Will of John Tomlyn of Adstock, 1558

Centre for Bucks Studies D/A/WF/4/324


xxiiij day of July

In the name of god Amen in the yere of owre lorde god mdlviij I John Tomlyn of Adstoke syke in body & in holle & p(er)vyt mynde make thys my last wyll & testment in maner & frome folyng  Fyrst I bequethe my sowll to allmyty god & to yor ower lady sent mary & to all the company of hev hevyn and my body to be beryyen buryd in the cherche yerde of Adstoke  It(e)m I bequethe to the mother cherche of Lyncol ij d It(e)m I bequethe to the cherche of Adstoke vj s viij d to by ij canstykys to stand one at one end of the hers & ye other at ye other  Itm I gefe to the hey auter to by auter clothe iij s iiij d Itm I gefe to the belles iij s iiij d Itm I gefe to Rychard my son xx marke  Itm I woll that the same Rychard shall have vj li & a marke owt of the land at Shepton to be payyd tt at the handys of Tomas my son  handys hys heyrys or hys assynys  Itm I gefe to Annes my doter xx li of goods & lawfull mone of Ynngglad to be payd by \my/ son Wyllam & my son Robart  Itm I gefe to the same Annys one fether bed w(i)th all that therto belongethe  Itm I gefe to Doryte Maygergejore xx s vj s viiij d  Itm I gefe to Margatt my dother dogter on kow  Itm I gefe to Joone Bocher the doter of Edmont Bocher on yerlyng hecfer  Itm I gefe to Joone Tomlynge the doter of Thomas Townelyne j ewe  & one lame  Itm I gefe to Wyllyam Harrys vj s viij d & to the rest of Elsabeth Harres chylldyn \to everye off the(m)/  one ewe & on lame  Itm I gefe to Itm to John yeve Pyve[?] j lame  Itm I gefe Susand [sic] a lame  Itm I gefe to every good chyld iiij d  Itm I gefe to Jone my wyfe iij kyne of the best & x shept of the best & the donne marre  Itm I gefe to Joone my wyfe all the howsold stofe exsep \excepte/  ij fether bedys & them I gefe the one to Wyllyam & the other to Robart  Itm I gefe to Joone my wyfe Evyry yere as long as \she/ levythe ij quarter of whet iij quartres of mallt  Itm I gefe to Joone my wyfe one howse w(i)t(h) a close & iiij landes j Rod latly bowth of Rychard Edmu(n)ds the rest of my goods & Katyll unbequest I gefe to Wyllyam my son & Robartt my son who I make my lawfull executers to pay my dettes & take my detys  Thomas Tomlyns & Edm(u)nd Bocher to be my oversears  In wytnes here of Wyllam Kebyll and Tomas Tomlyns & Edmu(n)d Bochar shall have iij s iiij d a pese

[Proved at Horwodde 7 Sep 1558]


This will was proved at the Archdeaconry Court of Buckingham. John Tomlyn was buried at Adstock on 18 Aug 1558. His children recorded in the Adstock baptism register were:

The others mentioned in the will were probably born before the register starts in 1539.

John Tomlyn held land in Winslow, Shipton and Granborough in the 1556 Survey. He was probably the son of William Tomlyn of Shipton, d.1543.


Copyright 25 March, 2014