Court Baron, 3 October 1651
Centre for Bucks Studies D175/5
Originals in English. Only entries concerning Winslow have been transcribed here, apart from the lists of jurors which also include Little Horwood and Granborough.
[f.1] The Court Baron of the right hon(oura)ble Major Gen(eral) Skippon there held the Third Day of October in the yeare of o(ur) Lord One Thousand Six hundred Fifty and one.
The homage
Daniell Seyre John Hogston Richard Shelton
Henry Norman Robert Stevens Benjamine Glenester
To this Court came Sarah Snowe and in full Court Did Surrender into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor by the hands of the Steward of the Mannor aforesaid All that Close com(m)only called the Shade Close adjoyning to the Backside of the Tenement in Shipton wherein John Henley Dwelleth Conteyning by estimacon Three Acres To the use and behoofe of Henry Townsend and his heires Upon Condicon That if the said Sarah Snowe her heires executors or Assignes doe pay or Cause to bee paid to the said Henry Townsend his executors or Assignes the sum(m)e of Twenty one pounds and fourteen Shillings of Lawfull English money att or in the nowe dwelling house of the said Henry in Shippton foresaid upon the fifth day of October in the yeare of o(ur) Lord one Thousand Six hundred Fifty and two Then this Surrender to bee voyd and of none effect And now at this Court Came the aforesaid Henry Townsend and requested to be Admitted to the p(re)misses to whome the Lord by his Steward Granted Seisin thereof To hold to the said Henry Townsend and the heires upon Condicon foresaid and by the Rodd att the Will of the Lord according to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent Harriott and other Services therefore due and of right accustomed and
giveth to the Lord for a fine vj s and is admitted Tennant and hath done his Fealty.
[l. margin] fine vj s
To this Court Came John Kirby And in full Court Did Surrender into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor by the hands of his Steward one Messuage with the Barnes outhouses and Backside thereto belonging Scituate in Winslowe and nowe or late in the occupacon of the said John Kirby and abutteth upon the highway South and the Churchyard North To the use and behoofe of Edward Tomlyn and his heires forever And now att the Court came the aforesaid Edward Tomlyn and requested to bee admitted to the premisses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted Seizin thereof To hold to the said Edward Tomlyn and his heires by the Rodd att the Will of the Lord according to the Custome of the Mannor by rent Harriott and other Services therefore due and of right accustomed And giveth to the Lord for a Fine vj s Harr(iott) nothing because the said John remaines Still the Lords Tenant for other Lands hath made his fealty and is admitted Tenant
[l. margin] fine vj s
View of Frankpledge and Court Baron, 22 October 1651
[f.2] Winslow with the members
The view of Frankpledge with the Co(ur)t Baron of the right hon(ourable) Maior Generall Phillipp Skippon there held the two and twentieth Day of October one thousand sixe hundred Fiftye and one.
Inquest for the Common wealth
William Lowndes gent John Paxon gent Richard Hodgskin John Hogston John Miller Thomas Miller Benedict Holland Robert Stevens Thomas Monntague Sworne
Benedict Holland of the Pound George Rutland George Williatt John Adames John Barton William Illinge Thomas Oakeley Emanuell Ward Sworne
To this Court came Margarett Shelton widdowe John Shelton and Bridgettt his wife the said Bridgett beinge a lone and secretly examined by the Steward of the Mannor aforesaid and in full Court they did surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of his Steward One Messuage with the appurtennces in Winslowe and three leyes att the back side of the said Messuage nowe in the occupation of the said Margarett and eight acres of land in the Feildes of Winslowe foure Ridges whereof shotynge into Gills hooke the land of Thomas Pitkin north In Stoneyfeild three landes w(hi)ch doe had Short Costwell Thomas Snowe East Two landes on Hornebreech furlong the land of William Norman west In Demerame feild sixe lands upon Tuckey furlong Berry land west two Ridges on Gosthill the land of John Hogston east One land on Orrell hill Morrice Griffith South one land on the same furlong John Paxon south two landes in Little hill furlong Thomas Miller south and Breech furlong north with theire appurtennces To the use and behooffe of Silvester Cleaver and his heires for ever And nowe att this Court came the aforesaid Silvester Cleaver and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Silvester Cleaver and his heires by the Rodd att the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other
services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine xviij s
harr(iott) nothinge because the said John still remains the Lordes Tenant for other landes customary and the said Silvester is admitted Tenant and hath made his fealtye
[l. margin]
fine xviijs
harr nothing
rent iijs vjd
To the Court came Joseph Hartwell and Alice his wife the said Alice beinge alone and secretly examined by the Steward of the Mannor aforesaid and there did in full Court surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the hands of his Steward Five acres of land with the appurten(a)nces in Winslowe To the use and behooffe of Richard Udden and his heires forever And nowe att this Court came the aforesaid Richard Udden and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted him seisin thereof To hold to the said Richard Udden and his heirs by the Rodd att the will of the Lord according to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent by the year xv d harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine x s harriott vij s by composition and is admitted Tenant and hath made his fealtye
[l. margin]
fine x s
harr vij s
rent xv d
To this Court came Joseph Hartwell and Alice his wife the said Alice beinge alone and secretly exa(mine)d by the Steward of the Mannor aforesaid and in full Court they did Surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of his Steward One acre of land with the appurtennces in WInslowe To the use and behooffe of William Udden and his heires for ever And nowe att this Court came the aforesaid William Udden and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted Seisin thereof To hold to the said William Udden and his heires by the Rodd att the will of the Lord according to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine ij s harriott nothinge &c and is admitted Tennant and hath made his fealtye
fine ij s
To this Court came Felix Bence and Elizabeth his wife the said Elizabeth beinge alone secretly exa(min)ed by the Steward of the Mannor aforesaid and in full Co(ur)t did surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of his Steward One Cottage or Tenem(ent) scituate in Winslowe To the use and behooffe of Richard Deeringe and Jane his wife and theire heires for ever And nowe att that Court came the said Richard and Jane and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Richard Deeringe and Jane his wife and theire heires by the Rodd att the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and gave to the Lord for a Fine v s harriott 1 s by composition and have made theire fealtye and are admitted Tenants.
fine v s
harr xij d
[Entry for Granborough]
[f.3] To this court came William Norman the younger and in full Court did surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Manor by the handes of his Steward two acres of arable land and leyes lying in the Feildes of Winslow one acre thereof arable lyinge upon Ankerland netherfurlong the land of William Lowndes south and other[?] leyes conteyning an acre lyinge upon Littlehill the land of Nicholas Sponer east To the use and behooffe of Silvester Cleaver and his heires forever And nowe att this Court came the aforesaid Silvester Cleaver and requested to bee admitted to the premisses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Silvester Cleaver and his hires by the Rodd att the will of the Lord accordinge to the Customs of the Mannor by Rent by the year vj d harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine iiij s harr' nothing &c and is admitted Tenant and hath done his fealtye.
fine iv s
rent vj d
To this Court came Richard Browne and Margery his wife the said Margery beinge alone and secretly ex(am)ined by the Steward of the Mannor aforesaid and in full Court they did surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of his Steward Parte of a Cottage in Winslowe adioyninge to the Cottage wherein the said Richard Browne dwelleth and beinge fourteene foot in Length and fourteen foote in bredth and layeth to the high streete west To the use and behooffe of Edward Norris and Anne his wife and theire heires And nowe att this Court came the aforesaid Edward Norris and Anne and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Edward Norris and Anne and theire heires by the Rodd att the will of the Lord according to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent by the yeare 1d harriott \suite of Court/ and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and give to the Lord for a Fine vs harriott nothinge etc and are admitted Tenants and have made theire fealtye.
Fine v s
Rent j d
To this Court came Robert Stevens and in full Court did surrender into the handes of the Lord by the handes of his Steward One acre and a halfe of leyes or meadowe ground lyinge in Clarkes furlong in Demeram Feild in Winslowe the land of Nicholas Sponer on both sides the acre and William Hogston on the south side of the halfe acre To the use and behooffe of Elizabeth Stevens and her heires for ever Upon Condic(i)on that if the said Robert Stevens his heires executors or assignes doe well and truly pay or cause to bee paid unto the said Elizabeth Stevens her executors or assignes att or in the dwelling house of Peter Figge gent in Winslowe the sume of twelve shillings of lawfull English money on the 24th day of Aprill 1652 and twelve shillinges of like money on the 24th day of October 1652 and twelve shillinges of like money on the 24th day of Aprill 1653 and twelve shillings of like money on the 24th day of October 1653 and twelve shillings of like money on the 24th day of Aprill 1654 and the sume of Twenty poundes and twelve shillinges of like money on the foure and twentieth day of October which shalbee in the yeare of o(ur) Lord one thousand sixe hundred Fiftye and foure that then this surrender to bee voide and of nowe effect And nowe att that Court came the aforesaid Elizabeth Stevens and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Elizabeth Stevens and her heires upon Condicon aforesaid by the Rodd att the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine iij s harriott nothinge and is admitted Tenant.
Fine iij s
To this Court came Peter Figge the younger gent and Martha his wife the said Martha beinge alone and secretly examined by the Steward of the Mannor aforesaid and in full Court they did surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of his Steward One Close conteyninge Five acres of pasture adioyninge to the house of the said Peter Figge Thomas Miller south and the orchard of the said Peter Figge north To the use and behooffe of Rebecca Gerrard widdowe and her heires forever upon Condition that if the said Peter Figge his heires executors or assignes doe well and truly pay or cause to bee paid unto the said Rebecca Gerrard her executors or assignes the sum(m)e of One hundred poundes of lawfull money of England att or in the Church Porch of Winslowe on the Nine and twentieth day of September in the yeare of our Lord one thousand sixe hundred fiftye and two that \then/ this Surrender to bee voyde and of none effect And nowe att his Court came the said Rebecca Gerrard and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted her seisin To hold to her the said Rebecca Gerrard and her heires upon Condic(i)on aforesaid by the Rodd att the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent Harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine x s harr' nothinge &c and is admitted Tennant.
Fine x s
[Henry Pitkin, Little Horwood]
Att this Court it is found by the Homage That heretofore Peter Figge the younger gent did surrender one parcell of leyes in Winslowe called Grove leyes conteyned by estimation sixe acres and a Close of pasture there called Pondes Close conteyninge by estimation two acres to the use of Anne Stevens widdowe for life the Remainder to Thomas Stevens gent and Elizabeth Stevens and theire heires for ever upon Condicon of Redemption[?] on the paym(ent) of a sume of money on a day yett to come and that the said Anne Stevens since the last Court dyed And nowe att the Court came the said Thomas Stevens and Elizabeth and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted seisin there of To hold to the said Thomas and Elizabeth and theire heires upon Condic(i)on aforesaid by the Rodd att the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custom of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and give to the Lord for a Fine xvj s harriott nothinge & it is a Mortgage and are admitted Tennants
Fine xvj s
Att the Court it is found by the Homage that heretofore Raph Udden did surrender a p(ar)cell of a Cottage in Winslowe to the use of Jane Bates for terme of her life And nowe att this Court came the aforesaid Jane and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Jane For terme of her life by the Rodd att the will of the Lord according to the Custome of the Mannor by the yearely Rent of 1d harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine 2s 6d and the Lord of his grace tooke noe more because [?she hath no]thinge and the said Jane is admitted Tennant
Fine ij s vj d
Rent j d
[f.4] [William Willis, L. Horwood]
To this Court came William Ellis and in full Court did surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of his Steward One bay and a halfe of a Cottage in Winslowe late in the occupation of Robert Illinge as it is nowe devided with free liberty of ingresse and regresse to and from the well of the said Robert to drawe fetch and carry water and also for Carts and cariages through the yard of the said Robert To the use and behooffe of the said William Ellis and Margarett his wife for terme of their naturall lives and from and after theire decease to the use and behooffe of Jane Ellis daughter of the said William and Margarett and her heires for ever And now att this Court came the aforesaid William Ellis Margarett his wife and Jane and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said William Margarett and Jane in forme aforesaid by the Rodd att the will of the Lord according to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and they gave to the Lord for a Fine vs harriott nothinge and are admitted Tennants and the said William hath done his fealtye
Fine v s
[Nicholas Standwicke, L. Horwood]
Court Baron, 14 November 1651
Winslow w(i)th the Memberes
The Court Baron of the right Hono(ura)ble Maio(r) Generall Phillipp Skippon there held the foureteenth day of November in the yeare of o(ur) Lord one thousand sixe hundred Fiftye and one
The Homage
John Paxton Henry Pym thelder Thomas Glenester Henry Norman Henry Pym the younger Robert Udden sworne
John Shelton Christofer Biggs Henry Wyatt Richard Shelton Robert Lowndes Thomas Kirbye sworne
To this Court came William Lowndes and in full Court did surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of his Steward a Messuage called the Angell in Winslowe and a Close there to belonginge called Albons close and Ninety three acres thereto belonging except sixe acres which are nowe in the occupation of Thomas Pitkin To the use as concerning the said Messuage and Albons Close to the said William Lowndes for terme of his naturall life and from and after his decease To the use of Robert Lowndes sonne of the said William and the heires of the body of the said Robert on the body of Elizabeth his wife lawfully begotten and for want of such issue to the use of Wendover Lowndes and his heires for ever And as concerninge the landes called Albons pitts or Albons peece and foure acres att Longmeade Lees and two acres att Nantditche and a peece called Bradford peece and five landes over Cleydon way and three Ridges over Granborow path and three Ridges att Maracre and an acre att Granborow brooke To the use and behooffe of the said Robert Lowndes and his heires for ever And as concerning the residue of the said landes To the use and behooffe of the said Robert Lowndes and the heires of the body of the said Robert on the body of Elizabeth his wife Lawfully begotten and for want of such issue To the use of Wendover Lowndes and his heires for ever And now att this Court came the aforesaid William and Robert and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted seisin therof To hold to the said William and Robert in forme aforesaid by the Rodd att the will of the Lord according to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent Harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine viij li xiiij s harriott nothinge and are admitted Tennants and have done their fealtye
Fine viij li xiiij s
[f.5] Court Baron, 20 November 1651
Winslow w(i)th the Memberes
The Court Baron of the right Hono(ura)ble Maio(r) Generall Phillipp Skippon there held the twentieth day of November in the yeare of o(ur) Lord one thousand sixe hundred Fiftye and one
The Homage
Benedict Holland of the ++++ Benedict Holland of the Pound Roger Worrall
Joseph Holliday Richard Hodgkins Henry Wyatt sworne
Thomas Glenester John Thorpe Benedict Holland Christopher Bigges Robert Bowdden William Norman sworne
To this Court came Thomas Miller otherwise Grant and Dorothy his wife the said Dorothy beinge alone and secretly examined by the Steward of the Mannor aforesaid and in full Court they did surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of his Steward two and twenty acres of lands arrable pasture and meadowe and with their appurten(a)nces lyinge and beinge in the Feildes of Shipton That is to say In the Redd Feild two landes on Oxe acre furlong the land of Wiliam Townsend lyinge east Five Butts on the same furlong the land of Richard Phippes west two landes on Pease furlong the land of John Miller east Two landes on Slowe furlong the land of John Miller east two landes on Redmore furlong the land of William Townsend south one land on Snoute furlong the land of Richard Phippes north one land on Blackpitt furlong the land of William Townsend north and south Two landes on the same furlong the land of William Townsend north one land on Copidmore furlong the land of William Townsend East two leyes on the same furlong the land of William Townsend east one ley on Foxden furlong the land of Thomas Elliott east In Blacke grove Feild two landes lyinge on Meadside furlong the land of William Townsend lyinge south one land on the same furlong the land of William Glenister south one land on the same furlong the land of William Townsend south one land more on the same furlong the land of William Townsend south two landes lyinge in Sterte furlong the land of William Townsend south two leyes on the same furlong the land of William Townsend south two landes on Littleton furlong the land of William Townsend east Two landes on the same furlong the land of William Townsend east one land on Nether beane hill the land of William Townsend east one land on Bewells deane furlong the land of William Townsend east one land on the same furlong the land of William Townsend east In Licehill feild one land on Woodway furlong William Townsend east one land on the same furlong the land of John Miller west Two butts on the same furlong the land of William Townsend east Two landes on Rushmeade furlong the land of William Townsend east Two landes on Drymeade furlong the land of William Townsend east one land on the same furlong the land of William Townsend east one land on Out furlong the land of William Townsend south one land on Almeade furlong William Townsend east one land on the same furlong the land of William Townsend east one land on West slade furlong the land of William Townsend east And three Cowes Common in the Cowe pasture of Shipton w(i)th all thappurtenances apperteyninge or belonginge to the aforesaid landes and the beast Common in the Feildes of Shipton To the use and behooffe of William Townsend and his heires for ever And nowe att this Court came the aforesaid William Townsend and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said William Townsend and his heires by the Rodd att the Will of the Lord according to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent by the yeare iij s viij d harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine xliiij s harriott nothinge &c and is admitted Tennant and hath done his fealtye
Fine xliiij s
Att this Court it is found by the Homage That Robert Steevens Customary Tennant of this Mannor out of Court surrendered into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of Daniell Seyre and Richard Hodgskin two Customary Tennants of this Mannor one Messuage or Tenem(ent) with all the outhouses backsides orchards gardens and Nine Ridges of lands lyinge on the backsides conteyninge three acres bee they more or lesse and also one acre and a yerd lyinge of [sic] Clarkes furlong otherwise called Demeram with all and every happurten(a)nces in Winslowe To the use and behooffe of Hannah Stevens his wife duringe her naturall life and after her decease unto Robert Stevens his sonne and his heires for ever And now att this Court came the aforesaid Hannah Stevens and Robert Steevens and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Hannah and Robert in forme aforesaid by the Rodd att the Will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other service therefore due and of right accustomed and give to the Lord for a Fine viij s vj d and are admitted Tennants
Fine viij s vj d
Att his Court itt is found by the homage that Robert Steevens Customary Tennant of this Mannor out of Court surrendered into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of Daniell Seyre and Richard Hodgskin two Customary Tennants of this Mannor All the arrable landes leyes hades balkes & meadowe lyinge and beinge w(i)thin the P(re)cincts of Winslow and Shipton except certaine lands surrendered unto Hannah his wife duringe her naturall life To the use and behooffe of Hannah Stevens his wife and her heires forever And now att this Court came the aforesaid Hannah Stevens and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Hannah and her heires by the Rodd att the Will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine xxj s vj d and is admitted Tennant and hath done her fealtye
Fine xxj s vj d
Examined by mee Oliver Lawrence
Steward there
Court Baron, 17 December 1651
The Court Baron of the Right hono(ra)ble Maior Generall Phillipp Skippon there holden the Seaventeenth day of december In the yeare of o(ur) Lord god one Thowsand six hundred Fiftie & one
The Homage
Henry Curtis Thomas Illinge John Barton Thomas Oakely sworne
Robert Gascoine Henry Pitkin John Fuller sworne
[William Mulberry, L. Horwood; Henry Smith, L. Horwood]
Court Baron, 19 February 1651/2
Winslow with the members
The Court Baron of the Right hono(ra)ble Maior Generall Phillipp Skippon there holden the nynteenth day of February In the yeare of o(ur) Lord god one thowsand six hundred Fiftie & one.
The Homage
Henry Pym the younger Thomas Glenester Thomas Robinson Thomas Grassum sworne
John Miller Robert Lowndes Robert Hale sworne
To this Court came William Hogston and Margery his wife the said Margary beinge alone and secretly examined by the Steward of the Mannor aforesaid and they did in full Cort surrender into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor by the hands of his steward one Messuage or Tenem(en)t scituate in Winslowe wherein the said William now dwelleth w(i)th thappurten(an)ces and three acres of Meadoweground lyinge in Demerun Feild in Winslowe two whereof lyeth in Clarks furlong the Land of Mr Edmonds lyinge east of the one and the lands of William Lowndes lyinge west of the other and the other acre lyeth in Tent hedge furlonge the land of Richard Hodgkins North To the use and behoofe of Robert Adams and John Godwyn and their heires for ever upon Condicon that if the said William Hogston his heires ex(ecu)tors or assignes doe well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Robert Adams and John Godwyn there Executors administrators or assignes the sume of thirtie shillings of lawfull English mony on the 20th day of August next ensueinge and thirtie shillings of like mony one the 20th day of February 1652 and thirtie shillings of like mony one the 20th day of August 1653 and thirtie shillings of like mony one the 20th day of February 1653 and thirtie shillings of like mony one the 20th day of August 1654 and [f.7] thirtie shillings of like mony one the 20th day of February 1654 and thirtie shillings of like mony on the 20th day of August 1655 and thirtie shillings of like mony one the 20th day of February 1655 and thirtie shillings of like mony one the 20th day of August 1656 and thirtie shillings of like mony one the 20th day of February 1656 and thirtie shillings of like mony one the 20th day of August 1657 and the sume of Fiftie one pounds and tenn shillings of like mony one the Twentieth day of February which shalbe in the yeare of o(ur) Lord God one thousand six hundred Fiftie and seaven That then this Surrender to be void and of none effect And now at this Court came the aforesaid Robert Adams and John Godwyn and requested to be admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Robert Adams & John Godwyn and their heires upon Condicon aforesaid by the Rodd att the will of the Lord according to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine vj s harriott nothinge & is admitted Tennant
Fine vj s
Court Baron, 27 March 1652
Winslow with the members
The Court Baron of the Right hono(ra)ble Maior Generall Skippon there held the Seaven and twentieth day of March In the yeare of o(ur) Lord one thowsand six hundred Fiftie & two
The Homage
William Lowndes John Paxton Benjamin Leech Richard Sheldon Thomas Deely Richard Wilson sworne
Benedict Holland Benedict Holland Roger Worrall Michael Norman John Shelton John Henly sworne
To this Court came Sarah Snowe and in full Court did surrender into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor by his steward one Messuage or Tenem(en)t with the Barnes out houses yards and Backsides to the same belonginge or app(er)tayninge w(hi)ch Messuage is nowe in the occupacon of John Henly thelder and scituate in Shipton in the parish of Winslowe Together with all those Fowre and twentie acres of arrable pasture and meadow ground be they more or lesse now in the occupacon of the said John Henly and which were heretofore all the lands which Richard Snowe Father of the said Sarah had not surrendred unto Katherine the wife of Ralph Phipps in Shipton aforesaid To the use and behoofe of John Henly the younger and his heires And now at this Court came the aforesaid John Henly the younger and requested to be admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his steward granted seisin thereof To hould to the said John Henly the younger and his heires by the Rodd at the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor and giveth for a Fine xlviij s harriott x s by composicon and is admitted Tennant and hath made his fealtie
Fine xlviijs har(riot) xs
In 1668 John Henly mortgaged a messuage in Shipton lately acquired from Sarah Snow and 7 acres of land to John Johnson of Oxford, barber, and made payments to him until at least 1690 (Centre for Bucks Studies, BAS 376/22 no.16)
To this Court came Henry Townsend and the said Sarah Snowe and in full Court did surrender and release into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor by the hands of his steward all their right title interest clayme and demand of in and to one Close called Shade Close to the use of John Henly the younger & his heires forever
To this Court came John Henly the younger and in full Court did surrender into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor by the hands of his Steward one Messuage or Tenement w(i)th the appurtenances in Shipton and one Close contayninge three acres be it more or lesse lyinge one the Backside of the said Messuage and thereunto adioyninge and nowe in the occupacon of the said John Henly thelder To the use and behoofe of Sarah Snowe and her heires forever Upon Condicon that if the said John Henly the younger his heires executors or assignes doe pay or cause to be paid unto the said Sarah Snowe her executors or assignes at or in the Church Porch of Winslowe the sume of three pounds of lawfull English mony one the 29th day of September next cominge and three pounds of like mony one the 27th day of March 1653 and three pounds of like mony one the 29th day of September 1653 and thre pounds of like mony on the 27th day of March 1654 & three pounds of like mony on the 29th day of September 1654 & three pounds of like mony one the 27th day of March 1655 & three pounds of like mony one the 29th day of September 1655 & three pounds of like mony on the 27th day of March 1656 and three pounds of like mony on the 29th day of September 1656 and three pounds of like mony on the 27th day of March 1657 and three pounds of like mony one the 29th day of September 1657 and the sume of one hundred and three pounds of like mony one the seaven and twentieth day of March which shalbe in the yeare of o(ur) Lord god one thowsand six hundred Fiftie and eight that then this surrender to be void and of none effecte And now at this Court came the aforesaid Sarah Snowe and requested to be admitted to the p(re)misses to whome the Lord of the mannor by his steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Sarah Snowe and her heires upon Condicon aforesaid by the Rodd at the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine vj s harriott nothinge & is admitted Tennant
Fine vj s
[f.8] To this Court came John Henly the younger and in full Court did surrender into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor by the hands of his steward one Rood of ground beinge sword ground lyinge in Shipton at a place called Lambes Leyes in Blackgrove Feild the land of Thomas Deely north and Richard Glenester south To the use and behoofe of Thomas Deely and his heires forever And now at this Court came the aforesaid Thomas Deely and requested to be admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his Steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Thomas Deeley by the Rodd at the will of the Lord according to the Custome of the Mannor by the rent by the yeare three farthings harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine vj d harriott nothinge &c and is admitted Ten(n)ant
Fine vj d
Court Baron, 17 June 1652
Winslow with the members
The Court Baron of the right hono(ra)ble Maior Generall Phillipp Skippon there held the Seaventeenth day of June In the yeare of o(ur) Lord God one thousand six hundred Fiftie & two
The Homage
John Paxon John Hogston Daniel Paris Thomas Stevens John Miller Henry Pym thelder sworne
Henry Pym the younger Thomas Glenester John Shelton John Henly Hugh Seaton Benedict Holland sworne
To this Court came William Glenester and in full Court did surrender into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor by the hands of his Steward one Messuage or Tenement with the orchards gardens and Backsides to the said Messuage belonginge and all those Fortie acres of land be they more or lesse which said Messuage and lands are scituate lyinge and beinge in Shipton in the parish of Winslowe and which were heretofore the Messuage and lands of William Glenester Father of the said William p(ar)tie to theise p(rese)nts To the use and behoofe of Edward White of Coggs in the Countie of Oxon gent and of his heires forever upon Condicon that if the said William Glenester his heires Ex(ecu)tors administrators or assignes doe well and truly pay or cause to be well and truly paid unto the said Edward White his Executors administrators or assignes the sume of six pounds of lawfull mony of England one [sic] the 18th day of December next ensueinge the date hereof and the sume of six pounds of like mony upon the 18th day of June in the yeare of o(ur) Lord 1653 and sixe pounds of like money on the 18th day of December 1653 and two hundred and six pounds of like mony one the 18th day of June w(hi)ch shalbe in the yeare of o(ur) Lord god one thowsand six hundred Fiftie and Fowre att or in the now dwellinge house of James White gent in Coggs aforesaid then this surrender to be void or else to stand in full force & vertue And now at this Court came the aforesaid Edward White and requested to be admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Edward White by the Rodd at the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine iiij li harriott nothinge &c and is admitted Tennant
Fine iiij li
To this Court came Francis Dodsworth gent and in full Court did surrender and release into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor by his steward all his right title interest clayme and demand of in and to the aforesaid mentioned lands to the use of the said Edward White and his heires under the Condition above mentioned
To this Court came John Henly and in full Court did surrender and release into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor by the hands of his steward all his right title interest clayme and demand of in and to the aforesaid mentioned lands to the use of the said Edward White and his heires under the Condition above mentioned
Court Baron, 26 June 1652
Winslow with the members
The Court Baron of the right hono(ra)ble Maior Generall Phillipp Skippon there held the sixe and twentieth day of June In the yeare of o(ur) Lord god one thowsand sixe hundred Fiftie and two
The Homage
George Williatt John Adams Roger Worrall Andrew Stotusbury William Illinge William Smith sworne
Christopher Biggs Emanuel Ward Henry Norman Michaell Norman John Denens Henry Wyatt
[f.9] To this Court came Robert Lownds & in full Court did surrender into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor by the hands of his steward thirtie acres of land with thapp(er)ten(an)ces lyinge and beinge in Winslowe that is to say those lands called Albons Pitts or Albons peece and fowre acres at Longe Meade leyes and two acres at Nant ditch and a peece called Bradford peece and Five lands under Cleydon Way three Ridges over Granborowe path & three ridges at Mar acare an acre at Granborowe Brooke and all the hades and Balkes there to or to any of them belonging To the use and behoofe of Hester Dodsworth and her heires upon Condicon that the said Robert Lownds his heires Ex(ecu)tors or administrators doe well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said Hester Dodsworth her Executors or assignes the sume of three pounds of lawfull mony of England upon the six and twentieth day of December next ensueing the date hereof and the sume of one hundred & three pounds of like mony one the seaven and twentieth day of June w(hi)ch shalbe in the yeare of o(ur) Lord god one thousand six hundred Fiftie and three then this surrender to be void And now at this Court came the aforesaid Hester Dodsworth and requested to be admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the said Lord by his steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Hester Dodsworth and her heires upon Condicon aforesaid by the Rodd at the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine iij li harriott nothinge and is admitted Tennant
Fine iij li
To this Court came Thomas Grant otherwise Miller and in full Court did surrender into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor by the hands of his Steward three acres & a halfe of Land in Winslowe Feilds that is to say in Demeran Feild two acres and a halfe in Arsmeade furlong the land of Lawrence Shelton east and one acre in Mill Feild in Orrill hill furlonge John Paxon north To the use & behoofe of Henry Wyatt and his heires And now at this Court came the afores(ai)d Henry Wyatt and requested to be admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Henry Wyatt and his heires by the Rodd at the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by the rent by the yeare x d ob(olum) harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine vijs harriott nothinge & c and is admitted Tennant and made his Fealtie
Fine vijs Rent x d ob(olum)
To this Court came Dionis Manwaringe widdow & Robert Manwaringe gent and in full Court did surrender into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor by the hands of his steward Tenn acres of land lyinge in the Feilds of Granborowe in such places and furlongs as are here after menco(n)ed that is to say in Blackwell Feild a plott of greene sword lyinge at Blackwell John Thorpe thelder north In Smith Meade furlong fowre Ridges Roger Worrall north In Vicars peece furlong two ridges Joseph Holliday northeast In Wall breach furlonge two Ridges John Stevens thelder west upon the same furlonge two ridges Nicholas Wyatt east In Home Banland furlong one ridge John Stevens thelder north upon the same furlonge one ridge Nicholas Wyatt south In Widnole furlonge one Ridge John Stevens thelder west upon the same furlonge one Ridge John Stevens thelder west In Adams leyes feild in Clayacres furlonge two ridges Robert Bowden west two ridges shootinge upon Wheate hill Robert Stevens thelder south one ridge lyinge at the end of Oate hill Robert Stevens the younger north In the Mill feild fowre ridges lyinge upon Hollow hill furlong Thomas Stevens west one ridge more one the same furlonge Robert Stevens the younger east one hade ley lyinge at the end of the Closes of John Stevens thelder and Ralph Stevens w(i)th one Cowes Comon & tenn sheepes Comon w(i)th the hades and app(er)tences thereunto belonginge To the use and behoofe of John Stevens thelder and his heires And now at this Court came the aforesaid John Stevens and requested to be admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said John Stevens and his heires by the Rodd at the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the mann(or) by the rent by the yeare ij s vj d harriott & other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine xx s harriott nothinge &c & is admitted Tennant and made his fealtie
Fine xx s Rent ij s vj d
To this Court came Peter Figg the younger and Martha his wife the said Martha beinge alone and secretly examined by the steward of the Mannor aforesaid & they did in full Cort surrender into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor by the hands of his steward All that p(ar)cell & peece of ground called or knowne by the name of Nordens peece lyinge in Winslowe w(i)th thapp(ur)tences To the use of Francis Dodsworth gent and his heires upon Condicon that if the said Peter Fygg his heires ex(ecu)tors and administrat(ors) doe and shall well & truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Francis Dodsworth his Ex(ecu)tors administrat(ors) or assignes the sume of one hundred and six pounds of lawfull mony of England one the Fowre and twentieth day of June w(hi)ch shalbe in the yeare of o(ur) Lord god one thowsand six hundred Fiftie and three <the surrender shall be void> And now at this Court came the aforesaid Francis Dodsworth and requested to be admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Francis Dodsworth and his heires upon Condicon aforesaid by the Rodd at the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor and giveth for a Fine xxxvj s harriott nothinge and is admitted Tennant and made his fealtie
Fine xxxvj s
[f.10] To this Court came Hugh Seaton the elder and in full Court did surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of his steward One Messuage or Tenem(ent) with thappurten(a)nces in Winslowe nowe in the occupation of the said Hugh and three acres of arrable land w(i)th thappurten(a)nces in Winslowe lyinge in Bradfords peece To the use and beehooffe of Robert Kinge and Roger King and theire heires Upon Condicon that if the said Hugh Seaton his heires execut(ors) or assignes doe well and truly pay or cause to bee paid to the said Robert Kinge and Roger Kinge theire execut(ors) or assignes the sume of Tenn poundes of lawfull English money on the first day of November in the yeare of o(ur) Lord one thousand sixe hundred Fiftye and three and the sum(m)e of tenn poundes in the yeare of o(ur) Lord 1654 and the sum(m)e of tenn poundes on the first day of November in the yeare of o(ur) Lord 1655 and the sum(m)e of tenn poundes on the sum(m)e of tenn poundes in the yeare of o(ur) Lord one thousand sixe hundred Fifty and sixe and the sum(m)e of tenn poundes on the first day of November 1657 and the sum(m)e of tenn poundes on the first day of November 1658 and the sum(m)e of tenn poundes on the first day of November w(hi)ch shalbee in the yeare of o(ur) Lord one thousand sixe hundred Fifty and Nine that this surrender to bee voyde or else to stand in force And nowe att that Court came the aforesaid Robert King and Roger Kinge and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his steward granted seisin here of To hold to the said Robert Kinge and Roger Kinge and theire heires upon Condicon aforesaid by the Rodd att the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and give to the Lord for a Fine vj s harriott nothinge &c and are admitted Tennantes
Fine vj s
To this Court came Daniell Paris and Martha his wife the said Martha beinge alone and secretly examined by the steward of the Mannor aforesaid and in full Court did surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of his steward One Messuage with thappurten(an)ces in Shipton To the use and behooffe of Thomas Danderidge and Alice his wife and the heires of the said Thomas Danderidge for ever And nowe att this Court came the aforesaid Thomas and Alice and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Thomas Danderige and Alice in forme aforesaid by the Rodd att the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and give to the Lord for a Fine v s harr(iott) nothinge &c and are admitted Tennants and the said Thomas Danderidge hath done his fealtye
Fine v s Rent ij d
[William and Jane Moorecroft, Granborough]
To this Court came Thomas Barton and Elizabeth his wife the said Elizabeth beinge alone and secretly examined by the steward of the Mannor aforesaid and in full Court did surrender into the handes of the Lord by the handes of his steward One acre of land in Cheneyes furlong in Winslowe Robert Elliott East & John Paxton west To the use and behooffe of Beniamyn Leach and his heires And nowe att this Court came the aforesaid Beniamyn Leach and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Beniamyn Leach and his heires by the Rodd att the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine ij s har(riott) nothinge &c and is admitted Tennant and hath done his fealtye
Fine ij s Harr(iott) nothinge
To this Court came Beniamyn Leach and Mary his wife the said Mary beinge alone and secretly examined by the steward of the Mannor aforesaid & in full Court did surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of his steward one acre of land in Gilles hooke in Winslowe the viccarag’ land west and Silvester Cleaver East To the use of Silvester Cleaver & his heires And nowe att this Court came the aforesaid Silvester Cleaver and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Silvester Cleaver and his heires by the Rodd att the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine ij s harriott nothinge &c and is admitted Tennant and hath done his fealty
Fine ij s
[Richard Howe, Granborough] [f.11] [Henry Curtis, L. Horwood]
To this Court came Thomas Grant otherwise Miller and in full Court did surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of his steward One Messuage with the appurten(a)nces in Winslowe in the occupation of John Judge and the Close called Hanginge Lees adioyninge to M(r) Figges home Close conteyninge by estimation fowre acres To the use and behooffe of Francis Dodsworth gent and his heires Upon Condicon that if the said Thomas Miller his heires executors or assignes or any of them doe pay or cause to bee paid unto the said Francis Dodsworth his executors or assignes the sum(m)e of Five poundes eleaven shillinges and sixe pence of lawfull English money on the two and twentieth day of Aprill one thousand sixe hundred Fiftye and three and the sum(m)e of 5li 11s 6d upon the 22th of October 1653 and the sum(m)e of 5:11:6 upon the 22th of Aprill 1654 and the sum(me) of 5:11:6 upon the 22th of October 1654 and the sum(m)e of 5:11:6 on the 22th of Aprill 1655 and the sum(m)e of 5:11:6 upon the 22th of October 1655 and the sum(m)e of 5:11:6 on the 22th of Aprill 1656 and the sum(m)e of 5:11:6 upon the 22th of October 1656 and the sum(m)e of 5:11:6 upon the 22th of April 1657 & the sum(m)e of 5:11:6 upon the 22October 1657 and the sum(m)e of 5:11:6 upon the 22th of Aprill 1658 and the sum(m)e of 5:11:6 upon the 22th of October 1658 and the sum(m)e of 5:11:6 upon the 22th of Aprill 1659 and the sum(m)e of 5:11:6 upon the 22th Of October 1659 and the sum(m)e of 5:11:6 upon the 22th of Aprill 1660 and the like sum(m)e of Five poundes eleaven shillings sixe pence of like money on the two and twentieth day of October w(hi)ch shalbee in the yeare of o(ur) Lord one thousand sixe hundred and sixtie then this surrender to bee voyde or else to stand in full force of any default bee made of any the payments aforesaid And nowe att this Court came the aforesaid Francis Dodsworth & requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Francis Dodsworth and his heires upon Condicon aforesaid by the Rodd att the will of the Lord according to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine viij s harriott nothinge & is admitted Tennant
Fine viij s
To this Court came Peter Figge the younger gent and Martha his wife the said Martha beinge alone and secretly examined by the steward of the Mannor aforesaid and in full Court did surrender into the handes of the Lord of the Mannor by the handes of his steward one acre of land in Stone feild in Winslowe the land of Mr Paxton north and Robert Lowndes south To the use and behooffe of Edward Hobcroft and his heires And nowe att this Court came the aforesaid Edward Hobcroft and requested to bee admitted to the p(re)misses To whome the Lord by his steward granted seisin thereof To hold to the said Edward Hobcroft and his heires by the Rodd att the will of the Lord according to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine ij s harriott nothinge &c and is admitted Tennant and hath done his fealty
Fine ij s
Att this Court it is found by the Homage that Raph Udden Custumary Tennant of the Mannor heretofore did surrender the moity of one Cottage in Winslowe To the use of Jane Udden his wife for terme of her life and after \her decease/ to the use of Elizabeth Symes [=Tymes] and her heires and \that/ the said Jane Udden is yett livinge And nowe at this Court came the aforesaid Elizabeth Symes and requested to bee admitted to \the Revercon of/ the moity of the said Cottage expectant upon the death of the said Jane Udden To whome the Lord by his steward granted the same To hold to the said Elizabeth Symes and her heires by the Rodd att the will of the Lord accordinge to the Custome of the Mannor by Rent harriott and other services therefore due and of right accustomed and giveth to the Lord for a Fine v s harriott nothinge &c and is admitted Tennant
Fine v s
Examined by Oliver Lawrence Steward