The first meeting of the Parish Council was on 2 Jan 1895.  The 1894 Act allowed women ratepayers to serve on parish and rural district councils long before they got the vote in general elections, but it was many decades before there were any female councillors in Winslow.

The documents transcribed below are now held by Winslow Town Council (unless stated otherwise). More will be added in due course. The minutes have headings in red which were added later, presumably for ease of reference; they have been transcribed in bold. Records of the Parish Meeting were kept in a separate book. This page contains minutes from 1894-95; please follow the links for later years, which are being added gradually.

The procedure (which is still followed) was that there was a meeting of the Council every month (although this schedule was not maintained for long), an Annual Meeting of the Council at which various appointments were made for the next year, and an Annual Parish Meeting for the public. The Annual Parish Meeting elected the councillors every three years. Election was by a show of hands unless someone called for a poll (i.e. a secret ballot). There was also an Annual Meeting under the Lighting & Watching Act which set the rate to be levied by the Parish Council for the next year. They did not yet have the power to levy a rate for other purposes.

1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904
1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913
1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 (election) 1924 (parishioners' meeting)
Parish meetings: 1946 1947 1948 1949  
Public meeting about development, 1945

Before the establishment of parish and district councils, most of their functions were performed by the vestry, which was not only attended by Anglicans. Click on the links below for reports of the Winslow Vestry. It continued for church purposes after 1896.

1838 1839 1840 1841 1843 1844 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1853 1854 1855 1858 1859
1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1876 1877 1881 1882 1884
1885 1886 1887 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1898 1901 1909      

Bucks County Council began to function in 1889: read about the first election in Winslow.

First Parish Meeting, 4 Dec 1894

Held in the Boys' School Room, Winslow, Bucks on Tuesday December 4th one thousand eight hundred and ninety four at 7 o'clock p.m. under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1894.

Mr. E.A. Illing (Overseer) read Notice convening the Parish Meeting

Proposed by Mr. W. S. Neal seconded by Mr. Jas. East:- “That Mr. G.D.E. Wigley act as Chairman” (carried unanimously)

Mr. Wigley having taken the Chair proceeded to explain the object of the meeting, stating that 9 candidates had to be elected as Parish Councillors for the Parish of Winslow and asked for nomination papers to be handed in.

Nomination papers were then handed in as follows and duly numbered by the Chairman in the order received.

No. Candidate Proposed By Seconded By
1 Benbow Fredk Jones Silvanus Parrett Edward
2 Byard Hy Kirby Wm. Viccars Junr Turner Geo.
3 Colgrove Joseph Pither John Egleton Geo. Snr
4 Higgins Thos. Cotton  Geo. Parsons Thos.
5 Osborne Chas Saving Chas. White Wm.
6 Pither John Parrett Edward Watson Austen
7 Saving Chas. Colgrove Jos. Senr Byard H.K.
8 White Josiah Turnham Wm. Illing E.A.
9 Greaves Geo.Richd. Eliot P.H. Bullock H.
10 Walter W.H. Hawley J.C. Vaisey T.F.
11 Neal Wm.Saml. Stevens W.H. Russell Hy. Jno.
12 Bullock Herbert Hawley J.C. Monk H.J.
13 Collier Edw. Burdon Wm. Warner Jn
14 Monk Geo.Arthur Varney John Russell Hy Jno
15 Varney John Neal Wm. Saml. Nichols Chas.
16 Eliot Philip H. Hawley J.C. Russell Hy. Jno.
17 Walker Thos. Roads Fredk Coxill R.J.
18 Watson Clement Parrett Edward Yates John
19 French Edwin John Turnham Wm. Coxill R.J.
20 Ingram Jno. Wm. Monk Hy. Walker Thos.

On the expiration of the 15 minutes alloted by the Act, the Chairman called over the foregoing list in alphabetical order with their places of abode and description and the names and addresses of their proposers and seconders

A question was then raised as to Mr. Chas. Saving's nomination viz: as to whether it had been signed by Mr. Colgrove Senr. or Junior, which was satisfactorily settled by Mr. Colgrove Senr. stating that he had signed it, his son not being on the Register.

A question was also raised as to Dr. Walter's nomination paper which had been filled in as “Parochial Elector” and altered at the request of the Chairman, after the proper time had expired, to “Resident”.  Dr. Walter stated that he had been in residence since the 16th November 1893.

The Chairman stated that this was a question he could not go in to as he could only decide whether the nomination paper was valid, and although he had not previously marked it “invalid” thinking of course that no difficulty would arise yet as it had been altered at his own request after the expiration of the proper time allowed he could not do other, under the  circumstances than so mark it.  Whereupon Dr. Walter stated that to save further trouble he would withdraw his candidature although he differed from the Chairman's ruling.

The show of hands was then proceeded with, resulting as follows:

1 French E.J. 64 votes
2 Osborne Chas. 63
3 Eliot P.H. 59
4 Colgrove Jos. 58
5 White Josiah 58
6 Higgins Thos. 57
7 Greaves G.R. 56
8 Varney John 56
9 Pither John 52
10 Walker Thos. 52
11 Ingram Jno.Wm. 51
12 Saving Charles 51
13 Monk G.A. 50
14 Neal W.S. 48
15 Bullock Herbert 47
16 Byard Hy Kirby                                             44
17 Benbow Fredk                                             41
18 Watson Clement 41
19 Collier Edward 34

The Chairman read out the result stating that the first nine would be declared elected unless a Poll was demanded and that a Poll could be demanded by a Parochial Elector at any time before the close of the Meeting.  Whereupon

Mr. H.J. Russell demanded a Poll

and the meeting closed, the Revd. P.H. Eliot proposing a hearty vote of thanks to Mr.Wigley for acting as Chairman, which was seconded by Mr. Geo. R. Greaves.

Signed by G.D.E Wigley
Chairman of Parish  Meeting

Parish Council Election, Dec 1894

Bucks Herald, 22 Dec 1894


W.S. Neal 160 votes
Rev. P.H. Eliot 156
E.J. French 153
J. Colgrove 149
J. Varney 142
G.R. Greaves 139
J.W. Ingram 139
G.A. Monk 138
T. Walker 135

Not elected - F. Benbow, 115; H.K. Byard, 109; H. Bullock, 125; E. Collier, 84; T. Higgins, 129; J. Pither, 113; C. Saving, 96; J. White, 115; C. Watson, 91.

The election caused considerable excitement particularly at the declaration of the poll. Mr W.N. Midgley was the presiding officer.

A pre-election leaflet was produced by Messrs Benbow, Byard, Colgrove, French, Higgins, Pither, Saving, White and Watson, and the report in the Buckingham Advertiser shows that they were identified as Liberals. Another leaflet after the election was signed by Messrs Bullock, Collier, Eliot, Greaves, Ingram, Monk, Neal, Varney and Walker, the Conservatives.

1894: Buckingham Advertiser, 22 Dec
  THE PAROCHIAL ELECTIONS.- A correspondent writes:- The polling for our Parish Council has resulted in an almost complete reversal of the decision arrived at by the parish meeting.  There is no doubt that the question has been fought on political lines, both parties having issued circulars signed by nine candidates, and that the Liberal Party has got considerably the worst of it, the votes recorded for the Conservative candidates being 1,218, or on an average of 135 per man, while the Liberals total was only 1,070, or an average of 120.  On the other hand, two of the Conservative candidates, Messrs. Ingram and Walker, undoubtedly received a goodly number of Liberal votes, the former being a Non-conformist, and the latter being nominated by a Liberal, while both of them are well-known to be practical business men.  The mistake made by the Liberal Party appears to have been in the selection of their candidates, several of whom were young and untried men, and whom, it must have been known from the beginning had not the ghost of a chance.  The Guardians or District Councillors’ election, although fought on party lines, and on the same franchise and register, presented, curiously enough as regards figures, quite a different state of things, 310 Liberal votes being recorded, to 243 Conservative; but a section of the Liberals pursued the same suicidal policy that has been adopted at County Council elections, viz., that of splitting, and the result has naturally been as disastrous, but even with this split two more votes would have placed both of their candidates.

First Parish Council Meeting, 2 Jan 1895


The Parish Council of the Parish of Winslow


2nd January 1895 – The First Meeting of the Council was held in the Boys National School on Wednesday the 2nd January 1895 at 7 o'clock in the evening when all the Councillors were present namely:-

Mr. Joseph Colgrove, Revd Philip Herbert Eliot, Messrs. Edwin John French, George Richard Greaves, John William Ingram, William Samuel Neal, George Arthur Monk, John Varney and Thomas Walker,

The Members of the Council having signed their declarations of acceptance of office in the book provided for that purpose, it was proposed by Revd. P.H.Eliot and seconded by Mr. E.J. French that Mr. W.S.Neal take the Chair provisionally.  This was carried unanimously and on Mr. Neal taking the Chair

Chairman Mr. Greaves proposed that Mr. Herbert Bullock be elected Chairman of the Parish Council. This was seconded by Mr. Monk and on being put to the meeting all voted in favour of the proposition.

Mr. French proposed that Mr. G.A. Monk be elected Vice-Chairman of the Council.  This was seconded by Mr. Greaves.

Vice Chairman Mr. Walker proposed that Mr. Greaves be elected Vice-Chairman.  This was seconded by Mr. Ingram and on Mr. Monk expressing his wish not to be elected, Mr Greaves name was put to the meeting and declared by the Chairman to be elected.  Messrs. Walker, Ingram, Colgrove, Varney, Monk and Eliot voting in favour.

Mr. Bullock having been sent for, upon entering the room Mr. Neal informed him that he had been unanimously elected Chairman, and after thanking the Council for the honour conferred upon him and expressing his willingness to act as Chairman in accordance with their unanimous vote Mr. Bullock proceeded to take the Chair vacated by Mr. Neal.

Appointment of Assistant Overseer Clerk.  There being in the Parish of Winslow no Vestry Clerk appointed under the Vestries Act 1850 nor any properly appointed Assistant Overseer, Mr. French proposed that the Collector of Rates for the Parish, Mr. Thomas Daniel Curtis be elected Clerk to the Parish Council.  Mr. John Varney seconded and it was carried unanimously.

Clerk's Salary Mr. Walker proposed that the question of the Clerk's Salary be adourned to a future meeting.  Revd. P.H. Eliot seconded and it was carried unanimously.

Treasurer Mr. Ingram proposed that Mr. Freegard be asked to act as Treasurer to the Parish Council.  Mr. French seconded and it was carried unaninmously.

Parish Books Mr. French proposed that a Committee consisting of Messrs. Bullock, French and Varney be appointed to ascertain what Parish Books should be handed to the Parish Council.  The Committee to report at the next meeting of the Council. Revd. P.H. Eliot seconded and it was carried unanimously.

Mr. Monk proposed that the Council meet again on the 16th January, Mr. Varney seconded and it was unanimously carried.

Place of Parish Council Meeting  Revd. P. H. Eliot proposed that the next meeting be held at the Yeates School Room at 7 in the evening.  Mr. Monk seconded and it was carried unanimously.

Revd. P.H. Eliot proposed that as a general rule the meeting of the Parish Council be open to the Public.  Mr. Varney seconded and it was carried unanimously.

This having disposed of the business on the Agenda as written an unanimous vote of thanks to Mr. Wigley for his assistance and admirable conduct  as Chairman of the Parish Meeting was passed on the proposition of Mr. Greaves seconded by Revd. P.H. Eliot

Herbert Bullock [signature]

16 January 1895

[p.5] 16th Janry 1895.
                A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates school on Wednesday 16th January 1895.
Present                Mr. Herbert Bullock, Chairman, Mr. J. Colgrove, Revd. P. H. Eliot. Messrs. E. J. French. G. R. Greaves. J. W. Ingram. G. A. Monk. J. Varney & Thomas Walker.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Parish Books      The sub Committee appointed at the last meeting reported that the following books and
[p.6] papers had been received on behalf of the Council.
                Vestry Minute Book 1838 to 1876
                                Ditto              1876 to 1894
Papers &c relating to the Winslow Fire Brigade.
Papers &c relating to Lighting Inspectors for the Parish of Winslow.
Minute Book of Parish Meeting.
Book for Parish Councillors declarations.

Meetings of Parish Council. The Revd. P. H. Eliot proposed that Meetings of the Parish Council be held at 7 p. m. on the first Monday in each month except August unless in the opinion of the Chairman there be insufficient business to be transacted. This was seconded by Mr. French and carried nem : con :  Messrs. Ingram and Varney not voting.

Appointment of Assistant overseer On the question of the Clerks Salary (adjourned from the previous meeting) coming on for discussion Mr. Walker proposed that Mr. T. D. Curtis be appointed Assistant Overseer for the Parish of Winslow. This was seconded by Mr. French & carried nem : con :  Mr. Ingram not voting.

Lighting & Watching Act.   Mr. Varney proposed that a Committee consisting of Messrs. Ingram. Neal. Monk.
[p.7]                Varney and Walker. with Mr. Curtis Assistant Overseer be appointed for carrying out the provisions of the Lighting & Watching Act 3rd & 4th Will IV. C 90, three to be a quorum. This was seconded by Mr. French & carried unanimously. The names of Mr. Colgrove & the Revd. P. H. Eliot
were also originally included in Mr. Varneys proposition but they desired to be excused being members of that Committee.

Winslow Fire Brigade    Mr. Varney proposed that the management of the Winslow Fire Brigade be taken over by the Parish Council. This was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously.
                Mr. French proposed that Messrs. Ingram. Neal. Varney and Walker with Messrs. E. A. Illing and T. P. Willis (if willing to serve) be appointed to undertake the management of the Fire Brigade, and that Messrs. Ingram and Varney be asked to check the Inventory of Fire Brigade property on behalf of the Parish Council. This was seconded by Mr. Greaves & carried unanimously.

Standing orders   Mr. French proposed that a Committee consisting of the Chairman. Revd. P. H. Eliot &  Mr. French be appointed to frame standing orders for adoption by the Parish Council. 
This was seconded by Mr. Walker & carried unanimously.

County Council Sec 46 (3)  Mr. Greaves proposed that a letter be sent to the Secretary of the County Council requesting that the disqualification (if any) which might prevent Mr. E. J. French doing the printing & stationery for this Parish Council be removed by the County Council under Section 46 (3). This was seconded by Mr. Ingram & carried nem : con :  Mr. French not voting.

Parochial Charities          Revd. P. H. Eliot proposed that a small Committee consisting of the Chairman. Revd. P. H. Eliot. Messrs. French and Greaves be appointed to investigate the authorities under which the the Parish Charities are administered. This was seconded by Mr. Varney and carried unanimously.

Lighting rate
                Mr. Colgrove proposed that a sum not exceeding £135 be raised for Lighting purposes for the present year at the discretion of the Lighting Committee. This was seconded by the Revd. P. H. Eliot and carried unanimously.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

4 Feb 1895 

[p.9] 1895 Febry 4        A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday 4th February 1895.   Present Mr. H. Bullock, Chairman, Mr. J. Colgrove, Revd. P. H. Eliot. Messrs. E. J. French. G. R. Greaves. J. W. Ingram. W. S. Neal. G. A. Monk. J. Varney & T. Walker.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

Lighting Committee  The Committee appointed for the carrying out of the provisions of the Lighting & Watching Act handed in a report which on the motion of Mr. Neal seconded by Mr. Varney was unanimously adopted and ordered to be entered into the Minute book.

Report                                 Report of Lighting Committee

                We the undersigned Committee beg to submit the following recommendations viz:-                

  1. That the schedule of Books and papers to be copied in the new Minute book. This has been done.
  2. That a Lighting rate of 3d in the £ on Houses, and 1d on Land be made.
  3. That Meetings only be called when necessary.
  4. That Messrs. T. Walker & T. D. Curtis be appointed instructors to the Lamp lighters.

G. A. Monk
Thos Walker
W. S. Neal
John Varney
Thos D. Curtis
J. W. Ingram

[p.10] Fire Brigade Committee               The Committee appointed for the management of the Fire Brigade handed in a report which on the motion of Mr. Neal seconded by Mr. Walker was unanimously adopted and ordered to be entered into the Minute book.

Report                                 Report of Fire Brigade Committee

                We the undersigned Committee beg to report that Messrs. Willis & Illing declined to serve on the Committee.
                The Committee cannot find any Policy or entry to show that the Fire House and Fire Engine are insured against Fire.
                The Inventory has been checked by Messrs. Ingram & Varney and found correct.
                The accounts of the Brigade were presented audited and found correct, with the exception that no particulars appear for how the cheque for £13.15.3 was expended. We are however satisfied by explanations received from the men, that it has been properly dealt with.
                The Schedule of Books & Papers received from the late Secretary were examined and found correct with this exception.
                We requested the Firemen to meet the Committee to arrange for the future carrying on of the Brigade, which they did and agreed to keep on under the old Rules subject to a few alterations.

[p.11]      Mr. Keys resignation was accepted with regret and Mr. H. J. Russell was asked to become Superintendent at the unanimous wish of the men & Committee, which he consented to do.
                Arrangements were made for filling two vacancies among the Firemen.
                The Firemen informed the Committee that the Uniforms, Boots & Harness needed inspection as repairs were necessary.
                The Committee decided to inspect the above at the first monthly drill.
                The Committee recommend that the Parish Council be requested to ask the District Council for an annual subsidy, to enable the Fire Brigade to be kept up in an efficient state, it being equally necessary for the use of the District as well as the Parish of Winslow.
                The Committee request the presence at their meeting of either the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council to preside.
Thos Walker
John Varney
W. S. Neal
J. W. Ingram

Standing Orders               The Committee appointed to frame Standing Orders for adoption by the Parish Council reported that they had drafted Standing Orders which were read. The Revd. P. H. Eliot moved and Mr. Greaves seconded that the Standing

[p.12] Orders as read be adopted and entered in the Minute Book.
                Mr. Walker proposed an amendment & Mr. Ingram seconded that the adoption of the Standing Orders be adjourned to the next meeting & that in the meantime each member be given the opportunity of seeing the proposed Orders. The amendment was carried nem : con : Messrs. Greaves, Eliot, Varney & French not voting.

Parochial Charities          The Committee appointed “to investigate the authorities under which the parish Charities are administered”, handed in a report, which on the motion of Mr. French seconded by Mr. Greaves was unanimously adopted and ordered to be entered into the Minute book.

Report                                                  Winslow Parish Council

                The Committee of the Council appointed at the meeting on 16th of January 1895, “To investigate the authorities under which the parish Charities are administered” beg to Report that they find that the following Charities are being administered in this Parish.

  1. Thomas Bishopp’s charity.
  2. Joan Forde’s Charity, otherwise the Poors Allotment.
  3. William Packers Charity.
  4. [p.13] Edmund Cox’s Charity
  5. The Church Houses & Church Land
  6. The Charity known as Rogers Free School
  7. The Yeates School Charity
  8. The Yeates Charities
  9. The Miles Charity

The first five of the above named Charities are administered under a Scheme issuing from the Charity Commission on 11th August 1863. The Trustees at the time of the Local Government Act 1894 coming into force were Messrs. Henry Monk, Thomas Price Willis, John Hathaway and William Samuel Neal, with Revd. P. H. Eliot, Vicar & Messrs. Herbert Bullock & James Caleb Hawley, Churchwardens
                Bishopps & Fordes Charities consist of 19A.1r.19p. of Land which are divided into 182 Allotments. These Allotments are allotted by the Trustees and Managers to applicants some times at a rent some times free.
                Packers Charity dating from 1814 and Cox’s Charity dating from 1822 consist of money invested in Government Funds bringing in a yearly income of £10.6.8.
                The before mentioned Scheme directs with regard to these four Charities, That the clear amount of the annual rents profits and income of these Charities after the payment thereout of all necessary & proper outgoings and expenses of management shall be applied by the Trustees
[p. 14] subject to such rules & conditions as shall from time to time be prescribed by them towards the support of a clothing coal or penny club or penny bank or sick club or benefit society (the rules of which sick club or benefit society shall have been approved by the Government officer appointed for that purpose) or of some one or more of such institutions for the benefit of industrious poor persons residing within the said Parish or in providing coals, fuel food & clothing or other necessaries to be sold at reduced prices or distributed gratuitously to or amongst poor persons residing in the said Parish.
                The Trustees out of the moneys arising from these Charities, yearly on the first Friday in each year make a gratuitous distribution of bread to applicants under certain rules, & when a sufficient sum is in hand to admit of it, a distribution of coals gratuitously or at a reduced rate.
                The Church Houses and Church Lands Charity consists of a sum of £230.13.5 consols and the reversion coming into possession in the year 1900 of the House on the Market Square where the Post Office is. The Scheme directs with regards to this Charity, that the clear amount of the annual rents profits & income of this Charity after the payment thereout of all necessary and proper outgoings & expenses of management shall be applied by the Trustees primarily in or towards
[p.15] the maintenance & repair of the fabric of the Parish Church of Winslow inclusive of the Tower & Steeple but exclusive of the Chancel & subject thereto in or towards defraying the expenses usually covered by a Church rate, & if in any year the whole of such income be not exhausted in providing for the objects aforesaid the residue shall be accumulated & invested by the Trustees so as to form a fund for the extraordinary reparation or improvements of the said Church.
                The Trustees hand the income from the Charity to the Churchwardens to be expended in accordance with the above directions.
                With the exception of this last Charity which is clearly ecclesiastical the Charities comprised in the above scheme are non-ecclesiastical & it would appear to be the duty of the Parish Council forthwith to nominate two persons to act as Trustees & Managers in the place of the Churchwardens (Sec. 14 (2)).
                It would also appear to be open (under the proviso under Sec. 75 (2)) for any person interested to apply to the Charity Commissioners to separate this Charity from the others contained in the same Scheme.

The Rogers Free School

                In the year 1724 the sum of £600 bequeathed by Mr.  Joseph Rogers of Winslow for that purpose was invested in the purchase of lands in the Parish of Great Kimble in this
[p.16] County the rents whereof were to be applied yearly for ever towards educating the children of Poor people of the Parish of Winslow.
                This property consisted of a Messuage & 23A.1r.30p. of Land now let to Mr. Z. East at a gross yearly rental of £40.  Until recently the rent was £50. The present Trustees of this Charity are :-

  1. The Very Revd. W. R. Fremantle. Dean of Ripon
  2. The Revd. P. H. Eliot
  3. The Revd. G. H. Battersby
  4. The Right Honble. Lord Cottesloe
  5. The Honble. T. F. Fremantle
  6. G. R. Greaves Esq.
  7. H. J. Chinnery Esq.
  8. Herbert Bullock Esq.
  9. Rolf Creasey Esq.

The net income of the Charity is handed to the Manager of the National Schools, to be used for the purposes of education.
                This appears to be a non-ecclesiastical Charity but there being no ex officio Trustees the only power that the Council have with regard to this Charity is, if thought advisable to apply to the Charity Commissioners to appoint additional Trustees nominated by the Parish Council under Sec 14 (3). 

The Yeates Infant School

By a deed dated 25th April 1843, Miss Bridget Yeates gave to the Vicars of Winslow   
[p.17] & Thornborough, the Rector of Middle Claydon & the Incumbent of Gawcott a building upon trust to be applied and used for poor infant children not exceeding the age of Eight years.
                This Schoolroom is used as Class room in connection with the elementary School and is apparently withdrawn from the cognizance of the Parish Council by Section 66.

  The Yeates Charities

1. In the year 1846 Miss Bridget Yeates of Winslow bequeathed £166.13.4 Consols, the income of which sum was to be given in aid of the Yeates Infant School.

This income is handed to the Vicar of the Parish for the purpose named.

2. She further bequeathed another sum of £166.13.4 consols, the income arising from which of was to be in aid of the fund for supplying coal and wood for the deserving poor of the Parish of Winslow.            
The income is annually handed by the Trustees of this Charity to the Trustees under the Scheme first mentioned in this report to be administered with that coal charity.

3. She further bequeathed another sum of  £166.13.4 the income to be expended in aid of the Church Sunday Schools.
                This is administered by the Vicar of the Parish.  

4. She further bequeathed the interest of £50
[p.18] to buy Bibles, Testaments and Prayer Books for the Sunday Schools. This also is administered by the Vicar of the Parish.
                These are all ecclesiastical Charities with the exception of No. 2. It is competent for any person interested to apply to the Charity Commissioners under Sec. 75 (2) to separate this portion of the Charities from the others.

Miles Charity

Mrs. Elizabeth Miles who died in the year 1871 gave by her Will the sum of £200 now invested in that amount of Metropolitan 3½ Stock the income to be administered by the Vicar & Churchwardens at Christmas amongst the deserving poor of the parish. This has been given in flannel & coals.
This Charity is withdrawn from the cognizance of the Parish Council by Section 14 (8).

The Committee find mention in a Minute of the Vestry 1862 of a Charity in the name of Egertons Charity, which is apparently extinct, but further enquiry should be made as to this Charity.

Herbert Bullock
George R. Greaves
Edwin J. French
P. H. Eliot

[p.19] Parish Award     Mr. French moved the motion of which he had given notice “That the custody of the Parish Award & the Parish Chest be transferred to this Council”. Mr. Neal seconded pro forma & Mr. Ingram moved an amendment “that enquiry be made of Mr. Crouch, Clerk of the Peace for the County, whether he has any knowledge of a Parish Award for the Parish of Winslow”. The amendment was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously.

R.D.C. Sanitary Powers Mr. French moved the motion of which he had given notice “That enquiry be made to what extent the Rural District Council can delegate its Sanitary Power to the Parish Council”. This was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously, & the Chairman was requested to write to the Clerk to the District Council on the subject.

Charities              Mr. French did not move the motion of which he had given notice “That the clauses in the Trust Deeds of the various Winslow Charities be laid upon the table in order that the Council may distinguish between the Ecclesiastical & Parochial Charities”, as the report made by the Committee of which he was a member had fully dealt with the subject.

                It was unanimously carried on the
[p.20] proposition of Mr. Neal seconded by Mr. Greaves that the cost of (1) a tin Box to hold the Books & papers of the Council (2) Mr. Macmorrans book on the Local Government Act 1894 be authorised & that the Parish Councils Gazette be taken in by the Council.

R.D.C. & Fire Brigade     Mr. Neal moved that the Parish Council apply to the District Council for an annual subsidy towards the Fire Brigade & that the Chairman write to the Clerk to the District Council to make the application.  This was seconded by Mr. Varney and carried unanimously.

Fire Insurance   Revd. P. H. Eliot proposed that the Engine House & Fire Engine should be at once insured in the Northern Assurance Company in the sum of £100 for the building & £150 for the Engine and appurtenances.  This was seconded by Mr. Monk and carried unanimously.

Fire Brigade Committee              Mr. Ingram proposed & Mr. Neal \seconded/ and it was carried unanimously that Mr. Colgrove be added to the Fire Brigade Committee.
                Mr. G. A. Monk proposed & Revd. P. H. Eliot seconded and it was carried unanimously that Mr. Greaves be also added to the Fire Brigade Committee.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

25 February 1895

[p.21] 1895 Feb 25.       A meeting of the Parish Council summoned for the purpose of making a call upon the Overseers and of taking consideration a communication received from the Clerk to the District Council inviting the Parish Council to give an opinion of the questions of Water Supply, Drainage & Scavenging raised by a letter from the Local Government Board dated 11th February 1895 was held in the Yeates School on Monday the 25th February 1895.  Present Mr. H. Bullock, Chairman, Mr. J. Colgrove, Revd. P. H. Eliot. Messrs. E. J. French. J. W. Ingram. W. S. Neal. G. A. Monk. J. Varney & T. Walker.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

Call on Overseers £25    It was unanimously agreed on the proposition of Mr. French seconded by Revd. P. H. Eliot that a \call for the/ sum of £25 be made on the Overseers. The precept for this sum was made out and signed.

Sanitary matters              Mr. French made the following proposition “That the Council in the absence of Reports from the duly appointed officers of the Rural Sanitary Authority are unable to express an opinion upon the Sanitary condition of Winslow, or as to the water supply of the Town. If the opinion of the Parish Council be desired, will the Rural
[p.22] District Council furnish the Parish Council with copies of these reports”. This was seconded by Revd. P. H. Eliot and carried nem. con. Mr Ingram not voting.

Scavenging         A further proposition made by Mr Ingram “That in the opinion of the Parish Council there would not be sufficient persons avail themselves of the public scavenging to necessitate that expense” was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

4 March 1895

1895 Mar : 4        A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday 4th March 1895.   Present Mr. H. Bullock, Chairman, Mr. J. Colgrove, Revd. P. H. Eliot. Messrs. E. J. French. G. R. Greaves. J. W. Ingram. W. S. Neal. G. A. Monk. J. Varney & T. Walker.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

Standing Orders               Upon the proposed Standing Orders coming on for discussion (adjourned from the meeting of 4th Feb 4) Mr. French proposed & Mr. Greaves seconded that a clause be added to
[p.23] the draft making the Chairman an ex officio member of all Committees. This was carried nem. con. Mr. Walker not voting.

                On the motion proposed by Mr. Neal seconded by Mr. Monk which was carried nem : con : Messrs. Walker & Ingram not voting, the following Standing Orders were adopted.

Standing Orders 

Standing Orders

Meetings of the Council

1. The Council shall, in addition to the Statutory annual meeting which shall be held on the Monday following the 14th April, hold meetings on the first Monday in each month except the month of August, at 7 p. m.                  (The statutory quorum is 4.)

Order of Business

2. The order of business at every meeting of the Council shall be as follows :-

  1. The minutes of the last Meeting of the Council, shall be read with a view to confirmation.
  2. Business expressly required by Statute to be done at the meeting.
  3. Any business specially brought forward by direction of the Chairman.
  4. Business remaining from the last meeting (if any).
  5. Reports of Committees.
  6. [p.24] Notices of motion in the order in which they have been received.
  7. Any other business.

Notices of Motion

3. Every notice of Motion shall be in writing signed by the member of the Council giving the notice. It shall be given to the Clerk of the Council, Six clear days preceding any meeting of the Council.

4. No motion to rescind any resolution or to reopen any matter once settled, shall be made within Six months after such settlement. This order shall not apply to motions which are moved by the Chairman or other member of a Committee in pursuance of the Report of the Committee.

Order of Debate

  1. Every motion or amendment shall be moved & seconded and shall be reduced to writing and handed to the Chairman or Clerk of the Council and shall be read before it is further discussed or put to the meeting.
  2. No motion or amendment shall be discussed until it has been seconded.
  3. A member of the Council shall stand when speaking, and shall address the Chairman and if 2 or more members shall rise to speak at the same time the Chairman shall decide to whom the priority shall be given.
  4. A member who speaks shall direct his speech strictly to the motion under discussion, or to a
    [p.25] motion or amendment to be proposed by himself or to a question of order, and shall not be allowed to speak on any motion or amendment for more than Ten minutes, without the consent of the Council.
  5. A member shall not address the Council more than once on any motion or amendment, but the mover of an original resolution may reply, and in his reply shall strictly confine himself to answering previous speakers and shall not introduce any new matter into the debate. Provided always that a member may speak to a point of order or in explanation of some material part of a speech made by him, which he believes to have been misunderstood.
  6. A motion once made & seconded shall not be withdrawn without the consent of the Council.
  7. Every amendment must be relevant to the motion on which it is moved.
  8. The question of relevancy shall be determined by the Chairman.
  9. Whenever an amendment upon an original motion has been moved, and seconded, no second or subsequent amendment shall be moved until the first amendment shall have been disposed of; but notice of any number of amendments may be given.
  10. An amendment shall be either :
  1. To leave out words
  2. To leave out words & insert or add others [p.26]
  3. To insert or add others
  1. If an amendment be rejected another amendment may be proposed & if that be lost, then another amendment, and so on until all then amendments are disposed of.
  2.  If an amendment be carried the motion as amended shall take the place of the original motion, and shall become the question upon which any further amendment may be moved.
  3. No discussion shall be allowed on a motion for the adjournment of the Council meeting, or of a debate, or that the Council do proceed to the next business.
  4. A second motion that the Council do now adjourn, or that the Council do now proceed to the next business, or that the debate be now adjourned, shall not be made within a period of Thirty minutes, unless it be moved by the Chairman.
  5. At every meeting of the Council if the business be not completed by 9 p.m., the Chairman shall then put the question “that the Council now adjourn”.


20. Every question shall be determined by a show of hands.


21. The Chairman shall ex officio be a member of every Committee, and of every sub-committee.


Suspension of Standing Orders

22. Any one or more of the Standing Orders in any case of urgency or upon motion made on a notice duly given, may be suspended at any meeting, so far as regards any business at such meeting, provided that two thirds of the members of the Council present and voting shall so decide.

Herbert Bullock
P. H. Eliot
Edwin J. French

                Mr. Monk proposed that each member of the Council be supplied with a printed copy of the Standing Orders. This was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously.

Charities              Mr. French moved that the Chairman be requested to make enquiry of the Charity Commissioners, whether there would be any objection to the appointment by the Council of Trustees in place of the Churchwardens in regard to the Charities comprised in the Scheme of 11th August 1863 without a previous apportionment of the Charities. This was seconded by Mr. Ingram & carried unanimously.

Sanitary matters              Mr. Neal proposed that a Committee consisting of 5 members should after having obtained extracts from the Medical  
[p.28] and Sanitary Officers report, prepare a Report on the Sanitary state and water supply of the Town for adoption by the Parish Council as their reply to the letter of the Clerk to the \Rural/ District Council, which was under consideration at the last meeting. This was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. Messrs. Neal, Walker, Colgrove, Greaves, Ingram, Monk & Varney voting for the motion, & the Revd. P. H. Eliot against.

On the motion proposed by Mr. Neal seconded by Mr. French, Messrs. Colgrove, Ingram, Neal, Varney & Walker were nominated to comprise this Committee.

Parish Meeting On the motion of Mr. French seconded by Revd. P. H. Eliot it was unanimously resolved that the annual Parish Meeting be held on Monday 25th March at 7 the Boys Schoolroom.

P.C. Election      The Clerk produced the Returning Officers (Mr. Willis) account for the expenses of the election of the Parish Council. Mr. Ingram moved that the Clerk be requested to enquire of Mr. Willis whether the charges in his account relate to the following items namely : For compartments, Ballot boxes & stamping instruments, are for half the
[p.29] original cost or whether the charge is for the hire of same and will be incurred on every Election.  This was seconded by Mr. Monk and carried unanimously.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Boys National School on Monday the 25th March 1895.

                Present Mr. Herbert Bullock, Chairman of the Parish Council, in the Chair, the nine members of the Parish Council and Twelve other Parochial Electors.

                The Chairman gave a short account of the doings of the Parish Council since its foundation.

                The accounts for the past year of the Winslow Charities were presented to the Meeting.
                Mr. Jas. Colton and Mr. Thomas Higgins made some strictures on the quality of the Coal distributed by the Trustees of the Charities. Mr. W. S. Neal, Rural District Councillor, Parish Councillor and one of the Trustees, explained to the Meeting the course adopted by the Trustees in the selection of the Coal and showing the great care that had been exercised in order that the best value should be obtained for the money expended.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

1 April 1895

1895 April 1         A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday 1st April 1895.   Present Mr. H. Bullock, Chairman, Mr. J. Colgrove, Revd. P. H. Eliot. Messrs. E. J. French, Greaves, Ingram, Neal, Monk, Varney & Walker.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

P.C. Elections    The following letter from the Clerk to the District Council relating to the Voting compartments, Ballot boxes & Stamping instruments used at the Winslow District & Parish Council Elections was read & ordered to be entered on the Minutes.

Winslow 5th March 1895
Dear Sir,
In reply to your letter of this date I beg to inform you that the charge in my account
[p.30] in respect of the Voting compartments, Ballot boxes & Stamping instrument is for the share of the cost of these articles which are under the control of the District Council and whether a charge will or will not be made in the future for the use of these things I am unable to say.

Yours truly,
Thos. Price Willis

Mr. T. D. Curtis
Clerk of the Parish Council

Parish Award     The following letter received from the Clerk of the Bucks County Council relating to the Inclosure Award for the Parish of Winslow was read & ordered to be entered on the Minutes.

County Hall, Aylesbury
15th March 1895
Dear Sir,
In replying to your letter of 14th Inst. I find that the Inclosure Award for the Parish of Winslow is enrolled in my office, but I have no copy of any plan.
Yours faithfully,

Wm Crouch
Clerk of the Bucks County Council

Herbert Bullock Esq.
Chairman of the
Parish Council

[p.31] Fire Engine House           The following letter from Messrs. Willis & Willis relating to the Title of the Engine House was read & ordered to be entered on the Minutes.

Winslow, Bucks
30th March 1895
Dear Sir,

Winslow Parish Council re The Engine House

Adverting to your letters of the 2th Feb and 27th Inst we beg to say we find the late Wm Selby Lowndes Esq executed a Grant on the 24th October 1840 to David Thos. Willis, George Cowley, Saml Burnham Dudley & Alfred Barton in trust for the Parish of Winslow “the scite of a prison or cage and an engine house erected thereon”.
We have searched and are unable to find the Deed or Deeds are in our Office & we cannot say where they are to be found.

Yours truly,
Willis & Willis

Herbert Bullock Esq.
Chairman of the
Parish Council

Fire Brigade       A letter was also read from the Clerk to the District Council dated 1st April with the information that a proposal made
[p.32] at their meeting on the 29th of March that a subsidy of £15 be made to the Winslow Fire Brigade was negatived by 7 to 4.

Charities              The Chairman stated that he had called at the Offices of the Charity Commission and that the officials there informed him that the Parish Council were not competent to appoint Trustees of the Winslow Charities in the place of the Churchwardens without having the Ecclesiastical Charity separated from the Nonecclesiastical Charities under Section of the Local Government Act 1894. The Chairman therefore moved that the Parish Council make application to the Charity Commission to apportion the Charities comprised in the Scheme of the 11th August 1863 in order to enable the Council to appoint Trustees to the Nonecclesiastical Charities in the place of the Churchwardens. This was seconded by Mr. Thomas Walker and carried unanimously.

Mr. Neal proposed and Mr. Varney seconded that the Parish Council request the Trustees of the Winslow Charities to furnish a list of the recipients of the dole Charities.

The following Report of the Committee appointed at the last meeting of the council was handed in and read.

[p.33] Report of Sanitary Committee  

Report of the Sanitary Committee appointed by the Winslow Parish Council March 4th 1895

Water Supply    After making a close examination of nearly the whole of the Dwelling Houses and properties of the Parish
We find with regard to the question of the Water Supply, that with a very few exceptions, each property is supplied with an ample supply of Water from Wells on the premises.
                We find 169 Pumps and Wells and 9 Draw Wells on private property from which in the opinions of the occupants of the Houses using it, the Water is good and fit for all uses. We find 10 Wells of which the users complain as doubtful, and 3 which are doubtless bad. These are all serviceable for flushing purposes and in addition to the above there are 6 Public Pumps and where there is no supply or the supply is doubtful the properties are within easy distance of the Public Pumps. In our opinion many of the Owners of property who now obtain their supply from Public Pumps could if they desired obtain a good supply on their own property.
We draw attention to the fact that we can find no record of illness that can fairly be laid to the Water used in the Town, and we
[p.34] are therefore of the opinion, that a Scheme of Waterworks is unnecessary.

Scavenging         We also find with regard to the question of Scavenging that there are but few properties that have not sufficient outlets for disposal of their refuse and that even these in the majority of cases have within reasonable distance convenience for the disposal of the same.
                We therefore deem public Scavenging unnecessary, particularly taking into consideration the extensive area over which the small population viz :- about 1700 is spread.

Sewage                                With reference to the Sewage question we recommend the carrying out of the Scheme suggested at the Parish Meeting of Ratepayers on December 27th 1893 carried unanimously and approved of by the Medical Officer viz :-
                “That this Meeting of Ratepayers request the Sanitary Authority to drain the Buckingham Road from Sir Robert Abercrombie’s Stables with part of the Station Road and take it down Avenue Road, also that the sewer from Mr. Coxills to Avenue Road be put in a proper state and then the sewer be carried through Mr. Willis Nordens to a suitable spot in Mr. Maydons field, and that it be put at such a level that a Scheme could be carried out at any future time if necessary”.
[p.35]       We furthermore are of the opinion that one or more Catchpits should be made in the nearest corner of Mr. Maydons field.
                We should also recommend that the Sewer be continued from the present outfall from Mr. G. D. E. Wigleys House some 40 yards to the Sheep Street sewage outfall and also two Catchpits in Mr. G. A. Monks field “Hollow Furrow”.
                Regarding the outflow of sewage at the bottom of Tinkers End, we recommend that a 12 inch sewer be carried across Miss French’s “Hollow Furrow” into one of the Catchpits in Mr. Monks field.
                We further recommend that ventilating shafts be placed at suitable positions for the better ventilation of the sewer.
                We suggest that the foregoing recommendations be allowed to be carried out in sections within a period of two or three years.
                We would furthermore point out with reference to the reports of the blocking of Sewage in Avenue Road, it was proved upon opening the drain, that it was caused by a piece of wood in the entrance to a 7 inch drain placed at the end of a 12 inch Sewer.

Wm. S. Neal
Thomas Walker                
J.W. Ingram
Joseph Colgrove
John Varney M.R.C.V.S

[p.36] Mr. G. A. Monk proposed that the Report be adopted. This was seconded by Mr. Neal and was carried nem. con. Revd. Eliot and Mr. French not voting.

Technical Education      Upon the communication received from the Secretary of the Divisional Committee of the Bucks County Council for Technical Education coming on for consideration Revd. P. H. Eliot moved that a joint Committee be appointed to act as Local Committee for this Parish to carry out the work of Technical Education. This was seconded by Mr. French when Mr. Neal moved an amendment that the Parish Council take no steps in the matter. This was seconded by Mr. Monk and on being put to the meeting the amendment was lost.  Messrs. Neal & Monk only voting in favour of it & Mr. Ingram not voting.

Upon Revd. P. H. Eliot’s motion being put to the meeting it was carried. All voting for the motion except Mr. Neal & Mr. Monk who voted against, & Mr. Ingram who did not vote.

Winslow Market Square         On the motion on which Mr. Neal had given notice “That the Winslow Market Square be repaired by the Parish Council” coming on Revd. P. H. Eliot seconded pro forma & Mr. French moved as an amendment
[p.37] “That the condition of the Market Square be pointed out to the District Council”. This was seconded by Mr. Varney and was carried. Messrs. Eliot, French, Greaves, Walker and Varney voting for the amendment.  Messrs. Colgrove, Ingram, Monk and Neal voted\ing/ against it.

It being 9 o’clock the question was put “That the Council do now adjourn” but not carried.

Mr. Ingram proposed as an amendment to the resolution before the Council, to substitute “The Lord of the Manor” for “the District Council”. Mr. Neal seconded but the motion was not carried. Messrs. Colgrove, Ingram, Monk and Neal voting for & Messrs. Eliot, French, Greaves, Walker and Varney voting against the amendment.

Footpath to Magpie Farm            Mr. Neal moved in accordance with his notice that the path from Mrs. Lofflers to Magpie Farm be repaired by the Parish Council. Mr. Walker seconded. Revd. P. H. Eliot proposed Mr. French seconded and it was carried unanimously that the matter under discussion be adjourned.

Cheques              The following cheques were ordered drawn & payments authorised –
Mr. Willis for expenses of Election £8:9:10.
[p.38] The Clerk £5.16.11 for the following items – Saunders Overseer payment in connection with Parish Meeting £1.2.8. Miss George, Stationer £2.2.0. Mr. Midgley for Deed Box 15s/6d. Shaw & Sons, McMorrans Local Government Act 12s/-d. National Schools Committee for use of Rooms 15/-. Fire insurance 5s/3d. Stamps. Stationery &c. 4s/6d.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

17 April 1895

1895 April 17       The annual  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday 17th April 1895.   Present Mr. H. Bullock Chairman, Mr. J. Colgrove, Revd. P. H. Eliot. Messrs. E. J. French, Greaves, Ingram, Neal, Varney & Walker.

The minutes of the last meeting were read & signed by the Chairman.

Chairman            The next business being the election of a Chairman, Mr. Bullock vacated the Chair which was taken by Mr. Greaves, Vice-Chairman, Mr. Walker proposed and Mr. Ingram seconded the reelection of Mr. Bullock as Chairman. This was carried.

[p.39] Overseers           Mr. Bullock having again taken the Chair. Mr. Walker proposed that the Council appoint Four overseers for the Parish. This was seconded by Mr. Varney and carried unanimously.
Mr. Walker proposed Mr. Colgrove seconded Mr. J.W. Ingram to be one of the Overseers.
Mr. Neal proposed Mr. Walker seconded Mr. W. J. Matthews to be one of the Overseers.
Mr. Varney proposed Mr. Neal seconded Mr. Thomas Walker to be one of the Overseers.
Mr. Neal proposed Mr. French seconded Mr. William Turnham to be one of the Overseers.
These names being put forward to the Council they were unanimously appointed Overseers of the Poor.

Reappointment of Committees                Mr. Greaves proposed that all the existing Committees or sub committees be reappointed. This was seconded by Mr. French and carried unanimously.

The following letters from the Clerk to the Rural District Council were read out and ordered to be placed on the minutes.

13th April 1895

Sanitary matters

Dear Sir,

Winslow Parish Council

Adverting to your letter of the 16th February last enquiring to what extent the
[p.40] Rural District Council could and would delegate its Sanitary powers to the Parish Council. I am directed to inform you that at the meeting held on Thursday the 11th inst it was resolved that the Council’s Sanitary power be not delegated to the Parish Council.

Yours truly,
Thos. Price Willis

H. Bullock Esq.
Chairman of the Parish Council

13th April 1895

Market Square

Dear Sir,

Winslow Parish Council re The Market Square Winslow

Your letter of 10th inst pointing out the condition of the above to the District Council was read at the meeting on Thursday last the 11th inst when I was directed to call the attention of the Steward of the Manor to the unsatisfactory and dangerous state of the Square and to request that it be put in repair.

Yours truly,
Thos. Price Willis

H. Bullock Esq.
Chairman of the Parish Council

[p.41] Charities              The list of recipients of the dole Charities furnished by the Secretary to the Charity Trustees was produced. Mr. Walker proposed that the List be printed & published, by being posted in the same manner as the Voters Lists are posted for publication. This was seconded by Mr. Ingram and carried unanimously.

Clerk’s remuneration    Mr. French proposed that the Council recommend the payment of £6 to Mr. Curtis, Clerk, for collecting the Lighting Rate and the sum for £4 for acting as Assistant Overseer and Clerk to the Parish Council for the past three months. This was seconded by Revd. P. H. Eliot.
                Mr. Neal then moved to substitute in the motion £4.10/-  for £4, but this was not seconded. Mr. French’s motion was then carried nem : con : Messrs. Colgrove, Eliot, French, Greaves & the Chairman only voting.

Technical Education Committee               Revd. P. H. Eliot proposed that Messrs. French, Ingram, Walker & Varney from the Council with Mrs. Newcombe & Mrs. Pither & Mr. Pass, Revd. J.  Pither Mr. Clear, Mr. East & Mr. Higgins be appointed the joint Committee to act as local Committee for the Parish & carry out the work of Technical Education.
[p.42] Mr. Walker proposed that Revd. Byard’s name be added to the list, which was seconded by Mr. French, and Mr. Varney proposed that Revd. P.H. Eliot’s name be also added which was also seconded by Mr. French. The appointment of the Committee as proposed was then carried nem : con :  Mr. Neal not voting.

Foot paths          On resuming the discussion on Mr. Neals motion which was adjourned from the last meeting, Mr. French moved the following amendment of which he had given notice “That Messrs. Ingram, Monk & Walker be appointed a Committee to investigate and report which (if any)  Footpaths in the Parish should be undertaken for repair by the Parish Council”. This which was seconded by the Revd. P.H. Eliot but not carried. Revd. P.H. Eliot, Mr. French and the Chairman voting for the amendment, & Messrs. Colgrove, Greaves, Ingram, Neal, Varney & Walker against.

                Mr. Walker then moved as an amendment That the attention of the Agent of the Whaddon Estate be called to the faulty drainage caused by a broken drain in the Gateway into the Cricket Field, and that the attention of the Committee of the Gymnasium be called to the need for a drain to carry away the water that came off the roof of the Gymnasium, which were the causes of the flooding
[p.43] of this path. This was seconded by Revd. P. H. Eliot and carried nem : con :  Mr. Colgrove not voting.

Roads & Byeways            On the motion of Mr. French seconded by seconded by Revd. P. H. Eliot it was resolved nem : con :  (Mr. Colgrove not voting) “That the attention of the Rural District Council be called to the Repair of the Roads and Byeways in the Parish more particularly Bell Alley, Church Street, Hobhouchen Lane, Avenue Road, The Walk, Vicarage Lane, Western Lane, Back lane, Furze Lane, and the Lane leading from Tinkers End to Hollowfurrow, the footpath on the left hand side of Station Road, as you enter from Buckingham Road”.

Market Square Paving   Mr. French moved “That the County Council be approached through the District Council with a view to certain repairs and new pavings required on the Market Square, High Street and Horn Street”. Mr. Greaves seconded but the motion was not carried. Messrs. Eliot, French and Greaves voting for and Messrs. Ingram, Neal, Varney & Walker against.

Fire Brigade       Mr. Neal moved that the Clerk write to the several parish Councils or Parish Meetings in the Union (except Stewkley and Shenley) &
[p.44] of Addington Adstock and the Claydons to request them to subscribe towards the cost of maintaining the Fire Engine and with an intimation that if they refused they would not get the use of the Engine. This was seconded by Mr. Varney and carried unanimously.

Parish Meeting Mr. Neal moved that notices of the annual Parish Meetings be in the future printed and circulated. This was seconded by Revd. P. H. Eliot and carried unanimously.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

6 May 1895

1895 May 6         A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday the 6th of May 1895.   Present Mr. H. Bullock Chairman, Mr. J. Colgrove, Revd. P. H. Eliot. Messrs. Ingram, Neal, Monk, Varney & Walker.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Clerks Remuneration     The Chairman stated that he had had an interview with Mr. Willis the Clerk to the Winslow Guardians who informed him that there were objections on the part of that body to pay the
[p.45] whole of the Assistant Overseers & Rate collectors Salary in as much as the bond held by them approved by the Local Government Board only sanctioned a payment of £20 for collecting the Poor rate & that the remuneration for collecting the Lighting rate had always been paid by the Lighting Inspectors out of that rate & any further payment sanctioned by the Vestry had been paid by the Overseers and passed in their accounts and that under these circumstances it appeared to him (the Chairman) that the same course might be followed & that the Clerk should be paid the £6 authorized at the last meeting out of the Lighting rate & the £4 for other services, by the Overseers out of the Poor rate.

Sanitary Matters

The following letter was read 


25th April 1895

Dear Sir,

Winslow Sanitary Matters

                On the flyleaf you will find a copy of a minute passed by this Council on the 11th instant, which would have been sent to you before, had I not understood that the subject would have been brought under your notice by Mr. W. S. Neal.

Yours truly,
Thos. Price Willis

H. Bullock Esq.
Chairman of the Parish Council



11th April 1895
The Clerk also read a letter dated the 10th inst. from the Chairman of the Winslow Parish Council enclosing the copy of a report prepared by a Sub Committee & adopted by the Winslow Parish Council upon Winslow Sanitary matters & such report having also been read & Mr. Wise the Inspector of Nuisances & Surveyor having made several suggestions which he considered would be an improvement upon the plan proposed by the report Mr. W. Hedges proposed & Mr. T. Dickens seconded that such report be referred back to the Parish Council for consideration of the suggestions made by Mr. Wise.”

                Mr. Neal moved that the Council reply to that letter as follows: - The committee which drew up the report that was sent to the Rural District Council had in preparing that report already considered the course suggested by Mr. Wise & were then of the opinion which they continue to hold, that the conclusions arrived at in their report are the best under existing and likely circumstances for the benefit of the Town & for the improvement of Sanitary matters connected therewith. This motion was seconded by Mr. Ingram and carried
[p.47] unanimously.

Charity Commission       An application to the Charity Commissioners to apportion the Winslow Charities by withdrawing the Church Houses and Church Land Charity from the Scheme of 11th August 1863 which had already been signed by the trustees under that Scheme was signed by the Chairman & Messrs. Ingram & Varney on behalf of the Parish Council.

Fire Brigade       A letter from Lord Cottesloe on the proposed subscription of the Swanbourne Parish Council to the Winslow Fire Engine was referred to the Fire Brigade Committee.

                The Clerk also produced a letter from Mr. Greaves stating that he should be unable to attend the meeting, but that the Nuisance at Tinkers End about which he had placed a notice on the Agenda had been put right.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

1 July 1895

[p.48] 1895 July 1           A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday the 1st of July 1895.   Present Mr. H. Bullock Chairman, Revd. P. H. Eliot, Messrs. Greaves Ingram, Neal, & Varney.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Clerks Remuneration     Mr. Greaves proposed that the Assistant Overseer be paid the sum of £6 as usual for making and collecting the Sanitary rate. This was seconded by Revd. P. H. Eliot and carried unanimously.

                The item on the Agenda “to consider the Assistant Overseer’s Salary with connection with the Poor Rate” was after some discussion, passed without any motion being made.

Fire Brigade       Mr. Neal proposed with respect to subscriptions to the Fire Brigade, that the Clerk be requested to write again to the several Parishes asking for a direct reply to his circular letter of 15th May 1895.  This was seconded by Mr. Ingram and carried unanimously.

Sanitary Matters              Mr. Neal moved in accordance with his notice on the Agenda “That the Parish
[p.49] Council issue Circulars to all the Householders in Winslow asking them to give evidence before the Local Government Inspector [read more] against a Scheme for Scavenging Draining and Water Supply for Winslow.” Mr. Ingram seconded pro forma and the Chairman moved as an amendment that Messrs. Colgrove, Ingram, Neal, Walker& Varney be appointed a Committee to take such steps as may seem advisable to them to see that the views of the Parish Council as expressed in the report adopted on the 1st April 1895 and sent to the Rural District Council be properly represented and supported by evidence before the Local Government Inspector. This was seconded by Revd. P. H. Eliot and carried unanimously.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

2 Sep 1895

1895 Sept2          A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday the 2nd of September 1895.   Present Mr. H. Bullock Chairman, Messrs. Greaves, Walker & Varney.

[p.50]                The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Charity Commission       The draft Order received from the Charity Commission separating under the provisions of Section 75 (2) of the Local Government Act 1894, the Church Houses and Church Land Charity from the Bishopp’s, Forde’s, Packer’s and Cox’s Charities was produced and perused.
                The Chairman moved “That in the opinion of this Council the draft Order just perused is satisfactory”.  This was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously.

                The Clerk to the Parish Council not being present with the necessary papers, the item on the Agenda relating to the accounts of the Lighting and Watching Committee was unable to be considered and it was also decided to pass the item relating to the Clerk’s remuneration.

Gymnasium drain            The Chairman undertook at the instance of Mr. Walker and Mr. Varney to instruct the Clerk to write again to Mr. Wigley and to the Gymnasium Committee to call their attention respectively to the motion carried at the annual meeting of the 17th April last, and also to call Mr. Wigley’s attention to the want of a new plank at the Stile leading from Mr. Curtis’ Tank Meadow into the Little Horwood Road.

[p.51] Lighting Committee’s a/cs           The Clerk having now arrived apologised for his non attendance having been detained and mistaken the hour. He produced the Lighting Committee accounts which were approved as follows :- Receipts Balance from former Lighting Inspectors £39.18.4.  Rent of Armoury to March 1895 per Hon. T. J. Fremantle £1. Unused cheques returned to bank 5s/2d.  From overseers on account of Lighting rate £70. Subscription to Fire Brigade from Addington Parish per Lord Addington Chairman of Addington Parish meeting £1.10.0. \from Overseers balance of Lighting rate £2.8.9./ Total receipts £114.19.3. Payments To Fire Brigade committee £1.17.3. The like £3.0.2. Winslow New Gas Company Lighting account £95.6.9 Collector for Lighting rate £6. To Fire Brigade Committee £4.4.0. The like £4.4.0. Total Payments £114.12.2.  

Herbert Bullock [signature]

7 Oct 1895

[p.52] 1895 Octr 7          A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday the 7th  October 1895.   Present Mr. Herbert Bullock Chairman, Revd. P. H. Eliot, Messrs. Ingram, Greaves Monk, Neal, Varney and Walker.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Gymnasium Drain           The Chairman stated that the Gymnasium Committee had given orders for the necessary drain to be laid to take away the water coming off the Gymnasium and correspondence with Mr. Wigley relating to the surface water coming from the Cricket Field was read. Directions were given that when the Gymnasium drain was completed the Clerk should again communicate with Mr. Wigley.

Fire Brigade       A Letter from the Swanbourne Parish Council offering a Subscription of £1.5.0 \to the Fire Engine/ instead of the £2:15:0 asked for was read.
Mr. Walker proposed that the offer of the Swanbourne Parish Council be refused, this was seconded by Mr. Greaves.
Mr. Neal moved an amendment that the consideration of this offer be adjourned to the next meeting. Mr. Monk seconded & on being put to the vote Messrs. Neal, Monk, Eliot & the
[p.53] Chairman voted for the amendment Messrs. Walker, Greaves, Ingram & Varney against. the Chairman gave his casting vote for the amendment which was declared carried.

R.D.C. Paths & Byeways   On the question “Whether any and if so what further communication should be addressed to the Rural District Council respecting the various paths and byeways within the Town” coming on for discussion. Mr. Neal, District Councillor, stated that he believed it was the intention of the Rural District Council to form a small Committee to examine the bye-ways and to consider this matter.
                The Chairman moved “that the Rural District Council be written to, to ask if they would join Messrs. Ingram and Walker from the Parish Council to the Committee that Mr. Neal informs the Parish Council is likely to be formed by the Rural District Council to investigate & consider the question of the byeways and paths in Winslow”. Mr. Varney seconded this motion which was carried unanimously.

Clerks remuneration      Mr. Neal proposed that the salary for the Assistant Overseer and Clerk to the Parish Council be fixed at £10 per annum and that a cheque for the sum of £5 be drawn for the half year ending Michaelmas last. This was seconded by Mr. Varney and carried unanimously.
[p.54]    The cheque was drawn and signed.

 Herbert Bullock [signature]

4 Nov 1895

1895 Novr. 4    A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday the 4th  November 1895.   Present Mr. Herbert Bullock Chairman, Messrs. Colgrove, Ingram, Monk, Neal, Varney and Walker.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Fire Brigade       The Chairman stated that the Fire Brigade Committee, at a meeting held since the last parish Council Meeting, had come to the unanimous conclusion that it was inexpedient to accept from any Parish a less subscription than that which had been demanded for the use of the Fire Brigade and Engine, & he proposed that the recommendation of the Fire Brigade Committee be adopted by the Parish Council. This was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously.

Gymnasium Drain           Mr. Walker stated in answer to the Chairman that the drain at the Gymnasium had not yet been completed.

[p.55] Charities              Mr. Varney proposed that that Mr. E. J. French be appointed by the Parish Council a Trustee of the Winslow Charities. Mr. Colgrove seconded.
Mr. Ingram proposed that that Mr. Varney be appointed by the Parish Council at Trustee of the Winslow Charities. Mr. Neal seconded.
                                There being no other name proposed the names of these Gentlemen were severally submitted to the Council and in each case carried unanimously.

R.D.C. & Sanitary powers             The following letter from the Clerk to the Rural District Council was read.

26th October 1895

Dear Sir,                
                At the meeting of the above Council yesterday it was resolved “That the Council delegate its Sanitary Powers in the Parish of Winslow to a Parochial Committee consisting of the members of the Parish Council and Councillors East and Neal” and further that “this Council limit the power of expenditure of the Parochial Committee without consulting this Council to the sum of £50.

Yours truly,
Thos. Price Willis

H. Bullock Esq.
Chairman of Parish Council

[p.56]        Mr. Neal proposed that the offer of the District Council delegating its Sanitary powers be accepted. Mr. Walker seconded. Mr. Ingram moved the addition of the words “on condition that the Parochial Committee are to have the services of the Sanitary Officers when necessary”. Mr. Monk seconded.
                Mr. Neal and Mr. Walker having signified that their willingness to accept the additional words the motion “That the offer of the Rural District Council delegating its Sanitary powers be accepted on condition that the Parochial Committee are to have the services of the Sanitary Officers when necessary” was carried unanimously.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

18 Nov 1895

1895 Novr. 18                     A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday the 18th of November 1895.   Present Mr. Herbert Bullock Chairman, Revd. P. H. Eliot, Messrs. Greaves, Ingram, Monk, Neal, Varney and Walker.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

R.D.C. Parochial Committee       The following letter from the Clerk to the Rural District Council was read.

11th November 1895

Dear Sir,
                Your letter of the 5th inst. was duly read at the last meeting of the Council when it was resolved that it be left to the Parochial Committee to treat with the Council’s Officers for their services.

Yours truly,
Thos. Price Willis

H. Bullock Esq.
Chairman of the Parish Council

                After some discussion Mr. Neal proposed that the Chairman with Revd. P. H. Eliot and Mr. East be appointed a Committee to wait on Mr. Willis to ascertain on what terms he would be willing to act as Clerk to the Parochial Committee.

Market Square  A further letter from the Clerk to the Rural District Council was produced including a copy of a letter from the Solicitors to the Lord of the Manor relating to the Market Square as follows

Town Hall
12th. Novr. 1895

Dear Sir,

Winslow Market Square

                It does not appear to have been taken into consideration that both the late Lord of the Manor and the present Lord have relinquished the Tolls payable
[p.58] to them in respect of the Stock coming into the Market and that all the Tolls Mr. Selby Lowndes receives are from Shows &c and they have only averaged during the last five years £5 per annum. We may also state that it appears that the present Condition of the Square arises in great part through the Drains laid across it from the houses in the Square. We shall however advise Mr. Selby Lowndes to Sell his rights as Lord if it be arranged that a fair sum be paid as compensation for the amount he receives annually.

Yours truly,
C. &. E. C. Small

T. P. Willis Esq.
Clerk to the Winslow Rural District Council

                The Chairman proposed the following resolution which was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously. “That this Council approves of the proposition of the Lord of the Manor to sell his rights in the Market Square to the Rural District Council and hopes that the Council may be able to arrange satisfactory terms to purchase them”.

Parish Meeting                 Revd. P. H. Eliot proposed that a Parish meeting be called for the purposes of the Lighting and Watching Act on Thursday the 28th Nov Inst. This was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously.

Cheques              The following cheques were drawn. The Secretary \Clerk/ £1.17.6 for Miss George Stationers a/c. £1.11.6 & 6/- for postage &c and to the Winslow
[p.59] Gas Company 18s/2d, Fire Brigade Account for the Lighting Committee.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

Parish Meeting

The Parish Meeting was held in the Boys National Schoolroom on Thursday the 28th November 1895. Present,  Mr. Herbert Bullock Chairman, Messrs. T. P. Willis, T. Walker, A. J. Clear J. Colton, W. S. Neal, G. A. Monk, J. Colgrove, C. Saving, J. Hill and T. Parsons.

                The Minutes of the last Meet Parish Meeting were read and confirmed.

                The Notice calling the Meeting was read.

                The Accounts of the Lighting Committee of the Parish Council and of the Fire Brigade were presented. Mr. Willis proposed that the Lighting and Fire Brigade accounts be passed. This was seconded by Mr. A. J. Clear and carried unanimously.

                Mr. W. S. Neal proposed that the Parish Council be authorised to raise a sum not exceeding £150 for the purposes authorised by the Lighting and Watching Act 1833. This was seconded by Mr. Willis and carried unanimously.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

Copyright 18 October, 2024