Thomas Palmer v John Palmer, 1525(?)
National Archives, C 1/437/26
To the most Rev(er)ent Father in god Thomas lorde Cardynall Archebysshopp of Yorke and Chancelor of Ingland
Sheweth and complayneth un to yo(ur) grace your dayle orator Thomas Palmer that where on Walter Palmer was seised of & in iij mes(suag)es ij toftes on cottage & v (score) acres of lond medowe & pasture wythapp(ur)ten(a)nce In Wynshlow in the co(unty) of Buk holden of thabbott of Saynt Albans as of hys mano(r) of Byggyng in that same Towne & co(unty) by copy of cowrt Rolls aft(er) ye custo(m) of that same mano(r) in his demesne as of Fee aft(er) the custom of that same Mano(r) and so beinge seised abowt iiij yeres passed died seised of & in the p(re)mysses aft(er) hoes deth the said [deletion] \iij/ mes(suag)es ij Toftes on cotage & fyve schore Acres of lands medoo & pasture descended & of ryght owght to descend to yo(ur) said orato(r) as cosen and heire of the said Walter Palmer that ys to say son of Thomas son of the said Walter. So yt ys moste g(ra)cyus lorde that dyvers wrytynges evydences & terrors copyes and other munymentes conc(er)nyng the p(re)mysses be co(me) to the handes custody and possessyon of on John Palmer att the deth of that same Walter Palmer and the verey c(on)tents and number of the said evydences wrytynges t(er)rors copyes and munymentes & any of them and whether they be conteyned in baggs box or other inclosuers yt ys unknowne to yo(ur) said orato(r) the whyche hath divers and sundry tymes requyred the said John to make delyvery un to hym of the said evydences wrytynges terrors copyes and munyments the whyche to doo the said John allway hetherto hath refused and yet dothe refuse and allso the said John by color of kepynge of the said evydences wrytynges terro(r)s copyes & munyments p(re)tendeth tale to a grete parte of the said londes & other the p(re)mysses And hath cawsed dyvers estates to be made & co[nve?]yd to other p(er)sonnes of on mes(suag)e and xxti acres of londe medoo & pasture p(ar)sell of the p(re)mysses by surrender in the cowrt of the said mano(r). Wheroff the evydences wrytynges terrors copyes and munyments become to hys handes custody and possessyon as ys Above said contrary to the lawe & good conscyens so that yo(ur) said orato(r) ys wyth owt remedy by cowrse of the com(m)en lawe & allso in the cowrt of the said mano(r) aswell for the obtaynynge of the said evydences wrytynges terrors and munyments as for the ryght tale and int(er)est to the said land In consyderacion wheroff plesyth yo(ur) g(ra)ce to g(ra)unte a wrytt of subpena to be dyrected to the said John Palmer comaundynge by the same to appere before yo(ur) g(ra)ce in the kyngs cowrt of the chaunc(er)y at a c(er)ten day & uppon a c(er)ten payne ther to answer to the p(re)mysses And farther to be ordered as thys cowrt shall awarde and yo(ur) orato(r) shall dayle pray & c
plegii de proc(edendo) Ricardus Smarte de London Skynner & Johannes Harte de eadem Broderer
[signed] Nicolas Gare[?]
W Throkmarton
[Latin] coram domino W[?] in cancellaria sua in termino[?] sancti Hillarii prox' futur'
[translation] Before Lord W[?] in his chancery in the next Hilary term.
This document is dated by the National Archives to 1515-18. However, Walter Palmer died in 1521 and his son Thomas in 1518, which would date the document to 1525.
terrors: i.e. terriers, registers of landed property
tale: i.e. fee tail, feudal possession under some sort of entail
There is another document relating to this case below, where Thomas Palmer was joined by his mother and stepfather.
Henry Watts v Richard Snowe, 1515-18(?)
National Archives, C 1/453/43
The bottom right corner of the document is missing
To the ryghte Rev(er)ent Father in god Thomas lorde Cardynell Archebysshoppe of Yorke & Chaunceler of Inglonde
In the moste humbly wyse schouthe unto your grace yowr dayly Orator Henry Watts that where on Will(ia)m Tomlen of Wynslowe in the coun(ty) of
Buck yoman was seasyd in hys demeane as of fee of & yn a mesuage w(ith) xl acr(es) lond medowe and pasture ther to belongynge in Wynslowe aforesayd the whych had yssue on Elyzabeth Tomlen and aft(er) dyed at Wynslow aforsayd aft(er) whos dethe the sayd Elyzabeth ent(er)yd
in to the sayd mesuage wythe the appurten(a)ncs and therof was seasyd in hur demeane as of fee and toke to husband
on John Churchey and aft(er)warde they were lawfully espowsyd acordynge to the lawe of holy Churche they had
yssue bytwene them on Rychard Churchey and consequently [th]e sayd John and Elizabeth \ther of/ deyd seasyd at Wynslow
aforsayd aft(er) hos dethe the sayd Richard ent[ere]d in to the sayd mesuage wythe the appurten(a)ncs and bargaynyd and
solde the sayd mesuage wythe the appurtenancs to yowr sayd Orator So yt ys moste g(ra)cyus lorde that dyv(er)s wrytyngs
evydencs and munyments consinynge a[?] acr[e][?] of medowe p(er)teynynge to that sayd mesuage cam to the custody and possessyo(n)
of Richard Snowe of Wynslowe in the coun(ty) of Bucks yoman[?] aft(er) the dethe of thys says Wyllyam Tomlen
and the very c(er)ten & nu(m)ber of the sayd evydencs wrytyngs and munyments or any of them and whether they be
conteynyd in bagge boxe cheste or other inclosyers yt ys unknowyn to your sayd orator the w(hich) hathe dyv(er)s and sundry
tymys requyryd the sayd Rycharde to make delyv(er)y un to hym of the sayd evydencys wrytyngs & munyments
the whyche cam to the custody & possessyon of the sayd Rycharde as ys afore sayd the whyche to do the s[aid]
Rycharde alway hytherto hathe refused and yet dothe refuse and also the sayd Rycharde by color [and means?]
of the sayd evydencys wrytyngs and munyments hathe causyd dyv(er)s estats to be made and [conveyed to other?]
p(er)sonnys of thys same acre of medow wherof the evydencs wrytyngs & munyments [are in the said Richard’s?]
possessyon as ys above sayd cont(ra)ry to the lawe and good conscyens so that he [ - - - - - - ]
com(m)yn lawe aswell for the obteynynge of the sayd evydencs wrytyngs [ - - - - - - ]
tytle to ye sayd lond Inconsyderacyon wheroff may yt ples your good g(ra)ce [ - - - - - - ]
to be durectyd to the sayd Rychard to answer to the p(re)mysses com(m)[ - - - - - - ] kinge in hys chauncery at a c(er)ten day upon a c(er)ten payne by your g(ra)ce lymytyd [ - - - - - - ] consyens & your sayd Orator schall dayle pray for y(our) p(re)s(er)vacyon yf your grace lovthe[?] [ - - - - - - ]
[Latin] coram domino W[?] in cancellaria sua a die Pasche prox’ futur’ in unum mensem
[translation] Before Lord W[?] in his chancery from next Easter Day for one month
Taking a case about one acre of meadow to Chancery seems rather strange. Was this part of a bigger dispute? See below for more cases brought by Henry Watts. The date of 1515-18 is given by the National Archives, but it seems likely that Henry only became involved in Winslow affairs when he married Joan, widow of Thomas Palmer, which must have been 1518 or later. Henry is listed in the Lay Subsidies of 1524-5 but not in the Certificate of Musters of 1522, where John Wattes, gent., probably his father, is found instead.
Henry & Johanne Watts & Thomas Palmer v John Palmer, 1525(?)
National Archives, C 1/453/48
To the most rev(er)ent Father in god Thomas lord cardynall Archebysshop of Yorke & Chauncellor of Ingland & c
In most humble wyse schewyth & co(m)pleynyth un to yo(ur) g(ra)ce you(r) dayly orator Henry Watts & Johanne hys wyfe & Thomas Palmer that where on Walter Palmer was seasyd of & yn iiij mes(suag)ys ij Toftys on cotage & xvij (score) acres of lond medow & pasture w(ith) the appurten(a)nce in Wynsshlow in the cownte of Buk holden of the Abbot of saynt Albans as of hys maner of Byggey(n) in that same cownte by copy of cowrt rolls after the custome of the said man(or) in hys domain as of fee aft(er) the custome of the same man(or) & so beyng seasyd gave w(ith)out surrend(er) on of the said mes(suag)es kallyd Chues[?] & iiij (score) acres of lond medow & pasture of the said vij (score) acres of lond to on Thomas Palmer Sonne to the said Walter & to Johanne hys wyfe & to th[e heir]ys[?] of the said Thomas in consideration of mariage to be had betwyxt the said Thomas & Johanne & aft(er) about vij yerys passyd the said Thomas died at Wynslow aforesaid and the said Johanne hym ov(er)lyvyd and toke to husband the said Henry Watts yo(ur) orator & ys yet in plene lyfe & the said Walt(er) Palmer abowt iiij yerys agone allso dyed seasyd of & in thre mes(suag)ys ij Toftes on cotage & iij (score) acres of lond the resedew of the said londys & ten(emen)ts aft(er) whos deth the said iij mes(suag)ys ij Tofts on cotage & v iij (score) acres of lond medow & pasture & also the rev(er)syon of the said mes(suag)e kalled Chues[?] & iiij (score) acres of lond medow & pasture dessendyd & of ryght owght to dessend to the said Thomas Palmer you(r) orator \and cosen & heire to xx the said Walt(er) that ys to say son of Thomas son to ye said Walt(er)/ so yt ys most g(ra)cyus lord that on John Palmer hath happyd the possessyon of a Terror byn \bown/dyng the said lond medow & pasture & dyv(er)s other evydencs escrypts & munyments consernyng the p(re)mysses by force wherof he not only wrongfully hath deforsed the said Henry Watts & Johanne hys wife of ther frehold of the said mes(suag)e kallyd Chues[?] & iiij (score) acres land medow & pasture but also he wrongfully deforsyth the said Thomas of hys Inherytans of the iij mes(suag)es ij Toftes & on cotage & iij (score) acres of lond medow & pasture & of the rev(er)syon of the mes(suag)e kallyd Chwes & iiij (score) acres of lond medow & pasture. And yo(ur) said orator hath dyv(er)s tymes requyred the said John Palmer to delyv(er) the said terror evydencs escrypts & munyments the w(hich) to do the said John allway hath denyed & yet doth denye cont(ra)ry to the same laws & good conscyens & bycause that yo(ur) orator knowyth not the nu(m)ber of the said evydens Escrypts & munyments nor wher in the same beconteynyd yo(ur) said Orators be w(ith) owt remedy bycowrse of the com(m)yn lawe onles yt wyll plese yo(ur) gracyus lordshyp to graunt a wryt of suppena to the said John Palmer to be dyrectyd com(m)aundyng hym by the same to appere before yo(ur) grace in the kyngs cowrt of schaunc(er)y at a c(er)tyn day & uppon a c(er)tyn payne therto answer to the p(re)myssys &c & your said orators shall dayly pray for the p(re)s(er)vacyon of your g(ra)ce long to endure.
plegii de prosequendo Ricardus Smart de London Skynner & Johannes Hart de eadem broderer
signed Henry Watts
W Throkmarton
[Latin] coram domino W[?] in cancellario sua in quindena[?] Sancti Michaelis[?] prox' futur'
[translation] Before Lord W[?] in Michaelmas fortnight[?] next.
This document is dated by the National Archives to 1515-18. However, Walter Palmer died in 1521 and his son Thomas in 1518, which would date the document to 1525, and the gift by Walter to his Thomas to 1511. In fact, the court rolls (Centre for Bucks Studies D/BASM/84/4-5) show that Walter Palmer disposed of most of his lands by a deathbed surrender: one messuage with lands to his grandson Thomas, which John would hold until Thomas came of age, and a number of properties to John. The issue of whether Thomas or John was the elder son of Walter would only have affected any remaining holdings which Walter kept until his death. It appears that there was an out-of-court settlement whereby John kept Walter's property but left it to his nephew Thomas: see John Palmer's will.
xvij: this seems to be an error, as the total amount of land is given as seven score acres below and five score in the first document.
plene: i.e. plain, meaning full (OED)
happyd: i.e. seized (OED s.v. hap, v.3)
Henry Watts v Thomas Grante and others, Star Chamber, c.1524
National Archives, STAC 2/28/102
To the Kyng our sovrign lord
Shewith & compleynyth unto yo(ur) grace yo(ur) Orator Henry Watts that where oon Thomas Palmer was seased of & in oon close called Cowemede among other landys in Wynslowe in the county of Bukyngham conteynyng viij acres of londe holden of the Abbot of Saynte Albans as of his man(or) of Begyn in that same towne & county by copy of courte rolle after the custome of that same man(or) in his demeyne as of Fee after the custome of (tha)t same man(or) & the sayde Thomas so beyng seased of & in the sayd close among other landys surrendered the sayde close among other landys in to the handys of the sayde Abbott of Saynt Albons to the p(er)formance of the laste wyll of the sayde Thomas & after by his laste wille & testament he willed & declared that the saide Johanne \his wyfe/ scholde have and enioy the {the} sayde close among other landys & ten(emen)ts untyll oon John Palmer seconde sone of the sayde Thomas come to the age of xxj yers into the whiche close among other lands & tenements the sayde Johanne in hir wydowood was admytted tenaunt by copy of court rolle accordyng to the custume of the sayde man(or) there and after toke to husbande the sayde Henry Watts yo(ur) Orator. So it is moste gracyous lorde (tha)t oon Thomas Grante of Wynslowe aforesayde husbandman Will(ia)m Mason of the same towne & county Fuller Will(ia)m Legate of the same towne & county weyv(er) John George of the same towne & county husbandman John Rychareson of the same town & county cordiner John Boston of the same towne & county yoman Thomas Sponer of the same towne & county smith & other to the numbre of xlj persones & above Riottously assembled & in man(ner) of war mayde that is to say with bills & other wepons defensable the iij day of Auguste in the xvj yere of the reigne of oure moste noble king Henry the viijth [1524] Forssably & in lyke riottous man(er) assauted yo(ur) sayd Orator & put hym in joberdy of his lyffe \and/ entred in to the sayde Close called Cowemede & than & there not only pullyd & cast downe the hedges & dyches aboute (tha)t same close Ryottousley But also with ther catalls that is to say [...]te spoylled & distroyd the grasse & hey beyng iii cows within that same close to the gret hurte & damagys of yo(ur) sayde Orator playssi[n]g therfor yo(ur) Grace to dyrecte a wrytte of Subpena to the sayde Riottouse p(er)sons to appere before yo(ur) grace at a certen day. Yo(ur) sayde Orator shall pray for the p(re)servacyon of yo(ur) moste heygest estate
In 1448, William Perkyn was granted a term of 46 years on "16 acres of pasture with a meadow called Cowemede". Cowmead Close can be seen on the 1599 map next to the boundary with Great Horwood, and adjacent to Palmers Mead.
Was the attack on Henry Watts about his possession of the close or about the nature of the close itself? If the former, it could have been carried out by supporters of John Palmer against the claim of Henry's stepson Thomas Palmer.
John Hardyng v Bernard Pytkyn, 1538-44
National Archves, C1/1004/16
To the right honorable Sir Thomas Awdley knight lorde Awdeley of Malden and lord chancellor of England
In most humble wyse shewith and complaynith unto yo(ur) good lordship yo(ur) daily Orator John Hardyng that where one John Hardyng of Whytchurch in the Countie of Buck’ decessyd was in dett and dyd owe unto oon John Hardynge Father unto yo(ur) said orator the summe of xvj li vj s viij d of good and lawfull money of Inglande the same John Hardyng the Father for dyv(er)se good and personall[?] consideracions[?] dyd[?] wyll geve and [grante?] onto yo(ur) said Orator the said somme of xvj li vj s viij d to the only use and behoff of the same yo(ur) Orator and so [the] said John the Father made his last wyll and testament and dyd constitute ordeyn and make yo(ur) said orator his executor and [dyed]. And aft(er) that the said John Hardyng of Whitchurche deseased made his last wyll and testament and by the same dyd ordeyn [& constitute] Luce his wyff his executrix and dyed aft(er) whose dethe the same Luce his executrix did admynyster all the goods and catalls of her said husband whiche amounted to the value of one hundred poundes and above. And aft(er) the said Luce beyng possessed of [the] saide goods and catalls as executrix to the said [Joh]n the father toke to husband one Barnard Pytkyn of Wynslow in the Countie of Buk’ to whose handes and possessyon the said goods and catalls came whiche the same Barnard dyd use and employ to his own behof and p(ro)fytt and aft(er) the said Luce dyed. And so it is good g(ra)cyous lorde that your said \Orator/ hath oft and many tymes [required?] of the said Barnard and Luce in the lyff of the said Luce and syns her dethe the said Barnard to make unto hym payment of the said s(um)me of xvj li vj s viij d whiche to do the said Barnard and Luce at all tymes refused. And the said Barnard so to doo syns the dethe of the said Luce hath refused and yet dothe refuse to the great losse and hy[ndrance? of your] said Orator and agenst all right and good conscyence. And forasmoche as the said John Hardyng the Father of yo(ur) said orator nev(er) had ne hath eny suffycyent especyaltye ne writyng sealyd by the said John Hardyng of Whitchurche for or conc(er)ning the [said somme] of xvj li vj s viij d ne yo(ur) said Orator any other ways or meanys hath wherby he may demande the same by the [form order] and course of the co(mm)en lawe of this Realme yo(ur) said Orator therefor shalbe lyke to be w(ith)oute remedy for the p(re)misses for and onless[?] yo(ur) good lordshippes favo(ur) to hym be shewed in that behalff. In considerac(i)on wherof it may please yo(ur) good lordshippe ye p(re)misses tenderly considered to grantt unto yo(ur) said Orator the kyngs writt of sub pena to be directed unto the said Barnard Pytkyn com(m)andyng hym by the same p(er)sonally to appere before the Kyng in his highe Court of Chanc(er)y at a c(er)teyn day and under a c(er)teyn payn by yo(ur) good lordship to be lymyted then and there to aunswer to the p(re)misses and further to stand to and abyde all such fynall ende decre and judgement in the p(re)misses as yo(ur) good lordship and the said court shall thynke mete accordyng to Right and good conscyence. And yo(ur) said pore orator shall daily pray to god for the prosperous contynuance of yo(ur) good lordships estate long and in moche honor to endure.
National Archves, C1/1004/17
Thaunswer of Bernard Pytkyn to the bill of Compleynt of John Hardyng
The said Bernard Pytkyn seith that the said bill is oncerten & insufficient in the lawe to be aunswered unto and the matter therein conteyned
grounded oonely uppon malice to thentent to put the said defendant to his wrongfull vexac(i)on & troble to his grett costs & charges and
it is matter dete(r)mynable at the co(mm)en lawe & not ells where wheronto he prayeth to be remytted and if he shalbe compelled by thorder of
this honorable court to make any furder aunswer then the said defendant the advantage of the no(n) sufficyentsie of the said bill to hym alweys[?]
saved[?] for furder aunswer & declarac(i)on of the trougth seith that that the said John Hardyng of Whitechurche was possessed of dy(ver)se goods & catalls of the value of xl li or therabouts as of his own p(ro)pre goods & catalls and he so possessed at the howre of his dethe said that his wiff & children shuld have all said goods & catalls and ther uppon died intestate after whose decease p(ar)t of the said goods cam(e) to thaunds of the said
Luce his wyff whiche Luce toke to husband the said defendant and shortly after the said Luce died after whose decease the said defendant for that that dyv(er)se p(ar)ts of the said goods cam(e) & w[ere in?] his hands & possession was constreyned to pay dyv(er)se creditors of the said Hardyng
of Whitechurche dyv(er)se som(m)es of money amountyng in the holl to the som(me) of xxxvj li or therabouts for the clere discharge & satisfac(i)on
of certen debts that the said Hardyng owed to his said creditors and the said defendant furder saith that about xv yeres past the said compleynant & oon syr Richard Stratton clerk as p(ro)chyn amyes & cosins of blood to Thomas Hardyng Isabell Hardyng Agnes Hardyng & Elizabeth Hardyng children of the said John Hardyng of Whitechurche did make sute & clayme for & in the name of the said children ageynst the said defendant of & for certen of the said goods then beyng in thands of the said defendant whereuppon by the mediac(i)on of frynds it was covenanted & agreed by certen indentures made betwen the said p(ar)ties to those of the said children that the said defendant in full discharge of the said goods & catalls shuld content & pay unto the said syr Richard & John Hardyng nowe complaynant xxxvj li of lawfull money of England at certen dayes in the same indenture conteyned to thuse of the said children or of the ov(er)lyvers of them whiche said som(me) of xxxvj li the said defendant hath truely contented & payd to the said complaynant & to the said syr Richard and the said defendant saith that in considerac(i)on therof the said syr Rychard & the said complaynant by the same indenture did fully & clerely agree that the said defendant shuld have & enyoye all the said goods & catalls except a lease for teme of yeres of a cloose called the lords garden in Whitechurche aforesaid and the said syr Richard & the said complaynant covenanted to delyv(er) all suche som(m)es of money as they shuld & did receyve to thuse of the said children & of any of them when the said Thomas shuld come to thage of xxj yeres and to his said systers when they shuld come to thage of xvj yeres as by the same indenture sealed with theyr sealls redy to be shewed more playnly do appere whiche said som(m)e of xxxvj li by the said complaynant & syr Richard is not fully contented & payd unto the said children accordyng to the said covenants wheruppon the said defendant is lawfully intitled to have an acco(mpt) of debt uppon an obligac(i)on of xl li ageynst the said complaynant & the said syr Richard for the bredge of the said covenant whithout that the said John Hardyng of Whitechyrche had[?] goods & cattalls of the value of c li or that the same John Hardyng did owe unto the father of the said complaynant xvj li vj s viij d or any peny therof or that the said complaynant is[?] executor to his said father to the knowledge of the said defendant or that the said complaynant ev(er) requyred the payement of the said som(me) of money of the said defendant notwithstanding that his said father died about xxiiij yeres past or more or that the said defendant have in[?] his hands or possession any goods or catalls of the said John Hardyng of Whitchurche [to be?] admynystred in man(er) & forme as by the said bill is surmysed[?] without[?] that any other [?matter contain]ed or mencioned in the said bill meantt[?] or materiall[?] to be aunswered[?] unto [?hereby not conf]essed avoided or [denie]d is true all which[?] [matters?] the said defendant is redy to [?aver]e & p(ro)ve as this honorable court shall decyde & asketh and prayeth to be dismissed out of the same & with the responsible costs & charges by him in this behalffe wrongfully [lai?]d & [sustaine]d.