Will of William Smyth of Wynslow, 1507

Herts RO 2AR133

[Latin] In dei nomine Amen xxo die mensis Aprilis anno domini mcccccvij Ego Willelmus Smyth de Wynslow compos mentis & sane memorie condo testamentum meum in hunc modum  In primis commendo animam meam deo patri omnipotenti beate Marie & omnibus sanctis corpusque meum sepeliend’ in cimiterio ecclesie parochial’ sancti Laurencii de Wynslow predict’  Item lego matrici ecclesie sancti Albani iiij d.  Item loco prenominato viz summo altari sancti Laurencii predict’ pro decimis oblitis iiij mod’ brasii, cuilibet altari eiusdem ecclesie iiij mod’ ordii campanis in classico ibidem j qu’ brasii  Unum trigintale celebrand’ in matrici ecclesia sancti Albani predict’ Unum trigintale celebrand’ inter fratres de Aylesbury & unum trigintale celebrand’ in ecclesia sancti Laurencii de Wynslow predict’  Residuum vero omnium bonorum meorum superius non legat’ do & lego Agneti uxori mee & ipsam Agnetem ordino facio & constituo meam veram executricem & Ricardum Wyllows supervisorem ut ipse & ipsa disponant pro salute anime mee prout eis melius videbitur expedire  hiis testibus dno Johanne Stuttisbury alias dict’ Roos Ricardo Willous predict’ & Willelmo Forest carnifice cum aliis loco die & anno supradict’

[translation]  In the name of God amen.  On 20 April in the year of the Lord 1507 I William Smyth of Wynslow. sound of mind and of healthy memory, make my will in this way.  First I commend my soul to God the father almighty, the Blessed Mary and all the saints, and my body to be buried in the churchyard of the parish church of St Laurence of Wynslow aforesaid.  Item I bequeath to the mother church of St Albans 4d.  Item in the place named before, that is to the high altar of St Laurence aforesaid for tithes forgotten 4 bushels of malt.  To each altar of the same church 4 bushels of barley.  To the bells in the peal in the same place 1 quarter of malt.  One trental to be celebrated in the mother church of St Albans aforesaid.  One trental to be celebrated among the friars of Aylesbury, and one trental to be celebrated in the church of St Laurence of Wynslow aforesaid.   The residue indeed of all my goods not bequeathed above I give and bequeath to Agnes my wife, and I ordain, make and appoint Agnes herself my true executrix and Richard Wyllows the supervisor, so that he and she may dispose for the salvation of my soul as shall seem to them most expedient.  With these witnesses: Master John Stuttisbury otherwise called Roos, Richard Willous aforesaid, and William Forest butcher, with others.  In the place, day and year stated above.

[Probate granted to the executrix 18 May 1507]


Someone named William Smyth was involved in a King's Bench case in 1506; read more.