Will of Alice Foxley of London, widow, 1646

National Archives, PROB 11/197/487

In the name of God amen, I Alice Foxley of London widow being sicke and weake in bodie but of good and perfect memorie praysed be God considering that this my mortall bodie shall shortly put on immortalitie, And that it is my dutie to my utmost to settle my estate for the establishment of peace amongst those whome it may concerne after my decease, do make and ordaine this my last will & Testament in manner and forme following viz. First I bequeath my Soule to God that gave it (one in person three in essence) and to Jesus Christ my Lord only and alsufficient Saviour and Redeemer that dearly bought it trusting to be saved by and through his only and Alsufficient merritts death and passion assured of a glorious resurrection. And to the holy Ghost who sanctifyeth mee and every true beleever. And because my bodie is the Temple of the Holy Ghost I will that it be decently buryed at the discrec(i)on of my Executors hereinafter named. And for that porc(i)on of anie worldly goods w(hi)ch my God hath of his goodnesse bestowed upon mee I dispose thereof as followeth. Imprimis I give to my Brother Lambert and to his wife twentie shillings a peice to buy them rings. Item I give to my Lady Richardson twentie shillings to buy her a ring. Item I give to my Nephewe Sir Symon Every Twentie shillings to buy him a ring. And to every one of his Children Tenne shillings a piece.  Item to my Neice Baggott to buy her a ring Tenne shillings. And to everie of her Children Tenne shillings a piece. Item I give to my Neice Hodges Tenne Shillings to buy her a ring and to all her Children five shillings a piece. Item I give to my Cozen Robinson and his wife and every of their Children Tenne shillings a piece. And to his wife I bequeath my Satin Gowne and blewe sattin Petticote.  Item I give to Henrie Throgmorton the somme of five pounds in moneyes.  Item I give to Margarett Fige my Scarlett Petticote.  Item I give to William Fige my Godsonne the somme of five pounds in moneyes and to Alice Smith servant to Mr Fige twentie shillings in moneyes Three smocks two Aprons and one blacke petticote Item I give to the Poore of the Towne of Buckingham the somme of five pounds in moneyes. Item to the Poore of the Parish of Bride London the somme of three pounds in moneyes. Item I do make and ordaine my loving nephewe William Lambert of Buckingham in ye Countie of Bucks Gent and my loving friend Valentine Fige Cittizen and Apothecarie of London my ioynt and sole Executors of this my last will and Testament.  Item I give and bequeath to the sayd George [sic] Lambert my two wrought beds all my sheets Tableclothes Towells Napkins and all my houshold goods at Bissiter in the Countie of Oxford, and also ye benefitt of one bond or obligac(i)on wherein one Mr Steevens with others are bound unto mee And also the benefitt of one other bond wherein Mr Sill and other stand bound unto mee. And also the benefitt of one other bond wherein one [ ] Smith and Mr Smith stand bound to mee, and all the moneyes which shalbe recovered & receaved thereupon or by vertue of anie of the sayd bonds. Item I give unto ye sayd William Lambert out of the moneyes due and payable unto mee by the sayd Sir Symon Every the somme of fiftie pounds. Item I give and bequeath unto the sayd William Lambert and Valentine Fige equally to be divided betweene them all such Lands which I have at Winslowe in the County of Bucks which were mortgaged unto mee by one Walter Grant and all the right interest and benefitt which may be receaved or had by or out of the sayd Lands and out of or by the moneyes to mee payable for or in respect of ye same. Provided alwayes and my minde & will is that if the sayd Valentine Fige shall not enioy the benefitt of the moyetie of ye sayde Lands in Winslowe aforesayd or the moneyes to mee payable in respect of the same, according to the guift and bequest of this my will. That then in such case my will and minde is and I doe give unto the sayd Valentine Fige as a legacie fiftie pounds, to be by him receaved by or out of my personall estate, anie thing in theis presents conteyned to the contrary thereof in anie wise notwithstanding.  Item I give and bequeath all the rest and remaynder of my estate

[p.2] whatsoever and wheresoever it doth and may consist, and all debts and moneyes due and payable unto mee from anie p(er)son or persons whatsoever by bond bill [  ]dg or otherwise howsoever unto the sayd William Lambert and Valentine Fige (my debts and Funeralls and all the Legacies before herein given being first payd and discharged) equally to be divided betweene them.  In Witnesse whereof I do publish and declare this conteyning two sheets of paper to be my last will & Testament and hereunto have sett my hand and seale the first day of October. And in the two and twentieth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland Fraunce & Ireland King Defender of the faith etc. Annoque D(omin)i 1646. In the presence of Will(iam) Sewster   Christo(pher) Giles   Robert Everard

Memorandum before the sealing and publishing hereof the above named Alice Foxley did give unto Doctor Bates her Phisitian Tenne pounds in moneyes and the like somme of Tenne Pounds to Mr John Looker her Attorney And to Robert Evered Mr Figes man Twentie shillings in moneyes.
Alice Foxley
Witnesses Jo(hn) Looker   Willi(iam Sewster   Robert Everard   Christo(pher) Giles

[Probate granted at London on 6 October 1646 to William Lambert and Valentine Fige Executors]

PROB 11/198/347: Sentence in Latin for confirmation of the will of Alice Foxley
Judgment between (of the one part) William Lambert the nephew in the male line and Valentine Fige named executors in the testament or last will of the said deceased, the parties moving this business, and (of the other part) [blank] Lambert the natural and legitimate brother and Master Symon Every knight nephew of the said deceased in particular and all and every other whatsoever having or pretending to have right, title or interest in the will or codicil or in the goods, rights or credits of the said deceased in general, the parties against whom this business is moved ...
[The parties of the second part didn't appear, and judgment was given in favour of William Lambert and Valentine Fige, deciding that Alice Foxley was of sound mind when she made her will.]


Alice Foxley, nee Lambert, came from a prominent Buckingham family. She must have been a neighbour of Valentine Fige in Fleet Street, London. He acted for her when she became mortgagee of property in Winslow, as mentioned in the will. She left bequests to his wife and son, as well as to Valentine himself. Her property in Winslow descended to Mary daughter of William Lambert at the 1649 manor court; it was copyhold property which she couldn't bequeath by will.

In a dispute between the executors Valentine Fige and William Lambert in 1658 (National Archives, C8/138/72) it was alleged that Valentine received £50 due to Alice from Thomas Graunt.