Nuncupative will of Margaret Stutsbury, 1669

Herts RO 106AW21

Memorand(um) That Margarett Stutsbury of Winslow within the Archdeaconary of St. Albans spinster on the seaven and twentieth day of october one thousand six hundred sixty and nine, about A fortnight before her death, beinge sicke of the sickness whereof shee dyed, beinge then in her perfect minde and memory, and with ann Intent to dispose of her estate, did in the presence and heareinge of John Bletchley apothecary Mathew Bishop Drap(er) and Edward Brickhill Baker all of Winslow afforesaid.  Make and declare her last will and testament by word of mouth to the effect Followinge vid(elice)t.  Shee gave and  bequeathed her best pettticote to Ellen the wife of Andrew Stutsbury her Brother.  And all the rest of her goods, debts, moneyes and Chattles whatsoever shee gave unto the said Andrew Stutsbury her said brother with whome and at whose charges shee had lived about twenty yeares.  And this shee spake and declared in the house of the said Andrew Stutsbury in Winslow afforesaid.  And in Testimony hereof the said Witnesses have sett to theire hands.  This fourth day of May.  Anno Dom(ini) 1670

[signed] Mathew Bishop    John Bletchley    the marke of Edward Brickhill

19th Maij 1670  Andrew Stutsbury principal legatee was sworn

[Probate at Winslow on 19 [May] 1670 to Andrew Stutsbury brother and legatee, witnessed by Mathew Bishop  John Bletchley  Edward Brickhill]

[Reversed signed by Samuel Dix vicar of Winslow and Jonathan Anderson vicar of Grandborough, 20 May 1670]

Administration bond (summarised)

Obligation of Andrew Stutsbury administrator & John Bletchly of Winslow for £40
signed & delivered in the presence of Samuel Dix John Retchford
[signed] Andrew Stutsbery John Bletchley

Inventory of Margaret Stutchberry, 1670

Herts RO A25/3850

A true and p(er)fect Inventary taken the 19th of May 1670 of the goods and Chattells which late weare the goods and Chattells of Margaret Stutchberry of Winslow in ye County of Buck late deceased, prised and vallewed by us whose names are under written:

Imp(ri)mis In money
her weareinge Apparell
Som Totall:

prised and vallewed by us
[signed]  Mathew Bishop  John Bletchley

[presented 3 June 1670 by the administrator]


Margaret Stutsbury lived in her brother's house, and had no household goods of her own. Making an oral will presumably prevented her money (more cash than most of her contemporaries had) from being divided among other siblings. They were the children of John Stutsbery, shoemaker, d.1643, and Margaret was baptised in 1624.

Copyright 4 October, 2013