Will of John Schrop of Wynslow, 1504

Herts RO 2AR110

[translated from Latin]

In the name of god amen 12 March AD 1504 I John Schrop of healthy mind and sound of memory make my will in this way. First I bequeath my soul to God the almighty father, the blessed Mary and all his saints, and my body to be buried in the graveyard of the parish church of St Laurence of Wynslow. Item I bequeath to the high altar for tithes forgotten 4d. Item I bequeath to the mother church of St Albans 4d. Item I bequeath to each altar in the church of Wynslow aforesaid 4d. Item I bequeath to a priest [p(re)sb(yte)ro] for the time of one quarter (to) celebrate masses in the aforesaid church of Wynslow for my soul and for the souls of all the faithful deceased 26s 8d. Item I bequeath for a procession-book [libello p(ro)cessional(i)] 12s. Item I bequeath to the bells of the same church 12d. And for the making of a new pulpit or loft [solar(io)] 6s 8d. Item I bequeath for the repair of the new bridge beyond the river-bank called Bisshops Mill 5s. The residue indeed of all my goods not bequeathed above I give and bequeath to Walter Palmer, and Walter himself I ordain, make and appoint my true executor only so that he may dispose for the salvation of my soul as seems most expedient to him. Witnessed by the curate, Roger Clerk and John Palm(er) with others. Given the place, day and year stated above.

[Probate 5 July 1504]

Will of Andrew Hoges of Wynslow, 1504

This follows immediately after John Schrop's will in the register.

In the name of god amen 22 February AD 1504 I Andrew Hoges of healthy mind and sound of memory make my will in this way. First I bequeath my soul to God the almighty father, the blessed Mary and all his saints, and my body to be buried in the graveyard of the parish church of St Laurence of Wynslow. Item I bequeath to the high altar there for tithes forgotten 4d. Item I bequeath to the organ 8d. Item to the mother church of St Albans 4d. Item I bequeath to each altar in the parish church of Wynslow aforesaid 4d. Item I bequeath to the bells of the same church 12d. Item I bequeath to the torches 4d. The residue indeed of all my goods not bequeathed above I give and bequeath to Walter Palmer, and Walter himself I ordain, make and appoint my true executor only so that he may dispose for the salvation of my soul as seems most expedient to him. Witnessed by the curate, Thomas Elyott and John Palmer with others. Given the place, day and year stated above.

[Probate 5 July 1504]


Neither of the testators is mentioned in the court rolls of the period. It seems likely that John Schrop was the vicar in view of his very large bequests to the church. Bishop's Mill has not been identified; it was not in Winslow or, apparently, anywhere in the area.

There are a number of bequests for the building of a pulpit and rood loft in 1503-6, but Andrew Hoges' is the only will to mention an organ.