Will of William Masson of Wynslowe, 1541 or 42 (proved 1543)

Herts RO 5AR56

In dei no(m)i(n)e amen in the yere of  oure lord god m vc x[li/lii]
the xvi daye of July I Will(ia)m Masson of Wynslowe hole of mynd and
memorye make{s} my last wyll aft(er) thys forme followynge, Fyrst I bequeth
my soule to allmyghty god &c & my body to be buryed yn the churchyard
of Seynt Lawrens of Wynslowe & my mortuarye as the lawe wyll,
It(em) I bequeth to the hye aut(er) yn the same Churche ij d. It(em) I bequeth
to the Rod lyght & to the torches yn the same churche viij d  It(em)
I bequeath to the bells yn the same churche iiij d It(em) I bequeath to my
Brother John Owyng(er?) xij d & one schord[?] It(em)  I bequeath to Thomas my sone
all the gere that longys to my schope & occupatyon It(em) I bequeth
to Agnes Masson my Daught(er) one mattres one cov(er)lett iij payre of
Shetts one brasse pott one scellett pane, one table clothe one towell
iij pewter Dysshes one Sawser one cubbord or ells wod to make
yt of, one kettell, It(em) I bequeath to Johane my wife my house w(i)th
thapp(ur)tenances the terme of her naturall lyfe & aft(er) her lyfe to Remayne
to Thoma(s) Masson my sone , & the sayd Thoma(s) to paye to Agnes
Masson hys syst(er) xl s of laufull monye of yngland at the tyme of
hys entrance to the same house yn chaunce the one Dep(ar)t or Dye the
other to be executor. The Resydewe of my goods one bequethed 
I bequethe to Masson my sone  & Johane my wife to Desposse for the
Helth of my Soule & all chrysten soules whome I make my
Executors wytness S(ir) Mathewe Dawson Mychelle Cocks
Thom(a)s Tomlyne wyth other mo(re)

[Probate granted 20 April 1543]


schord: unidentified. It could also read "scherd". Perhaps shirt?

one: i.e. un-

Masson: presumably the copyist omitted "Thomas"