Parish Council 1898

February 1898

[p.109 cont] 1898 Febry 2       A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 2nd of February 1898.   Present H. Bullock Esqre (Chairman) Messrs. R. Coxill, E. Gowin, G. A. Monk, W. R. Monk, J. Varney, Thos. Walker, W. H. Stevens  &
[p.110] Josiah White.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Assessors of Income Tax &c        A circular was read from the Clerk to the Commissioner for Taxes requesting the Council to nominate Four Inhabitants of the Parish to the end that the Commissioners may appoint Assessors of Property & Income Tax & inhabited House duty & Land tax for this Parish.  
                  On the motion of Mr. W. H. Stevens seconded by Mr. J. Varney, Messrs. Henry Monk, James East, Thomas Walker and Edward Gowin were nominated.

Footplank at Tuckey       Mr. W. Monk reported that the Plank over the Brook between Tuckey and Grandborough had been renewed by Mr. Stonnell of Grandborough and that the work had been satisfactorily performed.

Cheque                On the motion of Mr. G. A. Monk seconded by Mr. White a cheque was drawn for £2-1-3 the share of the Bill due from the Winslow Parish Council.

P. C. Election     The Chairman mentioned that a circular had been received from the Local Government Board relating to the Parish Council Elections & that the Parish Meeting for the Election would be held on Monday the 14th March next.      

Herbert Bullock [signature]

March 1898

[p.111] 1898 March 2      A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 2nd of March 1898.   Present H. Bullock Esqre Chairman, Messrs. R. J. Coxill, E. Gowin, G. A. Monk, W. R. Monk, J. Varney, T. Walker & Josiah White

                The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Assessors of Income Tax &c        Mr. H. J. Russell, Collector of Taxes, attended and asked that his name be should be substituted for that of Mr. H. Monk as suitable persons to be appointed Assessors of Taxes and produced a letter from Mr. John Newton, Clerk to the Commissioners for this district.
                The Chairman proposed and Mr. T. Walker seconded that the Clerk be directed to write to Mr. Newton that the Parish Council have no objection to the name of Mr. H. J. Russell being added to the list nominated at the last Parish Council meeting. This was carried unanimously.

Cheque                                A cheque was drawn to the Clerk to pay
E. J. French  Stationer’s bill                                                                £1-0-8
and to the National Schools Managers  for use of Schools for 1897     18-0

Herbert Bullock [signature]

Parish Meeting (election)

1898 March 14   The Parish Meeting for the election of Parish Councillors and the Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Boys School on Monday the 14  March 1898 at 7 p.m. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman)  Messrs. G. Ash, W. Burdon, A. J. Clear, J. Coulton, James East, E. Gowin, John W. Ingram, W. S. Neal, H. J. Russell, W. H. Stevens, William Stonhill, John Varney, Thomas Walker, Josiah White &c &c.

The Notice calling the Meeting was read.

The following Nominations were handed to the Chairman

No. Candidate Proposed By Seconded By
1 Coxill Richd Jno East James Neal William Saml
2 Gowin Edward Neal William Saml Varney John
3 Ingram Jno Wm Turner George Stevens Wm Hall
4 Monk Wm Redmond Neal Wm Saml Ash George
5 Osborn Charles East James Coxill Richard Jno
6 Stevens Wm Hall Colgrove J Egleton Geo Junr
7 Varney John Turner George Stevens Wm Hall
8 Walker Thomas Sturgess Edward Dickins Robert
9 White Josiah French Edwin J. Sanderson B.

At the expiration of fifteen minutes from taking the Chair, no further Nominations having been handed in, the Chairman read the nominations to the meeting and declared the 9 Candidates elected.

The Minutes of the last Parish Meeting held the 18th November 1897 were read and confirmed.

The accounts for the past year of the Winslow Charities were presented by Mr. Geo Ash, the Secretary.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

April 1898

[p.112] 1898 April 20       The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 20th April 1898. Present H. Bullock Esq. (Chairman) Messrs. R. J. Coxill, E. Gowin, J. W. Ingram, W. R. Monk, C. Osborn, W. H. Stevens, John Varney, T. Walker & Josiah White

                The minutes of the last meeting of the late Parish Council were read and confirmed.

Chairman            Mr. John Varney proposed that Mr. Herbert Bullock be re-elected Chairman of the Parish Council. This was seconded by Mr. J. White and carried unanimously.

Overseers          Mr. J. Varney proposed and Mr. J. White seconded that Mr. W. Wise and Mr. R. J. Matthews be appointed Overseers.
Mr. R. J. Coxill proposed and Mr. W. H. Stevens seconded that Mr. G. A. Midgley and Mr. George Turner be appointed Overseers.
Mr. T. Walker proposed and Mr. J. White seconded that Mr. T. Cripps be appointed an Overseer.
Mr. J. W. Ingram proposed and Mr. T. Walker seconded that Mr. John Keys be appointed an Overseer.
On the names being submitted there were for
                Mr. W. Wise                       10 votes
                 “     R. J. Matthews            10 votes
                 “     G. A. Midgley               6 votes
                 “     T. Cripps                     6 votes
[p.113]        Mr. George Turner          2 votes
                 “    John Keys                    2 votes
The first four gentlemen were therefore appointed to the office.

Lighting & Watching & Fire Brigade Committee                Messrs. Coxill, Gowin,  Ingram, Stevens, Varney, Walker and White were appointed the Committee for carrying out the provisions of the Lighting & Watching Act including the management of the Fire Brigade.

Technical Edn Committee             On the motion of Mr. J. Varney seconded by Mr. W. H. Stevens, Messrs. Coxill, Gowin,  Ingram, Varney and Walker from the Parish Council and the Revd. W. F. Armstrong, Mrs. Newcombe, Mr. George Pass, Revd. H. K. Byard and Messrs. A. J. Clear, James East and T. Higgins were appointed a joint Committee to act as the Local Committee for the Parish to carry out the work of Technical Education.

Precept on Overseers    On the motion of Mr. T. Walker seconded by Mr. W. Monk a precept for £10 on the Overseers for the purpose of the Parish Council was signed.

Cheque                A cheque was drawn to the Clerk for £1-4-6 to provide Audit Stamp £1-0-0 and pay Fire Insurance 4s/6d .

Declaration        The Members of the parish Council signed the Declaration on acceptance of office.

[p.114] Tinkers End Lane              Mr. White inquired as to who was liable to repair “Short Lane” at Tinkers End. This was discussed shortly but no resolution was produced on the subject.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

June 1898

1898 June 1         A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 1st of June 1898.   Present H. Bullock Esq Chairman, Messrs. R. J. Coxill, J. W. Ingram, C. Osborn, J. Varney, T. Walker and J. White.

The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Techl Education Committee        A Letter from Mr. Pass, Secretary to the Technical Education Committee, stating that Mrs. Newcombe did not wish to continue to serve on that Committee was read. It was resolved that her name be removed from the list of members.

Tinkers End Lane              The Chairman referring to Mr. White’s enquiries at the last Parish Council meeting, said that he understood that the Rural District Council were about to do what their Surveyor considered necessary to the Lane at Tinkers End.

[p.115] Mr. Walker produced the Reports of the Lighting and Fire Brigade Committee for the past two years & moved that they be accepted and entered on the Parish Council minutes. This was seconded by Mr. Ingram and carried unanimously.

Lighting Comm(itt)ee Report for 1896-7

Report of the Winslow Lighting Committee for the year ending 25 March 1897

The Committee beg to report that during the year, six Committee meetings were held, the chief business consisted in making arrangements with the Gas Company for Lighting the Streets &c.
                A Lighting Rate at 3d on Houses and 1d on Land was sufficient to meet expenses, and an order was made on the Overseers for the sum of £60 on April 15th and the balance of the Rate on May 1st 1897.
                The Receipts for the year were                 £122-16-10
                The Payments                                               99 -15- 7
                Balance on hand                                      £  23 -  1-  3

                Signed   Thomas Walker (Chairman)

Thos. D. Curtis
Clerk to Committee

Report of Lighting Comm(itt)ee for 1897-78

Report of the Winslow Lighting Committee for the year ending 25 March 1898

                The Committee beg to report that during the year,
[p.116] which began with a balance in hand of £23-13/- six Committee meetings have been held.
                At a meeting held on July 7th 1897 the Clerk reported having received a cheque for £2-12-11 from the Alliance Fire Office and £2-7-1 from the Royal Exchange making £5 towards the expenses at Mr. Midgley’s Fire and was considered not very satisfactory, but very niggardly on the part of the Insurance Companies, because had it not been for the Winslow Brigade the insurance companies would probably have had several hundred pounds to pay Mr. Midgley, whereas the damage done amounted to quite a small sum.
                At a meeting on 6th October 1897 a letter was read from the occupiers in Park Road requesting a Lamp be placed in that Road. A reply was sent stating that as the Park Road was not yet taken over by the District Council, the Lighting Committee were unable to entertain the application.
                A Lighting Rate at 3d on Houses and 1d on Land was sufficient to meet expenses, and an order was made on the Overseers for the sum of £6 on April 15th and the balance of the Rate on May 2nd was made.
                The Receipts for the year were                 £106 -2 - 6
                The Payments                                               90 -9 - 4
                Balance on hand                                       £  15 -13- 2

                Signed      Thomas Walker (Chairman)

Thos. D. Curtis
Clerk to Committee

[p.117] Fire Brigade Committee Report 1896-7

Report of the Winslow Fire Brigade Committee for the year ending 25 March 1897

The Committee beg to report that during the past year three Committee meetings have been held.
                On 4th June 1896 a committee meeting was held at which it was decided not to take proceedings against Mr. Carter of North Marston for the recovery of expenses incurred at the Fire at Grandborough, all efforts having failed to obtain compensation, the expenses of £4-3-6 have to be borne by the Ratepayers of Winslow. 
                On 18th January 1897 a committee meeting was held, an account having been sent to the Norwich Fire Office for £13-0-6 for expenses at Mr. Dancer’s fire at Grandborough, the office made an offer of £9-4-6 to settle the account. It was proposed and seconded that a letter be sent to the Company offering to settle the account for £10-5-6, this the Company declined to do and sent a cheque for £9-4-6 which was accepted.
Total Receipts (from the Lighting Committee)     £19-2-7
Expenditure                                                        £19-2-7

Signed       Thos.  Walker     Chairman

Thos. D. Curtis
Clerk to Committee

Report of Fire Brigade Comm(itte)e 1897-8

Report of the Winslow Fire Brigade Committee for the year ending 25 March 1898

The Committee beg to report that during the past
[p.118] year three Committee meetings have been held. At a Committee held on May 10 1897 a letter was read from Messrs. Self, Ball, Smith & Co. Agents acting for the Fire insurance Companies, declining to pay the account sent to them for expenses at Mr. Midgley’s Fire for £9-6-0, the grounds of their objection being that the Fire at Mr. Midgleys was attended by a Brigade supported by the Ratepayers of Winslow, and Mr. Midgley being a Ratepayer had a right to use the use of the Brigade, in the end the sum of £2-12-11 was received from the Alliance Insurance Co. and £2-7-1 from the Royal Exchange Co. making £5 in all that being only 9s/- more than the actual expenses incurred.
                At a Committee held on March 2 1898 an account of £1-2-2 was presented for Repairs done at the Engine House which was ordered to be paid with instructions to the Superintendent that in future anything required to be done at the Engine House must first be laid before the Committee.
Total Receipts (from the Lighting Committee)     £13-15-0
Expenses                                                            £13-15-0
The Committee also beg to state that on April 20th 1898 they caused a letter to be sent to the twelve Parishes adjoining Winslow informing them (through their Parish Councils) that in future the Winslow Fire Brigade will not attend Fires outside Winslow Parish unless a written guarantee for payment be received by the Superintendent at the time of call from a responsible person.

Thomas  Walker, Chairman
[p.119] Signed 

Thos. D. Curtis    Clerk to Committee

Herbert Bullock [signature]

September 1898

1898 Septr 7        A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 7th of September 1898.   Present H. Bullock Esqre Chairman, Messrs. J. W. Ingram, C. Osborn, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney, T. Walker and J. White

                The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Highways repaired by L. & N. W. Ry Co                  The Chairman in accordance with notice moved “That the attention of the County Council & Rural District Council called to the great inferiority of those portions of the Highways of this Parish, repairable by the L. & N. W. Railway Co. to those repaired by the Highways Authorities.”
                This was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried 6 to 1. Mr. Ingram alone voting against it.
[p.120]  The Chairman then moved in accordance with notice “That in the opinion of this Council it would be to the public advantage if terms could be arranged with the Railway Company by which the repair of the said portions of the Highways, namely the Station Road and the Bridges over the Railway should be carried out by the Highways Authorities.” This was not seconded.
                The Chairman then moved that a copy of the above resolution be sent to the several Councils. Mr. Walker seconded & it was carried nem. con. Mr. Ingram not voting.

Circular from L.G.B.        A circular from the Local Government Board relating to the Parish Fire Engines Act, The Post Office (Guarantee) Act and The Libraries Offences Act was read & it was resolved to defer consideration of the circular until the next meeting.

Cheque      A cheque was drawn for £1-13-9 to pay the following accounts ;
                                                                                      £  s  d
                                T. P. Willis. returning Officer              11-5
                                E. J. French.        Stationer             1-2- 4     

Herbert Bullock [signature]

October 1898

[p.121] 1898 Oct 5            A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 5th of October 1898.   Present H. Bullock Esqre Chairman, Messrs. R. J. Coxill, E. Gowin, J. W. Ingram, W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney, Thomas Walker and Josiah White.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Highways repaired by L. & N. W. R. Co   The Clerk said in answer to the Chairman that copies of the resolution carried at the last meeting had been sent to the County Council and the Rural District Council and he had received no communication in reply from either body.

Circular from L.G.Board                The Chairman stated with respect to the Circular referring to the Parish Fire Engines Act 1898 that he had looked up Section 33 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, 10 & 11 Vict: cap. 29, and found that that Act originally applied only to Towns having a special improvement Act, but being incorporated in the Public Health Act 1875 by Section 171, Urban districts but not Rural districts are included in its provisions therefor the powers to charge for the use of Engines beyond the limits of the parish cannot be claimed by a Parish Council under Section 33 of the Act of 1847, and he therefore proposed that the terms upon which other parishes can be allowed to share the benefits and
[p.122] have the use of the Winslow Fire Brigade shall be referred to the Lighting Committee for consideration.
                This was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously.

Auditor’s objections      The Clerk stated that new Auditor objected to the Lighting Committee having a separate account at the Bank, and it was decided that the Parish Council should have Accounts No. 1 and No. 2. No. 2 being for the receipts and payments for the Lighting and Watching Act.

Cheque        A Cheque was drawn for £1:14:0 to Mr. Russell, Superintendent of the Fire Brigade to pay the quarter’s drills account.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

November 1898

1898 Novemr 2                  A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 2nd  of November 1898.   Present H. Bullock Esqre Chairman, Messrs. R. J. Coxill, E. Gowin, John Varney, Thos. Walker and Josiah White.

                The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

[p.123] Highways over L. & N. W. R. Bridges       A letter from the County Council was produced and read as follows

County Hall,
7th October 1898

Dear Sir,
                Your letter of 15th ulto. & the Resolution of the Winslow Parish Council which accompanied it have been laid before the Highways Committee of the County Council and I have to inform you that the road surfaces over the Railway Bridges referred to, so far as they form part of the Main Roads, will be repaired by the County Council arrangement with the London and North Western Railway Co.

Yours faithfully, Wm. Crouch, Clerk of the Buck County Council

Mr. Thos. D. Curtis
Clerk of the Parish Council,

Lighting Committee & Parish Fire Engines Act 1898          The Chairman presented the report of the Lighting Committee as to the Parish Fire Engines Act 1898 as follows:-


The Lighting Committee met on November 1st 1898 to consider the terms upon which other Parishes can be allowed to share the benefit
[p.124] and have the use of the Winslow Fire Brigade referred to them by the Parish Council.
The Committee recommend that each Parish wishing to have the use of the Winslow Fire Brigade shall pay as an Annual Subscription a sum to be fixed after ascertaining the number of Parishes likely to join, such sum to be so much per £100 Rateable value of the Parish contributing.
                That each Parish shall in addition shall undertake to pay the actual payments made in the event of a Fire occurring in their Parish according to the scale in use by the Winslow Fire Brigade which shall be furnished to each Parish.
                That an agreement to this effect be entered into with each Parish willing to contribute.
                The Committee further recommend that a circular inviting them to subscribe be sent to the Parish Councils or Parish Meetings of the following Parishes:- Addington, Adstock, Dunton, Grandborough, Great Horwood, Hogston, Hogshaw, Little Horwood, Mursley, North Marston & Swanbourne.

Herbert Bullock
Chairman of Meeting on November 1st

The Report was unanimously adopted on the motion of the Chairman seconded by Mr. T. Walker.

                Mr. Varney proposed and Mr. White seconded and it was carried unanimously that the following
[p.125] Circular be sent to the Parish Councils or Parish Meetings of Addington, Adstock, Dunton, Grandborough, Great Horwood, Hogston, Hogshaw, Little Horwood, Mursley, North Marston & Swanbourne.

“Sir                 Your Parish Council has no doubt received the Local Government Board circular dated 3rd September 1898 referring to the Parish Fire Engines Act 1898. The Winslow Parish Council who maintain a Fire Brigade, have been asked by some of the neighbouring parishes upon what terms now that it is legal to enter into an agreement for that purpose, they can secure the use of the Winslow Fire Brigade in the case of a Fire occurring in their Parish.
                The Winslow Parish Council having considered this question find they are unable to give a final reply without first ascertaining how many parishes are likely to take advantage of the recent Act by joining with the Winslow Parish Council in maintaining their Brigade, it being obvious that the larger the number the less would be required from each, but assuming that several, or a sufficient number agree to do so, the Winslow Parish Council think that a small annual subscription, which would be fixed at so much per £100 of rateable value and would therefore divide the ordinary expense of maintaining the Brigade rateably amongst the parishes intitled to use it  and further an undertaking from each Parish Council to
[p.126] refund the actual payments made in the event of the Brigade attending a Fire in their Parish according to the scale of the payments in use.
                It is necessary to point out that in their own parish the Winslow Parish Council can make no claim on the owner of the property for the expenses caused by attending a Fire, nor have they statutory powers to compel payment for a Fire attended outside their parish unless by special agreement in each case, it is therefore imperative that if the Brigade is to attend Fires in your Parish an agreement should be made, as it is not equitable to saddle the Rates of Winslow with the expense of saving property in other parishes.
                May I beg of you to bring this letter to the notice of your Parish Council and to let me have a reply as to whether you wish to enter into an agreement on the lines proposed, or are unwilling to do so.”

Herbert Bullock [signature]

Parish meeting (lighting)

1898 Novr.  17      A Parish Meeting called for the purposes of the Lighting and Watching Act 3 & 4 Wiliam IV and for taking into consideration the amount of money to be raised for the purposes of the said Act in this Parish for the current year was called at the Boys Schoolroom at 7 o’clock on Thursday 17th November 1898.

                Present Herbert Bullock Esq. (Chairman) Messrs. R. J. Coxill, A. J. Clear J. W. Ingram, J. Varney and T. Walker.
                The Boys School being required for other purposes the meeting was adjourned to the Yeates Schoolroom at 7.15 p.m. on the proposition of the Chairman seconded by Mr. Varney

The Notice calling for the Meeting was read.

The Minutes of the last Parish Meeting were read and confirmed.

Mr. T. Walker proposed that a sum not exceeding £140.0.0 be raised for the purposes of the Act in this parish for the ensuing Year. This was seconded by Mr. J. W. Ingram and carried unanimously.

Herbert Bullock [signature]


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