Vestry, 1891

Buckingham Express, 28 March 1891

PARISH VESTRY.- At the annual vestry on March 24th, there were present, Mr. James King, in the chair, Mr. Wigley, Mr. Willis, Mr. Vasey, Mr. H. Monk, Messrs. Russell, Varney, East, F. Roads, Wise, Keys, Parrott, Hathaway, Neal, Hillyer, A. Monk, Curtis, F. Dancer, A. G. Stevens, C. Colgrove. 

The surveyor’s accounts were produced showing a balance of £48 15s.  Mr. Wigley read a correspondence which had taken place between himself and the County Council Surveyor, relative to the cleaning up of the Square on market days and of the repairs of the footpaths in Buckingham-road and Sheep-street (main roads); the highway committee of the County Council were willing to repair one piece of footway at the Golden Lion corner and another at the corner of Mr. H. Ingram’s at an estimated cost of £93 if the parish would pay half; and also to put a good paved footpath, six feet wide, down in Buckingham-road and Shipton if the parish would be at half the expense.  With regard to the clearing up on market days, the Committee offered that one of their men should do it if the surveyors would find another man to help him.  Considerable discussion took place on these subjects, it being the opinion of the vestry that the County Council were bound to keep the footpaths in good order,and it was remarked that as other towns were fighting the question out with the Council it was well to adjourn the matter and see how they got on.  This was agreed to.  Mr. Monk said as to the cleaning the square, a man could do it in half a day. 

Mr. East proposed, and Mr. Hathaway seconded, the passing of the accounts; and Messrs Wigley, Monk and Hillyer were re-elected surveyors. 

Messrs. Russell and Hurlestone’s names were added to the list of overseers.  The usual remuneration was fixed for the assistant overseer. 

Messrs. Monk and East were nominated for Guardians and Mr. J. Jennings for parish constable.-

Mr. Monk brought forward the matter of the alteration of the ownership of the pound in the rate book to Mr. W. H. French, he having declined to pay rates for it until he was properly described as the owner.  It was agreed the alteration should be made.-

Mr. A. G. Stevens on the part of the inhabitants of the Market Square made a request that the surveyors should be instructed to see that as little inconvenience as possible was caused in the erection of the new bank, by mortar, lime, &c.- Mr. Hillyer promised the surveyors would do their best.-

The charity accounts were produced by Mr. Hathaway. 

A long discussion followed as to the advisability of the parish taking over the new Avenue-road on the Nordens building estate, Mr. Wigley saying that although financially it made not a penny difference to him, as he was not bound in any way to maintain or repair the road, yet if the parish would take to the road he would put it in thorough good condition.- Mr. Parrott proposed that if Mr. Wigley did so and in addition made a paved footpath three feet wide, the parish should take to the road.- Mr. Wigley totally objected to the clause about the footpath, and it was withdrawn.- Mr. Neal proposed that the matter be adjourned for twelve months, and upon a show of hands this was carried by 13 to 9.  The meeting then concluded.

Buckingham Advertiser, 11 April 1891

  The annual Vestry for the transaction of Church business was held on Wednesday morning, among those present being the Vicar, the Rev. P. H. Eliot, Messrs. Bullock, and Hawley churchwardens; Mr. T. F. Vaisey, Mr. H. Monk, Mr. George, &c.

  The minutes of the last Vestry were read by Mr. Bullock and confirmed.

  The Churchwardens accounts were next read by Mr. Bullock, who explained that this year, having received special donations towards the organ and choir expenses from Mr. Chinnery, Mr. Lambton and Mrs. Newcombe, they had made a special fund for the organ and choir.   The accounts showed a balance in hand of 1s 8d[?] and it was remarked that as the year started with £66 on the wrong side, they must be considered most satisfactory.  Mr. Neal proposed and Mr. Monk seconded their adoption.

  The Vicar then read the special and poor accounts, calling attention to the fact that the receipts for the poor fund were nearly double this year compared with last, which was most fortunate considering the hard winter.  Mr. Hawley and Mr. A. Monk proposed the passing of these accounts, and that they with the Churchwardens accounts be printed as usual.

  The Vicar next read the Charity accounts, which had been audited by Mr. Hathaway;- For Yeate’s Sunday School Charities the receipts were, dividends and bonus, £5/19/2; balance in hand, £2/17/7; total, £8/16/9; expended in school cleaning, £1/10, Fuel Charity (Yeate’s) dividend and bonus, £4/11/8; paid over to the Town Charity Trustees, £4/11/8.  Yeate’s Infant School Charity, dividend and bonus, £4/11/8; balance in hand, £3/8/6; total £8/0/2; expended for books, £4/19; for schoolbag, £3/12/4.  Miles’s Clothing Charity, dividend £7; balance in hand, £6/9/10; total, £13/9/10; expended for clothing, £1.  Messrs. A. Monk and Neal proposed the passing of these accounts.

  Mr. Bullock said it would be within the observation of those present that they had placed an organ in the church since the last Vestry, but perhaps it was not known that the instrument was really lent to them by the vicar and Churchwardens of Leddington, and they had to give an undertaking to return it at any time if desired, at the same time, Mr. Chinnery said that if it should be required, he would bear the expense of its removal.  The Churchwardens had also entered into arrangement with the builders to tune the organ three times a year for £5.  This amount did not appear in the present accounts as they only commenced from January, but in the future they would have to pay £5 each year for tuning.

  The Vicar then nominated Mr. H. Bullock as his Churchwarden, thanking him for the many services he had rendered in the past.  Mr. Neal proposed and Mr. Varney seconded, the selection of Mr. Hawley as parish warden.

  The Vicar nominated as sidesmen, Messrs. Vaisey, Varney, Warne and Geo. George.  Messrs. Hawley and George nominated Mr. A. Monk and Mr. Hathaway.  Mr. Bullock nominated Messrs. H. Sharp and C. Clare.  Mr. George nominated Mr. W. Ingram.
  Mr. Varney said Mr. Sharp told him that after being so many years without office, he should not care about it now.
  Mr. Vaisey confirmed this, and Mr. Sharp’s name was withdrawn.
  The proceedings then terminated with a vote of thanks to the Vicar.

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