View of frankpledge and court baron, 27 September 1636
Centre for Bucks Studies D175/1
Translated from Latin.
Winslowe with members. View of Frank Pledge with Court Baron of the Rt Hon. Randall MacDonell, Viscount Dunluce, and the most illustrious Katherine, Duchess of Bucks, held there on 27 Sep 12 Charles 1636.
Essoins as in the charter of tenants and residents.
Homage sworn for the Lord King and the Lord of the Manor:
Winslow: William Lownds, Thomas Hogson, Henry Pym, Nicholas Spooner, John Stutsbury, Hugh Seaton, William Glenister
Shipton: Thomas Stevens, John Snowe, Thomas Glenister
Grandborowe: William Holland, Benedict Holland, William Steevens
Little Horwood: Arthur Smith gent., Henry Cowper, Thomas Illing, John Illing & Thomas Adams
Default by tenants who are amerced:
Robert Benbowe 2s 6d, Richard Edmonds 6d, Walter Glenister 4d, William Giles 4d, Peter Jackson 6d, Michael Lee gent. 6d and William Miller 6d of Winslowe
Thomas Glenister 4d and Thomas Steevens 4d of Shipton
Richard Showler 4d, John Baylye 4d and Edward Niccolles of Little Horwood
Default by residents who are amerced:
William Daniell 4d, Edward Allen 4d, William Bennet 4d, Nicholas Lincolne[?] 4d, John Glenister 4d, John Jordan 4d and John Rawlins 4d of Winslowe
Robert Jeffes 4d and Thomas Marriat 4<d> of Little Horwood
Henry Pym 12d, Nicholas Mitchell 12d, Henry Clements 12d, Jeremy Gilbert 6d, Francis Tomkins 6d, Walter Glenister 6d, George Shaw 6d, Richard Rogers 6d, John Burrill 6d, John Norket 6d, William Wyat 6d, Edward Plaisted 6d, Abel Sear 6d, John Beagles 6d, John Bransford 6d, John Seaton 6d, Michael Walker 6d, Nicholas Brinsall 6d, Robert Snackston 6d and Thomas Shilborne 6d are common brewers of beer and ale and broke the assize; therefore amerced.
Robert Benbowe enclosed the common called the Bowling leyes. Amerced 20s.
Margaret Holiman widow committed the same offence. Amerced 20s.
Robert Benbowe overburdened the common with four horses against the orders previously made. Penalty for each horse 10s. Forfeit according to the orders 40s in total, reduced by grace to 20s.
Edward Kinaston committed the same offence with two horses. 10s.
Raphael Udden committed the same offence with one horse. 5s.
Anthony Linckhorne committed the same offence. 5s.
John Glenister committed the same offence. 5s.
Thomas Shilborne
committed the same offence. 5s.
Richard Browne committed the same offence. 5s.
Edward Kinaston received tenants to live in the vill of Winslowe and refused to give security to keep the vill of Winslowe indemnified, against the orders previously made. Forfeit £10.
John Bird received "an Inmate" to live with him in his house. Amerced 5s.
John Pixe committed the same offence. 5s.
Richard Asson committed the same offence. 2s 6d.
Thomas Marriat bound peas [ligavit pisa]. Amerced 3s 4d.
Thomas Atte 3s 4d, John Hawkins 3s 4d, Robert Gaskin 3s 4d, Henry Pitkin 3s 4d and William Risbrowe 3s 4d committed the same offence.
John Willat newly built a cottage and did not allocate four acres of free land to it according to the form of the statute. Amerced 2s 6d.
George Willat put his sheep[?] in the "stubble feilde" before Michalemas. Amerced 3s 4d.
Robert Hawkins 3s 4d, John Adams 3s 4d, William Curtis 3s 4d and John Barton 3s 4d committed the same offence.
Arthur Smith enclosed the common. Amerced 12d.
Robert Grange 12d, Robert Gaskin 12d and John Barret 12d committed the same offence.
John Willat enclosed a lane called Darke Lane. Amerced 12d.
William Cooke overburdened the common with two beasts. Amerced 13s 4d.
Winslowe. Constables: Hugh Seaton sr and Edward Plaistead were chosen and sworn
Tithingmen: William Topping and Abel Seare
Ale-tasters: William Greene and Richard Rogers
Shipton. Constable: John Snowe
Overseers of the fields and orders: Thomas Steevens and Thomas Glenister
Little Horwood. Constables: Henry Curtis and Emanuel Ward
Tithingmen: Thomas Barber and John Meade
Grandborowe. Constables: Richard Grace and Robert Bowden
Affearers: William Lownds, Thomas Hogson, William Glenister, William Holland and Arthur Smith
The other officers remain in office.
Court Baron
Richard Steevens sr surrendered a half-acre in Grandborowe to John Steevens.
Richard Steevens sr and William Steevens surrendered 8 acres there to Richard Howe.
Richard Mullins surrendered half a messuage called the Rose and Crowne and half a half-acre in Little Horwood to Jonathan Shilborne.
Richard Eldridge surrendered 2 selions containing 1 acre in Duggbutts in Winslowe. To his own use for his life, then to William Palladine and his heirs for the life of Joan Eldridge, Richard's wife. After her decease, to Richard's rightful heirs forever. Rent 3d, fine 2s.
At a court held on 23 Sep 10 Charles [1634], Seth Mason and Clemency his wife surrendered 1½ acres over Ankersland furlong in Winslowe to the use of Robert Udden and his heirs forever. Now comes Robert Elliot and complains against Robert Udden on a plea of land. Procedure of common recovery: Seth Mason calls to warrant George Sha [sic]; Peter Fyge the bailiff and minister of the court gives seisin to Robert Elliott. They all surrender to Robert Udden. Fine 3s.
John Adams surrendered a cottage in Little Horwood with a close and 10 acres to Elizabeth Adams his wife, then Alice Adams his daughter.
Thomas Miller now deceased surrendered since the last court by John Snowe and John Shelton 5 acres of arable land in the fields of Winslowe:
- 5 selions being 2 acres over Dudslowe furlong
- 5 selions being 2 acres over Trowbridge furlong
- 3 selions being 1 acre over Ankerland furlong
To the use of John Miller son of William Miller, who sought admission. Rent 15d, fine 10s.
He also surrendered a messuage and 2 virgates of land in Shipton and all his lands in the fields of Winslow containing 16 acres to the use of Thomas Miller son of Walter Miller. Rent 17s 2d, fine £7 12s, heriot a gelding worth £3 10s.
Walter Graunt surrendered the messuage in Winslow in which he now lives, and the close adjoining. To his own use for his life, then to Thomas Graunt his son. Fine 6s, heriot nothing.
John Ivatts and Alice his wife surrendered a cottage and piece of land in Grandborowe to Francis Hartnoll and Alice his wife.
[f.2r] George Rutland and Helen his wife surrendered a messuage and close in Grandborowe called Arments (in the occupation of Robert Tomlyns) and 8 acres to Hugh Stevens.
John Stevens surrendered a cottage and 1½ acres in Grandborowe to John Stevens his son.
John Stevens now deceased surrendered a messuage in Grandborowe and 2½ virgates and 6½ acres to the use of Robert Stevens.
William Spooner now deceased surrendered since the last court by Nicholas Brinsall and William Norman:
- a tenement with stable and orchard now in the occupation of Walter Kirbey and Ann Oxley
- a close lying next to the "backside" of the messuage, now in his own occupation
and 5 acres of land in the fields of Winslow:
- 4 roods at Dudslow
- 2 roods at Long mead leyes
- 2 roods at Berry hedge
- 4 roods at Stone
To the use of Robert Lownes and Alice his wife and the heirs of their bodies, and for want of such issue to William's rightful heirs. Robert and Alice sought admission. Rent 3s 4½d, fine 12s, heriot nothing.
[Alice was William Spooner's daughter, and married Robert Lowndes, younger brother of William Lowndes of The Angel, in 1627; they were the parents of Peter Lowndes, 1631-1711]
Richard Grace surrendered a messuage and 30 acres in Grandborowe to Peter Fige jr. Robert Hunter brought a procedure of common recovery. All surrendered to Richard Grace.
William Spooner now deceased surrendered since the last court by Nicholas Brinsall and William Norman 2 acres of land and leys in the fields of Winslow:
- 1 acre of arable land over Ancreland nether furlong, William Lownes north
- 3 leys containing 1 acre over Little Hill, Nicholas Spooner east
To the use of William Norman son of William Norman, who sought admission. Rent 6d, fine 4s, heriot a foal [pullus] worth 30s, fealty respited.
John Adams now deceased surrendered 3 acres [in Little Horwood] to Arthur son of Henry Smith.
Richard Wilson surrendered an ancient cottage in Little Horwood to George Wilson.
Thomas Grace sr and Thomas Grace jr and Sarah his wife surrendered 4 acres in Grandborowe to John Pitkin.
[f.2v] William Stevens surrendered 1½ acres in Grandborowe to Thomas Boughton.
Richard Hobbes now deceased surrendered a half-acre in Little Horwood to Elizabeth Hobbes his then wife, a cottage to Agnes Hobbes his daughter, and 2½ acres to Elizabeth Hobbes his daughter.
Robert Hale on 20 Oct 11 Charles [1635] surrendered a cottage in Winslow in which he now lives. To his own use for his life, then to Henry Hale. Rent 4d, fine 5s.
Hugh Goodspeed in 1635 mortgaged a messuage in Grandborowe and a quarter-virgate in the occupation of William Holland to Robert Goodspeed for £50.
Thomas Tomlin on 9 Nov 1635 surrendered 4 acres in the parish and fields of Winslow:
- 3 acres lie together over Brodford furlong between the Buryland towards the south and William Lowndes' land north
- the other acre at Poores furrowes between Nicholas Spooner north and John Paxton south
To the use of William Chandler, on condition that the surrender will be void if Thomas pays him 32s on 12 Nov 1636, 22s on 12 Nov 1637 and £21 12s on 12 Nov 1638 at the south porch of the parish church of Winslow. Rent 12s, fine 8s.
Walter Grant on 26 March last surrendered 12 acres of arable land, ley and meadow in the Milfeild in Winslow:
- 6 acres of ley and meadow lying together over Orell hill and Orell slade
- 6 selions containing 3 acres lying together over Ryfurlong
- 3 selions containing 1 acre lying over the same furlong
- 4 leys containing 2 acres in the said furlong
To the use of Daniel Seer, on condition that the surrender will be void if Walter pays him £8 on 31 March 1637, 1638 and 1639. Rent 3s, fine 24s.
National Archives, WARD 9/551
This record in English is included in a volume for the Court of Wards for 1637, presumably because the 2nd Duke of Buckingham was at the time the King's ward. The context is so far unknown.
Upon reading an order of the xviijth of May xijo of the Kinge [1636] wherin Hugh Seaton is pl(aintif)f by Informacion in the name of the right Noble George Duke of Buckingham his Ma(jesty')s ward and Robert Bembowe Thomas Bembowe and John Robinson def(endan)ts It is ordered upon the mocion of Mr Wilson the defendants attorney that upon notice heerof the said Hugh Seaton shall shewe cause upon the first day of the next terme why the defendants should not be dismissed with good costs in regard the defendants answeres were all put in before Easter xijo and the plaintiff Hugh Seaton hath not since proceeded as is alledged.