Will of William Bull, dairyman, 1819 (proved 1820)
National Archives, PROB 11/1630/247
This is the last Will and Testament of me William Bull late of Swanbourne in the County of Bucks and now of the parish of Winslow of the same County First I Give devise and bequeath unto my Brother John Bull of Swanbourne aforesaid Dairyman and my father in law Richard Walker of Winslow aforesaid Butcher all and every my freehold leasehold and copyhold messuages cottages lands tenements Hereditaments and premises whatsoever and wheresoever the same are situate lying and \or/ being with their and every of their appurts whereof or wherein I or any person or persons In Trust for me and is or are interested in or intitled unto for any Estate term or interest whatsoever To hold the same and every part thereof respectively unto and to the use of the said John Bull and Richard Walker their heirs Executors Adm(inistrat)ors and assigns absolutely Upon Trust nevertheless that they the said John Bull and Richard Walker or the survivor of them or the heirs Executors Administrators and assigns of such survivor do and shall when and so soon after my decease as they shall think proper sell and dispose of my said freehold . . . for the most money and best price or prices that can be reasonably had or Gotten for the same and out of the money arising by such sale and disposition after deducting thereout the costs and charges incident to and attending the same (To pay off and discharge the several legacies or sums of three hundred and fifty pounds and three hundred pounds due and owing from me and Given and bequeathed in and by the last Will and testament of my late Father John Bull deceased to my two Sisters Hannah Bull and Margaret Bull with the interest due and to become due thereout respectively then upon trust to detain the surplus thereof (if any shall remain) in their own hands and pay and apply the same with the Rents and profits to arise from the said freehold . . . from and after my decease until such sale for the like purposes as hereinafter directed respecting the interest and produce to arise by carrying on the farming and dairying business as I now do or from the sale and disposition of the rest and residue of my personal Estate and Effects and as to my household Good and furniture ready money and Securities for money Rights credits goods chattels farming and dairying stock both alive and dead debts and rest and residue of my personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever after payment of all such debts as I shall justly owe at the time of my decease including the said legacies or sums of Money so due to my said sisters Hannah Bull and Margaret Bull aforesaid in case the said monies to arise from the sale and disposition of my said freehold leasehold and copyhold Estates shall be insufficient to fully discharge and satisfy the same my funeral and testamentary expences) I Give and bequeath the same and every part thereof and all my estate and interest therein and thereto unto my said Wife Mary Bull and the said John Bull and Richard Walker upon the trusts and to the intent and purpose that they the said Mary Bull John Bull and Richard Walker do and shall jointly carry on the farming and dairying Business as I now do during so long as they the said Mary Bull John
[p.2] Bull and Richard Walker or the survivors or survivor of them or the Executors adm(inistrat)ors or assigns of such survivor shall think it to be to the advantage and benefit of my said Wife and Children John Bull George Bull and William Bull so to do and the interest and produce thereof to pay unto the said Mary Bull or to permit and suffer her to receive the same for the purpose of supporting maintaining educating and apprenticing out to Trade or business all and every or any of my said three sons during their respective minorities if she my said Wife shall so long live and continue my Widow but not otherwise and when and as soon as my eldest son or in case of his decease either of my other of my other [sic] sons shall arrive to the age of twenty one years or previous thereto in case of the decease or second Marriage of my said Wife or she and the said John Bull and Richard Walker my Trustees shall think proper to discontinue carrying on the farming and dairying business then upon trust in either of the said cases that they the said John Bull and Richard Walker my Trustees or the survivor of them . . . do and shall as \so/ soon as may be sell and dispose of my said goods chattels . . . for the most money . . . that can be reasonably had . . . and do and shall out of the moneys that shall arise by such . . . sale and disposition in the first place pay all such debts as may \then/ be justly due and owing from me or my Estate then upon Trust to lay \place/ pay out and invest the residue of the Monies to arise as aforesaid upon Governmnt or real securities or such other securities as they may think proper at interest and do and shall stand \and be/ possessed and interested in the said residue of my said personal Estate and Effects or the Monies to arise by the sale and disposition thereof as also of the surplus monies to arise from the sale . . . of my freehold and copyhold Estates if any such there shall be and of all such securities upon which the same or any part thereof shall be placed out and the interest and annual produce thereof all and every which said security and securities shall and may be from time to time varied and altered transferred assigned and disposed of and the monies thereby arising again placed out lent or advanced in or upon new or other securities as to them my said Wife and trustees and the survivors . . . shall deem meet upon trust to pay the interest thereof \& of every part thereof/ into the hands of my said Wife or otherwise to permit and suffer her \to receive the same if living & unmarried to enable her/ to support . . . my said sons during their respective minorities . . . and as my said sons respectively shall attain to the age of twenty one Years from time to time to call in and receive and pay unto each and every of my said three sons one full third part or share of the said principal sum or sums so to be placed out as aforesaid (first deducting therefrom the principal sum of seven hundred pounds or Two hundred pounds as the case may require and as hereinafter particularly directed to be continued at interest during the life of my said Wife) and which I do hereby Give and bequeath unto them my said three sons respectively accordingly with benefit of survivorship amongst them as to the share or shares of any or either of them dying under the age of twenty one years without issue and my mind and Will is that the principal sum of seven hundred pounds (part of the Monies to arise as aforesaid and hereinbefore directed to be deducted therefrom shall during the natural life of my said Wife if she shall no longer continue my Widow but not otherwise be continued at interest and the interest thereof received by her for her own use and benefit but in case of her marrying again then \that/ the said principal sum of two hundred pounds only part of the Monies aforesaid shall be so continued at interest and the interest thereof received by her during her natural life . . . and from and immediately after the decease or the second marriage of my said Wife I direct the principal
[p.3] sum of seven hundred pounds or two hundred pounds as the case may be) to be called in and the same with interest (if any) then due thereon to be equally and amongst . . . my said three sons and to whom I also Give and bequeath the same accordingly with the like benefit of survivorship amongst them in case of the decease or deceases of any or either of them as is hereinbefore mentioned respecting their parts or shares of the other Monies to arise as aforesaid and my mind and Will also is in case of the decease of all my three sons under twenty one Years and without Issue . . . then I desire that my said Wife do have and receive during her natural life the interest of the further sum of seven hundred pounds (part of the monies \so/ to be placed out as aforesaid) if she shall so long continue my Widow but not otherwise) and as to the remaining part of the monies so to be placed out . . . in case of the decease of all my said sons . . . I Give and bequeath the interest thereof and every part thereof unto my Mother Ann Bull for and during the term of her natural life And from immediately after the several deceases of my said Wife and mother or my said Wife marrying again I Give and bequeath the whole of the principal monies to be placed out . . . with all interest to be then due unto my said Brother and sisters John Bull Hannah Bull \Elizabeth the Wife of John Morecraft/ and Margaret Bull or such of them as shall be then living if more than one equally share and share alike and I do declare and direct that the receipt or receipts of the said John Bull and Richard Walker or the survivor of them his heirs . . . shall be sufficient discharge . . . to the purchaser of my said freehold . . . hereinbefore given devised and bequeathed to them in Trust for sale . . . or any part thereof for so much money as in and by such receipt . . . shall be expressed to be received and that it shall not be necessary for the purchaser . . . thereof . . . his her or their heirs . . . to see to the application of . . . their purchase money nor be answerable for the misapplication or nonapplication thereof . . . and I do hereby constitute and appoint the said Mary Bull John Bull and Richard Walker Executrix and Executors of this my last Will and Testament and also Guardians of and Trustees to all and every my said sons as well of their persons as of their fortunes by me hereinbefore given and bequeathed to them and I declare and direct that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said Wife and the said John Bull and Richard Walker and each and every of them their . . . . Heirs . . . from time to time to deduct retain and reimburse herself himself and themselves respectively and to pay her and his Co Trustee . . . by and out of all or any of the monies which by virtue of this my Will or any of the Trusts or powers herein contained shall come to their . . . hands respectively all such costs charges and expences which they . . . respectively shall \bear/ pay expend or be put unto in or about or relating to the Execution of this my Will or the aforesaid Trusts powers or any of them and that they . . . or any of their . . heirs . . . shall not be charged or chargeable but only each of them for her and his own respective receipts payments acts and Wilful default and not otherwise and shall not be charged or chargeable with or accountable for any sum or sums of Money other than such as shall actually come into . . . their hands . . . by virtue of this my Will their joining in any receipt . . . for the sake of conformity notwithstanding nor with any loss or damage which may happen in investing or placing out all or any of the Monies aforesaid in or upon any stocks Funds or securities as aforesaid or
[p.4] depositing the same in any bank or Bankers hands or elsewhere for safe custody nor with any loss or damage which may happen by reason of the Execution of this my Will . . . without her or his wilful neglect or default and I revoke and make void all Wills and Codicils heretofore by me made and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said William Bull the testator have to the first five sheets of this my last Will and Testament contained on six sheets of paper set my hand only an to this sixth and last sheet thereof my hand and seal this twenty third day of August in the Year of our lord Christ one thousand eight hundred and nineteen William Bull [signature] Signed sealed published and declared by the said William Bull the testator in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereof The interlineation appearing in the fourth sheet being first made Char Willis [signature] Josh Thing[?] Thomas Crane
Proved at London 3rd June 1820 before the Worshipful John Dodson Doctor of Laws & Surrogate by the oaths of John Bull the Brother & Richard Walker two of the Executors to whom Adm(inistrati)on was granted being sworn duly to Admr. power <reserved> to Mary Bull Widow the Relict the other Executor
William Bull (1787-1819) was born and buried at Swanbourne. He was the son of John Bull (d.1817) (who left him property at Great Horwood) and brother of John Bull (1778-1846) later of Shipton Farm. His father in-law was Richard Walker (will proved 1833). William evidently took over the tenancy of Tuckey Farm (q.v. for more information) after his father's death. Mary carried on the farm until 1826.