Will of Ralph Udwyn, labourer, 1650

Herts RO A25/3579

In the name of god Amen
I Raphe Udwyn of Winslowe in the countie of Buck
Labourer beinge sick in bodye but in p(er)fect healthe and
memorie thanks be given unto almightie god doe make and
ordeyne this my last will & testament in manner & forme

First I bequeathe my soule into the hands of Almightie god
my maker & creatoure and unto Jesus Christ my savioure
and Redeemer by whose merritts onelye I hope to be saved
and my bodye to the earthe, concerninge my worldly goods
as followethe

I doe give and bequeathe unto my Lovinge wyffe Jane
Udwyn all my goods cattells & chattels w(i)th \all/ my Impllements
of householde stuffe and all other my goods moveable
& unmoveable quick & dead of what kynde or sort
soever they bee whome I doe make my full & sole
executrix of this my last will & testament In
wittnesse whereof I the sayd Raphe Udwyn have
hereunto sett my hand and seale dated the sixt daye
of Julie Anno D(omi)ni 1650

Raphe Udwyn his marke

Wittnesse hereunto
Nicho(las) Brinsall [signed]
Nicholas Sponer [signed]
Rob(er)t Udwyn  [mark]

[Probate 30 Aug 1650 to Jane Udwyn widow and executrix]

Inventory of Ralph Udwyn, 1650

A true and p(er)fect Inventory of the goods and chattels of Raphe Udwyn Labourer late of Winslow deceased praised and sett downe by Nicholas Sponer and Rob(er)t Udwyn the 30th Daye of August Anno D(omi)ni 1650

Inprimis in the parloure One Chest one Cofer & one boxe valued att
It(e)m one olde Tablle & frame and one forme
It(e)m one bedd one bowlster one pillowe one Coverlett one payre of blanketts & three payre of sheets
It(e)m in the Hale one olde Cubboard, one litlle tablle and frame 4 stooles and one litlle Cheere
It(e)m three smalle kettlls and A brasse pott
It(e)m two platters
It(e)m one Tubb, one litlle barrell and an olde saltinge troffe
It(e)m one payre of Andirons one payre of tongs one pothanger
Some is

Wittness heereunto
Nicholas Sponer [signed]
Nicho(las) Brinsall [signed]
Rob(er)t Udwyn his mark

[Presented 30 Aug 1650]


Ralph Uddin was buried on 20 Aug 1650. The surname was usually written as "Udden" in this period.

At the 1652 manor court, it was recorded that "Raph Udden heretofore did surrender the moity of one Cottage in Winslowe  To the use of Jane Udden his wife for terme of her life and after \her decease/ to the use of Elizabeth Symes ...". Presumably Elizabeth was his daughter; an Elizabeth daughter of Ralph Udden was baptised in 1613. The 1666 manor court indicates that the cottage was what became The Boot in Tinkers End.

Copyright 8 October, 2016