Will of Agnes Udden, spinster, 1607/8

Herts RO 7AR253

In the name The fifteenth day of February Anno d(om)in(i) 1607 [I] Annice Udden of Winslow in the County of Bucks Spinster being sicke in [body?] but in good and perfect memory, god be thanked for it, do make this my l[ast] will and testament in m(a)n(ne)r and forme following.  First I bequeath my Sou[le] unto Allmighty god, who hath Created me and Redeemed me by his Son Jesus Christ, by whose merritts onely I hope to be saved.  And my body to [be] decently buried in the Churchyard of Winslow;  Concerning my world[ly] goods also I do give and bequeath unto my brother John Hawle the som[me] of three pounds in money to be paid him within one whole yeare after m[y] decease.  Item I give unto the Children of Will(ia)m Edmonds of Winslow [the] som(me) of thirty shillings to be equally devided amongst them.  Also I give unto John Abbott five shillings.  And to my two fellow maid servants five shillings betwixt them.  Item I give unto the Children of my uncle Udden of Little Horwood twenty shillings,  To the Children of John Glenister of Shipton twenty shillings,  To the Children of Seth Mason of Winslow twe[nty] shillings,  To the Children of Thomas Graunt of Winslow twenty shillings  And to the Children of Will(ia)m Tomlin of Winslow I give twenty shillings  Also I give to the poore of Winslow parish xx [d?].   All these Som(m)es to be paid within one whole yeare after my decease.  The rest of my goods unbequeathed I give unto my Uncle Will(ia)m Tomlin of Winslow whome I appointe and make my Executor of this my last will and testament.  And Will(ia)m Edmonds [and] John Glenister, Overseers of the same.  In wittnesse whereof I have [here] unto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written.  Annice Udden her m(ar)ke.  These being wittnesses Rob(er)t Mainwaring & John Mason.

[Probate at St Albans 11 April 1608 to William Tomlin executor]

Inventory of Agnes Udden, 1607/08

The true and p(er)fitt Inventory of all and singuler the goods debts and Cattells of Agnes Udden late of Winslo in the Countie of Bucks Spinster deceased made and praysed the xth of March Anno d(o)m(ini) 1607 by Paule Lancaster Richard Stutsburie and Edmund James.

In primis oweinge her by Thomas Verna(n) of Shenley
v li
Item oweinge her by Peter Hall of Mursley
iij li
Item oweinge by John Glenister of Shipton
v li
Item a Chest
xx d
Item her wearing apparell
l s
Sum(m)a Totalis

xv li xj s viij d

[Latin] Mark of William Tomlin executor

[Presented by William Tomlin executor on 11 April 1608]


Presumably Agnes was a live-in servant, hence her lack of personal possessions. She was buried (as Ann Udden) on 19 Feb 1607/8. William Udden, perhaps her uncle, married Dorothy Cowper at Winslow on 12 Nov 1583. Agnes was evidently not a native of Winslow.

Copyright 1 November, 2012