Will of Benedict Holland of Granborough, 1630 (proved 1634)

National Archives, PROB 11/166/19

In the name of God Amen: The sixe and twentieth day of June, in the yeare of our Lo: God, one thousand sixe hundred and thirty. I Benedict Holland of Grandborrow, in the County of Buck yeoman weake in body, by infirmity of old age, but of good and perfect remembrance, praised be God for his goodnes: doe ordaine, and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following, (that is to say) First and principally, I com(m)itt and bequeath my Soule into the handes of Almighty God, my Creatour: and doe verily hope by the meritts, and passion of my Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, to have free Remission of all my sinnes, and everlasting life:  And I com(m)itt my body, to the earth, from whence it came, to be buried in the church at Granborrow aforesaid. Item I give the repairs of the Church of Granborrow aforesaid Twenty shillings to be payd within one halfe yeare next after my decease Item I give to the pooore of Granborrow aforesaide twenty shillings, to be distributed amongst them, where most neede is, at my buryall

[p.2] at the discretion of my executors. Item I give unto my three Sonnes, Benedict Holland, William Holland the younger, and Nathaniel Holland, each of them twelve pence, to be payd unto them, within one month next after my decease. Item I give unto Joane late wife of my Sonne Thomas twelve pence, and to her Sonne Benedict twelve pence, to be paid unto them within one month next after my decease. Item I give unto every one of my Grand children twelve pence, and to every of my God childrenn fower pence.  Item I give to the mother Church of St Albanes fower pence. Item I give to my Sonne William Holland the elder his children, every one of them xxty shillinges. All the rest of my goodes, Chattells, chattells, [sic] and household stuffe whatsoever, not given, and unbequeathed I give and bequeath unto my said Sonne William Holland the elder; whome I ordaine, and make my full, and sole executour of this my last will and testament, for the performance of all such legacies, guifts, and bequests hereby given and bequeathed: and doe likewise ordaine and appoynte my loving Neigbours John Stevens the elder, and William Bowden my overseers: and I give to every of them twelve pence: And I utterly revoke, adnull and disallow all, and every other Testamente, wills, guifts, and bequeathes and legacyes, Executoures, and overseers, by me, in any wise, before this tyme, named, made, willed, and bequeathed: Wittnes hereunto. The marke of Benedict Holland.                John White.

[Latin] Proved at London before Dr William Clerke on 4 July 1634 by the oath of William Holland senior the natural and legitimate son of the deceased and executor named in the will.

Sentence, 29 April 1635

National Archives, PROB 11/167/508

This Latin document is only partly legible. Anne Southam alias Holland, daughter of the deceased, brought a case against William Holland senior the executor. The decision appears to have been that Benedict was in his right mind and the will should stand.


Benedict Holland was buried at Granborough on 30 June 1634 aged 86 according to the Granborough parish register. He was actually baptised on 3 March 1550, so he was probably 84 in reality. His wife Ellen was buried in 1628. The surviving sons mentioned in the will were William the elder (bap. 1580), Benedict (bap. 1585), William the younger (bap. 1588) and Nathaniel (bap. 1594). There was also a daughter Anne (bap. 1594) who in 1610 married John Southam of Croughton; presumably she objected to her exclusion from the will. They may have been the ancestors of Ferdinando Southam, Winslow lawyer in the mid-18th century, whose family was from Croughton.

Copyright 12 May, 2022