Inventory of Richard Edmondes, 1556

Herts RO A25/196

Richard Edmondes is probably the father of the Vicar of Winslow of that name who is recorded (probably erroneously) in Arthur Clear's list as dying in 1558.

The Inventorie of all the goods which Richard Edmondes off Wynslo had the tyme off his deathe praysed the xxth daye of August by Jhon Boston John Palmer William Parrett Antonie Wendelborow William Gyles

In his haule  
In pr(im)is v chargers, ij basons, v Canstikes x s
It(em) vj pewterdysshes, ij potingers, ij sawsars, ij pewterpotts, a broken saltsellar iiij s
It a Cobard, a table & a forme x s
It a rownd table, ij cheres, iij cowsyngs, iij stowles and a paynted clothe   vj s
It a barre of yron yn ye chymney ij s
It ij potthangings xij d
It a payre off andyrons iij s iiij d
Sum   xxxvi s iiij d        
In hys chamber  
It ij fetherbeds iiij olde mattresses, v cov(er)letts  xxx s
It v bolstars, ij pillows w(it)h pillobers, one blankett          xiij s iiij d
It vi payre of shetes, v Cofers,   xiij s iiij d
It v bedsteades with all paynted clothes xvi s viij d
It iij table clothes a towell, a table napkyn vj s
Sum   iij li xix s iiij d      
In hys kytchyn  
It iij barasse potts & a posnett             x s
It iij pan(n)es, ij c(ol)anders, ij kettles xx s
It a troff & a bowltinge vessell iij s iiij d
It iiij tubbes, ij vates x s
It a bokett, a payle & a kymnell * iii s iiij d
It a spytt, ij potthokes a fyer forke         ij s
It a payre of tonges, a fyre showle xij d
It a busshell a half pecke a handbaskett xii d
It ij shyves * vjd
Sum   lj s ij d
In hys yearde  
It a welbokett w(it)h ye cheyne, ij ladders iij s iiijd
It a bare Carte vj s viij d
It a plowghe with ij cheanes vij s
It iij tymbre & fyer wood xiiij s
It in[?] bourdes and plancks          viij s
It yn heye xxvj s viij d
It yn wheate      xlviij s
It yn barley       xlvj s viij d
It yn beanes & pease xlvj s viij d
It yn bees hony & waxe            liij s iiij d
It yn shepe vij li
In lames            xxvij s viij d
It ij horses & one mare xxxiij s iiij d
It iij kyens         xl s
It ij hogges        vj s viij d           
It viij gease                   ij s viij d
It ij sackes, a pycheforke a payre of fetters                              xij d
It ij locks ij logger staves * with old yron viij d
   an axe, a hatchett iij repinge hokes viij d
It ij bylles a payre of bellowes xx d
It a grydarne, a fryingpan, a trevett, a tragg rake * & a bottell     xxij d
dysshes trenchers & spones iiij d
Sum   xxv li xv s x d
S(um)ma to(ta)lis omni(um) inventor(um) xxxiiij li ij s viij d  


kymnell: A household tub, of varying sizes and purposes (Bucks Probate Inventories)

shyves: ?panes of glass (OED, shive n.1, 3)

logger staves: ?staves for making a barrel or ladder (OED, stave n.1)

tragg rake: ?drag-rake (OED)

See the Edmunds family for more information.

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The inventory:

Inventory of Richard Edmondes

Copyright 30 September, 2016