Vestry, 1887

Buckingham Advertiser, 30 April 1887

PARISH CHURCH OF ST. LAURENCE.- The following is the summary of the Churchwardens’ accounts presented at the  Easter Vestry by Dr. Newham and Mr. George, out-going churchwardens:-

Receipts- Balance in hand, Easter, 1886, £1 11/6¾; offertory for the year (11,736 coins), £109 17/11¼; special Easter offerings, 1887, £34 6/4¾- £145 15/10¾. 

Expenditure- Two instalments in payment for harmonium, £10; Charity Commissioners, £4; gas and coal, £29 17/11;  Abbott - clerk and sexton, £18; ditto cleaning, £6 19/-; organist’s salary, £16; tradesmen’s bills and incidental expenses, £14 10/10; churchyard expenses, £2 12/6; fire insurance, £2 8/6; Sacramental wine, £1 16/-; visitation fee, 13/-; Easter offerings to Vicar, £34 6/4¾; balance in hand, Easter, 1887, £4 6/9- £145 15/10 ¾ ; 

Special Account.- Receipts- Balance from 1886, £1 3/-; harvest tea, £3 13/7; early celebrations (special), £3 15/8; Sunday ditto (for poor), £6 15/2 Christmas offerings (for poor) £8 10/9; special collections, £37 9/- - £61 7/2. 

Expenditure – District visitors, £3 0/6; the Vicar, for coal, flannel, wine, &c., £11 13/6; bath chair for parish, £1 5/-; Diocesan Board of Education, £1 18/-; Church Missionary Society, £4 9/3; debt on reredos, £1 11/9; Church Restoration Fund, £15 16/9; Church Defence Institution, £2 15/3; Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, £6 0/6; Diocesan Spiritual Aid Society, £4 17/-; harvest tea to Church Restoration Fund, £3 13/7; Church Army, 4/8; alms’ box- church restoration 7/4; Diocesan Church Missionary Association £1 7/2; altar and sanctuary candles, £1 1/2; re-lacquering altar vases, 6/7; Bell-ringers’ Guild, 8/9; balance in hand, 9/11 - £61 7/2.

Rev. H. A. Douglas Hamilton, vicar,

Churchwardens for 1887, Messrs. Herbert Bullock and Cornelius Colgrove; Sidesmen for 1887, Messrs. Geo. George, T. F. Vaisey, George Ingram, John Varney, Dr. Newham, J. C. Hawley, Arthur Monk, John Hathaway.

Another Vestry was held on 8 Sep to discuss the L.& N.W. Railway's appeal against the reassessment of its Poor Rate in Winslow and elsewhere.

For the October Vestry, see Election for Assistant Overseer

See also:

Copyright 8 April, 2021