Will of William Halle, parson of Addington, 1546/7 (proved 1547)
Centre for Bucks Studies D/A/We 6/117
In Dei Nomine Amen the xvij day of Marche in the yere of o(u)r Lorde God 1546 I Will(ia)m Halle parsone of Addyngtone in the Countie of Buck beinge of goode and hole mynde thankes be to the Lord make and ordyne my testamente and laste wylle after this maner and forme folwinge Fyrste I bequeith my sowlle my [sic] to allmyghtie <God> and to the blessed lady saint Marie and to all the holy company of hevyne and my body to be buriede in the chaunsell of Addington Item I bequeith a pownde of waxe to have a candell of it whyll hit lasteth bur(n)inge at masse tyme be fore the blessed sacrament of the aulter Item I bequeith unto the mother churche of Lyncolln iiij d Item I gyve and bequeith to master Cursson gentillman latt dwelling at Waterbery in Oxforth seyre the vj li w(hi)ch John Boston owght to paye to myne assigne at my departynge owte of this wor(l)de for xij kine w(i)ch Raffe Palmer my fermore hathe of myne in a stocke conser(n)ing his lease frome iij yere to iij yeres for terme of my lyffe Item I gyve and bequeith to the sayd master Richarde Cursen the x swyne w(hi)ch he the sayd Raffe Palmer also hathe of myne in a stocke conser(n)ing lease for myne lyffe tyme and I wylle the sayd master Rychard cause the forsayd x swyne to be soulde im(m)ediatly after my departing and the some of money w(hi)ch they shalbe solde for I will to be leyed to the foreseyd vj li and w(i)th bothe the sayd sum(m)es of money I will to be boughte x kene to be p(re)served and kept to mayntene a stocke and w(i)th the ?hyere or proffett of the sayd x kene I will to be bestowed and gyvyne p(er)petually this worlde during for my soull and all cristen soulles x s yerly in maner as foloweth Firste yerly for my soulle and my frendis soulles to be payd for in the ?bedroll iiij d It(em) for viij diriges and viij masses yerlye ij s viij d that is to sayd a dirige and a masse
yerly to be sayd about the begyninge of ev(e)ry yere q(uar)ter in the yere, and a nother dyrige and a masse to be sayd about the myddes of ev(e)ry q(ua)rter in the yere a(l)so to be sayde q(ua)rterly and yerely forever It(e)m I wylle iiij d to be gyvyne and bestowed to have a waxe candle bor(n)inge be fore the sacrement of the alter at ev(e)ry one of the sayd diriges and massis It(e)m I will to be gevyne yerly to the churche iij s iiij d It(e)m I wylle to be gyven and delet uppone good Freyday yerly to pow(e)r fockes iij s iiij d to the intent these forsayd good dedis may be yerly p(e)rformed and done I geve and bequeith the forsayd stock of the sayd x kene to the sayd master Richard Cursson and also his heyres executors and assigns for ever to cause the sayd goodis dedis yerly to be done as my esppecyall truste is in them fort heir owne frenddis sowllis, my sowlle, my frendis sowllis, and all cristen sowlles Item I wyll that the foresayde dedis of cherite to be done here at Addington or at any other place where the sayd master or any of his successors after hyme to whome the sayd stocke shall come for any conveynent cause will have them done Item I bequieth to master Rob(er)t Hale my brother now beinge vycare of Buck, all my bookes my clavicordes and my longist blewe gownde Item I bequeyth to Will(ia)m Lewisley for dyvers consyderat(i)ons in my mynde nowe at this tyme all thos thinges that I dyd bequeith before to Henry Longhorne my la+e as my shorte blewe gow(n)e all my beddinge w(i)t(h) my bedstede, my peinted coffer and also all maner of Implements concerning howssold stuffe as be written in a paire of Indentures made betywen John Bosten and me and also all the resydwe of my goodis not bequethed or gyven all redy, my dettes and legacies contented and paied I gyve and bequeith to Wyll(ia)m Lowseley aforseyde my parysshin whome I make and Institute my whole executor of this my last wylle and ov(e)rseer of the same I make the foresaid mast(e)r Richarde Cursson w(i)t(h) all his heyres executors and assignes
[Latin] With these witnesses Mr Richard Cursson Mr Rob(er)te Halle vicar of Buck William Glowcret(er) of the same town and Thomas his son
Total of the inventory £9 10s
Probate 26 May 1547 at Bucks before Mr Nicholas Harpysfelde commissary
John Boston was a significant figure in Winslow at the time. Ralph Palmer was related to another leading Winslow resident, John Palmer.