Winslow's response to the 29 articles, 1646
National Archives, SP28/151
In 1646, with Bucks firmly under the control of Parliament and Charles I in the hands of the Scots, the County Committee started to look into making reparations for the losses which had been suffered during the fighting (although they were still imposing heavy taxation to pay for the army). They sent round a printed pro forma of 29 Articles, and the replies of many parishes have survived. The return for Winslow is the most substantial piece of evidence about what the town suffered during the Civil War, and is especially useful for the specific dates which it provides for the arrival of leading figures in the Parliamentary Army including the relatively unimportant (at the time he came to Winslow) Colonel Oliver Cromwell (read more about him on the Cromwell Association website). When he came in February 1644 he was on his way to the assault on Hillesden House. His second visit around Michaelmas was in the month before the Second Battle of Newbury, when Parliament was trying to put pressure on the Royalist stronghold of Oxford.
Some explanatory notes have been added below in italics. We haven't at present got the text of the 29 Articles but the nature of most of the questions can be reconstructed from the answer. The names written in the margins were the people who could confirm the expenditure which was claimed. For more information, see Ian Beckett, Wanton Troopers: Buckinghamshire in the Civil Wars 1640-1660 (Barnsley: Pen & Sword, 2015). We've also got responses from Adstock, Addington, Little Horwood, Maids Moreton, Middle Claydon, Nash, Wing and Padbury; more to follow. There are also some separate records for Granborough. See also Civil War accounts of Thomas Tyrrell, 1643-46 (which mention some of the payments recorded on this page).
An answere to the severall queries sent unto us from the Committee sitting att Amersham made by us the Inhabittants of Winslow with Shipton the inquire Containing 29 Articles: dafted the 30th daye of Auguste 1646:
1. Impr[imis] for the two first subsidies to our best remembrance Richard Hodgkings subcollecter paide to Robarte Grainge of Litle Horwood high Collecter [margin: to Grange] the some of twelve pounds or there abouts : And for the two next subsidies Hugh Seaton sen' subcollector payd to William Grange of Murslie the some of 12li being high Collector [margin: to Grange]
This refers to the four Subsidies (the usual form of direct taxation) granted by Parliament to Charles I in December 1640.
2. The fifte and sixt subsidies was gathered by John Shelton subcollector and payd to Mr Thomas Legoe of Burcotte butt how much we know not the subcollector being deade [margin: Lygoe]
These two Subsidies were granted in May 1641. There is a surviving return for Winslow according to which the subcollector was Ralph Phipps and the sum paid was £9 12s.
3. There was Collected the some of 37li or thereabouts for pole money by William Lownds and Richard Hodgkings subcollectors and payde to Sir Robarte Lovett high collector [margin: Lovett]
The Poll Tax was levied in 1641 to pay for disbanding the army after the war in Scotland. Winslow's return has survived (available on a CD from the Bucks Family History Society) and came to £37 2s.
4. There was nothing Lent to the reliefe of Ireland as we doe remember
5. There \was/ given the some of 5li out of the parish to our best remembrance butt who receaved yett we know not Collected by the Churchwardens [margin: Fountayne]
These were contributions for suppressing the revolt in Ireland in early 1642, for which Winslow actually collected £4 15s.
6. There was none given as we doe remember
Gifts for the relief of distressed Protestants in Ireland.
7. To the Britishe Army there was payd by Mr Paxon and Hugh Seaton sen' subcollectors the some of 21li in Maye 1646 to Mr Peacoke high collector
Allso payde by Richard Hodegkins and Andrwe Stuchbery subcollectors the some of
9[?]li 2s to Mr Peacock [margin: Peacock]
This was a tax for the relief of the army in Ireland, voted by Parliament in October 1644.
8. The some assessed for the first parte of the 400000li was 18li Henry Pyme sen' and Hugh Seaton sen' collect\ors/ and payde the same to Mr Stafforde 10li and to Mr Bruer of Pittstone high Collectors 8li [margin: Brewer]
9. For the second part of 400000li was payde to Nicholas Brinsale and Samuell Ralings Constables the some of 18li att fower severall times about the first of November 1642 [margin: to inquire]
This was money voted by Parliament to Charles I in February 1642, before the war started, "for the necessary defence and great affairs of the kingdoms of England and Ireland and for the payment of debts undertaken by the Parliament". The first part was collected in July 1642.
10. There was none Lent to our knowledge
"Proposition money" was a loan which Parliament tried to raise in June 1642 but fewer than a quarter of Bucks parishes contributed.
11. There was none subscribed for
Horses and arms for the army
12. There was none payd as we Can here of
The "fifth and twentieth tax" on defaulters voted by Parliament in May 1643.
13. There was none Collected as we knowe of
A review of the fifth and twentieth tax.
14. We remember nothing of yett
The fourth part of the £400,000.
15. We gathered and sent none as we remember
Contributions to the garrison of Reading.
16. There was none taken nor sente as we do remember
Contributions to the garrison of Newport Pagnell.
17. There was none sent for nor none payd as we know
Contributions to the garrison of Windsor.
18. There was money payd to the works att Alisbery into the hands of Nicholas Brinsall Constable butt how much we Cannot tell nor to whom he payd yett
Allsoe we sent into Alsbery 12 beds with Coverlids and bolsters and blankets
the Constable receaveing them
Allso as much worke and charg\e/
uppon the parishe with provigon for horse and men by Cap: Abycromy to Addington to the valy 20li
Contributions to the garrison of Aylesbury and its activities.
19. Our monthly Assessement was att the first the some of 9li and afterwards 8li 5s which we payde in money and returnes unto the Committee att Alisbery or to there deputies ever since the ordinance was in force [margin: Comitty att Alesbury]
A weekly assessment was introduced in 1643. It was changed to a monthly tax in June 1647.
These payments are also mentioned in SP28/150:
f.62v: Recd of Nicolas Spooner, Tho: Glenister, Jno Kerbye collectors of Winslowe cum Shipton in parte of 57:15:00 in arreare for 7 monethes assessment endinge in June July August September 1645 June July & August 1646 the summe of £42 14s 10d.
Jan 1648: Recd of ye said collectors in further parte of 57:15:00 arreare for ye said 7 monethes assesmt ye summe of £06 09s 04d.
f.619: Receipts of ye collectors of Winslow cum Shipton ye [?] Febr 1645 7:01:03 in partt of 8:05:0 for 4 weekes tax due in November last of ye said towne collectors 17 Febr 1645\in arreare 1:03:09/
12:10:08½ in partt of 16:10:0 for 8 weekes tax due in December & January last. In areare 3:19:03½.
Of ye said towne collectors 6 March 1645 7:07:00 in partt of 8:05 for 4 weeks tax due in Febr last. In arreare xviij s.
Of ye said towne collectors 31 March 1646 5:07:05 in partt of 8:05:00 for 4 weeks tax due in March instant. In arreare 2:17:07.
Of ye said towne collectors 11 May 1646 6:17:05 in part of 8:05:00 for 4 weeks tax due in Aprill last. In arreare 1:07:07.
Of ye said towne collectors 20 June 1646 7:00:00 in partt of 8:05:00 for 4 weekes tax endinge 12 May last. In arreare jli vs.
In arreare for 12 weekes tax ending 9 June, 7 July & ye 4 August 1646 24:15:00.
Alsoe in arreare for June, July & August & September 1645 formerly suspended 33:00:00
[signed] Ric Baldwin
John Deverell
20. There was nothing payde nor lent for maimed solders butt now we have warrant for hett
Contributions for sick and maimed soldiers.
21. There was nothing lent nor payd as we remember
Contributions for the Scots army.
22. There is an estate of the Duchesse of Buckinham the Parsonage the Baylywicke and one litle howse all valued att one hundred pound by the yeere Mr Fygge sen' and Mr Peeter Fygge jn' being Tenants att the time of sequestration and the Continue tenants to this time paying the same Rent butt to whom we know not [margin: seques]
Allsoe there is 180 acers of arable and meddow of Mis Janes Henry Pime sen' being tenant and since the sequesstration the rent we know not nor to whome yett hath bene payde
Sequestrated property.
23. There was a horse with furniture served in by the parish valued att Tenn pound by warrant from the Commitee att Alisbury about midsomer 1644: served for the use of the Earle of Manchester: [margin: to inqueer]
Thomas Miller & John Miller payd 6li 13s 4d to Maior Banes under the Command of Alisbury garison \as we supose/ about Desember 1642 for 2 dragon horses [margin: Baynes]
Nicholas Sponer and John Shelton payd fiftie shillings a peece for to drago\o/ns horses the same
to Colonel Terrell that they were charged with [margin: Torrell]
John Hogson served a horse valued att 4li by Captaine Smith and receaved into Captaine Grindfilds troope [margin: Greenvill]
This is also mentioned in Richard Grenville's records (SP28/149 f.226): Winslow cum Shipton
To accomptt for one horsse recd by Captt Greenvill into his troope by Jo: Hogson vallewed att £4:00:00
Free quarterers
Maior Urrey with Two hundred horse and men one daye and night about the 13th of January 1644 att 20d the daye and night — 16li—13s—8d
Colo Cro\m/well had five troops att Shrofftide 1644 [i.e. 18 Feb] three dayes and nights Judged to be three score in a troop att least att 20d the daye and night — 75li
Colo Aldridge with his Regiment of foote one daye and night att the same time thought to be eyght hundred at eyght pence daye and night a man — 26li—13s—4d
Sir Robert Pye with two troops of horse on Ester daye 1645 [i.e. 6 April 1645] three score in a troope one day and night 20d day and night — 19li—0s—0d [margin: Aldridge]
The next daye Maior Generall Crafford with two Regiments of foote one daye and night guest to be eight hundred in a Regiment att 8d a man daye and night — 53li—6s—8d
From Newport 3 hundred foote under Cap Draps with Maior Enis troope three skore in his troope one daye and night the foote att 8d the horse att 20d — 15li
And the next daye six hundred foote from Northamton and one troope of horse 80 m(en) the troop one day and night 8d the foote and 20d the horse valued at — 26li—13s—4d
Five troops under the Comand of Colo Cromwell about Michelmas 1644 two daies and nights 60 in a troope att 20d a daye and night for horse and man —50li
Two hundred horse and men the 10th of Desemb 1645 Two daies and nights under the Comand of Colo Ireton att 20d daye and night man and horse — 33li—6s—8d
Three hundred horse and men the 20th of Desember 1645 under the Comand of Colo Whaley two daies and nights att 20d daye and night man and horse — 50li
The 22th of the same month one troop of horse under Cap Gladman two dayes and nights three skore in the troop att 20d daye and night man and horse — 20li
The 9th of January 1646 two hundred dragoons under the Comande of Colonel Whaley one day and night att 20d daye and night man and horse — 16li—13s—4d
The 20th of the same month two hundred dragoons under Colo Whalie three daies and nights att 20d a daye and night man and horse — 50li
The 9th of Aprill 1646 one hundred horse and men under Cap Hobson eleven daies and nights Coming of a party att 20d the daye and night man and horse — 91li—13s—4d
To Colo Sidney by warrant from him in March 1645 seven pound a wicke for a month — 28li
Payd to Maior Alforde by warrant six pound the wicke for the next month after — 24li
Payde to Cap Zankies troop att Bister from the 25th of March 1646 to the 20th of Maye the same — 27li
Att St James tide [25 July] 1646 Cap Zankies troop thought to be one hundred in his troop three daies and nights att 20d daye and night man and horse — 25li
Cap Blackwell had 40 horse and men for seven daies and nights att 20d the daye and night man and horse a fortnight after Midsomer 1646 — 23li—6s—8d
It[em] Payd to Maior Disborough uppon a warrant to Padbery and Sincleborow for the garde there — 4li—18s—8d
It[em] Cap Barton had 36 men and horse belonging to Colo Graves Regment quartered from the 28th of August 1646 to the 26th of September att 20d the daye and night man and horse — 84li
These were the expenses of quartering troops, for which certificates would have been issued.
24. We payde nothing to drums and coulors or any thing therein contained
Contributions to drums, trumpets, etc.
25. We \payde/ to the setting forth of solders but to whose solders we know not nor what we payde nether who were the Constables att that time
Soldiers equipped by the parish. In view of the vague answer, perhaps they had been for the Royalist army.
26. There was none Collected or given on fasts or thankesgiven daies as we doe remember
Collections made at times of fast or thanksgiving ordered by Parliament.
27. For the excise we have payd yett ever since the ordinance was in force except behinde at this time which we tooke for warrant for butt how much the former Constables Nicholas Brinsale Samawell Rawlings Henry Wiate and Henry Norman and Robart Eticale [?=Hale] \Richard Glenister/ Can best informe
Excise tax was introduced in 1643 on ale and cider, later on salt and hats.
28. There was some smale sumes payd for Coming for the exise butt how many we cannot tell
Expenses caused by failure to pay taxes etc.
29. The Charge of the parishe when his excellence the Earle of Essex laye in the towne with his army as neere as we Can estemate yett is 200li att the leaste being about Midsomer anno dom' 1643
William Hogsonne had a mare Charged to goe with the Caridge of the Earle of Essex and he never had her againe valued att 3li
Thomas Miller had a horse taken by the Earle of Manchesters men they leaving him a tired horse which died sudenly after his being worth 4li 10s
Thomas Glenister had a horse taken for the service of the Earle of Essex and never had him againe the horse was worth and valued att 4li
Samuell Rawlings had a horse charged by Cap: Abycromy for some desinge and never[?] had him againe value worth[?] ?li
Colo Bares men Coming to releive the gaurde took a horse from Henry Pime sen' valued att 5li they leaveing him a horse not worth twentie shillings about Ester 1645 [6 April]
Expenses not included under the previous 28 headings.
[signed] William Lowndes
Nicholas Sponer
Willm Glenister
The charges and losses which we have suffered by the Kings Soldiers will be above double this here specified in this answere If it please this honorable Comittee to take this into conscideration and desire the particulars we shall endevour to give them satisfaction
[written on the outside of the booklet] Winsloe cum Shipton
Hen: Oviat
We're going to add the returns of some local villages to give a broader picture of what was going on in the area during the Civil War. They weren't all as careful as Winslow in giving dates about who visited them when. See the Winslow return (above) for the questions.
National Archives, SP28/151
Adstock in Com Bucks : and in the 3 hundreds of Buckingham
The booke in Answer to the 29 Articles proposed by the Com(m)itty for Accoumpts of the Coumty of Bucks to be Answered by the Inhabitants of Adstock & other within in that County
Given into that Com(m)itty Sitting att Amersham Sept 1st 1646
These are the Charges w(hi)ch o(u)r towne off Adstock hath bin att for the p(ar)liament partye that can att p(re)sent be remembred : Much more ther is w(hi)ch asfarre as we can call to Mind, and draw into ye heads we doe desire may be added here unto
An Answer to the 29 Articles proposed by the Committee for accoumpte to the parish of Adstock in the County of Bux 1646.
To the first article. [Illegible words deleted] \We answer/ that William Lea and William Clarke were collector for the two first subsidies : the sum(m)e assessed was five pounds Eight shillings : the High Collector Mr John Pollard of Lacomstead [margin : Pollard] unto who(m) it was all paid in money and Certificats : as the s(ai)d sub collectors doe affirme 4li-4s in money : and the rest in certificats March 27 1641
William Sayer sen was subcollector for the 3rd and 4th subsidies the sum(m)e assessed was 5li : 8s the high collector was Will(iam) Corbett then of Thornburrow [margin : Corbett] to who(m) it was all paid in Money and Certificats as the said subcollector doth affirme.
To the second article [Illegible words deleted] we answer that Mr Butterfield was high Collectr of the 5th & 6th subsidies, and to o(u)r best remembrance the sum(m)e assessed was five pounds Eight Shillings [margin] Butterfield
To the 3rd article : Concerning Polemony Paid by severall Inhabitants of the towne of Adstock to William Lea & Thomas Hogg Collectrs 5li : 13s w(hi)ch they say they paid ov(e)r to [Illegible words deleted] of 5li : 8s to Mr Skinner Clark to S(i)r Edw(ard) Tyrell and by his appointm(en)t [Illegible words deleted] w(hi)ch paid att Buckingham [Illegible words deleted] 5li : 13s - 0 [margin] E Terrill
To the 4th Article upon this article or the subsequent article being both concerning the releife of Ireland was given by severall inhabitants of the P(ar)ish of Adstock two pounds : sixteene shillings : six pence : delivered In Into the hands of William Lea high Constable the w(hi)ch he saith he paid ov(e)runto Mr Richard Greenfield then High Sheriff [margin] Greenvill
To the 5th article ignoramus
To the 6th article nothing that we remember
To the 7 article ignoramus
To the 8th article Paid by Severall Inhabitants of the P(ar)ish of Adstock aforesd to Thomas Barnaby and Thomas Everett Eights pounds : two shillings, nine pence w(hi)ch they say they paid into the hands of William Rawlins of Marsh Gibbon high Coll : and as we doe verily beleeve was in discharge Off the first payment of the 40000li subsidie [margin] Rawlins 6li - 2s - 9d
To the 9th Article ignoramus
To the 10th Article ignoramus
To the iith article Paid to Thomas Barnaby by the severall Inhabitants of the parish five pounds 10s w(hi)ch he sth he paid ov(e)r to Mr Thomas Terrill or to his deputy for the p(ro)viding of a dragoone horse & furniture [left margin] Terrill [right margin] 5li - 10s - 0d
[margin] Shilburne
[margin] Scot
To the 12th Article Mr Robert Sharrock Parson of Adstock paid for his 5th and 20th part by the appointmt of the Com(m)ittie at Aylsbury thirty pounds lawfull money pt whereof ten pounds was paid to Mr Thomas Scott treasurer and part thereof to Maior Shilburne : the w(hi)ch was paid ov(e)r by him to the said Mr Scott as appears by a receipt under his hand 30 – 00 – 00
Paid by William Lea In part of his 5th & 20th p(ar)t to Mr Thomas Scott [deletion] v [deletion] pounds : paid More to John John Hodges clark to the s(ai)d Mr Scott five pounds for w(hi)ch the s(ai)d William Lea s(aye)th he has receipts under their hands 10 – 00 – 00 [margin] Scott-detts
To the 13th Article : ignoramus
To the 14th Article : ignoramus
To the 15th Article : Ignoramus. None
To the 16th Article
Imps : delivered to Thomas Clemence Constable of Adstock about January : 1644 fourty shillings to provide or discharge bedding charged upon us by warrant fro(m) Newport Pannell garison as he s(ai)d and paid by him to Rogr Raulins q(ua)rt(e)rm(aste)r generall 2 – 00 – 0
It(em) About May 6th : 1644 delivered to Pellam Moore quartermaster generall for the Garison of Newport Pannell : on rug : on Blanket on Bolster : on bed : 1 – 15 – 0
It(em) June 3rd 1644 : delivered to William Ashwell on black browne Gelding for the use of the Garison of Newport : required by warrant fro(m) S(i)r Samuel Luke [margin : Luke] 4 – 10 – 0
It(em) July 2nd 1644 : delivered to John Hodges 3li 12s : for discharge of 6 laborers charged upon us to worke att the workes at Newport Pannell [margin : Jo : Hogg] 03 – 12s – 0
4 Carts charged to carry tymber to Newport Pannell at two severall tymes : wherof two were paid for : & two reamaines yet unpaid for w(hi)ch we valew att 00 – 12s – 00
Article 17th : 1646 ignoramus
Article 18th : ignoramus we answer that our charges to Alsbury are Certified in answer to some of the subsequent articles : in p(ar)ticular we referre you to the next article.
To Article 19th Concerning Contribution
li s d | ||
Imp(rimi)s Barnes |
Paid by Thomas Everett to Thomas Barnes in full of three months tax to Alsbury as appears by two acquittances under his hand twelve pounds four shillings : 1d ob. | 12 – 4 – 1d ob |
It(em) | Paid in full of two month tax more by William Sym sen to the said Thomas Barnes seven pounds twelve shillings seven pence | 7li – 12s – 7d |
It(em) Winde |
Paid to Mr James Wind twenty one pounds six shillings Eight pence w(hi)ch together w(i)th six pounds thirteen shillings 4d returned to him upon severall defaulters amounts to twenty Eight pounds the full of eight months contribution to Alsbury for all w(hi)ch ther are receipts under his hand | paid 21li– vi – 4 Returned 6 – 6 – 8 |
It(em) Scott |
Paid to Mr Hodges Clarke to Mr Thomas Scott seven pounds three shillings two pence & thirteene shillings to Capt Wheatly towards the repayre of the works at Alsbury the w(hi)ch w(i)th returnes was in full of two months contribution : as appears by receipts under his hand | paid 7 – 16 - 2 w(i)th the returnes we beleeve tis three moneths |
It(em) Scott |
Paid to Mr Thomas Scott fower pound nineteene shillings w(hi)ch w(i)th fifteene shillings returned upon two defaulters amounts to five pounds fourteene shillings, in full of one months pay, and what was charged upon o(u)r town for a fortnights tax for horses as appeares by his receipt | paid 4li– 19 – 0 Returned fifteene shillings |
It(em) Phips |
Paid to Capt Edmund Phips three pounds five shillings 9d w(hi)ch w(i)th fourteene shillings returned upon some defaulters amounts to 4 pounds in full of one moneths Contribution | paid 3li– 5s – 9d Returned : 14s – 3d |
It(em) Baldwin |
Paid to Mr Richard Baldwin three pounds Eight shillings 5d : w(hi)ch w(i)th Eleven shillings 9d returned upon some defaulters amounts to 4li : in full of on moneths contribution to Alsbury | paid 3li– 11s – 5d Returned : 0 - 11s – 7d |
Moreover besides what is before exp(r)essed we affirme that ther hath bin more paid in, but in these tumultuous times the acquittances cannot be found for the p(r)esent. Also o(u)r Sessors John Foe and William Seyor Sen having lately searcht the resevrs books att Alsbury find that o(u)r contribution was paid to that time.
To article 20th : Ignoramus. Paid by Mr Thomas Egerton As he affirmes unto Hodges Clarke to Mr Scott att Alsbure 5s [margin : Hoges]
0 – 5s - 0
To the 21st article none demanded
To the 22d article [deletion] none sequesterd
To Article 23
Imps | One Mr Ingolsby (reported to be a lieftenant com(m)anded a party of Capt. Ingolsbys troope by virtue of a Com(m)ission as he said fro(m) Coll : Godwin & some others) took fro(m) severall inhabitants of Adstock fower horses wh(i)ch being brought to Alsbury were listed as we were informed for service of the p(ar)liam(en)t in the s(ai)d Capt. Ingolsby’s trope : one fro(m) William Clarke att xli one fro(m) John Scott att 5li on fro(m) Mr Robert Sharrock att xiili one fro(m) William Lea att 5li | 32li – 00 - 00 |
It(em) | Paid to Captaine Abycromy : & Capt Thomas Shilborne now Maior ten pounds w(hi)ch they s(ai)d was to be raysed by Com(m)and of the Erle of Essex by virtue of an ordinance of p(ar)liam(en)t : it was paid Jan : 12. 1643 for w(hi)ch ther is their recept. | 10li – 00 - 00 |
It(em) Norwidge |
Paid unto S(i)r John Norwich sixteene pounds five shillings six pence by virtue of an ordinance of parliam(en)t as he s(ai)d for Raysing of horse and a moneths advance for souldiers undr com(m)and of the Erle of Manchester paid him March : 20 1643 for w(hi)ch thar is his recept. | xvjli – 5s – 6d |
It(em) | Delivered unto Maior Aleford att Bucking(ha)m March : 10 : 1643 : by virtue of a warrant of the quarter mastr generall of the Erle of Manchester twelve bushels of Beanes | 1li – 10s – 0d |
It(em) | Delivered to Richard Laurance by virtue of a warrant fro(m) the Maior generall of the Erle of Manchester att Bucking(ha)m March : 11 : 1643 : 4 bush : of very good wheat : and 25 pounds of good cheese | 1li – 4s – 0d |
About that time Capt : William Boteler of the garrison of Northapton imp(r)essed one black browne gelding from Mr Robert Sharrock worth 5li for the service of the state in reducing Hilsdon house, as it appeares under his hand | 5li – 00 - 00 |
It(em) | About that time ther was imp(r)essed one other horse fro(m) William Seyer the Elder as he s(aye)th by the same Captaine for the same service | 3li – 00 – 00 |
It(em) | Captaine Abycromy being att Hilsdon house about the 26th of January p(r)ecedent [=1644] com(m)anding p(ro)vision to be sent thither unto him had fro(m) us 2 Calves att 1li – 6s – 8 : & 2 sheepe att 1li | 2li – 6s – 8d |
It(em) | five laborers one day att 8d | 00 – 3 - 4 |
It(em) | March 17 1643 sent to Com(m)issary Laurance att the Cock in Stony Strattford 4 bushels of provender | 00 – 10 – 0 |
It(em) | Ann° 1644 : to Maior generall Browne his forces at Bucking(ha)m July : 10 : / 85 pounds of Bread 7s. Cheese 77 : pounds att 3d the pound : 19s - 3d : fourteene pounds of Bacon 4d 4s – 8d | 01li – 10s – 1d |
It(em) | Delivered to Richard Balpork at S(i)r Edward Terills, 4 Bushell of beanes for the use of Coll Norton about that time | 00 – 10 – 00 |
It(em) | Delivered to William Freeman Quarter m(aste)r to Capt Abycromy, & by his appoint(en)t betweene Feb : 8 1644 & the 21 : of the same 100 weight of Cheese at 3d the pound, 50 pounds of Butter at 4d : 32 loves of household bread att jd the pound : ten pounds in Each loaf at least : 12 henns att 12d a peece | 4li – 3s – 4d |
It(em) | ten labourers att 8d a peece on day at Adington | 00 – 6 – 8 |
It(em) | Delivered to John Bush for the use of the p(ar)liam(en)t souldiers at Layton Jan : 20 1644 under the Com(m)and of Coll : Sydney as we remember twelve bushell of Oates w(hi)ch cost us 2s vjd the bushell | 1li – 10s - 0 |
It(em) | Delivered to Peter Wilmote quartermaster for the same forces fourteene bushell of Oates at 2s vjd the bush : by Thomas Clemence | 1li – 15s – 0 |
It(em) | Delivered to the Quarter master of Capt : Abycromy att Adington : in febr 1644 : 3 barels of beere at 6s : and one Calf at xs | 00 – 16 – 00 |
It(em) | To William Freeman Quarter m(aste)r to Capt Abycromy 20 Cheese more att Adington : in : Febr : 1644 : fower skore pounds | 1 – 00 – 0 |
It(em) | Delivered to Andrew Rushmore quart(e)r mast(e)r att Alsbury for the use of that garison : one bed one payre of sheets : on cov(e)rlid : on bolster. Jan : 31 1644 | 1 – 12 – 0 |
It(em) | Delivered to John Young quarter m(aste)r to Capt Browne : and to Richard Knight Quarter m(aste)r to Capt Bernard who were on night on the guard att Padbury all mann(e)r of p(ro)vision for men, & p(ro)vender for horses to the value of | 2 – 10 – 0 |
We sent p(ro)vison to the trope of Maior Harrison to Chesterton for w(hi)ch we have a debent(ur)e : & therefore we doe not charge them ther(e)w(i)th : as like wise for some quartering by the troopes Of Capt : Abbott : Coll : Ireton : Capt : Berry | ||
It(em) | Delivered att Brill to one Mr Withers for the use of the parliam(en)t may : 26 1646. 1 Spade : 5 shovels : two hatchetts | 0 – 9 – 8 |
It(em) | a Long Cart & wheeles of William Leas sent w(i)th p(ro)vision to the Erle of Essex when he Lay at Brickhill about July : 1643 & was ther kept for the service of the parliam(en)t – wo(r)th | 4 – 10 – 0 |
Concerning free Quarter
Imps : Capt : Jones : half his Co(m)pany of foot quartered w(i)th us one night as they went to Bucking(ha)m w(i)th the Lord Brook
It(em) Capt : Abycromy quartered w(i)th us two nights & dayes when the Erle of Essex quartered att Salden : about July 1643 w(i)th his troope consisting of about 60
It(em) Capt : Abycromie & Capt Thomas Shilbourne quartered w(i)th us two Nights & one day w(i)th ther troopes consisting of about 120 : and Men Jan : 11 : & : 12 : 1643 [right margin : Shelborne]
It(em) Capt : William Botelor : and Capt : Wolleston, both of the garrison at Northa(m)pton, w(i)th there troopes consisting of more than 120 : men & horse quartered w(i)th us three days & nights when Hilsden house was taken about March : 1643, wherof some paid for p(ro)vender
It(em) att the same time there ther quartered w(i)th us an other troope on night belonging to the Erle of Manchester consisting of about 60 horse & man
It(em) About a fortnight after Crapredy fight [=29 June 1644] quartered w(i)th us about two hundred men & horse one night – belonging to S(i)r William Waller : & of the Regim(en)t as we reme(m)ber of Coll [blank]
It(em) Att Easter 1645 one troope of horse belonging to Capt Pim : and com(m)anded by Cornett Newberry quartered w(i)th us three nights & dayes consisting of about 30 : men & horse
It(em) Eight Souldiers Gent : – some Com(m)anders, belonging to Maior Craford when he was gov(e)rner att Alsbury
sent by him to Collect money in the contry about us quartered at the p(ar)sonage w(i)th ther horse 5 dayes & nights :
It(em) These 8 men had fro(m) us in p(ro)vender 16 bush :
It(em) Att that time ther came 15 men & horse more to assist them, who quartered w(i)th us 3 daies & nights
The troopes of Coll Ireton : Capt Berry : and of Capt Abbott quartered w(i)th us some days & nights for w(hi)ch we have a debent(ur)e & therefore we charge them not her(e) w(i)th as we have saytst before
It(em) Two troopes of horse the on belonging to Maior Ennis : the other to Capt : Gadman came upon a Sunday in Lent : 1644 about one of the clock they quartered w(i)th us that day and in the night dep(ar)ted upon a designe w(i)th Capt : Abycromy
It(em) About Midsum(m)er following the same troope of Maior Ennis Came to us bayted ther horses w(i)th hay & p(ro)vender supt & dep(ar)ted
It(em) The same troope of Maior Ennis quartered w(i)th us one night Jan : 8 : 1645 :
It(em) The same troope belonging to Maior Ennis com(m)anded by on Mr Croote quartered w(i)th us one night about febr 1st : 1645
It(em) The same troope com(m)anded by Capt Doyly quartered w(i)th us two dayes & Nights this sum(m)er : 1646 : when they came fro(m) Piddington and Bostall after the house was taken
It(em) Taken from William Corbett on Sorrell gelding by Captaine Maynors souldiers on Sorrell Gelding as he affirmeth for the service of the state about Febr : 1643 worth 8 – 0 – 0
It(em) Taken from John Huett on Bay Gelding by Capt William Ansils souldiers about July 1643 when when [sic] the Erle of Essex lay at Salden The gelding cost vjl : 10 : 0d
6 – 10 – 0
To Article : 27. Noe fines for non paym(en)t : or false paym(en)t of excise p(ai)d as is required after
To Article 28th : Concerning Excise
Paid unto Mr George Lambull att Newport Pannell all duties of Excise required of us unto the Eleventh of March last past vizt to March 11th : 1645 by the hands of Thomas Constable Clemence Constable :
To the last Article. More concerning free quarter
Imps A list of the souldiers that quartered Att Adstock in June & July 1646 : off the Regim(en)t of Lieften(an)t generall Cromwell : and of the troope of Capt : John Blackwell
Imps | Mr Francis Browne came June 27 and quartered ten dayes ther w(i)th his horse | 0 – 10 – 0 |
William Mapes came w(i)th him June 27 : and quartered ther twenty three daies w(i)th his horse | 1 – 3 – 0 | |
It(em) | a spare gelding of the s(ai)d Mr Brownes twenty three daies | 0 – 7 – 8 |
It(em) | Mr Robert Marcom came June 27 and quartered there twenty daies w(i)th his horse | 1 – 0 – 0 |
It(em) | John Jorden Came June 27 & quartered ther twenty two dayes w(i)th his horse | 1 – 2 – 0 |
It(em) | Mr John Thurston Came June 27 and quartered there fourteene dayes w(i)th his horse | 0 – 14 – 0 |
It(em) | James Kirby his man Came June 27 and quartered there 17 daies w(i)th his horse | 0 – 17 – 0 |
It(em) | they had in p(ro)vender for ther horses twelve bushell of beanes | 1 – 4 – 0 |
It(em) | Henry Farre Eighteene dayes w(i)th his horse | 0 – 18 – 0 |
It(em) | Nicholas More Sixteene dayes w(i)th his horse | 0 – 16 – 0 |
It(em) | Raph Robarts Twenty 3 daies w(i)th his horse | 1 – 03 – 0 |
It(em) | these had in p(ro)vender 6 bushell of Beanes | 0 – 12 – 0 |
It(em) | William Rance and his horse 16 daies | 0 – 16 – 0 |
It(em) | Thomas Symons and his horse 17 daies | 0 – 17 – 0 |
It(em) | George Goldsmith and his horse 9 daies | 0 – 9 – 0 |
Edward Tucke 16 daies & his horse | 0 – 16 – 0 | |
In Provender Eleven Bushell | 1 – 2 – 0 | |
It(em) | Corporall Page & his horse 15 daies | 0 – 15 – 0 |
It(em) | Corporall Page his man & horse 15 daies | 0 – 15 – 0 |
It(em) | Abram Hayes 7 daies & his horse | 0 – 7 – 0 |
It(em) | Mr Violett on day & his horse | 0 – 1 – 0 |
It(em) | Mr Henry Farre 5 daies & his horse | 0 – 5 – 0 |
It(em) | Mr Walton 5 daies & his horse | 0 – 5 – 0 |
They had in Provender 8 bushell | 0 – 16 – 0 | |
It(em) | George Gold Smith & his horse 5 daies | 0 – 5 – 0 |
It(em) | Mr Starling & his horse 14 daies | 0 – 14 – 0 |
It(em) | Hugh a Scotts man & his horse 12 daies | 0 – 12 – 0 |
In p(ro)vender 3 bushell | 0 – 6 – 0 | |
It(em) | Samuel Cockrell and his horse : 23 daies | 1 – 3 – 0 |
It(em) | John Higgins & his horse 14 daies | 0 – 14 – 0 |
It(em) | Edward Barr Corporall Cockrels man 14 daies | 0 – 14 – 0 |
In p(ro)vender 8 bushell | 0 – 16 – 0 | |
It(em) | Mr Thomas Naylor & his horse 18 dayes | 0 – 18 – 0 |
It(em) | William Farre w(i)th his horse 20 dayes | 1 – 0 – 0 |
It(em) | Robert Meeke w(i)th his horse 14 dayes | 0 – 14 – 0 |
In p(ro)vender six bushell | 0 – 12 – 0 | |
It(em) | Mr Walton w(i)th his horse 14 dayes | 0 – 14 – 0 |
It(em) | John Debonet and his horse 21 daies | 1 – 1 – 0 |
It(em) | Samuell Debonett & horse 21 daies | 1 – 1 – 0 |
They had a quarter of p(rov)ender | 0 – 16 – 0 | |
It(em) | Mr William Styles w(i)th his horse 8 dayes | 0 – 8 – 0 |
It(em) | Richard Higgs & his horse 9 dayes | 0 – 9 – 0 |
It(em) | Mr Marsh and his horse 20 dayes | 1 – 0 – 0 |
It(em) | Mr Vine & his horse two dayes | 0 – 2 – 0 |
Provender 2 Bushell | 0 – 4 – 0 | |
It(em) | Peter Moores & his horse 23 dayes | 1 – 3 – 0 |
It(em) | William Chapman & his horse 12 daies | 0 – 12 – 0 |
p(ro)vender on bushell | 0 – 2 – 0 | |
It(em) | Richard Dyer & his horse 3 dayes | 0 – 3 – 0 |
It(em) | on Oliver fourteene dayes | 0 – 8 – 8 |
It(em) | John Garrett & his horse 10 dayes | 0 – 10 – 0 |
in p(ro)vender a bush : & half | 0 – 3 – 0 | |
John Sawell and his horse : 14 dayes | 0 – 14 – 0 | |
Oliver Prince : and two horses : 12 dayes | 0 – 16 – 0 | |
Mr Arniss and his horse twenty dayes | 1 – 0 – 0 |
Quartered w(i)th us part of Coll Graves : his troope about therty \twenty/ five men and horse fower nights and days : viz : July 23rd : 24th : 25th : 26th
Robert Sharrock
William Clark
Thomas Cornas
Thomas Egerton
John [mark] Scot :
Thomas Hogg
Sigum [mark] Gulielmi Lee
John [mark] Huet
Thomas [mark] Clemence
[written on outside of booklet]
Hen: Oviat
National Archives, SP28/151
By vertue of a warrant directed from the Com(m)ittie for takinge the Accounts of this Countie of Bucks accordinge to an Ordinance of Parliament dated 22th Febr: 1643, we the inhabitants of Addington have returned o(u)r answeres to the 29 Articles th(e)rein expressed, as we are able for the p(re)sent (after so longe a tract of time) to make anie replie. And o(u)r answere is as followeth
Imp(rimi)s & 2d we cannot now recall to mind what sum(m)e of monie was assessed for the Subsidies mentioned in the two first articles : but the sum(m)s assessed were payde to such Collect(o)rs as were appoynted to receive the same & who were the collect(o)rs thereof we cannot p(re)cisely remember
3 To the 3d Article we answer that the sum(m)e assessed was 17li 4s 1d & the sum(m)e assessed was payde accordingly & further we cannot answere.
4 To the 4th we say that we remember not what sum(m)e was assessed, subscribed or lent upon the Act expressed in that Article.
5 O(u)r answere to the 5th Article that we remember not what sum(m)e was payde or given for the cause expressed in that Article.
6 To the 6th we say that Robert Busbie Esqr lent 50li gratis, for the cause expressed in that Article; w(hi)ch mony was payde to Colonell Goodwin now deceased. [margin : Goodwin] And Robert Whitehall Clerke did subcribe for & pay 100li to those w(hi)ch were appoynted to be Collect(o)rs thereof; namely 50li to Richard Grenvile Esqr then high Sheriffe of the Countie of Bucks & 50li more was payde to John Warner & Lawrence Halstead Citiecens of London. [margin : Greenfil] And this monie was payde according to An act of Parliament for the subduinge & reducing of the rebells of Ireland.
7 We collected & payde to Mr Peacock for the recontenance[?] of the British armie 18li & 1s. This monie was payde June 20 1646. [margin : Peacock]
8 We assessed & payde 8li 2s 9d for the 1st part of the 400000li but who were subcollectors thereof we remember not now
9 We returne the like answere to the 9 Article
10 We beleeve that there was not anie plate or moneyes subscribed or lent or payde according \to/ the 10th Article because Mr Busbie saith he borrowed severall sum(m)s, & still doth upon interest & the other inhabitants are poore
11 We answere to the 11th that we beleeve there was no light horse, dragoones, armes or other p(ro)visions subscribed for upon the p(ro)posic(i)ons for the reason given in the last p(re)cedent. But there was a teame of 4 horses, with their harnesse, (all worth 22li) taken from Mr Busby by a partie of souldiers com(m)anded by S(i)r Rob(er)t Pye the yonger, he then beinge at Addington with them. [margin : Pye] And a blacke geldinge taken from him at anoth(e)r time by a souldier, under the com(m)and of Captaine Greenvile (as he sayde) for redemption whereof Mr Busbies servant payde 10s. There was likewise a horse worth 10li taken from John Meakes by the souldiers under com(m)and of S(i)r Rob(er)t Pye & was listed by the com(m)and of Colonell Goodwin & Colonell Bulstrod who p(ro)mised John Meakes to repay the price of his horse [margin : Goodwin & Bulstrod]
12 To the 12th we say that Mr Busbie paid for his whole 20th 5 part 130li to Mr Richard Baldwin, one of the treasurers for this Countie : & 2 horses valued at 23li to be repayde upon the publiq faith were had of him. Also Robert Whitehall Clarke payde 30li in monie, & 3 horses valued at 30li (for w(hi)ch he hath the publiq faith) the whole sum(m)e 60 payde for his 20th & 5 part.
13 We say to the 13th Article that we were charged w(i)th no revew for the 20th & 5 part.
14 We answere to the 14th Article as we have to the 8 & 9.
15 To the 15th we say that we were charged w(i)th no sum(m)e of monie for the sending of anie forces to Redinge.
16 To the 16 that Rob(er)t Whitehall Claeke had an horse worth 5li taken from him in the month of Sept : 1644 by Major Ennis his souldiers. [margin : Ennis] And John Meakes had a mare taken from him by Newport souldiers for w(hi)ch he payde 9s to have her returned to him. We payd for diggers at Newport 3li 12s, & for beddinge 3li; we beleeve also that we were charged w(i)th more particulars w(hi)ch we cannot now expresly remember, because the acquittances were taken from us by the souldiers.
17. To the 17th o(u)r answere is that Colonell Ven & Colonell Whichcott did lay no charge upon us for the mayntenance of the Garison in the castle of Winsor; nor (to o(u)r knowledge) were we charged w(i)th anie free quarters for their souldiers.
18. Hereto we answere that by vertue of a Warrant from Colonell Aldridge we payde 30s for the carryinge of wood & hay into the Garison of Aylesburie. [margin : Aldridge] Also the inhabitants of Addington were put to 100li charges at the least, when Captayne Abercromy made & kept the Garison at Addington for the space of 6 weekes.
19. We have payde for contribution at Aylesburie \since/ since December 25, 1644 as followeth 25li 5s 11d to Mr Peacocke to Mr Winde 39li 3s 9d, to Mr Baldwin 13li 16s to Captaine Phips 4li 17s 10d, as may appeare by severall acquittances & as for anie moneyes paid before for contribution there, we cannot recall to mind, because o(u)r acquittances were taken away by souldiers, or otherwise lost [margin : Peacock, Winde, Baldwin, Phipp]
20. We say to the 20th we say that we made some payments for the reliefe of maymed souldiers, but the sum(m)e we remember not.
21 We say to the 21st that we remember not \what/ moneyes to have bene \assessed pd or lent/ [deletion] upon us for the advance of the Scots armie.
22. We answere hereto, t(ha)t no estates reall or p(er)sonall have bene sequestered w(i)th in o(u)r parish.
23. To the 23th we say as followeth
March 17 : 1643, By virtue of a warrant from Com(m)issarie Lawrence there was brought in, & dld at Stonie Startford one quarter of p(ro)vender, & 25 pounds of cheese 18s
March 16 : 1643, Rec : one quarter of oates for the p(ro)vision of the horse t(ha)t is at Buckingham 12s By me John Alford Major.
March 30 delivered at Buckingham 4 bushells of wheate
23 douzen of bread & 25li of cheese 1li 5s 3d \ [illegible] May 1646/
Sent & dd at Bices(te)r for the use of Captane Sankyes troope, 4 loads of hay worth 4li & 102 bushells Banes at 2s the bushell 14li 4s.
The charges for the free quarteringe of several troopes belonginge to his excellencie S(i)r Thomas Fayrefax were as followeth
Dec : 11 : 1645. One troope quartered one night contayninge aboute 70 men & horses 4li 13s 4d.
Dec : 22 & 23. Two troopes two nights contayninge aboute 120 men & horses. Captayne Pitchford, & Lieuetenant Whittington com(m)anders over them 16li.
Jan : 9 Two troopes one night contayninge aboute 160 men & horses. Captayne Cicell & Captayne Gladman com(m)anders over them 8li.
Jan : 20, 21, 22. Two troopes each night contayninge aboute 160 men & horses. Major Disbrowes & Captayne Berries troopes the 1rst night 20li.
A horse taken from Robert Whitehall Clarke in July 1644 by Major Clutterbuck (who then had free quarter in his house) p(ro)mised to restore, but was not restored. This horse was worth 4li.
Free quarter when Colonell Rich w(i)th 200 men & horses quartered at Addington 3 nights 30li.
Jan : 13, 14, 15, 1643. Captayne Aber Cromy, & Captayne Shilburne w(i)th their troopes consisting of 120 men & horses had free quarter in o(u)r towne 15li. [margin : Shilborne]
Lieuetenant Sheers with 14 troopers under the com(m)and of Captayne Blackwell had this summer 3 weeks free quarteringe w(i)th us.
Major Scrope tooke up his quarters in o(u)r village upon the 29 of August, & continueth here w(i)th his troopers till the 22th day of this instant September, & how longe they abide here we know not.
24 Article, whereto we say, we remember not any monie charged on us for the p(ro)vidinge of drum(m)s trumpets &c
25 We answere to this Article as to the 24th.
26 We say to the 26 that we duly kept the publiq fasts, & (according to o(u)rpoore abilitie) releeved the poore of o(u)r village.
27 We say to the 27th Article that we have payde for excise at Newport 10li 0 9d. [margin : Excise Newportt]
28 We say \to/ the 28th that we remember no sum(m)e of money layde on us for not attending Com(m)itties or such like.
29 We make o(u)r answere to the 29th
Jan : 13 : 1643. Received ye day & heare above written of the Village of Addington 30li. by an order from the Lord General his excellencie the Earle of Essex for the use of the Parliament Rec : 30li.
By us Jecomiah Aber Cromy Thomas Shilburne [margin : Shillborne]
March : 20 : 1643 received of the Constable of Addington the sum(m)e of 16li 5s 6d, according to an ordinance of Parliament guaranteed to the Rt Hon:rable Edward Earle of Manchester towards the raysing of horse & armes & monie for a monthes pay of officers \& souldiers/ for the defence of kinge, Parliament & kingdome. Received 16li 5s 6d by me John Norwich [margin : Norwidge]
The expenses & losses above written w(i)ch \if/ the expenses & losses (w(hi)chfor the p(re)sent time cannot be remembered) were added to them, we beleeve the totall sum(m)e would be at the least 600li
Besides all the contributions, free quarterings & losses sustayned by the Kings Armie w(hi)ch were verie manie & great, o(u)r poore village lynge betweene the two Armies.
Robert Whitehall
Thomas Bowers
John Mekes
The marke of John Dandridge
John Stope
William Moores
Little Horwood
National Archives, SP28/151
Harwood p(ar)va
An Answer made by the Inhabitants of Little Harwood unto the severall queries contained in the Articles according to a Warrant dated the 3rd of August 1646 soe neare as they can.
1. Item the first 4 Subsidies payd by the Constables of the p(ar)ish unto Robert Grainge then High Collector being paid by him unto the treasurers at gild hall [margin : R : Grange]
2. Item the 5 [deletion] Subsidies John Barton Subcollector who payd it to Mr. Thomas Lygoe then high Collector. [margin : Ligoe] For the 6 Subsidies Robert Hawkins Subcollector which summe was 8li who payd it to Mr: Roger Brewer then high Collector [margin : Brewer]
3. For Polemoney we payd to our best remembrance 15li – 2s whereof John Adames payd 5li. Robert Grainge payd 5li. Emanuell Ward Subcollector to S(i)r Rovert Lovet & Mr: Richard Meade then receivers [margin : R Lovert & Mead]
4. For third Article we do not remember.
5. For this Article we have given within our p(ar)ish the sum(m)e of 4li. & upwards for the reliefe of the protestants in Ireland collected by the Churchwardens to our best remembrance. [margin : Mouer Fountayne]
6. For this Article we doe not remember.
7. For the Brittish armie we have assessed for three halfe yeares the summe of 12li - 13s - 6d
John Barton Subcollector for the two first payd unto Mr: Peacock, & Emanuell Ward & Robert Hawkins Subcollectors for the last [margin : Peacock]
8. For the Articles concerning the 4000000li we have lost our accounts by the kings souldiers so that we can give no other answer to these p(ar)ticulars as yet [margin : Brewer]
9. [blank]
10. For this Article Robert Grainge hath lent the summe of 20li. in the yeare of our Lord 1643 w(hi)ch was payd unto Mr: Edmund West & hath the publik fayth for it and 10li more which was lent to Goldesmith hall in 1644 for w(hi)ch fee hath the publicke faith for [margin : West]
11. For this Article we sent two dragoone horses of Five pounds price w(hi)ch were delivered to Maior Shelbourne w(i)th 4li. more in money for him to finde Riders & 4li. more for a horse for the use of Captaine Greenfeilds troope payd to the then treasurer.
[margin : Shelborn and Greenvill]
12. For the 20th & 5th p(ar)t Robert Grainge being compelled payd unto Maior Shelborne & leiutenant Carter 36li. & afterwards 12li. more to payd to Mr Scott then treasurer at Aylsbury & 10s. more to quartermaster Fryers by the appointment of the then Com(m)ittee his estate in Little Harwood being not a hundred pounds a yeare. [margin : Scott, Fyers] And one Bill of charges then left in the Com(m)ittee Chamber at Aylsbury of twenty pownds or thereabouts under the hands of Thomas Crawley of Marston in the County of Bedds w(hi)ch he had layd out for the Parliament service & w(hi)ch he had sett off w(i)th Robert Grainge for his Rent.
John Adames for the 20th & 5th p(ar)t payd unto Maior Shelborne 15li. & unto Mr: Thomas Scott treasurer 15li. in the full discharge of the whole for w(hi)ch he hath the publik fayth. [margin : Shelbourne & Scott]
13. For this Article uppon the review nothing
14. For this Article we doe not remember.
15. For this Article Nothing.
16. For this Article by the Com(m)and of S(i)r. Samuell Luke for Carriages to Newport 2li. – 10s. [margin : S Luk] And for provision & provinder for Captaine Goodmans troope 3li. belonging to Newport Captaine Andrewes troope for provinder 4li. belonging to Newport. One horse taken away from John Illing by Maior Ennis his souldiers belonging to Newport the price 3li. – 6s. [margin : Ennis]
17. For this Article nothing.
18. For this Article for repayreing the workes at Aylsbury 2li. payd to Captain Wheatley & Captaine Smyth to our best remembrance. [margin : Wheetly & Smith]
19. For this Article our Monthly assessment being 3li. – 16s. we have constantly payd to Aylsbury garison according to ordinance of Parliament w(i)th 12li. accounted with the treasurer Mr: Scott for Maior Hugh Craford his souldiers & others. [margin : Scott] And 18li. arreares w(hi)ch was behinde untill the yeare 1645 & hath beene distrained for before & since that time by Mr: Randall & Mr. Dalby & Mr: Peacock the Most p(ar)t of the p(ar)ish haveing formerly payd their right & full proportion whose goods were taken away for the payment of it againe [margin : Randall Dallby & Peacock] The sequestered land in our p(ar)ish being behind untill 1645 10li – 14s – 7d. w(hi)ch was then in the occupation of the Com(m)ittees at Aylsbury & since the yeare 1645 diverse of the p(ar)ish have neglected to pay their assessments to the value of 12li. & upward now due to those of the p(ar)ish w(hi)ch have payd \formerly/ or to whom we know not desiring that we may have the Justice of this Hon : Com(m)ittee against them w(hi)ch have formerly refused to pay. [margin : inquire]
20. For this Article we have payd to the kings bench & Maimed souldiers 1li – 5s payd by John Barton to Mr: William Claver now high Constable [margin : Claver]
21. For this Article we doe not remember.
22. For this Article we have 500 Acres of wood ground or there abouts sequestered w(hi)ch hath beene taxed after an 100li a yeare together with other rentes Fines & herriotts. Mr: Francis Dodsworth now tenant, but what he payd we know not [margin : Seques]
23. For this Article John Adames lent one horse in 1644 : of 20li price deliv(er)ed unto Henry Easton being an officer under Captaine Sanders [margin : Sanders] One horse delivered unto Captaine Greenfeilds troope in the yeare 1643 of 5li price [margin : Greenvill]
One Mare delivered unto the high Sheriff of this County Captaine Greenfeild 1643 - 5li – 10s price [deletion] these \two/ were taken \from John Adames/ for the use of the parliam(en)t.
Taker from Arthure Smyth for the Parliam(en)t use by the Clarke of Captaine Margerums troope swords saddles & bridles & one gunne w(i)th other goods to the worth of 3li – 6s – 8d.
One black Mare taken for the Parliament use from George Willett by Captaine Farringtons souldiers price 2 – 6 – 8
One horse more taken for the Parliament use from Henry Curtis by Carmoile lieutenant under Maior Belfore price 4li
Under Corynell Middlton 100 men & horse one night 7li – 10 – 0.
For Quartering lieutenant Horsely & 50 foote for one night 1li – 0 – 0
Leiutenant Evans belonging to Newport 70 Men & horses one night 5li – 5s – 0
Captaine Greenfeilds troope one night 50 Men & horse 3li – 15s – 0 [margin : Grenvill]
Maior Balfores troope two nights 90 Men & horses 12 – 10 – 0
Captaine Farmers troope two days & one night 45 Men & horse 5 – 0 – 0
Captaine lieutenant Cook with p(ar)t of his troope one night 32 Men & horse who payd p(ar)t of their provinder & left unpayd 2li – 0 – 0
Captaine Paines Foote one night who payd for one lambe & left unpayd 1 – 0 – 0
Captaine Lawrence & Captaine Margerames two troopes 3 nights 180 Men & horse who payd for p(ar)t of their provender & left unpayd 38li – 0 – 0
Captaine Parries troope belonging to S(i)r William Waller 80 Men & horse one night 6 – 0 – 0
Captaine Berries troope two days & one night 80 Men & horse 9 – 0 – 0
Lieutenant Linsey with p(ar)t of a troope one night 40 Men & horse 3 – 0 – 0
Maior Shelbourne with p(ar)t of his troope one night 50 Men & horse who payd for p(ar)t of their provinder & left unpayd 3 – 18s – 0 [margin : Shelbourne]
Cornett Young & a troope belonging to Collonell Sheffeild who quartered with us two nights 60 men & horse 9 – 0 – 0
Captaine Hamden & Maior Tomlinsons leiutenant with two troopes who quartered with us two nights 130 Men & horse 19 – 10 – 0
Captaine Taylors troope one night 60 men & horse who payd p(ar)t of their provinder & left unpayd 4 – 0 – 0
Captaine Browns troope three nights 70 Men & horse Cornett Tuck payd 3s for his p(ro)vinder left unpayd 15li – 10s – 0
Maior Disborowes troope two nights 90 Men & horse who payd \for/ p(ar)t of their provender & left unpayd 13li – 0 – 0
Leiutenant Chellingdon with p(ar)t of a troope one night 40 men & horse 3 – 0 – 0
Payd to Collonell Whaleys men who kept the garde at Fenny Stratford 5li – 0 – 0
Payd to Captaine Hanchies troope with hay & provinder served in to them at Bicister when the leger was against Oxford for the w(hi)ch we have a debent(ur)e 26 – 0 – 0
Collonell Graves 11 Men & horse in my Lord Caffeilds troope who have quarterd with us three weekes last past & now being with us still 20li – 0 – 0
24. For this article nothing.
25. For this Article one souldier sett forth w(hi)ch cost 0 – 11 – 0
26. For this Article we doe not well remember.
27. For this Article we have payd our excise every halfe yeare 1li – 1s the head into the excise office at Aylsbury [margin : Heywood]
28. For this Article we cannot give a iust amount as yet.
29. For this Article Robert Grainge for 43li a yeare w(hi)ch he hath not lieing in the p(ar)ish of Little Harwood w(hi)ch is all the Estate that he hath upon the yearly rent w(hi)ch he will make to appeare uppon oath if need shall require, & hath sett off of his rent since the yeare 1643 to Thomas Crawley of Marson in the County of Bedds & to Robert Stevenson of Stokegolington in the County of Bucks for Charges which they have disbursed for the Parliament use the sum(m)e of 50li w(hi)ch Robert Grainge will make to appeare under their hands besides the Charges formerly sett downe in this booke.
The charge of our subsidies with our monthly tax & excise & other charges w(hi)ch are sum(m)ed in this Bill besides other sum(m)es w(hi)ch we cannot as yet remember the total summe is 550li at yo least whereof there hath not beene above 8li payd by the souldiers so neare as we can learne
John Adames
Robert Grainge
Arthur Smyth
Some repayment is recorded in SP28/150 p.339 (Jan 1648/9):
Paid to John Adams, Illinge & Henry Smith to the use of the inh(ab)itants of Horrod Parva for quarteringe of Maior Shilbornes troopes accordinge to order on there bill on the file the summe of £04 14s 03d.
This separate document from 1649 is preserved among papers concerning the financial dealings of the Bucks Committee, mainly about payments for troops quartered in Aylesbury.
Bucks At the Com(mi)ttee for the s(ai)d County sitting at Aylsbury the 6 of Aprill 1649
The Com(mi)ttee being satisfied that one pound foure shillings eight pence charged upon Mr \Henry/ Sands lands at Little Horwood for the arreares due to the Guarrison, is already paid & being informed that by reason of a mistake in the returnes of the Arreares of that Towne, the said Mr Sands is charged with the same as still arreare & souldiers have quartered upon him for the same, & he forced thereby againe to pay the same, It is thought fitt & soe ordered that the said summe of one pound foure shillings eight pence received as abovesaid be repaid him by ye Treas(ure)r of this County, & six shillings more for the charge he was put to in the quartering foure men & horses for the said money, And this shall be his discharge
To Capt Jo: Deverell
Treas(ure)r [signed] Edm: West Hen Beke
6th Aprill 1649 [signed] Wm. Russell
Received then of Jno Deverell Treas(ure)r ye summe of one pounde tenn shillings & eight }
\pence/ for ye use of my father Henry Sands According to ye order above Written I say }
rec[eive]d ye summe of [right margin] 01:10:08
[signed] Richard Sandys
Maids Moreton
National Archives, SP28/151
October 14 1646 Maids Morton
By vertue of a warrant from the committee sitting at Amersham for the taking of the accounts of this shire we the inhabitants of Maids Morton received in a printed paper 29 articles commonly calle(e)d
the 29 queres to which we answer thus
Pollard Corbett |
1. To the first article we answer thus That there was assessed on ye parish for the first 4 subsidies the sum of three pound foure shillings which sum was collected by George Turner then sub- collector and by him paid at 2 severall paiments to Mr John Pollard of Leckhamsted and to William Corbett then of Thorne-burrow now of Adstocke. That is to say the one halfe to the above said John Pollard and the other halfe to the above said Will Corbett | To John Pollard To William Corbett |
1 12 0 1 12 0 |
Butterfeild | 2. That there was assessed on the said parish for the 5 and 6
subsidies the sum of on pound twelve shillings, who was the subcollector we know not, it was paid by Edward Butterfeild of Preston then high collector |
To Edward Butterfeild | 1 12 0 |
Humfery | 3. That there was paid for pole mony by George Palmer then sub-collector, to John Humfries clarke to Mr Busby of Addington the sum of twelve pound three shillings six pence | To John Humfries | 12 3 6 |
4. Wee can not remember what was assessed subscribed or lent for the releife of Ireland | |||
5. There was mony given for the releife of the protestant ministers of Ireland but how much or to whom paid or who was collector we do not remember | |||
6. Wee remember not that anny thing was done in it | |||
Mapleton | 7. That there was paid by George Grissell to John Maypleton received in Mr Peacocks absence for the Brittish army in Ireland, the sum of three pounds ten shillings six pence | To John Mapleton | 3 10 6 |
Rawlins | 8. Concerning the first paiment of the £400000 wee answer that John Rogers then inhabiting in this towne now an inhabitant of the burrough of Buck paid to the high collector Mr Rawlins of Marsh the sum of five pound fourteene shillings foure pence halfe penny | To Mr Rawlins | 5 12 10 |
9. The second part of the £400000 was never taxed as wee remember in this side of the county | |||
Ingolsby | 10. Mr George Bate parson lent five pound and William Eston on pound uppon the propositions which were received by S(i)r Richard Ingolsby | To S(i)r Richard Ingolsby Kt. | 6 0 0 |
Goodwin | 11. John Eston listed 2 horses in Collonell Goodwins Regiment which were delivered to S(i)r Thomas Saunders priced 18 pound | To S(ir) Thomas Saunders | 18 0 0 |
Shelborne Scott |
12. William Barrett paid for his 20 and 5 part eight pound to Capt. Thomas Shelborne And at an other payment too pound to Thom(as) Scot treasurer |
To Capt Thomas Shelborne To Thomas Scot |
8 0 0 2 0 0 |
13. Uppon the review of the 20 and 5 part there was nothing charged nor collected | |||
14. That the 4th part of the £400000 was paid but what was the sum, to whom or by whom paid wee do not remember | |||
15. Concerning provisions for Reading there was nothing required of us | |||
Luke | 16. Paid to Robert de Lucke provost Marshall of the Garison of Newport Pagnell for 3 beds charged uppon us foure pounds ten shillings Paid to William Ashwell clarke to S(i)r Sammuell Luke in mony and returnes three pound six shillings eight pence being our proportion for part of an horse charged upon us to be imployed for the service of the King and Parliament in the Garison of Newport Pagnell |
To Robert de Luke To Will. Ashwell |
4 10 0 3 6 8 |
Luke | By vertue of a warrant from S(i)r Sammuell Luke we sent into Newport Pagnell on able horse bridle and saddle paied six pound thirteen shillings foure pence | 6 13 4 | |
detts | Paid to workemen of our owne towne for diging at the workes of Newport Pagnell by warrant from S(i)r Samuel Luke seaven pound eighteen shillings six pence | 7 18 6 | |
17. Concerning Windsor Garison there was nothing required of us | |||
Aldrige | 18. Paid to Lewis Rey for maintenance of the workes of Alisbury on pound Paid to Thom(as) Egerton of Adstocke then high constable in mony and returnes on pound too shillings six pence by vertue of a warrant from Collonell Aldrige for the carriyng of wood to thatt Garrison of Alisbury |
To Lewis Rey To Thomas Egerton |
1 0 0 1 2 6 |
Egleton | 19. Paid to Charles Egleton for monthly taxes March 25 1644 by John Eston and Thomas Webb the sum of fourteen pounds | To Charles Egleton | 14 0 0 |
Scott | Paid to Thomas Scot treasurer August 24 1644 by Thomas Addams too pounds and ten pence halfe penny | To Thom(as) Scot | 2 0 10 ob |
Peacock | Paid to Nicholas Peacocke Jan. 1 1644 by the inhabitants of Maids Morton eight pound five shillings ten pence | To Nich Peacocke | 8 5 10 |
ditto | Paid to Nicholas Peacocke Jun 20 1645 by John Eston and George Grissell seaven pound seaventeen shillings nine pence | “ “ | 7 17 9 |
ditto | Paid to Nich. Peacocke July the 26 1645 by the hands of John Eston three pound on shilling nine pence | “ “ |
3 1 9 |
Sum tot(al) | 19 5 4 | ||
Winde | Paid to James Wind August the 26 1645 by the hands of Henery Eston the summ of three pound foure shillings | To James Winde | 3 4 0 |
ditto | Paid to James Winde September the 8 1645 by Henery Eston seaven pound too shillings sixpence | “ “ | 7 2 6 |
ditto | Paid to James Winde October 17th 1645 by the hands of John Eston too pound twelve shillings ten pence | “ “ | 2 12 10 |
ditto | Paid to James Winde November the three and twentieth 1645 by John Eston too pound three shillilngs foure pence | “ “ | 2 3 4 |
ditto | Paid to James Winde Aprill the 30 1646 by John Attwood five pound three shillings ten pence | “ “ | 5 3 10 |
ditto | Paid to James Winde May 9 1646 by George Palmer and Thom(as) Webb too pound six shillings too pence | “ “ | 2 6 2 |
Paid to Joane Wind for the aforesaid James Wind for the same use by John Rutly June 17 1646 three pound fourteen shillings | “ “ | 3 14 0 | |
Paid to James Sigston for James Winde for the same use by John Warr too shillings ten pence | “ “ | 2 2 10 | |
Sum. tot. | 28 9 6 | ||
Baldwin | Paid to Richard Baldwin March 12 1645 by the hands of Thomas Cleeve of Bucks one pound fifteene shillings five pence | To Richard Baldwin | 1 15 5 |
Wilton | Paid to Walter Wilton Feb(ruary) 18 1645 by William Scot too pound eight | To Walter Wilton | 2 8 10 |
Scott | Paid to John Hodges May 10 1645 three pound too shillings too pence | To John Hodges | 3 2 2 |
20. Concerning lame souldiers mony wee remember not what was don in it | |||
21. Towards the advancing for the Scots wee received no warrant | |||
Sequest | 22. There was sequestred in our parish the land belonging to All Soules colledge in Oxford then and now in the ten(an)ce of John Eston the rent is uncertaine it being part in mony and part in corne rent, The Lands belonging to Christ Church in Oxford in the Occupation of John Philpot, William Scot, Robert Ware, William Atwood, Henery Turpin, Ralph Turvy and John Abbott of Leckamsted the rent is uncertaine and we know not to whom paid, the lands belonging to S(i)r Simon Every part of which at sequestration were in the ten(an)cy and occupation of George Palmer and John Rogers but now in the ten(an)ce and occupation of Richard Stephens and Antony Rutly the rest of the land was then and now is in the occupation of Henery Smith Thomas Robbottom William Philpot Thomas Addams day laborer Edward Knight and Millicent Dixon relict of William Dixon day laborer there rents we know not nor can we answer more to this article | ||
23. Delivered to Quart(er)m(aster Bate Quartermaster to Capt. Pim by William Barrett for the service of the King and Parl(iamen)t on dun horse worth six pound | To quart(er)m Bate | 6 0 0 | |
Delivered to the above said quartermaster Bate by George Palmer for the use aforesaid on black bald horse worth nine pounds | “ “ | 9 0 0 | |
Delivered to Capt. Charles Pim above said at Shenly by Stony Stretford on horse prizd seaven pound by John Eston as by a note under his owne hand doth appeare | To Capt Charles Pim | 7 0 0 | |
Paid by John Eston at Stony Stretford by vertue of his Excellency the Earle of Essex his commission unto Jo(hn) Lockey, Charles Fleetwood, Thomas Hammond, the sum of five pound as appeeres by a receite under there hands | To Jo(hn) Lockey Charles Fleetwood Thomas Hammond | 5 0 0 | |
24. For Drums trumpets colours and such like no thing required nor collected | |||
25. For impressing cloathing and conducting of souldiers nothing required nor collected | |||
26. Nothing collected or given on publicke fasting dayes | |||
27. What hath bin paid for Excise we can not remember | |||
Wind | 28. Paid by John Atwood constable for the inhabitants of Maids Morton to Mr James Wind the sum of on pound foure shillings imposed on them by the said James Wind for a distresse | To Mr James Wind | 1 4 0 |
Norwich | 29. Paid to S(ir) John Norwich the 13 of March 1643 by John Philpott the sum of ten pound eleaven shillings nine pence for the raising of horse and armes for the Earle of March army | To S(ir) John Norwich | 10 11 9 |
Paid to Capt. Dendy a Capt(ain) in the Earle of Manchesters army of horse by order from the committee at Alisbury the sum of foure pound | To Capt. Dendy | 4 0 0 | |
Charged to Capt. Abercromy whilst he lay at Addington being six weekes for all manner of provisions for horse and men the worth of foure pound by the weeks foure and twenty pound | To Capt. Abercromy | 24 0 0 | |
Charged to the Capt. above said for too beds the sum of three pound | “ “ | 3 0 0 | |
Charged to Capt. Laurence his troope in S(i)r Thomas Fairfax his Regiment whilst they lay before Oxford in provinder at severall times so much as did amount at 100 shillings by the bushell to eight and twenty pound seaven shillings | To Capt. Laurance | 28 7 0 | |
Bought of Mr William Eston by Collonel Boswell for the use of the Warwickeshire Regiment 20 fat sheepe prizd 20 pound paid for only with a ticket under his hand | To Collonel Boswell | 20 0 0 | |
At the same time was |
30 0 0 | ||
At the same time was delivered by John Eston to the said Collonel Boswell for the use of his Regiment 2 barrels of beere vessels and all worth eighteen shillings | 0 18 0 | ||
At the same time was pressed 5 horses and on Cart with 2 drivers to carry provision and 2 horses and on driver beside to draw a waggon which stayd out 6 weekes it being harvest time was worth eighteen pound and 2 of those horses were Mr John Estons and weare spoyled, one of them worth 5 pound died presently and the other was never since able to worke being before worth seaven pound | 7 0 0 | ||
Wee quartered Collonel Boswells men on night being a compleat Regiment Lieutenant Collonel Whaly with his troope Capt. Swallow with his troope and an other Capt. of the same Regiment with his troope consisting of about 360 men and horse for a weekes time | 25 0 0 200 0 0 |
Collonel Purefoy and his Regiment of horse on night the charge | 31 10 0 | ||
Maior Desborrows troope consisting of 90 men and horse on night | 6 15 0 | ||
Capt. Lawrance his troope on night | 6 15 0 | ||
Capt. Leiuetenant Dale with his troope on night | 6 15 0 | ||
Maior Swallows troope on night | 6 15 0 | ||
Leiuetenant Scotton with 50 men and horse of Capt. Renneles his troope 3 weeks | 80 0 0 | ||
Threescore men and horse on night that convoid[?] the foote which marched out of Oxford and were then disbanded in our parishes | 4 10 0 | ||
Ten of the Lord Canfeilds troope 3 weeks | 15 0 0 | ||
Selborne and Deverell | Maior Shelbornes troope and Capt Deverills troope 3 nights consisting of 100 men and horse | 22 10 0 | |
The charges we have bin at for quartering Maior Ennis his men at severall times amounts to above threescore pound this being his usuall place of quartering when he was out with anny party | 60 0 0 | ||
The totall sum of this booke is |
779 7 6 |
[Signed] Willia(m) Barret Thomas Webb his marke Will(iam) Phillpott his marke
[written on the outside of the booklet] Maids Morton
Tyrrell Ennis Hen. Oviat Greenvill Aldrige
Slash Shelborne Scott Goodwin Martin
Middle Claydon
National Archives, SP28/150
The Certificate and Returne of Middle Cleydon upon Articles given in charge by the hon(oura)ble Committes for takeing the Accompte of this County by Willi(a)m Roades Gent, and Thomas Miller and Thomas Barton yeomen the 28th of August Anno 1646.
1. To the first Article they say that to th(e)ir best remembrance there was assessed within the s(ai)d p(ar)ish for the first and second Subsidies the sum(m) of 14li Thomas Troynam deceased, being then subcollector, they being the whole sum(m)e was collected and given to Mr Harman then high Collector. They further say the said sum of 14li \for the Subsidie/ [?] was assessed and p(ai)d to Mr Deverell then high Collector, but for more c(er)tainety they desire to be refer(re)d to the Rolls upon record.
[margin] Harman Deverell
2. They say the said sum of 14li was assessed and collected for the 5 and 6 subsidies, and p(ai)d to Mr Herne then high Collector as they verily beleeve, but know not the subc(ollector) neither can justifie the paym(en)t thereof, but desire to referre it as afores(ai)d to the Rolls upon record.
[margin] Herne
3. They say the Pole money was gathered, but they cannot informe for c(er)taine what the sum(m) was, nor who was then subcollector by reason the pap(er)s were plund(e)red, but as they verily beleeve, it was p(ai)d to Mr Richard Pigott Kn(igh)t.
[margin] Pigott
4 5 6 To the 4th 5th and 6th, there hath bene taken the subscripc(i)on of money of the whole Inhabitants of the p(ar)ish, of th(eir) benevolence and free contribuc(i)on towards the Reliefe of the distressed Protestants in Ireland, according to this ordinance of Parliem(en)t, And (as they conceive) was paid to Richard Greenvile Esq. by Thomas Miller of Bottle Cleydon then high Constable, the pap(ers) of subscripc(i)on being lost, they desire the reference may be made to Mr Greeneviles accompte.
[margin] Greenvile
7. There hath bene assessed w(i)thin this p(ar)ish for maintenance of the brittish Army, the sum(m) of 14li 5s 6d and the said sum(m) payd to Mr Nathaniell Peacock.
[margin] Peacocke
8. There was assessed w(i)thin this p(ar)ish the first p(ar)t of the 400000li the sum(m) of 15li 05s 00d w(hi)ch was p(ai)d by Tho(mas) Miller then subcollector, to Mr Thomas Sterne then high collector.
[margin] Sterne
9. To the 9th Article we say, no asses(m)ent[?] was made for the second p(ar)te of the 400000li.
10. They cannot finde of any money 0d lent upon the p(ro)posic(i)ons.
11. They say there were 2 dragoone horses w(hi)ch cost 8li, delivered to Captaine Greenevile. They further say Captaine Shilburne tooke 4 horses of Mr John Aris valued at 33li w(i)th a sword and bandaleers valued at 10s. Captaine White tooke i horse more when Sir Tho(mas) Fairfax lay at Padbury, valued at 8li 00s 00d but one was left in that roome which died p(re)sently before any service done by him Also a p(ar)ty of Capt(ain)e Tirrells Troope tooke away a Gelding, Saddle and Bridle from Will(ia)m Roades valued at 15li, and that a p(ar)ty of Aylisbury tooke 2 horses from Tho(mas) Hicks to goe against Reading (Mr Dalby being w(i)th them) to the value of 8li.
To the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th Articles they have nothing at all to c(er)tifie.
18. To the 18th they say, This parish hath borne the charges of some Labourers to Aylisbury, but how much they c(er)tainely know not.
19. To the 19th Article they c(er)tifie That there hath bene payd to the Committee at Aylisbury upon the ordinance for 3 months and 2 monthes taxes 35li or thereabouts, and upon the ordinance for 400li a weeke, there hath bene paid 6li 15s 0d a moneth for 27 monethes including July last past, w(hi)ch hath bene paid by Thomas Miller con(stable?) and Roger Deeley Collector, sometimes to Mr Hodges, sometimes to Captaine Phipps, and sometimes to Mr Winde by the appointm(en)t of the Committee then being at Aylisbury.
[margin] Scott Phipps Shilbourne
20. To the 20th they say, That when the Earle of Essex marched from Thame to Brickhill The parishion(er)s maintained one of his sick souldiers for the space of 4 moneths, and buried another souldier that died in the p(ar)ish at that time, the charges of w(hi)ch two come to vi li 10s 00d.
To the 21th, and 22th Articles they have nothing to informe.
23. To the 23th this p(ar)ish served to Stuteley by warrant from Captaine Jendey 5 q(ua)rters of provender worth 5li 00s 00d, in money 13li 13s 00d, [he?] impresoned two of the Townsmen till the money was paid, this was ab[out] the 29th of January 1644. And when the Earle of Essex marched to relieve Glocester, They say, there were neere 800 Souldiers w(i)th their horse foote and carriage, who had free q(ua)rter one night. Also Captaine Abercromy by his warrant, from Adington had sent him thither 4 q(ua)rters and 4 bushells of beanes and as much bread, sheepe and calves as cost the p(ar)sh 5li 12s 0d, moreover pd to Maior Olford at Winslow the 15th of Feb(ruary) & 27th of Feb(ruary) 1644, in monies 21li 00s 00d. Also There was sent to S(ir) Will(ia)m Waller to Bister, 6 sheepe, 2 calves, 4 bushells of wheate 4 q(ua)rters and a halfe of oates, valued at 07li 00s 00d Furthermore, by warrant from Colonell Fleetwood the Inhabitants of this p(ar)ish sent in, to Weston on the Greene from the 20th of March 1645, to the 25th of May following 1646, 48 quarters of provender valued at 48li. Likewise at the time that the Earle of Essex, marched to releive Glocester there was then taken 2 carts w(i)th shod wheeles, one from Henry Coxe, & one from Thomas Hicks, and one shod wheele from Thomas Milward to the value of 09li 00s 00d, And further they say, That Maior Hunting and part of his Troope 34 souldiers and as many horses, quartered the space of 21 dayes the charge whereof is 50li 00s 00d Item the quartering of Col. Graves his 55 men and horses 4 dayes and nights valued at 20li
Here note that the prices are according to the true value as the neighbou(r)s pay one to another, and not according to the Lord Gen(erals) allowance.
National Archives, SP28/151
Nashe Hamlett in the p(ar)ish of Whaddon
An answer to ye 29 articles from our Hamblett of Naish it being ye Third p(ar)te of ye p(ar)ish of whaddon Made this 22th day of September Anno Domini 1646. Made to ye best of our knoledg
1 Imp(rimi)s we finde Hugh Underwood Subcollector for A doble Subsidie being the Two last of the fore granted by ordinance of Parlament May ye 10 Anno 1642 and payd it to ye High Collectr Thomas Lego of Burket The sume of 13li 17s 4d being 2 subsidies for the whole p(ar)ish, & the third p(ar)te of thereof is paid out of Nashe. [Margin : Legoe]
2 to this Article we finde the Subcoll(ector)s for the other fore \Subsids/ dwell in ye other Hamblets as Whaddon and Shendly end. [deleted word] & whoe are to be required of [Margin : require]
3 for. our Hamblett of Naish we finde Hugh Underwood Subcollecter for. the Poole Mony and payd it into Sir Robert Lovet M(i)st(er) West and M(i)st(er) Stafford the sume of
[Margin : Lovitt West Stafford]
4 to this Article we answer that sume thing was donne for for ye Relife of Ireland but our papers are lost that we cannot make ye Just summe appeere
5 to this Article wee answere we have noe orde to our Memory neither doe we finde anything done therein
6 to this Article we Answer that we finde nothing donne therein
7 to this Article wee Answer that for. the Maintenance of the British Army we collected and payd to M(i)st(er) Peacock of Ailsbury Collect(or) for. ye County The sume of 3li 13s 4d
8 to this Article our papers are lost but to ye best of our knoledg ye Sume assessed was 6li 10s and the sume Collected and payd was 5li 17s 1d to M(i)st(er) Stafford at Tattenhoe by William Emarton Subcollect. Behinde to pay Thomas Dancer 9s 6d Marmaduke Chapell 2s 6d Edward Emarton 0 11d for ye first Moeite of ye 400000li. This 5li 17s 1d is for the whole p(ar)ish [Margin : Stafford]
9 to this Artickell we Answer we nev(er) received any warrant to our knowledg neither finde anything donne theirin.
10 to this Article we Answer we finde nothing done theirin
11 to this Article we Answer we payd to M(i)st(er) Phillips of Alsbury the sume of 6li 13s 4d towards the Raising of a light horse and we sett forth 4 dragoone horses with 2li apeece to Each Rider which cost us ye sume of 20li and were deliv(er)d in to Captain Shelburne in May ye 10 1643 [Margin : Shelborne]
12 to this Article we Answer that Thomas Missenden payd ye sume of 10li for the 25 p(ar)te at Ailsbury to Thomas Scott Treasurer in June the 28 1645
13 to this Article we Answer we finde nothing done theirin to our knowledg
14 to this Article we Answer we finde nothing donne theirin
15 to this Article we Answer we finde nothing donne theirin
16 to this Article we Answer that we Carried to Newport Panell Twenty loads of Hay Timber polles and Ladders which cost us 8li \for the carriage und(e)r S(i)r Sam Lukes com(m)and/ & we payd to Ensign Forrester the sume of 3li 6s 8d for. their quarters at Whaddon Hall in Aprill ye 20 1645 we quart(er)ed one troope of horse under ye command of Captain Andros consisting of Thre score Two days & Two nights which cost us 12li in quartering we quartered one Company of foot under command of Captain Vanderboone one day & night which cost us 2li besids this we carried one loade of P(ro)vision to Whaddon Hall \for the use of S(i)r Sam Lukes foot soldiers/ which Cost us ye sume of 4li all these were under you Command of Sir Samuell Luke [Margin :Sm Luke detto]
17 to this Article we Answer we finde nothing therin
18 to this Article we Answer we finde nothing therin
19 to this we Answer The Sume layd upon our Hamblett Monethly was 3li 3s 4d and according to ye Computation of ye ordinance of Parlamt. of ye 27th June 1644 to ye 20th June Now being 1646 we have payd all those Monethly taxes but onely ye 4 formerly suspended to those as followeth Imp(rimis) to Thomas Scott Treasurer. Two Moneths Tax secunds to Georg Egleton one Moneths tax To Richard Balldwin Three Moneths Tax to Nathaniell Peacock Collector. five Mon(e)th. Tax with returne 13s 4d to John Randall Two Mon(e)th. Tax to Richard Dalby Two Mon(e)th Tax to Richard woodhouse Clarke to ye Treasurer Three Mon(e)th. with Returne of 1li 1s 0 all those payd in by our Constable Henry Michell [Margin : Scott, Egleton, Baldwin, Peacock, Randall, Dalby, Woodhouse]
20. to this Article we Answer that all Maimed Soldires that came have binn Releeved boeth with Mony and Victualls
21 to this Article we Answer that we finde nothing theirin
22 to this Article we Answer that ye Duches of Bucking(ham) has an estate in our p(ar)ish and now sequestred as for ye number of acers or for. ye names of ye p(ar)ticular tenants or for. what is Made of it we answer not but M(i)st(er) Dodsworth who is now Tenant to ye state for it cann satisfie you theirin [Margin : Seques]
23 to this Article wee Answer to ye Earle of Essex Army for free quarters and p(ro)vision we quartered Two Troops under command of ye Lord Gray 2 days & 2 nights in June 1643 which cost us 32li we quart(er)ed Two Troops under ye command of ye Earle of Manchester 3 days and 3 nights in February 1643 which cost us 48li we quartered halfe a troope of Captain Temples belonging to Major Generall Broone in July 1644 which cost us 8li we quartered one troope of Sir William Wallers one night we quart(er)ed one troope of Dalbers 3 days and 3 nights in Aprill 1645 which cost us 30li we were att 30li \charg/ with ye Earl of Essex Army at Brickell and at Whaddon for. carriages and p(ro)vision and quartering in June 1643 we were at 13li 10s charg for. ye Maintenance of ye Earle of Essex Army by some p(ar)ticular men that were sent for in to Stony Stratford by warrent and payd ye same To John Lockey Lionell Copley and Charles Fletwood [Margin : Temple, Locky]
wee were at 5li charges with carriage when Maior General Broone came from Stony Stratford to Greenland House in July 1644 we were at 6li charges with Captain Bushell his Troope at Great Brickell which were under Maior Craford We were at 6li 6s 8d charges to Draiton Becham for quartering of Maior Crafords horse under command of Captaine Bushell
24 to this Article wee Answer we finde Nothing theirein.
25 to this wee Answer we finde Nothing theirin.
26 to this Article we Answer we finde nothing theirin
27 to this Article we Answer we payd excise ev(e)r since ye ordinance was granted to this p(re)sent which sume was 2li 5s 11d for every halfe yeare for our hamblett to Richard Heaward at Ailsbury [Margin : Heywood]
28 to this Article we Answer that we payd for a distrese for our Monethly taxes the sume of 1li 5s to Richard Dalby [Margin : Dolby]
29. to this Article we Answere that we have lost p(ro)vision and have had Horses chainged and many other loses but know not to nor by whombe nor under whose command therefore will not Mencion them in the p(ar)ticulors
29 Sept(ember) 1646
This bill dll to me by Henry Mitchell Constable of Nashe hamblett it may be co(m)pared with the Bill for the other p(ar)t of the p(ar)ish that is Whaddon & Shenlye brook end
Thomas Missenden
Jeffery Emerton
Willi(am) Emarton
National Archives, SP28/150 f.108
The answer to the 29 Articles or to so many of them as can be remembred by Thomas May Thomas Bunce, Th: Hilsdon, Tho: Smith, Thomas Snow and Christopher Davy John Clark and John West of Padbury in the County aforesd yeomen being made choice of in the name of the rest of thinhabitants as followeth.
1&2 We certifie That the 6 Subsidies were assessed, and the summe of 19l 16s 6d paid to Mr Pollard, Willm Corbey, and Mr Butterfield then high Collectors
[margin] Pollard
3. To the 3 Articles we informe, That the Pole money was assessed and pd to Mr Robert Busby then high Collector, but what the iust summ was (one acquittance being lost) we cannot informe.
[margin] Busby
4&5. To the 4 and 5th we cannot materially answer
6. To the 6th we certifie That the money for the British Army \reliefe of the distressed p(ar)ty in Ireland/ was assessed and paid, but what the summe was, or to whom paid we cannot informe by reason the Acquittances are not to be found
7. To the 7th we informe That there hath bine assessed \for reliefe of the Brittish Army/ the summe of 12li in money and returnes, and the same pd and returnd by Thomas George and Thomas Hilsdon subcollectors, to Mr Nathaniell Peacock.
[margin] Peacocke
[new hand] 8. We informe that Willm Swannell deceased and Thomas Merry (now absent from our Towne) were Subcollectors for the moytie of the first part of the 400000li, The summ was assessed and paid to Mr Willm Rawlins of Marsh but what the summ was (the Acquittance not to be found) we cannot certifie.
[margin] Rawlins
9 – 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 14 and 15 To these 7 Articles we cannot materially answer to them.
16. To the 16th Article we certifie That in Sr Samuell Lukes time we sent in to Newport Pannell towards the makeing up of the works the summ of 5l or thereabouts, and for providing of bedds in that Garison Forty shillings more and upwards.
[margin] S Luke
17. To this Article we cannot informe.
19. We answer that our monthly contribucion to Aylesbury was 7li-5s-0d which (as we conceive) hath bine duly paid in moneyes and Returnes since the date of the ordinance of the 27th of June 1644, and the same pd to the severall Collectors Treasurers, by the severall Collectors of our parish, part of the Acquittances being lost, we are not able to give further satisfaccion herein.
[margin] to treasurers accomptt
20. We answer That there was given the summ of jjs forthe maintenance of maimed and sick souldiers, and the same pd to Mr Thomas Egerton then high Constable the 10th of October 1644, as by Acquittance doth appeare.
[margin] Egerton
21&22. To these 2 Articles we cannot certifie.
23. To this Article we certifie That by vertue of a warrant from Captaine Abercromby and Captaine Shilburne the summ of 30li was paid to them as by Acquittances may appeare bearing date in January 1643 for the raysing of horse and Armes for the Earle of Manchesters Army
[margin] Shilburne
Item payd by warrant sent from Sir John Norwich at the Cock in Stony Stratford in money, the summ of 20li-7s, and in returnes 2l-3s in March 1643, as by Acquittance may appeare towards the raysing of horse and Armes for the Earle of Manchesters army.
[margin] Norwich
Item Mr John Ingoldsby towards the raysing Captaine Francis Ingoldsby’s troope, did take from some of the Inhabitants of our parish 6 horses as he pretended by way of commission, vizt, one horse from Mr Tho Harris valued at 8li, one horse from Thomas May prized at 6li, one horse from Thomas Bunce valued at 10li, one horse from Thomas Carter prised at 5li, one horse from Thomas Baldwyn valued at 8li, one horse from Willm Swannell valued at 7li. [May 1643?]
[margin] Ingolby
Item in the Earle of Essex his time there was charged upon our parish 4 Teemes for drawing of Artillery from Salden to Windsor, and were out in that service 17 daies which we value at 17li at the least. [The Fortescues of Salden were active Royalists; presumably the house was assaulted]
Item sent in to Buckingham to Colonell Brownes souldiers in provision, to the value of 2li at the least. [Major General Richard Browne was at Buckingham from 29 June 1644]
Item charged upon the parish at that time j Teeme and Cart to carry provision for the Commissary to Northampton and back againe to Aylesbury being out on that service 8 dayes which we value at 2li-13s-4d.
Item charged upon our parish 2 Teemes to draw ammonicion from Woodstock to Abingdon \by Sir Willm Wallers command/ being out in that service 10 dayes, and 5 of those horses utterly lost well worth 20li. [May 1644?]
Item 2 other Teemes were charged on the Towne to draw a piece of ordinance from Aylesbury to Banbury when Colonell Fines layd siege to it, for which service no allowance was made either to the men or maintenance of the horses for 3 dayes service The charge whereof came to 2li at the least. [John Fiennes besieged Banbury from 27 Aug 1644]
Item by vertue of a warrant from the Earle of Essex bearing date the 15th of July 1643, There was sent in to Commissary Nicho: Bond to Stony Stratford, provision, as Bread, Beere cheese Butter and Bacon to the value of 8li at the least.
Paid for quartering of 13 of Maior Ennice his souldiers at the Inn, at the Inhabitants charge j day and 2 nights – jli-2s.
[margin] Ennis
Item free quartering of 70 men of Maior Ennice his souldiers part of a day and night the charge 4li.
Item free quartering of Maior Ennice his Troope at least 60 men 2 dayes and 2 nights at 1s 4d each day and night for man and horse valued at 8li.
Item free quarters given to Maior Shilborne and 80 souldiers or thereabouts j night and part of a day the charge 4li.
Item free quarters given to Lieutenant Generall Crumwell, Maior Generall Crawford with divers other officers, and at the least 1500 souldiers foote and horse at the takeing of Hilsdon house, (and the prisoners brought from that house) for 3 dayes and 4 nights, The charges we leave to your Honors consideracions. [March 1644]
Item free quarters given the weeke after the taking of Hilsdon house, to Maior Ewers his troope part of the Earle of Manchesters Army, being in number 200 men and horse for 4 dayes and nights at js 4d day and night for each man and horse, the charge 52li.
Item free quarter given to Maior Ewers his owne Troope at Easter \twelve moneth/ following for 60 men and horse at the least 4 dayes and jights at 1s-4d day and night for each man and horse, The charge 16li [April 1645]
Item free quarters given the third time presently after Whitson tide then next following to the said Maior Ewers his Troope to the number of 60 men and horse or thereabouts 2 days and nights at js 4d day & night for each man and horse, the charge 8li [May 1645]
Item free quarters given when the Generall came from Oxford towards Naseby to Foure Troopes of dragoones for 2 dayes and 2 nights, The charge whereof comes to 100li and upwards. [June 1645; the general was Sir Thomas Fairfax]
Item free quarter given to one Regiment of Colonell Fines his souldiers that kept the horse Guard in the fields j night and j day, and the next day and night for one other Regiment that kept the like Guard, The charges and losse whereof to the Inhabitants amounts at the least to 40li.
Item the Inhabitants of our parish (when the Armies mett) sustaind very much losse and preiudice in their corne and grayne in the yeere 1643, to the value of 100li at the least. [There was a skirmish at Padbury in July 1643]
Item free quarter given to 120 men of Colonell Whaley’s men at Christmas last for 3 dayes and 3 nights at js 4d day and night for each man and horse; The charge 24li. [Dec 1645]
Item quartered about 50 men and horse of Lieutenant Generall Crumwells souldiers from the 29th of June 1646, till the 20th of July following being 3 compleat weekes at js day and night for each man and horse The charge 50li.
Item free quarters given to 2j souldiers of Colo: Graves his Regiment for 8 dayes at js 4d day and night for each man and horse, The charge 11li and upwards.
24.25.26 To these 3 Articles we cannot materially informe.
27. To this Article we certifie, That we have pd Excize money to Newport Pannell, in money and Teturnes, But what the summs of money pd, and returnes were we can\not/ informe by reason the Acquittances are lost.
28. We certifie there was 30s by way of distresse taken by Mr James Winde.
[margin] Winde
29. Lastly we informe that we have sent in to Chesterton by warrant sent from Colo: Fleetwood 37 quarters of Beanes prized at 37li. And further we sent in to Thornton to Colo: Graves his men 12 bushells of Beanes prized at jli 10s.
Besides all these losses and charges, Free quarters have bin given divers times since these unhappy times which we (for brevity sake) omit to relate, and many times provision hath bin sent to the Army which cannot well be valued, and therefore leave the same to your Hon(our)s serious consideracions.
Memorandum There was sent in to Adington to Captaine Abercromy in provision and bedds to ye value of 30li-3s and 20 Labourers at least for one whole weeke together for the making up of the works.
Also sent to Hilsdon to Capt Abercromy and Captaine Shilburne in provision for men & provender for horses to the value of 8li at the least.
Thomas Smyth his marke
Christopher Davy his marke
John Clark his marke
John West his marke
Thomas Snow his marke
Thomas Hilsdon his marke
Thomas Bunce [signed]
National Archives, SP28/148 f.365
Wee the Inhabitants of Winge Answer to every article according to an ordinance of Parliament made the 22 of February 1643 as followeth
Imprimis there was payd to the first & second subsidie by Thomas Hurndall subcolector unto Robert Grainge high Colector the some of | 16-[?-?] | |
Their was payd unto the third and fourth subsidies by [blank] sub colector unto Thomas Lygoe high colector the some of | 16 6[-?] | |
Wm Grainge | [2] Their was payd unto the fift and sixt subsidies by Thomas Laurence sub colector unto William Grainge high colector the some of | 16 6 [?] |
Mead | [3] Their was payd unto Richard Meade high Colector by Richard Keene sub colector unto the pole money | 41-14-6 |
Peacocke | [7] Their was payd by Symon Neygus and William Hutte Colectors for the British Army unto Mr Nathaniell Peacock the some of | 34 4 0 |
Brewer | 8 Their was payd by John Goodinch and Thomas Newland sub colectors unto Roger Bruer high Colector for the first part of the 40000li the some of | 35 [? ?] |
10 Their was lent upon the propositions Mrs Urdgatt Nayle widow in moneys plate horses & armes as apeares by her information to the value of | 160 0 0 | |
Their was payd upon the proposi(ti)ons more | 152 0 0 | |
Tyrill | [11] Their was \lent/ fower horses and men receivd by Collonell Tyrill valud at | 29 6 0 |
Temple | Their was 8 horses & 8 men with a months pay went under command of Sir Peeter Temple to the vale of | 69-0-0 |
Terrill | Their was 4 horses & 4 men with a months pay went under command of Capt Tyrill to ye vale of | 35 10 0 |
Godwin | Their was two horses with great saddiles & bridles & pistoles went under command of Colonell Goodin to ye vale of | 26 13 4 |
Scott | [12] Their was payd upon the 5 and 20 part and recevd by Mr Scot treasorer the some of | 58 0 0 |
18 Their was 16 beds sent to Alsbery 8 of them ware del(iver)ed to Collonell Tyrill & the other 8 ware deli(ver)ed at the House of correction by his appoyntment to the vale of | 16 4 0 | |
The Lord Whortons troope tooke away from the Earle of Carnarvons house 12 beds 12 bolsters 12 payre of blancetts and 12 payre of sheets to the vale of \they were caryed to Alsbery/ [Ascott House was sacked in Nov 1642] | 30 0 0 | |
Their was taken by the Lord Whortons troope from the Earle of Carnarvan of hay to the vale of | 60 0 0 | |
Their was taken by the Lord Whortons troope from the Earle of Carnarvan one Tennt to the vale of | 60 0 0 | |
Also their was taken from William Hoore by the Lord Whortons troope one bedd to the value of \& caryd to Alsbery/ | 1 0 0 | |
Terrill | 19 Their was payd part of one months taxe unto Collonell Tyrrill by Mr Theed & Mr Leygoe Colectors ye some of | 7:19:8 |
Barnes | and part of 3 months taxe unto Thomas Barnes by Mr Lygo & Mr Theed the some of | 30:6:6 |
Westall | and part of 3 months taxe payd to Mr Westall by Mr Theed the some of | 1 1 1 |
Scott | and 12 months payd to Mr Hodges at 15li 10s the month payd by William May the some of | 186:0:0 |
Deverell | two months taxe payd by Richard Pedder unto Mr Deverill the some of | 31:0:0 |
Peacock | part of 3 months taxe payd by William May unto Mr Nathaniell Peacock ye some of | 17:9:0 |
Baldwin | Payd to Mr Bauldin one months taxe by Richard Pedder the some of | 15:10:0 |
Woodhouse | Payd to Mr Woodhouse 8 months taxe by Thomas Higgs William Pearson and Richard Pedder the some of | 122:9:9 |
Scott | Payd to Mr Scott one months \taxe/ by John Goodinch the some of | 15:0:0 |
sequest | 22 Mr John Syers his land sequestated to the vale of | 110 0 0 |
but was taken off by Mis Syers by agreement with the comites at Alsbery for the some of | 40 0 0 | |
The Earl of Carnarvans land sequestred and we have sent their owne information | ||
Greenvill | 23 Sent to Captain Grinvill quartering at Borton in oats to the vale of | 1:5:10 |
for povisions sent to the Earle of Esix army quartering before Oxford to the value of | 4:12:2 | |
for hay sent to Walton for the use of Captaine Fyps to ye vale of | 1:12:0 | |
for oats sent to Laighton for the use of Capt John Carmoyle to the vale of | 0 18 0 | |
for oats sent to Crafton for the use of Capt: Cromey to ye value of | 4-4-0 | |
for quartering Capt: Patisons troope 9 weeks and 6 dayes to the vale of | 455:0:0 | |
for oats sent to Wingrave for the use of Capt Ginkins his troope to ye vale of | 3 4 0 | |
for quartering Maiors Yours his troope with us one night to the vale of | 5:0:0 | |
for oats sent to Mentmore for the use of Maior Neilds troope to ye vale of | 0:8:0 | |
for quartering Capt Griffins troop with us 6 dayes to the vale of | 27:12:0 | |
for quartering Capt: Purback Templs troope one day to the vale of | 6 14 0 | |
For oats sent to Crofton for the use of Captan Welis his troope to ye vale of | 14 13 0 | |
For oats sent to Crafton for the use of Collonell Beares troope to ye value of | 14 0 0 | |
For oats sent to Laighton for the use of Maior Redmans troope to the vale of | 1 10 0 | |
for oats sent to Great Brickell for the use of Maior Moores troope to ye vale of | 48 6 0 | |
Charges with a sick soulder under Comand of Capt Pretty in Comissary Iretons reg(i)m(en)t to the vale of | 12 0 8 | |
For hay and oats sent to Bister for the use of Capt Sankeys troope to the vale of | 51 0 0 | |
For quartering Sir Thomas Fairfax his life gaurd 5 weeks and two dayes to the value of | 126:1:6 | |
For quartering Collonell Gravel his troope 4 weeks & two dayes to ye vale of | 36:10:0 | |
for quartering Capt Shilborns troop with us 6 dayes to the vale of | 30 0 0 | |
for quartering Capt Abacromie and Captain Ginkins 7 dayes to the vale of | 30 0 0 | |
Capt Cromwell quartered 50 men with us 6 dayes to the vale of | 30 0 0 | |
Comisary Coplin quartered 36 men with us 5 dayes to the vale of | 13 10 0 | |
Collonell Crafford quarterd 140 men one day and night to the vale of | 7 0 0 | |
Collonell Unies quartered 40 men with us one night to the vale of | 3 0 0 | |
for oats sent to Laighton for the use of Colonell Cockins to the vale of | 0 16 0 | |
Exsizes | 27 payd to the office of excize in Alsbery the some of | 34 9 6 |
Randall | 28 A distresse taken by Mr John Randall for none payment of the months taxe in the time of sequestration the some of | 3 4 0 |
Gosse | A distresse taken by Henery Gose by a warrant from Collonell Boustead for the 27 dayes taxe the some of | 1 9 0 |
[29] Wee have remooved my lord generalls carrages at severall times to ye vale of | 30:0:0 | |
Wee lost 8 horses & hornis when my lord generall went to releive Gloster and carters wages to ye vale of | 34:0:0 | |
Wee have lost 24 horses taken a way from us under pretence of the stats service to ye vale of | 120:0:0 | |
Charges for provisions when my lord generall lay at Great Brickill to ye vale of | 40:0:0 | |
Their was taken from the Earle of Carnarvan by Collonell Browne in Silver plate to the vale of | 80:0:0 |
[signed] Tho Smith
William Hore[?]
John Goodinch
National Archives SP28/149
These are extracts from the records of individual Parliamentarian commanders and returns.
f.24. Tax receipts
Granborough cum Biggin Farme
At ye hands of Quartermaster Foyer ye summe of £02 17s 11½d in part of £03 03s 06d for ye moneth of January 1644.
Sept ye 27th 1645: £04 10s in part of £06 07s for ye 2 moneths of February & March last.
October ye 18th 1645: £01 08s 06d which
was returned for ye moneths of February & March last.
£08 12s 09½d in part of £09 10s 06d for ye moneths of Aprill May and October.
February ye 2d 1645: £02 19s 08d in part of £03 03s 06d
for ye moneth of January last.
February ye 28th 1645: £03 00s 09d in part of £03 03s 06d
for ye moneth of February instant.
March the 28th 1646: £02 16s 05d in part of £03 03s 06d for ye moneth of March instant.
July ye 9th 1646: £02 16s 09d in part of £06 07s for Aprill & May last.
Rec: from Granborough cum Biggin Farm in all: £29 01s 09d
Behind for ye moneth of June 1646:
£03 03s 06d
and in areare for ye former moneths: £05 16s 09d
f.204. Return of Col. Goodwin, 1648
Grandborowe. To accomptt for free quarter taken by towe of Coll Goodwin troopes 5 days in the bovesd parish
f.224 Richard Greenvill, 1648
To accomptt for a horsse delivered Captt Greenvill
wherein I was veare interested uppon the propositions worth
f.318: John Thorpe, Tho: Montague, Benedict Holland, Tho: Stevens & Nicholas Wiat are listed as "men to perfect the towne att but esspecially ye 19 art."
SP28/150 p.318 (11 Jan 1646)
Recd of Robert Manneringe John Holland and William Wyatt collectors of Granborough in full of 2:0:8½ in arreare for ye weekly assesmt on Mr Scotts accompt 6:2:4½ on Mr Winds accompt and 19:01:00 on ye joynt treasurers accompt in all ye summe of 27:04:01.