Richard Newcourt, Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Londinense (London, 1708)

The copy of this book available on Google Books has handwritten annotations which could be by Browne Willis. The annotations are shown below in blue.

[p.911] Winslow, Vicarage Co: Bucks
THIS Parish of Winslow, in old Records Wineshaw, and VVineslave, lies in the County of
Bucks, the Deanry of Muresley, and hundred of Colstow, within the Diocese of Lincoln;
but is in the Jurisdiction of the Archdeacon of S. Albans, and Diocese of London; from    Arch. S. Alb
which City it is distant about 39 or 43 Miles towards the Northwest.
                This was a Royal manor of Offa, King of the Mercians ; who having vow’d to
found a Religious House or Monastery, and having here at VVineslave pray’d to God to    Mat. Par. vit.
direct him in what Place to build it, and to what Saint to intitle it, turn’d about to             Ab. 16
those that were present, full of Tears, and Hands clasp’d together, and earnestly
desir’d, that they wou’d pray to God to bring his Desire to effect ; upon which Humbert, Archbishop of the Mercians, with Unwan, Bishop of Legrecester, and other Clerks there Assembled, enter’d into an Oratory hard by, where they most devoutly pray’d that the Lord would bring this Religious Desire of the King’s to effect; and having ended their prayers, behold a Light from Heaven illuminated all the Room, upon which the King resolv’d to give this Royal Manor call’d VVineslave, wherein those things had happen’d, to that Monastery, which he was to found, tho’ he yet knew not the Place where he was to build it; for thus saith Matthew Paris, “Unde Rex illud Regale Manerium in quo hæc
evenerant viz. Wineslave cum pertinentiis, illi Cœnobio, quod adhuc fundaturus erat Rex relagi [=regali] contulit Munificentia, tali munere locum subarrando, quem adhuc penitus ignoravit." [Hence the King with royal generosity conferred that royal manor in which these things had happened, namely Wineslaue with appurtenances, on that monastery which he was still to found, endowing with such a gift the place about which he was still ignorant.]
                And accordingly the said King Offa, after the Place was miraculously reveal’d to him, where the Reliques of S. Alban’s Bones were Laid, which was call’d Holmhurst, on a Hill, on the other Side of the River, against Verulam, founded there Anno Christi 793 Regni sui 33 his famous Monastery to the Honour of S. Alban, and (inter alia) endow’d
it with his Land at Wineshawe, now (Winslow) consisting of twelve Mansions, with all     ibid.31.
that did belong with them.

[p.912] And two Years after his Charter dated at Beronford, Anno 795, with the Consent of      Mon. Ang. 
Egfrid his son, Confirm’d the same ; which manor after the Conquest was confirm’d &c.            I. Vol. 178,          
to the Monks of S. Albans by Hen. I. and the Parish-Church by King Hen. II. and King John.
The Church here (dedicated to St. Laurence) was of old, it seems, appropriated to the said Monastery, and a Vicarage here ordain’d and endow’d, of which that Abbot and Convent continued patrons (as they did Lords of the Manor, and proprietaries of the Rectory) until their Suppression; upon which the Premisses came to the Crown; in which the Patronage of the Vicarage hath continued ever since. But whether the Manor and Impropriate Rectory does so, I know not.

Bund. S. Alb           Terrier, 1634. A Vicarage-House consisting of Four Bays, besides a Study, and a Lean-to for a Milk-house, Two Bayes of Housing for a Stable and other Uses, built by Robert Manwaring, the then Vicar, a Yard, Orchard and a Garden, with a little Close, being all together about an Acre of Ground, and about 57 Acres of Glebe besides.

    l s d
  Primitiae 11 05 07½
  Decimae 01 02 06¼
Onera huius Ecclesiae Proc. Episc. 00 07 02
  Proc. Archid. 00 00 00
  Synodal. 00 00 00
No. R. Libb
  Will: Garacote exch. it  May 7 1428 for Crowlton [=Croughton] Recry Co Northampt with Tho: Spencer  
  Richard Stratton 1534  
  Sr Wm. Hobbes Vicar Preist Curate Ao. 1535 Ex probat Testami apd Aylesbury  
  Ric. Edmunds, cl. abt the year 1549  
Bonner 476      Will. Lewes, cl. 5. July 1558. per mort. Edmunds or rather resignation [+illegible note with reference to Shenley] Ph. & M. R. & R. Angl.
Grindall 136a
Rob. Dauncey, cl. 17. Maii 1565. per mort. ult. Vic. [vid. Harwood Parva inter vic.] Eliz. R. Angl.
Phil. Favor, cl. 18. Junii 1590. per mort. Dauncey
Rob. Manwaring, pr. 10. Jan. 1597. per mort. Favor
  John Bishop pr to Winslow vacante[?] April 19 1648 Car.II. R. A
Henchman 103 Sam. Dix, A.M. 2. Dec. 1663. per mort. ult. Vic.  
Compton 71 Joh. Jones, A.M. 11. Mar. 1681. per mortem ultimi incumb:
Joh. Croft, A.M. 23. Nov. 1684. [the present Vicar, 1710] obiit J. Croft Ao. 1716

successit Egerton Cutler circiter July 1716
James Edmunds A.M. Successit 1720

out of Winslow register of Burials of the Vicars
Robert Mainwaring sepult March 12 1647
John Bishop 1648 burid \March 3 1652/
John Pownall 1652 burid here Sept 7 1663
Sam: Dix pr 1663 burid here Jan 8 1681
John Jones 1681 [illegible] Nov:3 1684

Copyright 2 December, 2018