Inventory of Edward Stevens of Shipton, 1586

Herts RO A25/1499

The True and p(er)fitt Inventary of all and Singuler the goods debts and Cattells of Edward Stevens late of Shipton in the parishe of Wynslo in the Cowntye of Bucks deceased made and praysed the xxjth daye of november in the yeare of our lord god 1586 by Thomas Myller al(ia)s Graunte Bennet Hulland, William Glenister Thomas Stevens John Costerde George Stevens and Robert Eliott
In the Parlour within the hall
In Primis a Bedstede with a Fether bed and Flock bed a Coverlett a blanckett and a bolster
xxxiij s   iiij d
Item a Table with a Forme
iiij s
Item two Cofers and thre bourdes
v s
In the Chamber over the Parlor
Item Two Table clothes one Towell and fower payer of hempen sheetes, one payer of pillowberes, one Christeninge sheete
xx s
Item one Bedstede one Cofer thre bourdes one Coverlet and two blancketts
x s
In the kytchyn
Item one great panne, two potts and two kettles
xl s
Item Ten peces of pewter a bason and two Candelsticks
x s
Item a mault Quarne two trowghs with other Lumber
xiij s iiijd
Item one payer of Cobirons a spitte and a payer of pott hangers
vj s viij d
Item the horse harnesse and Fetters
iiij s
Item in the hall a Table with a paynted clothe
v s
Item all his Apparell
xx s
Item thirtene acres of wheat on the grounde
viij li xiij s iiij d
Item the wheat and Rye in the barne by estimacion viij Quarters
xiiij li
Item the Barley in the barne by estimacion Twenty quarters
xx li
Item the Beanes by estimacion xviij Quarters

xij li
Item the haye by estimacion xiiij lodes
v li
Item nyne great hogges at x s the hogge
iiij li x s
Item six Shottes at ijs vjd a pece
xv s
Item Fyve kyen
x li
Item Thre Bullocks
iiij li
Item Fyve Bullocks
xlvj s viij d
Item fower horses two mares and one Coulte
x li
Item one Iron bounde Carte and a dunge Carte
xlvj s viijd
Item one plowgh two payer of harrowes with the wood in the yarde
xiij s iiij d
Item Seven and fortye sheepe at iijs a pece
vij li xijd
Sum(m)a totalis
Cix li xvij s iiij d
[page 2]
Certeyne things to be added unto the Inventary of the goods of Edward Stevens within written which were not remembered at the exhibiting thereof but added [deletion] thereunto[?] the last of January Anno domini   secundum computacionem ecclesie anglicane 1586
In primis ready money in the house at the tyme of the death
of the said Edward Stevens deceased
iiij li
Item oweinge unto the said deceased at the tyme of his death
by John Walker of Granborow
vij li x s
Item oweinge unto the said decease at the tyme aforesaid
by [blank] Howse of Wotton
xx s
Item in the house at the tyme aforesaid a Quarter of malte
xxj s  iiij d
xiij li xj s iiij d

[Latin text on page 1] Exhibitum fuit huiusmodi inventarium per Robertum Stevens procuratorem legitimum ac sufficientem Margarete Stevens Collectricis bonorum dicti Edwardi Stevens defuncti decimo nono die mensis decembris Anno domini 1586 pro vero pleno et integro &c sub protestacione de addendo si &c.

[translation] This inventory was presented by Robert Stevens the lawful and sufficient proxy of Margaret Stevens the collector of the goods of the said Edward Stevens deceased on 19 December 1586 as a true, full and complete etc. on condition of adding if, etc.

(Signature)   Tho. Rokett[?] off(icialis)[?]

[Latin text on page 2] Exhibitum ultimo die Januarii pred' per Benedictum Holland et Robertum Stevens procuratores legitimum Margarete Stevens Administratricis pro vero &c sub protestacione de ulteriora addendo si &c.

[translation] Presented on the last day of January aforesaid by Benedict Holland and Robert Stevens, proxies of Margaret Stevens the administratrix, as a true, etc., on condition of adding further things if, etc.

(Signature)   Tho. Rokett[?] off(icialis)[?]

Accounts of Edward Stevens of Shipton, yeoman, 1597

Herts RO A25/1641

Th(e) accomte of Margarett Bowden alias Stevens Administratrix of the goods debts and cattells of Edward Stevens late while he lived of Shipton in the p(ar)ishe of Wynslo in the Cowntie of Bucks yeoma(n) deceased wherin are conteyned and specified as well the som(m)e totall of the Inventory of the goods debts and cattells of the said deceased and the iust value of the same according to the iust and indifferent praisement therof made, whi(ch) came to the hands and possession of this Accomptant As also the man(ner) and fourme howe and in what sort the said Margaret hath satisfied expended and paid out of the said goods debts and cattells sithence the deathe of the said deceased as hereinafter ensueth

Imprimis the said Accomptant doth Accompte  for and chargeth herself with the som(m)e of lawfull money of one hundred and nyne poundes of lawfull money of England for the iust price and value of all and sing(u)ler the goods debts and cattells of the foresaid Edward Stevens deceased which have come to thands and possession of this Accomptant according to the iust praisement therof as appeareth by the Inventory thereof made and exhibited remayning upon Records in the Registrie of this Court
Cix li
Wherof this said Accomptant desireth to be allowed theis p(ar)ticular som(m)es herunder mentioned which she hath satisfied and paid out of the foresaid goods debts and cattells sithence the deathe of the said deceased as followeth
In Primis for his funerall charge viz to the vicar and clerk and sexton being buried in the church>
x s
Item paid in Mr Archdeacons Court of St Albans for an Administrac(i)on of the goods of the said deceased, for making and engrossing the Inventary duplicat(ing) the Bond in the same Court entred th(e) apparitors Fee and all other charge about the same
x s
Item for a letter of Adcolligenda (bona)
x s
Item paid to Will(ia)m Stevens a s(er)vant for wages due in the deceaseds life tyme
xxvj s viij d
Item paid to [blank] Ballow [or Ballom] of Tame[?] being the due debt of the said deceased in his life tyme
vj s viij d
Item paid to William Gyles of Wynslow being the deceaseds due debt in his life tyme
vj  s
Item paid to [blank] Miller widdowe being the deceaseds due debt in his life tyme
x s
Item paid to Richard Stanley of Wotton for the debt of the deceased in his life tyme
xxxiij s iiij d
Item paid to Richard Stevens being the deceased dewe debt
ij s viij d
Item paid to Thomas Hogson the smith for work
vi s viij d
Item paid to Benedict Holland of Granborowe for the deceaseds due debt
v li
Item paid to John Costard of Wotton for the debt of the said deceased 
xx li
Item paid to Rob(er)t Barbor of Wotton being the deceaseds due debt
xvj li
Item paid {paid} more to the same Rob(er)t Barbor
iij li
Item paid to Thomas Clark of Quainton for the deceaseds due debt
xv li xiij s iv d
Item paid to John Stanley of Thumley being the deceaseds due debt in his life tyme
vij li
Item paid to Will(ia)m Stevens for the debt of the said deceased
xviij li
Item paid to George Howse of Wotton being the deceaseds due debt
x li
Item paid to Thomas Reyre [or Keyre] of Wotton
x  li
Item paid to Roger Ives of Wotton being the due debt of the said deceased in his life tyme
vij li
Item paid to William Wigh(t) of Leburne being the due debt of the said deceased in his life tyme
xvi li
Item for the discharge and execution thereof to call her[?] by accompt
iiij s viij d
Item paid for drawing this Accompt and for exhibiting the same by my p(ro)ctor and for his Fee and exp(enditur)e
vj s
Item for engrossing the same
iiji s
Item for \the examining of this account/ the quietus est and the Ordinaries seal therunto
xvj s viij d
 Som(me) Totall
Cxxxv li v s viij d
So this Accomptant is in Surplusage to the some of
xxvi li ij s viij d


Notes (with many thanks to Eve McLaughlin for help with this will)

Edward Stevens appears to have had close connections with Wotton Underwood, and to have been active at Thame market. He was buried at Winslow on 21 Nov 1586. Thomas Bowden married Margery Stevens on 22 Jan 1587/8.

Written before some entries in the accounts are these notes: "ba", "bill", "ac:" (see image below).

Shottes = shoats: young weaned pigs (OED, s.v. shoat 2).

Leburne: probably Ledburn near Mentmore (Place Names of Buckinghamshire).

Thumley: Thomley, a hamlet of Worminghall.

Click on the pictures for images of the documents:

Inventory page 1:

Inventory of Edward Stevens p1

Inventory page 2:

Inventory of Edward Stevens p2


Accounts of Edward Stevens

Copyright 4 November, 2020