Will of William Tomlyns of Shipton, 1542/3

Herts RO 5AR55

In Dei no(m)i(n)e amen. The vjth daye of Janarye yn the yere of oure lord god m vc xlij and yn the yere of the Rayne of owre Soverayne lord kyng Henry the viijth the xxxiiijth yere I Wyll(ia)m Tomlyns of Shypton yn the p(ar)yshe of Wynslowe beyng hole of mynd & memorye & not sycke of body makys thys my last wyll yn man(ner) followynge.  Fyrst I bequeth my Soule to allmyghtye god &c & my body to be buryed yn the churche porche of the churche of seynt Laurence of Wynslowe.  It(em) I bequeth to the mother churche vj d.  It(em) to the hye aut(er) of the churche of Seynt Laurens of Wy(n)slowe vj d  It(em) to ev(er)y aut(er) yn the same churche  vj d  It(em) to the sepulchre lyght iiij d It(em) to the Rood lyght viij d.  It(em) to the bells yn the same churche xvj d.  It(em) to the torches viiij d.  it(em) I wyll & bequeth to Jone my wyfe my house yn Schepton called P(ar)kens wyth acesse[?] therto belo(n)gyng & yn ev(er)y fyld iij acres arreble lond to be tylled & sowen the fyrst yere to her hand, and the corne yerely to be caryed

[page 2] yn to her barne durynge her lyfe she fyndyng the Sed yerely aft(er) for the Same and yf she dwell upon yt her selfe she shall paye noo Rent and yf she dep(ar)t  and she ys to paye yerely to the hed house ij s.  also I wyll & bequeth that she shall have her lond of the same house lond, and he that shall tyll yt to take one halfe acre & she another, ev(er)y yere tyll her thre be chosyne.   I will & bequeth to Joha(n)ne my wyfe iij kyne & ij hecfords of ij yeres of age eche of them & the ownner of them to take on & she another tyll she have chosyne her iij kyne & hecfords. Also I bequeth to  the same Jone xx shepe & he that shall have the Rest of the Shepe to take one & she another tyll her xx  be chosyne  I wyll to the same Johan(n)e all her owne goods  also to the same Jone ev(er)y yere durynge her lyfe the Comene <for>  ij kene & ev(er)y yere iiij yerds of Medowe called Mere acre for her haye durynge her lyfe   Also I wyll & bequeth to the same Joha(n)ne a pott & a pan worth a vj s[?] yn money. Also I wyll & bequeth to Thom(a)s Tomlyns my sone iij li st(er)lynge of hym that shall be heyre of the house that I dwell yn to be payd wyth yn iij yeres after my deceasse. Also I wyll & bequeth to John my sone of ev(er)y thynge on of the best both quyke & ded of all my goods,  It(em) to Elyn my dought(er)ij shepe  It(em) to Isabell my dought(er) iij shepe.  It(em) to ev(er)yone of my godchyldren iiij d  Also I wyll that yf my wyfe wyll byd & dwell yn my house ther as I dwell to have her chamber & meate & drynke & fyre suffycyent wyth all the moveables before named, but not to have the other house & lond  Also I wyll to John Grace my sone yn lawe iiij horse & meres wyth ther harnesse & iiij oxen with ther yockys & chaynes wyth ther plouwes.  It(em) to Rob(er)t Ilyatts[?] maryage a busshell wheate & a busshell  maulte. Also I wyll that yf my wyfe doe marye aft(er) my deceasse that then she have nother house nor lond but her portyon of goods & go her waye. Also I wyll that John Grace shall have my house & lond for iij yeres aft(er) my deceasse paynge the lords Rent & all Rep(ar)acyons doynge noe wast & paynge all due[?] Rents. Also I wyll that afte(r) my decesse my wyfe have ij loads of wod & ev(er)y yere aft(er) one lode of wod.  The Rest of my goods my detts & legacs payd I wyll & bequeth to John Grace & Thom(a)s Tomlyn the yong(er)

[page 3] my son iiij li  It(em) I wyll that Jone my wife & James my sone shall pay the sayd iiij li unto the sayd Thomas yonge my sone by my yere daye come next.  And he shall have governaunce of Ric(hard) my sone.  It(em) I bequeth to John Yonge my sone ij quarters of barley.  It(em) I  bequeth to Margaret my daught(er) ij quarters of barleye.  It(em) I bequeth to Will(ia)m Yonge aforesayd a cowe & a bullocke, and I make my Executors James Yonge my sone & Thomas Yonge[?] & Will(ia)m +++ell sup(er)visor
Thes beynge wytnes  S(i)r John Chewe[?], John +++lyon wyth other mor

[Probate 8 April 1543 to executors]


hed house: capital messuage

hecfords = heifers

Will(ia)m Yonge aforesayd: this appears to mean William's son William the younger (not "aforesaid"), since Thomas the heir mentions his brother William in his will.

Copyright 26 August, 2012