Bucks Quarter Sessions, 1737-43 and 1770-74
Centre for Bucks Studies, Q/SM/2
The Quarter Sessions were held at Aylesbury by JPs from all over Bucks, including (at least once a year) Richard Lowndes of Winslow. The following cases concerned Winslow. Most of them are about claims of settlement, where someone had been sent back from Winslow to their home parish or vice versa, in case they became a charge on the poor rate.
According to a note in the Buckingham Advertiser of 29 Oct 1892 probably by A.J. Clear: "It appears that as late as 1734 the pillory was in use at Winslow, a man named John Short being put in it."
13 Jan 1736/7
Winslow & Emberton. Emberton appeale
Order Read. Two Ind(entu)res of Apprentisship read signed by Thomas Bates a Poorman resideing at Winslow.
Not 40 Days Service after Date of Inden(tu)res.
There appearing Fraude in the Takeing of the Apprentices.
Order confirmed
Winslow & Adington Concerning Settlemt. of Hugh Miller
Addington appeale - Order Read
Hugh Miller Sworne says he was hired to Thomas Gibbs the First Statute before Mich(aelm)as for a year & served him the year from the Mich(aelm)as to the day after Mich(aelm)as day following & had his wages at Addington
Daniel Miller Sworne
William Evans Sworne
Elizeus Seare \Sworne/ says he was present when Thomas Gibbs hired Hugh Miller in Winslow about a fortnight \9 or 10 Days after/ Mich(aelm)as on a market day & not a statute in the Three Tunns Ale house
William Stephens Sworne says Hugh Miller was gone away before Mich(aelm)as from Thomas Gibbs & this Witness was employed by Gibbs till Miller came into Service a full fortnight after Mich(aelm)as when he came as a hired Servant
Joseph Meakes sworne sayd he Lived with Gibbs before Miller Came & the year Miller Lived there when Miller [deletion] went away before Mich(aelm)as
Thomas Gibbs Sworne says Hugh Miller Lived about a month before Mich(aelm)as & Served him with(ou)t any Contract for Wages other than his Victualls & went away before Mich(aelm)as & after a Fortnight after Mich(aelm)as hired Hugh Miller only until Mich(aelm)as following & not for a year at anytime
Order Quasht
13 July 1738
Winslow & Great Horwood
Robert Hill sworne says he was hired for a year six year agoe & served a year & had his wages & then Hired again f [blank]
Richd Lovell swarne says he hired Robert Hill on a Thursday at Winslow a fortnight after Mich(aelm)as so twas a Month after Mich(aelm)as & then agreed to Give 15 till Mich(aelm)as & he Lived untill Mich(aelm)as & then hired for a year & he Lived untill after Ladyday
3 May 1739
Thomas Bates of Swanborne Lab(ourer) acknowledges £20 to prosecute William Gibbs & Thos Adams.
Thomas Adams of the same acknowledges £20
William Grasshum of the same Carpenter £10
Thomas Gibbs of Winslow Baker £10
for the appearance of Thomas Adams to answer Thomas Bates
William Gibbs of Swanbourne £20
The same William Grasshum
& Thomas Gibbs each £10
for the appearance of William Gibbs to answer Thomas Bates
14 Aug 1740
Winslow & Mursley
Elizabeth Scott sworne says she was borne[?] Winslow, her Husband dead who says he told her he Lived there Two years to Jno Cooke
Henry Burrell sworne says he heard Cook own he hired Scott for a year at Mursley & that he served accordingly
Order Confirmed
9 Oct 1740
Robert Stevens of Winslow £20
John Allen of the same £10
Joseph Thorp of Hogston £10
for appearance of Robert Stevens to answer Mary Bailey
7 Oct 1742
Wm Glenister of Swanbourne Baker £20
Tho Spratley of Winslow Cordwainer
John Hurste of Little Horwood Butcher each £10
for appearance of Wm Glenister for an assault on Richd Viccars
William Smith and William Glenister Each pleaded Guilty for an Assault upon Richard Viccars Each Fined one Shilling & paid to the Sheriffe
East Claydon & Bottle Claydon and Winslow
Order Read
Thomas Hughs sworne says he was hired for a year at Bottle Claydon and Entred his hire[?] & served a year & gained a Settlement.
afterwards Took & rented Closes of one Gibbs at £4 10s and a House also at six pounds £6 at Winslow
Order Quasht
This case is also mentioned in Verney Letters of the Eighteenth Century, 2.207 (Lord Fermanagh to Earl Verney, Claydon, 15 Sep 1743):
The Parish Officer has been to take an opinion upon Hughes's settlement. Mr. Millward [Claydon estate steward] went with the Parish Officer to Chilton to Mr. Justice Carter, who behaved with great civility to em. The Justice told em that he could not act at the Sessions if he gave his Opinion in writing, as it was contrary to his Oath, but if they would sit down and show him their Case he would give his opinion in a friendly manner, which he said was entirely in favour of East Claydon. They told him by word of mouth the whole case, he said Hughes belonged to Winslow. He would not take a Fee.
Centre for Bucks Studies, Q/SO/19
This is the order book rather than the record of cases heard.
pp.182 & 184: Michaelmas 1770
James Gadsden late of the Parish of Winslow in this County Labourer John French late of the same Place Labourer, Francis Cox late of the same Place Labourer John Fisher late of the same Place Labourer George Verney late of the same Place Labourer and John Mayne late of the same Place Labourer being severally Indicted in this Court this present Session for a Riot and an Assault on Robert Phillips appeared now in Court and thereto severally pleaded Not Guilty and Traversed the same and Entered with their surety into a Recognizance Conditioned to prosecute their Traverse at the next Session.
Recognizances Entered in the Court at this Session
Jas Gadsden of Winslow £20, John French of the same £20, Francis Cox of the same £10, John Fisher of the same £10, George Verney of the same £10, John Mayne of the same £10, William Verney of the same £10.
For the Appear(an)ce of s(ai)d James Gadsden John French, Francis Cox John Fisher Geo: Verney and John Mayne at the next sess(ion): to prosecute their Traverse w(i)th Effect
["Late" and "labourer" were standard terms and shouldn't be taken literally. "Prosecute their traverse" = defend their plea of not guilty.]
pp.370 & 389: Midsummer 1772
Winslow Thomas Footman For an Assault on Elizabeth his Wife
Thomas Footman of Winslow £20 [and] William Gibbs of the same £10 For the Appear(an)ce of Thomas Footman to answer the Compl(ai)nt of Elizabeth his Wife
Elizabeth Footman £10 for her Appear(an)ce to prosecute Thomas Footman her husband
[Thomas Footman was landlord of the Three Pigeons when it was at 22 High Street. He married Elizabeth Budd in 1767.]
p.390: Midsummer 1772
Recognizances respitted at this session
William Baker of Winslow £40, [and] John Cox of the same £40 For the Appear(an)ce of William Baker to answer the parish of Great Brickill for bastardy
p.409: Michaelmas Session 1772
Winslow and East Claydon
It is Ordered by this Court this Present session that the appeal of the Officers and Inhabitants which the Churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the Parish of Winslow in the County of Bucks upon their Complaint had Obtained under the Hands and Seale of the Reverend John Lord Clerk and Richard Lowndes Esquire two of his Majestys Justices of the peace of and for the said County of Bucks (whereof one is of the Quorum) bearing date the Third day of October last whereby John Bradshaw and Frances his wife were removed and conveyed from the said Parish of Winslow to the Parish of East Claydon in the said County of Bucks the same then appearing to the said two Justices upon one Examination and Enquiry made into the Premisses and upon the Oath of the said John Bradshaw to be their last legal Place of settlement be Lodged and respitted until the next General Quarter Session of the peace and the same is hereby ordered accordingly.
p.442: Epiphany Session 1773
Winslow and East Claydon
Whereas the churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the parish of Winslow in the County of Bucks upon one complaint made by them unto the Reverend John Lord Clerk and and Richard Lowndes Esquire two of his Majesty’s Justices of the peace . . . [the contents of the Court order set out in the previous paragraph relating to John and Frances Bradshaw are repeated] . . . It is thereupon Ordered by this Court this Present session that the said Order or Warrant of Removal so made by the said two Justices aforesaid whereby the said John Bradshaw and Frances his wife were removed and conveyed from the said parish of Winslow to the parish of East Claydon aforesaid be by the consent of the churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the said Parish of Winslow Quashed Vacated and discharged and the same is hereby Quashed Vacated and discharged accordingly.
pp.533-4: Epiphany Session 1774
Winslow and East Claydon
Whereas the churchwardens and overseers of the poore of the parish of East Claydon in the County of Bucks have now made their appeal to this court from an Order or warrant of Removal which the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of Winslow in the County of Bucks upon their complaint had obtained under the Hands and Seale of the Reverend John Lord Clerk and Richard Lowndes Esq. two of his Majestys Justices of the peace of and for the said County of Bucks bearing date the Fifth day of October last past whereby John Kingstone and Hester his wife were removed and conveyed from the said parish of Winslow to the parish of East Claydon aforesaid the same then appearing to the said Justices upon one Examination and Enquiry made into the Premisses and upon Oath to be their last legal Place of settlement of which said appeal the Officers and Inhabitants of the said Parish of Winslow having had due Notice have now appeared to support and make good the said Order or warrant of removal in this court Now upon reading the said order or warrant of Removal in this court and upon Examination of the said John Kingstone upon his Oath in open court and upon hearing what could be said and alledged on the other side for and against the said Order or warrant of Removal and upon a Full debate of the whole Matter It is thereupon Ordered by this Court this Present Session that the said Order or Warrant of Removal so made by the said two Justices aforesaid whereby the said John Kingstone and Hester his wife were removed and conveyed from the said Parish of Winslow to the parish of East Claydon aforesaid be the Quashed Vacated and discharged and the same is hereby Quashed Vacated and discharged accordingly.