List of jurors, 1769
Centre for Bucks Studies, JB/1
This is a return of men eligible to serve as jurors from the October 1769 Bucks Quarter Sessions. The qualification was freehold or copyhold property worth £10 p.a. or long (a life or ninety-nine years) leasehold property worth £20 p.a. Links to their wills or other information have been added.
- William Lowndes esquire
- Thomas Blake
- William Gibbs farmer
- William Gibbs glover
- Thomas Bowler
- John Goodman
- Robert Gibbs maltster
- John Budd
- John Cox
- Francis Collins
- Benjamin Dudley
- Stephen Gibbs glover
- William Verney
- Christopher Bigg
- Richard Gibbs
- Charles Bowler
- Robert Blake
- William King
- Robert Evans
- William Maydon
- Paul Perkins
- Daniel Elliott
- John Henley
- John Hall
Little Horwood
- William Curtis
- Thomas Oakley
- John Holdham
- John Illing
- Edward Showler
- William Parratt
- Richard Stevens
- Thomas Allum
- Edward Elliott
- John Stevens
Centre for Bucks Studies, QS/J/E/1/237
A List of Persons Names in the Parish of Winslow in the County of Bucks that are qualified to serve on Juries - Viz.
William Lowndes Selby
Thomas Ingram farmer
George Carpenter tanner
Augustine Seaton butcher
John Price carpenter
John Goodman victualler
Richard Shelton currier
William Mayne collar-maker
William Burley baker
Stephen Gibbs glover
John Gibbs glover
Francis Budd butcher
William Gibbs glover
William Turner lace-buyer
Joseph Dudley draper
John Dudley draper
Charles Bowler cordwainer
John Gibbs maltster
William Blake gent.
John Hendley glover
William King carpenter
Robert Gibbs maltster
John Jellyman hemp dresser
Richard Gibbs currier
Dated September 5th 1784.
[signed] Robt Gibbs constable
Sep 6th 1784 sworn before me [signed] E. Millward
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