Will of Edward Overinge of Shipton, 1573

Herts RO 6AR58

In the name of god Amen In the yere of our lorde god 1573 the xvijth daye of november I Edward Overinge sicke in body and whole in mynde make and ordayne my last wyll and Testament Fyrst I bequeth my sowle to Allmyghty god and my body to be buryed in the Churchyeard in Winslowe. Item I geve to the pore mans box ij d. Item I geve to my wyfe an Ewe and a lambe and all that was hir owne before she shall have. And all the rest of my goods I geve to Nicholas my sonne whom I make myne executor, and my wyfe and Robert Overinge my brother to be my Oversears and the gyde for my Sonne to see hym brought upp and to se the grownd and the goods well used In witnes to this my last wyll and is Robert Webbe and William Glenister

[Probate granted to Robert Overinge during the executor's minority, 1 Dec 1573]

Inventory of Edward Overinge, 1573

Herts RO A25/759

The Inventory of such goods as were late Edwa[rd] Overings of Shipton in the p(ar)ish of Winslow deceased the ijnd day of March in the yer o(ur) lord 1573 p(ri)ced by John Graunte al(ias) Myller Rob(er)t Webbe & Will(ia)m Glenister

Imprimis ij old cupbords ij tables ij formes
xiij s iiij d
It(e)m ij paynted clothes
v s
It(e)m xvj pices of pewter & ij sawcers
x s
It(e)m iiij candelsticks & pewter potts
ij s vj d
It(e)m ij brasse potts a caulidone a little kettle
viij s
It(e)m a presse to sett pewter on
xx d
It(e)m ij Chaires ij payre of pott hangings a gridyron & ij spitts
iij s iii jd
It(e)m iiij Cofers & ij bedsteedes
vj s viij d
It(e)m an undercloth to ly on ij bolstars and iij pillowes
iijs iiijd
It(e)m iij coverings ij blancketts and iij payre of Shets
xvj s
It(e)m ij towells one table cloth & a napkin
ij s
It(e)m two tubbes one bucket a boule vj dishes vj spones a dosen of trenchers
ij s vj d
It(e)m a vat[?] and one barrell
iiij s
It(e)m fyerwood & a hogg troff
ij s vj d
It(e)m v sheepe
x s
It(e)m an suckinge[?] calf x henes & cock
xij s
It(e)m v geese
xx d
It(e)m an hogg & ij shotts
vj s viij d
It(e)m wheate & barly xvj busshells
xxx s
It(e)m one lode of haye & strawe
vj s viij d
Sum(ma) tot(alis) vij li xvj s x d


Edward Overing was buried at Winslow on 21 Nov 1573. He married Margaret Norman there on 8 July 1561. Nicholas Overinge was baptised at Winslow on 26 April 1565, and Margaret was buried on 7 Sep 1565. Edward then married Mavis Brassed on 29 Nov 1565.

suckinge: the reading of this is very uncertain (yearling?) but as the calf is listed with the poultry it must have been reared by hand in the farmyard.

Copyright 26 July, 2012