Will and codicil of William Norman the elder of Shipton, 1658 (proved 1661)
Herts RO 97AW24
The last will & testament of William Norman the elder
of Shipton in the parish of Winslow in the
County of Bucks
on the 18 eeightinth day of October in the year on Thousan six hundred
fifty & eight 1658 finding me self not well in bodily hellth but in
my perfect understanding I doe nou mack my last will and testament
which I hear set down in this shit of papar which is as folloeth
I give and bequeth unto my sonn William Norman 3 owck spieres lying in the hoe[?] heyes[?] sid
I give and bequeth unto my sonn William Normans daftar Debara Norman on ship
I give and bequeth unto my sonn Richard Norman on shilling
I give and bequeath unto my sonn Richard Normanes sonn William Norman on ship
I give and bequeth unto my sonn Jhon Norman foer eakers of land lying
in Winslow fielde which foer aecers I have given him all redy by a mortuar
surrender and I give allso unto my sayd sonn fife tegges
I give and bequeth unto Ann Glennister my dafter on shilling.
I give and beueth unto my sonn in law Thomas Eliott one shilinge
I give and bequeth unto my sonn in law Thomas Elliotts dafter Elizabeth Elliot on ship.
I give and bequeth unto my sonn in law Georg Elliott one ship
[verso] It so fell out thro the providence of god that after this my will was mad that it plesed god to tak away my wif by deth
whom I had mad my full execketur but now my will is that my sonn William Norman shall be my full execketur
of all my goodes Chattellesl munys waring cloves detes & all dues now to me duu theinges before mengened in the will excepted
and my will is that my sonn William should with my goodes and all things elles mengened pay all my detes and Frely discharg all dewes and
[de]tes and my son William haveing payed all detes what ever & he him selleft fully satisfyed then all morgages and what detes so ever that then
the remaynder of all my goodes chattel moneyes to go to my Cosine Frances Norman & her heirs for ever and this is my will and
testament & to have my dospoessal of all my tem[?] purese all that I commend my sellef into the handes of the lord to disspoos with me as
semmeth good in his sight
Michell Norman his mark
Thomas Ellyott
I appoynt John Hoggson of Winslow
& Thomas Curby of the same to be the over-
seers of my will & I also give them
2s 6d a pees
[Latin] This will together with the codicil on the back of William Norman {Norman} of Shipton in Winslow was proved on 3 May 1661 in the chancel of the church of St Michael of the Archdeaconry of St Albans of the London diocese in Herts before Abraham Spencer master of arts, surrogate of the venerable Thomas Goad doctor of laws, official of the aforesaid archdeaconry, and administration was entrusted etc. to William Norman the executor, and he was sworn etc.
Inventory of William Norman the elder of Shipton, 1658/9
Herts RO A25/3633
A true and perfect inventory taken on the tenth day of January one thousand six hundred fifty eight of the goods which late weare the goods and Chattels of William Norman of Shipton in the parish of Winslow in the county of Bucks deceased praysed and vallued by us whose names are heareunto subscribed.
li |
s |
d |
Impremis the hall one table and frame one cubbard two formes foure stooles and one chayre | 01 |
16 |
10 |
Item in the hall two potts and one possnett |
01 |
05 |
10 |
Item in the hall four kettells two posnets one brass pann and other small knifs[?] |
02 |
10 |
00 |
Item in the hall fourteen pewter platters and other pew[.....] |
02 |
00 |
00 |
Items three spitts two payre of Andirons three hangers two hooks one fire sholve and tongues | 00 |
13 |
04 |
Item one jacke one fryinge pann one tinn pan and one tinneroster[?] |
00 |
06 |
08 |
Item in the seller six barills six tubbs one cherne two drinke stands three shelves three buckets and other lumber | 01 |
10 |
00 |
Item one bible |
00 |
05 |
00 |
Item in the Chamber over the hall one joyned bed one half headed bed and one trolebed |
01 |
06 |
08 |
Item three chayers |
00 |
06 |
08 |
Item one table and frame and two stooles |
00 |
06 |
08 |
Item five coffers and one box |
00 |
18 |
00 |
Item three coverletts foure blancketts |
01 |
06 |
08 |
Item one featherbed three feather bolsters five feather pillowes |
02 |
00 |
00 |
Item one payre of curtaines and rods |
00 |
06 |
08 |
Item two flock beds and two strawbeds |
00 |
10 |
00 |
Item [deletion] seaven payre of sheets three bord cloathes eight napkins and other linen | 03 |
00 |
00 |
Item in the roome over the seller three wheels with other lumber |
00 |
06 |
08 |
Item in the garret over the chamber one cheese rack one civer three fleeses of woole and two bords | 00 |
10 |
00 |
Item in the shoppe two great cleavers |
01 |
00 |
00 |
Item twelve bushells of malt |
02 |
02 |
00 |
Item one acre of wheat in Shipton Feild |
02 |
10 |
00 |
Item in the orchard one framed Hovill |
00 |
18 |
00 |
Item one old Hovill |
00 |
06 |
00 |
Item beanes upon the old Hovill and 4 bushell of beanes threshed |
05 |
00 |
00 |
Item heay in the leanto and the end of the barne |
01 |
10 |
00 |
Item in the orchard and woodhouse firewood |
00 |
10 |
00 |
Item two horses |
02 |
00 |
00 |
[f.2] | |||
Item in the barne wheat, barly and Rie | 08 |
00 |
00 |
Item one plancke flower | 00 |
16 |
00 |
Item one stall | 00 |
13 |
04 |
Item one mound next William Wyats yard one horse troff one [deletion] barrill and one saltinge troff | 00 |
12 |
00 |
Item three sticks of wood | 00 |
13 |
4 |
Item one flitch of bacon | 00 |
13 |
4 |
------------------------- |
The totall some is 48li 08s 02d
[added in another hand] | li |
s |
d |
a horse & lam at [blank] wich were not nown till afterwards | 0 |
6 |
0 |
so the totall som is | li |
s |
d |
--------------------------- |
48 |
14 |
2 |
John Hogson [signed]
Thomas [T] Deely his marke
[Presented by William Norman the executor, 3 May 1661]
William Norman was buried on 8 Jan 1658/9. He was probably the William son of Michael Norman bap. 2 Aug 1598. He married (1) Elizabeth Spooner on 2 Aug 1624 (bur. 7 Sep 1633); (2) on 16 June 1634 Jane Elliott, widow of Thomas Elliott. She was buried on 10 Nov 1658.
Of the children mentioned in the will, Anne was bap. 27 Jan 1627/8, Richard on 3 Jan 1629/30 and John on 6 Oct 1646. William was probably the eldest son and not baptised at Winslow.
In 1636 William Norman confessed to the Archdeacon that on Sundays "he used the trade of Butcher in killinge dressinge or sellinge of flesh." (Herts RO ASA7/31, f.3)
owck spieres: oak spires. Spire = "the tapering top of a tree" (OED, s.v. spire n.1, 1b)
randing knife: a butcher's knife for slicing meat (OED)
pannells: OED, s.v. Panel, n.1, 1a: a kind of saddle
draftracke: draft rake, for hay etc. (Bucks Probate Inventories)