The Bull Inn
The former Bull Inn was described like this when it was given a Grade 2 Listing in 1984.
C18, altered. Plum-coloured brick to front, rendered plinth and left gable, colourwashed brick to right gable. Moulded brick eaves, old tile roof, brick stacks to gables and between left-hand bays. 2 storeys and attic, 3 bays. Paired C19 sash windows, those to ground floor with gauged brick heads. Hipped dormers with C19 paired wooden casements and moulded cornices. Double C20 doors in reeded frame with surround of minimal Doric columns and entablature. Single storey extension to left with similar paired sash.
It was sometimes known as the Red Bull (there was also a Black Bull). The Bull was rebuilt in late 1740s after burning down. It was then taken over by Henry Burley, baker & publican, who had an extensive bakery behind the inn capable of baking 12 bushels of bread, continuing a tradition of baking on the premises. His land on Western Lane was called Burley’s Piece, now commemorated as Burleys Road. He was probably a member of the Burley / Burleigh baking family of Buckingham.
1577: Certificate of Alehouses
Robert Mitchell is listed as an innholder. This was probably at The Bull, as it later belonged to his son Nicholas.
1610: Schedule of lands and tenements
Nicholas Mitchell: The Bull and 20 acres of land
He probably inherited the property from his father Robert Mitchell, baker, d.1587
1643: Death of Nicholas Mitchell. His son and daughter Nicholas and Frances kept The Bull.
1664: Manor court, 19 April
Nicholas Mitchell mortgaged a messuage in his own occupation and 1 acre of meadow in Hollow Furrowe to Thomas Willmott, on condition of paying £68 8s in the manner mentioned in the surrender.
1665: Inventory and administration of Nicholas Mitchell
Property inherited by his brother Robert Mitchell of St Gyles, Cripplegate, London, weaver.
1671: Mitchell v Wilmott
Robert Mitchell tried to recover possession of The Bull from his brother-in-law Thomas Wilmott. Thomas married Frances Mitchell, who kept The Bull with her brother Nicholas, in 1664, and either inveigled his way into the property or helped out Nicholas, depending on which version you believe.
1678: Manor court, 4 Oct
Thomas Willmott (heir of the first Thomas) transferred the mortgage to William Clarke (painter and stainer of LOndon Bridge)
1695: Will of Robert Mitchell of London, painter and stainer
"I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Kinswoman and her daughter Elizabeth Arnold [sic] of ye parish of Ludgate in London and after their deceas to Samuell Wilson and William Beazley an Appothecarier & Vintner of London and to their Heires \to be equally divided betwixt them/ ye house and Land commonly known by the Signe of the Red Bull in ye Town of Winslow in ye County of Bucks Now in ye possession of William Warr w(hi)ch said William Warr I give & bequeath ye sum(m)e of Five pounds to be paid him by the Enjoyers of the said house & Land within ye yeare after my decease for him to continue there Tenant during his life."
1696: Manor court, 26 Oct
Richard Lettman (son of Joan Lettman daughter of Ralph Mytchell son of Robert Mytchell the eldest) is the nearest heir of Robert Mitchell to a messuage and an acre of land.
William Clarke out of court on 20 May last surrendered the messuage in Winslowe previously called by the name of The Bull and 1 acre of land or meadow belonging to the premisses, now in the occupation of William Warr to Richard Lettman of Winslowe, Lab(ourer)
This would have superseded the provisions of Robert Mitchell's will, which apparently did not follow manorial procedure.
1696-7: dispute in Chancery between Richard Lettman and William Spooner. William Warr was tenant at the time, but as he sided with Spooner and Lettman won, he was presumably ejected.
1700, Manor court, 16 April
Richard Letman surrendered a piece of land as it is now "staked out" at the Upper End of the yard belonging to Richard's now domicile in Winslowe, 79 feet long on the side which lies next to the stable belonging to the house of William Gyles sr known by the sign of the Crown [Corone], and 66 feet long on the other side, and 45 feet wide., with 2 bays of the structure now scituate on it. To the use of Samuel Norman and Martha his wife who were admitted tenants. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
As there is no provision for access, the piece of land must have been reached by the same passage from Horn Street which led to the Crown stables (or perhaps from the north-west corner of the Market Square). The "structure" was probably a malthouse. The map on the right shows the probable layout of the sale. Some of the land was added to The Crown, which also came into the Normans' ownership.
1699: 12 Nov: John son of Richard Worstly married Ann daughter of Richard Letman
1701: 27 Sep: Baptism of John, son of John and Ann Worstley
1708: Manor court, 21 April
Richard Lettman of Winslowe surrendered a messuage called The Bull now in the occupation of himself and Emer Firth, with all houses, outhouses, buildings, barns, stables, yards, orchards, gardens, backsides, etc ... To the use of Richard for his life, then to John Worsley of Winslow carpenter his son-in-law and Ann his wife. Rent [blank], fine 5s, heriot by composition 10s 9d.
1711: 16 May: Burial of John Worsley
1711: Manor court, 17 Oct
Ann Worsley widow surrendered the reversion expectant on the death of Richard Letman her father of the messuages now in the occupation of Richard Letman and Ephram Firth in Great Horne Street with outhouses, barns, stables, yards, backyards. To her own use during her life, then to John Worsley her son, on condition that John pays his sister Jane Worsley the "Legacy" of £40 devised to her in the will of John Worsley his father deceased when it becomes due, and a further sum of £20 when Jane is 24 or within 6 months after John enjoys the premisses, whichever happens last. And that he pays to Ann Worsley his sister £40 when she is 21 or within 6 months after John enjoys the messuages, whichever happens last. And that immediately after John or his heirs enjoys the messuages, if Ann Worsley's sister Elizabeth Letman is alive, he pays her 2s weekly on Mondays. If he neglects or refuses any payment, the messuages will be to the use of Jane and Ann Worsley his sisters and Elizabeth Letman, to be divided in equal portions.
1719: 28 Oct: Burial of Richard Letman
1727: Manor court, mortgage
John Westley [sic] and Ann Westley widow surrendered a messuage situate in Winslow known by the sign of the Redd Bull with all outhouses, now in the occupation of John and Ann. To the use of Mary Turnham widow for the term of her life, then to John Robbinson, his heirs and assigns, in perpetuity, on conditon that if John Westley pays Mary an annuity of 40s in quarterly payments during the term of her life, and pays John Robbinson £40 within 6 months of Mary's decease, the surrender will be void.
1731: Manor court, mortgage
John Worsley and Katherine his wife and Ann Worsley widow and John Robinson out of court on 11 June last surrendered a messuage in Winslowe known by the name or sign of the Redd Bull, with outhouses, structures, barns, stables, etc., in the occupation of John Worsley and Ann Worsley. To the use of Benjamin Ingram of Winslowe Dealer, on condition that if they pay him £41 on 11 Dec next it will be to the use of Ann Worsley for her life, then to John Worsley and to no other purpose.
1741: Manor court, 14 May (British Library, Add.Ch.53988, f.4)
Ann Worsley (nee Letman) and John Worsley her son sold to Thomas Worrall "a Mesuage or Tenement in Great Horne Street in Winslowe aforesaid called the Red Bull now in the severall occupations of the said John Worsley Sarah Shaw Elleonar Pollard and late of Phillip Hatton", which had been mortgaged for £40 to Benjamin Ingram of Winslow, dealer, on 11 Jan 1730.
1742: Manor court
Thomas Worrall on 20 Nov last surrendered “... also all that mesuage or Tenement mesuages or Tenements scituate in Great Horne Street in Winslowe aforesaid called or known by the name or sign of the redd Bull then in the severall occupations of John Worsley Katherine Bates Sarah Shaw and Jane Emerton or their undertenants” The Red Bull was lately purchased by Thomas from John Worsley and Ann his mother, subject to payment of £60 to Jane and Ann Worsley, sisters of John. To the use of Thomas “untill a Marryage shortly hereafter intended to be had between the said Thomas Worrall and Jane Langley of Winslowe aforesaid widdowe shall be solempnized”. Then to Thomas and Jane for their lives, and the heirs begotten of their bodies, or to Thomas’ heirs.
Thomas Worrall died since the last court seised of the revertion of 2 messuages in Winslowe expectant upon the death of Jane Worrall his widow, one in his own occupation, the other called the Redd Bull then in the several occupations of John Worsley [blank]. Heriot by composition £4 4s. On 22 Jan last he surrendered them by Daniel Gyles the elder and William Hobbs to the use of his will.
1742: Will of Thomas Worrall, butcher
"I give and Devise unto the said Mary Seaton my Niece the Reversion (Expectant upon the Decease of the said Jane my Wife) of All that Messuage or Tenement Messuages or Tenements in Winslow aforesaid called the Red Bull with All the Appurten(an)ces thereto belonging"
1749: Transaction before Richard Lowndes, lord of the manor
Mary Seaton, now married to William Killpin of London, coachman, was admitted tenant to the Red Bull. They immediately surrendered it to John Harding, gentleman, and Jane his wife, who was previously Thomas Worrall's wife Jane. It was described as:
the messuage commonly called the Red Bull in the several tenures of John Worsley, Catherine Bates, Sarah Shaw and Jane Emerton and which was or were lately burnt down and [consumed by] Fire. And also all that Messuage or Tenement now lately Erected upon part of the said ground and which is now [ - - - ] and houses, outhouses, Edifices, Buildings, Barns, Stables, Orchards, Gardens, Yards, Backsides [ - - - ]
This shows that the present building dates from shortly before 1749, and the previous one which was burned down (see Fires, 1748) may have been rather bigger. It seems likely that it was John and Jane Harding rather than Mary Seaton who were responsible for the rebuilding, as Jane already had a life interest.
1750: Will of John Harding of Aylesbury, gentleman
He leaves his property in Winslow to his wife Jane.
1755 (proved 1761): Will of Jane Harding (nee Gyles)
She leaves her property in Winslow to her nephew William Aldridge
1760-1785: Alehouse recognizances
Bull: Henry Burley
1766: Special court, 8 July
Joseph Shewen of St John Southwark woolstapler inherits from his uncle, Joseph Waters of Millman Street St Andrew Holborn (presumably the mortgagee) a messuage called the Red Bull, another messuage (6 Horn Street) and 9 acres of land. He then surrenders them to William Aldridge of Brook Street, goldsmith.
1767: Manor Court
William Aldridge of Brook Street in the Parish of St Andrew Holborn Goldsmith paid off a mortgage to James Burnham, and mortgaged his property (including two messuages in the occupation of Henry Burley) to Charles Bowler the Younger of Winslow Cordwainer. The amount of the mortgage was increased in 1775. It was paid off in 1776.
1776: Manor Court
William Alldridge and Ann his wife surrendered 2 messuages in Great Horn Street in occupation of Henry Burley and James Allen. To the use of Henry Burley of Winslow baker who was admitted tenant.
1781-6: Land Tax
Henry Burley (owner); himself (occupier): 13s 8d
1784: Manor Court, 29 Oct
Henry Burley late of Winslow Baker held 2 messuages in Great Horn Street late in the occupation of himself and James Allen with Yard Barns Stables Outhouses Edifices Buildings; he died since the last court. William Burley late of Winslow Baker is his eldest son and heir, and desires to be admitted tenant.
1785: Manor Court, 28-29 Oct
On 6 Nov 1784 William Burley of Winslow baker & Sarah his wife made a conditional surrender to George Burley of Sherrard Street, St James Westminster, gent. for £200 payable on 6 Nov 1785 of
2 messuages in Great Horn Street now or late in the occupation of himself and George Goodman, with yards, barns, stables, outhouses, edifices, buildings.
1790: Alehouse recognizances
Bull: Sarah Burley, widow
1792: Sun fire insurance policy (LMA, 11936/379/586334, Mich(aelma)s 1792)
Sarah Burleigh of Winslow in the County of Bucks, Victualler & Baker | |
On her now dwelling home & Bakehouse adjoining Brick & Tiled situate as aforesaid not exceeding two hundred & Forty pounds | 240 |
Household Goods therein only not exceeding Eighty Pounds | 80 |
Utensils & Stock therein only not exceeding One hundred & thirty p(oun)ds | 130 |
Wearing Apparel therein only not exceed{in)g ten Pounds | 10 |
Tenement Barn & Two Stables adjoining near the above Brick & tiled not exceeding One hundred pounds | 100 |
Utensils & Stock therein not hazardous not exceeding twenty pounds | 20 |
Utensils & stock in the Yard adjoining not exceeding twenty pounds | 20 |
---- |
£600 |
1792: Manor Court, 29 Oct
George Burley of Sherrard Street, St James Westminster gent. by Thomas Yeates of W gent. his attorney seeks admission to 2 messuages in Great Horn Street conditionally surrendered in 1784 when in the occupation of William Burley and George Goodman, due to the non-payment of £200 under the surrender of 1784.
1795: Land Tax
George Burley; Henry Burley: 13s 8d
1794-95: Alehouse recognizances
Bull: Henry Burley
1796-1821: Alehouse recognizances
Bull: Thomas Bignell
1798: Directory
Sarah Burley, victualler
1804: Special Court, 4 Jan
Surrender on 10 Dec 1803: George Burley of Lincolns Inn gentleman, customary tenant, & Mary his wife, and Henry Burley of Dean Street, St Ann Soho cabinet maker, eldest son and heir of Henry Burley of Winslow baker who died intestate
Admission: Thomas Bignell
2 messuages in Horn Street formerly in the occupation of William Burley & George Goodman, afterwards Mary Burley widow & Thomas Carter, one now in the occupation of Thomas Bignell or undertenants and known by the sign of the Bull Inn, the other adjoining in the occupation of William Cheney or undertenants. George Burley was admitted tenant on 29 Oct 1792 on the conditional surrender of William Burley which had then become forfeited. Rents 4d & 4d. Fine 10s.
1805: Land Tax
Thomas Bignell; self: 13s 8d
1811: Manor court
Thomas Bignell of Winslow baker & Sarah his wife on 20 June 1811 for £240 surrendered to Ann Stevens of Middle Claydon spinster 2 messuages in Great Horn Street formerly in the occupation of William Burley deceased & George Goodman, afterwards of Mary Burley widow & Thomas Carter. One is now in the occupation of Thomas Bignell or his undertenants and is known by the name of the Bull Inn, and the other adjoining thereto was lately occupied by William Cheney and now by George Egleton. Thomas Bignell was admitted at a special court on 4 Jan 1804 on the surrender of George Burley & Mary his wife and Henry Burley. If Thomas pays £240 with 5% interest on 20 June 1812, this surrender to be void. The mortgage was renewed for £100 in 1817.
1818, 13 April: Will of Thomas Bignell (proved 26 May 1823)
1821: Alehouse Recognizances
Robert Bignell
The cottage mentioned in the sale particulars below, now 6 Horn Street, was occupied by an ostler in 1851, presumably in connection with the Bull's stables. It is the white building on the right of the photograph. It was associated until the 1730s with 8-10 Horn Street next door. |
1822, 14 Sep: Bucks Chronicle, sale notice
An Old-established Public House and Baking Business, at Winslow, Bucks, with immediate possession, by Samuel Dudley On Thursday the 19th day of September, 1822, at the Bull Public House at Winslow …all that old-established and well accustomed Public House, called or known by the name or sign of the Bull, situate in Great Horn Street, in Winslow aforesaid, comprising a good front parlour and sitting room, kitchen and scullery, with four convenient bed-rooms, three attics, and dry cottage. Attached is a large Bakehouse and oven capable of baking 12 bushels of bread, with flour lofts over the same, a brick-built stabling for sixteen horses, large wood barn, Pigsties, Cart Hovel, and necessary outbuildings, extensive yard, in which is a pump of excellent water, also a cottage adjoining the said premises, the whole forming together a complete Residence, and lately occupied by the proprietor, Mr Thomas Bignell deceased. |
1822, 10 Oct: Northampton Mercury
GEORGE JONES BEGS respectfully to inform the Inhabitants of WINSLOW and its Vicinity, that he has purchased the old-accustomed PUBLIC-HOUSE and BAKEHOUSE, known by the Sign of the BULL, late in the Occupation of Mr THOMAS BIGNALL, deceased, where he intends to carry on with the above Business. He solicits Patronage of his Friends and the Public, assuring them of every Attention on his Part shall be paid to merit the same. Winslow, Sept. 21st , 1822 |
1822, 28 Oct: manor court
Thomas Bignell sr of W baker held 2 messuages in Great Horn Street formerly in the occupation of William Burley, George Goodman & Mary Burley widow. One known as the Bull Inn lately in the occupation of TB sr, now George Jones. The other adjoining was heretofore in the occupation of William Cheney, now George Eggleton. TB admitted 4 Jan 1804 on surrender of George Burley & Mary his wife & Henry Burley. He died intestate some time since [but see his will]. Thomas Bignell jr late of W but now of Dockhead, Bermondsey, baker, eldest son & heir, by Charles Willis his attorney by power of attorney of 20 Sep 1822, desires to be admitted. Rents 4d + 4d, fine 10s.
Surrender: Thomas Bignell jr
Consideration: £755
Admission: George Jones late of Stoney Stratford but now of Winslow lace merchant
As above, subject to conditional surrenders of 20 June 1811 and 23 Aug 1817 by Thomas Bignell deceased to Ann Stevens for securing £240 and £100.
1822: Alehouse Recognizances
George Jones jr from 4 Nov 1822
Newman Jones from 5 April 1824
1823: Directory
Bull: George Jones, Great Horn Street
This was George Jones, lace-dealer from Buckingham, son of George and Elizabeth Jones of Blake House, Winslow.
1823: Land Tax
George Jones jr (owner); George & Newman Jones (occupiers): The Bull, 13s 8d
1823, 27 Oct: manor court
Surrender: George Jones jr late of Stony Stratford but now of Winslow lacemerchant & Mary his wife on 3 Sep
Admission: George Jones sr of Winslow gent
Consideration: £415, + £340 to be paid by George Jones sr to Ann Stevens of Middle Claydon spinster in discharge of two mortgages of £240 & £100 due by deeds poll of 20 June 1811 by Thomas Bignell and Sarah his wife & 23 Aug 1817 by Thomas Bignell
Premises as above
1824: manor court
Conditional surrender: George Jones sr of Winslow gent on 26 May for £200 + 5% interest
To Ann Stevens of Middle Claydon spinster
Messuages in Great Horn Street formerly in the occupations of William Burley, George Goodman and Mary Burley widow; one of them known by the name or sign of the Bull Inn lately in the occupation of Thomas Bignell deceased, since of George Jones jr, now of Newman Jones; the other adjoining the Bull Inn was heretofore in the occupation of William Cheney, afterwards George Eggleton, now Newman Jones. George Jones was admitted in 1823, subject to a conditional surrender of 20 June 1811 by Thomas Bignell & Sarah his wife and another of 23 Aug 1817 by Thomas Bignell to Ann Stevens for £240 and £100 respectively.
1825, 12 Feb: Bucks Chronicle, sale notice
Capital Free Public House and Bakehouse, both in full trade, with possession at Lady Day next, to be sold or let for a term of seven years. All that old-established Public House called the Bull, Bakehouse, Brewhouse, large Yard, Stables and other suitable outbuildings adjoining, situate in Great Horn Street in the market town of Winslow, Bucks, in the occupation of Mr Newman Jones who is removing to Somers Town. And also a small cottage, situate near. The Public House, Bakehouse and Premises have within the last twelve months been put into a complete state of Repair, and are well adapted for carrying on an extensive trade. The present consumption of flour in the Baking Business is from 8 to 9 sacks weekly … |
1825-28: Alehouse recognizances
Bull: Richard Baldwin
1830: Directory
Bull: Richard Baldwin, Great Horn Street
Richard Baldwin, baker, Great Horn Street
1832: Land Tax
George Jones (owner); William Wade (house occupier): The Bull, 13s 8d
1835 manor court
George Jones sr of Winslow gent held 2 messuages in Great Horn Street formerly in the occupations of William Burley, George Goodman & Mary Burley widow. One known as the Bull heretofore in occupation of Thomas Bignell, now William Wade. The other adjoining [6 Horn St] formerly in occupation of William Cheney & George Eagleton, now of [blank] Moore. Admitted 1823 on the surrender of his son George Jones jr. He lately died intestate leaving George Jones jr now of Buckingham lace merchant his eldest son & heir who desires to be admitted. Rent 8d, fine 10s.
1835 (proved 1836): Will of George Jones
And I give and devise unto the said George Cross and George Sirett their heirs and assigns All that my Messuage Tenement or Public House called or known by the name or sign of the Bull and the Cottage or Tenement thereto adjoining situate and being in Winslow aforesaid and now in the Occupation of Richard Baldwin and his undertenants with the rights members and appurtenances thereto belonging Upon trust to pay the rents and profits thereof unto my said two daughters by my first Wife in equal shares as Tenants in common during their respective lives for their separate use ...
1836, 6 Aug: Bucks Herald
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY Dudley & Son, On Thursday, August 11, 1836 at 6 o’clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as will then be read.
ALL that Old Established and well-accustomed INN, known by the sign of the BULL, situate in Great-Horn Street, Winslow, in the centre of the Cow Fair, comprising a good front parlour and tap room, convenient bar, kitchen and washhouse, large dining room, 3 airy bedrooms and 3 good attics, with dry cellar, attached is a roomy bakehouse and oven newly built, capable of baking 12 bushels of bread, with good flour lofts over the same, excellent brick-built brewhouse detached, stabling for 12 horses, large wood barn, pigsties, cart shed, and necessary outbuildings, extensive yard with pump of good water.
Also a neat COTTAGE, adjoining the said premises, now let to a respectable tenant, the whole forming together a complete residence, and now in the occupation of Mrs Wade; which premises have been carried on as a public house and in the baking business for more than a century. The whole will be found on capital repair. The above premises are copyhold of inheritance, and are nearly equal in value to freehold. For a view apply on the premises; and for further particulars to Mr Geo. Siritt, druggist, Buckingham; Messrs Willis and Son solicitors; or the Auctioneers, Winslow.
All Persons being indebted to the Estate of the late Mr George Jones of Buckingham, are requested immediately to pay their accounts to Mr George Cross, Jun., Winslow; or Mr G. Siritt, Buckingham. Any accounts due from the said Geo. Jones, it is desired may be forwarded to the above parties, that they may be examined and discharged.
1840, 29 Feb: Bucks Herald
Bull Inn, Winslow, BUCKS.
On THURSDAY, the 5th day of MARCH, 1840, at Three o’Clock of the Afternoon, at the BULL INN, WINSLOW, subject to such conditions as will then be produced, all that old-established and well-accustomed INN, known by the sign of the BULL, situate in GREAT HORN-STREET, IN WINSLOW IN THE CENTRE OF THE COW-FAIR, COMPRISING a good front parlour and tap-room, convenient bar, kitchen and wash-house, large dining room, three airy bed rooms, and three good attics with dry cellarage; attached is a roomy bakehouse and oven, newly built, capable of baking twelve bushels of bread with good flour lofts over the same, excellent brick-built brewhouse attached, with stabling for twelve horses, large wood barn, pig sties, cart hovel, and necessary outbuildings, extensive yard with pump of good water.
Also, a NEAT COTTAGE, adjoining the said premises, now let to a respectable tenant, the whole forming together a complete residence, and now in the occupation of Mrs. Wade, all which premises have been carried on as an Inn, and in the baking business, for more than a century. The whole will be found in excellent repair. The above premises are Copyhold of Inheritance, and are nearly equal in value to freehold. For a view apply on the premises, and for further particulars to Mr. George Sirett, Druggist, Buckingham; Messrs. Willis and Son, Solicitors, or the Auctioneers, Winslow.
1841: Census
Horn Street
Hannah | Wade | 52 | Innkeeper | b. in county |
John | Allen | 41 | Mason | do |
1851: Census
Bull, Horn Street
Hannah | Wade | Head | widow | 63 | Victualler | b. Priors Marston, Warws |
Alfred | Burton | Son-in-law | married | 30 | Tailor journeyman | b. Tisbury, Wilts |
Mary | Burton | Daughter | married | 30 | b. Winslow | |
Andrew | Burton | Lodger | unm | 27 | Tailor journeyman | b. Tisbury, Wilts |
John | Allen | Lodger | unm | 51 | Bricklayer | b. Winslow |
James | Williams | Lodger | married | 32 | Professor of music | b. Mile End |
Elizabeth | Williams | Lodger | married | 36 | b. Tunbridge Wells | |
Thomas | Mayo | Lodger | married | 37 | Timber carrier | b. Silverstone |
Joseph | Mayo | Lodger | unm | 16 | Timber carrier's son | b. Silverstone |
John | Mayo | Lodger | 13 | Timber carrier's son | b. Silverstone |
1853: Directory
Hannah Maria Wade, victualler, Bull, Horn Street
1853 manor court
Surrender on 6 July: George Cross of Winslow, draper & George Syrett of Buckingham chemist & druggist, devisees in trust of George Jones
Consideration: £645
Admission: William Henry Cross of Winslow draper
Two messuages in Great Horn Street
One known by the name of the Bull Inn heretofore in the occupation of Thomas Bignell, afterwards William Wade, late his widow Maria Wade, now Alfred Burton.
The other adjoining [6 Horn Street] was heretofore in the several occupations of William Cheney & George Eggleton, afterwards Thomas Moore, now John Hazzard
Mary Jones of Buckingham, widow of George Jones, on 6 July surrendered all her estate.
1859: A supper to celebrate the completion of Western House was provided at The Bull by the landlord Thomas Atwood
1861: Census
Bull, Horn Street
Saul | Saull | Head | married | 28 | Innkeeper | b. Gayton, Northants |
Elizabeth | Saull | Wife | married | 26 | b. Granborough | |
Saul | Saull | Son | 3m | b. Winslow | ||
Domneack | Reedy | Lodger | widower | 41 | Travelling draper | |
John | Reedy | Lodger | unm | 16 | Travelling Draper | b. Newcastle under Lyme |
John | McKenna | Lodger | married | 75 | Travelling draper | |
John | Bell | Lodger | married | 43 | Travelling draper |
1862, Sep
The Bull to let with brewhouse, details from George Cross, maltster
Saul Saull moved to The Swan (Kelly's Directory, 1864). He was described as "publichouse manager" in a list of bankrupts (Herts Advertiser, 28 Jan 1865), and as "publican, horse clipper, and singer, now public-house manager, &c., Winslow" in Perry's Bankrupt Gazette, 21 Jan 1865, but was still at The Swan in 1872. He later ran the Royal Oak.
1863: Winslow Petty Sessions, 21 Oct (from Buckingham Advertiser)
STEALING A FOWL.- William Sharp, and Mary Ann his wife [they lived next door at 6 Horn Street], were this day charged with having on the 17th inst., at Winslow, stolen a game cock belonging to George Bragg, of the Bull Inn. Wm. Sharp was discharged, there being no evidence against him. It appeared that some unpleasantness had existed between the parties for some months, and on the day in question prosecutor had lost his bird and it was found in the prisoners possession; his wife having endeavoured to conceal it, was committed for fourteen days without hard labour.
1863, 23 Nov: Bucks Herald
To Dealers, Bakers and Others
TO LET- That well-accustomed and Old-Established House, known as “The BULL INN,” WINSLOW, in good repair. Rent moderate.
Apply to Messrs. TERRY and SON, Walton Street, Aylesbury.
1863, 26 Dec: Bucks Herald
Mr George Cross deceased
All persons who have any claim or demand against the estate and effects of Mr George Cross late of Winslow Bucks, draper maltster and farmer deceased are requested forthwith to deliver particulars thereof, and of the security (if any) which they hold for the same, to Mr James Hughes of Woodlawn, Oxford, executor of the deceased, or at our offices in Winslow …
Two excellent public houses, "The Bull" and "The Crooked Billet" a large malting, neat cottage residence and garden, 2 cottages, a convenient stable and hovel, in the centre of the Market Town of Winslow
To be sold by auction by Dudley & Son on Thursday April 7th 1864 at the Crooked Billet Inn Winslow, at three o'clock in the afternoon, by direction of the Trustees under the will of the late Mr. George Cross
1864: special court, 26 Oct
George Cross held when he died [inter alia] two messuages in Great Horn Street one known as the Bull Inn heretofore in the occupation of William Wade afterwards of his widow Maria Wade since of Alfred Burton and late of Edward Terry his undertenants or assigns and now of William Jones. The other adjoining was heretofore in the occupation of George Eggleton afterwards of Thomas Moore late of John Hazzard and William Sharp now unoccupied. GC admitted 1854 on surrender of William Henry Cross. His widow Charlotte Cross and James Hughes admitted tenants as devisees of his will. They then sold for £500 to William Jones of Winslow innholder. Rent 8d, fine 10s.
1864: Directory
Willam Janaway, Bull, Horn Street
1865: manor court
Conditional surrender (mortgage) by William Jones & Sarah his wife to John Cross of the parish of Middle Claydon, dairyman, for £300 (including 6 Horn Street)
1871: Census
Bull Inn
William Jones, 46, licensed victualler
1872: Return of Public Houses
Bull: William Jones
Owner: William Jones Winslow
1881: Census
Bull, Horn Street
William | Jones | Head | married | 56 | Licensed Victualler | b. Marsh Gibbon |
Sarah | Jones | Wife | married | 50 | b. Marsh Gibbon | |
Mary A. | Rivett | Servant | unm | 14 | General servant | b. Winslow |
1886: Fenny Stratford Times, 6 May (and many other issues)
J. BENNETT, BONESETTER (Nephew of the late Mr. Matthews, who has been in practice over 10 year),
MAY BE CONSULTED at 25, Cowper Street, Kettering Road, Northampton, on Saturdays (and daily till Ten in the Morning, and every Evening, after Six), on all kinds of FRACTURES, DISLOCATIONS, SPRAINS, &c.
WINSLOW- 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, at the Bull Inn, from One till Three.
1888: Buckingham Express, 22 Sep
A correspondent writes:- The bakers of Winslow and neighbourhood met in solemn conclave at the Bull Inn on Wednesday, the 12th inst., and after much deliberation and potation, it was resolved to raise the price of bread. Accordingly, after due notice had been given to sundry other brothers in the trade, who did not happen to have been present, the bread was raised the following day, the price now being 6d. and 6½d.
1890, 1 Mar (and many other issues): Bucks Herald
J.M. Bennett, bone-setter, of Northampton
Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains & c.
Winslow - First and third Wednesdays, at the Bull Inn, from One till Three
1891: Directory
William Jones, Bull P.H., Horn Street
1891: Census
Horn Street
William | Jones | Head | married | 66 | Innkeeper | b. Marsh Gibbon |
Sarah | Jones | Wife | married | 60 | b. Marsh Gibbon | |
Arthur | Fullard | Boarder | unm | 30 | Groom | b. Little Gringley, Notts |
Emma Elizabeth | Church | Servant | unm | 28 | Domestic servant | b. Mursley |
Lucy | Brockless | Servant | unm | 16 | Domestic servant | b. Winslow |
1899: Deaths of William and Sarah Jones. See Will of Sarah Jones.
1899: Bucks Herald, 21 Oct
THE Old-established and well-frequented FREE and FULLY-LICENSED INN, distinguished as “THE BULL,” for many years in the possession of a good trade and excellent reputation, centrally situate for business, close to the Market Square, with very eligible Premises, Loose Boxes, and Stabling for 10 Horse and a Brick-built and Tiled COTTAGE adjoining, the whole very substantially built, with a long frontage to Horn Street,
At the BELL HOTEL, WINSLOW, at Four for Five o’Clock in the Afternoon, in ONE LOT, by direction of Mrs. Sarah Jones.
1899: Bucks Herald, 11 Nov
The Bull Inn and a brick and tiled cottage adjoining sold to Messrs W. Blencowe & Co., brewers, Brackley, for £1,070.
1899: Bucks Herald, 2 Dec
THE Whole of the Neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising DRAWING ROOM SUITE in Walnut and Stamped Plush, Walnut Chiffonier, seven-octave PIANOFORTE in Walnut case, Mahogany telescope Dining and other Tables, Pier Glasses in gilt Frames, Carpets, the CONTENTS of SIX BED ROOMS, including Iron, French, and Mahogany Arabian Bedsteads, Box Spring Mattresses, Bedding, Mahogany Marble-top Washstands, Dressing Tables, Chests of Drawers, Cane-seat and Easy Chairs, Kitchen Utensils, China, Glass, Earthenware, Linen: INN REQUISITES; One-and-a-half-quarter BREWING PLANT; PONY TRAP, with Cushions, Lamps, &c.; Brown COB; Out-door Effects, and numerous Miscellaneous Items;
By direction of the Executors of the late Mrs. Sarah Jones.
1899: Winslow Petty Sessions, 13 Dec
Licence transferred to Mr George Hancock.
1900: Buckingham Advertiser, 13 Jan
A FEW Persons think of starting a HOMING SOCIETY in WINSLOW. Friends will please meet at the BULL INN, Winslow, on SATURDAY, 13th January, at 8 p.m.
1900: Buckingham Advertiser, 12 May
CRICKET CLUB.- A meeting in connection with this newly-formed club was held at the Bull Inn on Monday, May 7th, with the object of resuscitating the game for the town. In the unavoidable absence of Mr. E. A. Illing, Mr. G. Hancock was voted to the chair. A committee was formed and upwards of thirty gave their names in for membership, which was considered most satisfactory. The meeting was adjourned till the 14th inst. The club find themselves in a position to commence operations immediately, and a good season is anticipated. Mr. H. Burdon is the honorary secretary.
1900: The Era, Sep
NANA, NANO and NANA Two ladies and one Gent, smartest aerial Trio in the World
Finish tonight five weeks comfortable engagements [...]
Sept. 6th: Oddfellows Fete, Winslow
For vacant dates: Bull Inn, Winslow.
1900: Buckingham Express, 8 Sep (Oddfellows' fete)
At 4.30 and again two hours later, the world renowned gymnasts, Nana, Nano and Nana, of Winslow, gave a unique performance upon the trapeze. The entertainment was decidedly clever, and some really marvellous aerial feats were accomplished in a masterly manner. We understand that these clever gymnasts have just had an offer to go to India for twelve months.
1900: Buckingham Advertiser, 29 Sep
CRICKET MATCH.- The first annual dinner on the anniversary of the Winslow Cricket Club, was held at their headquarters, the Bull Inn, on September 20, when about 40 sat down to a good spread, provided by Host Hancock, after which the tables being cleared, a very pleasant evening was passed. A very exhaustive programme was gone through, the company augumenting till it reached about 70. Mr. E. A. Illing was Chairman; Mr. Deacon Vice-Chairman; and they were supported by Messrs. E. Underwood, A. G. Stevens, Mr. Page (Addington), Langley, W. Ridgway, etc. Amongst the visitors we noticed Messrs. W. S. Neal, G. Midgley, etc. Letters of apology were read out by the genial and energetic Secretary, Mr. Burdon, from J. Stacey, Esq., Addington House; Dr. Kennish, Winslow, M. Longman, Esq., Brackley; regretting their inability to attend.- The usual toast-list was gone through and heartily received, but we regret that space forbids our publishing the sentiments expressed by the proposers and responders. Some capital songs were sung, and a bat was presented to Mr. J. Langley, a ball to Mr. Tallett, and another ball to Mr. F. Stonhill
1901: Leighton Buzzard Observer, 8 Jan
NEW YEAR’S SUPPER.- At the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Hancock a numerous party of friends sat down to a first-class supper at The Bull on New Year’s Eve- under the genial chairmanship of Mr. E. A. Illing and vice-chairmanship of Mr. Josiah White. A few pleasant hours were spent, conviviality being the order of the evening. After supper toast and song ruled. The usual loyal toasts having been duly honoured, the Army, Navy and Auxiliary Force, The Firm of Blencowes (coupled with the name of Mr. Longman), the Chairman and Vice-chairman were proposed and well responded to. Then a most hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Host and Hostess Hancock and family for their great kindness, wishing them long life and prosperity. A few words from a gallant white-haired old veteran who had been with “Bobs” in his triumphant and memorable march to Kandahar, and that good song “The old year out and the new year in” having been rendered, one of the most enjoyable evenings it was possible to have was brought to a conclusion with a verse of “God Save the Queen.” Amongst the company noticed were Messrs. Phillips, Ridgway, Grace, Stevens, Illing, Rolfe, White, Tompkins, Walker, etc.
1901: freehold sold to W. Blencowe & Co. of Brackley (see below)
1901: Census
Bull Inn
George | Hancock | Head | 59 | married | Innkeeper | b. Great Horwood |
Emma | Hancock | Wife | 49 | married | b. Great Horwood | |
Ada | Hancock | Daughter | 24 | single | Professional Gymnast, on own account | b. Birmingham |
Ann Eliza | Hancock | Daughter | 22 | single | do | b. Birmingham |
George | Hancock | Son | 19 | single | do | b. Birmingham |
Frank | Hancock | Son | 15 | Grocer's Assistant | b. Birmingham | |
Frederick | Hancock | Son | 13 | b. Birmingham |
1901: Buckingham Advertiser, 23 Nov
CRICKET CLUB DINNER.- The annual dinner of the Winslow Town Cricket Club was held at its headquarters, the Bull Inn, Winslow, on the 11th inst., when about 40 sat down to a good repast, which reflected great credit on the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Hancock. Owing to the inability of the President of the Club, Mr. T. Stacey (Addington), who had kindly consented to preside, the chair was most ably filled by Mr. E. A. Illing. After the tables had been cleared the remainder of the evening was given to toast and song, the company having augmented to 60. The Secretary (Mr. H. Burdon) reported that the club had had a most successful season. Ten matches had been played, seven had been won, two lost, one drawn, whilst the Second Eleven had played four, won two, drawn one, and lost one. He was sorry to say that owing to the deeply lamented death of their captain [John Langley], the matches with Buckingham (2), Addington (1) were scratched. During the evening a presentation was made of a bat and ball for the best bowling and batting averages respectively, the Chairman remarking that he was sorry he could not hand them over to the winners, as was the case last year. He did not wish to cast any gloom over the gathering that evening, but their secretary had informed him they had both been won by their deeply lamented and esteemed captain, but everyone felt they had lost a good and most devoted captain. In handing the bat and ball to the club, the committee, he thought, had acted most wisely. A presentation plate would be fixed, and it would be kept in as good a state of preservation as possible. The room was most tastefully decorated by Messrs. A. Hancock, F. Tompkins, G. Hancock, C. Sellars, and W. Talbot. A centre-piece bearing the words “Success to Winslow Town Cricket Club” being most noticeable, and if the meeting be any criterion as to its future, no fear need be entertained. Songs were rendered by Messrs. E. Sellars, Fred Tompkins, Frank Tompkins, S. Barton, J. Young, G. Hancock, sen., Master F. Hancock, H. Burdon, J. Grace, and other gentlemen; also a recitation by Mr. E. Watson. A verse of the National Anthem brought to a close a most pleasant and successful evening. [During 1901 Winslow had two cricket teams; the Men's Institute (organised by the church) also ran one.]
1906: Buckingham Advertiser, 20 Jan
FIRE BRIGADE.- The members of the brigade for the first time in several years held their annual feast at the Bull Inn on Thursday evening, January 11. With their friends numbering about 23, they sat down to a capital spread provided by Host and Hostess Hancock. Several members of the Lighting Committee were present, including Mr. J. Varney, Mr. W. H. Stevens, Mr. Josiah White, and Mr. William Walker. After partaking of the good things provided, Mr. J. Varney was elected to the chair and Mr. Josiah White to the vice-chair.- The toast of “The King” having been given, Mr. B. Moore introduced his splendid phonograph, and gave several of his latest records, each one receiving loud applause.
1911: Census
Bull Inn
George | Hancock | Head | 69 | married | Licence Victualer [sic] | b. Great Horwood |
Emma | Hancock | Wife | 60 | married 37 years, 7 children | Assisting in the business | b. Great Horwood |
George | Hancock junior | Son | 29 | single | Assisting in the business | b. Birmingham |
1915: Assessment (TNA, IR58/2347 no.112)
Situation Horn St
Description The ‘Bull’ Inn
Gross Value: Buildings £24 - 15
Rateable Value: Buildings £19 - 15
Occupier George Hancock
Owner W Blencowe & Co Ltd Brackley
Interest of owner Freehold
Occupier’s tenancy, Term Quarterly From Dec 14 1899
Actual Rent £25 which includes Cottage occupied by Harding
Any other Consideration paid Tenant contracts to buy Beer & Spirits from owners
Outgoings – Land Tax 15s 5d Paid by Owners
Who pays (a) Rates and Taxes (b) Insurance (a) T (b) L
Who is liable for repairs L
Former Sales Dates January 5th 1901
Consideration £1070 This sum includes Cottage occupied by Harding
Site Value deductions Claimed Yes
[stamp]Copy to FLECK 31 – 3 – 15
[stamp] 31 MAR 1915
Includes 113 & 348
Particulars, description and note made on inspection
Brick and Tile Public House “The Bull”
6 bedrooms & market room, small sitting room, market tap room, bar parlour, bar & kitchen
Brick and Slate cottage (vacant) 1 attic, 1 bed & 1 room down
26 poles 5 yards
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition L 29404 £800
Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land
100’ front 7120 sq ft £180
Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c. £620
Description of Buildings
Brick & Corrugated iron Stabling (5) Loft over
Open shed
Assessment of 6 Horn Street (TNA, IR58/2349 no.348)
Situation Horn Str
Description House
Gross Value: Land £5 - 5 Rateable Value: Buildings £4 - 5
Occupier Jas. Harding
Owner Wm Blencowe & Co. Ltd Brackley
Interest of Owner Freehold
Subordinate interests Sub let by Tenant of Bull Inn
Estimated Rent £10
Outgoings – Land Tax £11 – 11 – 3 (with other heredits)
Who pays (a) Rates and Taxes (b) Insurance (a) T (b) TL
Who is liable for repairs TL
1918-19: Centre for Bucks Studies, D/WIG/21/1/68
Valuation: Mrs George Hancock to Edward Bone
1920: Directory
Edward Bone, Bull P.H., Horn Street
1921: Census
6 Horn Street: 3 rooms | ||||||
George Henry | Nash | Head | 46 | married | Farm labourer for Joseph Colgrove (butcher & farmer) | b. Oving |
Mary Ann | Nash | Wife | 44 | married | Home duties | b. Hoggeston |
William George | Nash | Son | 22y 6m | single | Garden labourer for F.A. Denny, Horwood House | b. Hoggeston |
Henry John | Nash | Son | 19y 2m | single | Gardener for Rev. H.C. Fowler, Dunton Rectory | b. Hoggeston |
The Bull Inn: ?7 rooms | ||||||
Edward | Bone | Head | 55y 2m | married | Licensed victualer (own account) | b. Bushey |
Ruth | Bone | Wife | 50y 10m | married | Licensed victualer's assistant | b. Long Marston, herts |
1925, 13 Oct: D/WIG/2/13/60
Sale by Geo. Wigley & Sons on behalf of Messrs William Blencowe and Company Limited
of licensed premises including The Bull and cottage on Great Horn Street in Winslow
Freehold bought by Aylesbury Brewery Company for £1,741 (who also owned the nearby Crooked Billet by 1949).
The Bull Garage operated from the opening between The Bull and the west side of the Market Square.
1928: Buckingham Advertiser, 13 July
A disastrous fire broke out in a warehouse at Winslow on Friday, and in spite of the efforts of the Brigade and voluntary helpers spread to the “Bull Inn” before the outbreak could be controlled.
The warehouse, occupied by Mr. Walter Holt, stands in a blind alley in Horn Street at the back of the “Old Rose and Crown” premises adjoining the Market Square.
Mr Holt lived in the front of the premises and stored his motor van and goods, which included about 70 gallons of paraffin, in the warehouse. The fire burnt furiously and defied the efforts of the Fire Brigade, who promptly got their steamer to work in Mr. Illing’s field. Mr Illing occupies the adjoining warehouse and had that morning put into store some tons of sugar. This was quickly removed by a double chain of hands across the road to Mr. Illing’s shop.
In the meantime the fire had spread to the licensed premises of the “Bull Inn” at the back and the spectators were alarmed to see smoke coming from the “Bull” windows and flames leaping out of the roof. Fortunately the Fire Brigade’s manual engine was handy and with plenty of water available from the “Crooked Billet” pump, and scores of strong and willing hands to work the manual, a good stream of water was quickly playing on the roof, while firemen, policemen and ex-firemen did their utmost to stay the flames indoors.
Soon the danger was past, but not before a lot of damage had been done to the roofs of two rooms.
Captain A. J. Illing had in the meantime sent to Buckingham for assistance and the Buckingham Steamer and Brigade got to work with water from a pond at the rear of Winslow Hall. By about 9 o’clock the fire was practically put out, much to the relief of the occupiers of thatched houses close by.
Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Holt, whose stock-in-trade and motor van were destroyed. A neighbour’s motor bicycle and sidecar which were stored in the warehouse were also destroyed.
1939: Hillyer's Almanac
2 Horn Street: Bull Inn - W. Kell
The Bull closed in 1993 and is now a private house (4 Horn Street), with some old buildings at the rear.
See also:
- The Bucks Archaeological Society's survey of public houses in Winslow